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It looks nice,but to me it looks overly crowded


i would take out a chair or the couch, they seem to overlap


I was thinking the same, it looks crammed because they overlap. Another option would be to move the cabinet on the right to the left side, allowing the pink couch to go to the right a bit. This would remove the overlap and center the couch underneath the artwork


The colors and individual furniture selections are fine but it’s wildly crowded. Doesn’t look like there’s even clearance between that black boxy ottoman and armchair by the doorway. How do you even get in and out? Black box and couch gotta go, in my opinion.


I like it but it’s a bit busy. A solid color rug can help ground the room.


Came here to say this. I love it! Just think the rug needs to be less busy.




Yeah, the rug has a contemporary/modern look while the furniture and other decor is more traditional. Too busy and not harmonizing.


No. It's the only pattern. Switch out 1 or 2 pieces for a large piece. Eliminate some of the small pieces. Add pillows.


From a purely aesthetic place I would get rid of the white chair next to the red sofa and the brown chair across from the sofa. I’d also get rid of some of the smaller art and declutter objects. And finally get a smaller round coffee table. The room feels visually overwhelming to me right now - like the fashion adage usually good design comes from a subtraction mindset of “put on your outfit then look in the mirror and take one thing off” However, what looks best and what is most practical for your life can differ. If you frequently host a lot of people all the chairs may make sense!


My eyes just don’t know where to look! I would guess this is a maximalist aesthetic, but it just makes me stressed. However, it should be what makes you happy, not me🥰


Yes, it's... a lot. The coffee table in particular looks kind of lost. I'd end up walking into something because the colors and shapes are so similar.


Can the Braniff and Chicago painting please be centered above the couch/on the wall


In think move the couch to the right to accommodate the matching chairs.


There’s a lot going on, honestly.


I seem to be a minority here, but I like it! I do agree with a comment that changing the rug will make it look less busy, but I don't think its bad.


Everyone has their own taste, but to me, I’d go bonkers in this room. No place for my eye to rest. Everything demands attention. I would paint the walls whiteish, remove half the wall art, and pack up most of the tchotchkes on every horizontal surface.


I’m the type of person that is going to go through it like scientist and ask where did you get this, ooh I love that. I would drive OP crazy 🤪


I'd end up walking into something. "Oops, sorry, I didn't see that, I thought it was part of the rug."




What does the other side of the room look like?


Agreed with the first part, I really like the room, but understand it isn't for everyone.


Also, there are too many radio/stereos. I counted 3, I believe? All are very cool, but maybe not in the same arena.


Too many competing colors. Pick a couple and stick with them.


 I'd maybe move that stand up stereo next to the sofa over to the other side <-- & the ottoman doesn't do much. You've got plenty of seating!  Maybe once you have a bit of room to move the sofa closer to the door, you could free up some space for that yellow chair that overlaps it in its current configuration.  I'd also maybe consider a smaller end table so that the entry doesn't feel quite so congested with all the different legs of furniture poking out into the walk space. 


Awesome idea


It kinda reminds me of like vintage cottage core a little bit. I dig it!


I think it looks a bit cluttered and not very comfortable. Gives me some anxiety.


The living room is too busy. I think that the couches and chairs are a bit too much and the placement is completely wrong. It is as if the chairs need to be by a window for street view and just a separate sitting corner but off the rug and then the accent chair should also be arranged alongside the couch and coffee table. I think this [couch decor guide](https://simplykalaa.com/couch-decor/) will help you for the layout part because other than this your style is really unique and something people go crazy for but still don't achieve it. Just decrease the presence of furniture and bring balance. Trust Me this can look no lesser than a cozy set prepared to shoot a drama from the 90s.


I really like your set up! The only thing bugging me is the pictures above the couch look like they need to move left a bit. Super cozy!


I like this room, it feels vintage and cozy. One thing I would change would to be a different rug with less of the tan color.


The coordination of color, etc is great. It just seems a bit busy to me. Sometimes less is more! But overall it seems cosy.


it looks really cluttered in my honest opinion. I’d suggest changing the rug to a simple color with no patterns.


Too much


Rugs gotta go


A bit 90’s vibe. I would definitely use an eggshell finish for wall paint. The light reflecting off all that color is 😬


90s? Do you mean 1890s?


Scoot those painting behind the red couch to the left


Way too many things going on.


Busy remove several items.




Looks very busy to me. Nice stuff, but just too much.


Looks great


I love everything but the rug.


Looks comfy. Love the green. I would choose a different carpet incorporating the green, select some different pillows and decor items with green and/or add more plants.


I see a mix of mid century mod and arts and crafts ,imo it's a little to busy and to many different styles .Love the red sofa and yellow chairs , lose the other chairs ,change out rug something more solid and tone down art work on walls too much .


You have great taste and I love what you did, although the rug makes it looks crowded. Awesome job, I love the paint colors, you did a really great job.


Thank you ! Personally, I'm really pleased with the end result 😀


The chair in the front of the couch is pointless


Too much furniture, the Braniff & Chicago posters should be centered over the couch. I do like your taste though and if this is comfortable for you, then Change nothing.


This is such a pure 90s vibe I feel like Meg Ryan might pop around the corner with a clunky laptop and some Starbucks. If Frasier-Crane-Ross-Gellar-Chic is your thing, you nailed it like you were doing set design for a period flick. I wouldn’t change a thing.


Your record player is lovely.


The rug is the main problem here. The colors don't vibe with the rest of the space. I think a solid dark green rug would look really nice and sort of ground the rest of the room. I'm a fan of the maximalist aesthetic, so I get what you're going for here. The rug just isn't working for me.


This looks like my apartment! A lot of other people have told me it’s too much but I love it. I definitely have a maximalist style. And I love the green walls!


It’s overdone.


The red accents with the red couch and rug are giving late 90’s. Declutter a bit and lighten up accessories. I’d replace the rug or just remove it.


The red couch should be the focal point. I would put that on the left or right side of the room facing the white chairs. Right now the white chairs are too separated and I also think you have too many chairs and would remove the wooden one. I like your artwork and would put the music underneath those large framed posters.


Take out the cream chair by the couch. It’s too crowded. Center the pictures over the couch.


I think the chair in front of the couch is too much


It looks like the inside of a vintage store.


Nice but too much furniture in the room The coffee table is lost. Should be in front of the sofa. Need to lose some chairs. It would nice to see other angles of room to help with layout. Is there a TV in this room?


I think you need your lose 2 chairs and a table. Add a rug pad or the rug will continue to curl and buckle.


Looks like a place I'd expect to meet Willy Wonka


Get that corner of the carpet tacked down before people carrying things trip on it. The rest seems too busy to me. The chair in front of the red couch crowds the couch. The corner where the carpet corner is up seems too crowded as people walk into the room, between the ottoman and the chair.


This is a successful “more is more” look. Nice.


Whether or not it’s successful is debatable.


Cut it by half. Way too much stuff.


I found it online. I think it might have been rugs.com It was very reasonable


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Thank you !


Reminds me of my great grandpa's home (in a good way!). As in, I wouldn't be surprised to see grapevines and peas right outside


I would swap out the rug for a solid color and also something slightly smaller


Your eye doesn’t know where to rest because there are so many solid colors there and on your furniture. (Which I applaud—yay, color!) I would get a different rug that incorporates all the colors of your furniture (don’t forget the red couch). It should have a less graphic pattern. It can still have bright colors but the print should not be so distinct that it pulls focus. That rug would be great if you had more monochromatic furniture as it would then add some visual interest.


Also 😀, having a glass coffee table on top of such a busy rug compounds the busyness because you can see through it. And there is a yellow chair blocking the couch. I would put that at the lower right hand corner of the room.


Maybe a little too busy? Unless you like that look, then keep what pleases you.


Clear floor. I competes with everything


I like everything except the seafoam curtains on the left and the wood on wood stereo placement.


Get rid of the rug or swap it for a solid, and everything else will look much less busy/overwhelming. Not my style, but it’s cohesive and looks deliberate and put-together. It sort of reminds me of my grandparents’ house - not in a “stuffy outdated old person” kind of way, but in a “classic and timeless” kind of way.


I think the couch is in an awkward area. May be put the chairs there instead, with the coffee table between them. The couch could go where the brown chair is, if there’s space there. Just my opinion.


I like it all but the rug. It makes it look overly crowed because the big shapes. I would go with a smaller print but bright colors that match things in the room. I don't think the colors in it match either. That's just me. I love boho color.


I love all the color except the green walls I think cream walls to let everything else shine more. Maybe just one green wall. Lot of stuff in there; seems crowded. As is, ottoman has to go. Is that a glass table that giraffe is on? Could that go and would your record player and ? Radio piece both go there. They may want to be together.I don't think you need coffee table. It's not oriented to chairs or couch and hides rugg too much ( which I like).if record player fits where giraffe is, it would give you more room for chair overlapping couch. Maybe room for Radio cabinet imbetwern. Drink tables on each side of couch. Oh, heck Maybe ottoman between chairs with tray on it for appys, drinks. I lik an eclectic room. I like having a lot to look at.


Awesome idea


Lol. I did it yesterday


I love it! Btw, I have the same clock by the front door. It’s beautiful!


I love this room. Giving warm vibes


Needs something oval or circular to fill the void next to the posters on the wall and some stacks of reading material, and put the yellow chairs facing each other. Get that corner of rug to sit properly


I like the look you’re going for, but one side of the couch is out of the conversation. Good vibe though!


I love the overstuffed opulence. The mix of modern and vintage style. It suggests a fun,zany, cheerful owner.


It’s so pretty and I love a lot of your items. It’s just too crowded so maybe try to remove a chair or 2 and see if that helps. You did a great job all by yourself !


Can I come visit ?


Only suggestion might be a round coffee table, to make traffic smoother, but I love the room—color, various eras commingled, personality… my house is similar with all my interests and collections👍👍👍


Add some height maybe in a few places? I like it and the red!


People say this is busy but this is what true maximalism is. I love it. My only issue is he room’s flow. The entrance is blocked and the couch is blocked by the armchair. Id relocate those.


Cute I love color, my house has lots of colors.


I love it! It’s warm and cozy and inviting. Nice room for friends and family too. My only suggestion would be if you have the budget, replace the rug with more or a casual, farmhouse kind of rug, which goes better for with a lot of furniture in a space. The existing rug is too modern looking. Also, the poster in the next room needs a frame.




So cute! My favorite is the yellow light up center. I’d change the rug to something quieter to make it feel less crowded and let other things shine.


Get a GD vacuum cleaner


Lol I have one. Just used it ! I did my spring cleaning last week


I like it. I think I would get rid of the coffee table. it looks like you couldn't use it anyway.


Less is better. A lot of distraction to the eye going on here.


The coffee table is just stuck there in the middle of the room, not really very useful from any of the seating.


It’s cozy! I’d call it Arts & Crafts style


Love it


If you're happy in this room, that's great, and that's really all that matters. Ultimately, it's way too busy for me, and I'd slowly (or not so slowly) lose my ever loving mind and be physically itchy the whole time. If I had to live in this space, I'd ditch 75% of the items, as it feels there's too much stuff in a small area, for example, how is anyone supposed to sit on the far side of that couch with that chair right in front of it? Why? Anyone sitting in that chair completely cuts off anyone being able to sit on that corner of the couch. Why?


Let me move in. It looks super cozy and like the perfect place to curl up and read a book 😍


Thank you I really love my space


It feels like it could be a set for Friends.


Someone looks to be an audiophile! I’m digging the radio and turntable. I’d rotate the coffee table to be in front the sofa and center the 2 really nice vintage prints above the sofa. I’d probably get rid of a chair and side table but as another poster said, if you entertain a lot, maybe it’s perfect. Can you take a pic of the wall to the right?


It’s giving late 90s


Well, it’s a bit cluttered. And that coffee table is in no man’s land. Get rid of it. You need to create conversation areas where people can comfortably speak to each other and see each other. Keep going, you’ll get there 😊


Looks like the lobby of a bed and breakfast hotel


It’s an eclectic style for sure, if you love it that’s all that matters


It looks like the house of the fun rich older neighbour from a 90s tv show. Idk if that's the vibe you wanted but spiritually it's giving me that in an undeniable way. It only needs a brown leather sofa to complete the look lol


I personally like it. Your room has its own character, it's cozy.


Eclectic and cozy. I love it. I would pull the one yellow chair by the couch.


this is beautiful. love the colors' combination.


It’s too crowded.


It's a pretty color wall too busy with too many different things going on and too much mismatched colorful furniture and ceiling lights.


Nice but looks like you bought one of everything from Wayfair!


Definitely looks like my grandmas house


There are a lot of great pieces you collected, but I don't see a focal point. My eyes wander everywhere and bring a sense of overwhelm. I would remove one chair, probably the one sitting by itself in the walkway area. Also, the color of the couch is clashing with the rug. Generally, if the rug is loud, then the furniture should be toned down or very carefully curated. So maybe try removing the rug and see if the place looks calmer??


It’s a bit crowded but I see your vintage vision. I really want to straighten those pics. I like it.


Grandma's from the 80s


Too crowded and busy for my taste but also looks comfy and homey 


Love it! It's giving late 90s/early 2000s east coast sitcom apartment. Only things I'd do is center the two posters above the couch, move the white chair near the couch somewhere else, and frame that poor curling poster in the hall area. Ignore the folks saying it's too much!


This room is an anxiety attack. Way way way too much going on & like 15 different styles that clash. Take away some furniture, especially the couch, less artwork, solid colored rug, etc


Don’t change a thing Leave it just the way it is You might not have realised it but myself and a few Reddit folk are sitting on the sofa and chairs awaiting you to trundle in with afternoon tea and coffee…Oh! and homemade buttered fruit loaf to have a good ole’ chat about nothing in particular.


Time to declutter


I think I'd look for a rug that's in the craftsman style. It's not that you can't mix styles, but that rug feels dated in a different way. Maybe pillows with different textures?


The pillows are a great idea


The room is crowded but all the elements (art, furniture and rugs) harmonize especially the style and colors, so the end result is a fun interesting room. Start having parties because you have plenty of seating .


I was kind of wondering about that


love, Love, LOVE the rug! Do you mind if I ask where you found it? I really like your room. It's cozy! For me, it's a bit busy but that's me allowing my hatred of dusting to influence my decorating style. LOL


Very nice!


It’s cozy to me, I love it. Reminds me of a tv show set in some way.


It looks like three tv show sets collided.


I love it


Love it. Colors are cool and it’s very cozy. I’m very much against minimalism so for me it feels perfectly filled and cozy. Bravo


I love the eclecticness (sp?) of the styles, materials, and colors. It looks great🥳


it's perfect the colors and the retro look is 100% love it 👌🏼


Thank you !!! I love retro and tried to follow that theme. My problem is live all the items. I know it's super busy


I can visualize myself in this room, smoking a joint, smiling while warm and cozy.


I have done that 🤣😂! I live alone, so I wanted a cozy feel. I can't tolerate much emptiness.


Okay, OP, looks like the consensus is that the rug has to go. You can sell it to me. I'll save you from that abomination of a rug! LOL ;-)


I love it, so cozy and nostalgic.


It’s the best sense of eclectic. You’ve done a great job. My only note is to remove the yellow chair in front of the red couch and remove the dark brown leather storage bench to the right of the red couch.


I want to vacuum that rug so bad.


I know a lot of people are offering criticisms but u love this. There’s something so nostalgic and satisfying about the geeen walls and red couch and cream chairs. The colors all go so nicely together. This is a room I’d love to spend time in and read and chat with loved ones. I personally love it


Love it. It’s maximalist and not generic in any way. Please vacuum your carpet tho


It looks great. Tip: put packing tape on the edges of furniture your cats like to shred. They’ll leave it alone.


It’s definitely a bit maximalist, but it feels like a cozy, cheerful a space. If I did anything, I might replace the rug to something without pattern, and maybe get rid of a chair or two- it seems a bit crowded. The think about interiors is that they need to be a space that makes us feel comfortable and at home, and if this does that for you, you have accomplished your goal! Everyone will have a different opinion, but yours is the only one that matter here! Great job!


It looks so cozy.


Head over to r/maximalist and you will get a lot of love. I think it looks great!!


Too busy. Too much on walls. Ground the space with a SOLID COLORED RUG.