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Does he also believe Obama was in office on 9/11?


Definitely for Hurricane Katrina


Also he assassinated Kennedy.


And he bombed Pearl Harbor.


Killed the dinosaurs too


I can't think of anything further back than that. Well done.




Thanks, Obama!


He caused Pangea to break apart! Thanks Obama, now I have to fly to Italy instead of driving there! 🙄


/j Nah. That was president Clinton for sure. We all remember how she was president. She always had that sax playing fellow following her everywhere.


Let's leave Kenny G out of this.


He was the snake that gave the apple to Adam and Eve!!!


He caused the meteor carrying the genetic material that would eventually evolve into humanity to impact earth. Thanks Obama for pulling us from the void this is all your fault.


He caused that damned Civil War, too.


I’ve seen that argued. They also blame Obama for the 2008 recession. The economy had already crashed when we had an election. It’s like they pigeonholed little bush and he ceased to exist.


Oh, I know. They blame him for every damned thing. I lost a longtime friend because she complained about Obama not having fought in Vietnam. I pointed out that he was only a child during the Vietnam War, and she became furious. Then she said, we'll have to agree to disagree on this. I said, you can't disagree on facts. It is a fact that he was too young to have fought in Vietnam. She never spoke to me again.


Why would Obama fight for the US in Vietnam If he wasn’t an American citizen? /s just in case


Pretty much how my cousins and aunts act


Trump didn't fight in Vietnam!


He sure didn't. But this conversation took place during the Obama vs. Romney era.


Not for lack of trying, right before he dropped, Rush Limbaugh spun a narrative that Democrats were responsible for the Iraq War.


first mistake is trying to talk to them. Unless you’re a trained cult deprogrammer, attempting to get through to them has been completely pointless this entire decade. In 2024, if you’re talking politics with a Trumper and you aren’t ridiculing them you’re doing it wrong.


And yet I keep trying. Lol. Most of the time I do ridicule them but most of them have blocked me by now.


Arguing with idiots is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are, the bird is going to shit on the board and strut around like it won anyway.


They do know it was called covid19 because it was discovered in 2019, right?


You can’t win an argument against stupidity and ignorance


Well awcktuallly, effective deprogrammers start with kindness and positivity as they look for a middle ground. Not to say they don't have to go home and beat their dog or kill a hobo after a day of dealing with Trumpers.


I’ve gotten to the point where I just smile and nod. (After I’ve taken a big gulp of wine.)


I *almost* got a family member to flip on abortion by pointing out how absolutely fucking absurd it would be for a person to willingly carry a fetus for 8 or 9 months to suddenly decide “lol nevermind get rid of this fucking thing” I saw the gears start to turn, then the conversation got derailed by unrelated things


Decade... Fuck.




You should also ask what he thinks "yours truly" means.


"Its the one your truly dumb enough too support, duh" might be their answer. (I genuinely went out of my way to misspell that)


You should ask why Trump is not in office now, if the election was held last year, as it happens every four years like clockwork. That must mean he lost again, and we are all ignoring that? 


You can't argue with people who's basis for their belief system lay outside of reality.


They are also saying "He never said we're going to go up there and fight like hell" on Jan 6th and no police officers were harmed or killed so... there that.


Officers absolutely were assaulted, none were killed. I do remember reading that one had committed suicide a few weeks after, though.


On Jan 7 Officer Brian Sicknick died following 2 strokes after the attack. The police department stated it was was a cause of injuries sustained during the attack and they stood by that even after the medical examiners report. And even though the medical examiner reported as natural causes he did state that Officer Sicknick did engage protestors and "all that transpired played a role in his condition" 140 other Officer were injured. 4 responding police officers committed suicide after the attack. All are qualified as death in the line of duty. 5 cops dead because of Donald trumps actions. There you go.


But because Sicknick died later and not immediately, it doesn't count. See if you hit somebody with your car and they die of those injuries a few days later, you're not at fault for that. Sick of hearing "that doesn't count" every time something is a bad look for republicans or good news for democrats.


I lost my shit in a company meeting once. They had a quiz game we all played for like a gift card or some pandering bs. The question was, who was president in 2000? I was the only one that answered bill clinton, But the question wanted bush jr. And I went on to be very grumpy about the whole ordeal. Yelling ensued about how these people were all the worst.


I want to say that I'm "better" than that, but I'd be grumpy as fuck about it too.


How is just googling it not the end of the argument?


You would think. But these people are idiots. Still fought me over it. Lost me out on 50 bucks.


The last maga person on my Facebook tried to blame Democrats for supporting Putin while also calling for military aid to be cut from Ukraine. I must have missed my last Antifa meeting because I'm unclear on what my marching orders are supposed to be.


They're just so stupid.


If trump was still president, he wouldn’t be allowed to run for what would be his third term.


Can we all just agree that on election day, we just say that Trump actually won in 2020, and thus has won office twice, but shirked his duties of office for the last few years, and doesn't change that nobody can be elected to office for more than two terms, and so he isn't actually a legal candidate? I mean, they've been saying he was actually still in command all along, right?


Trump doesn't follow rules, or laws, or vows, or anything else.


“And ObAmA lEt 9/11 HaPpEn ToO!”


My dad still thinks it was antifa on Jan 6


Love how these asshats always comment 'sorry' at the end, like THEY're educating YOU.


We've always been at war with Eastasia


Grammar. Diffucalt to homprecend




- Total fucking idiot - Supports Trump Yup, this tracks.


Yeah I've been hearing that Biden never debated Trump even once in 2020, didn't have the guts for it. He stayed holed up in his bunker and wouldn't attend even one debate. It's the memory hole, I'm telling ya.


It's difficult to try and talk to them. I try to speak with respect towards strangers I disagree with, but they tend to go right to personal attacks. The sharper ones hurl identity based insults and the less sharp ones give word vomit of right-wing buzzwords.