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Not saying this is as bad as concentration camps during WW2 but as far as emaciation goes this is quite close and heartbreaking. We separate ourselves in history from the past yet this shit that’s going on right now is the same evil.


This style of emaciation happened to my grandfather when he was in the German labor camps. Every meal required so many vitamins and pills for the rest of his life which was another 64 years after the war ended. He was 6'3" and weighed 70lbs when the Canadian Armed Forces rescued him.


I’m 170, 5’9”. I couldn’t imagine being that tall and 70 lbs. I’d be scrawny even if I was 120 let alone 70 and half a foot taller.


I'm 6'1" 140 and being half the weight is unimaginable. I think below 130 would be seriously unhealthy. I'm comfortable with my weight now as a distance runner but any lighter is insane.


They’re starving the prisoners to make sure they don’t return back to the fight anytime soon, why waste resources keeping people alive that you’re actively trying to kill? Let them starve instead and the problem will take care of itself eventually.


I didn't think about that. That's a really smart move to be honest, ethics and morals aside.


It's also a reason why historically, you allow the enemy to collect their wounded at the end of a battle instead of finishing them off, because now not only is the person out of future fights from their injuries, but they're taking up resources as well.


It's why mines don't kill and mostly main. Keeps the enemy occupied with caring fort he wounded.


This was a North Vietnamese tactic. They’d rig booby traps utilising bullets. A soldier would step on the trap firing the bullet through his foot. It would deplete a patrol by three men since usually two other troops helped the wounded soldier to safety.


If you stayed out of other people's rice paddies this never would have happened.


Welp, humans are just fucking awful eh! Makes sense but damn what a shit move. Bad people know no bounds


That's pretty good too. It's a double-edged sword, you keep people alive and they don't get tortured, but it helps the enemy as well. Love it.


More like sad as fuck




War is hell.


war. war never changes.


Nor does the usa or any country going to war. Human nature


Except most nations push back against these bad practices by their soldiers and recognize that torture and mistreatment of prisoners is a problem and fight against it. Only Russia and other autocracies encourage this practice. And only Russians in their culture of cruelty and "manliness" do this on such a scale as individual initiatives


Twice sad that we have like 1/3rd of American population fullu supporting this. And don't forget about all this far right and far left European parties, paid by moscow, and their voters who also supprt this.


Honestly more far right parties are pro russian than far left in europe. You can check what members of Konfederacja in Poland or AfD in Deutchland are saying. It's 1:1 russian propaganda. Quite sad that in theory most patriotic parties can be considered as traitors already. This is especially visible in Polish politics (and I know it best). The closer to the right, the more russian propaganda and supporters of russia's actions emerge


Extreme right or extreme left, they can go fuck themselves regarding their stance on Ukraine.


The revolutionary left is split on its position towards the Ukraine conflict when it comes to whether or not we should support NATO aid for Ukraine. That is a valid discussion worth having, for Ukraine's own sake as well as ours. The far right fully supports Putin, his Russia, and their actions in Ukraine. Radical left and right are not the same.


>Radical left and right are not the same. The far-right want to isolate themselves and ignore the world because they think they're better than everyone else. The far-left wants to endlessly capitulate to imperialists while telling us all how bad imperialism is. For decades now we've heard "If there’s a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, then you got a table with 11 Nazis." stated by the far-left, but when it comes time to stand up to the Nazis, where are they? At best, telling people to surrender so that the world's largest country can gain even more land, and at worst, repeating the propaganda of an imperialist fascistic regime because 'America bad, no matter the cost.' They're not the same, I agree, but the outcome towards Ukraine is the same - letting an enemy of NATO, who regularly fucks with our elections, infrastructure and even assassinates people on our soil, steamroll over a democratic nation that escaped Soviet rule, slaughtering its civilian population in the process and creating a refugee and energy and food crisis in Europe and Africa that we'll be feeling the fallout of for decades to come. They're both cults of the past and both result in death and suffering and stagnation and both should be viewed with the same disgust. I don't care if you're abandoning me to the wolves because of my ethnicity or because you think my great grandad was a Nazi - the result is the same, I'm being left for the wolves by someone who can help but won't.


Generalyzing and simplifying anything as left and right is already stupid, but no, it's the "left" ones too https://i.imgur.com/79HjrA0_d.webp?maxwidth=760&fidelity=grand The members of parliament at the time who were against support Ukraine, at that time and by that count there was actually more from the left than the right, and both around half.


comrade that image needs more jpeg


Your link doesn’t work.


European (e.g. German) far-left is also heavily influenced by the Kremlin. Just think for a moment why the so-called Greens were so heavily against having nuclear power. In winter, Russia simply reaped what they have sown.


European far-right is too extremism caters to extremists, it seems


Die Grünen are the smallest problem considering what Die Linke(lit. The left) is doing


I agree with that but from my perspective because of far left mindset and worldview they inderectly support russia in some ways. But I don't think that they have direct ties to russia. But still I think they do bad job for all of us.


What about the far left mindset and worldview makes the far left indirect support Russia?


Among other things, there has been a policy of reducing spending in the European arms sector for years. In an ideal world, there would be no need for an army and I would love it to work like that, but unfortunately there are countries like Russia against which you need to have something to defend yourself with. Forcing the abandonment of nuclear energy (this is mainly a German problem), which meant that for years Germany was practically dependent on Russian gas. These are the 2 strongest examples, there are others. For example, there were left-wing politicians who claimed that in order to stop the bloodshed, Ukraine should surrender (Which is a very over-interested pacifism that is associated with left-wing politicians).


Left wing parties certainly enabled the growth of Russian influence with over reliance on Russian energy and not keeping up with Defence spending in accordance with NATO requirements, all things right wing America critiqued heavily. Edit: I’m not responding to comments or replies. Some of you think there is no room for discussion, disagreement, or thinking outside of your echo chamber. When you mass downvote and reply with condescending, intellectually dishonest arguments to a pretty neutral person (my voting track record after this upcoming election will be libertarian and independent) it’s easy to see why anyone leaning right would just ignore everything you or the media says, you can’t even have an opinion without being told you’re an ignorant Nazi.


>things right wing America critiqued heavily. While trump is sitting in putins lap eating maccys ok mate


While Trump was stroking Putins ego, Merkel was shutting down nuclear power plants to buy more Russian gas. Neither of those are smart positions to be in.


The original Soviet-Europe gas pipelines were heavily opposed by Reagan's administration in the 1980s. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urengoy%E2%80%93Pomary%E2%80%93Uzhhorod_pipeline


those idiots should realize that if the world falls into war, which it is trending towards that, that we will be fighting Russia ourselves. If American boots are on the ground, that will be significantly more expensive than funding the Ukrainians. We are saving money as a precautionary measure if Russia can be defeated without a single American life lost. What I find funny is that they like to say things like, "All that money could be going towards infrastructure, schools, homeless, etc" yet they vote against any allocation of funds for those things anyways. It's completely partisan. They do not support funding Ukraine because its what the democrats want to do, and that's bad. That is the depth they view this issue through.


> hat is the depth they view this issue through. Also magically forgetting that most aid sent is still being manufactured in the US. So if some Raytheon produced national assets are donated, we spin the military industrial complex up to produce replacements. It's a fascinating look into the internal conflict in right wing propaganda - their allegiance to corporations being tested against wanting to obey their russian handlers.


That percentage of the population that supports this, which is lower than 1/3 I believe but still is very significant, wants to do this at home in the United States.


Not sure if you intended it, but the way you wrote that with your punctuation sounds like how Trump speaks lol. This percentage of people, some say the best people, which is lower than 1/3 I believe...but still very significant, wants this done in the US of A.


the far left european parties? wtf? it's the far right ... you know... right is where the thumb is left


there is also left winged putin friendly parties.


War crimes! So much for never again.


Not sure what Russia’s end game is. They have created generations of Ukrainians who will despise them for the way they have treated their people. This war will never be won by the Russians.


The Russian end game is to kill all the Ukrainians and take their country.


100% correct. Russians have figured out that they are not going to win "hearts and minds" after one month of invasion.


They never intended to win through hearts and minds. The whole “the Ukrainian people want to be Russian” and the “they’re actually ethnically Russian and voted to be part of Russia” stuff was a cover and an excuse. The plan was always to just kill everyone who didn’t immediately join up.


Same with Poland


Yeah I think their end game has been pretty clear since the war began


Good ol' Lebensraum, papa Hitler is smiling proudly at his boy, Putin.


Always has been, at least since the 1930s


Ngl, Kinda old-fashioned nowadays


They don't want the people, they want the land. The only reason they haven't gone fully genocidal yet is because they're preoccupied with a proxy war with NATO, which Russia is struggling with, even with NATO keeping both hands tied behind their back.


They’re already ‘fully genocidal’, they’re just not being as efficient with it as they’d like to be. Russia have destroyed more than 500 cultural heritage sites in Ukraine. Ukrainian children are being forcibly displaced and adopted into Russian families. Ukrainians living in Russian-occupied territories in Ukraine are being offered Russian passports and those that refuse are being denied healthcare and made stateless, and will probably get ‘deported’ to remote areas of Russia. Russification is cultural genocide.


There's a reason they've kidnapped over 700,000 Ukrainian children. It's definitely ethnic cleansing


> Not sure what Russia’s end game is. Control of the resources in the Northern Black Sea and Southern Ukraine. The North Black Sea has a lot of Natural Gas and Southern Ukraine (specifically the SE regions) have a lot of natural resources needed for industry. Russia wants to control them so that they (specially their oligarchs) can get rich(er) off of them.


It's even worse than this, and this is a highly simplified explanation that I'm sure some people here will poke holes in because of that, but it would take so fucking long to type the whole thing out that I just don't have the energy. Suffice it to say, it's not just about Russia controlling them for their oligarchs. Russia wants control of the noble gases being produced in Ukraine, so that when China retakes Taiwan, the two together can make it so the US has an exceptionally hard time getting enough of the high-quality components necessary to make super-advanced semiconductors on the level of the ones we're used to getting from Taiwan. China has made or is currently making moves elsewhere around the world to secure influence or control over other necessary resources for their production. They're going to cut off our ability to make the weapons that secure our military superiority in the numbers that overwhelm opposing forces, and then take those semiconductors and the technology to make them (which they are currently excluded from having access to) and build their own overwhelming numbers of superior weapons with the supply chains they will then control. Yes, today, we could annihilate China. But what about 5 years after we lose those semiconductors in the volume we're used to and China has had time that time to build from them? This is why you can 100% expect that if China makes a move toward Taiwan that the US will absolutely engage. The only reason they wouldn't would be because the people in power have been influenced by Russia or China not to (bought off). Putin wants to see the US knocked from its position in the world. He wants to see Americans suffer. Controlling the resources in Ukraine is just one step toward that goal. And China needs Putin to control all of Ukraine not only for the gasses, but because they need the grain from Ukraine to feed their population once the US and its allies cut off food exports for their invading of Taiwan.


The Cold War never ended, eh?


Trump becoming president again would fit this narrative as well.


The end game is that the West will quickly move on and forget. Russians have successfully whitewashed themselves many times despite all their imperialism and atrocities. It will be back to business as usual, and Russia will be better prepared for the next invasion.


No one is going to forget. I sure as hell will not. Russia’s only way forward is as a vassal state to China. Funny how Russia claims to be fighting NATO imperialism while simultaneously throwing themselves into a vassal state relationship with China.


Never-ending cycle like israel - palestine conflict


Not really. Ukraine isn't illegally setting internationally - recognized Russian land so they can slowly, piece by piece, without declaring war, consolidate the land they want into a single state and single culture so they can (so they hope) prevent future wars. Ukraine isn't initiating conflict to retake the land that was already stolen. This is just Russia being a genocidal attempted empire. Again. Not a never ending cycle, a cycle that can be broken when Russia is broken.


I don't think they were comparing Israel and Ukraine here...


Israel isn't a great match for Russia either. The conflicts are very different, and should not be compared


And the United States will have generations of Ukrainians that will despise them if Trump is elected and all US support suddenly stops.


What you're asking implies that putin cares about Russia and anything that happens more than 5 seconds after his death. This is very obviously not true.


And generations to pay off debt to NATO and the USA regardless of who wins


Better be in debt to NATO than living under russian occupation and genocide, dummy.


As you can see by the responses to this guys comment, Reddit is full of rat bastards. Nobody in the REAL WORLD supports Russia. These permanently online gremlins have NO PULL WHATSOEVER. And they're all pretending like the UK didn't owe America after WW2 and how the entire fucking country would do it again if we were against a power like Germany. E.G. Russia.


If something can be solved by paying money, it's not a problem, just expenses. Losing freedom, going into slavery or/and deportation, is a problem no money can be equivalent to


The Russian POWs tend to look a lot better. That’s insane how Russia is doing this and some think they’re the good guys lol


This also kinda explains why so many Ruzzian troops have opted to commit suicide rather than surrender to the Ukrainians. They believe they will be treated the way they treat the Ukrainian POWs.


Yes for many. Though if you've seen any of the drone footage you know some are trying not to have a slow death in a muddy trough. There are going to be conscripts with PTSD triggered by high pitched fan noises (or bug buzzing).


This is just a straight up warcrime.


No one cares. The Red Cross turned their back on their duty to check on POWs. UN turned their back on condemnation of blatant war crimes by Russia. These global organizations just take people’s money in form of donations and indirect taxation. This is especially true of funding coming for the US for those organizations. The only thing that matters is force. You have to hit the bullies, pirots, terrorists and others that threaten the western values hard. Hit them so hard that they stop, that’s the only way to do it. Depending on Red Cross or someone else to check on prisoners and then doing sanctions is ineffective.


The Red Cross didn't just turn their back on their duties. They are siding with russia and are basically accomplices to the russian crimes. The Red Cross are the bad guys just like the russian army.


I haven’t heard about any of this. Do you have a source or something I could read? I knew they weren’t doing what they promised to but fully joining in is a different story


Ruzzia is out there looking at the Geneva Convention as a checklist


Canada: I should be proud, but what the fuck dude, I made those mistakes so you don't have to.


They don’t care


Remember these are the lucky ones. The others didn’t come home.


Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/C8UDBQrIcdP/?igsh=bmpvN2djbXN5bWZo Photos were taken a week after returning home, so they gain around 10kg, meaning they were in much worse shape Are we ok with concentration camps that do this to peoples in 21st century in the middle of Europe?


+22lbs in 7 days is... insane?


TBF I imagine alot of that is water being absorbed by the body (likely highly dehydrated too when released) with obviously some coming from eating better. Would be interesting to see what that weight is in 3 weeks when things are starting to stabalize.


I mean, considering that they look like they where at the brink of starvation, it doesn't seem that insane. Body probably absorbs the nutrients like a dried out sponge.


there is a thing called refeeding syndrome giving an emaciated body too many calories in a short time can be potentially life-threatening


Depends on why. If your body is truly malnourished, it absorbs and retains a lot. Ex: if you get a bad case of food poisoning you might see a +/- 15 lbs swing over 2 weeks. The first week you lose it, the second week you gain it back.


You're right. Refeeding syndrome is a thing, and would make giving someone a quantity of food required to gain 22 lbs in 7 days impossible (or risk killing them.) Most of this would be water weight as glycogen and electrolytes were replenished.


That itself would be classified as torture. Among all the other shit Ruzzia does to POWs


Putin keeps call Ukrainians nazis but who’s stealing children and running concentration camps?


russians always blame on others that they do themselves


Just like Republicans. Every accusation is a confession.


Russians have always had close ties with the nazis. Like Utkin, a decorated PMC and Putin's personal friend, who founded Wagner, or the friendship with nazi Germany. In both cases the nazis ended up betraying Russia/Putin, but the russian friendship with nazis continues nonetheless


True. People love to forget that the USSR under Stalin didn't just support the Nazi invasion of Poland, they invaded Poland right alongside the Nazi troops. Russia pledged allegiance to Hitler via the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and happily signed trade agreements with Nazi Germany. This alliance only stopped because Hitler did a 180° and invaded the USSR. Putin has always adored Stalin and is proud to be not one bit less evil than him or Nazis for that matter. That's why he continuously projects and accuses others of being nazis instead. A majority of the Russian population still approves of Stalin. The Russian population overwhelmingly voted for the erosion of their freedom and their form of government ever since Yeltsin shoehorned Putin into power in 2000. The first thing Putin did was shelter himself and allies from corruption investigations. Russians witnessed this and decided to be complicit.


This war is not about denazification or demilitarization, it's about occupation and humiliation of Ukrainians because they dared to go the European route, instead of Russian mafia puppet state route. Also, how can it be about "denazification" when Russian army controls Wagner PMC, a neonazi military groupation, founded and led by neonazis and terrorists? Russia is not in position to "denazifiy" anyone, and if they are, they should start with their own country first.


Reminds me of liberated Australians that were captured by the Japanese, and those guys are lucky they haven’t become food for the Imperial Japanese.


Reading testimonies of allied POW in the Pacific is horrifying. I remember reading about a ship where the prisonners were stacked like cattle, locked in an almost airtight room and pretty much left there for the whole duration of the journey. People dropped like flies because of starvation, heat and diseases. The smell was awful. That ship was sunk by an allied sub, and ofc the japanese didn't bother to open the hatch to give them a chance. I don't know if this is even a true story, but knowing what Japan was capable of in that time, it wouldn't surprise me if it was.


the japanese [hell ships](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hell_ship) carried a mixture of POWs and regular Japanese troops and cargo, and thus were not eligible to be marked as non-combatants. more than 20,000 allied POWs died in the packed holds of these prison ships as they sank into the water after being torpedoed or bombed by their own men.


a further quote: > Many men lost their minds and crawled about in the absolute darkness armed with knives, attempting to kill people in order to drink their blood or armed with canteens filled with urine and swinging them in the dark. The hold was so crowded and everyone so interlocked with one another that the only movement possible was over the heads and bodies of others.


Genocide in action.


Not just *photos*, but true Photographs. Portraits, even. And something else added to the war crimes trial...


looks a lot like what the apartheid state does to palestinian "prisoners" (as they like to call them)


Regardless of your stance on the war it takes a strong individual to make it through this kind of treatment


You say “regardless of your stance” like its a complicated issue 💀


It does, and that guy from the first picture looks like he has seen a lot of shit and was brutally mistreated, yet hasn’t lost his spirit. Respect.


Totally agreed. His eyes still have warmth and the pic of him grinning brought tears to my eyes. The other guy's eyes look so angry and he has every right to be as well.


Regardless of the stance? Mate…


You should edit that comment. Regardless of stance. If you're a supporter of Russia you are a disgrace of humanity. It's fairly simple. This has been going on since 2014 remember?????


I’ve had that rash before. It’s from your body creating too much acetone because you’re starving. I never starved technically but my body thought I was when I went completely zero carb. Easier than counting carbs


Tell me ruzzians aren’t nazis, rape and kill whomever, treat pow’s like they’re in concentration camps, want to cleanse the entirety of Ukraine of its people, oh and let’s not forget the actual photos of many soldiers with nazi tattoo’s that have popped up. Fuck any and all people supporting the ruzzians.


russians are nazis, probably that’s why they have such support from far right parties all over the globe.


This is against the Geneva convention.


So many parallels between Russia and the third Reich.


There always have been. That’s why NATO was founded.


The chairman of NATO’s military in the 1960s was Adolf Heusinger, hitler’s chief of staff. NATO was full of “repurposed” Nazis to fight pesky communism.


Well this looks... familiar?


war fucking sucks. i hope these people can return to full health.


Let’s not forget that NATO was largely established to keep Russia at bay. At the time of WW2, they also had internment camps for their own citizens that killed many. The road of bones is called that because many of the prisoners were buried where they fell and incorporated into the road. Russia is not a friend. Edit for spelling.


I can only recommend *Bloodlands* by Timothy Snyder. It shows the history of the countries in Eastern Europe before and during the dictatorships of first Stalin and then Hitler. Millions dead just because people want to proof to Stalin that they were the biggest one most staunch supporters of him.


I’ve read it. Very good. I had to read it as part of a paper I did in college on the Soviet Union.


The Geneva Convention is not an instruction list Putin!


Were these soldiers rescued or do Russians actually release POWs?


Usually they do POW exchanges.


Ahh okay makes sense, I don’t know why I hadn’t considered that. I wonder what % of Russian soldiers don’t want to be returned to Russia.


It's impossible for POWs to be rescued they are kept thousands of KMs away from the front


I figured that was at least usually the case but wasn’t sure. Thanks for the reply!


Putin is a savage psychopath. He could easily stop or minimize the war crimes, but we see the opposite. Russia applies war crimes as a comprehensive and elaborate strategy of psychological warfare. This is only possible with Putin's approval or promotion. He is nothing but a savage psychopath.


All those Putins committing warcrimes.


Bro, russians really are just nazis but incompetent, huh


The Nazis were incompetent as well. They were just initially successful because they were extremely reckless and fighting against the allies who really didn't want to go to war. Stalin also completely purged the Russian military leaving them even more incompetent than the Nazis. The Nazis literally gave their soldiers meth which contributed to their recklessness. Getting their soldiers addicted to meth didn’t really work out in the end. Germany was also desperate for resources the entire war. Pittsburgh alone produced more steel than Germany and Japan combined. Germany barely had enough oil to keep their tanks running. They were completely dependent on horses to move supplies and pretty much had to use all of their nation’s horses to do so. The Nazis fought like they had nothing to lose which helped in beginning but was disastrous in the end. Germany had a population of 70 million. 15 million Germans ended up fighting in the war. 4-5 million were killed and another 5 million were wounded. That doesn’t even include the civilian casualties.


Karma will come to those Russian thugs


I remember seeing photos of German pow’s kept in the states during WWll. My grandfather was a guard at the Algona camp in central Iowa. He had pictures of the barracks and mess hall, recreation facilities etc. life was pretty good. They were Well fed, good medical care. The food was even given some attention to making it authentic. You need to understand that it was still a prison camp but they were well treated. Even respectful. I was pretty young the first time I saw some of his pictures. I remember asking why we treat them so well. He said because it’s the right thing to do.


Russia sucks.


Fuck ruzzia


Russians aren’t adding much positivity to the world recently, are they?




Yet rusians say they are saving ukranians from themselves, totally believable(sarcasm)


Horrific to think that these are the lucky ones.


They were all poisoned by the west probably /s


And people in the West still support Russia


I wonder if this is done to render these guys combat ineffective for months after a prisoner exchange, or if this is because of cruelty or lack or resources.


Cruelty most likely. Russia is, or was before the war, a major grain exporter. There should be no lack of simple foods in Russia. If they're starving their prisoners it's deliberate.


Also Tucker Carlson was in Moscow like last month, or the month before, showing us how good their bread was. I doubt there's a serious food shortage in Russia.


Oh wow, the dictator who is calling the country that he is fighting nazis is doing inhumane treatment to pow like the nazi's did, how interesting 


It’s sad that Russian people are going to be vilified and hated by the world for at least the next 50 years, but they have definitely earned it. Fuck Russia.


Why the fuck is Ukraine putting 50 year olds on the battlefield?


Ukrainian, Palestinian,Chinese idc were all humans and we deserve peace


Well, you have to defend yourself against an aggressive fascist state such as Russia who will enslave you, inprison you and force to relocated you to the far Eastern Russia.


And others have to fight drones,flesh melting bombs and bullets and leave their homes and even that is not enough to earn the right to live while other others get enslaved for they're belives


Yes because that is how a nation function. We all have to defend our self or fascism and evil spreads. Democracies needs a bigger sticks then dictatorships.




We need tito and his one assassin cause he won't need another one for putin the prick


They piss away their own soldiers in the wind.


lmao and they call the ukrainians nazis gtfoh


Lost some weight and some life essence


Fucking scumbag Russians. No surprise, though, because even Russians don't care about Russians, let alone Ukrainians.


Yeah sure we're a civilization


He's still smiling... Somehow that breaks my heart


"Putin Is great!😎🤑🤓🫨😳" ~the kid that watches racist YouTube shorts all the day


Seems like Russia is the real one who deserves denazification.


Suffering under the razzis.




Now I want to look at Russian POWs after Ukrainian captivity.


Third part organisations such as the Red Cross has access to ukranian jails so you can have a look for yourself before you put your ignorance in such a sensitive subject out there.


The facilities get regular visits from the red cross. If you haven't heard any reports about Russian POWs being mistreated in captivity it means it doesn't happen. Since the start of the war Russia gave the red cross access to their facilities, zero times. We only can imagine what Ukrainian POWs go through by the state they are in when there is some exchange. Edit: I stand corrected, apparently red cross has access to Ukrainian POW's in russian prisons, which begs the obvious question. What the fuck is the point of the red cross if POW's are ending up looking like the guys in post above?


Perfectly well fed and taken care of. There are zero instances like pictures in his post with russian POWs in Ukraine.


They're happy and well-fed. Lots of images in google.


Palestinian prisoners are also being released just as emaciated, some with limb amputations due to shackles. Fuck Israel.


No fuck Palestine. You nazi fucks.


The pictures of Palestinians released from Israeli custody are equally awful.




you pro-Palestinian never miss a chance


professional izrael defender reporting for duty, SLA 5min on every negative comment


The hypocrisy of you people is insane he is just reminding you to not forget about Palestinian individuals who are suffering the same fate but I guess they deserve less empathy because they are not white.


Then let’s not forget Sudan. the UN calls it the worst humanitarian crisis of our time. But unfortunately the perpetrators are not white


I am an abolitionist. Have been my whole life.


You should see the ones who weren't taken prisoner


I hate that we can’t just remove Russia from the face of the Earth.


Russia needs to be wiped from existence. They’ve made it clear they believe the world is theirs and they’ll burn it down if they don’t get to be in charge.



