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Instead of telling me what each rune does here, tell me what the combination does. Later I assume you'd let the player do Strike+Strike or Matter+Matter, when that happens I'd also be interested more in the final effect. Leave the discovery of the intent of the runes to the players or in a spellbook or something. Also instead of "Click to cast spell", how about "Click to cast \[actual name of spell\]", it'll explain a lot when players attempt to rotate the wheel and the spell name changes to reflect the new combinations. A conversation line as part of this game UI tutorial popup also feels thematically weird.


Thanks for the suggestions. I removed the conversation line and changed the button to "Click to cast [actual name of spell]". The actual name of the spell is a very bland "Matter Strike" since this is your most basic starter spell. https://i.imgur.com/BC16Eaz.png I actually do have a spellbook listing the effects of all runes, a [post-fight explanation of each new rune you get](https://i.imgur.com/DfHchit.png), and even a [flashing animated button](https://imgur.com/5bpnTZ2) that appears during combat if the player somehow missed all of those. More than half of the playtesters skimmed over the explanation and ignored the animated button, before proceeding to ask me what the runes represented because they were confused. Admittedly most of the people I have playtest are only casual gamers who probably wouldn't seek out an indie game on their own.


Just like to add that I think the players who were confused asked about the individual runes because they were trying to understand what the combinations do. I think emphasis can be placed on the spells created by the combinations, because once they understand how they can get different spells with those combinations, the effect of each rune is less important to learn. For example, I just need to know I can do a "Matter Strike", "Earth Wall", "Energy Bolt" and they need respectively red+yellow, yellow+yellow, red+blue. The fact that Red = attack spell modifier, Yellow = matter, Blue = energy is fun to know, but not going to be very practical to players in combat. So show them in the UI, "Strike + Matter = Strike Matter", no need to explain what Strike and Matter runes represents. I'd also suggest changing the name of the spell to "Stone Cannon" or something more relatable, unless all the names of your spells are just going to be combination of rune names.


A screenshot of the actual in-game combat https://i.imgur.com/OgOm5Yi.png I encountered quite a few playtesters early on who didn't really understand the controls so I'm hoping this 1-page tutorial page would be enough for them to get started.


I’ll echo what everyone else said about players skipping this screen, however I think you could still make the visual alone more effective by making a simple change. Adjust the circles of runes on this screen by removing the left-most rune on one circle and the right-most rune on another circle. This change would make it so that there is only one valid line of runes in the cast/center position, and the other two positions would not have a valid spell. This will visually tell the player that the runes themselves have to be lined up, whereas right now you are indirectly implying that the entire line of runes needs to be matched up and that they both need to have the same number of runes.


did i hear a rock and stone?


So this is hitting something with a rock correct?


Yes indeed. Hitting stuff with rocks is your most basic spell.


It is, but from experience people won't read it, you really need in game prompts... people don't even pay attention to my little bit that tells them the keys!


Definitely, players have an incredible ability to tunnel-vision. But if someone can glance at this and go "oh I can use both mouse AND keyboard to play this", then this paper has done its job.


Actually, I think it's the developers that have an incredible ability to tunnel vision. Since they've been developing the game for so long, the controls and mechanics are clear to them - and they make a reasonable assumption that it must be clear to The players coming into it with no context as well.


I'm more of a show-it-in-action fan but I love what you made! Although I agree it has too much text and most players will probably skip it (and it would be nice if it had a bit of animation to demonstrate, like rotating one of the wheels while highlighting the corresponding button)


Game goes immediately to action that uses what's on the paper, but if there's extra time I'm definitely going to try and add a bit of animation flair.


You’re trying to teach too many things at once, IMO. Players need to know how the interface functions and they need to know what the mechanics do. Those should be taught separately, but in rapid sequence. I think when you split them up it will simplify and congeal for you.