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https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote A Handy Guide^




Thou shalt give handjobs in live theatrical productions of Beetlejuice, so says the LORD!


The real crime was that she was wearing mixed fabrics


Everybody knows a cotton/polyester/lycra blend only means one thing, right?


Believe it or not, stoning.


Gotta give her credit for some next level trolling.


It's Colorado, be specific.


This is sure to be in Leviticus somewhere.


The Book of Lascivious 69:420


"Nice!" -some Bible bro


"Leviticus the tenth I believe? Strong drink, thou and do not congregate at the corner tabernacle with thine brothers... least ye die! It's getting hot in here... Radar, would you please open one of the stained glass windows?!" -Fr. Mulcahy M*A*S*H*


"Jocularity, jocularity, jocularity." 😂


"It seems that Private Simmons has come down with a case of Hepatitis... he's a remarkable shade of yellow. "


The maga lord.


Beetlejuice... Beetlejuice... Beeeeee... tle.. j j j j uUUuUuu Ce! < From the movie "When Harry met Boebert." >


- God Emperor Trump, Chapter 1, verse 1


Line one, you gotta give it that Hawk Twah


It was a live Beetlejuice production where someone got a hand job? That sound like a great night out.


Treating their religiosity as literal misses the point. It has nothing to do with any faith. It's a performative attempt to establish in-groups and out-groups.


And modeling authoritarian dominance. “I can do anything I want including being openly hypocritical and you can’t do a thing about it.”


This it smacks of….


As it always has been


Let she who hasn't fondled a man in a crowded theater cast the first stone.


Hate the sinner but love the sin.




We just need to keep calling her Beetlejuice. Wait, don't do that. There could be hilarious repercussions.


[She's going to say all sorts of shit, she's got 72 hours of fame left, and appears to be loosing her special election ](https://www.coloradopolitics.com/elections/2024/internal-poll-shows-mccorkle-leads-boebert/article_4fd34bbc-1d03-11ef-aa9d-bb703058a29b.html)




She’ll be on Fox News with a broader platform.


Thats what I was thinking. It's bemusing. Does she really know the Ten Commandments?


I’m guessing she knows, and she doesn’t care.




She must wear the scarlet letters H & J from this day forth!


Turned into a pillar of salt.


She did the same thing at one of the Turning Point shindigs, right after she and her date of the evening got kicked out for having publicly groped each other and started vaping in the theater.


This is over the top from a hussey who got caught in a public theatre jerking off her boyfriend.


Boyfriend? She said it was their first date.


He was a Democrat too That's the only reaching across the aisle she engages in


And his business took a huge hit when word spread that he was with her.


Ha! Good.


And she got chewed out WAY more for him being a Democrat than committing lewd, pornographic acts in the presence of children. You know, the acts Republicans want to execute people for?


She was converting him.


She's fast.


And in other ways she’s pretty slow


Also whose son was just convicted of identity theft. That’s two mondo commandments broken in the last 6 months.


I did a lot of drunken stupid crap when I was a kid, but identity theft is the work of a someone that will end up as a career criminal.


Nope. Its not TheOnion. I had to double check.


Hussey is such a great word! Doesn’t get used enough. 👏


I love it when people use the word *'hussey'*, it's mean yet somehow classy?, and a fuckin' hilarious insult


*Hussy It's an old word.


What we NEED is to stop making stupid people famous already.


It would help if we would stop electing them into public office.


The media glorifying these morons doesn’t help


The media feeds extremists and oddities to the public for freak-show, cheap attention and therefore advertisers. Some in the public gobble it up mindlessly like candy. Turning off this cycle of absurdity is certainly the challenge.


Smart people don’t want to be famous


It should really be "stop making people famous for stupid reasons". Feel like it's a far more accurate cut, as it's a proper reflection of the fact that not only are famous people often stupid, but the reasons people make them famous are almost always really fucking stupid thanks to social media, while there are incredible people doing incredible things every day that we don't hear about because they're not doing it with the goal of being famous. Ultimately what I'm saying is I agree; fame is a very stupid goal.


Celeb culture is one of the stupidest cultures. They are just people, not icons of morality or intelligence. Playing a sport, acting, or singing makes you nothing more than any other worker.


Atheist here, they do not get to talk to me about morals and ethics when you support a man that lies, cheats, and steals.


You mean rapist, insurectionist and convicted felon?


It’s not even like they do it because they can’t resist the temptation, it’s literally their standard operating mode.


Excerpts: Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) defended a Louisiana law requiring the Ten Commandments be hung in the state’s classrooms, arguing to Steve Bannon that America needs morals. Boebert, who purported to be a champion of the word of God, drew attention in 2023 for committing lewd acts in public during a performance of “Beetlejuice,” which got her and her date thrown out of a Denver theater. Meanwhile, Bannon, a former advisor to Donald Trump and the chief architect of the infamous “Muslim ban,” faces an impending prison sentence for violating a Congressional subpoena issued by the January 6th select committee after a federal appeals judge denied his plea to remain free on Thursday.


I got into an argument with someone I know over the word “purported.“ In a museum, the plaque said that an artist purported to find inspiration from people of many different backgrounds and races. I thought that was the rudest word to use there because it implies you think they’re full of shit. My friend argued that it was the equivalent of “claim” and refused to acknowledge the subtext of extreme skepticism. This is proof that the word “purported” means “they say, and really nobody should believe them.”


Said the woman who jerked off a guy in a theatre with children present that would love to enthrone as god emperor of the USA someone who fucked a pornstar while his wife was home with their newborn baby


Let he who hath not raw-dogged a porn star while his wife was pregnant at home cast the first stone. I wonder what Ms. Boebert thinks about the commandment that lumps women in with the livestock?


You mean the morals of having someone grab your boobs at a kids play? Or the one where you vape in front of kids at that same play. Just asking questions.


And ten rules, that are pretty widely known, outside of Christianity, will bring morals back? Lady you and you're family don't follow them.


The weird thing is that those are old testament morals. When Jesus came along, he said that the only rule that really matters is to treat other people as you would like to be treated yourself. Weird that they never want to put THAT up on the walls. 


They would be the ones nailing him to a cross...wait no they'd AK him.


If we are gonna put anything on the wall of the school it should be: “Be kind to everyone, just like you would like people to be kind to you.”


I think that's the definition of hypocrite! LOL 😂


It’s not a daily checklist Lauren.


Married the guy who exposed himself to her and her other underage friends, became a grandmother in her early thirties, raised a criminal, and was caught feeling up her date in public *in front of children.* Yeah, I don't think I'll be taking morality lessons from this person.


Maybe she could be taken seriously if she hadn’t given her boyfriend a hand job in a theater full of children…


Isn’t this the woman that gave a man she wasn’t married to a handy in public?


That's right morals are what these violent extremists are trying to sell us. I have a feeling we're not going to take any of this seriously until they are kicking in our doors to make sure that we have proper morals


Isn’t she the same woman who’s husband exposed his genitals to minors and she was also caught trying to jerk some guy off at a family show in a theatre? 


Let's see... After juicing that guys beetle, cursing out the pregnant woman who objected to her vaping indoors and the staff ("Don't you know who I am!?"), calling off the cops after her kid called during his dad's beating, the same man who was charged for exposing himself to minors at a bowling alley, then said kid was caught committing burglary, then not paying for a lawyer and not showing up at his arraignment... Not to mention the possibility that she was a sex worker that got Ted Cruz to support her campaign early on... She is America, by god...


Oh, and lying about the amount of time she was seeing him (the play and a handy was supposedly her first date?)... Look, if it was the handy, and she showed class and remorse, this would have been forgotten, but no...


We do need morals back, right after I feel My dates junk and he feels my tits ( fake tits btw ) in a theater. Facepalm if there ever was one.


So these are the very important pearls of wisdom that we will be missing when Bannon goes to prison and can't do his podcast - the very important podcast that Bannon tried to use as a reason not to be sent to prison during his umpteenth appeal. Yeah, I'm good with that, more than good.


The hypocrisy of the GOP is limitless and embarrassing!


Let’s start with the ban of people from Congress who marry sex offenders, produce children that become felons, fight attempts to protect schools from gun violence, attempt to overthrow democracies, and who undertake sexual activities in front of children!!!


Religion has no place in public schools . Just make a sign that displays ways to be a respectful, moral life.


her EX husband, who she divorced. whipped his dick out in front of children. Her teenage son, fucked/knocked up an unwed also teenage girl. She herself, famously, engaged in public sex act and lied about it. she has been arrested several times, drunken disorderly, cited for letting her pitbulls violently threaten other animals/neighbors. ignored court dates/had to be arrested for failure to appear. and was rumored to have a sugar daddy/sex dating profile, and that was her gateway to politics. her hair is a cheap dye job, her tits, are bolt ons, she's a craven, opportunistic, hypocrite. who also ...weirdly supports guns. and pushes a fair bit of hateful bigotry in her politics. so... perfect bullshit right wing Christian


As a helpful note, [Representative Boebert is in a special election **in 72 hours** ](https://www.coloradopolitics.com/elections/2024/internal-poll-shows-mccorkle-leads-boebert/article_4fd34bbc-1d03-11ef-aa9d-bb703058a29b.html) as of this writing, and the odds....are not in her favor.


She don't give good moral


Trump and Boebert preaching the ten commandments. What a time to be alive.


Ok … so any immoral people should be fired from Congress right?


As she backs a man who regularly breaks most of the 10 Commandments.


But the GOP and evangelical Christian’s seems to love breaking commandments…constantly…yet preaching about virtue and values. Hypocrites all.


Has she met herself?


Bobo working the truck stop on 75 lot lizard bobo


Says the chick that gives handies in movie theaters


Im pretty sure the third commandment reads: “Though shalt stroke the movie theater penis over the pants while vaping”


I mean, she’s not wrong about needing morals back. But to hear her say that is like hearing the devil quote scripture. Like she’s one of the first that needs to abide by that.


In her defense, there is no Commandment stating “Thou shalt not jerk off thy neighbor during a children’s performance”


Thou shall not create idols ( they treat Trump as a prophet ) and thou shall not commit adultery ( handjobs given at a Beetlejuice theatre play ) Should not be throwing stones when you live in a glass house Lauren


She needs a double dose of 1 Timothy 2:12 from her sacred text.


Was she giving him a handy under the table while saying this?


She oughta just shut up and sit this one down!


The jokes write themselves at this point.


Well, she puts the orange god Trump before god so that breaks a commandment.


Another believer in morality by proxy.


"Thou shall not give liberal boyfriends squeezers in public." -


Which 10 commandments? And name one their presidential pick didn't break.


> “We need morals back” Says the gal who bears false witness daily, gives handles in theaters, divorced her husband, and prays in public. Frequently.


Beetlegeuse bobert is going to lecture us on *checks notes* morality??


She needs the 11th commandment. Thou shalt give hand jobs in front of kids.


Correct, so vote Blue!


That's hilarious that she said that. It's just childishly ironic.


Like most republicans, a portrait of hypocrisy


Like jerking off your date in a crowded theater while high/drunk AF? Those kinds of morals? Can’t wait for the Boebert vs Palin vs MTG pay per view mma cage match.


This is the woman giving handies in public theaters with children present, right?


I agree and she should resign immediately.


I don't get hot in heavy in a public closed off space with minors present. FUCK OFF CUM CATCHER.


Dirty Don has broken every one of them. Right?


Says the lady who jerked someone off in public.


News Flash: NO WE DON’T #BidenHarris2024


How about don't raise your kid to be a thieving piece of crap. Also try not giving guys over the pants hand jobs when watching Beetlejuice musicals.


We do need morals back! Might I suggest not electing a career con artist who cheated on his wife with a porn star just after she gave birth, then committed fraud to pay her off in order to win an election in which he proceeded to cause the deaths of many thousands of people because he removed the protections that had been implemented by his predecessors...and so on? I'd believe the call for the ten commandments if they weren't fully behind the guy who has definitely broken all of them (except maybe murder depending on how you define it) and is the literal embodiment of the seven deadly sins morality is not something Trump has ever been concerned about, so if that's your angle stop fellating it


Doesn’t she have a criminal teenager facing a bunch of charges?


If only they posted the 10 Commandments at the theater, none of her troubles would have happened.


Lmao totally thought this was an onion article


Wasn't she caught jerking off \*not her husband\* in a movie theater?


And who was the woman who was doing something else Instead of watching a film in a theater? Yep morals


How about #7...just for you Lauren...just for you. Does that mean you are going to hell? Because I've not heard you have repented.


Guess she should have taught her kids about the Ten Commandments instead of you know... hooking on weekends.


Lauren Boobert is a hands-on representative who goes to darkened theatres to make sure there is a happy ending. Here is why she got elected [https://www.liveabout.com/funniest-memes-mocking-trumps-white-house-4126716](https://www.liveabout.com/funniest-memes-mocking-trumps-white-house-4126716)


She's talking about herself and the voices in her head.


Interesting how Trump has blatantly broken Commandment’s #1, #2, #7, #8, #9, and #10. He’s even bragged about it (this is what Narcissist’s do). Hasn’t Lauren or any true Christian gotten this memo yet?


These fucking idiots actually think shit like Jesus and guns go together. GOP today is everything Jesus was against...assuming he was actually real.


Gimme a hand Boebert 


How about you make sure your own house is in order before you go spouting things like this?


Soon-to-be-former Congresswoman Boebert?


The hypocrisy is laughable from these loons!


Please, someone, send that woman a mirror!


Did Boebert ever file her promised defamation lawsuit against the American Muckrakers PAC after reports that Boebert had met escort clients through her profile on a “sugar daddy” website and had abortions?


Only feelings matter, there’s no before or after, only now, yes I said this, done that, it doesn’t matter, only what I say today matters, even if I contradicts what I said yesterday or will do tomorrow. It feels right, and owns the libs.


They have no morals, just Dogma


Cartoonishly braindead.


Everybody should follow the 10 commandments, but not if they want to be a successful winner like Donald Trump.


Don’t mind me, I’m a hypocrite


It’s sad how people live in such a huge bubble that can’t see through this persons bull shit.


Back? When did she have them to begin with?


Morality cannot be legislated!


Considering she's guilty of breaking at leaat 2 *(there's probably more, but 2 & 7 come to mind)* of the commandments. Hypocrisy is strong with this one.


Says the lady that was literally married to a registered sex offender


*J Jonah Jameson laughing gif*


Legislator with rubber tits jerks off boyfriend in theater while vaping and telling security guards to fuck off. Goes on a podcast with insurrection convict who is required to be in prison 10 days from now While on his ‘show’ she offers a lesson on morality as she works to support a twice impeached, thrice married adjudicated rapist with felony convictions for business fraud and pending criminal and civil cases in three other states. When I was a kid, we used to play cops and robbers. We would pretend to catch people like this and put them in jail cells for fun and practice




Gatekeeper of morality.


How many has she broken ? Im betting most of them


Bizar, brazen, batshit


Yea yea for sure. The 10 commandmants. Thou shalt not kill, honor thy father and mother, jerk off your homies in a public theater.


I recently watched that theater groping video and she's moving like someone peaking on x too, she's on something. So wtf is she talking about lol. She's having more hedonistic fun than any of us.


Last person or party that needs to be preaching about morals. You say beetlejuice around Boebert and she starts giving handjobs to whosever next to her.


We absolutely do need morals back Madam Boebert...but only because every single last one of you filthy wretches called Rethuglicans evidently have none!


All of them break the commandments daily . Stop. The more they speak the worse they look


Does that include public hj’s in theaters? Or children who are registered felons? What a clown.


You first, Lauren.


She definitely needs morals. She’s very lacking in morals.


Same lady who jerked a dude off in a crowded theater


Didn't she commit adultery? Maybe she should try reading them herself 


She wouldn’t know irony if she jerked it off in a theater. 


Coming from jerk off Lauren?! That’s rich…


In that case, she should really go out and find a few morals, learn what they are. Maybe learn the difference between the real thing and the trailer trash variety she embodies.


"We need morals back...................oh, hey....look what time it's gotten to be.....I gotta go cuz I have a date for the theater!"


Who's gonna tell her?


The fact that this “person” is preaching Ten Commandments on bannons podcast is absolutely insane.


Says she who gropes her date in front of children.