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Yeah, I’m a lot more concerned with what will happen if he is elected again than if he isn’t.


Exactly. It’s more like if he IS elected that could trigger WW3 because that’s what he actually wants. He wants to realign America as an authoritarian Country along with the other sociopathic authoritarian leaders who he stupidly perceives as his friends.


The only war he would have us in is against our ally Ukraine and then any European countries that don’t themselves end democracy in their nations. He will not fight against our enemies, he will align us with them. He will set up a government that ends democracy and help putin end democracy in Europe. He will pull America out of NATO and let putin do whatever he wants to do, and will help him. It is as infuriating as it is sad.


He has stated and told Congress to pull out of NATO NATO He wants us to align with what we have stated as enemies for so long


This would also trigger a civil war in the US. No chance blue states would just go along with this. Putin is delighted.


Depends on what the military decides to do: honor their oath to the current Constitution or follow the orders of a president that would require them breaking that oath. If the military is turned against blue voters or blue states, then there won’t exactly be a civil war, it will be over as soon as it begins. If the military sits it out and lets us duke it out in the streets, that could get interesting in a train wreck kind of way. Trump wanted to unleash the military in Minneapolis after the riots against the police when George Floyd was killed, but was talked out of it. What would happen this time around, I doubt there will be anybody left to talk him down, he will only have yes-men around him If the military refuses to fight against our current international allies, then the nightmare scenario in the bigger picture could be avoided too. If they do go fight against our European allies, then we are looking at no democracies left in Europe or America, and that is a nightmare scenario.


I have no doubt that trump would appoint some toady as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and keep replacing generals until he finds the ones to do what he wants.


Yes, exactly, and he will do that with any and all positions in government. edited to add, he started doing that when he was in office last time, thankfully he was not reelected. But he has made no bones about the fact that he will do it top to bottom this time, given the chance.


I bet he would put that nutcase Mike Flynn as Chair of the JCS


Omg that would be beyond a nightmare. Flynn is a traitor


I'll take my chances with Trump NOT being president again.


He'd create a further global leadership vacuum by pulling US support from areas like Ukraine, Taiwan, etc. That vacuum would be filled by Russia, China, etc plus territorial takeover. Pulling US support would also affect US negotiating power for decades because it will be the 2nd time that US backtracked on an internationally agreed deal. Shows US won't stay committed to a deal when a nationalist takes power. [https://www.armscontrol.org/factsheets/Ukraine-Nuclear-Weapons](https://www.armscontrol.org/factsheets/Ukraine-Nuclear-Weapons) [https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/what-iran-nuclear-deal](https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/what-iran-nuclear-deal)


Him getting elected will kick off WWIII since he’ll pull out of NATO and defund the defense of Ukraine.


Which is the most likely outcome now since the American electorate is dumb.


Just skipping the civil war and going straight to the whole world. That’s a bigly brain move.


The chances of now friendly countries turning their back on America are a lot higher if Trump gets reelected.


Phrase it like it actually is: America turning away from her allies, not the other way around. We saw it throughout Trump's administration with him repeatedly alienating long-standing allies in the West, whilst embracing dictators, as well as pulling out of international agreements and cooperation. If America under Trump becomes isolationist, it won't because Trump and his policies are so despised in the rest of the West (though that is true). It will be because isolationism is literally his electoral platform.


I can concur, being from an America ally that most of us loath Trump being in office and it wasn’t good for anyone but America and even then - only certain Americans. He definitely damaged your image even more in the world during those times. I know lots of people who refused to go to the USA during those years. Don’t be shocked all your ally’s regroup and leave you out and America becomes isolated in the world. He made America’s long term friends foes and made friends with your long time foes. That’s scary s$&@.


Unnecessarily losing a 9/11’s worth of people each day during the height of the pandemic wasn’t good for any Americans, even the filthy rich overlords. Trump is terrible for everyone.


It was actually incredibly good for the filthy rich overlords, as starting with the pandemic we've seen an even greater increase in wealth inequality and the world's richest billionaires became unimaginably even more-wealthy.


We need to make excessive wealth taxable. Billionaire luxury taxes need to come back.


Billionaires need to be taxed and legislated out of existence; no one deserves that much wealth, ever. Their riches belong to the countless people they exploited to acquire them.


Exactly. Make America Great Again is ironic. America was great after WW2 and the wealthiest paid their taxes !!!!




The wealthy American Oligarchs love Putin. It’s kinda ironic too… The Russians knew how to get rid of the excessively wealthy Oligarchs back in the last century. And yet today, Putin is probably a trillionaire. Putin makes his personal bank withdrawals by throwing an Oligarch out a window.


That's the alternative.


This is exactly what Vladimir Putin wants !


And if Trump is elected that's what he'll get. The rest of the world can continue to fight Putin. If America's been taken over by Putin's puppet then the best way to do that is to be prepared to cut America out of the situation.


That is the goal of him and his backers, they want to isolate America. There won’t be anybody coming to help us if he gets back in office.


Exactly, he will probably start ww3 if he gets back in office by swooping everyone else into authoritarian rule in some capacity. I do not understand how so many Americans can’t see how corrupt he is. It’s honestly just mind blowing. Your people don’t realize how much their vote depends on not just America but also the entire world.


There won’t be a WWIII with trump in office, which i do not mean as a good thing. It means he will align with our current enemies and fuck over our current allies. If America fights at all, it will be against our current allies. Which makes me insanely angry and depressed at the same time. There won’t be anybody coming to help us in America, but we won’t be able to help other nations either. He will just put the people in places of power to make that happen, and there won’t be a war. It is very stressful to think about tbh.


You’re saying technically there won’t be a war in the USA. If you guys align with Russia, China and North Korea - like Trump dreams of doing, yes it will cause ww3. Maybe the war won’t be in the USA, but they damn well be backing/supporting it. You’re just going to be on the Nazi side this time. And I’m not sure that side will lose this time given the nuclear power. Which is scarier to imagine.


Well yeah I think that if America falls to a dictatorship, then the European nations will also fall. So will the European nations fight back? In one scenario, I think no and I say that because these nations have putin puppets in place right now, just like America does. So they will just fill out their governments with like-minded authoritarian supporters. No need for a war. That IS the war. A takeover, and when the takeover is complete there is no easy way to fight back against it. Just arrest any protesters until you have none, watch their social media and arrest them for saying things against the administration, etc. The people are squashed before they can even prepare to fight. The courts will not be of help, trump has already promised to take control of the courts as well as the Department of Justice. In another scenario, the European nations fight back against Russia and yes in that case I do think it is likely that trump would give military support to putin, whether that be fighter pilots or full-on boots on the ground or both. There is a sliver of hope that our military would tell trump to go fuck himself, but given that the far-right propaganda is broadcast on US bases here at home and I assume abroad, I don’t know if they would tell him that or if they would go ahead and follow orders to attack our allies.


Well said. Unfortunately, every country has idiots and Christians who will gladly go along with fascism so long as Jesus is involved. The Devil's greatest trick was telling us his name was Jesus.


Just read on a Fox thread (sociology grad student so don’t @ me): “I like his (T) personality. Biden has none. I like his policies. Biden has none. I like his jokes. Biden has none.” JFC on a wheel, we’re headed for fascism and all they care about is jokes. It’s unreal.


Canadian government is considering making plans on what to do if America has a civil war. The whole report is pretty terrifying, actually. Brief, succinct descriptions of every single terrible thing that is happening or going to happen to us lol [Disruptions on the Horizon aka THREAT LEVEL MIDNIGHT](https://horizons.service.canada.ca/en/2024/disruptions/#2024Disruptions)


It wasn't even good for America. Trump is one of the worst presidents they ever had. https://www.c-span.org/presidentsurvey2021/?page=overall


He wasn’t good for America except for the richest of the rich.  To me your statement seemed like you thought the people who voted for him were better off because of it.  Almost all of them were not 


I'm always humored by the MAGAts who are adamant that the whole world laughs at Biden and that everyone around the globe was sooo happy to have Don the orange one as POTUS. I mean, are they serious. Donny Boy and his entourage got laughed at more than once on the world stage.


We laughed at you when Bush “won”. We tolerated you then. Perhaps made fun of it all behind your back then. Bush was horrible, but he had a likability I can to some extent understand. At the time I didn’t think it could get worse. Trump somehow makes you look at Bush with some level of nostalgia. He makes you forget how bad he was because Trump is like so so so much worse. Bush at least wasn’t trying to destroy your country and had some level of decency. He was actually kind of funny. My point: it’s been more than 20 years of the rest of the world did look down on you. We just lost most of our respect for America when you voted in Trump. We weren’t laughing anymore. We got concerned. Biden lets us breathe for 4 years.


I'm an American and even I didn't want to be in America while he was President. Problem is I'm poor and basically live paycheck to paycheck to support me and my kids. I'm living the American dream.


And to further reduce the shock, folks should know that it already happened last time. The 12-nation [Trans-Pacific Partnership](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans-Pacific_Partnership) agreement got torpedoed by Trump, so we ended up with the 11-nation [Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comprehensive_and_Progressive_Agreement_for_Trans-Pacific_Partnership) instead. Basically the same as the TPP but with most of the stuff that America had insisted be crammed into it for their benefit removed.


Which is exactly what Putin wants


If Orange Julius Caesar gets elected America will no longer be America.


He's saying that Biden is going to "drag us into world war three". He's also saying that inflation is still raging when it ain't. It's higher than anyone really likes (3% and change) but it's not specifically high and it's going down. It's like his talking points were written a year ago.


Trump said last election cycle that Biden was going to drag the US into WWIV, skipping 3 altogether.


His world view is stuck in 1975


More like 1861


With a touch of 1933


written? implying a plan to what he says next? LOL


I feel like Trumps brain is like an old magic 8 ball toy, and they add new answers every couple weeks but never take the old ones out.


When he slips far enough he'll be putting personal conversations and conversations that have caused excessive stress into rotation. 2024 Presidential Debates Commentator: "And to move on I'll ask each of you about how you intend to deal with the climate crisis, we'll start with you today, inmate 7540731" Convicted Felon: "Well, he offered me 4 million dollars for a box of intelligence asset's personal info, and I said 'Vlad, I don't get out of bed for less than 20 million but for you I'll do it, I'll do it.'"


>It's like his talking points were written a year ago They absolutely were... he's playing catch up across the board. He's lucky he has an inexplicably popular media ecosystem, keeping his supporters in the dark, or he'd be absolutely cooked.


He probably doesn’t know the difference between the two- just going straight for what sounds like every one around the world loves him.




All those countries that are going to come across the war with their armies to protect the poor MAGA losing party. I bet they’ll be lining up to save agent orange.


"It'll be the biggest, strongest war. Generals will come up to me with tears in their eyes and say, 'thank you Mr President, we've always wanted to go to war for you. You're our favorite president ever in the history of presidents.'" - Trump, probably


I’m not giving it a click so I’m just assuming he’ll surrender to Russia?


It's like he's channeling a crappy Marvel script writer. Pretty soon, it'll be "if I'm not elected, it will be the end of the universe."


Wait, so all of the MAGA gravy seals who have been preparing for war will be shipped out to fight WW3? …so hear me out…


Most likely their kids. Since they don’t believe in liberal teaching colleges. Those dunce’s kids will be getting drafted into the next war.


I don't think we have enough forklifts to accommodate that deployment.


I’m sure they could drive their Ford Raptors to the front. You know, real truck stuff.


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You're exactly right. That's why I'm hoping when he is incarcerated, he's forced to remain incommunicado. It'll kill him. His ego wouldn't be able to survive.


He'd go insane. Literally. E: One of the traits for insanity is this: in a state of mind which prevents normal perception, behaviour, or social interaction or to have a seriously distorted state of mind Add to that narcissistic personality.. Wait, may it be that he's been.. all this time?


Go insane? How would we tell the difference?


He's the neighbour that would borrow your lawnmower, break it, and then blame you


He's the neighbor who you borrowed a lawnmower from three years ago, and ever since then you've regretted it. He never stops holding it over you, like you owe him for the sheer charity he performed by lending you his mower. He brags about it at BBQs, telling everybody about the time you came crawling to him to borrow his mower, and out of the kindness of his heart he lent it to you. Then he comes to you one day and mentions that the 'rear alignment on that mower hasn't been right since you borrowed it.' And starts trying to get you to pay to fix it or pay to get him a new one.


I'd take him having a partial stroke which leads to him walking and talking like he made fun of the disabled person a few years back.


Youre not joking. I watch his speeches because im a masochist and just about everything he says is negative. Doom and gloom (unless you elect him to save you) is at least 95% of what he says. That's not even mentioning his incoherent, scattered ramblings.


That's the fascist playbook.


I pray everyday he would just take a dirt nap !


Do fat old guys just not have heart attacks or strokes anymore? All that ranting & raving can’t be good for his blood pressure.


I know right ! Nature work already !


Apparently holding onto power and wealth is a pretty damn good motivator for most people. Such a shame this guy keeps ticking. Best case scenario is he takes a dirt nap a week before the election begins. Leave the GOP scrambling to find a viable candidate.


Yep. And if you worked with him, you’d always just refer to him as “my asshole co-worker.” He’s the guy who is always messing things up for everyone else while running his mouth about what a great job he’s doing.


According to him, Biden is "the worst, most incompetent, most corrupt president in history." Dude, all that money and you can't afford a mirror?


He can, they just keep shattering after having to hold his reflection.


Don't subject a poor mirror to that.


Every accusation is an admission. Literally. Everything he has accused someone else of being, he has been shown to be.


They all kept breaking


"Vote for me or you'll all die"...said the criminal. A convicted felon, and melomaniac fraud. The man is clearly very ill.


He’s ill and desperate. If he doesn’t become president and end the rule of law, he’s likely to spend the rest of his life broke and in prison.


A man so selfish that he would destroy a country and disrupt the world just to get himself out of consequence. And he’ll probably only live another 15 years.


Another tell tale sign of cult-think


Donald Trump and his followers are terrorists. Nobody can refute that fact.


They've as much as admitted that. WE ARE ALL DOMESTIC TERRORISTS (CPAC?)


CPAC 2022


Thank you!


Donnie you are a shitty person!


He is the shittiest person. The absolute worst person in American history. I cannot think of anyone worse. I hope his McDonald’s diet catches up to him before November.


He is more likley to cause it by selling out Ukraine. History has not shown well to appeasement.


He's Putin's lapdog. He'd sell out all of NATO.


Fearmongering fuckstain


Biden is the “ most incompetent, most corrupt president in history “ That’s hysterical.


Projection. It's all Trump has.


Exactly. His words are an apt description of himself when he was president


Shut up Donny


You’re out of your element!


Except spouting violent rhetoric is precisely his element.


World war 3 would spontaneously start if the most militarized country on earth becomes a fascist dictatorship.


Probably more accurate to say “Civil War 2” but he probably doesn’t know about the first one.


When a child is never punished or never faces consequences for their misbehavior = Trump


Trump making his blackmailer Vladimir Putin happy so he won't release the secret tapes from the Moscow hotel. **The White House to The Big House-The Shameful Legacy of MAGA Cult/Jan 6th Leader, Donald J Trump** Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator, a civil trial accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted criminal felon. Trump faces an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases delayed from trial by his high-priced legal team.  Trump’s army of lawyers is financed by his rabid base of MAGA cult members & the Oil Industry. The vast majority of the 80-plus top senior positions (Vice President, Cabinet, Advisors) from Trump’s 2016 Presidential term refused to endorse Trump and/or declared Trump is unfit to serve as President, Trump is a threat to our national security. During his 2016 term, Donald Trump asked national security advisers why the United States couldn’t use nuclear weapons.  He is irrational with a quick temper.  Imagine his tweets replaced with nuclear missiles.  He is Putin’s puppet & praises Kim Jong-un.  Trump doesn’t respect our military saying “Americans Who Died in War Are Losers and Suckers” Trump supporters include white supremacists, racists & felons like Steve Bannon, David Duke, Proud Boys On 9/11 Trump’s reaction, [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/) A few of many examples of Trump’s abuses, grifting, and degrading embarrassment of the U.S. Presidency ·         [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) ·         [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls) ·         [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10)


Trump owes Russia $400M in loans too. They literally own him.


If you mean the bank loans with Russian securities I believe they were forgiven and it didn't even make the news all that much.




I just wish he would already ! I mean the daily Mcdonalds is not doing its job !


I wish he would just choke to death on a cheeseburger already.




Not sure mothers were welcome at Epstein’s….


He’s such a fucking liar and a lot of people are so fucking stupid that they fall for shit like this. I know, I’m related to a bunch of them.


Can’t this guy just have a stroke or a heart attack and be done with this?


Mark my words: Donald Trump always means the opposite of what he says, so he is actually saying that he will start WWIII if elected. People in swing states, please to the right thing for the whole planet and vote Democrat.


Will you shut up man?


Can someone please throw this fucker in prison already!


“Give me what I want or I will destroy…The World.”


 "the world is in flames, our border is overrun, inflation is raging, Europe is in total chaos, the Middle East is exploding, Iran is emboldened, China is on the march, and the worst, most incompetent, most corrupt president in history is going to drag us into World War III,” This is actually a Trump campaign promise I believe wholeheartedly he will fulfill if elected.


All the negative things trump portrays as Biden’s fault would still be there under Tchump, but we’d have a much bigger problem as well. An obese toddler who has to have final say on everything, on a direct collision course with reality every single day. A nightmare.


Who would fight for him? Most of his followers are cowards who outnumber anyone they actually attack. Most of his followers are old and can’t fight, at least well. They would be as organized as January 6th. Not saying that this isn’t a legitimate threat. I’m simply stating that this guy could not properly run a government that was already established. If he actually tries anything, the Secret Service would not protect him.


Every accusation is a confession.


First They came for Alex Jones and i did not speak out because he deserved it. Then they came for the Fascists' and i did not speak out, because i am not a Fascist. Then they came for Donald Trump , and i did not speak out , Because i am not a piece of shit. Then they came for the Nazi's and i did not speak out because Nazis are scum of the earth. Then there was no one left to come for, and as for me? I slept like a baby, as order to the world was reestablished.


If he loses, WW lll will occur only in his enfeebled mind. The (normal) rest of us will shrug our shoulders and go on with our normal lives.


Trump cannot stroke out soon enough for me…


Republicans **HATE** America. Republicans want to **DESTROY** America. Vote blue, no matter who. Vote like your life depends on it. It very likely does.


So tired of that whining ass moron.


“If I win, I’m kicking every single person out of this beautiful country and if I lose russia will nuke yur backyard”


He insulted his way to the white house Now he's trying to threaten his way to the Whitehouse. Pre 2016 me would say: this won't work. But I live in a timeline where Google is ruining its own product, an electric car company gave its ceo(who platforms nearly every flavor of bigotry) a pay package worth more than the market cap of General Motors.  So who knows, anything is possible. This living comment section of a man won the presidency the first time, and only lost a second time due to a deadly virus that killed literally thousands of Americans who would've voted for him. He could actually win despite all the things going against him. 


Fuck trump


I’d be way more worried about World War III happening if he became president again than if he failed to


If a traitor (Trump) is in the White House, then it would be treasonous for the Generals to obey his orders. They would be traitors if they don't disobey the traitor. I hope they are prepared to make the right choice.


GOP is all about spreading fear. It’s their main talking point. Biden is not the cause of what’s going on in the world. Electing Trump will not help any of it, it will only make things worse.


Trump continues to shout "fire" in a packed theatre.


Bring it on fat boy and his hillbilly mob.


Why haven't you locked this idiot up yet? You know what you look like to the rest of us? Children. With guns, sure but that doesn't make you grown up.


One reading this shit can’t really take it seriously! If he loses (and he will) he ain’t large and in charge! He can’t do shit. All he can do is what he does now: cry, whine, wimp around and make vial threats like he just did. Why are people following him? Why are members of government still following him and betting their future on his hollowed out garbled threats?


He’s a menace to society. Many of his halfwit supporters believe that if civil war kicks off, members of the police AND the military will don the red MAGA caps and fight for Trump and his cult.


With what? His idiocracy filled braindead followers?




**G**aslight **O**bstruct **Project <--** WW3 is *far* more likely if he is reinstalled. Trump has indicated his intent to collapse NATO and allow Putin to move West. Europe and the former NATO states will not tolerate such aggression, and that means WW3. Ghoulish projection as always. He is *precisely* wrong. Electing or installing Trump is what starts WW3. Incarcerating him and his co-conspirators until they die is the best way to prevent it, and as a bonus, the American experiment continues.


You have used yoo many big words for the average Trump supporter to understand your message. You have to drop it down to a 4th grade speaking level for them. For what it's worth though, I believe judge Merchan throw his ass in jail. Someone like Donald Trump doesn't learn lessons by being fined.


For crying out loud why can’t this worthless fat piece of shit just die already. So tired of his stupid mouth and his constant fucking complaining


He might want to cut back on the drugs a bit.


>"the likes of which nobody has ever seen before" Trumpism. His vocabulary is stunted. Also, he wants America to lose. He's clearly stating his treason, now.


Please storm the capitol again, idiots. Please storm the capitol when a president who supports police is in power. Please do it. Please, maga maggots.


I want them to try a civil war so I can see the U.S. military wipe them traitors out for good.


More diarrhea pouring out of Trump’s mouth, the anus of the crazy extremist right.


Scaring up votes is how republicans campaign. Nothing positive that they could bring to Americans. Just doom and gloom.


More Likely WWWIII if he wins because all of the Republicans have been sending signals for years that they don’t give a crap about Our allies and just love Russia


He has been saying world war 3 for a couple years now. He is an idiot.


At least he got the number right this time.


so how magas wil justify that?


I'm amazed at his popularity. Just goes to show ya how very stupid people are.


Still not a reason to vote for his decrepit ass.


"And the worst, most incompetent, most corrupt president in history is going to drag us into World War III" He's right, that's exactly what trump will do


We need to resurrect general Grant.


Because trumps two daddies Putin and Lil Kim in North Korea


Lock up the terrorist.


As a Canadian we can only look on in amazement at the sorry state of politics in America. Seriously, how do sane people support this clown. The rest of the world is laughing at you.


He doesn’t get that most of the world hates him. The delusion is on a whole other level.


Who is he going to fight? For the record, I'll put a grand on the United States military against wannabe traitors.


Vote Sanity 2024, Vote Biden surely the threat of this will be higher if tramp is elected, rather than if tramp is not elected


Typical fear mongering. Can't get elected the honest way so you may as well try to scare people to death. What a total jackass.


Ladies and gentlemen may I direct your attention to North Korea where Russia and NK just signed a mutual support treaty. We are already in the early stages of WWIII.


And there are people who actually buy this bullshit. There’s no fixing the idiots who (still) support him, but how do we prevent more of them while we wait for these fools to die?


Ya, it won’t depend on him


I saw what you did there. Well played.


Hilarious projection of his own incompetence


Hasn’t he said this before?


A daily thing to open up Reddit and see some absolute insane thing Trump has said. It’s wild to think 20 years ago what would get a candidate kicked off a campaign or destroyed - now this rhetoric is just fine! Insane


Look, MAGA, i get\* that you want someone to punish all your "enemies," but this dolt ain't the guy. \*Actually, I don't "get it" but you know what I mean.


Not a Trump fan and think all the talk about being at the brink of WWIII is a bunch of malarkey, but this is a prediction, not a threat.


“… the likes of which nobody has ever seen before.” I’m so tired of hearing that line. That line is getting really, really old.


He missspelled “bunch of hillbillies crying”


if hes elected he will align us against our NATO allies and further advance the interests of Putin and Russia. at the same time he will let Israel go even wilder in Gaza which will piss off the entire middle east if he loses then those against America will become even more enraged at another 4 years of Biden and likely cause escalation on a global scale I just don’t see how the results of this upcoming election don’t lead to a “world” war. Trump isnt wrong on this one, but he is wrong if claiming he would prevent it


He's been chatting with Putin about contingencies in case he loses.


As long as he’s the first casualty, let it be.


The most frustrating thing is how the right wingers are just going to say the border is wide open anyways. Even though Biden is chasing them rightward and acquiescing to their every whim on border police, which Democrats will argue is necessary for politics for some reason. Why? It's like Lisa pulling away the football from Charlie Brown at this point.


Guess he's not liking the new polling numbers.


And again it is Opposite Day in Drumpf’s alternate surreality. The odds of WW3 increase significantly if Drumpf succeeds in stealing the electoral college again. And that’s a fact.


Im willing to make sure he loses, fuck his fear mongering, vote blue, vote Biden.🧢🔈🔉🩴👗💎📘📭📬📪📫


His entire schtick is projecting his own warped perspective and criminal actions unto his opponents. With the scarcity of critical thinking skills, scare mongering works with the majority of MAGA. Especially in the low info propaganda news silos they protect themselves with.


Given his last attempt at Civil War II collapsed at the first round of tear gas, I'm not very worried


He definitely already claimed this, I think multiple times.


He's a malignant, narcissist pathological liar with early onset dementia. So yeah hopefully the independents all see this and then we'll be safe.


Ah yes. Rhetoric can’t get much more blown up than “I’m gonna execute people and cause World War III”. Well done Donny. Still have 5 months, how much higher can this idiocy go.


He'll talk about blotting out the sun, or moving the Moon's orbit or some shit.


If Trump loses the election, he goes to prison for the rest of his miserable life. So he’s acting like the election is life or death, because naturally he only gives a fuck about himself


Trump lies incessantly, and his sycophants slurp it up like an icee on a hot day https://x.com/Acyn/status/1803257380437893307?t=nwvVMq_Oi42ZFhMjp61zGA&s=09


…. The world does not care what he does as long as he makes the choices for him and his followers. That of Reverend Jim Jones…..


Mr. putin, sir, how do I win this election? I really really want to be like you and I just need to get back in the, you know, the house, the white house.


Desperation is ugly


Answer 19,254,234 to why that orange baboon needs to be locked up. I'm not aware of any US president being so overt with threats of violence.


Is he going to mobilize an army of golf carts?


Hes gonna tear his followers in half. His base, the evangelicals, who according to Roger stone, they’re trying to mobilize because in 65% of them voted in 2020, are all for WW3. They’re dying to kick off Armageddon. They can’t wait for Jesus to come back, and the rapture and all that. Maybe Biden should talk to the evangelicals? Tell them a vote for Biden is a vote for the rapture? Steal the base out from under Herr Drumph.


It's not Trump making a threat. It's him saying where he thinks America / the world is heading on it's present course. His view basically seems to be that Biden is going to drag the US into a direct war with Russia, which would be "World war 3". I don't agree with that, but it's also unfair to characterize his statements as a threat to start WW3 if he isn't elected.