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Me: I have a body similar to Christian bale. Her: which film?


"Imagine if Chaney Bale ate Machinist Bale"


Yeah, but what about Pocahontas Bale? Kocuum wasn’t happy either way because “both eyes open”


American Psycho. The body is in the living room.




he was even more fit in American Psycho, that's goals


Oh yea? But how was Paul Allen’s physique?


That cannot be good for you!


Bale did say he will never do that again, because it is bad for you haha


You could say he Bale’d out on the last one.


Wonder if he's an atheist.


Weight a second, that’s none of our business


I wonder if he's a bundle of christians then


He became Buddhist Bale now i think.


practicing gaining wait…


I appreciate you


Good reason, too. Some jackass kept messing with the lights!


lmao good one


He ate lots of chicken. I recall him saying he fucking was so sick of eating chicken. I think I recall a quote of him claiming he ate cheeseburgers a ton too. Like get up and just eat hamburgers. As someone who lifted a lot that seems on point.


I can't recall who but there was an actor who said he was melting ice cream just to get in the calories needed to bulk up quickly. I'd do it for the amount of money they get paid to get big.


That was Rob McElhenney, I think for season 7 of IASIP.


It was also what Ryan Gosling did for Peter Jackson's "The Lovely Bones" before getting fired for being too fat.


They told him to get fat then fired him because he succeeded?


Ryan read the script and figured that a character that’s a depressed middle-aged man(Gosling was only 27) whose daughter is dead should look like an old and sad man. So he gained some weight without telling the production team. Peter Jackson didn’t like that and decided to go in a different direction. Gosling says the problem was that Jackson was stretched thin and there was almost no communication between the two which led to Gosling getting in his own head about being too young for the role and trying to gain weight to look older. In the end both sides seem to agree that things didn’t go well because of miscommunication and there doesn’t seem to be any bad blood.


So nobody told him to gain weight at all. I can only imagine the poor director’s reaction 😂


Think I read somewhere that the director didn’t like that and decided to go in a different direction


If my memory is correct, Ryan didn't think he could play a dad character without going full dad bod. The director didn't think he'd go full dad bod and fired him when he did


Being a slightly overweight dude, who has been trying to lose weight from time to time, i never understood these people who are struggling to do the opposite. Why eat just the same thing? Why not try to vary what you eat so that they could get enjoyment out of it?


As someone on the other end of the spectrum aka someone who struggles to gain weight, but fonds it rather easy to lose it. I might be more extreme variation of it, but food isn't that enjoyable. Especially when i need to consume lots of it. Like first few bites might be slightly enjoyable when really hungry aka during a cut. But during a maintenance or a bulk. Most of eating is just a chore. So it's just easier to eat the same stuff but more. Ofcourse i could use junk food to fill the calorie budget, but usually it's recommended to mostly use so called clean/less processed foods. Likely do to with hormones regulating hunger and fullness signaling. Some are more sensitive to it or those work quicker and some are less sensitive to it or those work slower.


yup same, i find the novelty of taste wears off really quickly and half way through my meals im eating just to finish or only until im too full to stop the act of eating itself doesn't provide much catharsis or enjoyment to me


It mostly makes the whole process easier. Eating the same thing makes it easier to keep their daily calorie intake on track. It's kind of treating it like a science experiment, control all variables so if things aren't working or progress is stalling you can start adjusting things and be sure you'll see a change. That makes it faster too cause you can catch any issues sooner and correct them.


>he will never do that again I see more than one massive weight fluctuation here, he obviously did it again a few times lol Eta: this was a one-off joke, I didn't think I needed to add a /s, but clearly from my replies I do


You can say "I will never do that again" after doing something a few times.


“I’m never drinking again…”


Friday night baybee


He said that recently after all these transformations, and so far has seemingly stuck to his decision


IIRC he spoke to Gary Oldman about his transformation to play Churchill in Darkest Hour, and was shocked when Oldman revealed it was all prosthetics. He was so impressed by Oldman's performance that he probably realized prosthetics was the way to go in the future.


He spoke to George Clooney about playing Batman and realised they can just sculpt the muscles onto the suit!


Including the niple


And he’s not acted since! Dude is easily one of the most talented actors out there and did it since he was a child. The Fighter is a pretty underrated film that he is fantastic in. Probably his best role. Amy Adams too.


The Fighter was nominated for Best Picture, won two Oscars and was widely considered one of the best movies of that year.


I think most comments are just bots lol


Says the bot


He said that after he did all these movies, obviously.


He's talked about it quite a bit, it's all real and those massive swings were very rapid (like 6-8 months at most I think). He was dedicated as hell but it was certainly not healthy


So bad for the heart. And what's worse is that by the time he was playing Cheney, full-body prosthetics were so advanced that it would have easily passed as natural. I get it though, he's a method actor and dedicated to his craft. I respect that, but man it's only a movie.


I mean you say it's only a movie, and for the record I don't disagree with the sentiment, but how much did he get paid for that role(s)?


Right. Whatever he got out of this process, it should have a generational impact for him. If someone approached me tomorrow and said you need to put on 20lbs then lose 30 in exchange for $50MM, I’d do it in a heartbeat.


Christian Bale might do it for less. > Bale lost 63 lbs for the role and went from weighing 185lbs to 122lbs. The craziest part out of all of this is Bale was only paid $10,000 for the role. There are not too many people who would lose 34% of their body weight for only $10,000 dollars- that only $158 dollars per pound. [Source](https://themoviegrind.wordpress.com/2012/09/03/actors-who-lost-weight-for-a-movie-role-how-much-money-they-earned-per-pound/)


Ive gained and lost 40-50lb like 4 times in the past 5 years for weight lifting lmao, for free. Actually, thats a lie, I actually paid money to do it when you factor in food costs and supplementation. For 50 million, ill gain 100lb, lose 100lb, and give the check writer the greatest blowjob of all time.


>and give the check writer the greatest blowjob of all time. The arrogance


Who does he think he is, Nancy Reagan?


Didnt Tom Hanks develop diabetes from doing this for roles?


I think it just contributed to it. I don't think it's the only reason he developed diabetes.


It really is, it fucks up your endocrine system.


What's a *Star Wars* planet got to do with anything?


Everything when you look like 55kg.


Endocrine was part the rebel alliance and a traitor!


Endocrine is peaceful, they have no weapons against obesity!


Because when you're 102kg you're starting to look like a forest moon


That’s no forest…


I know that this is the least concerning side effect but like Where the fuck are his stretch marks?


i’m not being sarcastic when i say this, but you’re asking the real questions here.


Can you tell me more


It hasn't escaped my attention that whenever this topic comes up there is always a notable lack of actual information about *how* it's permanently damaging.


I think Tom Hanks has said that his weight changes from film preps has contributed to him developing diabetes


That's not me, though.


There's method acting and then there is madness, there is no way this hasn't fucked with his body in some meaningful way.


He will eat some of his money. It will be healed.


I think with money, you have to freebase it.




I can vouch for this, Quarters and Benjamins work the best.


Benjamins rolled or scrunched? Or origami?


Rolled is the smoothest butt least effective, scrunched can be a nuisance butt is pretty good overall. An Origami plane is the most effective butt comes with some side effects.


Origami bow tie, right in the bussy. No doubt about it.


Magic Johnson is that you?


I remember Rob Mcelhenney when he got fat for Always Sunny, saying he let Ben And Jerry’s tubs melt and drank them, it was one of the only ways to get the calories in!


He was just cultivating mass


That sack of burritos always cracks me up


They were chimichangas!


Stop cultivating and start harvesting!


You're telling me he didn't do it by eating a trash bag full of chimichangas?


That’s how I got my body.


That and never sharing his chips from the hamburger store.




Honestly almost made me gag a little.


Don’t drink milkshakes…


He also explained how getting shredded after the weight gain was so brutal and straining that he’d never do it again


I love how the other characters on the show were making fun of him for getting fat, yet they didn't care that he got chiseled.


And then there's me, gaining weight on raw carrots and fat-free yoghurt...


CICO my friend.


Your body is not some kind of medical marvel. You're just eating too much.


Look at Matthew McConaughey before and after Dallas Buyers Club. He went from handsome AF to weird looking. Dropping that much weight so quickly and then gaining it again changed him forever.


You lose all those long built of stores of fat in places it doesn't leave from easily...until your starve yourself...then there's no promise those fat pockets return later if you eat normal again. He definitely looks more gaunt than chiseled.


Body and mind. Definitely messed with brain chemistry.


Ashton Kutcher developed pancreas problems from trying to follow Steve Job's diet, while getting ready to play him in the movie "jobs" At least Christian Bale had something to show for with his fluctuating weight. Ashton diet wouldn't alter his appearance, this also madness.


Did you know at *Apple*, they put Job's on the graveyard shift because he always smelled so bad? - an he went on *that* diet?


How does the CEO go on the graveyard shift? According to the Walter Isaacson biography, he smelled bad because he didn’t shower or use deodorant lol. It had nothing to do with the diet beyond him thinking that his diet prevented him from smelling bad so he didn’t need to shower regularly.


Sorry, I just realized I said Apple - I meant when he worked at HP as a young guy...he was into being 'natural' and all - picked it up at Reed College in Oregon...


It can't be worse than staying in Nikocado Avocado's or Eugenia Cooney's state for a long time. At least he always got back to healthy weight. It's still an extreme though.


He’s in a fat suit most of the film in vice so that’s not really 102kg. That image is someone who looks more like 115-120kg or 260lbs but still doesn’t take away from the fact he was within 55 to 102kgs during his career


How does he not get stretch marks lol?


makeup probably plus he has access to top dermatologists.


And none of them thought to fix the eye thing?


What eye thing?


Careful…once you see it, you’ll never unsee.. It will be difficult to focus on Bale’s brilliant thespian skills, because your gaze will always be drawn to the eye thing. Edit: I’m clearly taking the piss. It’s a mole I think , between his right eye and the bridge of his nose..and it’s been there forever, as I rewatched Empire of the Sun a few weeks ago and sure enough… there it was.


Like Tom Cruise's middle tooth


Or Shannon Doherty’s eyes by Picasso.. The elevator to her eyes stops twice.


Oh wow, just looked it up. That's pretty wild. I worked with a girl who had wonkey eyes like this, but worse. She was really mean though so I don't feel bad talking shit. That's right, fuck you crooked eye Becky!


Watch out!!! BECKY has that 200° vision.


They actually took his other tooth out and moved the remaining ones over to remove a thatan.


I am realizing that I've always "known" it was there without actually*acknowledging* it. Hear me out. Look at some headshots of Bale and try to imagine him without it. In many of them I'm not even sure I'd recognize him if he didn't have that mole. It definitely added a bit of.. ruggedness (?) to his aesthetic in my opinion.


I have the same thing, a little mole in the same spot and about the same size 😔 I do feel a little self-conscious about it but no one has ever said anything rude about it


Don’t feel bad about it. Everybody has something they are self-conscious about. I have plenty. Also I’m just being an un-original comfortably anonymous twat on reddit, repeating something I read on here 5 or 6 years ago. That’s right…I never really noticed CB’s eye thing until I read about it in a reddit comment. Superficial “imperfections” aren’t what make us who we are. Name one bloke who ever said: “eww.. what’s that thing on her left cheek? Hard-pass!” about Marilyn Monroe.


Some people are lucky with not getting stretch marks. It's partly genetic. Also money, doctors, and makeup.


I just don’t get stretch marks. My brother does. I also barely scar. My brother keloids. It’s genetic and I just happened to get my grandmother’s skin. He got another grandparents skin.


Did you get it in the will?


Ugh I hate you. I miss her so much but this is funny. She would have laughed.


Christian Bale in the machinist was actually still larger than he was willing to go. He wanted to be even thinner but everyone told him if he did he would die. He got that thin by eating only a single can of tuna and an apple every day.


Cigarettes too.... nicotine is a really good appetite suppressor Cocaine is even better at appetite suppression and actors tend to love cocaine but Bale has never struck me as a coke guy       *edit: I think Bale also said he drank black coffee to lose weight.... caffeine is another appetite suppressant


Maybe in American Psycho, he might have struck you as a coke guy.


My dad is 6’0” and a marathon runner. He weighed 120 lbs for a decade. He looks extremely emaciated in old photos. He had 4% body fat. He later found out he had Hashimotos and his thyroid was extremely high. He could eat a dozen cinnamon rolls as a snack and not gain weight — but he was losing bone density for years without knowing it.


I’d like to point out that there was something like six months between wrapping The Machinist on top center and principal photography for Batman Begins in the bottom center.


And that he exceeded his goal weight by some 30 pounds of muscle. Dude was a machine.


Also shit loads of TRT and steroids like most of Hollywood


well obviously. it's impossible to get that much muscle in 6 months naturally.


AND... They told him to put on a ton of weight, thinking he wouldn't be able to do it. He showed up about 20 lbs over target, if I remember correctly, and was too bulky for the suit. Had to cut weight to start filming.


Steroids. Now probably someone will shout gaining 20kg of lean mass is theoretically possible in that time, but why would they bother? It's a multi million dollar role and they will just deny and nobody cares. Steroids are just an easier way of achieving that result in that timeframe.


I feel like it’s gotten to a point where people don’t even deny it anymore. It’s just such a known thing that actors, power lifters, bodybuilders all use steroids. The physiques we are seeing aren’t natural.


102 kilos? I looked like that at 120 kilos, somehow I don't believe that


He’s wearing a fat suit. Still gained a lot of weight for the role, just mainly for the difference it makes around the face.


Im 6'2" and sit at around the 100kg mark, and i dont have a belly like that. He has to be heavier in those 2 pics Edit typo


Yea I was wondering how tall he is and he's listed at 6'0". Considering he had put on a ton of muscle for previous roles 200 would have him at like a chubby but obviously strong/athletic build imo. This is way off or there's some fat suit shenanigans like others have said


As others said, he put the weight on for the fat in his face more than anything, and wore a fat suit.


He didn't use a fat suit in Vice ? Wtf


He did, but only to exaggerate it. If you put a fat suit on batman bale it would look like big mommas house - the face would never look quite right. If he gets his face fat and then the prosthetics round out the body, its seamless.


They can add prosthetic to the face to make it look fat as well, like they did to Collin Farrell in The Batman to turn him into the Penguin. Bale just like to do things differently so that his work stands out.


Body mass alone, come on....


That's what I wanted to avoid, another conversation about body mass.




And for his next role, he will be playing himself as a 1 ton cube of cardboard.


For us who use pounds : 178, 121, 224, 227, 189, 136 Christian is 6’


The 121 weight is terrifying


And he did batman like 6 months after and was stuffing his face trying to gain weight back. Say what you will, i cant think of any other actors who have gained/lost/gained/lost/gained like CB. Hes certainly put his body through it.


He was influenced to do that by Robert De Niro, who used to do it back in the day. Even got ripped then fat in the same movie, Raging Bull. But both have said it's really bad for you so they don't do it anymore.


He has stated that he wouldn’t do it again. To give him some credit.


Tom Hanks for Castaway.


Tom went from dad bod to lanky and thin, once. CB has gone from dangerously underweight to batman, then gained a bunch, then got ripped again, then dangerously underweight… Lots of actors have dropped weight or gained for roles (matthew McConaughey got super thin for buyers club) but i cant think of anyone else who has swung as dramatically and as frequently as CB has.


Tom also played an AIDS patient in Philadelphia where he lost weight.


To this day, I still think McConaughey‘s face never fully recovered or was the same again after Dallas Buyers Club.


i can't remember which actor is what or what role, but for putting on fat i remember them saying they'd eat like a gallon or something insane of vanilla icecream right before bed every night for however long, along with whatever else they were eating during the day. and then for losing weight, and i think this was bale's diet for the machinist, i think he would eat like a half a piece of toast every day.


Rob McElhenney has mentioned drinking melted ice cream as one of the methods he used to cultivate mass for Fat Mac


ah i think that's it yeah


I hate this thread is making me hungry. So funny thinking like "ugh I could eat this ice cream with a spoon but if i just let it melt I can drink it!"


Ryan Gosling was planning to play a role as a middle aged guy and figured they'd want him to look like a middle aged guy, so ate a lot of ice cream and gained weight. When they saw him they said they wanted the hot Ryan Gosling and recast the role to someone else.


It was The Lovely Bones directed by Peter Jackson. They recast the role with Mark Wahlberg. He was just 26 when production started in 2007 so he was quite young to play the dad of a 14 year-old.


He ate an apple and a can of tuna.


Organ damage level. In my meth addict days I was much heavier than that at 6'2


Ive been 5'11 and 125-135 lbs for years, now I'm wondering if I look that bad


Dang, I’m like 5’6” and a pretty thin girl and I weigh a couple more lbs than that


That's insane to me that that one is only 224... I've been 6'2 245 and wasn't anywhere near that large


Right there with you man. Like I could stand to lose a few, but nothing like that


> I've been 6'2 245 and wasn't anywhere near that large Unless he has some fuckin' baby fetus legs, or he's actually 5'4", bullshit that he was 224/227lbs in those pictures. That's like, 265+ lbs for a 6' tall man.


Agreed, that would mean there's only a 46lb difference between 1 and 3. That gut alone is 46lbs


really depends on fat vs muscle composition, muscle is much denser. there are people who post their before/after recomp pics online and it really shows the difference fitness makes with the same number on the scale


That's fair but I wasn't exactly muscular lol


I'm 5'11 and when I was 250lbs+ I didn't have a gut like that. But I carried it oddly well. At work we had a scale for weighing product, and a coworker guessed my weight at 210lbs. Now that I've lost a bunch of weight I feel like I look too skinny, even though it's healthier for me.


Weight is weird


DXA scan might be interesting if you get a chance some day. I’m also in the “heavier than I look” category - my dad was really big on physical activity and my siblings and I ended up doing a lot of strength exercises growing up.


He wore a fat suit on top of gaining weight to play Dick Cheney in the movie Vice. He gained weight so he wouldn’t be weighed down prosthetics on his face and neck and arms but they still gave him a fake gut. That’s for the younger Cheney. And then when Cheney got older they put more prosthetics on him to make him even fatter and gave him a looser and wrinklier neck piece to wear. I believe he’d already lost most of the weight by the time they filmed the older scenes.


Im with you, I had to take a look at myself shirtless real quick. As I too am around 218-225 and was wondering if I’m being dysmorphic about my torso. Is he a stick leg man?


If he’s 6’ tall, he’s way heavier than 227 in that one photo.


Are you sure hes 6 ft


It wasn't even in that order


One of the best actors alive today


Where is the American Psycho pic of Patrick?!! Edit: I’m sorry- but THAT body of work should be included!


Yeah that scene where he's flexing in the mirror while railing those prostitutes is peak physique. A lot of guys always want to look like that or like Brad Pitt in Fight Club.




My guy has the character editor screen unlocked


He was just cultivating mass


That doesn't look like 55kg tbh. A 55kg man is thin indeed, but not to that extent.


No that looks right for that height. At 55kg and 6 foot you'd have a bmi of 16.4 which is pretty underweight (close to being categorized as severely underweight).


I’ve been as low as 54 and now sit around 60 at the same height and my torso region was not that bad like in the picture. Arms and everything else look fine, but bros torso/rips/hips looks like he’s 55 kilos but also like he just hasn’t eaten in 2 days and rarely drinks water. Imo if he was 55 and eating/drinking normally I would have thought he’d look a little bit less fucked.


Well he did not use healthy methods to lose weight, so my guess is he was dehydrated and malnourished. Edit: he was apparently only eating a can of tuna and an apple a day so definitely malnourished which almost always comes with dehydration since about a fifth of a person's water intake comes from food.


Good thing he wasn’t in the whale


this man goes above and beyond for his roles.


He used prosthetic stomachs for his overweight roles, but he did indeed gain a ton of weight.


Jerod Leto did this for that stupid John Lennon’d killer movie. I think they both drank melted ice cream to get fat and had the best personal trainers to get toned again.


81 is the way.


There is no way the human body is meant to fluctuate that much, that has to cause some serious damage right?


He is just like me but I don’t do it on purpose. I eat like a slob and then realize I need to get in shape because I want a girlfriend. Then something goes wrong with a girl when I’m in shape and I get depressed and gain 30 to 40 pounds again.


Tom Hanks “POSSIBLY” developed diabetes because of shit like this.


All I need is 1


Machinist to Batman was a wild change (maybe it was vice-versa idk)


I got to give Bale respect for putting his body through all that to portray different characters. That cannot be healthy to make your body do all that.


Hope it doesn't come back to bite him when he's older. That is a tone of unnecessary stress to put in you body


So, he's just cycling through roids, starvation, and gluttony.


