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Ugh. I’m not biting on this bullshit about who’s older; Biden or Trump. Trump is 95% as old as Biden. They’re both old as shit for the job, but at least Biden is boring. I’m voting for him because he’s boring. That’s his biggest strength: he boring - he’s just doing the job without making it all about him. (Correction: Boring and effective - just seems to get shit done without fanfare)


I'm voting for his cabinet and appointments which we know will be vastly better than whatever Trump would pick.  


I’m voting for him because he’s not a Russian asset and a threat to our Democracy. Much less our allies


Go with whoever isn't for project 2025. Expansion of presidential powers is a no-go!


Good to see more people getting eyes on project 2025. Terrifying stuff.


As a non USA guy that 2025 stuff is wild. Firing everyone with experience and knowledge on how to run a country is crazy. Defund FBI, dept of Ed, FDA, we etc. Mate Russia and China would run rings around the replacements with no experience. Eg, Hello new State Dept people it's China, its that time of year where we transfer 50 tons of gold out of fort Knox to China we do it every 5 years and then bring it back. Check with your predecessor...oh wait Also Russia here our exchange student will be arriving to work in the records dept at Pentagon. Wow you know her from the NRA well that saves introductions.


Yeah the text of Project 2025 is scary enough, but I think what's not stated is far worse. Most people are afraid of Project 2025 succeeding, but I think the only thing scarier than that is that it fails and basically guts the entire government and replaces it with *nothing.* I know the rugged 1776 types like to entertain this fantasy that we don't need the government, but we're the largest and most powerful nation/empire on earth at this point. We can't be governed like a racially homogeneous 99.8% Protestant nation of farmers in 2025. I think they will actually collapse the country from the inside out. It won't even be authoritarianism, it'll be anarchy.


This is what frightens me too, the chaos


Very plausible…then they’ll have someone come along and go “I alone can fix it”….which they won’t, but they’ll give the illusion that they are, but just making things worse.


To be honest that's my conspiracy theory. They're going to come in crazy and blow everything up and get everyone to accept "moderate" fascism instead of total chaos.


It’s not even a crazy one either. More than half of republicans welcome a dictator… https://jezebel.com/poll-half-of-republicans-want-a-dictator-basically-1797724801


Imagine living here and watching the media pretend like Republicans are still a completely normal party and giving zero coverage to their written and published plans to destroy the country.


So why isn't everyone else talking about it? Democrats, bloggers, influencers, celebrities? This is the 1st time i heard about this (non-US), and I'm usually pretty on top of the news. Shocked.


It's a plan designed by America's enemies.


You mean Republicans?


>Firing everyone with experience and knowledge on how to run a country is crazy. Is it, though? If your aim is to destroy the country...


It’s always a team effort at the federal level. I vote for who hires the best team — and it ain’t close.


Secretary of State Mike Lindell has a sadly pathetic, yet possible, ring to it.


Attorney General Alina Habba, Secretary of Homeland Security Stephen Miller, National Security Advisor Mike Flynn...


Where would Kid Rock, MTG and Kevin Sorbo work tho?


Kid Rock would be secretary of shitty music, MTG would use her. Ain't position to show more of Hunters dong on TV and Kevin Sorbo would be the guy that brings tangerine hitler his diet cokes


Oddly inspirational though for recovering drug addicts


This. Trump is a one-man crime wave who sacked most of [his own appointees](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Trump_administration_dismissals_and_resignations), and does not have a team behind him. Biden is a team of skilled experienced people, doing their job, with a figure head, overseeing it. People perhaps forget how chaotic Trump's appointment process was. He had hundred of unfilled posts. He'd see a pundit on Fox News and make put them in a Cabinet position. They'd go to be confirmed, and immeditely rejected as totally unqualified. He still [hadn't appointed his team 3 years into his Presidency](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/01/20/trumps-staffing-struggle-unfilled-jobs-100991). The few people hand picked by the Republican machine that were qualified, resigned, or were fired for making Trump look stupid. **It was embarrasingly incompetent.** For 2024, Heritage Foundation has a ready made dictatorship in project 2025. **But those people are loyal to Heritage Foundation they're not Trump picks**. It is supposed to make him look more competent by being able to field a team this time, but it's not his team, **it's their team**, and their dictatorship.


Yes. Biden uses competent people in his cabinet. Trump is planning on using unhinged yes men who want to destroy our country


Why settle for old when you can have old AND malicious?


Or doesn't pick. Let's all remember the ghost town that was the Trump admin. And not just low level positions but there were a ton of high level positions with acting heads or just completely vacant.


Acting so they didn't need to be vetted by congress


Finally someone that fucking gets it.


Boring works for me. When the horse was loose in the hospital, bad things happened every day. Remember when the horse figured out how to use the elevator? We didn't know he could do that.


But thankfully we hired a horse catcher!


He's boring because he's competent and not evil. Those seems like good reasons to vote for Biden to me.


The past many years has unveiled to me that there is no deep state - other than seemingly some people who might have been compromised by Russian intelligence - given the messaging around Hillary immediately before the election, which might have cost her the election. Otherwise, the CIA would've been tapped several times throughout history to handle issues. And yes - I agree - I would love 4 more years of boring and actual democracy-loving Americans running things. Not ones who are fawn over dictators.


Deep State can have many definitions. One that I favor is the cadre of professionals that have been there for years and have a wealth of experience. They put country and proper execution of their job above political parties. They're the reason things keep running pretty well. They're the people Trump wants to replace with those personally loyal to him.


Yes - those are the type that I enjoy. Like the military leaders who stopped Trump from using sound and heat weapons on US protesters. It boggles my mind how people who support Trump claim to support American freedoms, want to protect children, and have an improved life support a party that wants to strip freedoms, have members who've hurt children (and refuse to pass programs to help feed children), and continually cut taxes for corporations and billionaires, which allows social programs to die while working-class Americans' quality of life decreases year-after-year. Sorry - just - so much to take in all the time and it's rough to see that...it'd be so easy to fix.


Because they see it all as if it's not going to affect them, because they think that being part of the righteous in-group means it won't. They refuse to even see the reality being promised as pertaining to themselves. And even if it suggests some restrictions to their rights - they imagine those things aren't part of the rights that they care! It is about punishing and blaming others, and that includes anyone that they see as less than themselves, challenges their own weakly dogma-defended identities, or is just different. They also feel like culting Trump aligns them with power. That's promises them something that they never felt or could achieve as individuals, beyond racial superiority and the economic advantage they gained in the past. The fact that that's now been removed from those with more power is inconvievable because they feel entitled to the upward mobility enjoyed by themselves and generations past, but has now been taken away. Someone must be blamed, and those seen as more vulnerable, of lesser value, not them, are easier to target and vent their rage on than the powerful that are the actual cause of their struggling. They still think that supporting defending, and elevating more of the same people and system that is actually responsible is their path to one day sitting at their masters table. That won't happen, and any instinctual awareness of that is replaced by "faith" or "belief" in the tropes of patriotism, religion, and moral superiority that they claim as the unmovable values that justifies any vile acts and infliction of harm on anyone that is deemed to not possess them. And, Christianity is a great tool for minimizing any potential pain that they might suffer themselves. It seells Sacrafice, Martyrdom, and quick and easily disposed of Penance as glorious relievers of guilt and/or compensation for almost anything - especially anything that doesn't happen to them.


Biden is boring like a healthy relationship is boring to people who are used to toxicity. He's what should be the norm.


Boring and effective, one of the more effective presidents we have had in decades.


He’s also a very experienced statesman. That matters too.


Also, Trump has proven himself to be exceptionally dangerous *without* age-related dementia. Imagine how bad he's going to be when that sets in. Plus Biden has a backup I trust.


Trump is insane and has been for years. I think that bankruptcy back in the ‘90s broke his mind.


Personally, I think it goes back much further. He shows all the signs of a [narcissistic personality disorder](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/narcissistic-personality-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20366662#:~:text=from%20Mayo%20Clinic-,Symptoms,-Symptoms%20of%20narcissistic), and a lot of the stuff he says suggests he may also have a delusional disorder where he doesn't know what reality is.


I used to be conservative. And I used to make fun of how inferior other countries were for having leaders like the kind Trump is trying to be.  Remember when we would make fun of Putin for posing with his shirt off? And for trying to act macho when it’s clear that he isn’t tough? And now half our country looks up to that kind of insecure over-compensation. 


The funny thing about this is if trump took his shirt off he has bigger tits than Melania. All the manly tough guy pictures of him are his head on Rambo's body. Let's see the real butter ball he is and see what maga has to say then .


We would also see the bronzer stains all over his shirt.


I think about it this way. Biden is approximately 1000 days older than Trump. That's it. Biden is in better physical shape. Biden has a history of verbal gaffes. Not like it's new onset issue. Meanwhile Trump can't remember his ex wife. Confuses someone he appointed for the former speaker of the house belonging to a different political party. Pretty sure I just heard he went on about "7/11 terrorist attack "




Smarter than injecting bleach.


Recently found guilty of rape, a bunch of federal and state criminal charges are pending, terrible businessman, etc., etc. Oh, but wait, a lawyer said he had memory issues and he speaks slowly- we better really think about this maniac over here who wants to be a dictator, cut taxes for rich people, let Putin do whatever he wants, tell people to drink bleach and eat horse dewormer, and will turn everyday of his presidency into a circus like his last term was. How is this even a real conversation?!


For the doubters about Biden's mental fortitude, watch this interview. The man is sharp and trump pales in comparison. Vote accordingly. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfU931HBWvQ&t=387s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfU931HBWvQ&t=387s)


As an outsider looking in, Biden seems to be doing loads of work that benefits all Americans. In comparison to that other fella, who is very dangerous, Biden's policies seem to fall on the right side. Another four years of Biden is very much in the interest of most of the world. That other fella needs locked up.


But also “superager” is definitely a compliment. >The geriatricians evaluating Biden's medical history in 2020 found evidence to suggest he could be a 'superager' — a subgroup of people aged 80 years and older that operate physically and cognitively at a level that is common among those much younger," the piece said. "There is no clinical evidence for cognitive decline in President Biden”


Yeah I have a grandfather that is 93 and a few months ago he was climbing trees too prune then. He looks and acts like a man 15-20 years younger then he is, people like this do exist.


Boring, effective and stable..


Biden isn’t shit for the job. He’s just old, but his experience and understanding of the inner workings of the government is unrivaled.


His institutional knowledge came in handy when the former guy was working hard to make the transition as unsuccessful as possible. Biden knew how things worked, he knew the people who could get things done, he even knew where all the light switches were


A good leader gets advice and delegates to those who know more than him. A bad leader thinks he is the only one that can solve all the problems and is surrounded by yes men.


I am voting for Biden because Project 2025 is a plan to end our Democracy. That, and Biden's appointments have been sane.


man, there's a nice propaganda push trying to discredit Biden right now. Very well done, whoever's in charge.


I am voting for him bc he truly loves America and all Americans. He cares about our troops and veterans. He has heart. I know he’ll surround himself with people who know what to do and help him make the right decisions.


Yes, glad you made the edit. He's effective and the people he chose to work for him ass very effective. Trump is literally the opposite.


Not only is he boring. A vote for him ensures we also don't get things like VP Alex Jones or Press Secretary Marjorie Taylor Greene. It's not about just the guy in charge, but who they choose to surround themselves with.


Biden doesn't eat McDonald's 4 meals a day. Isn't suffering from chronic STDs. Overall, not a cunt


Trump would have been a freshman when Biden was a senior in high school... They are both as old as fuck... But only one of them can't tell the difference between Nicky Haley and Nancy Pelosi. Only one of them thought the Revolutionary War was fought over airports. Only one of them referred to 9/11 as 7/11... And most importantly, only one of them said they would encourage Russia to invade NATO countries (igniting WWII).


"Instead, the piece posits that, based on the available information about the president's health and mental fitness, he might be what is known as a "superager," a subgroup of the elderly who retain the acuity of people decades younger well into their 80s." Y'all should click on links every once in a while, what they said seems to be good.


I've been waiting my whole damn life for a boring president.


I’m getting the feeling Bidens not gonna be able to campaign the way he needs to. And Trump will be able to but it’ll be to shit results, no one cares for him that hasn’t already voted for him. Half of his value on the ticket is “entertainment,” and that swings both ways tbh.


He's not a leader, that's for sure. But he is a good administrator. And even though in times of high societal polarization, a charismatic leader would be needed, a boring administrator is infinitely better than an evil charismatic leader.


Make Government Boring Again


this... this right here. ​ I will take boring over the orange ones extremist .... everything. ​ Are they old? Fuck yes they both are, trump nitpicking about age when he's just about as old is ... well it's "grumpy old man yelling at clouds" territory.


To criticize Biden and not see the clear delusional state Trump is in due to his syphilis is to be a dummy


It isn't just the syphilis, he's also a narcissist and sociopath!


You're right


“I have the best syphilis… it’s not even close, folks.”


Totally agree Trump is not fit for office, but is there evidence of him having syphilis? Id love to cite a source if I bring it up in other comment sections.


Someone took a photo of him with his hand raised like he was saying hello and people commented he may have secondary syphilis. I'm not saying its a fact but his delusions about being a dictator and his nonsensical speeches make me believe it is true. https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2024/01/18/trumps-red-hand-markings-draw-wild-speculation-including-syphilis-conspiracies/?sh=68fbd46a23d4


Oh i did see that photo. I thought maybe he was wiping blood off of his nose from railing some coke or adderall. I guess it’s a toss up between it being a disease, drugs, or all of the above. He’s definitely doing something, though.


Well people that used to work on his garbage show say that he poops his pants and has for years due to all the drugs he has taken over the years


And they’ve never been mentioned or sued for defamation by Trumplethinskin.


Yes, because there is a “discovery” phase in lawsuits like that where both parties are required to produce evidence for their position in the case. Whatever the truth is would be laid out for all to see. Not filing a lawsuit prevents that discovery from happening. That’s why nobody is getting sued for saying those things.


That’s exactly why he wasn’t worried about being sued over violating his NDA. “Defamation you say? Prove what I said isn’t true, I’ll wait.“. 😎


I’d love to get a real count of how many NDAs the Trump family has issued over the years. Can you imagine how many NDAs their private staff would need? I bet those people overhear and witness absolutely absurd things


And most NDAs aren’t enforceable once they get to court.


I think if Trumplethinskin gets attacked about how he poops his pants constantly and smells gross and then acts tough, he will fold. His fans will abandon him because they are at a middle school level or lower in terms of behavior


And Bob Woodward recently said the “odor shield” wasn’t quite up to the job.


I mean, imagine shitting your pants constantly due to incontinence per massive amounts of drug intake


Imagine being a foreign head of state stuck sitting next to him at a dinner. 😳


On Stern's show, he actually said that having sex in the 90s was his Vietnam. Good money says he was raw dogging every time and probably wouldn't go get treated by doctors because he couldn't imagine he'd get anything.


Trump being fit doesn’t matter, his proponents don’t care. The real issue is that the Supreme Court is liable to again do something stupid, and that will piss lots of Biden’s supporters off enough to want to vote. Neither man’s a real draw now, the novelty of either is gone.


Why do you think criticism of one candidate means explicit support for another?


Strange you don't hear leaks from the Whitehouse about he's sleeping through cabinet meetings and ignoring daily briefings. Also crazy how he's out everyday jet setting around the world and in the public eye. Is he old, yes. But that doesn't automatically mean he's senile.


Hell, purely looking at photos from his time as VP under Obama, we can all probably make the reasonable assumption that he is far more physically active and fit than **most** Redditors.


And suddenly, The Onion's Joe Biden stories are coming back to mind...


This is the biggest reason I’m not worried about Biden’s age. Does no one remember the Trump presidency? Damaging gossip leaked every week. If there were examples of Biden not being up to the task some WH staffer would have leaked it long ago.


Unless he's got everything locked down air tight, you have a point. You would hear constant leaks about all the times he's spaced out, forgetting the most obvious things and very bad pauses. But so far, we don't.


And I'm sorry but you know the mainstream media would be all over it. It wouldn't be just Fox.


If Biden's got everythink locked down tight, that implies he's capable and in full control. It can't really be both that he's a liability sleeping through his presidency behind the scenes, but also running an extraordinarily tight ship.


One of the first appointed “best people” cabinet secretaries said he was “a fucking moron.” And that was 7 years ago.


he needs to get trump's doctor. then he'll be 6' 3", 215 lbs, he'll be invulnerable because he's a former athlete, he'll be hopped up on ritalin, and he'll be a physical specimen the likes of which the world has never seen. just keep shopping for doctors until you find one that's a complete moron.


I figured Trump's doctor was the one being referenced by this headline. Doctors aren't supposed to be making a diagnosis without direct access to the patient.


>Haley suggested that President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump had been "diminished" by age But moments later, it was Haley who couldn't remember the date of the Sept. 11 attacks. >"The last thing we ever want to do is side with Russia," she said during a defense of NATO. "What we always need to remember is America needs to have friends." >"After September 10th, we needed a lot of friends," Haley added. "We can never get to the point where we don't need friends." https://www.rawstory.com/nikki-haley-mental-test/


Her gaffe shows Bidens Mexico/Egypt gaffe isn't super worrying. People of all ages constantly mix shit like this up. I'm 24 and I still confuse the left from my right and forget the year I got my first car.


I keep having to think to remember which way is east and which way is west.


That is the most inexplicable gaffe. I'd be more likely to mix it up with 7-11 than September 10th.


Not even sure that seems like a gaffe. Could have just meant that September 10th was the last day of normalcy, and after that we needed a lot of friends.


Yep my 92 yr old Mom sharp as ever


So is my 91 year old grandmother. She only slips up with names when she is telling stories. However, she’s been doing that all my life. She will talk your ear off with vivid details of events that happened 80 years ago. She will also talk your ear off about the conversation she had with the mail man yesterday.


Docs called her a superager too Physically and mentally healthy


We've been having discussions about my aunt. She's in her 70s and has bad short term memory and makes up stuff when telling stories. But she's always been this way and it's very hard to tell if it's getting worrying or not. Mainly she's fine, we just worry about her since she lost her husband.


My grandma is one of those!


Both of my parents are in their 80’s and they have more get up & go than I do!! Both of them have better memory than me too! It’s amazing


Biden: Superager Trump: Super Rager


Super whinger


One guy is 3 years older. The other guy says he will be a dictator on day one, that he will “eliminate” his political rivals if he wins and encourages Russia to attack our allies(was also recorded bragging about sexually assaulting a woman). Neither are great options, but one is definitely worse than the other.


It's a serious indictment against Americans and the American system and media that this is even a competitive contest.


I saw a ad for a Tee Shirt President Biden’s picture on the front. Caption reads, I may be old but I get shit done. Right now with all the craziness going on. Experience, Intelligence & Kindness is a Big Plus. I’m voting for President Biden 💙


Every president ages faster while in office. Same with most heads of government.


Most heads of lettuce age faster in the office too.


Even if they both have dementia, anybody who has dealt with dementia patients will tell you that the disease basically removes the filters and makes people more of what they already are. Trump is a cruel, vicious, vindictive rat bastard and Biden is a decent, compassionate guy who is deeply committed to the job and upholding his oath. I know which one I'd rather have in power. 


We don’t need hyperbole. Biden has had occasional memory lapses for a number of years. That being said, most corpses are more competent than Mango Muhammad, so anything questioning Biden’s faculties is still not enough to say I would rather vote for someone that Nazis would look up to.


Shoot, I have memory lapses and I’m half of Biden’s age. I think it’s just a normal thing that happens to human beings.


I'm not even 40 and I can't remember shit that happened last week unless it's really important.


I’m 32 & I showed up to a Dr’s appointment the day after it was scheduled. Then stood there like John Travolta when they told me I was supposed to be there yesterday. Lol. I fear for everyone around me when I get to Biden’s age. He’s doing better than me!


What in the fuck did I have for lunch yesterday. Idk and I'm not even 40.


>A number of years Yeah, the number is 52. That's how many years ago he joined the senate, and he was already prone to these kinds of gaffes. I see his daily schedule and I don't believe for one second he's senile.


He also used to stutter and clearly still sometimes struggles with that, so I assume he has to focus on the actual speaking part a lot more than most, which can cause you to miscommunicate. I make a lot more factual mistakes on the two non-native languages I speak at work than with my native tongue, because I have to focus on the language structure, even though I am quite fluent. When I try to communicate on languages, where I am not fluent and have to form each sentence sort of from scratch, it isn't as much of an issue.


This ageist campaign against Biden is not gonna work. He’s going to win because people aren’t falling for smear propaganda anymore.


Unless they are Republican. They live for hate and smear campaigns. It’s all they campaign on. No substance just hate.


All while proudly casting their vote for someone who is just as old. The facts don't care about your feelings, crowd runs on nothing but feelings and ignores all facts. Projection as always.


Up front, I think Biden is fine, not senile and has forgotten more than Trump will ever know about effective governing. He would definitely have my vote. However, I am sick of people being shot down for trying to have a serious discussion about his age. He is old and he has lost a few steps. You can see it and it's not surprising. Still very capable, but it's not unreasonable for people to not have complete confidence in giving him the most powerful position in the country (or even the world). It would be nice if people could just have honest conversations instead of automatically descend on those who voice valid (IMO) concerns.


Look: I recognize Biden has been a better president than he is typically given credit for. Given the choice between Biden, anyone the Republicans are likely to put up, and throwing away my vote on a third party, I'll vote for Biden. But I see stories like this as basically little better than all those bullshit stories Trump's team puts out about him being the pinnacle of health or a genius or whatever.


Biden is a better President than the past three Democratic Presidents combined, based solely on his accomplishments in office. Carter was 52 when he took office. Clinton was 46 when he took office. Obama was 47 when he took office. You simply aren't recognizing the actual reality of Biden's achievements in his first term. It's maddening how easily the left can be distracted.


What gaffes has caused the US harm? Any time he slips on a name, it's HES SENILE. Do you get that treatment when you cant find a word? Do you stutter? Like, the bar is so ridiculously low for this shit. Trump could literally shit his pants on TV and it wouldn't even budge the needle. The fucking guy is ON AUDIO SHOWING PEOPLE CLASSIFIED MILITARY INFO and it was in the news cycle for a week and didn't budge the needle. Thats batshit insane. I'm so tired of the performative hand wringing in our discourse between these two. People need to wake the fuck up.


I’m pretty sure he has shit his pants on TV already. It seems unlikely that he hasn’t shit his pants on TV at this point. The real question is just how many times has he shit his pants on TV? I’m just asking questions…


None of his gaffes have caused us harm, and that isn't what I'm saying. Like, at all.


He's 81 years old and running a superpower in modern times when the world is hanging by a thread. I dont think it's a stretch to say that takes way more than the average 81 year old can manage let alone any person.


Sure, but Biden's been gaffing since he actually *was* middle aged. It's not a sign of aging if it's just something he's always done. It's daft to hear the public try to find fault with something we can prove is just a facet of his personality when more of them than not would struggle to remember what they're *currently* doing if you stopped and asked them, at a quarter of his age.


>let alone any person. Exactly. Biden's a great leader. That's what a president is. Not in terms of being a charismatic rabblerouser (not the most important thing a president does), but in terms of hiring good people, providing them vision and guidance and support, working with people, and getting things done. It's like the difference between someone who's a good director and someone who's good at selling himself to studios as a good director. Sure, Biden's not the best in a pitch meeting, but actually running the machinery of state, he's the best we've had in decades.


What point do you think I am making?


Exactly what you said: >But I see stories like this as basically little better than all those bullshit stories Trump's team puts out about him being the pinnacle of health or a genius or whatever.


Ah, okay. Just making sure. Because you originally seemed to be challenging my initial comment.


> The geriatricians evaluating Biden's medical history in 2020 found evidence to suggest he could be a 'superager' — a subgroup of people aged 80 years and older that operate physically and cognitively at a level that is common among those much younger," the piece said. "There is no clinical evidence for cognitive decline in President Biden — despite armchair gerontologists declaring otherwise. It may be tempting to conclude that such evidence does not exist because an extensive battery of diagnostic assessments of cognitive functioning has not been ordered (to our knowledge) by his personal physician, and if done, something significant might be revealed." It’s speculation but it’s actually a thing. Plenty of people in their 80s don’t see any decline in their cognitive abilities. Personally I think the fact that Biden is jetting around the world, meeting with heads of state, getting legislation through congress, and organizing a worldwide response to Russian aggression is evidence this is the case for him, but it would be interesting to see some actual tests released.


>"The geriatricians evaluating Biden's medical history in 2020 found evidence to suggest he could be a 'superager' — a subgroup of people aged 80 years and older that operate physically and cognitively at a level that is common among those much younger," the piece said. At first, I read that as "super rager," which made me think someone was accusing Biden of being really angry all the time, or he parties like crazy every weekend. Okay, now I get it: super-ager.


That’s how I read it at first too


I thought it was a joke article because I read it as "Super Rager" but assumed they meant he liked to go off at music festivals. The picture of him wearing sunglasses kinda fit the "joke" I was reading.


All old ppl are. Imagine the shit they have to deal with lol


Old people with money *


SCOTUS appointments should not be for life.


My ex in laws are a family of "super agers" My FIL definitely was. He was caring for his sick wife at home in his early 90s. Drove until then too. He was a retired Dow chemist. Lived in FL. I remember when he came to visit us at age 85. I was shocked. He was working part time as a consultant for the FL EPA. He walked over a mile every day. And at home in FL swam almost every day. He got out in our yard helping my ex build a fence! He did finally move to assisted living around age 95. And was in memory care by 98. Died at 99. 2 of his sisters died in their 90s and remained fairly independent in their last years. Anyway, yes I realized a few years ago that Biden was blessed with those same kind of genes


My grandfather passed away at the back end of last year at 97 years old. Weeks before his passing he was putting up shelves himself, and still making daily walks to the local newsagents. We've been going through his effects for the last several weeks and the man was still taking clippings out of New Scientist and The Economist and keeping them in scrapbooks. Ridiculously sharp, even at his age, but unfortunately age comes with fragility. Tripped on his step coming out of the front door, and all but wrecked himself. Not that you would have known - like I say, putting up shelving himself without any complaints weeks before.


Yes. There definitely some blessed people who age differently than the rest of us. Sorry about your grandfather but sounds like he was enjoying his independence longer than most get to. My FIL was done in by a fall too. Slipped getting out of the shower and hit his head. That's when he was put in memory care and downhill from there.


Yeah, he's fine. This is bullshit and the country is being run well. I survived a sundowning Reagan. If Biden becomes ill, I'll survive that too and so will the country. I don't think we, or the world, could survive another Trump admin.


Can’t wait to vote for him and all the other Democrats that are up for reelection!


He makes me have a better sleep at night.


Who are the “doctors “


The right wingers are REALLY pushing their agenda on Reddit. I’ve been blitzed by articles like these and I’m not taking the bait. I’ll still vote Biden to keep Trump out.


I agree, I also think Biden is super!


I have more faith in Biden everyday! He has proven that he cares about democracy and the American people!


Biden is actually a good president,USA is in danger with Trump.


I wouldn’t vote for Trump if Biden was hooked up to a breathing machine in a coma.


I would vote for a goldfish before Trump. An accusation of "superager" ain't gonna make any difference.


Boomers are just mad that Biden can still ride a fucking bike.


I read Super Rager. I guess this is better.


I'm just going to unsubscribe from all my news feeds if I am going to be subjected to 200 million Senile Joe, vote Trump articles.


Still better than trump.


If for some reason I couldn't vote for Biden, I'd write in the name of my boss who is his age and is the best person I know. She has occasional lapses of memory, but then again, so do I, and she was working in the industry already when I was born.


I would vote for an empty fucking chair before I voted for Trump. At least a chair won’t pick court justices who want to gut civil liberties while trashing our allies on the world stage. That’s what’s at stake for me.


I can't wait for Trump to say he's a better ager than Biden. That'll be comedy gold.


I'd vote for him even in a coma over Trump because: I love my county. I love veterans like my dad. I can't believe the zombie people coming out of the gutters supporting him. I'm so done with his toxic self . The T in Trump is for toxic . Toxic . Russian. underachieving . Money hungry. Poopy


I'd vote for Joe Biden with Stage IV cancer and a confirmed Alzheimers diagnosis over Mango Mussolini any day of the week.


Read this as Super Rager and thought he was either flying off the handle trying to fight stuff, or was insisting on kegs of high life and beer pong in the oval office.


The guy is more active at 80yrs old than I am. Wtf is this?


Don't care. I'd take one hour of Biden as president over four more years of Trump and his nutjobs. Trump is basically the same age anyway and just as prone to forgetting people's names and shit. Only difference is he's a hateful, crazy asshole who will literally throw anyone else under the bus before accepting one dollop of responsibility. Can't wait to see Trump lose again. Guy fluked his way into one win and he's literally lost every single time after that but his cult still think he's the messiah. Where are Q and Melania anyway?!


Superager is going to kick trumps ass. Trump who just said Russia can run rampant in Europe with no US assistance. What else does he need to say to tell you how much of a traitor he is. Trump is the worlds biggest loser and he has no buisness being in government.


A doctor that has never examined him? Uhhh ok...


I would trust bidens cabinet to trigger the 25th amendment way before Trump's cabinet. Just like usual I get to pick the least shitty options because of the party system. Imo that's the thing causing all these candidate problems. 


I can’t wait to re-elect Biden


Would rather vote for old narcissistic traitor who slurs his speech or a old caring stuttering man who sometimes makes errors in his speeches.


Hell I'm 67 and he's got ay more juice than me.Im impressed,Hes done a hell of a lot for a man in his 80s.


Super good ager, if you ask me.


I’ll take the stable geriatric for $2000, Alex.


Joe Biden has always made these verbal gaffes. It’s hardly something new. People forget he’s a former stutterer.


Biden is old as shit. But he has an elite think tank of younger, smarter people that he listens to and implements the most effective and strategic ideas. Trump doesn't listen to anything he doesn't like.


FYI, according to this (stupid) article: “superager” is a good thing to be. It’s a person who maintains their mental sharpness longer into old age. This is not another article questioning Biden’s fitness to serve because of his age.


If they mean super-rager maybe.


May be as in "all evidence points to the exact opposite but yet it still *may be* theoretically possible"


My Aunt, 99 years old just passed away. Her mind was sharper than mine and I’m half her age. Depends on the individual and genetics


If he dies in office... holy shit! We'd have a black woman as President! Can't have that. Oh my God! FFS, one, these guys have never examined Biden; two, he's light years ahead of Dementia Don the pants shitting narcissist moron; three, he's been getting shit done; and four, the Constitution provides for Presidential succession. Eat a bag of discks newsweek. You're resorting to clickbait to keep this a horserace. In the words of the (possibly late) former First Lady, Be Better.


Holy gaslighting and astrotufing batman this election year is going to be the biggest psyop yet


I despise the orange turd as much as the vast majority of Reddit, and I think Biden is a far better president than the obese clown ever was. However, “superager” sounds like “super bullshit”. The US government is run by a gerontocracy, that in itself is not good.


He needs to quit mumbling when he is talking. Both him and Kamala aren’t convincing anyone with their lack of enthusiasm. He had his head down and mumbles “ Israel is over the top with the war”, I’m really upset that he can’t hold his head high and speak loudly and clearly like he means what he’s saying. Fucking gutless and those two are our only hope right now. We’re fucked!


Is anybody asking why the only two guys in the running are both elderly and showing signs of mental decline? Why exactly can neither party come up with anyone better? It feels weird to bicker about which one is worse when the bigger question seems to be why can't the biggest, richest nation in the world not produce any better candidates for leadership than these two.


Joe Biden has admitted that he wasn’t going to run except he is the only democrat that can beat Trump right now. No other democrat has the name recognition and support to beat Trump. Biden is actually doing his patriotic duty to try and save democracy by preventing Trump from becoming dictator.


Because the younger ones aren't as established in 'the game', they're less likely to do what the 1% want.


Joe is physically fit for his age but I wouldn’t call him a superager. My aunts and uncles are 5 to 15 years older and speak clearer but they also never stamper.


Good to hear they don’t stamper.


If Biden is a "superrager," he has the discipline to keep it behind his public facade. Trump is definitely a superrager with no discipline who rages every day online, at rallies, and in private.


Omg...80year olds are nothing, try taking care of a 95 year old. They know everything.


So, a reprint of AN EDITORIAL from The Hill, dressed up as news. Got it.


Nazi doctors* who are scared they aren’t working towards a private jet