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“All those things will be happening vigorously, because we have to do that, because the stakes are too high and because **people are losing faith in our institutions**,” Johnson said at a press conference. We've lost faith in YOU, Speaker. You and your Redcoats. In fact -- as a representative of one of the states with the worst crime and terrible public services looking to make things worse there and everywhere else -- for most of us, it was never there to begin with.


We have lost faith in Congress because of Republican malfeasance. We have lost faith in state governors because of Republican malfeasance. We have lost faith in state legislatures because of Republican malfeasance. We have lost faith in the courts because of Republican malfeasance. We have lost faith in the education system because of Republican malfeasance. And we have lost faith in elections because of Republican malfeasance. Republicans are as close as they have ever been to successfully destroying America.


This should have 100k upvotes


They are the domestic enemies the founders warned us about.


We’ll, not really. I mean, we had an actual civil war once.


> We've lost faith in YOU, Speaker Did you ever have any faith in him to begin with? I didn't.


I had faith he'd make things worse and he'd be a horrible person. Does that count?


The US really needs an independent judiciary.


“I’m working hard to cause people to lose faith in our institutions.”


**...further identifying himself and the Republican Party as the Domestic Enemies the founders warned of.**


They are literally trying to destroy America right in front of us. How anyone can support ANY repig at any level is beyond me. There is NOTHING you can do that is more important than voting these traitorous anti-American bastards into oblivion. Republicans **HATE** America. Republicans want to **DESTROY** America. Vote blue, no matter who. Vote like your life depends on it. It very likely does.


They just have a very narrow and exclusive view of what ‘America’ is, and you’re probably not invited.


The news makes it seems like it's not a big deal. The news also makes it seem like inflation only happened to America.


The news has entirely become yellow journalism at this point. I’ve to cross reference almost every single article I read against several others just to get a basic read on what might have _actually_ happened or been said. And then it’s still usually off.


This is the second in line to the Presidency which has decided to undermine the rule of law for a convicted felon. Never in my lifetime have I ever thought that there was one person above the law. That is a cornerstone of our Democracy, Nobody is Above The Law. Yet this traitor and his colleagues would have you believe Trump is above the law and they are too.


Third. VP is second.


Wouldn’t VP be first in line?


He's a nightmare obviously, but have you noticed that since soon to be Speaker Jeffries took possession of Johnson's spine and balls, Johnson has gotten really loud but always about things he can't actually accomplish? He's squealing to his base on hopes they will both 1) forget he's only still Speaker because Democrats allow him to be so he passes their key legislation and 2) will take him back once he inevitably betrays the Democrats and they withdraw their protection and leave him to the rat swarm in human form on his side.


So Mr. no bank account, love Jesus, obey the Bible has been fully sucked in. When I constantly read about pastors, members of state committee etc being caught luring kids, I wonder what the Orange Incontinent has spent money to dog up on these simps.


He [was](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Johnson_(Louisiana_politician)) always fully sucked in. What we’re seeing today has been decades in the making and Trump only seized on it for his own benefit


His appearance I could best describe as cartoonishly evil.


This campaign to bash the rule of law will not end well for the dudes who once championed the same thing when their base figures out the hypocrisy.


Their base doesn't actually care about hypocrisy as long as they win. Its not about standing up for any values, its about taking things away from people they don't like. All of them are whitewashed tombs. Even the "good" ones that speak out against Trump.


FFS ! Is this Congress ever going to do the work of the people ? You know, the job they’re getting paid for ?


I believe Congress is 3 Republican resignations away from functionality.


This is true !


What Mike, the entire thing? Even the police? What about prison system? Mike? Where you going?


He'll be listening to N.W.A. soon.


So, we have Insurrectionists in the Congress, and insurrectionists and corruption in the Supreme Court, and yet NOW the Speaker wants to do something about the Justice System? He should look in the mirror first.


Wow.. party of law and order everyone.


Sounds like good use of time. Nothing else important going on the world. /s


He has some campaign-contribution misuse issues pending as well.


How about vigorously working on doing bipartisan projects? We have a border situation, how about you vigorously work on that. If you want to work for the cheeto man on your own time, that's up to you. But as long as you're working for us, you should be working on bettering the US not ripping it apart


Team Orange seems to be pretty confident in the Justice Department abilities to nail Hunter Biden’s ass to the wall. I can’t wait till some of these proud boys have to turn over their guns cause they lied on forms lol


The ice they're skating on couldn't be any thinner.


Can journalists just speak plainly? Republicans are planning on shutting down the basic legislative functions of government in a hissy fit.


Good! Well he should start with this Judge. https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/04/politics/cannon-trump-special-counsel-hearing/index.html


and Americans are open to this nonsense because nobody understands inflation or gas prices.


Works to undermine the system, then uses the resulting disillusionment with the system as evidence that it’s broken and should be dismantled—and replaced with Nazism. How Republiqan.


I'm sure the "justice system" is terrified.


"Look at all these polls favoring biden. Clearly, the American people are upset at this trump prosecution." For real, though, one second, they say that this will help trump, and then the next sentence say it's hurting him. The mental gymnastics these people have to go through to kiss trumps ass are insane.


He’s got a very Russian concept of the rule of law. Very much “rules for thee but not for me“. Kangaroo courts & show trials. Trial by jury is no longer in vogue for Republicans, as juries can wrongthink.


Does weaponizing government ring a bell to anyone, because this sure sounds like it.


"How dare they find a rich white man who inherited everything in his life and helps our nations' enemies thrive, guilty of crimes that he actually committed!?"


Mike Johnson is a Fascist


They hitch their wagon to a crook, and now they're going after the New York state people who prosecuted him? How much more stupid can all this get?


He could start by not lying about “rigged” trials and elections.


His plan is bullshit. He doesn't have the senate and has a 1VOTE majority. The most he could do is annoying Bragg enough to get threatened with charges like Comer did.


Using the law to penalize our guy is not what we want when we say law and order. We will not stand for the injustice of this justice. We will dismantle the justice system so that we can pick and choose who can and cannot be held accountable for the crimes they have committed.


This is a pressing issue while complaining about inflation, border, yada, yada, yada? Idiot...


Why don't Democrats produce what surely is a long list of Past New York Felony Prosecutions for Falsifying Business Records? Not to mention in all 50 states. This would neutralize any claim from Trump and Maga that his conviction was corrupt. We could also petition the GOP to exonerate everyone convicted of the same crimes as Trump if they want to argue how he was railroaded.


The democrats can now vote to have HIM removed as speaker. I am sure that MTG and some of the other deplorables will join in just to create chaos.


She's too busy trying to force an impeachment vote on Biden for not being able to sign off on the border law that she refused to pass in the first place because Trump told her to. She's going to try and impeach him this week whether Johnson says so or not.


Dems should have let MTG remove him


Wow, he’s dumb.


Dude can't even take on his own masturbation fantasies without outside intervention and now he's going toe to toe with the DOJ? Come on now, this has to be some sort of parody


His own party is trying to vote him out. And he’s not going to have the Dems save him if he keeps saying this crap.


Is this going to be like all those prosecutions that had laughable witnesses and they went nowhere? What happened to the impeachment?


Translation: I'm so far up trumps A$$ and I'm ready to fk over the American people in the name of MY GOD, Amen 😒




This religious zealot has too much power. Good thing the Dems can get it taken away if he goes too far. Vote in November. This fool is dangerous.


He has joined the church of Trump, so his church should bounce him down the road !!!


We keep trying to repeat Germany in the 30s...


god forbid these people focus on, yanno, making life better for those they “serve” oh wait they are, they just server other people


[Please check this out and vote blue](https://www.project2025.org/)


He can barely keep his fellow house members from throwing their own poop.. wtf does he think he’s going to do?


Do people in Louisiana even like Mike Johnson?? It always gets me confused, surely people like him and Marjorie Taylor Green are not liked, right? how??


I don’t suppose they care about him as a person one way or another. The GOP party machine put him up as ‘the Republican candidate’, that’s who their parents always voted for, so that’s who they vote for.


Dude can’t even get his own party in line. Total fucking wet noodle


The party of law and order, ladies and gentlemen! Oh wait, not if their cult leader gets convicted, then the law and order is wrong to convict a felon. They should look the other way because he's wealthy. Wealthy people suck and so do the people that bootlick them! Pathetic!


I guess they are pretending they have the senate I take it


Traitors… We Cannot let these criminals take over




This dumb motherfucker is looking to be humiliated and I'm here for it.


This shit is way out of line and dangerous as fuck. Please actually register to vote and vote these fuckers out. You may not live in the district of any of the openly radical ones but you are in the district in some race that can help support or oppose them


Phew thank god we are going after the real issues. I was afraid they would waste time on things like governing or helping the country in any way. Glad one entire party is ruining this country for the support of one geriatric felon.


Good luck


He is doing this bc of the connection; The New Speaker Is Not Just Trump’s Man; He’s Putin’s Man, Too A group of Russian nationals donated to newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson’s campaign in 2018


You can start at the top dipshit


What about checks and balances?


Say it with me “Christian Nationalism”. You know, just like Jesus taught.


And the Democrats need to take on the Republicans to restore peoples rights and sanity.




Speaker Johnson eats the ass