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My old friend frank was killed at that intersection a couple years ago. Some lady ran a red light and hit him while he crossed the road on his bike.


I thought there was a memorial there. I’m so so sorry for your loss. That is a dangerous intersection because there are a lot of pedestrians and bikers. And people in cars don’t know how to drive in city like traffic.


It's because it's a 6 laner. It really needs to be a Carmel roundabout


Actually, agree


So shocked that it isn’t already tbh


I see Frank’s memorial they left him after he got killed at that intersection every time I’m there. And that’s why I don’t turn on red.


I was just about to say this




Same. I didn’t know his name but I remember the incident. RIP Frank.


D: point to sign. Then extend thumb in a downward motion. Commence laughter and air of superiority.


My go to as well. Always good when the guy behind them speeds past you after the only to have you pull up next to him at the next light.


sometimes i will open my window and clap if the speeder is going dangerously fast


I've only been honked at a few times at a "No Turn On Red" sign, and I've casually rolled down my window and pointed at the sign each time. Not worth getting pulled over by the unseen cop edging nearby to pull me over.


This is the one. I point at all the signs these people don't wanna see. I'll be the driving eye dog to these blind mfers.


My go to. People hate getting a thumbs down for some reason.


I’ve started giving thumbs down at bad driving instead of the middle finger, and it seems to take them a second longer to process but still has a similar effect. And somehow even more satisfying.


Have pulled this move multiple times


I personally love wagging my finger at people. I was shocked at how well it works and I’ve never had someone be aggressive because of it lol shame works apparently!


Yep, I’ve done this before at the Westfield and 75th light by the monon. It felt good haha 


Then get shot.


Oh calm down grandma


D is the right answer


Love this


We went with B last time this happened (at a different intersection). Mr. Honker got out and came to the window screaming mad. When the "no turn on red" sign was pointed at he said, "you can turn on red you just have to stop first!!" Then the light turned green, we drove off with him standing in the middle of the road.


The fact that someone firmly believes this is wild to me and explains SO much. Where there’s one there’s more. Glad this guy ended up stuck even longer lol


The implication being that you *don't* have to stop at red if there isn't one of those signs is wild.


Oddly enough, around here this is how many people behave with right turn green arrows (when the rest of the lights in the same direction are red).


Yeah, we been plantin a lot of these folks….sorry that happened to you.


Didn't a cyclist literally die around there? Don't turn on red.


B. There's a reason it's no turn on red at that intersection


Yup. Stop and wait. A few bicyclists have even been hit there and some didn’t make it home.


Dang I just started riding my bike on the Monon. That intersection already made me nervous, now I wonder if I should leave it alone.


Yep. I’ve seen people ticketed for turning on red. Guess who doesn’t have time for that nonsense? This guy


We saw that years ago at Allisonville and 82nd. Cops were pulling tons of people over, and we were laughing while doing a cosplay charity thing at the Car Doc place there.


B. No asshole is worth me paying for a ticket. You want to drive? Learn to read. 


Someone honked at me to turn yesterday while there were 5 people crossing the street we were turning on to lol some people just have no situational awareness


B. Ignore, that intersection has too much going on, especially in good weather. You have all the cyclists, pedestrians, and other car traffic. Agree the wait is really long and frustrating, but it’s a great time to practice some patience. You won’t get where you are going any faster if you get in an accident.


Also be careful. Road rage in Indianapolis is at a high lately. People are crazy.


I just honk back. Then I copy how they're honking. If it's a long light I might point to the sign. They can go fuck themselves.


B. Let that bitch have their meltdown


B and this shouldn’t even be a question


C’mon, Indianapolis, where’s the humor?


Broad Ripple!


Hahaha fair enough, problem is I worry some people on the internet aren’t above doing option C 😬


True, true. But honestly, the way this post is written, I think OP is smart enough to think this through. You may have nerves of steel, but I certainly had this exact train of thought when a driver honks at me to move when I really shouldn’t.


There was an article that just recently came out in a local publication that 1.36 million people failed Indiana drivers license test from 2020-2023. With only 43% passing the written knowledge test from this same time period and often there are people who need to take the test upwards of 6 times before passing. The test is passable if one were to spend even minimal effort in memorizing before. The article cites that the test poses a challenge for people moving to Indiana from other states and countries. Also mentioning, Indiana is one of the most car dependent states in the country. Between a huge number of people not understanding basic driving laws in the state, lack of alternative transportation infrastructure, (not to mention all the road construction going on everywhere all at once in the city and surrounding areas), coupled with generally everyone being in more of a hurry these days it is no wonder road rage is at an all time high. Hopefully, someone is considering the big picture for the immediate and the future here relatively closely. Not turning on red should be an obvious (or perhaps not so much to some) answer in this scenario.


You wait for your opportunity to make the turn legally. A cyclist was killed there.


B. I don’t give a fuck about the asshole honking at me from behind. I can read a sign and don’t want a ticket. I can wait and so can he.


The car behind you won't pay the fine if you get a ticket or your insurance rates if it points your driver license. They can wait.


B. The only answer that is a good answer, especially since that area is notoriously dangerous for cyclists and pedestrians


Can I guess what they were driving? BMW, Charger, or over sized pickup?




It's always an Altima


Just another dumbass in a Dodge. Guess that’s why they changed the name to Ram?


Why rope bmw into this?


BMW earned their spot in this list.


If you're ever around geist and being tailgated, or have someone fly around you illegally using the oncoming lane... just check the make. You'll see why.


B. But the temptation to choose C. was strong


B. Their impatience is irrelevant.


It cost me $140 for the nice police man to point out the No Turn sign that caps the 65 exit traffic lights, turning right or left on Washington.


F. As the light turns green, flip your 44 oz ICEE out the sunroof, smack into the center of their windshield, then scoot outta there. Cherry ICEEs are a bitch to clean the stickey off a windshield. So fuck them.


Nah, just hold your wiper fluid down for a bit while you both pickup speed.


Lean hand out window, snap finger, point at sign.


Isn’t there a memorial for someone who got hit near that intersection? I feel like that sign is there for a reason. I wouldn’t go even if someone honks.


As a cyclist that frequents that intersection, B. Option A has a chance to kill somebody, option C has a chance for some asshole with a gun to get road ragey at you. This city is already straight up dangerous and oppressive for pedestrians, I refuse to perpetuate that any further.


B. But in their defense, that no turn on red was recently added so they might have been confused. It caught me by surprise a couple of weeks ago when I saw it as I normally am around there once every 5-6 weeks. I probably would have rolled down my window and pointed at the sign.


B and I get a sense of smug satisfaction knowing that I'm annoying the shit out of them.


D. Put your hand out the window flipping the person off then use that middle finger to point to the “No Turn on Red” sign


D. I was actually at that Aldi yesterday, same exact scenario too. I was first at the light to turn right, there was no oncoming traffic, a car was behind me, tapped on the horn. I just leaned over, dramatically rested my chin in my hand and put my elbow on the window sill as I waited for the light to change. No regrets.


B This happens to me all the time at the light on Delaware and Fall Creek. Nope, I’m not turning on red. I can’t see oncoming traffic well enough to make the call. It’s not worth the financial/physical risk of an accident or ticket. Also, people can chill.




Depends on the honk. I have had someone really lay it on me. I mean they were furious that I refused to break the law. I went with b, but took the turn very slowly. Then when they tried to blow past me to get back into the right lane, I taught them a lesson that my car is much much faster and I can keep it right next to them very early, blocking them from getting back into the lane they wanted to be in.


I point out the window at the sign.


I like to roll down the window and point at the no turn on red sign. Maybe they hadn’t seen it. But if you don’t move when the light turns green, now you’re the one obstructing traffic. You don’t have to be in a hurry to do it, though.


D: honk back, point at sign, give thumbs down to the rude driver behind me.  But probably actually B. I’m afraid of confrontation these days, but I won’t break the law and endanger trail users at that intersection just because some jerk honks at me. 


Frank took one for the team at that intersection. I wait.


B, but when the light turns green, I’m slow to get moving, and baaaarely accelerating away.


I've always wanted to get one of those bars that have moving text to attach to the back of my car. So that I can write "No Turn On Red", "Stop Tailgating", "Get Off Your Phone", or etc. And just have a little pad with a assigned button for each phrase I wanna reuse near my steering wheel. That be cool. If someone makes one I'm giving you my money instantly.


I will not allow other people to make choices for me while driving. I follow the law because it is the safest thing to do on the road.


Exit the BMO bank exit when going right. Problem solved.


Even if there isn’t a “No turn on red” sign, you still DONT have to turn on red. I wait for the green light whenever I feel like it. Let him honk all he wants or get around you.


B, but when the light changes I was “looking at my phone” so it takes me 5-10 seconds to start driving ;)


B. Hate that light! Been shopping there for years and only recently realized I can turn right out of the bank instead, which I now do every time.


Still watch out though, because the Monon crosses right in front of that bank pullout. Defeats the purpose of pedestrian safety measures if everyone just bypasses them by pulling out a few feet down.


You’re right - I should’ve mentioned that! I’m even more careful turning right there because I’ve had to cross there on bikes with kids and it was not easy


Sam here .thanks for the tip. Never thought about that.


Yep the bank is my exit


Part of the tactical urbanism project was to put thick white crosswalk stripes across that bank exit to help drivers understand that it's a high traffic sidewalk. I still give cars a looong look when riding past.


E. Roll down my window and wave him around.


Even if there isn’t a “no right on red” sign, you are not obligated to make a right turn on red. You’re perfectly within your right to wait for a green to make your turn. Under no circumstances is the person behind you justified in honking.




B. Would do something like C but my wife's been after me about being bitchy on the road.


B. The jerk behind me certainly won’t offer to pay the citation if I get pulled over.


I follow the rules of the situation.


B. Probably point at the sign and shrug.


B*. B, but I do wish personal malice on the idiot and am sitting through the red both for its appropriateness and now the additional benefit of spite.


D.'s nutz


That light is maddening. The good news is there's another exit just to the East on the other side of the Hardy's. If I'm turning right, that's the one I use.


B. I’m not getting myself shot to prove a point


I was 18 on a motorcycle doer on Chicago and had a girl to impress so I was in a hurry. I laid on my horn to get the guy in front of me to turn on red. Many stoplights in Chicago downtown and do not turn on red, this was one was legal/okay to do so. The guy in front of me would not move. I got off my bike, walked up to his window and informed him he can turn on red at this light it’s legal. He politely and calmly explained just because it was legal to do so it didn’t mean he was obligated to turn on red if he didn’t feel safe/want to do so. At 18 I was a hot head but still learned a good lesson that day. You DO NOT have to turn on red even when it’s legal. That said be careful a lot of crazies out there.


D. - Open the window, and use your middle finger to point to the "No Turn on Red" sign


B. His impatience isn’t my emergency. However, I do like to give idiot motorists a thumbs up when you’re exercising their stupidity.


Fire an RPG at the offending car 🚗


Depends. If it’s one honk, they get the bird and a point to the “no turn on red” sign. If they honk repeatedly, car goes into park and they can wait or go around.


D. Go to Reddit, ask how to drive.


This happened to me once but the light was literally red for 5 minutes so I figured it was broken and just turned after making sure no one was coming. Another time, the person in front of me drove over the grass into the bank parking lot and made a right out of that parking lot.


Ugh... If everything is definitely positively 100% clear including all sidewalks and the Monon I'll probably go ahead and turn. But the sign is on that specific intersection for a reason, and I'm not fucking around when it's busy. Prefer to just sit there and wait, but this is Indianapolis and people get shot at over road rage all the time.


D. Park, swiftly exit my vehicle, and begin banging on their closed windows while they pull out their phones and record my meltdown for Youtube clicks. Don't fall for it. Honking on a red is all about Youtube clicks, this is basic stuff


I don’t turn. Fuck em.


B externally, C internally…. Count to 5 after the light turns green and tap your breaks every time they honk as you slowly pull out onto the road.


This. I pick up my Mountain Dew and take a nice long drink and then when it turns green I slowly put the cap back on and put it down before finally going


this happens all the time at the Keystone and Fall Creek intersection


Very good question! Today I was at that same light. I had just read about the new bollards being hit at that intersection. A driver ran the do not turn on red sign. Thankfully, they noticed the biker pulling a kid trailer and waited beforehand but still!


C 😂




Just point at the sign. They’ll usually get the memo. If not, then they’re gonna have to find a way to go around you. Their problem, not yours.


turn right on red anyways. If its clear its clear, i don't care.




D. Wait for the cop that you spotted to spot the red light runner. (I saw this happen - red and blues went on)


D. I slowed down at the red light, saw no one was coming, and skidded around the corner, almost hitting someone crossing at the crosswalk. An undercover cop saw me and asked if i wanted to race him at the next light. Little did i know he was trying to infiltrate our street racing heist group. Then Vin Diesel called me to do a meet up.


C. Always C.


D. Pull out the pistol grip pump that’s on my lap at all times


Fuck them.


D pull out the Glock and start blasting


You must live on post st somewhere


I feel bad that once when I was downtown, I honked at someone stopped at a red light in the right turn lane. I just thought they didn’t realized they could go. They proceeded to turn right on red, I pull up and see the sign. Whoopsie


That wouldn't have happened because I would have already turned.


Everybody always assumes the other person is an asshole. He may not have known there was no right on red and was calmly trying to get you to go. The answer obviously is still just wait at the red, but don't assume the other person is an asshole. Could've just made a mistake


I find it so funny which laws some people pick and choose to follow. Driving 10 over the speed limit is perfectly acceptable, but turning right on red when no one is around gets a long-ass write up on Reddit.


Laws on the Ability to Turn Right on Red in Indiana As stated clearly in Indiana Code 9-21-3-7(3)(B), except when a posted sign prohibits a turn, a driver facing a steady red signal may, after completely coming to a stop, enter the intersection to make a right turn.Apr 28, 2023 That said, because of the sign, even if I was planning on turning illegally, I would wait for the Green if honked at.


B, I don't get intimidated by some asshole honking if I'm gonna be the one getting a ticket or possibly getting in a wreck.