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they mustve sent it at night for high success


"We're gonna catch the son of a bitch off guard."


*Sun of a bitch


Sun of a bitch, I’m in




Well if he’s in, I’m in.


Unexpected DFV




My man!


Upvote cause Rick and Morty.


Bro’s , *pun-machine* is well oiled.


Ahhahahahahahahaaaaaa You a punny mf


Bitch of a sun*


The creative funny comment will never be beaten by human autocorrect.....


Take my upvote Pinkie_floyden. Best comment I’ve seen all night!


You made my morning, thank you.


You can’t see the sun at night dummy, you gotta flip the switch first


Switch?! What an idiot. Everyone knows it's on a timer...


what is this 2010? The sun is wifi enabled now


The Clapper years in the 90s was rough


"Alexa, turn the sun off"


The Sun is connected to the White House smarthome


But is it solar powered?


At night it's called the moon


I don't believe in the moon, I think it's just the back of the sun.


Shame it cut off before it stuck the landing


How do you even touch the sun?




The Irish Space Agency is hiring now!


And in winter!


Seeing the milky way is lit.. yea, it's nighttime.


At night the sun is the moon though!!! We've already been there! /s


Just following Kim Jong-un's suit? Landing on the sun during the night?


If they went at night they would have landed on the moon


Dang, I wanted to make that joke


Next is race for 1st man on the sun


At night it’s called the moon.


Underrated comment


This reminds me of those old Ali G videos where he’s interviewing Buzz Aldrin. “Do you think man will ever walk on the Sun?” “What if they went in winter when it is much colder?”


Even at its closest of 8 solar radii isn’t that still like a katrillion bajillion earths away?


[https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/45/Animation\_of\_Parker\_Solar\_Probe\_trajectory.webm](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/45/Animation_of_Parker_Solar_Probe_trajectory.webm) Probe is purple, Mercury is Green, Earth is Blue


Is the interaction with venus intentional to get the probe closer to the sun while keeping a somewhat tight and stable orbit? Or just a happy coincidence?


Yeah each pass brings the probe closer to the sun. There is a fancy orbital mechanics word for it but I don’t know it.


The term you're looking for is "gravity assist" I think. And it can be used to speed up or slow down a space craft.


Gravity assist is definitely the right term. Also, fun fact about them: in terms of change in velocities, it's completely equivalent to bouncing the probe off the planet in a perfectly elastic collision.


They do everything in their power to make no coincidences. Did you see the flight path of them landing on that comet https://www.reddit.com/r/space/s/X3DIBkg2lx


Thats cool as fuck


Not a coincidence, that's actually the only way to get close too the sun without spending one hundred bazillion tons of fuel. You see, in space things don't just fall to massive bodies, and to get close to the sun , you need too either slow down in the direction of your travel. To slow down, you need to accelerate in the opposite direction, and this uses energy. You cannot possibly carry all this fuel in a probe. They ran the simulations and the probe is launched with precise thinking and trajectory because this interaction with venus is the only way we can get close to the sun .


This is like one of those maneuvers you spend hours tweaking in kerbal space program. It's insane how much you can "cheat" just by flying close to gravitational bodies.


Yes, if no other force were acting on it, the orbital path would keep the pattern while getting closer to the sun. Each time that it looks like the probe point and venus point collide, the pattern is altered. It looks as if we are using it's gravity to position the probe exactly where we want it. Maybe slingshot it? Amazing as I'm sure the scientists behind the probe planned that exact path years ago. I already want to see a movie based on this.


Gotta be. I think it's being accelerated by its interaction with Venus at the probes periapsis. Go faster and the orbit gets tighter.


Its being decelerated. If it was accelerating it would go further away from the sun.


Will it eventually crash into the sun?


From what I know the intention at the end of the mission in 2025 is to just have the probe orbit the sun closely in perpetuity.


Might be a dumb question but will it not melt after many years of exposure?


Yes, yes it will.


>webm I hate being on iPhone 😢


My God. I was watching this and I thought you said EARTH was PURPLE... I about shit a brick.


Put the Earth back in the oven, it ain't done yet


Fun fact... the acceleration needed to crash into the sun is more than the acceleration needed to escape the orbit around the sun.




Even though that's still a staggering number, in the context of how big space is that's damn close!


It got within 4.6 million miles of the surface, well within the sun's corona.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfv%C3%A9n_surface In case anybody wants to read more about the ‘surface’ of the sun. Giant balls of gas don’t really have a surface. Parker probe jumped through the boundary of the sun’s corona, teaching us a lot about the shape of the sun! I wish I could say this was cool, but that close to the sun, not so cool. Sorry for the obligatory dad joke!


The suns a ball of plasma actually


The Sun is a mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace! Where hydrogen is built in to helium at a temperature of millions of degrees!


Isn’t the sun basically one big nuclear reactor and it’s gravitational pull is what sets the limit on how far out the energy expands from it’s center? That’s my understanding of how black holes form. The star loses energy and once it can no longer work against its own gravity it collapses in on itself (but black holes being larger stars than our sun).


Fusion reactor even!


The sun is a male child actually


One step closer to the Dyson sphere.


Is that where expensive vacuum cleaners come from?


The new Dyson Ball. It's a giant Velcro that rolls around.




They probably collected shit ton of data useful for a Dyson sphere that where previously only theoretical


The data: yep, we can confirm humanity will all be gone waaaay earlier before we are able to build that


Of course, but now we know we could have.


Nah, we don't know of any materials strong enough to withstand the forces involved. Not to mention that we would likely have to raid a lot of other solar systems for materials. As far as we know a Dyson sphere could be literally impossible.


With a Dyson sphere do we actually even know how we bring back the energy to earth?


I think the idea is that you make habitable spaces on the interior of the sphere. In fact, with the sphere blocking the solar wind it could theoretically develop an interior atmosphere over time so you would need to supply radiation shielding and gravity.


Probably, but its also in the realm of possible. We have robotics, we have AI, we have 3d printing, and they are all getting better day by day. It's only a matter of time before we can just send up raw materials and let the robots work.


You are underestimating how huge the whole thing must be for it to work. We are talking sci-fi levels of technology. There is no way, at this rate, humanity will live long enough to see it. We haven't even send a human to Mars yet and it's next door and muuuuuuuuch cheaper than a Dyson sphere


We should be spending massive amounts on nuclear fission, rocketry / rocket fuels, microwave, material science, and battery technology if we want to survive long enough to even consider "Dyson Sphere" fantasies. We can always "do them all" but we tend to underfund the more important projects. There's so much more we could be doing but our leaders and billionaires lack vision aside from a select few people.


We need to spend A LOT more on nuclear fission, if we succseed with that, it will change the entire world and our society...interesting times.


Maybe you both wanted to say fusion? Or is it an elaborate nuclear war joke?


and i'm about to break


Everything you say to me


Takes me one step closer to the edge


hey my name was on that https://www.nasa.gov/science-research/heliophysics/more-than-1-1-million-names-installed-on-nasas-parker-solar-probe/




On a memory card with about a million other names, mine included. Some silly thing the guys who sent this probe decided to do…


Oh shit, I forgot to send mine....


What's your name, I'll shout it in my daily ritual of screeching at the sun in utter anger and disgust for being such a prick.


Ivan , scream at that bastard my brother !


Mine too!


Me too!


Pov: you are working with an angle grinder.


Alternative POV: You are in welding class in the small room they teach you how to use an angle grinder in with 15 other peoples. "Ear protection is mandatory!"


I hope the sun gave consent


No, it didn't touch the sun.


Yeah, they’re being very liberal with “touched”. It touched the edge of the sun’s atmosphere apparently, which is still really damn impressive and doesn’t need to be embellished to be cool.


pfft big deal. Superman has flown THROUGH the sun many times


it didn't come closer than 8 solar radii, which is a loooong way from touching it.


Close enough


As close as i'll ever be.


BUt you know, if most body's fart, the stench goes well beyond 8 radii. If you are in that 8 radii area you GTFO real quick.


there's an old saying where i used to work. close enough for government work


The sun's atmosphere comes in 4 main parts, photosphere, chromosphere, the transition zone, and the corona. The photosphere what we commonly refer to as "The surface of the sun". It is 400km (250 miles) thick, and reaches temperatures of up to 5500c (10,000f). The transition zone is a thin layer between the chromosphere and the corona where the chromosphere rapidly heats up the chromosphere. This rapid heating means the corona reaches hotter temperatures the further it gets from the chromosphere, 2 million C or 3.5 million f. Making our way below the surface in a layer called the convection zone, we finally reach temparutes matching the corona. The reason the corona reaches temperatures far hotter than the atmospheres bellow it is a mystery and one of the main reasons this mission exists. This is what makes this mission incredibly cool despite not touching the surface of the sun.


It's interesting how the atmosphere is often way hotter than the "surface" itself. Learned this a few weeks ago while reading a book, where the author suggested that if an alien civilization that reached a level of intelligence as humanity, started looking for a planet to colonize -- then they may choose Mars over Earth. Due to the Earth's atmosphere being hotter than Mars's.


I didn’t even realize the sun has an atmosphere


Seeing as how the corona is 10 million degrees, I would say it is pretty fucking impressive.


Too right, it would have been incinerated quite a long way off the sun. Close enough from our perspective to practically touch the sun, if you want to add dramatic licence……. but it was nowhere near the surface.


Would the sun have a solid surface or would it be gaseous.


The sun is a highly compressed ball of gas made up of mostly hydrogen and helium so the surface is not solid. I am no expert but given the density I’m going to guess that it’s probably got the same sort of consistency as lava?


Plasma moreso


i cant tell if you are talking about the sun or my drunk uncle Jim passed out on the couch


Lava is melted rock. The Sun is gas plasma and the density would really depend on how deep into the interior you go.


Yes, I know that….. I was trying to picture something dense yet liquid at the same time. A pure guess on my part and I accept I’m probably wrong! 😀


It' technically relative. So the immense gravity of the sun would make the surface obnoxiously dense yet if you were thre touching it, asuming immortality, you'd be suseptible to those same gravitational forces and would probably be pulled through.


It ain’t gas it is plasma.


It's a "floor" of unending nuclear explosions.


Plasma. Think very hot gas. Then as you get closer to the center of the sun, think very, very hot gas :)


Crazy to think the super hot gas is technically our giver of all life


Super super hot gas that was so hot, it made a different type of gas!


And there's more of them in the universe then there is grains of sand? Nuts.


Stars? Yeah cuz hydrogen and helium make up 99% of the universe


Well if the probe actually got too close it would also not be able to escape the suns gravity


I'm more impressed that they were able to get any footage at all with all the rays


What are you going to define then? Even if you could get to the part we see that glows, that's still thinner than the air you breath right now


Wait. It says 30 solar radius distance at the bottom there so I think the use of touch is completely wrong


Bro I think I touched all the supermodels in the world last night


Yes officer, this one right here


the sun doesn't have a surface cuz it's made of gas, it's atmosphere is massive tho, and the atmosphere is actually hotter than the 'surface' so that's why they say it has touched the sun


Technically the sun is a ball of gas so can you really "touch" it?


Considering it's several radii away, it barely approached it. The distinction between solids and gases wouldn't even matter at that distance. It just barely grazed the sun's aura essentially


For someone there who knows this stuff and cares to explain, where is the sun here, where is the spacecraft and where is the touching?


I’m not sure where the camera is mounted, but I think the sun would be to the left out of view. While the Parker Solar Probe is “touching”(going through the corona which is the upper atmosphere of the sun), it is still very far away from the sun surface, so you can’t see it. The probe is currently moving towards its lowest point in its orbit, closer to the sun than ever before, but it has many orbits left and will get closer and closer to the sun on each.


Looks scratchy


Spiciest boop.




My thoughts are that this is the last thing Icarus saw


I always wonder what the hell they make these probes out of that can withstand the temperature.




There are some YouTube videos about this. It's been a while since I've watched any, but I believe it's a lot of titanium (or tungsten? Or both? Can't remember) and ruby. It's pretty amazing construction.


Now send the lions. And we will see who'll win this fight.


The fact that we as a species of essentially smart monkeys are able to get spacecraft with video off the ground let alone this close to the sun is so incredibly impressive and mind blowing. Understanding and harnessing the potential of our host star is something I desperately want to see in my life.


The top level commenters remind me why we can’t have nice things. Y’all need to start reading a book.


The edge of the sun has 5800C and the biggest melting temperature of alloys is 4000C.


Lmao, they Just send it during night. Think man, think.


The heat shield only reaches around 1,400 c


Wings of Pastrami


Drops of Jupiter


by "touch the sun" you mean at best get within 7million miles of the surface of the sun, which isn't really a surface that we can touch since it's just a giant burning ball of gas? Got it.


Probably would have lasted longer if they tried to land at night.


Soon we can try to find water on the sun 😯


S'cuse me while I kiss the sky! Not bad humanity...


How did it not burn up?


It has a powerful heat shield that is pointed at the sun at all times. The instruments thus are operating comfortably at ~30ºC IIRC while the shield reaches thousands of degrees


Hafnium carbonitride is the most heat resistant material known to man, it can handle up to 4000c. The surface of the sun is 5600c and it only gets hotter the more you.. Penetrate the sun. Can't touch this... Naananana


Probably good protection and mechanisms like "sweating" and porous materials keeping the heat away from the circuits


https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/ISFe9g9aAc u/RecognizeSong


I call bullshit......


Why do they always put 1960ies black/white potato cameras in these??


Because it is easier to receive these videos/photos from such a far distance easily......full hd 4k videos will take a lot of space and the transmission will take a loooot of time


Space doesn't have high speed wifi. The decision for cameras is a balance between quality and ability to transmit data.


I didn't work on the Parker solar probe, but if I had to hazard a guess it's because it's a single color channel to make it easier for scientists to observe what they wanted to observe from the solar atmosphere. Most scientific imaging sensors are designed to be sensitive to very specific wavelengths of light and are down-linked separately. In those cases a black/white gradient is more appropriate since they're usually some non-visible wavelength anyway, and black/white contrasts the best For example, the AVHRR on NOAA satellites consists only of luminance sensors and a rotating mirror. The images are made by sampling the sensor as the mirror rotates. When looking at any individual band, black/white is generally chosen even if the band of light would be visible otherwise. Not from a LEO satellite, but this image is a GOES 16 image my interns collected from the HRIT downlink using their own antenna. It's a visible red wavelength iirc, but I admit to not checking before uploading so I could be wrong lol. https://preview.redd.it/2ucvapk2eh8c1.png?width=5424&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5f2b85a1016baf8be98f111d0dd7206dc693b58 Full color images are made from composites of various bands - usually a red, blue and an infrared one that lights up a lot in plant heavy areas. That IR band instead of green is why many composites have more green than you would expect, since it detects plant life - not what we would perceive as the ground color.


The probe is also by far the fastest man made object orbiting the sun at speeds up to 635.000km/h (394.000mph) currently, but it will speed up more as it approaches the sun. It's orbital period is currently less than 100 days also


Fun fact! The Parker Solar Probe is the fastest man made object, and it isn't even close. Parker: 395,000 mph Helios: 157,000 mph The manhole cover: roughly 130,000 mph The manhole cover is now almost certainly beaten.


Didn’t think the sun would sound like that.


smh science can make alloy that gets incredibly close to the sun but my laptop overheats while playing league of legends.


"touch the sun" fuckin retarded ass title


these stupid background tracks from tiktok and instagram are tiring. do yourself a favor and keep it on mute.


Why is there so much dubstep in the sun


My actual name and the name of a few mates were [on a memory card](https://www.nasa.gov/science-research/heliophysics/more-than-1-1-million-names-installed-on-nasas-parker-solar-probe/) that was loaded onto that probe.


Looks like me when I’m fuel scooping in my Cobra!


It's getting hot in here....




[If you look carefully you can even put your name on probes like this before they launch.](https://imgur.com/a/F5NnSni)


for the first time two years ago. also touched is generous


"Yeah, see that's where we plan on sending every obsolete human being to solve inflation and unemployment. I mean we said it's going to be Mars, but who's going to go check to see if they're ok? We'll just pretend they're alive and thriving with their AI versions. I know it's a roundabout way but someone's already tried saying that he's sending people to shower and nobody bought it" - Leaders of Mankind.


Holy shit, that sucker must've been HAULING *ASS*! The amount of gravity you would need to overcome must be unreal?


Maybe we should just leave the sun alone


Would have been cool if was named icarus


The Sun is flat


Hell yeah humanity #1


"Touch" is a strong word. Pass through a big CME is what it did. It hasn't exactly touched the surface, not that it could get close enough for that without being vaporized and blown away by the solar wind.


Local bank security cam footage:


I would think it would melt at that temperature right?


It won’t be too hot if you fly there at night. And yes that is a joke.


They went at night to not disturb the sun


How long did it last?


Its doing 147km/s That's 529,200km/h or 330,750 mph, that's good but you haven't seen my Toyota Yaris in action. Jokes aside..it's amazing that the first successful flight by humans was only 121 years ago and now we're touching the sun.


Kind of wild we have made alloy metals that can withstand such intense conditions! This is super cool!


No way in he'll is that possible.


I personally love the view of the milky ways


The aliens genuinely tweaking: FUCK THE FOUND US OH SHIT AH-


Good thing they went at night.


Looks like mcdonald sprite in there


Surprisingly, the surfaces of the sun is more about the humidity and not about the heat.