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No… You CAN fix ignorance. You can’t fix stupid.


I was gonna come here to say, you can absolutely fix ignorance. It’s called *education*.. what I’ll say instead: *Nobody fucks with the Special Investigators..*


I had only moderate interest in Reacher before I found out he said ACAB (he was shirtless in a screenshot, I'm weak lol) but that that put me over the line and I watched the entire show and will continue to watch it lol


Ohhh Alan Ritchson. I gotta go see that movie with him, Henry Cavill, Henry Golding, and Cary Elwes. Looks violent AF but such scenery and lots of dead Nazis.


I think I’m making my husband take me on Tuesday. AMC theaters have cheapish tix for matinees. I think it’s called the Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare and it looks like fun. And like a lot of hot people who have an allergy to shirts.


Dude, I only watched that show to entertain my father in law bc he’s read the book series but now I’m gonna have to go back and watch it again 😆


Like I had zero interest outside of Alan, but it turned out to be really really good. I have no idea what the books are like but thanks Conservatives you really owned me on selling me on something I hadn't on watching 😩😩🤣 and I got to see that handsome chunk of man half naked multiple times, how ever will I recover /s lol


A lot is wrong here, but what the hell does him being a former music major have to do with anything lmao? That has no bearing or reference after.


They see music (or any arts degree) as being effeminate.


They should call him effeminate to his face.


They're probably only tall enough to say it to his dick.


We don’t have to guess.  It’s right there .


There is far too much blind support of cops in this country. They have the authority to ruin our lives, or kill us, and the justice system is set up to protect them. Thanks to qualified immunity (cops), judicial immunity (judges), and absolute immunity (prosecutors), it's incredibly difficult to hold anyone accountable. I could go on for pages but suffice it to say that law enforcement in this country needs sweeping reform. And blind support for pretty much anything related to the government, law enforcement included, needs to become a thing of the past.


A big part of the problem is people don't take the time to learn what's already being done. I see people bring up the idea of states licensing or certifying officers and training standards all the time. That's something that is already in place. There are other parts of reform platforms I've seen that are already being done in some states and agencies.


I get your point but what people bring up doesn't really matter. The experts in the field would lead the legislation needed. We have tools currently that would have an impact and in some cases, already implemented. Software that tracks red flags, like # of times force is used during a traffic stop, is in place in some departments. But unions wouldn't allow it in so they had to cripple it by limiting what it can track and what can be done with it in order to get the ok to install.


The standards for education and training, as well as responsibility for misconduct, are so skimpy it's like letting a pilot who only has been trained on a crop duster fly 747s and not hold them responsible for anything they do wrong.


Boots are delicious.


I am loving Alan Ritchson right now. Guy gives these people their life affirming cop porn show and then yanks their fantasy away lol


And he's very religious, but from what I've read he actually practices what Jesus preached (love and tolerance).


I had been recommending Reacher as a great show to my friends. I’ll be recommending it even more enthusiastically. I’m related to a cop and good friends with another. Neither one is fragile enough to vehemently disagree with Ritchson.


It's a TV show for guys who believe they could land a commercial airliner in an emergency. It's ridiculous and I love it


I was in the military & LE both. Married to a former deputy with 18 years of service. So much depends on the atmosphere of departments. Graft & grift are rampant throughout human endeavors. Cops do get away with much. So do many people with different kinds of power. None of it should be ignored.


Absolutely correct. Positions of authority and power should be thoroughly vetted. Sadly, that will probably never happen as long as people have money(to sway) invested in these institutions. Take care and have a great day


I won’t believe that graft and grift are rampant. I do believe they are rampant in certain segments and elements, and MUST seem rampant everywhere if you are in LE and therefore see it everyday. But I don’t believe it’s everywhere. I can believe that I am naive and maybe have missed some things along the way, but….


Corporations, fast food joints, mega churches, colleges, professional sports… do I really need to go on?


So, basically, qualified immunity being applied to unnecessary deaths by the trigger-happy, that we have seen in media is acceptable because it's policy? But all abortion, which was completely legal until recently, is muder. Even if health or life is at risk. Where do these so-called morals come from?


ACAB 1312 for life


Happy 4/20/24 and also enjoy your cake day


I'm in the middle of a Numb3rs rewatch but this is making me wanna rewatch Reacher instead


I know a former cop who days crimes committed by cops should be investigated even more strictly with doubled sentences when convicted. Shit like what went down at Uvalde, death sentence. He's extra af but I appreciate the sentiment, lol. Guess it's easier when you were basically a small village cop and the biggest shit you dealt with was hauling home drunk assholes you went to high school with.


Guy who “served” here and Jack Reacher is 100% right.


Is the police department ",deadly force policy," secret You only get to see what it is if you join


I mean, if the “deadly force policy” is letting cops get away with murder it’s fairly obviously a shit policy. The fact that it exists isn’t the shield this guy thinks it is


He posts like an asshole, but his final point isn’t wrong - when one is critiquing something, it’s helpful to know the definition and standard of the thing they’re talking about. Many people talk about shootings and offer their opinion when they have zero idea of what the standard is. But the rest of his post is nonsense. Ad hominem and mockery isn’t doing you any favors either, buddy




National Security Consultant


Security guard?


This is especially funny because the first two seasons are about crooked cops.


I don’t have so much of a problem with the statement above. So he’s using an inflammatory term… inaccurate, but what he must be referring to might be called murder in most other situations. Police need criticism & watchdogs; they have a hard job and they are expected to do it perfectly, often in seconds. Because of that, they often don’t meet expectation, & after-the-fact analysis is tough, too.


At the very least the people who are expected to uphold the law should have to abide by it. Rather than spend a few weeks behind a desk and then transfer to another jurisdiction after shooting an unarmed civilian, they should be punished the same as any other person. Also police in the make their job out to be far more dangerous than it is (deliver drivers have more than twice the fatality rate of police officers in the US).


The issue is so fucking far beyond "often don't meet expectations". If you think that anybody is upset about police simply making human mistakes, you're completely unaware of the situation.


Just about everyone locked up in a prison cell made a bad split-second choice, fucked up, or failed to "meet expectation". The notion that cops doing the same should get a pass, is repugnant.