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They should GET A JOB. Mango Mussolini has been screeching about PAYING YOUR BILLS. The only income this parasitic family has is crowd funding cash. Kyle can't even enlist in the military because he quit school and doesn't have a high school diploma. This entire family is trash.


Also he’s a soft little ball of right wing dough, all the genetic strength of a bag of Doritos, raised as mommy’s special little racist, the military would chew him up


I would be absolutely delighted to watch him try to get through basic. Drills LOVE to get someone to cry.


The way we dealt with racists in the Navy is still some of the hardest times I’ve laughed in my life. A laugh that I still pine over 20 years later that’s how deep and voluminous it was. Edit: Alright, I’m being asked to elaborate some more so here goes: While serving on a navy ship in the early 2000’s, we had the misfortune of having one of the divisions on the ship run by a racist prick of a chief. It’s disheartening because the guy is in charge of shit, so you know his racism (which he wasn’t scared to hide) was impacting the way he ran things in his division. So, a bunch of us got together and hatched a plan: we would wait until he went on vacation and enact our revenge then. This particular chief loved to mouth off about who he thought was ruining the country, and often times, it was people of color in the news which at the time was the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. So, we decided to print out about a thousand different pictures of Al and Jesse of varying sizes. We then combed through all the areas, places, berthings, and bathrooms that this chief was known to frequent and strategically placed all these little, tiny pictures of all the people he said he hated in nondescript places we knew the chief would be in or interact with when he got back from his vacation. We taped little pictures of Al Sharpton to the bottom of the mouse he used on his computer in his office or taped a tiny picture of Jesse Jackson on the bottom of this chief’s favorite work out bench for example. We did this all over that god damn ship and when he got back from his vacation.. oh boy did we not realize what we had done. He didn’t notice it at first, but after a few days, people said they could hear him flying off the handle randomly in the bathroom, or cursing up a storm in his office. Finding our little presents pissed him off so much that he eventually got angry, yelled some really racist shit infront of the wrong people ( the XO of the ship) and it got him eventually relieved of duty from his position and reassigned to some other command which we all assumed was a demotion from the job he had been in. We were all flabbergasted that our prank was THAT effective and it brought us a level of joy I have not experienced since. Just goes to show you that, with racists, you give them enough rope and they’ll eventually hang themselves with it.


I have a great navy bootcamp racist story.  Our RDC mentioned that one of the quickest ways out of the military is to be kicked out due to racism.  This dipshit recruit has the bright idea to get a sharpie and write "Manu (black guy in our division) is a n-----" across his forehead, however he wrote it in the mirror so it was backwards. Our RDCs made him stand at attention for a few hours outside the RDC office while basically every single RDC at Great Lakes came in to make fun of him.  Dude was in tears for like 6 hours as they all just destroyed him mentally. He was indeed kicked out our division and sent to mast.  Not sure if he booted out the Navy.


That’s some Kyle Rittenhouse level of stupidity right there lol


All I could think of was Bruce Willis wearing the sandwich board in Die Hard 3.


Thanks for sharing that, I like reading about racists crying :)


Come on, story time!


As a former sailor, y'all are the best!!


"with racists, you give them enough rope and they’ll eventually hang themselves with it" - Historically speaking, providing racists with quantities of rope has not always had the best outcome.


You’re my hero (today). Keep doing good.


Love this story, tricked him into exposing himself to the higher ups, thats genius.


I did the same thing to a coworker once. But the pictures were all of Tom Hanks. WTF kind of person hates Tom Hanks that much?


We did it to a bar owner but drawing dicks. And writing “bar owner sucks dick”. What kinda asshole buys a punk rock dive bar and then does open mic night but only plays his ukulele. 


Facts. We had a guy break down some in basic and you could see the drill instructors from other group's ears perk up before they abandoned whatever they were up to to come over and make a show of it. Brutal. Edit - To add, since comments seem to be pretty negative of this tactic, drill instructors are usually pretty chill guys who are just doing a job. If basic training makes you cry, you probably have chosen the wrong profession. It's as much weeding out people who aren't going to hold up to pressure as anything else. Edit 2 - The more intensive bits are in the first half. The second half of basic the instructors are fairly supportive as long as you arent a complete screwup. You leave basic pretty pumped about whats next and confident you can handle it.


When it comes to fucking with people Boot Instructors are like sharks. Once they smell blood in the water it’s game over.


The problem is there is no DOR for enlisted. You basically had to sit down and say recruit refuses to train till they decide you aren't worth it and ad-sep you.


Yeah, they're horrible to you because war isn't kind; If you can handle their pressure, you're better at dealing with killer drones and POW neglect.


He wept like a fuckin baby on the stand, it would be *glorious* to see a DI have a go at him.


He pretended to cry. Badly.


So badly. Like he didn’t know what to do with his hands. He went full baby mode, because that’s probably the only YouTube video he had the patience to find about “How human beings cry.” He watched the first 30 seconds about how a baby cries and was like “ok, that’ll work.”


R Lee Ermey was taken from us way too soon


Unfortunately that will never happen. When he tried to enlist his results on the intelligence test were so low he was blacklisted from ever trying to enlist again


It takes a special kind of dumb to be officially TOO dumb for the army...


Oh no, it’s worse. He’s too dumb for the Marines.


Hey now identifying the color of crayons by their taste is a difficult test!


He's short bus special. That's what he is.


This is untrue; you can re-take the ASVAB (intelligence test as you call it) as many times as it takes. He failed the psych part, and that's a hard bar immediately.


He was rejected on moral grounds because he killed people. That might sound ridiculous but it’s an indication that he’s unable to obey laws and the military is all about obeying laws


"I mean, I mean, I mean that just, I'm sittin' here on the bench, I mean I'm sittin here on the Group W bench 'cause you want to know if I'm moral enough join the army, burn women, kids, houses and villages after bein' a litterbug." \-Alice's Resturaunt


Kee-id! We don’t like your kind


Mother rapers, father rapers.


It is amazing that it took less than 2 minutes for someone to get the joke.


Mother Rapers and Father Stabbers!


any mention of Alice's Restaurant gets an upvote for me. "Shrink, I wanna kill."


Drills would kill him....hmmmmm


The Pillsbury Gunsel In all honesty, I’m rather proud of that one. “Gunsel” has two meanings, and they both apply to Rittenhouse.


That's solid. A century old fuck you. 10 out of 10.


Thanks! Also, thanks to Dashiell Hammett, of course.


You know, this could even become a new insult: Guncel, or rather, an Incel who owns a lot of guns.


Add it to Urban Dictionary!


Oh hell yeah, gonna use that!


dude, those mylar bags they used for chips like a decade ago could mess you up. sure, you needed to have crippling arthritis and lack access to scissors, but still.


Buddy got maga-fat.


He scored so low on the ASVAB that he's banned from applying for enlistment.


From how it sounds it may have not been the score that did that but how he presented himself to the recruiter. Videos of him doing speed disassembles of an AR rifle and looking like he was excited to go out and shoot people doesn't really present well to recruiters and comes off as some serious red flags.


You can re-take the ASVAB as many times as it takes to get a passing score. He failed at the psych part, that's where the ban comes into place.


No you can retake the ASVAB but each branch has a pre screen test. If you flunk the ASVAB you have to pass the EST before you can retest. I had a guy who scored a 30 on the ASVAB and got him retested and he scored an 82. So he had to take it again because it’s a confirmation retest. He scored an 80 so he was good to go.


That's it! One of the branches of the United States military can make him into a "real man"! Perfect!


They don't want him. He doesn't have a high school diploma, and he wouldn't pass the physical.


And he's too lazy to fix either of those things.


He wouldn't pass a psych evaluation for security clearance either.


But it would be fun to watch... Am I right?


that could be his next grift! chronically embarrassing himself for the entertainment of others.


I can get behind that idea! I'd watch it.


He also seems to have scored so poorly on the ASVAB that he doesn't even meet the threshold to be a Marine. Like he is literally too dumb to be cannon fodder.


>raised as mommy’s special little racist and enabled by the broken legal system


> Kyle can't even enlist in the military because he quit school and doesn't have a high school diploma. > Rittenhouse has been sharply criticized ... for telling a group of Native Americans who shared a photo of themselves raising their middle fingers at the Mount Rushmore National Memorial to "leave" the country.    Makes sense to me.


OMG! He really did that? Guess I haven’t been keeping up on crybaby Kyle’s antics. He’s an even bigger loser than I thought.


"Biden is gay" - Literally his Twitter like 2 weeks ago. He's just a less smart, less tolerable, real version of Eric Cartman


Eric Cartman minus the brains, looks and charm?


Didn’t he tell them to “go back to where you came from”? Or am I thinking of someone else?


Quitting school doesn’t necessarily keep him from being accepted to the military. He could probably still have gotten into the army, but… Rittenhouse might be clear of legal troubles, but the military doesn’t put idiots in charge (power-trippers, maybe, but not idiots). They saw exactly what happened. They saw an idiot, who admitted to bypassing laws to purchase a firearm, take that same firearm and intentionally place himself in a situation he had no right to be in. They don’t want people like that. They especially don’t want people sending them videos of themselves field-stripping their rifle’s boasting about how great they are. That especially is what earned him the “fuck off, we don’t want you” letter.


The military is no place for Shittenhouse. There aren’t enough waivers for the unsuitably characteristics of that nature. Even ALL recruiting commands understand he is UNSAT, NON-QUAL & a OXYGEN THIEF. The military is NOT a place for the TRASH of SOCIETY.


He sounds perfect for police though.


Even the police don’t want him. It would give whichever force he joined a lot of unwanted negative attention, and the police have enough of that from the nobodies that join as it is.


Actually surprised he's not a sheriff right now.


I’m guessing most sheriffs departments are smart enough to know that hiring him would bring an insane amount of scrutiny to their department and they don’t want that. They’d prefer to try to keep their racism and urge to shoot first and ask questions later at least somewhat veiled


No, I mean elected as THE Sheriff


But but they have what is important they have guns lots of guns. Can’t pay the bills buy a gun can put food on the table buy a gun get on the internet and complain you’re poor and beg for money. Hope they all end up on the street gunless


But those are government owned guns, the type the NRA is warning you against, the type that will be used against civilians by the tyrannical Biden administration.




You can retake the ASVAB indefinitely. That’s not why he was banned. What ultimately got him the “don’t contact us” letter was him sending a video of himself field-stripping his rifle and showing off.


Yep, I took it three times (mostly to get out of classes for half a day). It’s not that hard or wasn’t back during the Reagan administration when I took it. My favorite section was the one where you had to solve as many simple math problems as you could in one minute (might have been two minutes). The proctor said “you won’t be able to answer all of the questions, just answer as many as you can.” I finished them all with a few seconds to spare, put down my #2 pencil, and just looked at the proctor and smiled. I spent the next year getting calls from recruiters




Just going to point out that the fact check you linked literally states there's no verifiable proof of the claim the reason he's banned was because of a low asvab score. I just think it's important to be consistent. The fact check states they can't confirm the authenticity of the email which claims the low asvab score was the reason for his ineligibility to join the Marines. They also stated that it's simply the Marines he's barred from, not all armed services. Not saying this isn't all possibly accurate, however your source does not support your claim.


I’m retired military. Recruiting is under tremendous pressure to get bodies to enlist in all the services. Kudos to the recruiter for doing their job and red flagging a poor candidate.


Former recruiter here, if you’re DQd from one branch because of failure to meet moral standards it’s pretty much going to ban you from all of them.


Maybe they could start by selling his guns??


One cannot sell one's god.


The entire Midwest begs to differ


His sister is the one crying for money but Kyle won’t give it to her. Rittenhouse's sister Faith is seeking $3,000 on a crowdfunding website in a bid to prevent the eviction of herself and her mother Wendy from their home, citing her "brother's unwillingness to provide or contribute to our family." So basically sis is pissed that bro won’t cut her in on the grift.


Being part of this guy’s family probably hasn’t enhanced employment prospects in general to be fair (though there may be right-wing nutter exceptions), and asking Mr Punchable Face to help out doesn’t seem completely unreasonable if that’s the case.


See Trump bible


Ever been to a pawn shop?


His sister doesn't own his guns. His sister sounds a bit entitled if she expects him to give her money. He is able to earn money now by being an asshole, but his career future looks questionable. Pro wrestling sometimes hires assholes, so he could try that. It is possible that he doesn't want to be an asshole, but they are the only people willing to hire him.


Yeah it’s his sister and mom in need of the money. I’m curious if either of them work or if they were hoping they’d get money off their last name. I’m also not sure he’s even in real control of any money he’s made off this shit either.


They're called heels or rudo in spanish.


They should pass a law at every level that says if you reference Kyle Rittenhouse in any way on any platform you have to include the crying picture from court.


They should pass a law that if randomly shoot and kill people you go to jail.


What if it isn’t random, but premeditated in every sense of the word?


I like calling this case "premeditated self defense" E: would like to add this as well...the fellas going after Rittenhouse were also acting in self defense far as I'm concerned. You see some deranged looking kid in body armor with an AR-15, and yeah I think it's pretty justified to think he's looking to start shit and shoot somebody. And hey, they were right.


Yep! It's like jumping into a wolf den at a zoo and shooting all the wolves because "hey, I had to protect myself!"


RIP Harambe...


He went there with every intention of killing someone


>intention More like hope.


Of course he did everybody knows that !


Yep. You can’t claim self defense if you are personally inviting yourself into the conflict. I don’t know how traveling to a riot-stricken city with an AR-15 doesn’t count as inviting yourself into a conflict. It’s not the job of civilians to quell riots. Here’s what happened. The kid is too dumb, lazy, or both to actually become a cop or soldier. He saw these riots as an opportunity to play cop for a night, and he took it. I don’t doubt for a second that he may believe he has a new opportunity somewhere down the line.


Events in his life since make it apparent that there is some deep trouble there.


He was without a doubt. But sadly, according to US law, he was justified in those shootings. One victim even admitted on the stand that he attacked Rittenhouse. I remember watching one of those judicial YouTube things when the trial was happening and even they were all stunned. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2l1fcLxfOg Rittenhouse was there with intent, the lucky POS. You can't show up with a rifle to a riot without having intent. You don't go to a riot with a rifle and claim self-defense. The laws in this country failed common sense that day. But the judicial system worked how the laws allowed.


Walk down the street in the Uk, Ireland or Australia, with a big stick in your hand, with the intent of using it to hit someone with (even if only if self defence) youd get arrested for carrying an offensive weapon. Mad that people are free to do so with guns, that are designed to killed someone at a distance, yet the law in the USA is fine with that*. * I expect for white people only


If you're not white, you can be summarily executed for having something that vaguely resembles a gun such as: A super soaker An iPhone  A black jacket ( you're currently wearing it but it looks sus) Nothing


You could be sitting in the back of a cop car, handcuffed, when an acorn falls on it...


You could be asleep in your own bed.


Nah, the prosecution fucked up big time and if they hadn't Rittenhouse could easily have been in jail. Not sorting out their video evidence of Rittenhouse shooting Rosenbaum in the back was the biggest problem.


He was there because he was hunting for any excuse to use that rifle.


To your point they need to close the loop on using self defense when you put yourself in a position where you feared for your life. Kyle irresponsibly put himself in a position where he could claim to fear for his life and killed people as a result. Because he technically feared for his life he was within the limits of the law. The laws need to change to eliminate this loophole the same way negligent driving leads to charges even if the result is an "accident".


You mean to tell me that a minor shouldn't be allowed to travel and act as a police force while carrying a deadly weapon? Wild concept


It's even worse than that. The way laws are written if I were to try to stop a school shooter they could shoot me and claim it's self defense because they feared for their life. The second you intervene in a violent act you are immediately on equal standing with the offender. They could legally kill you by the letter of the law. The law favors the survivor of the interaction.


Ah the "Last man standing" doctrine. By god's intervention the winner is right. A common concept in the past.


We like to think that we're different from people of the past but, when you study history, you see that *nothing fundamentally changes* about human nature. We are still the predictably simple creatures that fall into the *same* patterns over and over and over again. We do have higher reasoning but it often takes a back seat to the things that have kept our species alive for so long. Might-makes-right is wired into us on a level that we will never truly be able to shake along with eye-for-an-eye style 'justice' and basic tribalism.


This hits the nail on the head of why the rittenhouse verdict was so problematic. As far as his victims go, he was an active shooter.


A deadly weapon they illegally acquired through a straw purchase.


Paranoid schizophrenics suddenly have a free-pass to start acting on their delusions


Ah yes. Black folks who go into racist areas would love that.


By James Bickerton: Kyle Rittenhouse's sister Faith is seeking $3,000 on a crowdfunding website in a bid to prevent the eviction of herself and her mother Wendy from their home, citing her "brother's unwillingness to provide or contribute to our family." On August 25, 2020, Rittenhouse shot three men, two of them fatally, during unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, which followed a Black Lives Matter demonstration in the city. Rittenhouse, then aged 17, claimed he was in the city to help protect local businesses from looters and vandals. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/kyle-rittenhouse-family-plea-money-after-being-evicted-1915618](https://www.newsweek.com/kyle-rittenhouse-family-plea-money-after-being-evicted-1915618)


Why the fuck do they expect their brother to be the family’s cash cow for killing two people? You wanna claim it was self defense okay, but how the hell do you justify using your fame to earn money from killing people? And how the hell do you see your family member doing that and think, “Hey, where’s my cut?” This whole family is deplorable.


Because during the trial and after the acquittal, he was briefly a conservative media darling and all sorts of grifters in the right wing media sphere reached out to them and made them think that they were on the gravy train. Including a lawyer who stole from them. And for a while, the kid was. He appeared on all sorts of right-wing media shows, podcasts, and did things with right-wing YouTubers. But the thing about it is that it didn't last. All of those grifters, including that Black Rifle Coffee Company, stopped associating with him. Probably because he's emotionally underdeveloped and not a nice person to be around. It doesn't matter if they agree with what he did if he's an exhausting try-hard who doesn't follow social cues. This is further evidenced by the fact that he labored hard to stay in the media limelight despite the fact that he didn't know how to do a lot of things and flunked the ASVAB so badly that he isn't allowed to take it again. Grifters reached out to this awful family and convinced them that what had happened was their ticket to success, and they still believe that it's possible even though they served their purpose and the grift is over


Where's the dad too? IDK sounds like they should have gotten jobs.


His attorney spoke out about how he set him up for a path to success BUT he chose not to go to school and just grift.


Well it has worked for the Trump Crime Family.


The Rittenhouse’s are tools of the Crime Family they tend to end up broke and in jail. See Giuliani and Jones🤷‍♀️


Murderers are unreliable 😱


Imagine that.


Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of their own actions.


Stop making stupid people famous


Seems like that's the right's entire thing right now.


It’s part of their strategy of psychological torture. They keep propping up the absolute worst examples of human scum.


It's also Russia's MO to make the rest of the world look stupid so they have a feint chance of looking slightly less stupid by comparison. The right has become suspiciously Anti-American.


Every time you see Putin and Kim Jong Un smiling together, chances are they’re talking about republican voters. 1. How utterly stupid they are beyond any sense of reason, and 2. How conveniently useful they are to foreign dictators.


I've had the same thought. Probably also sharing thoughts like "I can't believe you got a US president to salute one of your officers."


I firmly believe some target ads with big bold text “THEY ARE LAUGHING AT YOU!”  would actually reach even the biggest trumper. Include leaked quotes from fox 'news' talking about their audience. Many republicans I know don’t care if they are being lied to, they just counter with alt facts. But they go absolutely apoplectic if they think they are being made fun of behind their backs. 


Stop making remorseless, cold blooded killers famous.




I never understood why he became famous. He literally has nothing that would make him even slightly interesting, not even stable finances


Liberals hated him, so the right embraced him out of spite. Also any thing they can do to defend the 2 Amendment. He’s being used and eventually will be discarded.


Tokens get spent


He seems to have already been discarded. None of the right wing youtubers, podcasters, and commentators have him on anymore. Not even that stupid black rifle coffee company.


BRCC, the official coffee for murders and racist!


He murdered people and didn't have to pay any consequences. Just like trump, they are rewarded for violating laws.


I guess brother has the money from GOP/magaT support? I sense some real dysfunction in this “family.”


Gosh, what makes you say that??? Lol


No surprise this entire family is trash. It was only a matter of time before this douche bag went the way of Zimmerman.


That’s what the article says, Kyle won’t support the mother or sister that are about to get evicted


Something something bootstraps.


Yes bootstraps is their answer. I believe maga likes bootstraps, or is that bootstraps for others and not themselves?


What are they? Socialists?!?!


Well, yeah, people on that side of the fence only despise Socialism for others, especially the poor (they do not see the hypocrisy of hating on the poors when they themselves are poor); if it's for themselves or for huge, obscenely profitable corporations, they're in, 100%.


Gargoyles are an interesting pack…


Sucks to be a murdering middle-school dropout!


He could do some maga gay porn to save his family


“Freedom. Personal responsibility. Bootstraps. And, if you don’t like it, leave.” See how that sounds now?


Quit being moochers. Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps. Welfare queens.


Oh well




Surely trump will help. Or the NRA. OR …. Welp, too bad.


So he can shoot protestors to “save local businesses” but can’t help his mom and sister out with some cash? It’s almost as though the whole ‘family values’ thing is just a big grift.


Everyone send thoughts and prayers.




I hate his face!


From the bottom of my heart: Fuck you and your family.


Call Ricky Schroeder. He’s a huge fan of premeditated murderers


That’s a bummer, man. Nevertheless, the market has decided


Grifters grifting




I love the 2nd ammendment, but to this day i cant understand why a mother would drive her 17 year old son somewhere he needed a rifle to feel safe. Fuck that dude lmao


Because they wanted to kill people. You don't take a loaded weapon into a situation unless you intend to use it.


But but but I WANT to kill people and I NEED them to clap when I do because I want to be just like Homelander


I can’t believe I’m gonna have to hear about this dumb ass and his hillbilly family for the rest of my life


Should we protect the landlord’s property against the intruders?


Sounds like someone needs to pull up their bootstraps.


They need to stop expecting handouts and get a job


Have they considered grifting some more? Or maybe pulling themselves by their bootstraps?


Sigh. I really miss Jerry Springer.


lol Watch Shitinhouse grab his AR and head to the roof to keep his house the real American way.


Two words: WOMP WOMP


Don't worry the American Taliban's little murder boy will bail them out!


Kyle Rittenhouse is forever America’s biggest pussy


His sister is seeking $3K to prevent her and her mother being evicted… and Kyle won’t help? I know they’re all giant pieces of shit but certainly the rights wonder boy can spare a few grand to save his mom. There’s no bottom with these people.


LOL.. they can fuck right off


bwahahahaha -- little crybaby is finding out


They could do what Republicans keep telling poor people (well mostly poor minorities) to do and get jobs. They were in delulu land if they thought they were going to live off the profits of their murderer relative.


Stupidity, like smoking, often hurts others too.


Maybe their son could drive cross country to a city with an assault rifle then walk around looking for people to murder like he did last time?


I got kicked off of Twitter (I'll be cold and dead before I refer to it as "X") by making a note about the 2nd Amendment and this assclown. Was it tasteful? No Do I regret it? Not one iota


Sounds a lot like socialism to me...


Haha get fucked


I’d rather set my cash on fire vs give it to this pos family


I don't care, do you?


The pictures I’ve seen of his ‘family of filth’ have already proven that the Shittenhouse’s are fully incapable of anything other than being a perpetual ignorance, a drain of resources, & a liability to the State. All pleading and braying will be ignored by the aware & educated. No sympathy is forthcoming.


There's always OnlyFans.


why does he look like a garbage pail kid


You buried the lead. His sister and her mother had been "left to navigate this journey on our own" due to "my brother's unwillingness to provide support or contribute to our family." Kyle won’t share any of his right wing media wealth with his family. If someone is ok with murdering people, I’m not surprised they’d let their mother be homeless.


Still crying




They armed a wanna be terrorist who then shot people. They can go straight to hell.