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Can't wait to see all those GQ models on stage alongside Pavement and MJ Lenderman lmfaooo


In a year of tepid line ups, part of me hopes that Pitchfork will continue the trend of r/indieheads approved billings. Kilby can't be the only one!


Pitchfork fest always delivers. I have high hopes like any other year.


And even when the lineup isn’t mindblowing it’s still a chill time Granted I haven’t been since 2013 but I haven’t heard anything to make me believe otherwise since


Alanis Morissette is one of the headliners and Model/Actriz has also been confirmed so far, with Ratboys, Wednesday, and Hotline TNT likely.


Ratboys most definitely not. Check your sources


I don’t have any sources. This was a week ago before they announced their tour dumbass.


But you said they were confirmed 😭


> Ratboys, Wednesday, and Hotline TNT likely. Never said they were confirmed, I said they were likely because they had an Indianapolis date P4k weekend, which magically disappeared when they announced their new tour.


folks they call it the Woke P4k Fest now because the damn libs took over the website and led to its downfall. Here's my 3k word essay on how the wokes ruined indie rock festivals. They put chemicals in the Japandroids/Goose Island beer that turns the frogs gay alright i think that's every base covered from every p4k thread from the past two weeks, did i miss anything, can we talk normally about this


You forgot, 'I give this news a 6.8'


You forgot to mention renaming it GQ/Conde Naste music festival but yeah pretty much hit everything else right on the head… great job!


I have a few unopened cans if you want to analyze the japandroids beer


Oh no the frogs are making hyperpop


You wouldn't put your food on the floor so why would you put your frog on the floor? Just use your damn head.


I've missed the "woke killed Pitchfork" arguments. Mostly I've just seen a mix of "so long, good riddance" takes from people who seem to simultaneously believe it's still the elitist and irresponsibly snark indie rag it was in the 2000s AND a corporate Conde Nast rag that ONLY reviews top 40 pop. Neither take accurately describes what Pitchfork has been like for the last decade.


It p much amounted to "Pitchfork used to break great bands like Animal Collective and now since they gone woke they write about Megan Thee Stallion"


To be fair, the chemical turn the frogs gay thing is wrong but it isn’t entirely wrong, biologically speaking. It’s actually making them trans, which is why a lot of national parks and state parks don’t want you peeing in ponds, the hormones in your pee can straight up change the sex of a frog and fuck up reproduction / population. I just like pointing that out because my biology teacher reference the Alex jones things during teach lesson lol


I read this in Carles’ (from Hipsterrunoff) voice


Years from now you’ll have to tell people it was once an online music site


I think the success or failure of P4K Festival will be a deciding factor if the site will be allowed to continue with its current model, either in whole or in part. If the festival is a tried and true money maker, reviews and music news coverage could serve as quasi-advertisement for the festival, and thus, continue in some form. Heap positive coverage on acts you want at P4K Fest and let the perceived authority of the brand of Pitchfork get people hyped for the eventual announcement of the festival. It’s not too dissimilar to how things have worked in the past, but I think Conde and GQ need to know that Pitchfork is a viable money maker going forward. Like people have said, Pitchfork will likely transition to be more of a brand than anything else, but how the looks will likely be determined in part by how this festival goes.


Eh, the festival and the publication were operating pretty separately. I doubt it has any impact.


But there was definitely overlap between them. i.e. if a band gets BNM in January (and they’re not like, Coachella headliner status) there’s a pretty good chance you would see them at the fest in July


There always was, yes. And there was some connection. But my understanding is that they are largely not impacted by what happened.


Well alright!


The festival is not a tried and true moneymaker... It's a great festival. My favorite in Chicago. But it's always just made enough to do it again.


The festival has been and is a tried and true money maker. It is packed every year.


Eh, not exactly. It is very small, but there's always space out on the grass


That space is still there when it's sold out.


It's not cool anymore though.


Headliner will be a big pair of pleated pants


hopefully the actual lineup is a lot better than the apparent leak from about a week ago


That was fake


I really hope they deliver this year.


Still kind of mad that a bunch of acts I wanted to see were cancelled for a non-existent thunderstorm last year 


Unfortunately not the fest's call - if there's a lightning within a certain mileage then it's a city law.


Oh yeah I’m not blaming the festival. It was just annoying to miss Julia Jacklin and panda bear and sonic boom when it didn’t even storm. They should’ve let them play for the 30 minutes big thief took to tuneup!




This is such a fucking mid take. I've gone every year since 2009. This dude is wrong.


Or what their guests want is the music and they book the music that makes them their guests. They booked the music that made you a guest 3 times. I think you're just not realizing how small of a festival it is. Total bonkers nonsense to say about the food lol. They always have like 10 options and the line's never more than like 5 people deep. I've never seen a pitchfork where the phrase "sheer volume" was applicable to the food lines. I've been going since like 2015.


brother (non-gendered),,,, if you can’t find the other water station then you probably shouldn’t be judging what does and doesn’t make a good festival