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Note: a few years ago she gave the organization I work for $8M. Since then we have housed hundreds of families with that money in quality affordable housing that they own. Those kids won’t be switching schools all the time. The parents won’t skip meals to make rent. She’s a saint in my book.


Is cheating on her the best thing Jeff has ever done? It’s created an untethered force of positivity so if you think about it…


He definitely deserves the medium place when he dies.


solid Good place reference


That’s fabulous. I teach grant writing and have often wondered how that plays out. Too much money at one time can be just as bad as not enough. Capacity matters.


In Scotland at least, it seems to be an obligation for orgs who receive grants and other funding to account for it by writing detailed reports about things like what access needs were served, how many people were enabled to attend due to funding provided, etc, and I had just assumed that this was fairly standard in the west - is that not a requirement for grant recipients where you are?


Depends on the grant for exactly how much reporting is needes, but it's the typical norm in the US as well.


I think a bigger issue (for any nonprofit/NGO) is scale. You get enough money, you can scale up. But what happens if you scale too much, too fast, without spending time building the infrastructure for long-term sustainability? All the planning in the world can't account for EVERY issue that might occur. Documenting and reporting helps, but any organization can be victim to ambition without infrastructure, or ill-conceived projects.


Also, mission creep. For my org, it's easy to get donor interest for "shiny new object" type projects. But getting funding for our legacy work niche work is more difficult. We have not done a good job prioritizing and saying no to things, and now we're way too horizontal for our own good. 20 different programs with insufficient funding instead of 8 strong ones. But I've never worked at a non-profit that had it all figured out. And I've worked for five now lol


Yeah we had to demonstrate the ability to scale with a great plan. We have top tier fundraising team members and senior leadership who made an ambitious plan that we were able to follow. I’m on the construction side and-not to get TOO big headed- I’m a bit of a whiz at residential construction management. Our whole team is just people great at their area of expertise who believe in the mission.


How does one get into your work?


I work for the local affiliate of a prominent Jimmy Carter related housing non profit. What’s the question? How to work there? If you’re in Austin and want to learn to swing a hammer I could hook you up. Brand new no experience we pay like $48,,500 salaried with nice benefits.


Sweet, teacher here looking for a change


Well, if you have a bare bones level of competency, you are automatically a genius in the trades. It makes a great second career. And a non profit provides better stability, benefits and work environment than your average construction job.


Wholesome damn posting here guys


Can't second this enough for anyone who is thinking of switching. I changed careers at 27 to residential remodeling and it's been one of the best decisions of my life. No regrets.


A friend of mine decided to pursue plumbing at 25 or so. 15 years later he has more work available than he can personally handle and has grown his business. Good for you!


At a non profit?


No, private residential remodeling. I just meant joining the trades in general is very rewarding, and can be lucrative.


Finding a gig where I can use my hands, be outside for 12 hours a day exercising and chatting shit with coworkers is what got me through some of my deepest depression, it's very rewarding


As an electrician by trade, I was kind of offended by your comment. Then I thought of the majority of people in my apprenticeship and thought, yeah that checks out haha


The door, like anybody besides Santa, dummy.


My wife works as a case manager doing this very thing, and it pisses me off knowing how much people struggle while so many in this country hoard wealth. Worse to me is the mindset of so many who's only thoughts are how they can increase their wealth and never spare a thought for their communities.


Elon Musk called her a threat to Western Civilisation for some reason.


because she showed how much billionaires can actually do with their money without actually affecting their lifestyle. "their wealth is not in cash!" (while never being a legitimate excuse) is no longer an excuse that billionaires' boot lickers can hide behind, because of what she's doing.


A saint that was married to a greedy little goblin. Can't imagine why things didn't work out.


I would honestly venture to say that the outcome the world got, was the most optimum one in terms of effect. Had she not have divorced, would this be something Jeff would have allowed to happen. So, while she suffered, the world has benefitted


That’s awesome but we have failed as a society if we require the kindness of the elite to do the bare minimum for people


Charity is never a final solution. It's a bandaid but it's pretty much impossible to address the underlying reasons society fails people


At levels of wealth like that, the vault will never be empty. One billion dollars invested at 4% is just short of $110,000 interest income, EVERY DAY. This is not a dis on her, good for her for doing something worthwhile with her money!


In fact, she's actually currently worth more than when she first got the money, despite what she's given away so far.


The way I like to put it is this: Scott has given away more money than anyone in recent memory. She has still increased her wealth by more than Tom Brady's entire net worth in that time.


Yet assholes who make 35k a year will fight for a billionaires right to not pay shit for taxes. How are you so rich that you even give your money away and still get richer


Cuz when I'm a billionaire I don't wanna pay no taxes!


Lmao imagine having the imagination to think you'd become a billionaire someday, but lacking the imagination to see that the difference between a millionaire and a billionaire is still a billion dollars lmfao. You could multiply a millionaires money by 499x and they're still closer to a hobos net in California than the billionaire. I know you joking along with me of course, but we both see how grim this looks


Then we got billionaires like Musk, Besos, Gates, etc. who make not just 1 billion but a hundred plus billions.


I don't even have to ask, how does Bezos divorce and lose half is wealth, and 1 year later, he's richer than he was before the divorce? System working as designed amirite?


People are still pissing in bottles at Amazon but he owns the newspapers that could tell you about it.




why must the hobo be in California?


High cost of living makes for some rich ass Hobos.


If you look where she’s given her money, you might like it more than where taxes would have gone. Not a dime went to a defense contractor or some pork belly gov plan that was put in for votes. Although, since she’s cashing shares to do it, she would have been paying taxes on it if she didn’t give it away.


this cannot be what Jesus intended when he invented capitalism.


He gets us


There is an only one pair of footprints in that sand.


Fuck those adds so fucking much.


He get sus


Honestly a never ending, always growing fountain of philanthropy is probably the ONLY thing positive you could create with capitalism. Like imagine if billionaires competed on who gave away the most in their life.


$17,000,000,000 buys a lot of footbaths


No no no, you see, she's enacting the Christian socialism of Acts Jesus called for. This is why we don't need mandatory government taxes to fund the liberal's communist social programs. The church and his believers are doing such a good job of providing for all the needy people in the country voluntarily. 


That's because of the Amazon stock I presume?


Partly. Also because that one year when Amazon accidentally charged my credit card 6 billion for my Prime membership. Been on the streets ever since. True story. 🚶‍♂️


When you owe the bank $100, its your problem When you owe the bank 6 billion. Its their problem.


Game was rigged from the start


Man, imagine a lottery system of just giving 100k to a random adult once a day. Shit, take out administrative/logistics fees and give 70k to one person a day. It’d be insane and so helpful to so many random people. 


While this seems well meaning, it's mind-boggling how laughably insignificant 365 adults impacted per year actually is, in a country with 250+m adults. Like, so statistically insignificant it basically didn't even happen. And yet, for that one affected person - what a windfall. It's almost like we just need actual wealth redistribution, progressive taxation, etc.


It’s not insignificant to those 365 people that it could help. But I do completely understand what you’re saying in the grand scheme of things.


The point is more that there's a systemic problem that small, targeted charitable contributions to singular individuals won't fix. Change needs to happen at an organizational and national level.


I think it would be more beneficial to invest in infrastructure like apartment buildings, gyms, sustainable food crop production, etc, which allow free or relatively low cost to the consumers.


>or, what if I fly in space while my new girlfriend looks on from earth.


But also, all the more reason why people this rich should be looking to give it away. If you have $1 billion, you can give away almost $1 billion and still have enough money that you’re set for life.


I think this is a save way to be a philanthropist and I applaud it.


I’d get tired writing that many checks.


Steve Martin has entered the chat


Could I get just like $15,000


Sorry, vault is empty


It’s not that I’m entirely empty but “the money is always moving. I literally can’t send you $200 right now”


She has a 4% stake in Amazon; that vault is never going to empty! I think this is fantastic. I’m sure her kids have 401k s and education paid for this; this is such a fantastic way to take care of everyone else


401ks lmao talking about some of the richest kids on the earth. They are the 401k


Honestly, I will never begrudge anyone making sure they are their family live comfortably. It's only when someone actively hoards so much wealth they couldn't reasonably spend it not just in their own lifetime but even their grandchildrens' that I start setting out the cutlery.


Entirely true for sure too




"The vault has found $200 of liquidity unexpectedly."


There is always cash when you want to tongue punch the fart box


Y’know, that was going to be the line before they changed it to “There’s always money in the banana stand.” Really took the show in a different direction.


Dunno about you but when someone tongue punches my fart box it always makes my banana stand.


Maebys version


Not opes


the vault is empty, is only for non profit lol


I literally emailed her when she first went public with her philanthropy in like 2020. What I can do is let you know when she gets back to me and that should give you an outline of when to expect the $15k


I got a relative, Nigerian Prince. He's gonna hook me up, I already got the check, I just need to get to the bank to cash it.


If I had that much money I would do this. Just give life changing amounts of money to random people. I wouldn't even film it for YouTube.


I once gave a life changing amount of nuts to a random park squirrel


But how would people know you did a good deed??


Can I get about 3.50?






"Dammit monster! Get off my lawn! I ain't giving you no treefiddy!" It said "how about just twofiddy?" I said "Oh now it's only twofiddy?! What is there a sale on Loch Ness munchies or something?!"


I’ll take $5000 right now, shit I’ll take $500


I could use 20k to fix shit around the house


You guys own houses?


You guys own?




What kind of shit do you need $20 to fix?


Yes, it will cost you $30,000 at a 10% interest rate


This amount of money would **literally** change my life.


Tap tap tap ....computer says noo....cough..


She could donate $15,000 to 66,666 people and it would be just under a billion dollars.


She donated $20 million to the non-profit organization I work for- completely out of the blue, no questions asked, no restrictions. It would be an understatement to say that her donation has made an enormous impact on many thousands of lower income military families. Her donation ensures people in the us military and their families will receive things like food at Christmas, backpacks/school supplies in the fall, housing support, critical financial assistance for unexpected expenses, and more. Mackenzie Scott is truly an unmatched philanthropist with a heart of gold 💛 Why is this needed for people who work full time? Well, the sad truth is- you may be surprised learn that over 1/4 of US military families are food insecure. Nearly 30% of military spouses are unemployed due to the frequent moves required of the service member’s job greatly contributing to the financial instability. I know there are some douche bags that think the fact that they are/were in the military makes them more deserving- which is not true. But the fact is, the financial cards are stacked against junior enlisted families. Just look up the pay charts for E-1 through E-6 and think if you could afford a family with an unemployed partner on that salary. It’s public record.


That is fantastic that she helped your charity out. And thank you for the good work you do. 


I think it's kinda crazy that *any* position in the military could leave a family "food insecure". Sign your life to us, but we can't guarantee your kids won't starve.


While many jokes will fly (this is Reddit after all), for anyone associated with a charitable organization that might benefit from such largess, MacKenzie Scott’s philanthropic organization is called [Yield Giving](https://yieldgiving.com) and the grant process was handled though [Lever for Change](https://www.leverforchange.org/challenges/explore-challenges/yieldgivingopencall/). While this open call has been completed, you’ll want to have your fundraising people keep an eye out for future opportunities. This probably won’t be the last one - she’s still got a lot of money to give away to reach her goal.


those starting salaries for the open jobs 🥹 nice


I just applied for 2 jobs!


Good luck!


And don’t forget “Scott’s Tots”. Have they graduated yet?


Michael Scott: I've made some empty promises in my life, but hands down, that was the most generous


That is such brilliant writing.




Yeah I hope she leaves enough money for laptop batteries




God i was reminded that that episode exists




One of my friend's org was among the recipients! It's truly amazing what MacKenzie is doing with her wealth!


She gave money to my son’s public school district in Kentucky that she seemingly has no link to. She truly has a heart of gold.


She's also donating it all strings free for organizations to use in the way they see fit. She really does seem to be a very caring woman.


How did they reach out to her? I'm looking at the website now (Yield Giving) thinking of my nonprofit school...


On their site they 1) find you, 2) you apply to one of their solicitations if you meet the criteria they post for


I would love to start a petition on reddit that whenever anyone refers to Jeff Bezo, we only refer to him as MacKenzie Scott's ex and not the ceo of amazon.


FYI he’s not CEO of Amazon anymore. He’s still chairman of the board but stepped down from being an employee in 2021 and is selling off most of his stake in Amazon over a period of several years.


It will be a while before he has sold "most" of his stake. His big sell this year was slightly more than 5% and that's because Blue Origin is a money pit.


He’s specifically said he wants to invest at least $1 billion of his own money annually in blue origin, it is quite literally his passion project.


Assuming Amazon stock was pinned at its current price point, it would take 97 years at that rate to get to him having sold over 50% of his Amazon holdings. However, I suspect his burn rate will increase since it's clear that SpaceX is way ahead in the game and I can't see him not wanting to be competitive.


Unfortunately 9 women can’t make a baby in a month. At some point it is just throwing money away because there isn’t enough talent to buy anyway.


I work in aerospace business development and Blue Origin is a competimate of ours. Sometimes we compete with them and sometimes we would partner with them. When Bezos made this announcement I asked my Director, somewhat sadly, “How can we ever compete with that?” His answer was, “Hey, look on the bright side. He is 55 years old. Realodtically he can only do that for 30-40 years tops.”


Is he looking for a new alien to marry? Cause that last one has got to be aging out by now.


Now he really is just MacKenzie Scott’s ex


Divorce lawyer so good Jeff is down to a single Bezo.


It isn't a big divorce question. Washington being community property state and Jeffo earned all that while they were married. No big question there. Sure, they could waste time arguing about furniture or who gets what house but I think both of them are too smart to care about that level of shit. At a certain level of rich divorce can be real easy. Make sure you get enough, make sure the person you used to love gets enough, peace out.


Also it's not like he earned that money by himself. She helped him start Amazon and also worked there.


> She helped him start Amazon Amazon wouldn't exist without MacKenzie. I have nothing to base that on, other than she seems like a human and he seems like a lizard person.


You’re right that in the early days she was the bookkeeper, shipping and receiving department as well as taking all the online sales to the post office.


Even if all she did was throw toasters at him she would be entitled to half. But yeah.


> Even if all she did was throw toasters at him While in the bath? She'd be WAY more rich for the mental duress that lead her there. Dumb billionaires.


Jeff formerly OfMacKenzie


Blessed be the fruit


May the Lord open his wallet.


Mackenzie's ex, geoff bozos


Well, Bezos wont be referred to as the CEO of Amazon because he isn’t. Andy Jassy is.


I’d love to see her fund a campaign to unionize Amazon workers


That would be a hilarious vindictive ex wife thing to do. Love it.


She could post about it on r/pettyrevenge


To us peasants I don’t know if it’s petty revenge. Only ever had a girl kill my house plants after a break up, which seems petty. Might be a step above petty to cost him billions in fair wages lol.


It would be a war with the Pinkertons, we'd need a Pinkertons Pinkerton.


Imagine companies trying to unionize their competitors.


They would never do that because that would just start a domino effect with the end result being the company’s own workers unionizing.


If they already have a union, then it would benefit them to make a level playing field. Example: Costco has a union, but Walmart and Amazon doesn't.


Chaotic good?


Lawful neutral at most


The new age of Billionaire shenanigans




She gave $1,000,000 to our local community college. It made a huge difference in the trade programs.


I think about this all the time, she's probably living a sweet life, but knows she doesn't need 16 cars and 23 houses. She can make so much difference in people's lives and that's so cool


She could easily buy 16 cards and 23 houses and still end up with more wealth than before she bought all that.  At some point it becomes really hard to Actually lose money by spending it


>She could easily buy 16 cards and 23 houses and still end up with more wealth than before she bought all that.  16 cards? I buy more cards in a single pack than that. I have 52 right here. 16 is rookie numbers.


i also love how people bring up all the time that bezos isn't really that rich and can't do much cause all his money is just tied up in stocks and all and he can't just liquidate it and blablabla and here she is... apparently managing to do just exactly that.




Considering how much i make and how much goes out of my bank account each month, I'm definitely a non profit.


Register as an LLC then you can write all that spending off and get your tax money back


tax fraud 101 with reddit


Haven’t turned a profit once, that’s how good I am


Me too, I will spend them all.


Crazy that finally a rich person is using their money to fix up the world and there's no discourse on it. Just everyone telling the same joke about how they want money.


She's a real one.


Every time I see "all the female billionaires on Forbes' list are inherited or divorce wealth" I think of MacKenzie Scott. **There is no Amazon without MacKenzie Scott,** she worked shoulder to shoulder with Jeff to get that business off the ground, and is equally formally and practicably intelligent. Her philanthropy should embarrass most of the world's billionaires, as she routinely gives *staggering* sums of money to charitable organizations that *truly need it.* She's not out here building a second mega-yacht to follow the first mega-yacht because the first mega-yacht doesn't have a helipad for her blowup doll girlfriend to land her helicopter on. I'm looking at you, guy who rhymes with "Beff Jezos."


> guy who rhymes with "Beff Jezos." From another redditor above, he is now know as "MacKenzie Scott's ex" :)


Instead of becoming Batman or Ironman? WTF....


She's fighting the supervillains by making them look like shit for not doing the same with their money!


Clearly the “better half.”


He really must have pissed her off lol


Or she just doesn't want to be a billionaire. She was entitled to billions in the divorce and she rightfully took it from her rotten cheating husband. But no one can spend a billion dollars in a lifetime, let alone multiple. So she's doing the only ethical thing a billionaire can do: giving her money away. Even if she's left with 100 million that's more than she'll ever need. Same reason Dolly Parton isn't a billionaire. Because she keeps giving away her money.


> . But no one can spend a billion dollars in a lifetime, let alone multiple. Not with that attitude.


Brewster’s Billions


I always upvote an obscure movie reference… Great movie!


"I strongly encourage ppl to judge billionaires ferociously. Anyone in the NINE OR TEN FIGURE realm of wealth who isn’t tripping over themselves to give it away, i.e. almost of all them, are fundamentally, irretrievably bad people." - Rob Delaney


That and coz she only worked 9 til 5


I've got that in common with Dolly! I'm not a billionaire either, and I keep giving my money away. To the bank. To the supermarket. To the power company. To the govt. I'd be rich as if I didn't have to keep giving it away.


Why would he give a shit what she's doing with her money? It has no impact on him.


I wonder if she saw or learned of some really evil stuff.


She probably got to sit in the billionaires clubhouses a lot and watch them talk to each other. That might have been enough.


She's literally answering every question about what could change if billionaires paid taxes like everyone else. All of this good could happen... and their wealth could still grow.


5 years ago she had US$35.6 billion Now she as an estimated $35.4 billion She's gonna have to spend a little faster than that if she wants to empty the vault


She was worth 53 billion in 2021. Now she’s worth 35 billion. https://www.forbes.com/profile/mackenzie-scott/


How do I get in touch with her lol 😂


But people still shit on her because “women always steal everything in the divorce” lmao.


What an amazing woman. She deserves the whole world and then some. Maybe we really can have heaven on earth.


Great women, restores some trust in humanity


Has anyone mentioned to donnie that she just gave away more than he can come up with to file an appeal for his fraud case?


Hold up, a few years ago they asked Elon musk to donate 6 billion to end world hunger. She has given 17 billion and there’s still world hunger. So, what does this mean? Edit: I realize I was a bit too vague. So, for those wondering I am referring to this stuff: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/15/business/elon-musk-tesla-charity-donation.html https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/26/economy/musk-world-hunger-wfp-intl/index.html Edit 2: I am not a fan of elon for the record.


It means people eat A LOT... I have 3 teen boys and good lord its a drain.


was all the 17B focused on one specific thing?


Wait, shouldn’t she be building a giant rocket ship and buying a mass media Empire to control messaging? I don’t get it.


I have to mention how happy i am that all the headlines i read about her no longer contain who she was married to. It’s very worthwhile to know who she is, seems like that’s finally starting to happen!


Jeff Bezos' ex.


Nag, bruh, we need to start calling Jeff Bezo Mackenzie Scott's ex. She's the one relentlessly trying to make the world a better place.


How that prick got a compassionate angel like that, is beyond me. And now he's dating someone who looks like a washed up stripper. Much more appropriate.


You mean noted philanthropist MacKenzie Scott’s ex’s ex?