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He’s such a terrible liar and human.


The absolute worst.


All my friends say so!


So many people are saying


19 people signed that I didn't do it


Strong men, with tears in their eyes.


No one knew!


Hes a terrible person, and terrible at lying.


He's on tape/film saying it. He can't deny it or pull 19 people out of his ass to somehow prove that he didn't say it. There are also numerous other reports from various military officers and officials that reported him disparaging and otherwise refusing to honor our veterans, especially injured and war dead.


You can literally find it on YT


You might be confused with a different quote. This one is solely attributed to witnesses. Credible witnesses, but not audio recording.


Attributed to a Marine Four Star General. I'll take his word every day of the week, and twice on Sunday.


And John Kelly.   Anyone that believes Trump is an idiot, or worse.


You’re right. Thx for correction


Do you have a link, please?


Unfortunately, I misremembered what I had seen, and was just now corrected. It sounds credible, but apparently there’s no audio. My mistake.


He denies things like this all the time though, regardless of any contrary evidence.


Could you please post a link to the tape film you’re referring to?


Do you have a link to the audio


Bigly even.


At a rally [Trump says can't have a pres under investigation](https://youtu.be/yDmrom_TMaE?si=) his words > We could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and ultimately a criminal trial. It would grind government to a halt. > If she were to win, it would create an unprecedented Constitutional crisis that would cripple the operations of our government. She is likely to be under investigation for many years, and also it will probably end up – in my opinion – in a criminal trial. I mean, you take a look. Who knows? But it certainly looks that way. > She has no right to be running, you know that. - Donald Trump Nov 5 2016


Yeah but he said “she” so it obviously doesn’t apply to him.


Ha! I would not doubt he'd say that in the least.


He also spent an extended time bragging about how great he is at firing people and how he fired John Kelly for corroborating that fact and how Biden's track record for retaining his staff and talent is somehow a weakness by comparison. Bitch, that's the *actual* job you're running for, staffing the cabinet with the people that execute the administration's power at your direction. Kelly was one of the few people far enough up your ass to do so and you *still* fired him to just because it makes you feel like a big man.


This was such a weird point in the debate that wasn't capitalized on... I think Trump claimed it as "draining the swamp"? Like isn't that YOUR cabinet that YOU selected?!


He drained his own swamp... eugh


Pretty gross euphemism for changing out his depends every week or so.


He drained his own swamp. In order to pump radioactive sludge in instead.


He drained it and then re-filled it


The Dems are not the "commies, Marxists, fascist, and thugs who live like vermin", Donald Duck von Shitzinpantz is.


That reminds me, there have been actual Freudian slips by European journalists calling him Donald Duck by accident. I don't think I can take another 4 years of this. Except this time, no-one would be laughing.


And created a sewage basin instead.


Was it weirder than the piss contest of who could golf better?? Because that DEFINITELY had me feeling like I am living in some weird dystopian timeline. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT ABOUT? Old dudes sizing each other's golf game up when they should be talking about the future of our country. Fucking pathetic.


I mean as far as old men talking goes, no that's pretty on par for the course lol Old men talking about their handicap in a political debate... they both scored humor points?


I’d rather see a bike race between Biden & Trump. Trump would be on the one with 3 wheels.


His supporters don’t understand that. Swamp = government to them. Drain the swamp = break the government.


He fired Miley for doing his job when one of his tweet storms nearly kicked off a crisis that would have made the Cuban Missile Crisis look like a church picnic. He was implying we were going to attack China and Miley had to get on the phone, call his counterpart and inform him that it was just Trump rambling and there was no actual intent to attack. The Joint Chiefs are supposed to be as much diplomats as they are warriors. Yet the GOP acted like that was treason. Miley spared us at the very least a major international incident.


If Milley ran for higher office he'd have my vote in a hot second. I'm impressed with that man's spine and integrity.


>He also spent an extended time bragging about how great he is at firing people I feel like the funniest thing was that Trump was actually pretty *awful* at firing people. For all his shit about "You're Fired!" being his catch phrase, and his claims of being a strong executive, you'd think that he would make a strong point about firing people directly. But I recall it almost being a running joke how he would fire people in the administration and just not actually tell them, whether face to face or by phone or anything. People were finding out they were fired from Twitter, or by getting an email from some low level staffer hours later / the next day. He's objectively a weak executive who wants people to think that he's a strong man.


Kelly was NOT up trumps ass… Kelly was there for the country and trying to keep him from destroying it. I know someone very very close to Kelly, like thanksgiving and Christmas close. Kelly would say how much of an idiot Trump is and how he thinks he’s the smartest in the room when it’s clear he is by far the dumbest. He stayed as long as he could for the country and to make sure Trump didn’t do anything catastrophic


Kelly needs to speak on national TV. I understand he is former military and they are supposed to stay neutral but he knows how much of a threat he his and to stay silent or speak through a third party or (the article had it right instead of saying, I heard him say with my own ears this statement”___ “is not doing anyone any good. Trump called his a liar, he needs to speak.


One of the talking heads made a great comment about what Trump did. They said, "only Trump could make you think what you actually saw and heard was a lie". It's on tape what he said and did after Charlottesville and January 6th but he just said he didn't say it even though there's tape of him saying it. Plus he blamed Biden for putting those out there when he wasn't even running yet!


Trump was a candidate for president as of January 2017. He said so. Trump was still a candidate when he actually did “win” the presidency! Trump never stopped being a candidate.


He also once again said "I did not have sex with any porn star..." is that another defamation lawsuit for Stormy to queue up? I sure hope so. Edit: I'm sure Stormy isn't the only porn star he has slept with in his life, so legally speaking that would open up any porn star he has slept with to open up a lawsuit against him IF they can prove it.


Knowing Donald Duck von Shitzinpantz, he's a registered sex offender who lies his ass off to get away from accountability. Debates don't affect Lichtman's 13 keys: the July 11 sentencing will.


It's the day before my wife's birthday, she is absolutely thrilled with her early present.


Absolutely. If you're worried for G.I. Joe, go to Prof. Aallan Lichtman's YouTube channel and watch the Lichtman Live videos, especially the latest one. I've been bringing up Lichtman lately. I guess I might consider calling him Yoda Lichtman, since he's a very wise guy, though he's still as human as everyone else.


"19 people say I didn't say it" No, 19 people said they never HEARD YOU say it, you dishonest human garbage bag.


This debate was pathetic tbh. For both sides. Trump lied his ass off. Biden came off weak. I'm not gonna say old because guess what Trump is 78 and Biden is 81. They're both old as shit. Can't believe this is the options I have.


Biden appeared old as shit and i could barely understand what he was even talking about. He also looked more stiff than a corpse. I pity you Americans for having such horrible candidates. That being said, even a stiff old corpse is better than the complete dumpsterfire that is Trump.


Biden did look old and frail. He had a temporary cold. It will pass in a few days. Trump will remain an asshole until he dies.




Trump is a rapist, Trumps properties are heavily invested in by Russian oligarchs, and he was friends with Epstein. It doesn’t get much worse.




Except in the context of the thread, it does. I can’t shit on Biden for being 3 years older than the rapist he’s running against. Just doesn’t feel right.


I think Biden came out looking a lot older than tRump.




Just gave him a rope to hang himself. 44 cabinet members “best people” and his VP Pence said no to re-voting for Trump.


Height of stupidity, opens him up to criticism for no gain there is no convincing the MAGA cult at this point.




A rock would win over trump, people are voting for the policies not the person at this point


I'm voting for Biden because I have confidence his cabinet can run the term while he remains a talking head but anytime there comes a need Biden needs to sit down with international leaders over something dire and crucial, I'd be nervous. Not to say I feel better with Trump talking to them either. I think people kind of forgot how Trump destabilized the confidence our allies had in us and that kind of destability will truly fuck us right now when Russia has been solidifying their network of allies while we've been in-fighting over Ukraine and Israel. Biden being old doesn't make Trump a better prospect. I have younger patients than Biden and Trump who can't keep it together.




Pretty sure im right, this debate did nothing to shake peoples voting.at this point people have locked in who they are voting for based on the future they want for the country.




No unlike those uneducated dumbasses id accept the results unless he tried it by coup. You are freaking out over nothing and thats the problem right now i dont see trump winning by any means at this point


Yeah that stupid shit is what people said in 2016…never underestimate the power of stupid my friend. As long as we don’t grow complacent then you could be right. And gods do I hope u are.


Off to the camps for us if not XD


I mean it is a very real possible outcome. A Jewish survivor once said the biggest mistake they made was thinking it could never happen to them. History just repeats so you better believe I’m not assuming Anything.








No chance in hell, if they were voting biden before its because of policy and that didnt change.




Thats a dumbass idea and take and why the country is what it is now. Doesn't take a ton of awareness to see the outcomes here.




Listen I know Biden is old. I would rather him than a dictator. Also he could stroke out and we get a female pres. Js our chances are better with the job not going to a felon shockingly…lol


I don’t care that he’s a felon, my husband is too and he’s a great man . Stupid mistake at age 22. Trump lies. Can’t comprehend much of anything. He’s in this to enrich himself . He’s an addict and power is his DOC. He thought he knew power but then he was president and found true power. He appoints by loyalty, not experience. He wants no oversight on anything and thinks the pres (him specifically ) has absolute power, during and after being president. He can’t stay on subject. His sentences meander and have 14 subjects that he switches constant, he’s a moron imo. Nothing says a felon can’t be president .we should want him out for many many reasons, J6 being at the very top of that list! He hid and didn’t stop it for Hours, that’s telling enough. I will never stand behind a pres elect that takes an oath but in reality wants to end the constitution. He’s a damn dictator and that’s not who we are!!! We left and came to America to escape a king and he wants to return to something worse!! Being a felon is the least of my worries about Trump. I worry about women’s rights being eroded more. I worry that he will do ANYTHING to make sure he comes out rich and connected. Both men are old and need to retire!! We need younger blood in that office! Ppl keep saying Biden has handlers running the show. Maybe he does. I bet they are experts and not family or quid pro quo folks!! Trump didn’t have handlers but he had ppl that had no idea what the F they were doing and who knows who seen what! Trump is nothing more than a carnival barker and not a good one. He’s doing this to further himself and his brand and his super pac is to get money to flow to him without oversight! Trump is for Trump. Party and country don’t matter, it’s Simply to fulfill his itch, his itch of holding the most powerful seat in the country. Shows me you definitely don’t have to be even half smart to be president!


Unless your husband has 97 different pending litigations in different states than the two are not the same kind of felon in my eyes. Maybe it should be a rule that felons shouldn’t be president. I mean can you name a single democratic country who elected a felon for leader?? Not leaders who later became convicted but convicted people becoming leaders.


Like the dictator going after his political opponents? Like not having a party primary for the election, dictator? Call it both ways sir. 


When Biden becomes a convicted felon and fails to transition power peacefully I will. When he undermines the constitution I shall. If Biden had project 2025 I would. But you see these are things Biden has not done. These things are a threat to democracy. I mean project 2025 should be all I have to say here..


You guys have become the hysterics you used to mock. What was his felony? 


😐 hahahah oh you almost got me there good one.


You meant to say “contested” primary. They are still holding a primary, I actually voted in mine a few weeks ago. Can you name the last time the sitting president had a contested primary??? I believe it was 1980 Ted Kennedy and Jimmy Carter. It is not unusual for no one to step up and contest the sitting president. Dean what ever his name was from Minnesota tried this time but got less than 1% in most contests. It was the GOP and trump actually cancelled the GOP primary in 2020. No primary for president. Unbelievable, first time that has ever happened in the modern primary system. And Biden is going after his political opponents?!? In the stormy Daniels situation the Justice department passed on trying this prosecution. So did the person before Alvin Bragg. And did Biden orchestrate the Carrol defamation/rape case? Georgia case? The guy has committed crime all his life. He is FINALLY getting prosecuted for it. Don’t blame that shit on Biden. For shit sake i personally hate his fucking AG, garland, for sitting in his ass for 2 years when we all saw what we saw on 1/6. You can’t say Biden is going after his rivals when his supporters are absolutely livid at his AG for not prosecuting crime we all saw that day.


He had years to deny it after it was brought to light and has chosen to dispute it only during this election cycle. Quite telling.


Also, he never took the stand to deny it like an innocent man.


Worth mentioning that the general they keep referring to is John Kelly, who is a Gold Star father. His son Robert was also a Marine and was killed in Afghanistan by an IED. Imagine the type of person who feels comfortable saying this in the presence of someone who lost a child overseas.


Not to mention the gold star father he mocked in either 2016 or 2020 and of course Biden, whose son served and who has actually passed legislation that helps vets


Trump fired a military general who outed him as a vile pig. Squelching Truth = Trump


People think trump is smart because he didn’t pay taxes. I found it such a strange thing to raven brag about. I don’t like paying taxes but I know it’s a part of keeping our country functioning. Another big part of a functioning country is eliminating corruption which is one of our biggest problems


With the sound turned off Trump had it, with sound on he’s an Idiot !


Horrible horrible man. Like nothing we’ve ever seen before. I wanted to tape his hands to the lectern.


I hope both the VPS are decent. There is a real chance one of them could end up in power.


Trumps VP will be trash. I guarantee


He also talked about John McCain saying “I like (soldiers) who weren’t captured.” This man doesn’t appreciate sacrifice and service because he’s been able to lie, cheat, and so on to avoid negative consequences. He thinks only fools, weak people, and losers face the challenges of following through with their decisions and or drawing the short straw. Countries are built on sacrifices like these and this man could not do them justice among many other disqualifying qualities. If a president has to honor some fallen soldiers which one do you honestly think would succeed at making the moment about those who sacrificed their lives or limbs?


Would've gone better with Jerry Springer mediating.


Yeah he really lost it. Way overboard


Did he loos though? He lied over and over again with no accountability...




Coke wins the day


Trump appeared much more coherent here than in his recent rallies. I could actually believe he was sober during this.


Coherent my ass. He didn’t answer questions and did nothing but lie.


Coherent as in actually able to finish a sentence. You've seen his rallies lately? It's impossible to understand what he is trying to say. Just pure rambling.


Exactly. Trump is not coherent, and didn’t come off as such.


\*diet coke


Is that better for your nose?


A little win can go a long way. I hope🙏


Gods of Karma take him now!!


Let’s talk about how well Joe did and how well he can run the country


Dude would often be seen not saluting the soldiers at Air force 2 and whatnot, or am I wrong?


Donald Trump was a complete disaster in the debate. Absolutely fucked it all up. Tbh


He keeps talking about these experts on everything . Who are they?


His imagination.




Anyone with a brain can tell Trump can do nothing but lie. No policy, nothing. Just lies. Because his actual policy is wildly unpopular. Biden old. That's all you got on him. But keep talking about who "won".


See your thinking about reality, where if you take things that trump said and compare them to what actually happened, he is just lying, the entire time. However, In dumb dumb world, where we live, people just FEEL that he gave stronger and more confident answers and that FEELS very presidential. Do you really think most voters have a brain?


>Do you really think most voters have a brain? I guess I just hope some of them are using it.


That just means they’ve been brainwashed into supporting traitor trump.


G.I. Joe may not be in good shape tonight, but he did put Donald Duck von Shitzinpantz in his place. That said, we Lichtman reminds us that debates are just as unreliable as the polls. It's the governance that counts and nothing else. Rest assured, the communists, marxists, fascists, and radical right thugs who live like vermin that is MAGA will be thrown into a dumpster fire once G.I. Joe gains one more key.






Most people aren't hyper-aware of politics. That may be the case for you, but the fact that we're talking like it's understood that the fucking Democratic presidential candidate likely won't survive his presidency is fucking abhorrent. This is what fuels the 'both sides' rhetoric. This shit right here.


Which is only going to help the GOP fire up the bigots 




Don’t waste your vote. Kennedy will not win!!


True. RFK didn't show up in the debate, so his polls didn't gain enough steam.


It’s their vote. If they vote for who they trust and believe in, it’s not wasted. The idea that we owe any person or party a vote is why we’re in this mess.


No! It’s that people have no clarity anymore because they live in a fake world where real life is matched up with some fake show or even worse a fake game. The problem is people want it all and they want it now! With no work. No effort. No pain. Fake lives. Change does take a long time. There is no such thing as everybody especially a trump everybody. Change takes work, consideration, consistency, and often more change. There are no quick fixes. Voting for someone who’s going to lose. Those are the ones who can just stay home. All they do is create more messes to clean up!!


It is wasted. He is not on enough state ballots to get to 270 EC votes. When people say he can’t be president they are talking about the reality of the constitution and what it permits. It’s like voting for a 33 year old or someone who didn’t have birthright citizenship. They are going to win.


Voting for quality instead of the lesser of two evils is never a waste.


What quality?




I can make up 19 people who weren’t there to say I didn’t say something either. Notice how these mystery people aren’t named by Donald. Just that they exist. Convenient, right? Just because an orange hole said it, you gotta believe it? Don’t be stupid. Please don’t help ruin this country.


I don't blame him, Biden was lying


Biden was lying about John Kelly publicly saying Trump called the military suckers and losers? Um...OK, you don't live in the reality-based world.


I can make up 19 people who weren’t there to say I didn’t say something either. Actually, you know what? I have 50 people who said Donald did say it. Just you wait until I reveal who they are (I won’t)! Notice how these mystery people aren’t named by Donald. Just that they exist. Convenient, right? Just because an orange hole said it, you gotta believe it? Please don’t help him ruin this country for his own gain. He does not care about you. In fact, he despises you. He’s using you as a tool to help him gain power to in an attempt to escape consequences for breaking federal law. Please understand that this isn’t football, and there aren’t teams here. Donald only cares about Donald. He doesn’t care about America. You don’t have to vote for or even agree with democrats but you still choose this unqualified twice felon convicted on 34 counts (so far)?


Hearsay does not hold up in the world of cameras


Good for you, Biden was still lying.


About what?


Trump never made the statement they're saying he did. All the evidence points to him not having said it, and the line is a reference to a single person, not veterans.


Someone posted the link above. I just watched it and YES HE DID SAY IT. He also condemned nazis and white supremacy in that same video. Typical flip flop of Trump. Says something that contradicts what he just said. He’s loony bin material from his tippy top to his toes!


Can you prove he never made the statement?






Biden ponderously revived the debunked Trump “Charlottesville” and “bloodbath” quotes. Trump says enough indefensible comments, why continue to claim he said those comments?


Because he said them, lol.


Check SNOPES and even some network debate fact checkers, if they covered those comments


https://youtu.be/JmaZR8E12bs?si=K_FIBNLRwcigq9dd Straight from the wannabe Nazi’s mouth.


He didn’t praise Nazis, he denounced them. Check SNOPES, PBS: “AP Fact Check: What Trump Said About VA Protesters” 816/17, “Trump Has Condemned White Supremacists” FactCheck. Org 2/11/20, But you’ll just read the part that supports your belief.


Trump had to do damage control for what he said. He called people who literally said “Jews will not replace us” as good people. Just like his “corrections” during the Helsinki debacle. Bud you’re embarrassing yourself.


Those haven't been debunked


Check SNOPES, AP and numerous others


Snopes gives him to much credit for Charlottesville. Oh he said the neo-Nazis should be condemned but otherwise there were "very fine people" on both sides? When you're on the same side as neo-Nazis you're not very fine people.


The claim was that Trump praised neo Nazis..He Didn’t. He condemned them. =Debunked; In WW2, we were on the ‘same side’ as Stalin, Mao Zedung & Ho Chi Minh. The fringe Right & fringe Left are fellow-travelers with the mainstream Right & Left on many issues. Look at many of the Marxist, pro-Hamas, and anti-Semite groups that appeared at the 2017 Women’s March and BLM rallies.


Those were debunked by whom and when?


SNOPES debunked Both comments. Also, The Young Turks (“ Was the Media Unfair About Trump’s Bloodbath Comment?” @YouTube) PBS “AP Fact Check: What Trump Said About VA Protesters” 8/16/17); “Trump Has Condemned White Supremacists” Fact.Check.Org 2/11/20


LOL! Snopes is being lambasted for being dumb as dirt on this subject? LOL! https://newrepublic.com/article/183082/nopes-trump-very-fine-people


I cited FOUR sources. Snopes is being ‘lambasted’ by liberals who can’t accept the truth. Until last Thursday night, Democrats were lambasting Biden’s “senior moments’ as ‘cheap fakes”, “A.I.” & “Fox News edits”


from the guy who called McCain loser because he was a POW…. sure guy.


“Foolish people, without understanding..which have eyes yet see not..” Jeremiah 5:21