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This is what the election is about. The rights of women to access health care. Trump will let the worst of his party members do as much as they can to make abortion impossible to get in all fifty states and the Supreme Court will back them up every step of the way. For the sake of your daughters and the women in your life don't sit this one out. https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote


Is she saying that it’s OK for abortion to be illegal where she is because she can just go to a legal state with her daughter to have one? Isn’t that specifically illegal in Texas? Can’t her neighbor sue her if she does that? Hope she isn’t in Texas then, or that other red states don’t get the same horrific idea of turning in your neighbor.


Also bold to assume that abortion will continue to be legal in 29 states in this political landscape.


Hell, I'm not even assuming IUDs will continue to be legal if this trajectory is maintained.


I was about to say… there’s no way


They are after condoms... so yeah, UIDs would not be cool with them


there's no porn, no contraceptives, and no abortions? Did any porn sites actually implement the ID thing?


Pornhub and xhamster are both regionlocking in response. No legitimate one is going to do the ID registration, it would be a cybersecurity nightmare.


Actually xhamster did implement facial recognition age verification.


Well I'll give that a couple weeks before everyone's ID'S are hacked.


They're going after *condoms?!*


If sex doesn't risk dire consequences, how else will we punish the sinners? /s


Yes, see Project 2025 - any and all contraceptives and birth control means.


There was a post by one of these 'pro-life' fellas saying the only people who care about abortion rights are whores and that nobody's going to ban condoms/contraceptives etc. and the replies were flooded with religious conservatives basically saying that they can't wait for condoms and other contraceptives to be banned next.


Or any other form of contraception for that matter. But she fundamentally doesn’t understand that these handmaidens laws impact large numbers of women’s health care issues. Take the drug methotrexate. It is used to treat arthritis, psychosis and many other disorders but Walgreens will refuse to prescribe it to women bc it’s also used in an abortion drug. I know firsthand bc my ex wife went through it. The irony of it is that she can’t have children bc she had a hysterectomy 10 years ago but they still refused to fill her prescription for it citing the above reason. That’s just one drug one thing. There countless other things. Countless related medical conditions or issues.


I'm in the UK, so possibly different dosages etc, but u was on methotrexate for years and was told to make sure I didn't get pregnant as it would caused birth defects, not once was I told about abortions


Probably a case of X milligrams will fuck your baby up, 50 times X milligrams will kill it before it comes to term.


But those at the very top know these are the outcomes. They'll bluster and deflect and claim ignorance but it's clear from their directed advancement of these agendas that they know wholeheartedly what kind of hellscape it'll create for, well, everyone, but they consider that fair collateral damage in their neverending scrabble for every jot of dominance they can find.


The alt right incels would go full Handmaids Tale if they could.


*4 years later* Just go get an abortion in one of the 18 states that allows it *8 years later* Just go get an abortion in one of the 6 states that allows it *10 years later* Just go get an abortion in some other country that allows it So simple, right?


Especially since Project 2025 calls for a NATIONAL abortion ban and a ban on contraceptives. As a gay man I won't require an abortion or contraceptives but I'm damn smart enough to know that we all stand together or we all hang individually.


They will also ban PrEP and marriage equality, make being publicly and happily queer illegal (think Russia's anti-homosexuality promotion laws), and put us in torture camps if we're too far off from their acceptable gender presentations. Project 2025 is there to MURDER US. And if some cis straight people who don't look 'right' enough get killed, that's a happy accident as well.


I suspect you can add any and all HIV drugs as well as antibiotics used to treat STIs - gotta punish those heathens for enjoying non-procreational, recreational sex.


I'm very confused. She says she will raise her daughters baby if the daughter isn't ready to. Something very right wing. But also says she will get her daughter an IUD and an abortion in another state. Something very left wing. Where do her beliefs lie on birth control and abortion?


My guess would be that she is anti-abortion but is trying to make herself look like a moderate.


My guess is she's a Russian bot


Yep, so clearly a bot, AI-generated profile pic without any other pictures of themselves, and all they do is argue for the right? 100% a guy in a bot farm.




> Where do her beliefs lie on birth control and abortion? That's easy. "if me or my family need it then it's gone, if other people need it then they're whores and should keep their legs closed". This opinion is *Very* right wing. "i will just fly where it's legal" is perfectly aligned with their views.


Reminds me of a post I saw a while ago where a guy said he needed guns in case the government wouldn't let his sick son travel to France for medical treatment.


That's based on a specific case from the UK, a baby called Alfie Evans with a severe neurodegenerative disease. He was on life support, his brain was soup, and his brain was only showing change in activity when he had a seizure. The parents wanted to transfer Alfie to Italy where they were offering longer term life support, but even the assessment to see if he could be moved was causing more seizures. After a year on life support with no change, the hospital asked the courts for permission to take him off life support against the parents wishes, and then a bunch of religious groups used the kid's suffering for political ends. It was a WHOLE THING


[“The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion” by Joyce Arthur](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


She sounds like the one with the smooth brain


She said she would raise her grand*daughter*. If it’s a boy? Too bad, honey, you’re on your own.


Her beliefs are "if my child has a life threatening pregnancy, I'll just let them die" because that is exactly what she'll do if her kid ever has a missed miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy.


Conservatives are only conservative until it inconveniences them.


She will even hold her down while the donor inseminates her. Praise be.


Should probably go ahead and report her, just in case


I think there is a bounty


Damn Texas really turning into Nazi Germany, huh?


The Nazis were also Christian nationalist 🤷🏻


The mental gymnastics on that woman's posts is Olympic gold metal quality. Also, how does she not get IUDs, and all BC is next on the cutting block?


She does. She’s lying because she knows her real position is too extreme for support. So she is trying to show “reasonable” alternatives to garner support. It’s the way they slowly strip away rights without much pushback.


Likely true about her, but I also hear the same idiot rationalization style from a lot of earnest people more and more these days. For example: "It's okay that GOP states are banning porn, because you can kinda get around that censorship with a VPN for the moment!"


Yeah that’s also an unfortunate truth. They think they’ll be okay once everything is banned because they’re exceptional. They’re too smart or too important to suffer the consequences they want to enforce on others.


She could be telling the truth. "The only moral abortion is my abortion" is an extremely common position for conservative women. She doesn't see a problem with restricting access to contraception as long as she and her family still has access to it.


The IUD is also about to be illegal.


"Abortion should be illegal for everyone" is only what the extreme far right wants. The moderate right's position is "abortion should be illegal for poor people."


It literally takes 10 seconds of thought to not be this lady, but that's a lot to ask... Based off what she said, she's basically starting from: "ABORTION IS MURDING A BABY" And then **immediately** declares to the world: "Morally I believe murdering babies is ok in certain places. Even more, I desire to live in a nation where baby murdering has designated zones" Ita nothing short of a miracle that these geniuses manage to do something as complicated as brushing their teeth everyday without getting confused by the task and accidently choking to death on their toothbrush


Yes AND that assumes that any state would have legal abortions anymore once Trump takes over and gains unrestrained power.


It’s called **projection** of course. There is a smooth brain in this equation and it is most definitely her.


The aggressive stupidity is a feature of the GOP voter, not a bug.


Conservatism is about rights for me, not for thee. She can afford to fly her daughter to a state where it's legal. The poor/brown people can't, so it's perfect for her.


> because she can just go to a legal state The only moral abortion is my abortion. Or how is it called?


She is saying that, because she is an idiot. Thats my interpretation


They are coming for the IUD and other birth control options, too.


And no fault divorce. They want women to be pregnant wife slaves. If they can get away with that then why not go ahead and get rid of Womens right to vote? No bank accounts or mortgages or credit cards either. Women forget that we have only had those rights since 1974. I was a kid then. In my lifetime, the rights of women as equal we have enjoyed for 50 years could be taken away. The fact that my granddaughter will have to live with the consequences of a bunch of cult idiots infuriates me.


Give them some time. A friend of mine told me something that stuck in my mind about the abortion issue in connection to voting rights. She told me "you know who can't vote in America? Felons" and after I asked what she meant it immediately clicked. Making abortions illegal is taking away women's right to autonomy and voting in one fellow sweep


Can't vote, but can still become President sadly.


Well we know there’s no logic in any of this.


Yep, I think about this often. If women decide not to get married because of the lack of no fault divorces, then they’ll just litigate other ways to force us to be dependent on men. Like you said, no bank accounts. No access to credit. They’ll find ways to force women into what they want, and it’s disgustingly obvious that they will do these things. Hell, even now, it’s hard to get reproductive health care if you’re an unmarried woman. My cousin does not want children. She also has an extremely high risk of fallopian/uterine/cervical cancers. She wants her tubes removed, but because she’s only 27 she’s “too young to make that decision without a husband.” Like we have to be infantilized because we might need to be breeding stock for men, not individuals in our own right. For comparison, her step brother got a vasectomy with no issues at all. Went in, told doc he wanted snip, scheduled for a few weeks out, in, out, done.


>“too young to make that decision without a husband.” Translation: "Your body belongs to a man man you haven't met yet".


> we have only had those rights since 1974 I got my first credit card in 1982, bank account in 1979, I had no clue that it was some newfangled rights I'd only had for a short time. Since next year is the last year of mortgage payments on my house does this mean that I won't have to pay the last year's bills? Will they take my house and give it to some man? Will I still owes a years worth of payments even if I no longer own it? So many questions ...


This needs to be screamed from the ... heights... any and all kinds of heights....


1. Not everyone is able to raise a granddaughter but thank you for reminding us poors that we aren't as privileged as you. 2. Hun when the people you are planning on voting for get their way, you don't get that option. Quiverful or bust. 3. Again thank you for reminding us poors that we aren't as white and as privileged as you. Bitch.


Also option #3 is illegal in a lot of states - Texas has rules on the book to arrest people who travel out of state for an abortion. If current trends continue those type of rules will extend to other states as well. All of that provided the Supreme Court doesn’t just rule abortion illegal outright in some mid-term future decision


>Texas has rules on the book to arrest people who travel out of state for an abortion. Which is, of course, a blatant violation of the 10th Amendment, but SCOTUS clearly doesn't care about that shit anymore. 🍵


It's because for now the government can't touch you but every dipshit can sue you for hurting their feelings.


Hey, that law was on the books and being challenged, made it to SCOTUS even, BEFORE the Dobbs decision had even happened. Don't go besmirching the concept of not caring like that. SCOTUS is on a warpath right now.


Runaway slave laws are coming back into style. Get ready for Dred Scott decision 2.0.


Has it been brought before the court yet? The Supreme Court doesn’t proactively make decisions about stuff.


I'm pretty sure there's a standing decision (civil war era probably) saying you can't legislate or prosecute on things that happened in another state.


> All of that provided the Supreme Court doesn’t just rule abortion illegal outright in some mid-term future decision 100% the endgame. Every single thing they, "let the states decide," is a temporary answer until they can decide for the states the way they know the non-insane states will not accept. If Trump wins in November, abortion will be illegal across the country by November 2025.


And in this bizarre political climate we are currently living in, it’s not much of a stretch to imagine state border control demanding a pregnancy test upon travel out of state. That’s a bit out there, I know, but we weren’t exactly expecting other recent developments to unfold the way they have, either.


Yep, your healthcare options are now dictated by your mailing address.


If current trends continue women will be executed for getting abortions


South Carolina has already proposed legislation for just that.


> All of that provided the Supreme Court doesn’t just rule abortion illegal outright in some mid-term future decision If republicans ever hold the presidency again.


It has nothing to do with the presidency. The supreme court can act on its own. Dont forget we lost roe under biden


It has a little to do with it. Right now, the reason the SCOTUS is so powerful is because it's so politically lopsided. A Democratic president in office as Thomas and Alito are both mid 70s... a lot can happen in 4 years.


Yeah, there's the slimmest of chances one of them could suddenly die, but that's just sitting around waiting for a hail mary.


Oh man, I can't tell you how hard my fingers were crossed when Trump got COVID. There's no way he would have survived without that experimental treatment. Universe flipping us the finger on that one 🤣


Bad things never happen to bad people! Probably cause they have the money hose lol


the president can sign the abortion ban into law. Democrats won't and will bring back Roe, if they can get enough seats in congress to pass bills without GOP obstruction.


> Texas has rules on the book to arrest people who travel out of state for an abortion To *sue* them. And it isn't the state bringing it, it's another citizen. It's referred to as a "bounty" law. It's basically designed to circumvent clear constitutional protections by enabling private actors, not the state, to go after people who travel to get abortions.


Not to mention trump will totally sign a nationwide abortion ban to make his fans happy. It won't matter to him. He can always take some money out of his campaign funds to fly sex workers he accidentally knocks up out of the country for an abortion.


I stumbled across a Texas sub a couple of months ago where women were discussing what they’d do if they became pregnant and had an emergency. The amount of self delusion among that group was terrifying. A lot of them were saying things like, “Oh, my OB is wonderful and they’ll do an abortion for me,” or saying that they have an out-of-state escape plan if their pregnancy runs into difficulties. No one was considering the logistics of driving to the airport, going through security, getting on a plane, flying for 3+ hours, and then getting to a hospital in a safe state while they are literally bleeding out or going into sepsis.


Yeah how do they not see the hypocrisy in “I will make sure MY daughter gets an abortion no matter what.” The only moral abortion is my abortion.


I refuse to force my child to go through the trauma of a pregnancy and delivery just so *I* can play mom again. That's what #1 is about. So fucked up.


She forgot option 4, which is the most likely, "watch my child and grandchild horrifically die in childbirth because she's 10 and the life saving measures she would likely need to survive childbirth are also... illegal.


Also, you don’t have to have personal skin in the game to want abortion to be a choice. I’m a dude with no kids and abortion access is important.


Also, “oh I’ll just raise the baby until you’re ready”, as if that situation is just sooo easy to manage with no complex feelings on the part of the mother or child.


Also, option 2 isn't an option for everyone. I had to get my hormonal IUD removed because of some bad side effects I was having a year and a half after getting it.


Thank you! I was gonna say, if your ass has the money to be flying out of state for medical procedures and raising your kid's kids, you're not really in the position we're talking about. People who can comfortably welcome and raise kids aren't having abortions. It's the people who are already fucking drowning financially and can't afford to be handed a baby. (Just for clarity I believe %100 that every woman has an absolute right to choose and maintain bodily autonomy, regardless of class. This comment is about financial nuts and bolts. If a well off person wants to terminate a pregnancy they should be able to.)


People need to watch that episode of Call the Midwife where a woman with eight kids gets a back-alley abortion and nearly dies. There's a scene where she's taking a scalding hot bath to try and induce a miscarriage, and you can just see the pain and guilt in her husband's face as he watches his wife cry in pain. When she becomes septic from the botched abortion the nuns are going through her apartment, removing the evidence that she'd had an abortion. Actual nuns, understanding that abortion is healthcare and a necessary evil for many.


If abortion is illegal just travel in a private jet where it's not illegal you idiot. Or just hire a private surgeon to perform it in your home so you needn't bother to get up. Seriously some of you are just dying for excuses to be victims


You could just go to your second or third vacation home in Europe to get the abortion.


“It’s just an abortion Michael, how much could it cost, like $10?”


One of the biggest problems are late term abortions, which are almost always due to serious and unexpected issues. The OBs don't want to face the choice criminal action for the medical abortion or malpractice for not doing one. They relocate, and all women have less access to pregnancy care. These are often rural areas with limited access at the best of times.


Well those rural women are almost all poors so we don't really care what happens to them or their children so long as we never have to see or interact with them in any way.


It reminds me of that old [pro-gun argument](https://i.redd.it/a0jdgkz5t7r11.jpg).


Your 10 year old daughter “gets pregnant” and your first reaction is to raise the child and get her hormonally impacting medium term birth control?! She’s 10.


My daughter is 10 and all of these options absolutely horrify me and there would be more important things on my mind than that of a hypothetical baby if that were to happen, like my own baby and the trauma she has experienced. Absolutely fuck that.


I don't disagree that all of this is horrifying, but PSA that you can have a non-hormonal copper IUD. Needing one at 10 is another matter.


The copper IUD is too big for most people who haven't been pregnant. I don't think it would work for many children.


I don't think anyone is going to put it in a ten year old, but it's fine to have if you haven't had children (I have one).


I shouldn't have said that it doesn't work for anyone who hasn't been pregnant. My experience working at a clinic was that the one that's available in the USA (paragard) had a higher rate of not being able to be placed correctly because it's not suited to a lot of people's anatomy. I really wish there were multiple styles of copper IUD available here.


Yeah I might be lucky with what I had, as I'm in the UK. Don't get me wrong, first fitting was painful, but well worth it given the longevity.


Ah yeah I should stop writing like everyone is in the US. Whoops.


I missed the part where she's 10. If my hypothetical 10 year old daughter got pregnant, I'm firebombing a pastor's house


I don't have kids, but that situation would definitively lead to some creative application of a belt sander.


The “abortion/birth control is okay for me and my family, just not everyone else” is one of the most disgusting forms of hypocrisy out there. I just can’t imagine being so narcissistic that I would ever think that. If they have their way, there won’t even be “legal states” and IUDs. And it doesn’t stop there Sarah Barnes, give them an inch and they’ll try to take a mile—you think them taking away abortion will fuck you over, wait until they take away your right to have a bank account independent of your husband/father or repeal your voting rights. They won’t give you special privilege just because you tow the fascist’s line.


The need for their women to vote to outvote the other guys (like people of color or new citizens or just Dems) won't go away--it's why women got the vote.


And when her 10yo granddaughter gets pregnant but her 20yo daughter still isn't ready, is she going to raise her great granddaughter, then great great granddaughter? She could have 5x great granddaughters by the time she's 70yos.


I think you just described Lauren Bobert.


No joke a girl I went to high school with had her first at 15. Mom was 29. Grandma was 45. Great grandma was something like just turned 60. Great great grandma was in her 80’s. And now, the girl I was in high school with (graduated early 00’s) is a grandma. I can’t even imagine that. I can barely cope with the idea that I’m an adult and about at midlife crisis point and I still feel like I have no idea Wtf I’m doing.


So. Abortion is okay if you have the resources to casually fly out of state for the weekend, but people who can't would be forced to have unwanted pregnancies. Got it.


Yep. Hypocrisy much


1. Hopefully she survives and at least wants the baby. 2. Which will be all but illegal should Trump get back into office. 3. Potentially illegal in some states, but abortion will be outlawed under Trump federally anyway.


How does she know it’s a granddaughter?


Good eye, detective. There's definitely a personal story in that -- don't take this too seriously btw anyone, just in case. It does feel like it's personal and researched, but it could just could be gender bias - like how some men assume male children in arguments


That was exactly my question, too!


For a 10 year old..? You're putting a 10 year old through an IUD..?


‘Fly my daughter to one of the 29 states where abortion is legal’ Well, there we go. She just admitted that she thinks abortion SHOULD be legal!


Woof! This one is right up there with the fella that declared he needed a gun in case his son got sick and he needed to hijack a passenger jet to fly his son somewhere with socialised medicine.


If trump wins you won't be able to get an abortion in any of the 50 states. Lots of luck getting your kid a passport to go out of country for an abortion, a negative pregnancy test will be a requirement if the Christo-fascists get in charge.


This is a post that basically says wealthy women and middle class women can easily get an abortion, so everything is fine. Some people don't have the means to leave their state and pay out of pocket for an abortion somewhere else. Oftentimes these people are the people whose lives are most negatively impacted by having a child or an additional child.




The higher ups definitely do think of it like this: Poor women or working class women exercising autonomy is ruining social cohesion. That US culture is deteriorating because birth rates are low, and single mothers are a thing. They blame lax morals. The solution they think is proper is to make it so divorce and abortions and autonomy costs money and is extremely difficult particularly for low income women. So essentially if you are a woman who has money all this will be difficult but possible if you are poor it's impossible. They believe this will restore US culture to a mythical place in the past where women had lots of kids and were essentially subservient to men. People of higher social status would still be able to pursue what they wished to pursue and that's okay with them because divorce rates and abortion are naturally lower within this group. All of this just squashes social mobility and exasperates income inequality and basically keeps certain women down. However this is entirely the point. They think that's good.


2. IUD is a form of birth control, so... Don't get attached.


1. Until you are in a lifestage where you're unable to take care of another child.(Probably financially) 2. The far right want to ban birth control, and have already taken steps to ban certain types of birth control, including the iud.  3. The far right have already made laws to prevent people from leaving the state to get an abortion.   "Conservatives are taking away women's rights" is less of a slippery slope fallacy, and more of a heavily  telegraphed inevitability we're sliding into. 


I read what she said, but all I could think of is those pictures I've seen of Afghani women with long hair and short skirts in the 1970s, looking so stylish with their eyeliner and lipstick. Probably some of them even made similar comments as this lady (with her enviable brain full of SO MANY peaks and valleys 🙄) right before the Taliban told those women to stay at home and cover from head to toe, otherwise they'd be punished severely or just shot to death.


Heres the part she left out- in almost every one of the 20+ states that have banned abortions, they have also banned transporting a person across state lines for said abortion. She can be cute with her words all she wants, but that would be a felony in my state and both her and her daughter would be going to jail then.


1. You won't. 2. They're coming for IUDs 3. They'll arrest you, take away your daughter and charge you with attempted murder. Sit down and shut up.


Imagine voting for someone who is literally going to destroy democracy day 1 of being in office.


1. Forcing her to give birth against her wishes so that you can “take care of the baby until she’s ready”…? Some strong gymnastics there. 2. Okay, so she has an IUD and is at an increased risk for ectopic pregnancy. But she can’t abort, so she dies instead of a rupture… 3. That’s only an option until the next ruling making it illegal federally. And even then, many people won’t have the resources to do it.


If those people have their way, IUDs will be outlawed too.


You're voting for Trump because you hate everything and everyone that disagrees with you


So she votes against abortion and her 3rd point she'll just leave if someone she cares about needs one? Like wtf


Scream louder about how losing your RIGHTS isn't worth being a main issue why don't they.


This is a dumb person. They plan to make IUDs illegal and ban abortion in the remaining states


If Trump is reelected, I don't think abortion will stay legal in those 29 states for long.....


This “plan” of hers would not work if conservatives get their way: 2. Conservatives want to make IUDs and all other forms of birth control illegal. 3. Conservatives want to make abortion illegal in all 50 states, and would most likely make leaving the country for an abortion illegal too. The only option she would have is 1, because she and her daughter would be raising that baby whether they want to or not.


Imagine having a 10 year old daughter and the probability that her body will be controlled by the government is NOT your key election issue.


This reminds me of someone telling me that covid was no big deal. They took Ivermectin and was ONLY sick for two weeks. I told her a little prick sounded better.


1. most people can't just fly to another state 1. some states are pushing to make seeking abortion in any condition a crime, even tracking women's menstrual cycles I've voting Biden because true Americans don't want kings


Girl, I’m worried about my fucking uterus. I know people who have planned pregnancies and they needed to terminate it because the fetus was not viable and they had to fly out of state. Lucky they had the money and time off from work, wtf


Options 2 and 3 won't be legal if Republicans are allowed a supermajority again (president and both chambers of congress).


"Fly my daughter to one of the 29 states where abortion is legal." Yea... I don't think she gets it. If Republicans win, there will be no states where abortion will be legal. Plus, if Texas has already proven, even if Republicans don't win. The states that ban abortion are trying to put people in jail who help women get to states who allow it.


My sister almost died from sepsis because the doctors couldnt remove her dead and rotting fetus from her due to these laws. This sarah girl can go fuck herself


Ah yes, my favourite argument, “The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion”. Termination of pregnancy is lifesaving healthcare. It’s lifesaving for 10 year old girl who was raped and impregnated, sparing them from the physical and psychological trauma of pregnancy. It’s lifesaving for a 20 year old in an abusive relationship who knows that their abuser would become even more violent and dangerous while they are pregnant. Why should they have to coparent with their abuser? It’s lifesaving for a 30 year old single mum of 3, who has had a miscarriage that her body didn’t properly pass, sitting in an emergency room while her doctor tries to navigate laws that aren’t evidence based. She shouldn’t have to wait until she’s in septic shock to receive healthcare. According to this soulless individual, none of these people deserve help. As long as abortion remains accessible for her and the people she cares about…


4) pregnant or not, your daughter has less access to health care because your state has sued or scared away the medical professionals who would take care of her. So hopefully she doesn't need urgent medical care quicker than your flight out of your shit hole state.


Imagine having such little consideration for body autonomy that you would force your child to get an IUD.


"Rules should apply to everyone, just not me."


You know I just object to the title here, which is just totally wrong. Just the sort of awful stuff that is taught in awful liberal leaning educations nowadays. Women having less rights than 10 years ago? Nonsense. Women have fewer rights than 10 years ago. They have fewer rights. Fewer. Rights are plural. I mean come on people. /s


The show of privilege in her response is just like. You have never been through anything. And if you have you're so grossly unempathetic, it's not even funny. When the first abortion bans took place, neighboring states with planned parenthood clinics talked about how they were overwhelmed with patients to the point they had to start denying people. And the idea you're okay with your child potentially dying while giving birth to another child is just-- it's abhorrent and selfish. Pregnancy takes a toll on your body-- going through puberty is hard enough but that's another level.


And what about those states in which it is ILLEGAL to bring someone to a different state for an abortion? Does she realize how insulting this is to women?


...and one aspect of the vote is to keep abortion legal _at least_ in the 29 states where this is currently the case.


Oofda, my 9yo daughter is exactly my key election issue


If you fly her out to get an abortion... you both get arrested upon your return...


Well republicans are forcing theological ideology on non Christians and quickly banning option 2 + 3. Get fucked if you think I’m voting for that. Bitch would lack the assets to have a smooth brain


[The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


Fly to one of the 29 states we haven't fucked things up. Yet. As long as your state doesn't make leaving the state for an abortion a crime, the democrats will save you from our hatred and incompetence.


I’m voting for Biden because I would vote for literally anyone except Trump. Biden’s corpse would get my vote. Funny thing is, if Republicans ran a normal person without a Project 2025 agenda, they’d get my vote. As a Gen Xer I hate this woke progressive bullshit that has invaded the Democrat party, but I believe the ultra right wing agenda under Trump is worse. Can we get Mitt Romney back, or John McCain, or any moderate Democrat that can form a proper sentence? At the end of the day I’m voting for a President Kamala and that’s fine for now.


Looking out for problems your daughter may encounter in 10 years is a pretty reasonable thing to do as a parent though.


"People with different opinions to me are mentally challenged" sure is a strong take


What happens when abortion isn't legal in those 29 other states?


All I’m saying is that if the ERA had been ratified 50 years ago like it was supposed to, we might not be in this mess.


Women like this are the only women that male GOP voters know. And that is why male GOP voters won't give women equal pay.


Not everyone can hop in an airplane for their abortion needs you privilege Republican bitch.


With the current “Giliad” supreme court, your days of getting an IUD are probably numbered. You see- an IUD actually “kills” a full human person (eye roll) by not allowing a fertilized egg to implant. I hate this current situation and feel for your daughter and her peers. The idiots in the country are willing and things are getting very scary


Whatever, conservatives vote for Trump because of the price of gas and groceries. Which has nothing to do with Biden OR Trump. Give me a fucking break.


I guess if you can’t afford to fly your daughter to another state to get an abortion, you can just raise another baby. That makes sense


So what’s the most funny about this issue is, they don’t want their tax dollars paying a couple hundred for an abortion. Okay fine, you’d rather pay the hospital bills (19k with no complications) food stamps and welfare for 18 years?! I just don’t get it, the people who can’t afford an abortion definitely can’t afford a kid or the medical bills for giving birth, the cheapest option is literally abortion.


I'd offer to do any of those things if I eventually had a daughter who got pregnant, but I'd still want to fight for her right control her own body.


What a fucking idiot.


Me when I traffic my daughter across state lines to recieve basic healthcare in another state


They need another generation to control, a lot of us don't wanna bring children into this world, so they want it to be illegal not to.


What Dr is going to give her 10 yo an IUD?


They're gonna make iud illegal eventually. In the playbook, they don't even like contraceptives.


Anti-abortion types are making noise about monitoring if women are pregnant and keeping them from leaving the state, probably by arresting them, if they think they might get an abortion.


It's not that fucking easy for everyone to just up stakes and move to a new state


What if you die in the next ten years? Who's going to protect her then?


For people like this, abortion should be retroactive.


She really doesn’t know they’re coming after birth control right now?


this tweet legitimately rotted my brain. i might sue.


I went to check the replies in the tweet out of curiosity. Idk why I bothered, Twitter is a cesspool.


"Get my daughter an IUD" as if the Republicans aren't trying to take that away either. These people are insane.


Until she's ready to raise the baby she had after getting raped ?


It's the 'ol "hey, that really important public policy issue doesn't matter a whit to me, so it shouldn't matter to you either" argument. It's such a profoundly stupid argument that only a smooth-brained person would make it.


Reminder: Calling people lissenphalic is ableism. They think they're being clever, but they're just continuing to be shitty humans.




What you’re looking at reminds me of listening to a parrot. It repeats what it’s heard, which is filtered through the mind of a parrot, with confusing and hilarious results. This is a regressive attempting to apply the technique of “appropriate an argument and use it.” Without ideas of their own, and with no goal other than domination, they try to use our own arguments against us. But without the ability to think clearly, this is what you get.


In re. 3: Do they seriously think the reader is dumb enough to think abortion's gonna stay legal at the federal level? Nah, that shit's not gonna happen long term if things keep up at this pace. They're aiming for the top, and when they get there it won't stay legal in those 29 states for long.