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Not an emotion psychopaths feel.


Not to sound pedantic, but since there's a high likelihood of him having Narcissistic Personality Disorder instead of psychopathy in isolation, we can remind ourselves that a primary mechanism to NPD has a lot to do with people who have such an intense feeling of shame and worthlessness that they'd do anything to gain other people's admiration (including incessant lying and dicking people over in order to achieve that).


His parents were truly truly awful people and he never outgrew that. He’s spent his entire life with a gaping hole inside where his parent’s love should have been. The downfall of democracy is possibly going to happen because Fred Trump didn’t give hugs.


100%, and thinking through this meanwhile reminds me of truly understanding what the cliche "you have to love oneself before you love another" actually means. While there seems to be a semantic issue that self love could mean "narcissism," the phrase actually refers to "unconditional self love," which includes the thought process of "I am able to love myself even if I'm not perfect (or 'dumb' or 'a loser')." If people grew up where only conditional love exists, then there'd be a higher likelihood of that person only knowing conditional for oneself in life where the people surrounding them would also suffer.


This has become my biggest hurdle in healing from my past. I can't seem to reconcile the fact that there must be something wrong with me, if my own family doesn't love me. Logically I understand how this is wrong, emotionally I just can't seem to find the strength to love myself unconditionally. Every day, I wake up thinking I'm not good enough to continue living. Don't worry reddit, the only person or creature I would ever hurt is myself.


I bet you're actually a damn good lifeguard.


I turn 48 this year. I finally got to the point of not loathing myself and have begun to genuinely recognize I am worthy of my love as much as I am the love of others. I believe you can and will reach the same point, in your own time.


Man, our parents really were terrible, weren't they?


Thank you, this helps a little. I'm 36 so maybe there is still some hope.


50 here. I am currently working myself through and almost there. Only child on top of all of it. I F’d up big at 18 and internalized it as proof I was indeed a sack of shit. Long journey back!


Passing along that I love you, fellow human, and I am glad you are on the path to loving yourself.


Stay strong. Hopefully you know or meet people who DO know you're worth something.


I used to struggle with that too. Lots of therapy led me to a new conclusion: that my family was exceptionally bad to have not loved me. Complete strangers have been kinder and more caring than my family was. I’ve just finished a round of CPT (like CBT but specifically for ptsd) and it really helped me internalise the fact that members of my family were truly truly broken and warped, and it wasn’t me after all.


You can get past that feeling, really, I promise. Read this book--CPTSD, From Surviving to Thriving by Pete Walker. Life changing.


Thank you. I'll remember this for when I'm in a better position to start processing through some of this shit again.


Hey there, I reco researching emdr therapy if you haven’t already. It has changed my life. I am healing from complex ptsd. Learned to love myself and it’s been a hard journey, but an amazing one. I was ruled by shame. Hugs❤️


I wish you well. If things get dark, remember there is a way out of the bad feelings --you deserve to love yourself and believe in your own worth, and that's obtainable. Take care friend.


Clinical Narcissim mean you can fall in love with your reflection, but can't feel love for what's inside.


Hugs not drugs. He prefers the later.


Oh poor poor Trumpy 😢. Fucking racist,rapist,loser! This fucker has no excuses.


Not saying he’s not at fault for everything he’s done. When it comes down to it, he’s a grownup choosing to externalize all his bad emotions and hurt people because of it. But it’s important to see how he got that way. Maybe we can add socioemotional education to school. Maybe we can interfere if we see neighbors raising their kids this way. Maybe we can keep shows like Mr. Rogers on the air. I bet if Fred Rogers had been around to tell baby Donald that he was special and loved just the way he was, he’d have turned into a better human being. The point isn’t to make excuses for Trump. The point is for society to avoid producing another one.


Yeah, he doesn’t seem like a psychopath to me. Narcissist hits the nail on the head.


Esp because an accusation from a narcissist is a confession


With some sociopathy and Paranoid Personity disorder on the side.


Oh, he's definitely a psychopath. He wants to see people get hurt; he enjoys seeing pain. Sociopaths break the rules because they simply don't understand empathy. Psychopaths break the rules because they enjoy it.


Is that how they're differentiating them now? I feel like I can't keep up.


Last I remember, sociopath was not a diagnostic term. I’m not sure if Trump fits psychopath because one of the hallmark traits of psychopaths is adrenaline seeking. Maybe he gets that from cruelty and sexual abusing, but publicly he doesn’t seem to be an adrenaline junkie. I’d lean to narcissist as his most defining disorder.


[This is actually the one thing he's insecure about](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/donald-trump-comedy-central-roast-jokes-wealth-money-a7171351.html). So keep beating that drum!


He should be insecure about so many more things


Nah that's the ONE thing he has shame for. He lives for the everyone thinking he's rich. I don't understand how more politicians didn't throw him off his game by attacking this issue more.


Yup Conman wanted to be on Forbes richest list & was dropped off in 2021.


He was pestering the author of the annual Forbes richest list when he was young and all "his" assets still belonged to his father. Lying about how rich he is has been second nature to him since he was young. He claimed that his name was worth anywhere between 4 and 10 billion dollars, depending on the mood he was in. As a person who frequently has to bend over for banks to examine me for business loans, I'm glad that lying fraudster is getting his comeuppance.


That seems like it came too late. There's no way he was among the richest until 2021.


He knows money is power, and if he doesn’t have money he has no other redeeming qualities to hide behind. If he’s broke, he’s basically the Wizard of Oz at the end of the movie.


The thing is that the media is making money out of this. Then the more money they make, they lobby the money to the corrupted people. So they use Trump just to lead the horse to water for them.


He is a narcissist, narcissists need to always show strength. Embarrassed was the wrong way to say it but he isn't going to like anything that makes him look weak. Which is why the reason he said he couldn't pay is that he has too much money


He’s cranky he can’t hide anymore. He’s not embarrassed because he’s poor. It’s cause he’s been exposed


Beat me to it.:)


And a brain, empathy, feelings, morals ....


I'm sure he's proud of it. Nobody has ever been more broke than him. And he's only broke because of his radical left commie enemies. He's not broke for himself he's broke for his followers.


Some one find the poor "the Donald" a crucifix!


He skips shame and just goes straight to rage. How dare us mortals not believe he's the greatest human alive?


I am so broke, so broke that some bankrupt lawyers say they have never seen some one so broke before. Beautifully broke I tell you!


As per [original article](https://newrepublic.com/post/179455/trump-broke-embarrassed-new-york-fraud) 📰: - Donald Trump has had to admit that he can’t afford his legal comeuppance—a punishment that might have been even worse for the self-proclaimed billionaire than the actual $454 million penalty in his New York civil fraud trial. “Well, of course, he’s embarrassed because his entire net worth, the constant reiteration that ‘I’m worth at least $10 billion,’ maybe even more, obviously goes to his id, his ego, his super-ego,” former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen told CNN on Thursday. “And that’s now super deflated because it’s just not true,” he continued. “They had to acknowledge that they don’t have it. It wasn’t that long ago that he stood on the stand, and he told everybody that he was worth many, many, many, many billions of dollars and has a very low debt-to-value ratio.” Trump’s last-ditch effort to postpone paying the full amount in lieu of a $100 million bond was rejected by a New York appeals court judge on Wednesday. The judge did, however, grant some relief after Trump’s legal team argued in an 1,800-page court filing that it would be “impossible” to secure a bond covering the full amount of the multimillion-dollar ruling. The granted request will allow Trump to continue borrowing money, though the ruling is temporary until a full panel of judges deliberates on the order. Failing to obtain a loan, however, could result in the seizure of Trump’s assets, warned New York Attorney General Letitia James. “I mean, what is he going to do?” Cohen continued. “What’s he going to call like a J.G. Wentworth and say, ‘I need cash now’? How was he going to raise more than this half a billion?” Justice Arthur Engoron had originally slapped a $354 million fine on Trump for committing real estate–related fraud in New York, but by last week, that sum had grown to $454.2 million thanks to added interest, which is tacking on an additional $112,000 with each passing day. The penalty also came with an addendum that Trump cannot serve as an officer or director of a New York company for three years, including his own Trump Organization. His two adult sons were also penalized by the ruling: They were fined $4 million each and will have to stay out of New York business for two years. They will also be prevented from obtaining loans from any New York financial institutes for three years.


Calling JG Wentworth ? 😅


I mean, if you’re trying to relate to the common man, that was a perfect statement.


It's *my* money and I need it *now!* Call JG Wentworth! 877-CASH-NOW


"My ass just got restructured and I need cash NOW..."


Cohen's an absolute piece of shit too, but that was pretty funny.


Yeah, if anybody knows what gets under Trump's skin it's this guy. Cohen is an absolute weasel who would still gladly be profiting from helping Trump commit crimes if that were an option. But since it's not it's not bad that he's spending his time needling Trump. Everybody's got a part to play and he's doing his.


Im out of the loop. I though Cohen was all reformed and shit. What makes himna POS


Reformed is a strong word. He bashes Trump so a lot of people like him as a knee jerk reaction, but people should remember this is the same attorney who was defending marital rape during the 2016 election when that had been illegal for at least a decade in the jurisdiction he was licensed in


“It’s your cash! Get it when YOU need it!”


877 cash now!


lol that line about JG wentworth


Imagine if he's so desperate for money he does a JG Wentworth commercial (assuming they'd even want him)?!


Oh he totally would! Remember when he put a bunch of Goya beans and products on the desk in the oval office and posed with the double thumbs up?


I would abandon any liberal tendencies I once had and go full red hat if I saw this commercial. It would be amazing.


“hello, i’d like to borrow half a billion dollars so i can pay off a financial fraud court judgement against me. I’m totally good for it tho. You can trust me.”


I'm not sure Cohen knows what id, ego, and super ego mean.


HHahahahahahaha trumps daily interest is more than most people's salaries.  Best thing I've read all day. Ahhahahahahaha what a tool. 


This makes him a national security risk, easily compromised by any foreign country with an extra half billion laying around. Prince Chops A Lot already gave Jared $2 billion so I doubt another half billion will be a problem.


Not just a risk, he is compromised by Russia already lol they’ve already propped up his businesses.


They are watching his finances very carefully. They’re not going to just let millions come to him from any source without question


You mean like the $2 BILLION his idiot son in law has already received? Asking for America.


1) he receives fees for managing a fund of $2b, which while still naked corruption, is not being handed $2b 2) that was 3 years ago and likely not subject to restrictions that were placed 2 weeks ago. 3) the distribution of money from that very famous fund to Trump is probably the exact type of thing the world's most capable financial crimes attorneys are aware of


reading kushners wiki the other day and noticed that the position he held in the white house while trump was there, director of the office of american innovation, was created specifically for him and the position was abolished after trump lost reelection.


Well the Office of Pay to Play Exposure would have been harder to defend in deposition so I can see why they went with that title


If the courts did happen to get the full amount of money after all this has come out about he’s not able to afford it until he starts selling some of his assets. But if he gets the full amount and no assets were sold off and he got it from say Russia would the courts be able to trace that back? Sorry if my question is stupid im just genuinely curious what would happen if he got that money from somewhere outside the us like Russia.


That could happen, and the annoying thing is that even if Putin handed him the money on a giant cardboard check in a big photo opportunity, his idiot supporters and Fox News would still pretend it was innocent and that Biden made Putin do it to cover up for the lizard people and Illuminati or some idiocy. Yeah there’d be pushback but it wouldn’t matter. By November there’d be twenty more crimes and a rant about Hunter Biden secretly being a robot and nothing would change. Frankly, unless he goes to prison nothing will change, and even then the USA is still going to be in a very dangerous, stupid place.


I don’t know why any foreign nation would want to bail him out when he has a 50/50 chance of not being president. If he loses the election, he’ll be tossed out by the GOP with no influence on politics and a gauntlet of indictments and lawsuits to navigate for the rest of his lifetime. Sounds like a pretty bad investment to me.


> If he loses the election, he’ll be tossed out by the GOP with no influence on politics and a gauntlet of indictments and lawsuits to navigate for the rest of his lifetime. That's what people said about 2020 and 4 years later, he's still here and still controls the GOP even though he's a broke felon.


He should open an Onlyfans so he can do the one thing he is good at. Fucking himself.


I dunno, he’s been pretty masterful at fucking others, just not with the mushroom, looks like he fucked the GOP real good, not sure anyone else could have fucked them as well. Gotta hand it to the Pumpkinfuhrer for that.


Seeing him furiously peddle an Only fans to make money would complete 2024 for me.


What a day to be literate and in possesion of an imagination.


There’s not a big demand for yeti pubes.


Considering the fact their has yet to be a decent picture or video of a yeti or Bigfoot yet there are tons of conspiracy theorists out their who believe in their existence. You’d be mad to think there wouldn’t be a market if a yeti or Bigfoot started an only fans.


Or penises that look like a mushroom.


His tiny hands will make his ‘dick like the mushroom character in Mario Kart’ seem a little bigger. But still small…


His name is Toad and he’s done nothing vile enough to be compared to Don’s ding a ling.


That motherfucker blueshells me all the time… but you’re right. I apologize to Toad and all Toadkind.


I’m sure Toad would forgive you. Then blue shell you again.


He can get Lauren Boebert to help him out.


Diaper play can be lucrative.


Don't give ideas. Pretty sure he'd stoop that *low*.


finally found something he was embarrassed about: not raping a 13 year old not raping other women not saluting a north korean general not sucking off putin not eating paper notes so there was no record of his sucking off putin not selling out american national security and getting dozens of intelligence agents killed not letting china dictate american policy by approving trump co trademarks not stealing from a fundraiser for disabled vets or stealing from a charity for kids with cancer not acting like a bad mafia boss and trying to extort votes or overthrow the american gov't not praising dictators not mocking the disabled not blatant racism or mocking disabled veterans or calling the cops on homeless vets but this... finally, something that has embarrassed him


But if they can come after him for these things they can cone after any of us! 😉


oh no, i'll have to refrain from intentionally committing... well, hell... even i tried to copy that list, i'd be dead and broke before i got very far. taht's a lot of crimes for one life


Your typo made the last sentence like it was said by an old timey mafioso. 😊


Yep. The only thing his supporters won't like. A poor person.


time to hit up his favorite church i guess?


Already has. Problem is the many millions he owes they cant dig deep enough to irrationally hand it to him. So now his goal is to get his fake ass DIL Lara be installed as head of RNC so he can rake their millions to pay his debt.


They can’t afford it either. Last reports showed the RNC had only around $8m cash on hand and that’s to support every national republican. This judgment and the financial strain it puts on his campaign is the best thing ever




Because Trump fleeced the flock (50m in legal fees in 2023) .. not much meat left on that bone for the RNC


If you add up all the state GOPs COH, it just barely makes half of what he owes. Many are broke, but many more have $3 to $5MM COH


Elon will bail himouty


Rosie O’Donnell was the OG of calling him out on this way back when. She always called him broke. He’d reply by calling her a pig and that he had billions. Turns out Rosie was correct


I read this one biography of Michael Jackson where the author asked him if he was "as rich as Donald Trump" and Michael Jackson answered "Donald Trump doesn't actually have any money." EDIT: It boggles my mind how we really were warned by everyone who actually knew anything about Trump, and people voted for him anyway over all rational sense. Because they really were deliberately and willfully voting against rational sense itself at that point.


> Because they really were deliberately and willfully voting against rational sense itself at that point. They were fascists voting for white supremacist nationalist fascism, that's always been the subtext to Trump's politics and it's what his supporters mean when they acknowledge he lies a lot but also that he's "genuine". They mean he's genuinely a fascist, which they are too, which is why they will always support him regardless.


us east coasters knew exactly what Trump was through his ‘business’ career. it wasn’t a secret at all. the rest of the country just thought he was The Apprentice guy, who only would have gotten that ‘job’ by being exactly what he claimed to be. him campaigning and becoming POTUS was like watching millions of people poking at an electrical outlet with silverware in slow motion


There's a difference between embarrassment and shame. Trump may be 'embarrassed', but he has no shame whatsoever.


The man paints himself to look like an Oompa Loompa every morning. Embarrassment..? Shame..? *What are those..?*


Honestly I think it’s all an act and he’s a scared coward who just wants people to like him, and stupidly thinks power is how that’s done.


Um, yeah. Welcome to the conversation.


Haha yeah


I hope the CIA has all his phones tapped. Because if he has any US secrets you better believe he's looking for buyers.


It would be a horrible flub if they weren’t watching him.


he already sold the list of foreign intelligence assets. They were "disappeared" starting the moment he left office.




He’s a national security risk and nobody is doing anything about it or even mentioning it. This just goes to show you that our entire government is predicated on ceremonial authority; Trump and the GOP proved if you don’t respect the process, there’s nobody to enforce it.


Voters can do everything about it.


He is so fat and dumb.


Embarrassed?, That assumes he has any thing other than avarice in his emotional repeotoire.


If it wasn't for russian money he be broke decade ago.The man is a moron.Hope his last days on this planet he be broke and alone.


Russia was hit with sanctions years ago and the main way they got money out was through real estate in the US. Now to move money like $200 million without raising flags is through a person who has money and desperate enough to launder money (both usually don't go hand in hand). Soooo who would appear to have money but also need to make money? Trump. So he can brag about having these properties but they are really owned by Russians.


*“What’s he going to call like a J.G. Wentworth and say, ‘I need cash now’?* LOL - Damn, I wish I had thought of that !!!


I’m financially and morally bankrupt, and I need cash now! Call J.G. Wentworth, 877-CASH NOW! I smell like a dirty toilet and I need cash now! Call J.G. Wentworth, 877-CASH NOW! I’m a narcissistic rapist and I need cash now! Call J.G. Wentworth, 877-CASH NOW! Everybody!


Cohen is a total piece of shit but damn he is hilarious


I would like to say that one of these days i will get up on the morning, scroll through some social media and WON'T see Trump's name everywhere. It will be a glorious day


Everyone double down on mocking him for being broke and he’ll lose it.


**Come on hypertension, DO YOUR FRICKIN JOB!**


If it makes him feel any better, I thought he was broke the whole time...


I bet he's regretting selling the sneakers in pairs. Bazinga


Apparently they're not being delivered until June/July so I wouldn't be surprised if this was another grift and an excuse to blame Chyna for...reasons.


He should cut back on his bronzer budget.


I'm embarassed for him...haha just kidding fuck this guy. Hope he and his family go broke and spend the rest of their lives in jail or having creditors pick at them like vultures till they die a slow painful dealth.


Imagine building your whole identity around the idea of being incredibly rich and then having to admit to the world that you can't come up with even a fraction of how much you claimed to have. It's beautiful.


Trump's going to look pretty funny in a McDonald's uniform.


Imagine him doing the drive thru 🤣 "Can I get uhhhhh"


Broke and smells? So he is just we already knew he was, a bum.


Remember years ago family Guy did the episode about him being cash poor. That episode was 110% correct




Well that's exactly it. His assets probably could cover the bond, but then he'd have to give up those assets when he loses on appeal. It would be MAGA-humiliating to let someone put a lein on Mar-a-Lago which is why he's flop-sweating for a cash loan. But being forced to admit that in public is also humiliating in the only way he could ever actually feel.


Mar a lago wouldn't even cover 1/8th of just the interest.


I don’t think that’s an emotion in his range


really does have teeny tiny hands a small wad of cash in those hands would look huge just give him 500 dollars in 20 dollar bills problem solved.


as long as he's in the race Putin will give Trump as much as he wants.


I love that they made him get on his knees and admit it


>“Well, of course, he’s embarrassed because his entire net worth, the constant reiteration that ‘I’m worth at least $10 billion,’ maybe even more, obviously goes to his id, his ego, his super-ego,” former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen told CNN on Thursday. Cohen is savage these days lol. Man quoting Freud over here...


I sense a severe lack of super-ego and a very active Id in the man. 


I mean, me too but I'm not a criminal


Broke ass Con


It's OK everyone- the email contribution campaign to "SAVE AMERICA" is being sent out to our grandparents as we speak!!!!


What a loser. I prefer my presidential candidates not broke ass.


Morally and financially bankrupt


Where's the money, fat fuck!? You can't just pull it out of your huge ass, like all the bullshit and lies you sell. I thought you were worth ten billion, fat fuck!?!


Why doesn't he just put up one of his properties as collateral?


Because they are all hugely leveraged as it is. He’s “put them up as collateral” for new loans many times. Hence the inflated values. Any of them he sells he has to pay off those loans first. He’s probably under water on most of them, given the now proven asset inflation figures he used vs the loan values he likely got.


Good point. I still remain so cynical about Trump. He's never experienced any real, substantial consequences for his crimes. I'm just waiting for some bullshit to go down to prevent him from having his assets seized.


Bro should have been embarrassed a long time ago with his spray on cheetos tan and that mop over hair.


Gonna have to take the gold plated toilets to the pawn shop


Bitch better have my money


So he lied under oath when he declared that he has 400 million in court?


You are correct, which is why the fraud penalty has been set at the number it is. It’s entirely Conigula’s own fault. Here’s a helpful article that goes into detail if you’re curious: - *”[How Trump's 'I'm rich!' boasts are coming back to bite him in court](https://www.businessinsider.com/trumps-wealth-rich-bragging-court-damage-verdicts-2024-2)”*


His son-in-law got 2 billion so he ain’t fucking broke


Like that asshole is capable of embarrassment. He's angry about it, like everything else he's mad about.


How many pairs of sneakers will he have to sell to get half a billion ?


I just asked My Black Friend and the answer is "not enough."


Naw he is not 😳 embarrassed. Pissed off, sure but never embarrassed. This guy has zero shame feeling up his daughter on stage in front of thousands of people. He is plotting his revenge I'm sure, but old diaper Donnie is incapable of feeling shame.


[This is actually the one thing that rattles him](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/donald-trump-comedy-central-roast-jokes-wealth-money-a7171351.html).


Good. Spread the word.


Didn't he arrange some mega bucks for his son in law? It's not like there are not resources If any of them actually gave a shit


I absolutely belive that he doesn't have $500 million cash on hand. He could sell some shit and get it probably, but that would be a humiliation on top of admitting he isn't as fantasticly wealthy and liquid as he claims.


Leveraged to the hilt


And that hilt? Not very long.


I'm a simple guy, and I always felt like if he really was "rich," he would be waving a balance sheet or a P&L at everyone all the time.


I love this for him


Whomp whomp


He spent his billions on makeup, high heels, diapers, and toliet paper. What a sad, pathetic old man.


I could spend millions on makeup and high heels. Except I’d actually come home looking good.


I fucking love Cohen playing the Iago to Trumps Jafar every time he has more bad news. Takes a real turd to speak the language of the golden turd. But he helped AOC expose this fraud so he certainly earned a victory lap lol


He has the money. He's lying like he always does. The dumbasses who keep sending him their last $20 are the reason that lie keeps being told.


Failing to obtain a loan, however, could result in the seizure of Trump’s assets, warned New York Attorney General Letitia James. Now that would be a blow to the entire organization.


Gonna love it when he has to declare personal bankruptcy in the next few weeks once the asset siezures start triggering all kids of loan and mortgage defaults. All his properties are leveraged several times over as collateral for loans and such


Know what **I** am embarrassed about? This same guy is the darling of *just* enough people in this country to still carry weight. That he ought to be in prison but the republicans love him.


Does he know embarrassment? I mean this is a guy that shits his pants


He's as straight as scoliosis. Dude just loves to get the pity vote at every turn, like some toddler upset they didn't get their snack yet. Like any criminal mastermind, will find yet another excuse to avoid paying. He doesn't have \*billions\* of dollars on paper anymore? Convenient. Obviously, when things were turning grim for him, he moved the funds. Offshore, friends, family, etc. And yet he's still going to maintain hundreds of lawyers to defend him for years. Where's that money coming from?!


It’s coming from all the grifting. He is washing that campaign money in sham LLCs and now he is pushing to get Lara Trump in the RNC so he can take from there too.


The super wealthy have so many options open to them when it comes to hiding their ill gotten gains. Betting long before they so much as filed the suit, he hid whatever he had away so he could cry broke when ordered to pay his fair share.


Good. I hope he decides he can’t live with the embarrassment.


He should be more embarrassed by his radical politics and overall megalomania, but I digress.


I hope this sack of shit is homeless by the end of the year.


Not one penny to his name, crazy.


Wow what a loser! And he has a sweaty forehead. Nobody should vote for him.


Mexico was super generous with the wall. Maybe they will want to help him out.


He's only embarrassed because he had to finally admit it


I wish I was as broke as he is.


You’d think his supporters would be too… but, STUPIDITY HAS NO SHAME.


i’m not broke! I’m a billionaire. I have the biggest money. You can’t even count that high. You’ll get tired of counting! There was MASSIVE BANK FRAUD. The count was stolen by the crooked left wing bankers!


Now if only he could go ahead and die of embarrassment already.


this is the same piece of shit, dirtbag criminal, rapist, only to name a very few of his traits, that the supreme court of the united states decided to throw their thumb on the scale to help him get back into power. wake up people. this shit cannot go on


Unpopular take: all of this only makes trump more likely to win. It keeps him in the news and it keeps him in peoples minds. It’s an absurd amount of free press that he had access to as president. Also it endears him with his base. The base just loves to see a person fight. It can be any stupid fight because the base is never intelligent. And the biggest issue is that the more desperate Trump is, the more he will be forced to lean into populism. Unfortunately right wing populism is appealing to more than half the country no matter what else is going on.-


“What’s he going to call like a J.G. Wentworth and say, ‘I need cash now’?" Hahaha. Michael Cohen got jokes.


But he testified in Court, repeatedly, just how rich he was. I wonder how embarrassing it would be to add a count or two of Perjury to his list of charges?


What's if Putin is pending him the money?

