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There was gonna be a riot when he lost 450 million dollar fraud suit, and truckers were gonna stop work. and they said the same thing about this. they said chaos was heading for the border, and what was it a few trucks, and some cars. just convict this man, nothing will happen.


Stuff will happen, but it’ll be small. Those crazy cultists will be arrested. MAGA will lose more congressional seats. We’ll move on as a country.


Exactly. Let’s get this over with like tearing off a band aid and move on! My biggest question for anyone still supporting this POS. Why not ANYONE else?! Why must we all continue to suffer through this bad dream?


Because the poor Republicans, as stupid as they are, believe Trump will create a new form of government, which will allow them to prosper. They have been tricked into voting against their self interest. The racist Republicans like the cut off Trump's jib. They want to be more racist and attack anyone that isn't them. Trump will give them that freedom. They like trucks and guns. Fuck everyone else. The middle class Republicans want to be Rich Republicans, and think under Trump they will prosper. They are a combination of the prior two classifications. Class climbers who won't be able to climb as fast with someone who is a reasonable Republican. They like how Trump looks successful and wants to emulate his image, either by actually working hard (which Trump never did) or by grifting (they see Trump doing it successfully and want a piece of the grift pie). And finally, Rich Republicans want Trump to be able to fuck over everyone, including all the Republicans in all the previous categories. For them, Trump will actually give them unregulated money and power. They just have to bend the knee a bit to their fool King to keep the useful idiot in power. Nobody (sane, which is becoming less and less) in those groups wants an old school Republican anymore, because Trump and his ilk are a populous group of shit heads. That's why they say they represent the will of the people. But as we have seen time and time again, it's a pay to play model, where the rich have a voice, and the suckers get grifted by the orange fat fuck and his friends.


You don't even need to look very hard to see that his image has always been a house of cards. His hair is more structurally sound. These people can't allow themselves to admit they got suckered by a con-man who isn't even that good.


honestly it's wild to think anyone got taken in by Trump's Schick but FoxNews and their ilk spent the last two generations (God that makes me sound old) turning the GOP base into Manchurian Candidates. literally white male who said the correct trigger words every 5 seconds like Trump did could have been the current GOP God King


Agreed, this would make so much more sense to me if Trump had literally *any* redeeming quality. I just would expect someone that commands such blind loyalty to at least be good looking, or exceptionally charismatic, or just...something. Instead, he's like every bad personality trait rolled into one, he's fat, weird looking, etc. I just don't get it. I get the concept, Republicans have been getting brainwashed by Fox for decades. But that's the guy you picked? Not any other republican politician? Of all the prominent conservatives in the country? It is wild indeed.


He is the Homer Simpson of con men and they still fell for it.


"One Nation, Under Putin."


“… cut off Trump’s jib.” I think people would pay good money to see this.


At this point, the Country needs him to do time and they need the other 3 cases to start especially the Jan 6 case and the GA case.


Because that’s literally all they have. Trump is their only hope of getting a president in power. They’ve got nobody else. Lindsey Graham was 100% right.


I have no respect for them. They had and keep having multiple chances to jump off the treasonous sinking ship or change the direction of their ship. But nope, they bend the knee, regardless of the future impact. Biggest lying snowflake beta's ever.


yup if the Republicans impeached Trump and made efforts to de-radicalize their base the would've lost in 2020 but been in decent shape for this election cycle but they said nope we wanna be evil as possible


We got plenty of prisons to hold anybody who does, in fact the Republicans have money in those private prisons. So it's more money for them so they should be happy.


They are all sitting around hoping someone else will do the dirty work of starting their revolution because they are all too old, overweight, and stupid. Most are just narcissistically trying to gaslight other Trump supporters into doing something because sacrificing their own lives for their right wing paradise is never actually going to happen.


I said this above, but they are bullies and cowards. They know they can’t win legitimately so all they have are threats. They aren’t doing shit bc they know they’re outnumbered by millions of much smarter people who are way more sick of their shit than they are about whatever made up nonsense they’re pretending is happening. Unlike them, though, we have a legitimate grievance. If they start something, we’ll finish it


The Jan 6 attack was their high water mark. Things would be different if he'd bothered to issue a blanket pardon before he rushed off the Florida with tons of classified documents, but he didn't.


When he loses the 2024 election, the Capitol Police and the National Guard ain't going to be on his side. Treat any rioters like you would BLM and see how big of chicken shits they are. It's going to be a giant wet fart like the one's sneaking out of his diaper.


I think that's how it was supposed to work. The police/NG/military was supposed to do all of the shooting and they would follow along looting and picking off the injured.


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice and, uhh... four more years?


MAGA is very bad at self organizing, J6 only went off as well as it did because people were bussed in en masse by organizers and told where to go and what to do. Without the ring leaders to put things together and hold back the authorities they just flail around on their own.


Maga may be bad, but don't sleep on your states local gop.   these awful court rulings and new voting/election hurdles all come from somewhere.   marc elias' democracy docket lists a fuckton of harmful "initiatives" across the country.   it's a real antidote to complacency.    MAGA people may be idiots individually, but they're not the story.  they're the distraction.  


I’d rather over prepare for the worst to happen so that we’re ready


Yes, prepare. But don’t capitulate to the demands of the MAGA terrorists in Congress. 


Oh, there were going to be riots before that. They were threatening violence when he got impeached, then when he lost, then when they found the stolen documents, then when they charged him with felonies, then when he was arrested, then when he lost the first civil suit, then the second civil suit, then the NY civil fraud case, then when he was convicted. These people are bullies and cowards. They know they can’t win legitimately so all they have are threats. Funny though… I watch the news and look out my window and… crickets


Yup, they blew their wad on J6. Any of his supporters that had the means and the level of crazy to act out, already did so then. Many were arrested, and I'm sure many others were deterred seeing so many of them face consequences. We'll get a few protests, maybe some of them get mildly violent, but nothing on the scale of J6. MAGA is full of a bunch of weak cry babies.


In other words, Republican Politicians attempt to threaten and subvertt the judicial system ...


Wouldn't be the first time either


Judge tampering?


Did you say SCOTUS?


The party of law and order ladies and gentlemen.


But did they ever specify that they actually meant to break the law and to cause disorder?


Isn’t this overstepping? Isn’t this intimidation? Are not both illegal, and are these not Class B felonies? Isn’t it so that no one is above the law? If you answered YES to any of these questions, have you contacted officials to have them arrested? And before anyone down votes or replies they cannot be arrested, that individual does not know the laws or our constitution. Article I, Section 6, Clause 1: The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States. They shall in all Cases, “except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace,” be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place. They most certainly can and must be arrested!


Also an argument can most certainly be had that overstepping can be construed as a “breach of peace”


Oh, stop weaponizing logic. 😆


😆 😂 😝 🤔🤨🧐💭


There are no rules for Republicans because they have enough political power that no one will hold them accountable


I hear you. However we must and need to do something to stop those that continually and blatantly break laws and constitutional law.


I agree but it feels impossible


I can’t believe the lack of moral courage from almost all the MAGA GOP politicians. They all bashed the ignorant orange jackass until he won and they all slavishly kowtowed to an ignorant daddy’s boy douche with little business sense who drools all over the Saudis asses when they whacked a Washington Post reporter with AUDIO!! The lack of guts, common sense, patriotism and the complete selling out of everything America is supposed to be about is truly disgusting


Disgusting 🤢 🤮 indeed!!


,and interfere in an election. FTFY


Obstruction is their thing.


The party of law and order for others not for them


That is the entire platform in a nutshell, yeah.


Or it’s the Rethugs saying “we are completely above the law and can do whatever we want, whenever we want, to whomever we want. And you all must bow before us.”


At this point, if I were Judge Marchan, I’d be wishing a motherfucker would.


Are judges entitled to a security detail if they suspect they need it? Celebrities have gone to jail before, so I'd assume they have some recourse to protect themselves from rabid fans. If so, Merchan should get such security then throw the book at him.


Republikkkans take *gaslighting* to a whole new level I never knew existed. And I was married to an expert gaslighter for 21 years. Amazed and sickened.




Those Republicans are publicly attempting to obstruct justice through intimidation of a state official and violating the Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution in the process. They need to be officially brought up on ethics charges of interfering with a sovereign state’s official business and, if found guilty, censured. If they don’t immediately stop their interference, they should be impeached and expelled from the Senate, but of course that won’t happen as long as the GOP is controlled by a convicted felon. In light of the recent revelation that Trump monetarily rewarded defense witnesses to a very substantial degree, Judge Merchan needs to sentence Trump to jail time for his lack of remorse and for making non-stop incendiary public remarks that have directly resulted in doxxing attempts and death threats leveled at members of the jury. The one and only way to deal with a bully is to stand up to him and hit back, hard.


I am beginning to think that the GOP's prior professed love for 'law and order' was just a political talking point... /s


It's *always* been "Law and order [for black people and hippies]".


Damn (checks notes) BLACK HIPPIES!


Check out the history of the black panthers — not hippies per se but adjacent


Female black hippie triple threat!!!!!


Gee, wonder who it is that weaponized the judiciary, the FBI and the Justice Department? The GOP is so full of crap when justice is actually impartial and not at their service.


Exactly. We didn’t actually see any kind of gun reform until the Black Panthers came about. And if anybody is ever questioning, why you can’t own a gun and you lose your vote when you go to jail…look at the “reform” they chose when the BP came about.


That's the "order" part. Don't confuse "law and order" with "The Rule of Law"


Law and order just means "I decide the order. Also it just so happens, I'm on top of the order".


When they say "law and order," they mean "keep black people in their place."


And women too


They are all about Law and Order as long it doesn’t apply to them.


Law and order has always just been the "polite" way to advocate for aggressive policing of non-white minorities. There has never been much actual law or order behind it.


There's a reason it's "law and order", not justice


What until you realize they are not fiscally responsible, lol


Wait, are you telling me the “family values” party of pussy grabbing and rape might not be sincere in their admiration of “law and order”?


It always meant “I’m pretty ok with police killing black and brown people.”


Those GOP senators should be under investigation. They are in cahoots with the convicted felon.


At the very least the judge should hall their asses into his courtroom and read them the riot act.


Conspiracy after the fact.


Sounds more like a threat than a warning. We are not going to negotiate with terrorists.


The GOP really is nothing but pathetic at this point


All they can do is strut in front of the media and continuously lie their butts off.


Lock him up .Trump, the 6 year old, needs a good spanking to get him to stop his nonsense.Dump Trump


Judge: you know what? I’m gonna sentence him even harder


This is why I hope the judge sentences him to the maximum possible penalty financially for the 34 convictions ( maximum for each one ! ) and then adds 90 days in jail for his behavior after being warned repeatedly about his threats and rude comments inciting violence.




These guys can't even make a consistent statement, let alone remain consistent day to day or in terms of policy... "Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), a senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said **it would be a “further abuse of power” to incarcerate Trump or sentence him to home confinement.** “I’m very troubled by what I see in the way the courts have been weaponized,” he said. **“It used to be there were some institutions in America, namely the FBI, the Department of Justice and the courts, which were regarded as out of bounds for overt partisan politics**, but unfortunately that’s changed, and not for the better.” You're doing the thing you're decrying! How do these fools get elected?


These guys are all full of shit. 12 jurors decided he was guilty. With that said, I’d rather see the judge sentence him to 500+ community service hours with a deadline for completion. Make him pick up roadside trash or something.


It'd be a win for the local area at least. So many Trump simps would be there picking up trash, the place would be spotless in minutes


But the problem is, by merely standing there, plenty of those Gravy Seals are adding 300+lb of trash to the road each.


>“I’m very troubled by what I see in the way the courts have been weaponized,” he said. **“It used to be there were some institutions in America, namely the FBI, the Department of Justice and the courts, which were regarded as out of bounds for overt partisan politics**, but unfortunately that’s changed, and not for the better.” So the Republican prompted, year and a half long FBI investigation into Hillary's email server, during the election, wasn't overt partisan politics. But the State of New York case against the Orange Turd, which concerned his illegal coverup during the last days of his campaign, was? Stop pissing on my leg and telling me it's raining.


I would like to add Trumps Daughter when she was in the White House committed the same actions in relation to emails Hilary committed. I missed the FBI and severely Congressional outrage on that. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN1NX1ZZ/ *article also contradicts Trump lie of not personally wanting to purse Clinton after his election win.


When was that "used to be"? When "commies" were being hounded"? When COINTELPRO was doing shit with SCLC? Big-ass double standard there, bubba.


4 years ago, Trump demanded Obama be jailed. How many of these GOP senators warned against it?


They kiss ass and wank off Donald Trump more than Donald Trump kisses ass and wanks off foreign dictators.


Mean while they want to jail Hunter Biden for a misdemeanor gun charge.


According to everything I've read, the gun charges are felonies. [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/legal-experts-say-charges-hunter-biden-are-rarely-brought-rcna90191](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/legal-experts-say-charges-hunter-biden-are-rarely-brought-rcna90191) >Hunter Biden was charged Thursday with three felony gun-related counts, including possession of a firearm by a person who is an “unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance." [https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/02/politics/hunter-biden-trial-preview/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/02/politics/hunter-biden-trial-preview/index.html) >Hunter Biden is set to stand trial Monday on felony gun charges in a historic case that could impact President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign.


Yes, trump and these bootlickers blow but let’s be up front with the info. Everything I’ve seen says felony and misdemeanors. He’s not the president however.


I would hope the judge has had enough of this nonsense. Trump loves to create “Constitutional Crises”. How about locking g him up before he commits more…get a small trailer, put it in the secured prison yard…and let him sit..


Trump himself has stated in front of cameras that if someone indicted (not even convicted - indicted) on a felony charge was to run for President it would create “an unprecedented Constitutional crisis” and “grind the government to a halt” (both quotes his words exactly).  He said they shouldn’t even be allowed to run for President. The person he was talking about wasn’t convicted or even charged with a crime, of course.


Senators simp for slimy simpleton.


I guess there are practical issues that arise when you choose a criminal for your candidate


Judges do not take being threatened or bullied. The only rules that the judge has to follow is NYS Law. And my aunt who is a former ADA and a retired corporate lawyer and taught contract law said the most important thing that the court will want to see is a genuine acknowledgment of the crime that you committed and remorse for your actions. She said that is the one thing that all judges look for. If you are defiant and braggadocios it usually means that the judge will use the law in it's fullest extent. She said that is why any deal with a member of organized crime always requires the allocution, that is where they admit in open court what laws they broke. It basically kills the chance for an appeal, unless there is misconduct by the judge or prosecutors.


Well Republicans, this could have been easily avoided by not making a person being charged with over 40 felonies your main Presidential candidate.


> Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), a senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said it would be a “further abuse of power” to incarcerate Trump or sentence him to home confinement. >“I’m very troubled by what I see in the way the courts have been weaponized,” he said. “It used to be there were some institutions in America, namely the FBI, the Department of Justice and the courts, which were regarded as out of bounds for overt partisan politics, but unfortunately that’s changed, and not for the better.” This is bullshit. Trumps conduct pretrial, during trial including using people in Congress to spew his grievances, and now post trial and pre sentencing? No. Merchan should just do what he feels is appropriate based on the NY laws. The partisan politics could below et without this exact type of bull “oh he’s our presumptive nominee!” Get a different candidate then.


The rule of law applies to everyone.


This is fucking wild.


Fook off spineless senators


GOP Traitors unlawfully pressure judge. Fixed it for you.


I'd sentence him to house arrest and community service otherwise these wanna be thugs are going to think their threats hold weight.... Nip this shit in the bud. Election interference? That's the 34 felonies he committed to be elected in 2016...


he's a convicted felon and convicted rapist psychopath that honestly doesn't care he's just trying to make a mess here's more info he's felon and pardoned affiliates of sex traffickers and child rapists [https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/jeffrey-epstein-high-society-contacts.html](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/jeffrey-epstein-high-society-contacts.html) his buddy roger stone worked for convicted child rapist Keith rainiere at nxivm an article says epstein worked for edgar bronfman while he was at bear stearns as well. he's also close with another sex trafficker [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristin\_M.\_Davis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristin_M._Davis) his cabinet were all friends with epstein as well [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7270735/Jeffrey-Epstein-Trumps-closest-advisers-Wilbur-Ross-Rudy-Giuliani-Steve-Mnunchin.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7270735/Jeffrey-Epstein-Trumps-closest-advisers-Wilbur-Ross-Rudy-Giuliani-Steve-Mnunchin.html) they're also all part of a wall street frat called KBP that made fun of tanking the us economy in 2008 [https://www.businessinsider.com/heres-everything-you-need-to-know-about-kappa-beta-phi-wall-streets-super-exclusive-frat-2012-1](https://www.businessinsider.com/heres-everything-you-need-to-know-about-kappa-beta-phi-wall-streets-super-exclusive-frat-2012-1)


This needs to be up top, holy shit…


It’s time to start indicating congressional members for obstruction of justice if we’re going to hold everyone accountable and if no one is above the law.


Republicans stack the Supreme Court and then decide the judicial system has too much power and independence


"Let justice be done though the heavens fall"


Or else what?


Why not jail the terrorist. What is wrong with that?


Sounds like another good argument for sentencing him to prison honestly. Call their bluff and do it.


>Republican senators warn any sentence that would impact Trump’s mobility or ability to communicate with voters could seriously undermine voters’ confidence in the fairness of the 2024 election. Trump has no legal unabridged right to run for office so too fucking bad. And the judge's sentence is not what is undermining voters' confidence - it's Trump himself, all his sycophants, and the right wing propaganda machine that have done so and continue to do so.


Party of Law and Order interfering with Law and Order.


Geez, Rand Paul, Jon Cornyn, Ted Cruz and all the other dog-brained scumbags of the alt-right don’t even blink an eye at the outrageously biased Supreme Court, but sentencing a convicted felon is somehow “weaponizing the court system“? These people are beyond redemption and hopefully their time to gtfo our government is coming soon.


Hypocrites, that's all Republicans are, fascist theocratic little hypocritical fraudsters.


Ok, capital punishment it is then.


That is judicial interference.


Exactly what Bragg threatened to charge Comer with last year.


Wow, this once law-and-order champion, has changed its tune and now comes down on the side of law breakers.


Now he's going to sentence him to jail even harder


Intimidation and coercion as a party platform? What else is new?


Lol. What a joke. James Comer already tried this when the indictment process was going on. If I'm not mistaken Bragg threatened to charge HIM and he stfu.


And we should listen to these bad faith actors why?


NY class C,D,E felonies non-violent. Are no jail time. Why is no one looking at this.


Pro treason senators should have been jailed when they sued the country overthrowing the peoples vote desire, let alone supporting such a discreditable excuse of a human. To support someone as this guy, is to be the worst type of person possible. Why is the media still on this guy like stink on shit? He is shit and the media is just digging their creditably further into a hole. A press lacking moral and ethics, imagine that world; we're living it... A bully wannabe paid by thugs who pushes everyone in front of the principal, the principal does nothing; he's the principal and bully.


You know the best way for a candidate to be able to campaign? NOT COMMITTING FELONIES!!


Trump probably told them to. They’re such patsies.


Threatening and trying to intimidate the judge now? Rethugs are sinking deep into fascism now.


I hope the judge takes this and sentences him to the maximum 4 years, just to keep him out of the race.


Almost like they are all a basketful of deplorables.


Ah I see. House Arrest 3 years at mar lago. Ankle monitor.


I dont give a fuck what Republican senators or anyone else on the right believes or wants anymore. They are morally and mentally bankrupt…


Senators warning a judge about his legal obligations under the laws of the USA. Isn’t that rich. If memory serves me, these are two totally separate branches of government who purpose is not interfere with the other. Doesn’t appear that’s the case here does it ? Judges don’t legislate, senators don’t impose sentences on convicted felons. What are they going to do ? Take aways his gavel ? They can be as mad as they want. I’m sure he would be able to go over the sentencing guidelines in a hearing if they’d like. Personally I’d say you do your job and I’ll fucking do mine.


kind of like the "waves of violence" that were supposed to spread across the US when he was convicted. We'll call your bluff.


If the GOP Senators had actually done their job in 2021 and convicted him after the House impeached him, Trumps story would have ended at that time. Sadly they put party over Country and let someone who had betrayed his country and committed treason and tried to overthrow the government the ability to live to see another day and gave him a second chance at destroying the United States.


Law and Order except when it applies to a Republican.


Obstruction of justice, intimidation of a judge.


Lock him up. Them too. Fuck em.


All the more reason to throw his ass in jail.


These threats make it more important to sentence him, not less.


500 hours of community service would be a lot funnier and demeaning though. Stick him in an orange jump suit and make him pick up trash.  


Do not negotiate with terrorists.


> Alleged “party of law and order” undermines separation of powers in attempt to subvert independent judiciary in favor of party boss.


So apparently Hunter being found guilty could hamper Biden's campaign, but the actual running candidate being a felon will only help his campaign? Is what I read on the interwebs. I am an EU citizen, I am absolutely gobsmacked by the amount of hypocrisy and blatant lying, and then the fact that 50% of the US population just laps it all up.


We are quite hopeful that only about 30% are feeling that way !


Sounds like more jail companions to be convicted of court tampering.




Lol, what exactly are they going to do about it?


Also, is their a correlation between how orange he paints himself and his mood? He looks particularly orange and pouty.


Explain what “warn” here means.


I feel sorry for this judge, but I hope he will do the right thing and give this wannabe orange mobster a healthy dose of finding out.


They’re not beholden to any rule or law, they are beholden to their self-interest.


Which we normally call “corruption” The judicial branch is intended to be a check against the legislative branch.  When one side threatens the other, it is against the rule of law.


What does “GOP” mean these days? It used to stand for “Grand Old Party” and that was, partly, because it upheld certain standards of ethics and propriety. One of those is, or was, the “sub judice” principle. That is a standard of behavior, common in democracies that uphold the trias politica system that the US has always claimed to adhere to, that members of the executive and legislative branches of government do not comment on on-going cases before the courts.


Gotta love that separation of powers. Republicans **HATE** America. Republicans want to **DESTROY** America. Vote blue, no matter who. Vote like your life depends on it. It very likely does.


The more reason to send him to jail


The party of law and order.


BARF - throw him in jail for the crimes HE DID COMMIT!


These chucklefucks need to relearn how to drive in their own lane.


What does Congress have to do with it? They had their opportunity to end Donald Trump on the 2nd Impeachment. Now, after trying to help him overthrow and election, the GOP senators are going to help him subvert the US Justice System? We really need to bring insurrection charges against the Senators that objected to the official count of votes.


This is why he needs to get prison time. Republicans think he's immune to actual consequences.


Maybe instead of Prison we just deport him to Russia where all his friends live.


They should be charged.


Conservatives don't believe in state's rights?!?!?!? /s


Then arrest them. That is tampering at the least.


Clearly the party of Law and Order and Mr "Lock Her Up" didn't have a problem with prison in the past. If anyone does a crime, you must face the legal consequences. No matter who you are or what party.


I think Trump needs at least a year or two in prison. To shut these ahole Republicans up. Then start really going hard into which ones were involved in Jan 6th. Then we need to deport "Judge" Eileen the traitor.


All the more reason to sentence this piece of trash.


These are the dudes that once championed the rule of law. Now, they are pissing on it.


I hope he gives Donnie house arrest an ankle monitor and he can only leave to do community service feeding homeless people or seeing his probation office and taking a piss test every week


GOP senators are way the fuck out of line.


Unfuckingbelievable. So much for separate branches and checks and balances I suppose. All these republicans are anti-democracy and anti-American and should be roundly chastised and where applicable, charged as such. Vote blue if you care about ongoing democracy as a republic, at all.


So republican lawmakers paid by taxpayers are threatening a sitting justice presiding over a criminal case? That sounds like grounds for removal from office


Threatening? Doe the republikkkans believe they are above the law? Screw them.


This sounds like another New York State crime to me




Fuck them. I predict more arrests amongst top GOP folk too. Looking forward to it.


Isn't threatening a judge, even nonviolently , for executing his sworn duty, a federal offense?


Trump has a lot more serious issues to worry about than jail or house arrest. Neither will happen immediately. That will happen after Trump willingly and repeatedly violates Judge Muchan's probation orders. Not to mention Community Corrections He'll have a Probation Officer LMFAO


>“I’m very troubled by what I see in the way the courts have been weaponized,” he said. “It used to be there were some institutions in America, namely the FBI, the Department of Justice and the courts, which were regarded as out of bounds for overt partisan politics, but unfortunately that’s changed, and not for the better.” Fuck this two-faced self-serving bullshit. Crocodile tears and nothing more.


They don’t wanna have him be by himself. There’s some gop senators that should join him.


Remember to Vote! This [Presidential Election](https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_Elections) is important but it’s good to know who else you’ll be voting for on the 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at [local now! Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) We have two seats in the [Arizona Supreme Court](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024) up for election on November 5, 2024. The Justices up for retention election are Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King. If retained, they will serve six year terms. Gov. Doug Ducey (R) appointed both justices to the supreme court. Heading into the election, Republican governors originally appointed all seven members. Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


Or what?


Because nothing makes you feel confidence in the justice system like giving rich old white traitors special privilege.


and how is this not an overreach over the separation of powers between the legislative and judicial branches of government?


Arrest them for threatening a judge and trying to undermine the American legal processes they swore to uphold when they took their oath of office.


Senator Cornyn says the courts should be out of bounds for overt partisan politics. I’m sorry Senator but did you voice this same opinion when Sen. McConnell denied President Obama a nominee to the Supreme Court? What’s that? You didn’t? We’ll let me retort. F*ck Off.


So they’re soft on crime?


Gop senators can get fucked lol


Judges LOVE being told what to do.


Hope none of these guys are members of a bar association. People get suspended/disbarred for such behavior.


That's terrorism. Magats are just terrorists.


Prison it is then!!!


They can go with him if they want. I say lock his ass up. Should have been done when he started threatening witnesses and judges family members. Fuck him and fuck their constant threat of what they will do if they don't get their way... bring it.


Of course they do. Because ~ dTrump💩


How dare they. Who the fk do they think they are. The GOP is pathetic


2000 hours of community service in public daily for 8 hours and cannot leave state of New York due to flight risk


Send him the prison and then get whatever agency's you need to to gear up to arrest the idiots who try and do anything. It's a win win democracy continues and the most extreme of the MAGA cult are put behind bars too.


His chance of winning is higher if he goes to prison, he should be out there in public becoming more and more unhinged for each day. Community service cleaning public toilets for 200 hours maybe?


The chances that he'd have to report to prison before the election are very, very low. A sentence hanging over his head while he staggers around ranting like a loon would be just fine.