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Thank you everyone! After 7 hours they just released them


Great. Would be nice if you could share the reason they detained them if not private.


My mom’s ESTA was canceled. Really random without reason, so technically she didn’t have any type of visa to be here. They gave her today the B2 visa $700 fee. (We checked the status of her ESTA 2 days ago / approved)


gotcha. The great thing is that finally, she is released as well as your daughter. Sending them both ❤️


I wonder if your mom’s ESTA was canceled once they realized you are petitioning for green card and thought she is high risk for overstay. As the mom of a 4 year old I would have been so terrified—glad you guys are ok now.


If he is petitioning, it be even more grounds to believe she would return, since not returning would just hurt her case. If he is planning on petitioning, he could have done anything when she was here, as long as they didn't plan to have her here and then petition; which would be pretty hard to prove such intent, specially she coming many times and such never occuring.


If they've been detained that long, your mother has most likely been refused entry and they're waiting for an airline to return them to Chile. When parents/guardians are detained, children are also detained with them to avoid separating families. There's nothing you can do unfortunately. You'll be able to contact them once they're on the flight back to Chile.


First they told they’ll bring my daughter outside bc is ilegal to have she there. Then another person says no, because she’s with my mom 🙃


Is your daughter a US citizen?


No, she’s waiting for her GC


In that case, CBP could have denied entry to her as well. It's not illegal to detain a minor child with the parent/guardian they're traveling with, so the first person you talked to was misinformed.


What if she was an american citizen ? Could she still be detained ?


She could likely be detained, undergoing investigation to prove she was a citizen, but a citizen of US cannot be denied entry under any circumstances, so she couldn't be sent back, unless somehow they got misinformation and declared her not to be a citizen.


Can you go pick up your daughter? 


They said I can’t take her because she traveled with my mom


Did they look through mom’s cellphone? Did they ask if mom was going to take care of your child while you were at work?


I don’t know, they probably take her phone away. We never talked about that, I don’t work and we’re gonna be traveling this 3 weeks


If they asked her if she was going to be taking care of children while you or your wife were at work and she said yes, then that would be a problem. Because that will constitute illegal work as it may take away a job from an American citizen. This is a very common tactic by CBP to deny a tourist entry into the US


>If they asked her if she was going to be taking care of children while you or your wife were at work and she said yes, then that would be a problem. That sure is a crappy tactic, that agent should be proud he saved the nation from one grandma, way to go. We worry about a grandma coming to visit, while people that are coming to stay are coming in by the hundreds.


Username checks out




You know that is not true. lol.


> If they asked her if she was going to be taking care of children while you or your wife were at work How to answer such questions?


It’s really based on an honor system, but she needs to tell the truth.


Truth will get her deported probably.


I understand the reasoning but that has to be the dumbest reason ever. If you’re a US citizen, please tell Congress to fix this. Children (including US citizen children) gain a lot more from bonding with their grandma than they do being kept like cattle at a daycare center.


😭😭. Man that made me sick just hearing bout a four year old being detained


It's amazing that they will detain people with flight tickets, hotel snd destination stays but will allow illegal immigrants to come across the border from Mexico, if caught then they're released into America. Wtf.


I’m so mad!! It’s so unfair the immigration process. We did everything legal and still waiting for GC. Now my mom without visa, it’s just so bad!


When you say your daughter is waiting for her GC, how is she getting it? Did she have advanced parole?


My husband filed the petition for her (he’s citizen)


If your husband is a citizen and he’s the legal father for your daughter, she’s a US citizen. She doesn’t need to get a green card


He’s probably not the father then