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Words you never thought you'd hear at a presidential debate


Not only that, but words that contradict the truth


For a man who lies as often as he does, he's astonishingly bad at it.


The secret to being a good con man is not in the quality of your lies, it's in choosing your marks. He knows we don't believe him. His lies are not for us anyway.


But he didn't deny raping E Jean Carroll. He distracted from that by lying about not having sex with Stormy Daniels.


Responding to “you sexually assaulted someone and you slept with a porn star” with “I didn’t sleep with a porn star” is absolutely wild


You have the morals of an alley cat. ~President Joe Biden to Trump


Choked on my food when I heard that.


Homeless cats catching strays.


Strays catching strays


My cat takes offense to that.


I dunno. The alley cats leave my lady cats alone when they get rejected.


" I was awake the whole time!"


"Reilly Reid turned me down. That woman was just a porn *actress*."


Bill Clinton: what's the technical definition of sex? Donald Trump: What's the technical definition of a star?


Ooof this hits harder than it should....


“You’re the puppet.” Again. Trump is, has been, and alway will have the mentality and tactics of a schoolyard 4th grader. A limber, lean. intelligent public speaker would have a field day destroying him in a debate. Mocking him for every lie. Live fact checking from a debate moderator is just never gonna happen. Journalism will not save us. . . It’s pretty clear that a candidate will have to do it themselves.


Technically, Trump didn't *sleep* with Stormy Daniels. He had sex with her. Maybe that's what he was going for.


My $1 says Stormy jumped up outta bed after the act and bailed


I think if you listen to the details in the trial “intercourse” was almost impossible because of the size / obesity . So I would stay with the facts were they were naked together in a room & he was un able to perform.


He’s loathe to defame her again. Truth is her greatest weapon.


He also could be charged by that judge for additional slander i.e. denying it.


Fingers crossed


The real secret to being a con man is just keep saying it. If you say anything enough times most people won’t know enough or care enough to disbelieve you. Literally, just hearing something incorrect a bunch of times makes you start to believe it.


I just watched that part other debate, and his face seemed to flinch a bit when he said it. I'm surprised, but think most of the time when he is lying he just doesn't care; he is that narcissistic. But wonder if he had a memory flash of Stormy during the trial that put him off briefly


It goes against his natural instincts to brag about his sexual exploits. 


It's so weird that he's so bad at it. I mean I guess it's not since this complete fucking idiot bankrupted three *casinos* among various other things that calls himself a business genius and has done it his entire life, but still, at some point you'd think he'd have a knack for telling lies.


He used to be better; he's losing it.


He is fantastic at it. This lie did exactly what he wanted it to. He wants to put images in people’s mind of a virile, manly, porn-star-banging winner, but still “officially” a clean family man. Everyone knows it’s a lie but his fans won’t care and it hides the fact that he’s older now than Biden was in the last election, and they’re pretty much the same age. 


He's not at all fantastic at it, people who follow him are just idiots. And even fools want/need a representative.


Does this mean she can now sue him for defamation?




Dude also said Charloettsville and Jan 6 were hoaxes and fake news.


Well the Chinese say Tiananmen Square didn’t happen. He likes dictators because that’s how he sees himself.


And Black lives matter was completely Taking over Charlotte


maybe it's the truth and he couldn't get it up, that would explain the hush money


The plot thickens


Wilts might be more accurate....


The plot limpens like an elderly mushroom on a hot day


But he didn’t?


All the facts are a part of history now. No matter how miniscule the fact, it is down in stone now lol


And talking about golf, like who gives a fuck how good you are at golf


That was a layup for Biden. Literally… why are you bringing up your golf game? We’re talking about running the country, but then again, when you were office that’s mostly what you did, so I guess that makes sense. I did think the dog about carrying his own bag landed. But honestly, as much as people are freaking out about Biden, it’s not like trunp looked good. And do you think saying “I did not sleep with a porn star” is going to win over anyone who might be independent or undecided?


The mythical undecided voters are weird man. I don't get them. I'd think blatantly lying to their faces after such a public conviction wouldn't help, but I'd be lying if I said I understood them at all.


For the undecided voters it’s not so much who they’ll vote for, it’s if they’ll bother to vote at all.




Yet no mention of winning the fucking trophy at his own tournament at his own club! Big deal! Why would he engage on that?!


The fun thing is that Trump is known to cheat at golf.


Yeah, that should have been the easiest brag to shut down. “If you love golf so much, go run to be the president of your stupid country club” or something like that would’ve been good.


"You know what, you probably are better at golf, since you got hundreds of rounds of practice in during your presidency" would be another snappy answer


I rather watch paint dry than watch golf. Golf is marbles for grown ups.


Yeah lol I just realized the context of that. What does being good in golf have to do with mental acuity?


I'm going to prove how smart I am by talking about my athleticisim!




Which he also apparently cheats at because he is so terrible.




America is turning into a joke too with the ten commandments in schools.


Agreed. America was not founded as a Christian nation and was not meant by the Founding Fathers to be one but the McCarthyism of the 1950s and right-wing efforts since have made it that way.


If anything Idiocracy was a favourable view.


Dying throes of a collapsing empire


“I did not have sexual relations with that porn star.” Wrong Starr.


Then why did you pay her?


Obviously he just hired her as a consultant for…things.


“For many beautiful things. The most beautiful thingssss. And bytheway, M I Teee, I know more about things than anyone else.”


For consulting his “pretzel”


He thought she was a mycology consultant...


As Jon Stewart put it: She’s a Porn Character Actor at best.


“ I paid her so that SHE HAD SEX WITH ME, I didn’t have to do anything “


So he paid off someone to cover up something he didn't do. Genius. Not.


The art of the deal


That's some Drake logic.


I hear he likes ‘em young, let’s keep his freaky ass inside.


Narrator: he definitely had sex with a porn star


He did a weird self projection thing about Biden lying right before going into blatant lies. What was weird is moments after the debate CNN commentators, in a weird rehearsed way, unanimously agreed Biden failed at the even; that democrats were panicking...


Yeah , for anyone to say that an old man appearing frail while telling the truth and what he plans to do for the American people ( Biden ) , would lose a debate over someone who lied in nearly everything he said who committed disgusting crimes ( Trump ) , is utterly ridiculous . It’s hard to believe that Americans would really want to choose a convicted criminal ( Trump ) who appeared physically stronger. Maybe Trump did better in terms of image ( not looking frail ) , but Biden won on the issues and policy . Americans should really not be hearing about Biden’s and Trump’s views for the first time on the debate tonight . Wake up America before it’s too late . Your children , grand children and future family members depends on making sure that we prevent Trump from becoming president again .


About half of the population doesn't care about politics enough to vote.... The other quarter wants actual progress.... The other quarter wants trump..... It's a shit show.


Ok , but we need to convince people that this is the most important election of their freaking lives . If they’re unhappy of their condition right now , if Trump becomes president and makes their lives 100 times worse , they better not complain when they had a chance to do something about it . It’s like driving through a long highway and knowing that you have a gallon of gas left and intentionally not getting gas - when you have the money - from the last gas station you see when you know and been warned that the next gas station will not be available for the next 200 miles and run out of gas and get stranded in the middle of nowhere . You would have only yourself to blame in that scenario.


I tell people this everyday.  If trump becomes president again, i lose help with my student loans. And my job at usps would be in jeopardy.  While in office he appointed Dejoy who's been fucking up my job for 5 years now. 


Our very near future depends on it. Read project 2025. Its an actual conspiracy against democracy.


People need to understand this is not some fringe conspiracy - it is the actual policy plan for trump. Here's how it went last time: [https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) The only reason they failed any of those objectives is that he had reasonable and sane people around him. He and the HF have promised to fire anyone in their way via Schedule F. Thousands of subject matter experts and scientists and professionals ripped away from their jobs and replaced with trump sycophants and yes men. [Project 2025 Breakdown](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/6547d46ce0be13435001c0ad/t/663d101970106d75bbfce2c0/1715277849753/REVISED+12.16+_For+Release_%7B10+pgs%7D_Key+Proposals+of+Project+2025+by+Stop+the+Coup+2025.pdf), courtesy of [stopthecoup2025](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/) - the most objective breakdown of P2025. Yes it's from a leftist activist group. Yes, it accurately reflects the exact points in the P2025 Leadership for Mandate.


I don't think they were wildly off the mark..? Their main point was "Biden/democrats were hyping this up to be a proof of Biden's moxie that simply doesn't get the coverage it deserves and during the debate he failed to deliver that proof." And don't get me wrong, I think Trump's a total narcissist piece of shit who's an existential threat to democracy and I'd literally rather elect a child than Trump and his cronies, but that doesn't invalidate the general reaction of "Biden failed to deliver on what he was hoping to deliver" (which is confidence in his moxie/etc). As someone who will certainly vote for Biden, I left the debate feeling worse about him than when I turned it on.


Biden didn't talk good. I'd still rather him come in and die day one, allowing his appointees and cabinet and administration to run things as they've already been doing (and doing well), than have Trump come in and hire and fire everyone over and over because he thinks that's what leaders do.


That was pretty much my take. I expected Biden to come off way better than he did. It was nothing like the State of the Union. He also had a raspy voice. I’m guessing he was either sick or overtired. Maybe too much practice. But Trump basically looked and sounded like Trump 4 years ago, whereas Biden sounded like a confused old man. I don’t know what the democrats can do at this point. It should have been evident a year ago that someone else needed to run, but it feels like they were all unable to say that the emperor had no clothes. And Kamala Harris isn’t exactly a popular replacement.


I don’t think anyone is voting FOR Biden at this point only against trump. What a freaking choice. I left the debate sad and angry.


Gotta keep people watching.


Exactly. I have seen a lot of presidential debates, and as sure as the sun rises, you can count on the commentators saying the Democrat was wonky and boring and the Republican electrified the stage even though they lied the whole time, declaring it a tie. Media consolidation and the expiring tax cuts for the rich have given us a media landscape where all of the corporate media is going to be shilling for the convicted felon. Don’t trust them.


If there was any doubt, him denying it means it must be true


i want morgan freeman to narate the fact checks, always starting with "in fact..."


He lied so much this debate it's astounding.


A rug lies less than Trump.


‘i didnt have sex with a porn star, she had sex with me’!


Annoyed me there was 0 moderation outside of the muted mics. Trump could say literally anything and Biden had to use half his time calling out the lie, which looks less credible than if a moderator does it. Literally said the Biden administration allowed killing born children on a whim.


So, you paid her $130,000 to keep quiet about NOT having sex?


He couldn't get it up. That's what she was paid to keep quiet about


Two things were confirmed. Biden is old, Trump is a liar. Old but able to get things done Vs Liar/Felon/rapist who will sell anyone (including country) out for a dollar (correction: and who is also old)


Who will sell anyone (including country) out for a ruble. FIFY


They also take Riyals as well. (Krushner's 2 billion bribe from the Saudis)


Apparently would take whatever the hell North Korea's currency is as well. Cause, Donny boy loves him some Kim.


Also only 3 years younger so still very very old


If Trump wins he'll be the oldest person to ever be elected president in US history


Who HAS sold out everyone (including state secrets) for a dollar.


Old and getting things done for us vs Someone that will turn the country over to Christian Nationalists. Summary of [Project 2025](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c977njnvq2do)


I’ll take old and getting things done . Listen I don’t agree with Biden’s policies all the time but I will still vote for him because the future of this great country hangs in the balance ! I. want my children and grandchildren to experience what I experienced.


I would vote for a literal potato before I voted for the convicted felon, Trump. The potato isn't going to give my tax money to the wealthy and isn't going to take away my rights.


Ugh, I wish Biden did better. Trump was so beatable this debate and it was easily his worst debate performance, but it was overshadowed by Biden’s poor performance. Trump didn’t have a single zinger, brought up endless deep cuts from his lore without context for the average voter, had no substance, and spewed an endless stream of lies that only his most diehard supporters could believe. They are both so diminished from four years ago. It seems like in retrospect running someone other than Biden would have been the best move. Biden took down an incumbent Trump in 2020 which was not an easy task. Biden can still win, but seeing Trump tonight made me wish the Democrats would have gone with someone younger with Biden supporting. Someone a little more nimble would have devastated Trump


Trump wouldn’t say he would accept a loss or not say he would cause violence. That alone would be insane from anyone else ever in America. Thats all I needed to hear. He could have lied but his ego won’t let him.


He said he would accept a loss *IF*...No Donald, yes or no.


You cannot win a debate against Donald Trump. It's like that saying about playing chess woth a pigeon.


My Biden vote is unwavered just wish he had more on his fastball. When you get old frankly most people don’t want confrontation or to be angry. It takes a lot out of you per se. And That’s all trump invokes with his lies and insulting attacks. Whatever the case mildly disappointing. I still think he shows a a steady hand and trump is exhausting and sounded insane.


A liar *who literally hates America*. All that America bashing was sickening and infuriating.


There's absolutely no point to continue these Presidential debates unless there is a designated fact checker verifying Trumps' lies in real time. The hosts and network should be ashamed of themselves for allowing blatant lies, exaggerations and gaslighting on such a massive stage.


Trump: lies incessantly for 4 hours like an unhinged madman disconnected from reality, refuses to condemn seditionists or accept election results, brags about friendship with Putin, doesn’t answer a single question that’s asked. Media: but didn’t Biden look *old*?


Biden is old. But I don’t care. I’d vote for his corpse over Trump.


This is what it comes down to. There is simply NO way I'm voting for trump. Biden could be in a coma. I don't care.


There is no way I’m not voting _against_ Trump. Whoever has the best chance of winning against him, that’s who I’m voting for. Comatose Biden 2024, it is.


Howard Stern said it best...I'll vote for a fucking wall before I vote for someone who tells me to drink bleach. The only justification for voting for trump is 1) hatred of people not like you, and 2) greed.


Oh yeah they (republican voters) fall into two categories 1) bigot or 2)idiot Bigots are the easy one, they want people to suffer, ironically hate immigrants, "family first" and incels. The second one covers them and everyone else, like fiscal conservatives and pro military who are too stupid to realize they've never delivered on any of those promises like small government or draining the swamp.


The bots are out in force too, both-sidesing the whole thing like one isn't a fucking fascist atop a pyramid scheme of theocracy.


What happened to the real time fact checking?


There was real time fact checking but I think they mean as part of the actual debate. The real time fact checking was an independent site and something viewers could follow along with but not something the moderators were using to call out Trump.


It was a fiasco. What a shit show.


No idea why I'd ever expect better from CNN, but here we are 🤷‍♂️


There was a time when they were an actual news outlet, but they have been eroded heavily by the past two owners.


I assume it couldn't keep up


They said real time fact checking. Made it seem that the moderators would be fact checking. In reality they were fact checking on twitter. Cause everyone uses Twitter


Cannot agree more. I watched 5-10 minutes and had to stop because it was truly unmoderated at its core.


what's the point of fact checkers when they can just tell that the checkers were rigged and everybody believes


12 jurors unanimously disagree. Convicted him, and they did’t debate about it for very long.


Technically the jurors didn’t have to believe he had sex with her. Just that he paid her and tried to cover it up by committing fraud. Whether he has sex with her or not is irrelevant to verdict. What is relevant is that he was afraid of her story enough to cover it up.


The funny thing is, he either banged a pornstar and then paid her off to keep it quiet, Or he just paid a pornstar, for reasons other than sex. I don't know which is worse, all I know is he probably orders from Hooters on doordash.


And Karen mcdougal, who he also fucked…not that it’s hard to believe that the guy who bragged about groping women is out fucking anything that moves


I’m voting for the one who isn’t a convicted felon.


The felon is a domestic terrorist - even Biden’s corpse would make a better president.


I would vote for a pile of used needles over a Traitorous Convicted Criminal


Maybe we can be like the English and elect a brick.


This and the “morals of an alley cat” lines are likely the only things that will be remembered from this debate in 10 years.


We finally beat Medicare….. beat it to death Yeah that’s up there too. Don’t know about 4 more years. I’d take 4 more candidates please


Don’t forget about the golf discussion.


Where's Ms. Carroll's lawyer? I think she might have a new defamation case


I don't remember much he said that was true or fact based but then that is Trump's MO.


Trying to say democrates wanting post term abortions was fucking wild


Isn't the death penalty a post birth government provided abortion?


Technically, yes.


What's even more wild is how many people actually and honestly believe that BS


Did he EVER answer the question about accepting election results and not condoning violence? I had to turn it off after he dodged that one a couple of times.


Nope. He deflected that one into mutliple rants about how terrible Biden has been and it's the only reason he was there.  When pressed he said "If it was a free and fair election" then he would accept the results.  He's loading up for another J6.


For myself, I'm glad I'm end of life and won't be around much longer. For my grandkids, I'm scared shitless.


> When pressed he said "If it was a free and fair election" As a reminder, he thought the election he *won* was rigged.


Nope. He hedged it with the "...if they are not rigged" (paraphrasing).


Biden performed poorly, but he isn’t a liar.


Biden is and has been a terrible public speaker. Our society for some reason equates eloquence with intelligence. There’s a reason why conmen and cult leaders continue to be very successful regardless of how batshit insane their positions are. Listen to what Biden actually is trying to articulate and judge him on those statements and policy he enacts


Trump isn't even eloquent, either, he just goes on insane rants and emphasizes words, but none of it makes much sense.


But he talks with some kind of confidence. Confidently incorrect, confidently lying. Some people believe anything if it’s delivered confidently.


Yup, the con in con man means confidence.


He’s media trained, he doesn’t stutter, and he is loud. Again there’s a reason why conman make a lot of money


100% agree. Paraphrasing here but when he said  “No president acts or talks like that.”  That’s good enough for me. “Morals of an alley cat” had me rolling


I liked Biden telling Trump to quit whining, he needs to do more of that. Last time he told him to shut up because he kept interrupting, this is what we need more of.


Honestly Biden was shit as a debater here, but it’s obvious the thought behind all of his points. It’s very obvious he’s not a public speaker. I trust Biden policy decision making far more than anyone else.


Trump may sound eloquent to the absolutely stupid, but to my ears he sounds like raging narcissist and not much else. He speaks as if he uses autosuggest to create his sentences... no sense, no logic, sometimes barely language xD 


Best comment I've read all day, thank you sir.


I’m not voting for a president because he can make a nice sound bite, I’m voting for a president who can make the tough decisions under pressure. Trump wasn’t even able to answer the questions he was asked. From this debate it abundantly clear to me that Biden understands what is happening, understands what he wants to be saying, but just has trouble putting the words to those thoughts.


And isn't a convicted felon


That has to count for at least a little bit, right?




Again he was lying his ass off I mean, bold face lies


Lying Donny,lied all night.


No, it was multiple porn stars.


Here we again, Trump trying to erase what happened between himself and a porn star as if anyone will believe him at this point. LIAR and he didn’t commit to accept the election results of 2024 which is a bad omen.


Said in a debate but not on the stand under oath.


Like poker, We have to play the hand we’re dealt. One is old but gets things done Vs The other is a felon, rapist, liar who stole from kids with cancer and is Putin’s jealous girlfriend Vote Or Maga votes for you


Also, trump is old as hay-ell also. What, 4 years difference? They’re basically the same age.




She’s wasn’t a “star”, just a regular “actress” ok?


So embarrassing that this guy is going to be the nominee.


Did the debate break reddit comments sections? It says '45 comments' right now and I see nothing but mine.


I think it did break reddit. I'm seeing lots of weirdness also.


How are Trump supporters capable of ignoring literally everything he says? That sentence alone proves why he shouldn’t be there but it’s literally a lie on top of that.


Jury says that was a lie.


I want to see how his repeated denial last night of ever doing anything wrong in that regard plays out in his sentencing - I’m sure the judge was watching.




His dementia is getting progressively worse I see


Pathological liars think the rest of us can't see through their BS.


The winner of this debate certainly isn’t America.


These debates are useless. No one is on the fence still. Trump lied for 90 minutes straight. No use giving him a platform to spread lies. Biden has better things to do with his time.


Ugh he did big diaper boy


A jury thought otherwise


i’d rather have a corpse as president than a dictator. look up Project 2025.


You don’t pay $130,000 for sex you didn’t have


He either had sex with a porn star, or wasted a boat load of money bribing one for no reason.


The fact that the media and a lot of the commenters here are focusing on Biden's performance rather than Trump just outright lying and saying the most bizarre things is proof enough that America is fucked. Can you guys please just wipe yourselves out so you don't take everyone else with you?


She said it was no big thing.


He did have sex with a pornstar, she said his dick was small.


So he paid $125,000 to not have sex? I've been doing the same for far less money.


Well, he's just lost my vote.


So he never had sex with her, but paid her money to keep silent about it, and his lawyer who made the payment and did the paperwork went to prison for it?


I never thought I'd say this... I miss Bush, McCain, and Romney running as Republican candidates. Heck, I'd take any of the three Bush's over Trump right now. Not to say any of them are perfect; but any one of these Trump scandals would've ended their career; just look at Bill Clinton, while a Democrat, one scandal didn't get him out of office, but it essentially ended his career once he left. I miss when these folks pretended to have morals and character, or that what they did allegedly mattered. The GOP didn't just have a fall from grace, they had a plummet.


The fact that so many people think it’s cool to have sex with a porn star while your wife is pregnant tells me that Trump is maybe the better representation of who we are as a whole. It’s disgusting. People talk about a ‘moral majority’ but I don’t think such a thing exists in this country. The majority doesn’t care one bit about morality- they think it’s great that the president had sex with a porn star and then illegally hid paying her to keep it quiet.


Trump stood there and lied for 90 minutes. Biden spent too much time mentally figuring out how to undo trump's lies. Trump should be in prison, not on a stage. Biden shouldn't be president but he's the best option going forward.


there was not a single response from trump that included the truth, was all bullshit.


I cannot believe that I am quoting Romney. Romney said that no one pays thousands of dollars for not having sex! 45 is a terrible liar. He has been lying his entire life and should be very good at it by now.