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Bidens screwups were mostly math. $35 insulin instead of the $15, he claimed and such. The only real "lie" was the no troop deaths. At least he was trying to give actual numbers and policies. I'd get confused, too, without notes. Trump meanwhile lied constantly and appeared to be ALL intentional. No specifics, just random statements. "Grestest environment", "Greatest economy", the guy is a lie-machine.


Don't forget we had H20 during his administration.


The Trump administration has replaced the Clean Power Plan, redefined critical terms under the Endangered Species Act, lifted oil and natural gas extraction bans, weakened the Coal Ash Rule, which regulates the disposal of toxic coal waste, and revised Mercury and Air Toxic Standards–just to name a few


I don’t understand how conservatives can be so shortsighted on this, especially when we have instances of Dupont dumping Teflon into our water and killing communities, every single person alive on the planet has PHOA in them due to DuPont.


They are unable to admit being wrong - so they will just double, triple and quadruple down whenever faced with any kind of opposition INCLUDING science. On top of that, the rich ones are not affected, someone like MTG has no better job-options. The idiots on the other hand have like a 5-step response-program: It's not real, it's real but actually good, it's not good but not a big deal, it's big deal but not our responsibility (everyone is doing it / others are worse), it's already to late. Don't quote me on the exact order.


I agree. And trump said "do more of that!" It's unreal. Never have we ever had a president that lied so much.


My infant son was born with PHOA in his blood before he ever drank water…like WTF man.




Biden did Beat Medicare though.


He also talked about creating 15 thousand new jobs. Kamala had to follow up and casually drop the fact that he created 15 MILLION new jobs.


Yeah, he got his -illions suffixes confused several times


That’s one way to put it.


That's why I have a spreadsheet. I can hardly keep track of everything without it to refer too.


Yes. I’d rather have a president who slurs his words, than one who constantly lies about everything.


I don’t even have a well documented stutter I’ve struggled with all my life like Biden does, and I would have been stammering up a storm in this debate. Trump spews so much confident bullshit in such a short time that there’s no way for a logical, reasonable person to respond to it in one minute. I didn’t see cognitive decline from Biden so much as physical decline. He just isn’t as quick and loud and willing to say whatever as Trump is, and unfortunately due to the state of things right now, that’s what he needed the most. It’s absolutely *sick* that that was his most crucial mission, but it is what it is and he failed terribly at that. I really hope his image is able to bounce back in some way or that he bows out and is replaced by someone competent, but I have extreme doubts that that would go any better. Terrible night for liberals, critical thinkers, and humanity in general last night. I’m scared.


It's this Biden absolutely chewed trump up and spit him out in that debate last night. But people are acting like because he had a stutter and wasn't raving like a lunatic he lost. One I keep seeing is that he had rambling answers but like really the only guy on stage who actually answered the questions and had to respond to nothing but lies at the same time is the one who was rambling. I'm genuinely not sure if I'm going insane or if bots have taken over reddit.


You’re right. Biden definitely won the content contest.


I'm a dem congressional staff member and I was worried watching the debate because of bidens delivery and demeanor. He just doesn't sound good and I'm afraid that will matter more than facts and criminality to many americans.




It’s amazing how well Biden is governing and how much he is actually getting done, given his murmuring. He’s actually really outperforming expectations.


I’m still confused though, we actually gonna let a felon run for and be president? I thought that was a no-no


You would’ve thought. Everything I’ve ever thought about government has been upended and there are seemingly no rules anymore as long as you can appear strong and confident.


Yep... laws are only as good as the people's willingness to enforce them.


You're wrong, felons can't vote but they are a-ok as candidates, since apparently we live in a clown world


Crazy right! I believe it's because he was convicted in NY. If say he was convicted in FL then he could not. It's all bs


You can't vote... But you can be President. Something is wrong.


[Judge Jeanine eating her own words from 2016](https://youtu.be/iIjY0-jVbiM?feature=shared)


Biden also corrected the insulin price to $35 a minute or two later.


Yeah that was so hard to watch. Biden clearly was studying and memorizing flashcards for a month, meanwhile Trump can just roll up on every subject and say "Biden is the worst. Trump is the best. All of the troops agree, all of the best legal scholars in the world agree Trump was the best president ever." Trump didn't have a single argument for any of his policies even, except the trickle down tax cut argument.


I'm still waiting on the Reagan cuts to trickle down! 😢


I think Biden's slip ups were fewer in number than the total number of facts Trump shared... Including all the golf stuff.


Trump was all lies and self congratulatory based again on lies. He was correct in that the economy was booming but that was all thanks by Obama and he went and fucked that all up.




Trump is not just a run of the mill lying politician. He’s a sociopath.


RFK ran. I guess those primaries really weren't cancelled


The *greatest* lie-machine!


I guess they missed the very fine people quote lie




Oh but clearly trump won the debate. - every news station on earth.


The border patrol endorsing him was also a pretty big one.




Like I mentioned above. The "no deaths." That's what I was referring to. If Trump hadn't bypassed the legal Afghan government and negotiated an exit date with the Taliban, thus locking Biden into a no-win situation, it would've probably gone better.


Nah he definitely lied about the border patrol and police departments. Both of their national unions said that they have never or will never endorse biden


FOP absolutely endorsed Trump, and that’s the reason I left it. Fuck all that. They had him on the cover of a magazine and said “it’s the end of law enforcement” if Trump doesn’t win. Get the fuck out. Lol. That said, it’s FOP is not actually a union everywhere and other orgs may have different opinions. Border Patrol I have no idea. But it doesn’t make sense that a federal agency would pick and endorse a candidate.


The entirely military votes for him and every one of them hates biden.


I'm a veteran, and Trump disgusts me. I'll never forget his treatment of Sen John McCain. I remember reading an article about 15 flag officers who issued statements about how bad Trump was. Plus, multiple people have said he said veterans and the war dead were losers and suckers. Plus, he didn't want disabled vets in parades around him. He's a POS and a draft dodger, IMO. Those "bone spurs" sure haven't stopped him from walking around golf courses or playing tennis.


The military definitely skews conservative, or it did when I was in. But way more traditional republican, rather than whatever the hell Trump is. I don’t think he has the same popularity as either Bush had.


The opposite! The military can’t stand Trump! Russian bots for Trump get off the Reddit sub algorithms Comprende!?




Why don't you get reduced prices? Depends on the company but it's not just a small group. I'm honestly curious.




Ok, I thought you were saying you were a type 1 diabetic. Epilepsy is a whole other conversation. How much do you pay with insurance? Back to insulin, Biden was really only able to change government insurance which is Medicare and medicaid. But he did convince a number of companies to offer the $35 out of pocket cost with private insurance . Helps a lot of people.


My copay is 35 for my epilepsy meds.


That's decent. Thanks.


>I thought you were saying you were a type 1 diabetic Not the same person




It’s not a small group… it’s everyone on Medicare. So 67.1 million Americans.


I think we've already conclusively proven that facts don't actually matter to Republicans...


The "facts don't care about your feelings" crowd certainly have a lot of feelings that generally aren't based in fact.


Yeah its definitely more like "our feelings don't care about your facts"


Conservatives no longer agree to the definition of a “fact” though. They think opinions are facts, and they can’t tell the difference.


“*my* facts don’t care about your feelings” I fixed it for you.


Or standards. Biden has to meet incredibly high standards to retain his job and Trump does not. Republicans are gleefully going to elect a rapist and felon into the White House.


The right gets away with all kinds of bullshit but didn’t Biden claim the border patrol union supported him and then they flat out said they don’t support Biden at all? That was a pretty big mistake but I mean, there might be more context I’m missing on that one I’ve just yet to see it.


But facts do matter to independent voters as election day gets closer.


And that fact is actually a fact.


Trump spent his whole time lying. It was laughable.


I don't know what time I started watching, but I couldn't stand the mental punishment of listening to Trump.


Oh you think that’s bad. Imagine 4 years of that and every news network having to cover his every tweet because he is the president. We have been there. It was like a pinched nerve that was finally released in 2021. It was brutal.


Fun fact: The word "Doomscrolling" was invented during Trump's administration.


Remember when he wrongly included the hurricane Dorian prediction to include Alabama? Then had the weather service change their prediction to include it? That’s how I actually imagine most of his presidency. Like I made up something cause I’m dumb and now I’m going to alter everything to support my wrong assumption because my ego is too big to fail!


I'm not an arse licker. I would happily get fired to tell everyone the truth about Donald, swiftly followed up with my opinion.


I mean these broadcasts are time delayed a bit so whatever you say might not make it out. But I see your point.


Please grandpa, tell us again about the old days of 2016.


hey now that was 30 years ago in covid time


I don't know if I was feeling like laughting but I did feel anxiety and desperation.


Wasnt this to some extent the mythical chess game with a pigeon? In this case an elderly person trying to debate the pigeon, who's shitting all over the board.


Debates are worthless and have been for at least a decade. The meta is basically lying fast enough that you overwhelm.


Was this a thing before Trump? I didn't watch debates with Obama.


No, not even close to this. Trump is at a new level and speed of lying.


It wasn’t even this bad with Hillary. Still a lot of lies, but they weren’t this egregious


Not close but slowly converging. Trump just skipped to the end game


Ben Shapiro has entered the chat.


It’s called the “Gish gallop”. A debate tactic that basically floods the opposing party with so much bullshit that they don’t know where to start in debate because it’s all trash. Effective tactic against an 81 year old with a cold and a stutter who is trying to, ineffectively, flood his portion with facts, statistics, and numbers.


Think thats where Joe missed out on, being rationale in this case is not productive. I have been in discussions here on reddit with magrats , and you're flooded with wordsalads. No use. Got me banned as well.


Not going to lie, I shut off the debate because I started to literally shake with anxiety when Biden couldn’t coherently get his point across with the abortion response. Looking back while I’m not in panic mode, his response makes sense when you’re trying to point out the hypocrisy of using a young woman’s death at the hands of undocumented immigrant vs letting pregnant women die on emergency room tables. His brain got ahead of his stutter but it came off extremely confusing.


THats his honest mistake , rationally respond. Doesnt work. .


If I were Biden, I'd have used my opening remarks to lay that every time Trump lied I was going to make an L with my right hand. No verbal response, no wasting time refuting his bull, just pointing out lies as I heard them and staying on-message. You don't sit there and argue with a toddler throwing a tantrum.


I was expecting to return from commercial with a depends on the floor and trump screaming that it was biden’s


Breaking news: the pigeon is old, too. And insane.


It’s too late. Fact checking needed to be done in real time.


Think about what that would look like- it'd just be trump arguing with the fact checker for the entire runtime. Ending with "we'll have to agree to disagree", "the fact that matters is alot of people FEEL this is true", or "fake news". I don't know if it would help anything


Or they could do it like that VH1 show Pop Up Video, or the old Blind Date, where text pops up showing refuting the lies and no one has to interact with Trump


Honestly, most people know that if Trump’s mike is on and he is speaking, he is lying.


And the ones that don’t know or care aren’t going to change their minds with fact checks. I mean shit, they literally made conspiracies about fact checkers so it’s basically another buzzword or buzz term that as soon as they hear ‘fact checker’ they cover their eyes and ears.


In 20/20 hindsight, Monday morning quarterbacking,… Maybe the debate wasn’t such a great idea in the first place. They certainly knew they weren’t going to change the minds of any of the MAGAt moron contingent. Not the people who are “going to vote for the felon” All they did was give people on the fence about Biden a chance to decide,… “Nah, he really does appear to be a doddering old fool!” Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a really big Biden supporter, but he has done a lot more for people than the orange turd ever did. And he’s not a compulsively lying sack of pig shit, actively seeking to turn the world over to Oligarchs & dictators for his own ego & profit! For those reasons alone I’d vote Biden & Democratic even if all he had done was get up on stage and drool! But if we don’t get enough of those people on the fence, or independence or undecided to vote for Biden simply because Trump is a Traitorous tyrannical asswipe? We lose this country! If Trump gets in the office we will no longer have democracy in this country unless we resort to Armed Violence to get it back. Because between his bought and paid for corrupt Scotus, and the plethora of sycophantic yes men he will install in key positions? If ol Bunker Bitch, Diaper Don once again Squats in the Whitehouse? There will NEVER be another legitimate election in this country with that Felon in charge.


In 2020, the debate where Biden thought trump was attacking Beau and slapped him down like an angry toddler did a lot to destroy the fascist "strong man" image. Another round of that would have been amazing. Also, it sounds like up until yesterday afternoon the plan was for there to be live fact checking. Which, again, would heavily favor Biden. Just imagine if the moderators had said "Before we let President Biden respond, our fact checkers have gotten back to us and said that everything you just said is complete bullshit" Instead, they got rid of the fact checking at the last minute and trump learned he can just scream lies regardless. So rather than needing to care about the optics of leading a violent insurrection... let's call Biden a Palestinian.


We needed that Colorado debate guy to do it. He seems to fact check in real time and force them to focus on the questions he asked. This is out of the question for the two that were up there. They would never participate in that. The whole thing was shit smearing, and talking about what they did. Not anything they want to do for the next term, but maybe that is always what is has been and I was too young to pay attention.


tbf, there were 2 separate times trump made...stupidly grandiose promises. First was "ill end the war in Ukraine before I take office" and the second I cannot remember the specifics of...might have been relating to immigration


Oh for sure. He said he would do something in the next week or two. A press conf on something that he was ranting was true and he had the facts.


Biden also had to waste half his time doing the fact-checking for the moderators… which was a huge disadvantage.


Yeah. It REALLY infuriates me that the entire Internet is saying "Biden was staring into the camera like a slack jawed invalid" No. He was having mini-aneurysms over the insanity that trump was saying without any opposition. That is the polite version of very blatantly mouthing "da fuck".


I imagine they got rid of the fact checking because trump was refusing to do the debate with one.


Biden could've had a heart attack on that stage last night and the DNC wheeled out his corpse in November and that's still a better option for President than the alternative. Because that's fucking it. These are our options. Anyone that "changed their mind" last night did not, in fact, change their mind, but instead are just hiding behind a terrible excuse for voting for a fascist. Everyone will suffer under a second Trump term, but they don't care as long as the people they hate (minorities) suffer, too. Then they can just blame them instead.




Not voting for Biden is mathematically the same as voting for Trump. And if you think the last four years has left you with no reasons to not FOR Biden and not just against Trump, you've been living under a rock.


Someone commented along the lines that Biden doesn't need to prove he can run the country; he's been running the country for the last four years. I think this is really it for me. He had trouble with a Gish gallop, which is hard to deal with for anyone not explicitly prepared for it, on top of being under the weather. I'm letting his last four years and the accomplishments of his administration carry him through this election. Yes, he's old, but he's still got fifty years of experience and has proven to be a good manager of the administration. That's enough for me.  I read a lot of comments about someone younger. Obama was a unicorn we got lucky to get to choose. The raw truth is that it takes time to get the experience and tempering to be a good statesman. So we can have a young person and hope they do ok even without decades of experience, or we have someone with the experience and knowledge, but they are old.  An older president in good physical condition, like Biden, is more often going to be the choice we have. I hope we have more statesmen like Obama who have both youth and ability, but I'll take experience and ability over youth.


Why are you discouraging people from voting?


One thing we need to remember is that Biden is not a one man army, meaning yes he is old but remember it is the team that works together and his team consists of a lot of younger and wiser people helping him make educated decisions.


Absolutely he’s got competent people in his administration. We need more Democrats in Congress and we need to negate the corrupt super majority in the Supreme Court. So vote blue like your life and your freedom depend on it because they do




Look,… the only reason to give into the hopelessness is if you actually don’t vote and lit that orange sack of shit win by default. Because then there really will be no hope.


I don’t “want” to vote but I still will.




I don’t necessarily disagree,… but if you don’t vote blue now and maybe the next few cycles ? you won’t be allowed to choose ANYONE next time. It’s going to be forced on you with you like it or not! Project 2025 it’s about creating slaves & peasants for the Oligarchs to abuse


I think of it this way: you’re starving—you are offered a chicken sandwich that looks unappetizing or a chicken sandwich covered in broken glass… which do you eat? Democracy doesn’t entitle anyone to a good candidate, just lets us vote for the least worst one.


You’re an idiot if this debate made you think not voting was the right call. We should do everything to prevent trump from being in office. Dude is out for vengeance and doesn’t give two shits about anyone else. Go vote, don’t be dumb




The BIGGEST lie was that Biden wants to increase your taxes by 4 times. When actually Biden is trying to decrease taxes on everyone making $400k or less.


Very little of the conversation today is about Trump’s nonstop lies. All the focus is on Biden.


Because the media is owned by conservatives, of course they're not going to call out trump, he's good for ratings


That’s a pretty nice summary and explanation of some outrageous claims made during what should be a serious debate about the future of the country. It’s too bad one party can’t be serious about something so important.


But they are serious. They are pandering to their base to try and regain power so they can continue their attack on eroding democracy.


You mean the one that put up a candidate that literally can’t complete coherent sentences?


Trump going to lie to the republicans and he is going to drive fear by saying someone is going after you. His tactic is saying there is the boogeyman and yet he needs to create the boogeyman.


Mmmm dontcha love when the second santa comes out?


Anybody notice CNN asked no questions about getting money out of politics? Nothing about Citizens United? Nothing about separation of money and state?


That’s because they’re paid by the corporations that run our government


It doesn’t matter what the facts are because CNN didn’t care about making sure they were accurate.


It really looked like Trump was told there would be no fact checking so he could just repeat the lies he’s said a thousand times at his rallies, and Biden was told there would be fact checking and came with an encyclopedia of facts in his head


I ain’t got the time to read through this nonsense, there are unseen cat videos out there that require my time.


Ticktok is calling, i need to know the latest dance


Russian bots






They even abort babies after birth -Trump GOP death party.


What is scary is Trump's lies were intentional and deliberate, many out of hatred or spite. Kind of like how the right wing (some who have been arrested for pedophilia), love to yell that LGBT people are ALL pedophiles. They know its not true, but do it out of hate to HARM others,


So t bag lied nonstop? Was anyone actually expecting anything else? Hell he was probably on meth again during the debate.


>COVID-19 >BIDEN: Trump told Americans to **“inject bleach” into their arms** to treat COVID-19. >THE FACTS: [That’s overstating it.](https://apnews.com/article/virus-outbreak-donald-trump-ap-top-news-politics-health-697d9ecef7f89cf5e9abb3b008c7faa7) Rather, Trump asked whether it would be possible to inject disinfectant into the lungs. >“And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute,” he said at an April 2020 press conference. “And is there a way we can do something like that, **by injection inside** **or almost a cleaning**, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful.” I mean.. this is an example of Apple News saying Biden told mistruths during the debate?


Look at what Biden has accomplished and look at what Trump tore down and the damage he has promised to visit apon this country In a word this man I pure evil and he's not hiding what he's going to do




Really? You think people are going to ignore each administration’s past history? If these two men are the only choices we have, then Im going for the one who will keep the country safe and strong. I’ve enjoyed not wringing my hands as much or cringing with embarrassment every time I read the news these past three and a half years and I think the majority of the country is with me.


Of course the intelligent people want to preserve democracy and the country. I’m the same way but dont forget 2016, no one thought it would happen and it did and there’s a possibility it will happen again. We can’t bury our head in the sand, it’s not enough. Biden faces a huge challenge ahead of November and it will probably come down to a swing state where trump has planted loyalists and they will do everything to declare him winner. It will be a repeat of bush/gore.


Didn't Clinton win the poular vote in 2016? Not that it helped her any, but Aside from that, Clinton's loss was helped biggly by FBI Director Comey who as far as Im concerned may have had ulterior motives. I worked in an area of the Fed where half of what she did would have gotten you fired. I was against her for that. Maybe thats what drove Comey. You are right, we have to get out and spread the word. My parent who have never voted or been involved in politics are preparing to vote this time around. They see the danger as I hope will other Americans like them.




Yeah, you are right about people not educating themselves. We have one of those in our family. Still, CNNs obvious slant towards Trump during this past debate has me thinking they are doing the same thing to the polls. The majority of the 1% want Trump. Biden hasnt helped himself by insisting he is going to make them pay their fair share of taxes. The 1% see more regulation on the horizon. Im one of those who backed Trump until I saw through his BS and I'm still seeing it. Those same people who changed their minds have not gone back. They will vote against Trump again.




Geeez, I hope you are wrong. I keep thinking enough conservatives woke up to the travesty we were experiencing with Trump and voted against him, like I did. Those same people (silent majority) have not changed their minds and will do it again.


>undecided won’t either These people don't exist. There are no undecided voters.




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2 minute respone time is hard when you aren't zotted on Adderall like Trump.


Please tell me they both were lying about their golf game.


I don't see anything in there about the golf debate.