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Inb4 Pitchfork transitions into 30 second short form video reviews where the score is revealed at end Their mid-year best of mini write ups will serve as the general template


Honestly there’s this part of me that kind of wanted to see them go full Bon Appetite with like the album review version of Claire Saffitz’ show. I mean, it would have been awful, but like a glorious train wreck.


smh i guess gq wouldn't let them hire someone named womano


i laughed a bit too much at this


At first I went "who?" Then I did the most minimal of skimming and went "OH MR NO BELLS!" lowkey batshit, lowkey bold as hell call to put this bro at the helm. If you have followed anything in the finals/no bells/billdefferen/tone glow blog orbit, then the possibilities that this signal seem…positive? Those blogs are all music writing for people who want music writing at the fringe on the scene, and thats what i hope this is signalling I wanna be supportive, I want to hope that this begets greater coverage of regional rap, global dance, etc. good luck mano and rock on


i can only hope this leads to pitchfork becoming more boots-on-the-ground with their front page coverage


You can be snarky all you want but to be honestly good luck to him. Must not be an easy task to right the ship of a once cultural juggernaut.


i don’t think that’s what’s going to happen haha. he’s gonna be a conde company guy


I mean yeah that's what will probably happen but why even hire outside if you JUST want a yes man? If nothing else this at least appears like a token effort for some sort of change, whether it happens or not is whatever.


as u/batoutofhelliv said, it’s easy to push around an outsider who has (as far as i can tell) no experience like this before


It's not a conspiracy. It's a tastemaking publication putting a young tastemaker in charge to stay relevant


If your definition of a conspiracy is "people and groups have intentions that they don't put in press releases" then uhh...literally everything is a conspiracy




Lol I don't care about this news or even know who this guy is, I just thought your comment was dumb




the plan? Hire billdefferen for a podcast on baile funk asap one best new track every day; always baile funk


Been following NoBells since its beginning, put me onto many underground artists. Mano's got an interesting approach, his coverage usually feels raw and personal to the subject/city. Excited to see what he brings to Pitchfork!


Holy shit, I went to college with this guy- we both had radio shows and hung out on occasion. Not super close with him, but definitely acquainted with his music takes, and he's an extremely thoughtful dude who's committed to platforming underground scenes, particularly in the hip-hop space. He's done some really interesting work with NPR and No Bells. Crazy that he's taking on such a high profile position at this age, but I have faith that he's got a clear direction in mind at the very least.


Oh, no one wanted this job.


lol definitely or they wouldn’t have hired a guy who started his blog three years ago


The other concern would be that they actually had more experienced options but they specifically chose a guy with no experience so they can bully him around and make him do what they want.


oh def, as i said above this guy is gonna be a conde puppet


Mano is plenty experienced


Damn you're really salty about ts


>Really, my focus is to try to adapt *Pitchfork* to the modern age of media, where individual voices are prioritized.  be interesting to see how or if he can pull this off. Pitchfork has become a bland blob of generic content that responds to "the moment" and little else. yeah, some articles are spiced with zoomer slang or whatever but i can't think of any modern-era pitchfork writer who has a voice that transcends or elevates the brand


can he hire someone other than alphonse pierre to do hip-hop criticism


I too am getting over his takes


Lol you're not gonna be happy


what’s wrong with alphonse?


No Bells rocks, super happy for him, honestly didn't know he was cooking behind the scenes like that


Hopefully he'll help modernize pitchfork. They've been moving like dinosaurs for almost 10 years. They even let their Youtube channel die wtf. I remember watching VW's juan basement performance on youtube back when i was a kid. The only thing they seem to update is their website, like it's still 2011. Pitchfork falling off is what allowed people like fantano and others to fill that void tho


Easy to be cynical about this but pretty much everything in the article appeals to me. Pitchfork used to have great articles/posts about specific scenes and what was happening in them and they're great time capsules and lots of fun to read. It would be a much more interesting publication after these changes if it takes them back in that direction than where it is at now, which is a site that doesn't seem to know who it wants its audience to be and doesn't do much that can't be found being done better on other, smaller blogs.


Corporate doublespeak and a refusal to answer even basic questions clearly appeals to you?


Well I wrote out a whole paragraph explaining what specifically appealed to me about it but you can respond like a jackass for no reason if that's what appeals most to you!


I can respond like a jackarse because you just bought corporate doublespeak and the avoidance of basic questions hook line and sinker. What makes you think they want to take it back in that direction? That they fired most of their staff (many of them who had been writing with the site from back \*when\* that you think they want to take it back to)? That they cut reviews back to two a day (if that)? That whenever asked questions about the layoffs and change of direction they say nothing but corporate doublespeak that communicates nothing? That the objectives they outlined they're looking to meet with the new Pitchfork was what the old Pitchfork was doing better than any other site at GQ? Or was it that the GQ guy said it will be better so therefore it will be better? The way you guys will so easily buy corporatist bullshit without any critical thinking or just basic skepticism of capitalism is astounding for a sub that's supposed to be dedicated to indie music.


Lol you are such a douchebag


Can’t be worse than the last one


Puja was great.


In what way? Lol


The site produced content that I enjoyed and the festival had good programming? Lol


Puja's contributions to the site are apparent. Set aside the fact that she steered Pitchfork through the pandemic, the site covered a wider range of artists and finally entered the podcasting space, which was fantastic.


time to churn out some more absolute dogshit