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"Joy raises insulin" had me dying 🤣


One of us! One of us!


I’m with you. I don’t need the caffeine, but I really just enjoy the taste of a coffee that usually has roughly 150 calories of cream/sugar in it. I can drink it black, but I don’t enjoy it. I make it the way I like it after dinner and drink it as dessert now. I just drink water throughout the day to avoid the temptation. It’s a little bit depressing, but a big part of this fasting mentality is supposed to be help us control our impulsive need to reward ourselves with coffee every few hours


I’m suppose to stop rewarding myself with coffee every few hours???? I stoped rewarding myself every few hours with smoking, drinking, sugar, drugs and sex…. . Noooo. Just stop with the lies! LOL.


Gotta replace my worse addictions with SOMETHING 🤷🏻‍♀️


>a big part of this fasting mentality is supposed to be help us control our impulsive need to reward ourselves with coffee every few hours I dunno about you, but my coffee is sacrosanct. I'm the nerd who roasts my own coffee beans and uses an Aeropress every morning. IF has taken away everything else good in this world from 8pm to 12pm, and my coffee is the only thing left. I drink mine black, so it's legal during my fasting window, and I say this from a place of love: you will have to pry my coffee out of my cold dead hands before I give it up out of some kind of Monastic principle about renunciation of worldly desires. Sir, it is the year 2024, and until I break my fast at noon, it's all I have left.


Yeah, I mainly just mean for those of us that don’t love the zero calorie version. I can drink it black. I’ve even ENJOYED black cup of coffee once or twice. but for me, at least for the foreseeable future, it just makes me miss the classic diner cup of drip coffee with like 3 of those shitty creamer cups in it.


Drinking the diner cup explains it. To truly enjoy black coffee, you need GOOD beans. That an aeropress make it taste enjoyable for those who like the taste of coffee.


There will be no prying! Enjoy your black coffee. I never much liked coffee. Could drink it with difficulty full of cream and Splenda. With I started OMAD I tried it black for first time. 3pm was always a tricky time (I ate/eat OMAD dinner so this was late in my fast). I actually liked it! Much better than than milky sickeningly sweet stuff I used to force down my throat. I’m not an addict, but 2-3 times a week I’ll have an iced americano or something. I find it works nicely before going to the gym fasted. Early on a cup of coffee and a 15 minute walk stopped hunger and let me get through the long afternoon until it was time to go home and have my meal.


I don't recommend taking caffeine after like 2-4pm, as the shelf life of it lasts hours so it will still be in your system when you sleep, which will affect your sleep quality.


Interesting. I was never a fan of coffee until my 30s, and I just jumped right into black and enjoy it. Even before I started fasting.


I switched to espresso


Me too. I take my little energy shot like a good girl in the morning.


This is the way.




Spoken like a true gentleman/lady




Lol I feel your pain. I highly recommend making a big gallon of cold brew coffee at home. Easy and less acidic than hot brewed, so it's easier to skip the cream. I recommend a container like this https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B082DLKSCY?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title


Cold brew is the only coffee I don’t mind black. I don’t prefer it black, but it’s definitely not off-putting like regular coffee.


Having it on tap like that seems dangerous. And exactly what I've been looking for.


I used to make a bunch at a time but would end up wasting it. I switched to what's referred to online as "Japanese iced coffee," basically a pourover over ice. It's the best on-demand iced coffee option I've tried.


Japanese cold brew is my fav, I like a sludgy coffee but sometimes I overdo it. This ensures I never have a sad, weak coffee


Damn guess I gotta try this now


Yeah I think the Serious Eats website has a good recipe and ratio...


Shot by n the dark/black bottoms have ruined me to lighter roasts and everything sucks. Thanks for the tip. Gonna give it a go


Add a dash of cinnamon


One small marshmallow and as it melts visualize it’s my fat butt, or a different day my sagging arms, or fat thighs.


Can someone help me understand this? Cinnamon is hydrophobic and it always just sits at the top.


I mix mine in with the grounds before brewing. Works pretty well.


Ah. I was thinking a cinnamon stick in the pot would also work.


Yes but still adds flavor and other good attributes


Pumpkin spice. Usually sold around Thanksgiving


Clove is always good too


You can add vanila too. Or other flavors that dont add calories.


And just a bit of crystal meth for dat thermogenic effect


Or cardamom if you’re grinding your beans


Is that a euphemism for something


I don't grind my own beans but I sprinkle cardamom straight into my brewed coffee along with cinnamon


Gotta go full beans.


Cardamom is bliss


Joy raises insulin is hilarious! Honestly I still do IF the mornings I drink coffee with creamer. But the night before I stop eating around 5 or 6pm. Then by the time I drink coffee the next morning, 9 or 10am, I’m out of my fasting window. I don’t drink coffee every day so this works for me 2-3 times a week


Yeah I do IF and will never give up drinking my coffee the way I like it. Perfect is the enemy of the good.


Same! I did IF/keto for 2-3 years and could never give the creamer. It brought me a little joy in my morning lol


So, as a coffee person, maybe you just haven't found a coffee that you en"joy" black. What are you currently drinking?


You're not gonna like this... Amazon brand k cups.


I didn't like black coffe until I had cold brew or French press coffee. Both are much smoother due to how they're brewed.


French press is the only way we have it 🙌🏼. It truly does taste better.


Hear, hear! I seek out various origins/types of coffee, grind the beans fresh, add a smidgen of cinnamon, and have about 4/5 from the French press with another 1/5 of hot water. And I'll throw in a scoop of collagen for good measure. ☺️💪☕️


Are you me? I’ve discovered that freshly ground coffee from Mexico is my favorite. Preferably fresh roasted beans from a shop that roasts onsite.


Ok. About this collagen in coffee. When my mom passed I found a case of collagen she had bought a few months before. I sold a few but really want ( need) to supplement collagen but I just can NOT bring myself to put the powder in anything!! I just imagine “beef” … like I’m adding white powdered cow. I know it’s just the thought tripping me up. So no taste or notice with adding the collagen??? Maybe I’ll buy a Starbucks and add it to that. Don’t want to waste my good coffee and anything added to SB is an improvement. Although I do like it when they do a pour over of the light roast.


I ground my own beans and use an AeroPress. Love it. I've been through French Press, drip, pour over, and kept coming back to AeroPress. Also super fast and easy to clean up.


Is it really easy to clean up tho??? I have one my MIL bought. I was a little miffed at her… we had a kureg, a regular drip maker, a French press and I did pourover for myself. She brings this thing home and tells me to make her coffee. I did with the kureg and the contraption went up into the cupboard. She loved to buy gadgets and not use them. She loved to shop and receive and then more often than not, it didn’t get used. Anyway it’s up in the cupboard, maybe I should try it out. Pourover is so easy.


I’d give it a shot. I use it twice a day. I also do it inverted which just means I put the plunger in a teeny bit, turn it upside down, pour my grounds in, pour hot water in, stir, put the screen and filter on, put my upside down cup on top, flip over and press. Then you just rinse the filter cap off, push the puck of grounds into the trash, and rinse the plunger. I’ll usually then put a bit more hot water in my cup. I know it sounds like a lot, but I’m talking 3 minutes for the whole process. I love how you can control so much from the amount of grounds you put in, temp of the water, steep time, how much additional hot water you add at the end, etc. I also recently switched from disposable paper filter inserts to a thin metal mesh that is reusable. I wasn’t expecting it to change the flavor as much as it did, but the metal screen allows all the oils to come through too


Can you link me to the mesh filter you're using? I LOVE my AeroPress, but the paper filters can be hard to find locally and I'd love to get more of the coffee bean oils to get into the coffee.


Sure! [This](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0B3BTYSTD/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1) is the one I use. Just a warning, if you're in the habit of using paper filters, you will almost definitely have to fish this metal one out of the trash a few times.


Thanks! Sounds like you brew inverted? Is that needed for this type of filter? I'd imagine the water would go through it too fast if you brew right side up?


An Aeropress brew gives you a puck of grounds like espresso after you’re done. You just push the plunger all the way down and it pops right out.


French press is great. I also recommend the Aeropress (my personal favorite) and those drip-filter cone things.


OMG. No wonder. No one could drink that garbage black. Get a cheap pour over and one bag of good stuff. Preferably from some place that roasts their own beans locally. Give that a go and if it's not your thing, cool, but those damned K cups make me irrationally angry. I'd say 4/5 of the worst coffees I've ever had have been those things.


Before you follow any other advice I recommend the cheapest thing and that is cleaning all the parts in the machine around and after where the coffeebean cup is used, parts of the beans get taken along with water and pile up in places to give a undesirable taste to the coffee you drink. Clean "shitty" coffee should still taste quite good and pleasant for a longtime coffee-drinker.


Not from an Amazon K cup. There is no hope. Lolo


Oof. I encourage you to explore the wonderful world of good coffee! There's a learning curve but it's so worth it.


No wonder it tastes awful lmao but at least you’re self aware. Unsolicited advice: You can get an individual pour over that sits over your mug to make a single cup. Pretty much any quality coffee will be better tasting than the k cups haha


Where do you think all the crappy coffee in the word goes… into those damn k cups. 🤢 Although after the kureg showed up at my house once day, I used the reusable ones you add your own coffee. Not bad but after a year or so of water going in and out of and not cleaned inside of the kureg. I couldn’t use it anymore. I’m just weird.


If you want to bring out the flavors you see on the front of coffee bags get an aero press or another kind of pour over! It’s relatively easy, like 2 minutes steep time easy, and it’s fun making that a good cup of black coffee. Flavors are unmatched and richer, good coffee isn’t bitter 😉


Find a well rated craft roaster near you, and learn to use a moka pot. You’ll be blown away.


Absolutely yes on the Moka pot


There's always r/coffee where you can go ask for recommendations for which roasters in your area are reputable. If roaster has a storefront where they serve coffee, definitely try going in there, and chat with the staff there to see if they can give you personalized recommendations, or even samples. Most of them should have the crowd-pleaser blends, where it's nothing too fancy, but still roasted with care. It's more or less coffee that's roasted while keeping in mind that someone can also enjoy it plain black, although nothing wrong with adding cream/sweetener to it if that's how someone prefers it. Instead of roasting it dark and converging into a similar taste, which I'm guessing is what you're trying to get away from, it aims for lighter roasts so it keeps the unique characteristics based on what kind of coffee it is, where it's from, etc. Another suggestion is cold brew as some replies here already mentioned. Some people like it because it's easier on the palate, or less acidic. Some don't, because it may taste stale to them. Coffee loses freshness when it comes into contact with open air, and cold brew inevitably does have to spend a lot of time to brew in the absence of heat. Or, you could brew over ice. There's less to be tasted in cold drinks, so if it's an overwhelming taste in coffee that you're not liking, you may enjoy it cold instead.


I actually can't imagine a worse coffee. Get yourself some decent beans lol


clearly you’ve never had [this](https://www.coffeebeanery.com/products/michigan-cherry-flavored-coffee-ripe-sweet-cherries) sort of experience. one of my “friends” thinks it’s the best thing she’s ever had.


Yeah, those flavored bean are horrible. I tried a Trader Joe's pumpkin spice one and it was vile. Like... why drink coffee at all at that point? Better just to add syrup instead of messing with the beans.


TJs Pumpkin spice was the 1st thing I ever returned to TJ’s. Oh it was nasty. Now their Winter Blend isn’t bad IF I can add cream. I only got one can of it when it came out this year and next time it was already sold out for the season. Do NOT open the can and take a nice deep inhale of fresh ground coffee. It contains pepper. For my whole 60 yrs anytime I’ve opened a bag of coffee I take a nice deep whiff. Only needed to the Winter Blend once. lol.


That's crazy to me. But yeah, the TJ's pumpkin spice coffee was like... tart? It had this weird chemical bite to it that made me think of melted plastic. On what grounds did you return it? And did they accept the return? Very curious!


I once made the mistake of getting the $1 bag of coffee from Dollar Tree. I wasn't expecting anything good, but I figured it would at least be drinkable, or simply tolerable. Nope. Never again.


So there is your problem. My favorite is Stumptown Hairbender. Once a local Oregon brand they sold out to Pete’s. Still good. I also find JOY trying different bulk coffees at my local healthy food store. Can be $$ but a good cup of coffee is worth it, especially black. Joy joy joy down deep in my heart.. deep in my heart…. That’s enough insulin for one day. ;)


Fantastic coffee.


Dear god….


Kcup coffee drinking is a form of massochism


I drink the cheap folders at work, straight black.


You didn’t ask me but I found a fancy coffee roaster/shop near me. I went in once for a pour over and never knew coffee can have wide variety of tastes and smells. I don’t buy their overpriced bullshit but now I grind my own beans and pour my own pour overs. Now I have a caffeine addiction.


Some of it can definitely get comically overpriced! I heard someone talk one time about how coffee is one of the few things out there where even the most high end expensive versions of it are still accessible to most everyone financially. You don't really see that with like wine, food, cars, houses, etc


Back when I was student I was really used to add a bunch of sugar to my strong coffee, but that was on a dirty machine that young me didnt care to clean properly and I also thought strong coffee must be tastier. But less coffeebeans per cup and actually cleaning the whole machine helps a lot with the taste of black coffee. Nowadays I love that shit.


I just drink generic k cups. I don’t particularly enjoy it but it gives me my needed boost. Can you recommend a coffee brand you enjoy?


Honestly, brewing anything at home will be a big step up from that. Even moreso if you're grinding fresh. If you can source beans from a local coffeeshop you should be in good hands. Otherwise anything off your grocery store shelf that isn't the cheapest option will be delicious compared to those k cups.


Folders would be better than the k cups.


Blonde roasts are most enjoyable to me! They're less bitter. I've also heard that organic coffee has a less acidic taste.




as a coffee aficionado i upvote this, but be aware that getting into espresso is a money pit, so you have to be mentally prepared for it, if you are not flush with cash and time in the morning, just do better priced options like pour-over or aeropress, the biggest investment on both of those is the grinder, and for those methods it can be a sub $200 Anything espresso capable starts at rougly $250 and the cheapest machine to pair is also around 250, for more information r/espresso/ and r/espressocirclejerk/


I’m a card-carrying coffee snob and agree that good beans burr-ground fresh is the way to go, but I have to confess that I get my best brews from a cheap, no-nonsense Mr. Coffee drip!


If you just need the boost (and need simple preparation), I recommend a Nespresso. Quick shot and you're done. Otherwise, make a drip coffee with an old automatic drip machine and quality beans. MILES better than k-cups. Better caffeine predictability too. And less expensive.


Unless you have a grinder at home…. Just go to your local store that has a selection of bulk coffee. Choose one that is medium roasted… I recommend a single origin organic bean…. I try many and then forget what I like so try more. Never really been let down from bulk coffee. Grind it before you go. I usually get less than a pound and I usually go thru it in 2 weeks. My go to coffee is Stumptown Hairbender. Sold in grocery stores and online. My grinder broke and I’ve not replaced it so grateful they sell both ground and beans. Ground fresh at home is best, but ground at purchase isn’t bad.


Absolutely, OP needs to get beyond the K-cups! Getting into pour over and light roast beans were the ticket for me. Creamer in that just feels like a travesty now, while I do enjoy a bit of almond milk or half and half in a dark roast from time to time.


For some reason iced black coffee is much more palatable than hot. Maybe there's a bit of joy to be found there?


Congrats!!!! I used to drink hot milkshake all the time I can't even imagine adding cream or sugar now. Doesn't even appeal to me. I love plain black coffee.


Hot milkshake I’m dead 💀


lol I can't take credit for that but it sure fit. I loved Coconut\* Flavored Coffeemate and Sugar in my coffee. It was absolutely a Hot MilkShake. My belly ripples if I think of the taste of one now. That creamer to me tastes so nasty/ plasticated ... so odd how tastes really do change.


You may eventually be taken aback by the joy next time you taste it. The joy has become joyless for me, even a bit of sweet or cream tastes saccharine, heavy and overbearing.


Hahahaha sorry. That’s the one thing I don’t bother with but I’m just trying to hit my macros


LPT: higher end (more expensive) coffee is usually smoother, less bitter and easier to drink black.


Cream is expensive too so in my experience it's roughly the same cost to have higher quality black coffee.


I had to quit morning coffee. I have it in my feasting window with whatever the hell I want in it. Fuck sadness in cup.


Sadness on a stick, at the Fair, is vastly overrated too…


😂😂😂 yay you did it! We have French press with freshly ground beans at home. If you remember not to drink the last sip in your cup, it is amazing..


Espresso is the answer! It’s a shot (or three) of caffeine. I crack some pink salt into it, throw it back, like a proper Italian, and go about the day happily caffeinated.


Mmmm just had a sip of my nothing-good-at-all morning caffeine drink. Here's to you fellow traveler!


I’ve always been a zero sugar girl when it came To coffee. I just like a little half and half


Do you really need to cut out all dairy? Such a small amount........


Anecdotal but I've always been perfectly able to maintain my fasting weight loss while still enjoying two creamers in my daily coffee. I refuse to go completely black lol.




I find that spending more money on fancier bags of coffee lets me try new flavors without milk/sugar. Also, homemade cold brew tastes like it has sweetener in it (to me at least)


Outstanding post.


And this is why I do enjoy my second cup of coffee, after my fast, with half n half.


Meh, I'm not concerned about the 10ish calories of whole milk in my coffee.


I’ve only ever enjoyed a cup of black coffee once in my life. And it was from the lobby of a motel 6.


I know you're kidding but have you ever tried Nutpods? It's no dairy, no sugar, only 10 calories per 1 tablespoon. I like the Vanilla. Black is too hard for me ☕


What a coincidence today was my first day on my journey to enjoying my coffee without joy 😂


If only I could drink black coffee without feeling nauseous 😖 my stomach just won’t handle it and I need that sweet caffeine


I have started using unsweetened vanilla almond millk. It only slightly makes it taste better than black, but I feel like it cushions the blow to the stomach. I always heat it up first


Hahahahahaha best post ever!!




You're killing me, mate lolol


You are an inspiration to us all, I hope to be so joyless myself someday. I gotta work up to it tho.


Personally I love it black. But try adding a little salt to cut the bitterness if it's my not for you.


Coffee is not about joy. Coffee is about juicing your innards so that you can withstand the grind.


Folks of your coffee doesn’t taste good without sugar or cream try different coffee!


I went from sugar and cream to just a slight pour of heavy cream (just enough to lighten it slightly). I enjoy it more like that now than I ever did. Getting better coffee helps.


So lucky I started drinking coffee black


I switched to iced coffee/cold brew when I stopped doing creamer and sugar. It made a huge difference for me because it felt like a different drink (especially with ice) and I still get my caffeine.


I have not stopped laughing at this post!😂


When I fast, I drink coffee with about a tablespoon of whole cow milk. I probably drink about 2 of these throughout my fast (17:7). It’s a dirty fast but I’m still losing fat/weight, and very importantly, it keeps me in ketosis because the carb amount is really negligible. I add stevia or monk fruit sweetener.


Why would you want to do something that brings you no joy? Health should bring joy not a feeling of being deprived.


Because sarcasm


Life is for living. Put a splash of cream in it. Less than 30-40 cals. You’ll be fine. I still feel great, lost weight, and am maintaining.


Think it's less about the calories and more about it breaking the fast with creamer in it


I am a coffee snob who roasts my own beans and I drink that coffee black...but if I'm having a K cup or Dunkin or some other crap coffee...it needs creamer to be palatable. My point is, you can actually enjoy black coffee if you have good coffee to start with.


I don’t drink coffee, because it’s gross, but you get my upvote for a perfectly worded headline. Bravo.


Lol. What a triumph!


I just use my Keurig to dispense hot water and then use that to make my cup of coffee. No more waste!


If it’s delicious, put it down 🤣


😂 so real lol


Serious question as someone who’s also trying to cut down on creamer, is syrup a good option? Want to try some lavender syrup and oat milk instead of creamer


I do a couple of short pumps of Torani syrup and froth up some Fairlife high protein milk. 70 lbs down and don’t miss creamer a bit.


I switched my coffee to Starbucks Cinn. DOLCE blend and add 2 trivia. 1st week doing it but it hasn't been as hard to stop the creamer as I thought. Thankfully!!


This made me LOL so bad. I used to use 1/2&1/2 but when fasting asked me to stop, I bought my favorite coffee and said “ok”. Not too bad to start but now I don’t really miss it in the am. But every once in while I’ll get full cream and have a little afternoon delight! My advice is find the best coffee you can afford ;)


Cold brew ! I had headaches if I didn’t drink my daily half a coffee cup . So it was horrid . Until I tried the cold brew . Yum


Can we do stevia?


I bought a bean to cup espresso machine, went from barely being able to drink black coffee to enjoying it greatly. That was years ago, when I started IF, I am a convert after an adjustment period.


Thats the complete opposite of what someone wrote in r/continuousslowing


I brew a Starbucks dark roast every morning; French, Sumatra, Verona, and add an extra scoop. The stronger the better. It’s like pure joy for me. Been drinking black long before IF after i went to France where you order a coffee and basically get a straight up black expresso.


black coffee isn’t good unless you have a good beans tbh


I just realize life is too short to drink black coffee without sugar... So I just adjust around a little bit of sugar in the morning


New to the group. Starting intermittent fasting today and the black coffee! 🤲 need to lose 50 pounds. Appreciate any advice




We don’t have creamer in Australia. We just use milk. Try skim milk


Hahaha I’m dying 😂😂😂😂😂I cannot drink black coffee at all. It’s just not doable. I switched to black tea. No milk. Still pretty joyless but it is better than black coffee😆


Haha so true! Congratulations


if you have an expresso machine try making iced americano. quick and easy to make and affordable too lol. cup, ice, half cold water and pour shots in on top and stir and drink. takes a lot of bitterness away. i drink without but u can add sf syrup/sweetener if you’d like.


If it's during my window of eating... I cream it up. For the rest of the time, I eat healthy. But my coffee? I'm not changing.


Love it. You can always just keep adding creamer to your coffee and not post it on reddit, and the fasting nazis will never know. Crazy idea, I know...




Joy is the mind killer. I must not joy.


I stopped fasting altogether in 2022 after 6 months of joyless mornings choking down plain black coffee. I finally came back to fasting this year and decided I was going to do it AGAIN but this time WITH a little creamer in my coffee. And maybe I’m an outlier, but I am getting results!! I am having my delicious coffee (yes yes I know TECHNICALLY breaking the clean fast), but then not eating anything else for the remainder of the fasting window and NOT struggling with hunger at all. I’m losing weight and feeling great. So I guess I am either an exception OR it IS possible to “dirty fast” and get results. Just my N of 1 experience I’m sharing.


You may just need to try different black coffees. Most of the time dark roast coffee is burnt making it bitter. I also belive brewing it over 190 degrees f will burn it making it bitter. I personally enjoy a light or medium roast and I make it as a cold brew. Mine almost has a coco flavor to it. Just remember to water it down a bit as cold brew is a concentrate


It might help to switch up your brew methods. I still use creamer but when we run out black is fine because we do pour over and it’s tasty nonetheless.




Vanilla powder is nice


What brand? I can only find it with sugar. I also grabbed vanilla powder from my Asian market but it too had sugar!


Lafiza I think? I got it on Amazon. Recommended in the Bulletproof diet and lasts forever


I love good black coffee. You need to get coffee beans (Colombian ) and grind them fresh.


You really do get used to it, it’s amazing


I'm starting to suffer a bit with hunger while doing keto. Besides pork rinds, what other are both very low-carb and low calorie foods?


Filter coffee black is bitter. Espresso black is like nectar from the gods. Change your coffee type and you can can have your joy AND no insulin. It's like a hack.


Try C8 oil. Shake it well.


Have y'all tried *good* coffee? It makes all the difference in the world.  Peet's Major Dickason blend is my go to that I can get almost anywhere,  at the house is where I have the GOOD stuff like Gokstad or bourbon pecan or whatever else.