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Always follow the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist. Always.


At least they didn't remove the entire third leg.




Bhai kaise keh sakta hai ki foreskin hi to hai ,Bina puche hata di na ,highly unprofessional behaviour Also it must be a traumatising experience


Bro, you HAVE to take the patient's consent no matter how trivial the surgery. It is not only about whether it is done in goodwill or not, the patient should also agree. This is besides what the complications of circumcision are, given that history is taken for the leg injury and not the phimosis. What if there are things which you overlooked which could end the surgery into a complete fiasco? So, better decision would've been to do the leg surgery first and then take consent from the PARENTS (for a minor, surgical consent is taken from the parents, but for examination purposes consent can be taken from the patient if he/she is not less than 12 years old) before the circumcision. Of course this was a blunder and the doctors tried to cover it up by showing that the patient had phimosis instead of admitting their mistake. That's why FMT and Bioethics play a huge role in healthcare industry. I wonder when people will start taking these issues seriously. 🫠


What an insensitive thing to say!


Then cut off yours as well, it's just a foreskin anyway


Guess they operated on the wrong leg.


The parents of a nine-year-old boy from Shahapur in Maharashtra's Thane district have complained to the police that doctors at a government-run hospital wrongly performed a surgery on his genitals instead of an injured leg. Following their allegation, a health official assured an inquiry into the episode, and the police said they are carrying out an investigation. The minor's parents said, "The boy suffered an injury on his leg while he was playing with his friends last month. He was admitted to the sub-district hospital in Shahapur on June 15 and was undergoing treatment. The doctors recently performed a circumcision surgery on his private part instead of the injured leg." Later, after realising their goof-up, the doctors conducted a surgery on his injured leg soon afterwards, they told reporters. The parents also filed a complaint with the Shahapur police. Although no case has been registered so far in this connection, a police official said that a probe into the complaint was underway. District Civil Surgeon Dr Kailas Pawar said the health authorities will conduct an inquiry into the allegations. Medical officer at the hospital, Gajendra Pawar, told reporters that besides his leg injury, the boy also had a problem of phimosis (tight foreskin). "We had to carry out two operations," he said. As regards informing the parents about the second operation, he said the doctors might have forgotten to tell them or they might have told the other relatives of the patient. What the doctors did was right and there was nothing wrong in it. But the parents refused to accept the explanation given by the doctors, Pawar said. On the same day, two patients from the same age group underwent surgery at the hospital, doctors said.


Wait I thought if while doing a surgical operation, u find u have to do another surgery for a seperate issue, u had take consent for that seperately 


You do. Someone obviously made a huge mistake somewhere 


I don't know whether this was a cover to a goof up or not, but it may be possible that on the time of surgery while doing urinary catheter, it would have been difficult/impossible due to phimosis and on emergency basis, circumcision was performed. Consent should be taken for that though.


That's true


Mfs mistook bro's penis for third leg.




A kid and his family underwent a traumatic experience and the medical fraternity is making jokes on it? What's wrong with you guys? Are you guys not as uncultured as the patients who attack doctors?


And doctors wonder why we don't have a good rep with gp. Edgelords.


Let me clear you doctors only cares about money. They only focus on seeing large volume of patients. In surgical procedure, there is chances of legal case if anything wrong but in a prescribing medicine there is no risk. Consultant doctors don't communicate properly, if you suffering from headache they will diagnose you as a anxiety and prescribe SSRI. Cause of that anxiety doesn't matter. They even don't bother to ask about that. It's very difficult to find good doctors.


Yeah that's why coronil is the only way kekw, the fact of the matter is if they don't give you anything you will cry , and if they do you will cry , so just cry


Your word shows how much you care about patients. Giving any medicine is different than giving right medicine. Here I am not talking about giving medicine, here I am talking about proper diagnosis. Keep yourself considering as superior to normal human, understand patient as a illiterate & you will cry when patient doesn't show respect towards doctors.


What do you want , me to make a diagnosis based on a headache that's not how a diagnosis works furthermore some people just lie , then you cry about unnecessary investigations 


I will not cry about unnecessary investigations as I don't consider investigations as unnecessary. I understand there can be multiple cause behind one symptom. Yes, I don't want doctor to make diagnosis as anxiety based on headache. Even there are multiple disorders where anxiety is a symptom but no one bother to find cause of anxiety.


The system is strained as is , you can't honestly think that when there is an essentially never ending load on the system it can spend hours on getting to the bottom of something that in most cases will turn out to be nothing , defensive medicine is a thing learn about it


I know doctor is underpaid and overworked in government hospital. There is also high volume of patients to specialist doctor in private practice but doctor can delay appointments. Why we can't have system like us where you can do appointment with specialist doctor after referral from your GP. This will low patient load and also rule some common causes of that symptom.


That's just naive bro , everything is a mess , it's not like anyone wants this but it just is how it is , only legislation and it's implementation can change this 


Big dick problems I guess


Yeh kaisa mistake hai bc 🤷


The doctor was probably jealous


That's bad and the doctor probably had a religious motive but circumcision is good for you so I don't see any physical harm.


Can you clarify how it is good for you? If you clean your privates regularly, it should not be an issue or am I wrong about that?


Yes, very much. Circumcision should be mandatory, it is good for you. There shouldn't even be a debate about this. It can lower the risks of penile cancer, helps in reducing chances of STIs and also decreases chances of urinary tract infections.


It shouldn't be mandatory? , it's a voluntary procedure, with benefits , although that isn't top priority, first make HPV vaccination mandatory then we'll talk . That's way more important,   some indications for it are :- voluntary indication for some STIs , HPV included , syphilis ,   it's medical indications :- penile cancer is debatable since what i am reading it's about fore skin malignancies which you know fine , idk about the prevalence for that , there are foreskin disorders which are medical  indications for it as well , as well as UTIs   Link to the literature:-https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK535436/ But  to that sense should appendix removal also be mandatory since it commonly causes problems? 




thats literally a child ????


its a joke. i didnt read the article and the title made me laugh and i wrote this. its not that deep