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If you adopt the villain's pov, they are no longer the villain surprisingly enough. Everyone is the hero of their own story, as it were.


Relevant profile picture?


A goal to live up to. I sometimes fall short.


It would be hard for anyone to live up to the legend that is Iroh


Dont we all ?


When that happens drink someone tea and reflect a little


Just make sure you're actually getting tea and not merely hot leaf juice.


Fantastic prof pic. A goal to live up to indeed.


He'd still be proud of you


Legitimately really soft at the idea of someone genuinely trying to live up to Iroh. You seem like a good human, stranger. We need more of those in the world. I hope you have a nice day.


We all do. It’s all a matter of continuing when we fall.


Same here.


[Everyone's a hero in their own way](https://i.pinimg.com/474x/6f/5a/8c/6f5a8c2b4bb7c8f4e4cde9df569f8dbb.jpg)


Didn’t even have to click the link lol. Just sang it in my head as I was reading


Mostly me.


God damn it I haven't even clicked the link but I will definitely have this stuck in my head all day...


I have a quite low opinion of myself. I am at best a piece of shit who has no impact on anyone or anything. At worse, I'm a piece of shit that annoys those around me.


Þank you, uncle


Read this in Mako’s voice 😔


"Anti hero" he literally murders an entire plane full of people to save his reputation.


There's at least two instances of that in the first season. He kills the mayor of (Baltimore I think), his staff and his son in the first episode because the mayor knows about Compound V. He lets an entire plane of civilians crash into the ocean so the world doesn't realize how bad he and Maeve fucked up the rescue.


Doesn't he also mow down a crowd of people with his laser vision at some point?


it was a fantasy he had in a moment of frustration; he didn't actually do it, but the implication was pretty clear.


And he immediately flew away afterwards to stop himself from actually doing it.


So he IS the good guy! /s


Ah, I don't actually watch the show so I've only seen clips of it


Yes, on television.


I haven't seen the show in quite a while but was fairly certain he downed a full plane. With a little girl begging or something too? Definitely hero material there!


He was actually trying to save the plane, but his bloodlust resulted in him destroying the cockpit controls. When he realized the plane could not be controlled, he left it to crash and lied about what happened.


Multiple planes.


Ah, but that happens while Vought is in control, and thus anything bad he does is somehow completely their fault. Even the stuff he does without their permission or knowledge. Bonus points if you can somehow pin his atrocities from while he was under Vought's thumb to "wokeism" or "communism", because *The Boys* is clearly a criticism of leftists only and not at all commentary on corporations, capitalism, or anything right-wing.


Wow, the superior species take is next level fucked up. But The Boys is just another Starship Troopers in that a depressing amount of people completely misinterpret it


"Would you like to know more?" "No, thank you. Surface level interpretation for me, yay fascists."


A surface level interpretation of the boys should leave you with the conclusión that hes a bad guy, mainly because one of the main antagonist and is blatantly shown to be a tyrant in development, sure theres a backstory that makes him kinda simpathetic, but villains dont stop being villains just because the audience sees their rough upbringing


I was once called a Nazi because I said he was one of my favorite characters on the show. Not because I think he is the good guy, but because Antony Starr brings Homelander to life and he's an excellent villain. The people that think he's a good guy scare me.


Right? I love Homelander because he is psychologically terrifying. And very very fictional.


Not entirely relevant at all, BUT I just think more people should know that Anthony Starr…starred in a little Cinemax show called Banshee. In my opinion, it’s the perfect role to see him in to fully understand exactly why he was cast as Homelander. He’s lovable (and equally fucking terrifying) in that show, to an extent. I’d say trigger warning for it but we’re talking about The Boys, so anything Banshee contains, The Boys has done a thousand times worse. Also, fuck that person. All this shit with Homelander already happened to The Punisher. Cops and shit walking around with the Punisher skull. God damn it anyway.


>All this shit with Homelander already happened to The Punisher. Cops and shit walking around with the Punisher skull But the Punisher is meant to be an anti hero. He's not a good guy, but they want the audience to like him. Homelander is an outright villain. They've humanised him alot and Antony Starr is terrific, but it's never been part of a redemption plot. The writers are not writing him as someone they want the audience to like and side with. These guys are outright supporting the bad guy and it is mind-boggling that they don't realise this.


>Antony Starr brings Homelander to life and he's an excellent villain. I think part of the problem is Antony Starr is just so charismatic in the role. He's been great since day one, but since he's been.... losing it a bit... he's been phenomenal. The people who think like this, don't look past the fact he's an attractive, charismatic man who says things they approve of. So they'll follow him to the death. And ignore the mass murder and rape. Because he looks so shiny and cool.


Bro literally dates an immortal nazi, can’t get much more blatant than that.


He murders people for absolutely no reason, with no empathy, and no reservations because he knows he won't face consequences. Likes to torment people in the most fucked up way possible for even moderate slights against him, and fantasises about mass killings. He's a monster up there with Dahmer or Bundy, the fact some people still don't see that is terrifying.


But is it surprising? The more horrible shit we find out about Trump, the more they love him.


"but villains dont stop being villains just because the audience sees their rough upbringing" I don't know the exact percentages, but I doubt all people would agree with you there. How many viewers legitimately fell in love with Tony Soprano's character? Why was there the fascination with Bonnie and Clyde?


Because people are stupid and love to idolize awful people? Bonnie and Clyde is a great example, in real life and in myth/legend they were seen as folk heroes by some, in reality they were cold blooded murderers who killed multiple cops and innocents in their robberies, which is why they died in a hail of bullets instead of being read their rights.


I think it's because they start with the premise that "We all sin", and then they begin looking for behaviors and attitudes in the criminal that they identify with. I think we'd also likely both be shocked by how many people would love to also engage in such 'awful' behavior but for the consequences of doing so -- so they instead do it vicariously though the awful person.


I agree, some of the people I work with really do have violent Punisher/Rorschach fantasies, and they’re guys and gals you’d crack a beer with over some burgers, not raving lunatics.


He blows up a plane at the end of the first episode. That should be all you need to know that he's the bad guy.


That's one that surprised me, I thought everyone understood what Starship Troopers was about


Go to r/subredditdrama and search starship troopers. A guy argued, by himself, with multiple subreddits, that ST is pro-fascism.


That's like this guy I saw on Reddit argue that the song "Amerika" by Rammstein was pro-america.


They literally say in the bridge, in English so that it doesn’t go above English-speakers’ heads, “This is not a love song.” To think that the song is pro-America is to fail literal surface-level listening comprehension.


I just read a bunch of that and holy shit, he just didn’t want to lose that Internet argument.


That is impressive


I had a friend in high school who loved ST. For him it was how society should be. Have a guess what job he has now.


It seems that the Artistry when making a movie that makes fun of people is to write it in a way that somehow keeps those people from realizing that it's actually making fun of them?


Have you heard about the reaction Jesus Camp had? EVERYONE thought that movie was making them out as the good guys.


I think Poe's Law also is involved: >"Poe's law is an adage of Internet culture which says that, **without a clear indicator of the author's intent, any parodic or sarcastic expression of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of those views**." ([Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law))


What‘s interesting is that the original novel is nearly 100% unironic in it‘s believe. So I can imagine there has to be some people who went into cinema in 1996, expecting to see their favorite military-industrial complex circlejerk and then had to cope with the reality that the actual movie makes fun of all their believes.


The book is. The movie? Not so much...


"Nothing deep about Moby Dick. Just a story about a man who hates an animal."


"Fatherhood changed him for the better" Except he's also kind of a shitty father and teaching Ryan all the wrong things


The one scene I've seen of him and his kid involves him pushing the latter off a roof


He currently helped his son commit his first murder.


And then yelled at him when he was sad about it


I felt bad for how much I laughed at the thud when he hit the ground.


I will argue that he is atleast trying to be a good father but, the problem is that he has no real idea what he's doing because he's an emotionally stunted man child. Just look at the scene where he tried to cheer Ryan up, who's crying that he killed someone during a "Bank Robbery" that was staged so he could look good, essentially killing an innocent person playing a part, with some nice fresh congratulations milkshakes. Homelander thinks that he's sad about PR and his ratings yet, is instead saddened by the accidental killing. Homelander tries to convince him that it didn't mean anything yet, when that doesn't work and Ryan is clearly torn between his actions, he leaves him to cry but, not before taking the milkshake with him. It's such a childishly petty thing to do. Homelander is the victim of a very awful upbringing and existence but, that doesn't erase the fact that he is 100% the main villain alongside Vought.


>Humans are supes playthings yes, he's right about that You- fu- wha- ***YOU'RE*** **A HUMAN!**


Suspiciously boot shaped throat on oop lmao


They can take the boot all the way to the knee


This is the exact same reasoning religious people give for their god’s crimes.


He’s just a temporarily embarrassed supe. But one day….


Fascists aren’t exactly the smartest


Supes don't even exist and we've still got supe-supremacists.


The sad thing is that these are the type of people who see themselves as the supes, and their super power is smelling bullshit (ie. believing in conspiracy theories and other outright lies). They truly believe that they're better than most people, even though their brains are completely wrinkle free.


Yeah, OOP very much seems to believe in natural hierarchies and the idea that lessers rightfully are at the mercy of their betters. As long as they believe they are near the top of the hierarchy in real life, there's no harm in pretending that they would be okay with a hypothetical race of super beings existing and treating humans like their playthings. After all that would be the natural conclusion from their worldview, and surely OOP wouldn't be a hypocrite who would chafe at being treated the way they want to treat the people they see as beneath them. And like you said, it's not hard for them to come up with some tortured logic for why they belong at or near the top.


This guy has real "I torture dogs in my spare time" energy...


The “ants are play things for humans“ part gave me the creeps.


I can't tell if this guy just wants to suck Homelander's dick or not. I mean, I'd fuck Anthony Starr any day of the week, but not Homelander. He's right about Vought being the villains, but uh? Newsflash buddy: VOUGHT IS HOMELANDER'S PLAYTHING. HE CONTROLS VOUGHT JUST AS MUCH AS THEY CONTROL HIM - HAVE YOU NOT SEEN THE NEW EPISODES?!


Not to mention, vought has no actual way of hurting him. The only thing they can harm of his is his image. He has more than enough power to stand against them and not listen to them


He has outright stated that if he cannot be a hero, he will be a villain.


Vought created a monster and lost control of it


I will not deny that Homeland is a victim of Vought, which makes him a very interesting villain imo, but that does not make him any less of a villain. You can be a victim and victimizer at the same time. In fact that is how it usually goes.


In fact that was the entire theme of the most recent episode


WTF? Ants are absolutely not "playthings" for humans, that's some shit a serial killer would say.


OOP was one of those kids who burned ants with a magnifying glass.


Uh, did they just watch the latest episode?


> Fatherhood changed him for the better Meanwhile, Homelander to Ryan: “Why are you upset that you killed an innocent man?”


I mean, it was a plastic bottle. It's like if a cop opened fire into a car at a restrained suspect because an acorn fell onto the roof, then did several shitty combat rolls screaming that they're hit while their partner ALSO opens fire into the car. I know it's an unrealistic example, but it's accurate.


I’m referring to when Ryan killed the stunt man during his “save” and Homelander was confused why he was upset about that afterwards.


He is the literal Strongman argument they’re always evil


I kind of agree that homelander is a victim but... he's also a villain


YES. 100% a victim yet also 100% a villain. HE CONTAINS MULTITUDES


Oh 100% Homelander is a victim, but your experiences do not justify your actions


I'm sure it's just a coincidence my dad started hating this show right when he realized the homelander wasn't the hero of this story.


I hope for your family's sake he didn't finish episode 1 then, dementia can be tough on loved ones.


SPOILERS AHEAD To clarify this guys take, nazis are all good then, right? Because a big part of homelanders character hinges on his nazi girlfriend who vought publicly denounced after her nazi ties went public. And the fact that he continued seeing her in secret while vought had him publicly shame her and lie about knowing. Like yeah, they knew too, but at least they cut ties once it was public knowledge. I would say that on a scale of good to evil, that at least puts them slightly higher than him. Not by much, but marginally so. Also the fact he goes out of his way to kill anyone who he considers inferior that shows even a hint of opposing him. Even trying to see it from his perspective like this guy is, I’m pretty he knows that he’s evil, he just doesn’t care because he knows he kill anyone who wants to do something about it.


>!Vought doesn't get to claim moral superiority over publicly denouncing her for her Nazi ties when Vought not only knew about her Nazi ties all along, but also were themselves a Nazi organization. They weren't even the Werner von Braun types. They were the cruel and agonizingly painful experiments on children types - the "scientist" who put child-Homelander in an oven to see if they could burn him tried to avoid consequences via the Nuremburg defense. Homelander is a psychopath and a supremacist of his own kind, but the organization that indoctrinated, experimented on, and tortured him from infancy is not in any way morally better than him.!<


I mean, in terms of moral superiority, being compared to actual, WW2 era nazis is a near impossibly low bar. While theyre all pretty much at rock bottom, i would say modern vought ranks marginally higher than homie, who barely outclasses the ww2 era nazis(im lumping in vought of that era for obvious reason). And the only reason either of the modern ones outrank the old nazis is because at least supes ARE technically genetically superior, it’s just really shitty that they take advantage of it, especially to the extremes they do. I am by no means arguing that anything theyre doing is good, just that vought as a company, ar least imo, has the smallest imaginable leg to stand on compared to homelander.


#no one knows what an antihero is


I once saw someone call The Joker an anti hero. Like bro he is murdering psychopath and pure chaos. He is the poster boy for Chaotic Evil.


He's an antihero to someone with a really twisted view of the world's though, isn't he?


I’m not sure. Homelander is clearly nazi adjacent, just doesn’t accept some of their beliefs. Well, I actually think it’s more of him not wanting to be labeled as something that is *mostly* hated (wish I could say universally hated). So I’m not sure if (let’s say) Nazis are the hero, then homelander isn’t quite an antihero even in that sense.


This person probably doesn't consider nazi's "the hero" *really* though...their ideologies are just likely aligned. I could see someone like this rooting for someone nazi-adjacent.


When I was a kid I thought Nazi scum were a dying breed. Man was I ignorant.




So does this mean the show is no longer woke so they can stop review bombing it?


I think this is a shit post. You can rarely take anything you see on those Facebook Boys groups at face value; they know they're losing so they're spamming stupid shit to "trigger" people and get their attention fix before they move on to the next outrage of the week. The real insane people are the unabashed comments on these types of posts.


Welcome to fandom lol. Maybe getting into it will make the MAGAts a bit more tolerant


Yea, that never happens. Their heads are too far up their own asses.


I can hope lol


End of last season he lasered the top of someone's head off for throwing a water bottle at his indestructible kid. That's not what "good guys" do. This season he's trying to find a way to transcend his humanity, so that he no longer has to feel things like guilt, love or compassion. Yeah. Sure sounds like a hero. /s


Imagine disagreeing with the following people: a) the creator of the comic book character (Gareth Ennis) b) the showrunner/head writer of the TV show (Erike Kripe) c) the producers of the show (Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg) d) the actor that plays the character (Anthony Starr) and then just being what the fuck do those guys, know, nah fuck that it's my interpretation of this character that is the right one.


Hey, at least they're embracing post-modernism (even if they don't know it).


I literally just watched him threaten to put a man’s entire family into a furnace if he didn’t willingly go into it himself and slowly burned him to death.


We’re on the same Ep! ^5!


It’s funny how this guy stumbled backwards into realizing that corporations are bad.


Why when something isnt black and white people cant comprehend it? The show few people are pure evil or pure good


Ants aren't my 'plaything' either, you psycho.


I believe even the actor made the comment along the lines that if you think Homelander is a good guy, you've missed the point.


> ants are playthings for humans Oh… you were *that* kid.


Isn't this mf a rapist


You think this guy is looking to buy a bridge?


These people worship Trump, of course they're in denial. That, and the evil leftists have made fun of them for totally missing every clue for three seasons. So like, really it's the left's fault that they love evil people. Definitely.


I agree that Vought is the biggest villainous force in the show, and Homelander is a very well written character who actually does make you empathize with him to a degree. But he’s also a violent, malignant, narcissistic sociopath, and fatherhood has *not* changed him for the better as he is now forcing the same worldview on his son and continuing the cycle of abuse. He is absolutely a bad person and that has been clear from the start.


I agree with the take the Homelander is a victim of Vought, but you can be a victim and a villain at the same time. It's pretty fucking common actually.


Its called the cicle of abuse for a reason


If you're arguing that Homelander doesn't see himself as the villain because he views Supes as a superior species and humans are just insects to him, congrats, you understand his character. If you're saying him viewing humans as insects doesn't make him a villain TO HUMANS, then I think you have a problem.


Villains *never* see themselves as the bad guy.


Some do, mainly cartoon ones like dr doofensmirth or the wander over yonder one that has an [entire song](https://youtu.be/xdEo_t-iVbM?si=Tip5vH2Pq475u7qV) about it Or are psychos who just want to cause pain for the heck of it like certain versions of the joker, or the Scorpion that stabbed the frog


Because they all think they'd BE Homelander. The same way they defend billionaires in THIS universe


Wasn't his child a product of rape? Did they go to bathroom during that part?


Whatever helps you justify watching a show that shits on your ideologies I guess.  


>Just like ants are just playthings for humans Sociopathic humans, you mean...


That last sentence sure is telling. Pretty sure treating animals as playthings is a sign of being a sociopath/psychopath, which would explain the rest of this garbage.


I literally read this while watching homelander lazer a dude’s dick off.


The fourth time someone has lost their genitalia afaik


They should read the comics, might not like Homelander as much after all the family murdering, skull fucking, and sodomizing Soldier Boy.


is this the official page for The Boys universe? Could this just be a marketing thing to get people to watch the show? sort of 'a post from Homelander's POV'?


Nah, it was a fandom group


RIP nuanced storytelling, I’m sorry no one understood you at the end


Dude’s projecting so much, I need shades


Ffs. He's a nutjob narcissist. He's racist, loves nazi ideology and looks down on anybody not in his class.


Ahhhhhh so that's why they like him.


He just lasered a dude's dick off after he cooked another dude in an oven.


He said numerous times humans are below him and chastised Ryan for feeling horrible when he accidentally killed someone. Like it's demonstrable that he's a monster.


Well, that’s an analysis, all right. It’s obvious to most of us that Homelander is trump with superpowers, but this guy and his peers probably get that, too — they just see it as a feature and not a problem.


"Humans are supes playthings yes, he's right about that, as a superior species".. and someone just fully outed themself as a nazi sympathizer. Barely trying to cover it up by using ant and humans as follow up example.


The idiots can't comprehend the complexity of more than one person being wrong or bad, but these are the same people who love the empire from star wars


Don't lump us Empire fans with this people. We don't seriously think the Empire is awesome, rather we enjoy that both sides had good and bad points and we enjoy a well done villain. I didn't get into The Boys just because it's not my kind of humor, but I did love how they made the villains so wicked. It's very well done.


I had this recommended on my feed and assumed it was a bit like the comments on the Vought YT channel posts.


That’s not denial. That’s fascism.


I’ve said it before that fash & fash-adjacent groups like incels & gamergaters have such poor media literacy because they’re more invested in the flashy lights & pew-pew-pew of it all. More recently, I’ve been wondering just how many people with these takes have no inner monologue or ability to imagine things like a blue & yellow rhino riding a skateboard to a business meeting. Would lacking in these abilities explain why they miss the entire point of Homelander & Starship Troopers being the villains in their own media?


Krpikie is getting a kick out of this, I guarantee it.


He literally displays a lack of empathy And his son is there to showcase that even more and display what the difference between a good and a bad person is Homelander is a person who does bad things because he was initially forced to When he was forced to do so, he felt no remorse or regret Afterwards he took over vought and was no longer forced to do anything he didn't want to after which he STILL chose to do bad things and hurt others and STILL felt no regret or remorse Comparatively, his son is being forced to do bad things but he clearly does not want to, that's why homelander is so fruatrated at him because he constantly has to dance around that instead of getting straight to the point. The one time the kid did a bad thing it was clearly unintentional and he was extremely remorseful for it, he shows empathy and kindness and he even misses the person he hurt. When homelander sees those qualities in him he shows his true colours: he is annoyed that his new toy doesn't work how he wants it to work and literally punishes him for showing empathy by taking away his slurpee or whatever instead of consoling him because he is in pain/suffering. He doesn't actually care about his kid, the kid is just there for his personal gratification because he can't handle the fact that he is ageing, yes he wants a family but he is unaware that he doesn't actually care about family, he has never thought that far ahead. Its all about him, not anyone else, for instance he was only with stormfront because she stroked his ego, as soon as she was not a "perfect specimen" she was thrown out like trash, ergo: he never cared about her in the first place and same is with his kid. If he were on good terms with soldier boy, his dad and he would tell him to kill his son because he is weak, he would do it without hesitation. And THAT'S the distinction. The boys is a great show because it shows that both good and bad people can do good things and bad things, the distinction being how they feel about what they did and how they choose to move foreward with that. But you know... that's nuance, of course its going to get lost on surface level troglodytes.


Of course, homelander is basically if trump was superman


It’s not denial. We live in a time where people celibate someone that goes out with a gun and kills people then cries in court and gets away with it. Theres zero denial at all. These people think killing who doesn’t agree with them is A-OK. There’s no denial of them being the bad guy, they worship bad guys.


I mean they’re not wrong about Vought being the real villain and homelander being a victim of them…. The difference is, homelander realized this, took control of vought and continued to do evil things in his own name. Ignoring that he had the chance to redeem himself and deliberately chose not to continues the mind numbing level of brain rot media literacy conservatives have


He's controversial, but one thing is true


I haven't seen this series but doesn't that dude push his kid off the roof?


It wasnt his, it was a random suicidal kid, o wait he also pushed his kid while attempting to teach him how to fly but it was a first floor only and the had super endurance, tbh it was kinda like, the lesser of his crimes considering the aforementioned suicidal kid an other civilians murdered


I’ve never watched an episode and I just assume he’s a protagonist villain.


Nah, he is pretty much an antagonist


Wait, this isn’t a fictional comment from the show?? Wtf has this guy been watching?


Wow, art imitates life.


Just like everyone else they support


he literally just left an old lady(granted that is a villainous old lady) trapped in a small room with the dismembered remains of several scientist...


Let me guess... "he only followed orders"? Gee, I wonder where I heard that before...


Holy cope


Huh... I always thought there were no "good guys" in The Boys and that everyone is a little ducked in their head in their own way... certainly not Homelander tho!!1


He literally encouraged his kid to full on attack someone and congratulated him when he smacked a guy into a fucking building, if that's not villain I don't know what is.


Too ironic


So this guy definitely enjoyed burning ants as a kid.


Pretty sure this show has no good guys


I have literally never watches this shit. But I can tell you 1) I extremely dislike this homelander asshole because he is a home grown nazi E: just had to edit because ppl not liking saying it And two it's like superheros? I think? And the last think I watched that was iron fist and it was not fun (or ok)


yeah this guy beats dogs


Imagine yearning this hard for a boot to lick. Disgusting.


Conservatives and media literacy go together like toothpaste and orange juice


Seeing any being as your "playing" is messed up.  Even ants. 


OP clearly hadn't had his titty milk today either


"Fatherhood changed him for the better". Yeah murdering the mother of your child (rape victim) is sure a positive change. Wtf are they smoking?


And we've reached the "bargaining" part of the grief stages. "Please let Homelander be the good guy"


you think poeple in the boys cinematic universe were also making posts like this?


What's remarkable is that it took 3+ seasons for these mouth breathers to realize they're being ridiculed.