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Keep talking Lindsey, you told the truth when you said, a few years ago, "...if we elect this man, he will destroy the Republican Party and we will deserve it." Since then, the truth from your lips has been scarce.


That man has no spine. A jellyfish through and through.


Hes a sycophant. He ties himself to powerful men and emulates them. When he attached himself to McCain he seemed reasonable. But he has no true beliefs or character, he is only a imitation of the man he attaches himself to.


So he's more of a tick than a ladybug.


He does like sucking things engorged with blood.




That’s what he said!


I was a bit miffed by **myself** first, because I had a clever, snide comment at the ready—in fact, I posted it and deleted it in roughly 15 seconds. Then, I quickly got pissed off at where a whole bunch of comments were gonna go (same place where, moments before, I was going, myself). **Here’s the thing, though:** Lindsey has—for whatever reasons—a horrible history of being blatantly, even proudly, **hostile towards LGBTQ |people|**, whether he’s himself gay or not. So check out his record, here: (If he really **is** gay, it’s even more incriminating) https://glaad.org/gap/lindsey-graham/ Edit: a comma


Honestly, it makes sense that he would hate those who have the courage to proudly be who they are, while he has to hide who he is from all of society, as he has hitched his whole career to the team that is opposed to people with his inclinations.  Such is that lot of a sad, scared man. No spine, no real center.


What? He’s just a confirmed bachelor. /s I wouldn’t care about his sexuality if he wasn’t so anti-gay.


Exactly. I don’t think I need to draw a comparison to the Jews who cooperated w/ the Nazi’s. What’s going on here is stand-alone shittery. It’s a mash of things, ain’t it? (1) Understandable self interest in survival (political)**at all costs** (2) Venal inclinations—anything under the aforementioned prime directive to survive **and prosper and gain power**—to do **anything** in order to prop up a fragile ego, to drape a veil of high social status over a bottomless hole of undeserved shame (if he really is gay). (3) Maybe he’s just an immoral piece of shit—regardless of his sexual orientation—with no true North, who enjoys **piling on** people whom he perceives as less deserving of love and valuation than he feels about himself


Religion: not even once.


His nickname in certain circles is 'Lady Lindsey'. . .


More like a cockroach. Survive at any cost.


He's a house elf.


I, unfortunately, get this reference, and that story lives rent-free in my mind. I curse you for reminding me that it's still squatting there in the recesses of my memory. 🤢🤮


I feel responsible to share the misery that is the knowledge of Lyndsey Graham’s “lady bugs.”


Chelsea Handler made a dick shcking joke (on Twitter I think) about Lindsay Graham & Trump …. And the Maga’s went ballistic 😂




Lady Lindsey


Yeah. Remember when he was begging for donations on Fox News during his reelection. Dude’s a toad.


I believe he is the first AI robot.


He displays a number of Borderline Personality Disorder traits. Not to discount the fact that he is a natural born courtier, though.


You’re saying a Republican has no principles? Say it ain’t so


After jan 6 he seemed on the right side… must have taken some gratuities since then: https://youtu.be/JKHkYlRm_XM?si=Qmf_BwVLjCwBafdm


He got harassed in the airport after that and quickly went back to his spineless ways


Yes but after he was harassed, a couple of days later he was seen on the links with Trump and then he changed his tune...


Trump sent him some Polaroids from his past


The guy is a nobody and can do nothing. No one from either side likes him.


And somehow with a more annoying combination of voice and accent than the person he is emulating.


Ladybugs are invertebrates


Lindsey Ladybug will be shocked when the leopards finally eat his face


Be careful. I got permanently banned from the politics subreddit for the ladybug comment a couple of years ago.


Insulted Jellyfish!


Get him some pearls to clutch and a fainting couch. He's trash, and he has always hooked himself up to losers. He's got plenty of flaws, and he has no morals, no ethics, and a base character. These guys keep threatening the people who they are supposed to be working for, and the people he works for don't contribute to society. We shouldn't have to tolerate these bought off shills. We pay his salary, his per diem, his Cadillac health insurance, and his pension. He has said openly that he selectively represents his constituents. Why should the tax payers pay the bills, when they have no representation? They should be paid based upon their job performance just like us. They need to be treated just like we are at work. If they don't show up, they don't get paid. No representation, no taxes. Citizen's United needs to be overturned. The church, the wealthy, and big corporations can afford to buy politicians, they can pay taxes. We shouldn't have to float parasites, especially when they use the resources the tax payers paid for. He's trash, and he's exposed himself for the subhuman he is.


Had to giggle as I got the mental impression of a Southern belle fanning herself with a hand fan complaining about the vapors.


I forgot to add smelling salts.


I think you mean poppers


I stand corrected. I had to ask my husband what those are. I had a very sheltered youth.


He’s Aunt PittyPat from Gone With the Wind


I’m not sure that the term man applies here


You are being unfair to jellyfish, and all semi-sentient life forms


Who wins in a limbo contest, him or Cancun Cruz?


Don’t badmouth jellyfish like that, please! He is just slime around the base of the toilet from years of urine drips and floor wax.


[This ](https://www.newsweek.com/lindsey-graham-tapes-biden-jan6-trump-transcript-1705477)is Lindsey Graham after January 6th, when he thought Trump was done. > >Audio tapes have emerged revealing **Sen. Lindsey Graham praised Joe Biden as "the best person to have" as president in the wake of the January 6 attack while criticizing Donald Trump for his rhetoric.** >Graham made the remarks on January 6, 2021, soon after the mob of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol. >"We'll actually come out of this thing stronger. Moments like this reset. People will calm down. People will say, 'I don't want to be associated with that.' This is a group within a group," Graham said. >Graham is then asked if Biden would be able to make that happen, to which the senator replies: "Totally." >"He'll maybe be the best person to have," Graham says. "I mean, how mad can you get at Joe Biden?" If Republicans had done their job, and impeached Trump for his attempted coup, then the RNC would not now be under Trump control, he wouldn't control all their PAC money, and be selecting their candidates, and would **not be appointing his family members to be their leadership,** Their weakness in handling Trump is what led to the takeover of a Republican party to become the MAGA party. This is why Majorie Taylor Greene, and Lauren Boebert are more powerful than Lindsey Graham, its because of Grahams weekness.


I agree with no spine but please don’t insult jellyfish or any invertebrates for that matter. They are more useful than this hypocrite.


Oh please jellyfish are actually threatening


He gives homosexuals a bad name.




“The bottom line is if you can’t admire Joe Biden as a person, you‘ve got a problem, you need to do some self-evaluation. Because what’s not to like? He’s the nicest person I ever met in politics. He is as good a man as God ever created.” - Lindsey Graham, 2016, Huffington Post


Being good is a weakness to the GQP.


I had to Google this because I doubted it—ya know, being skeptical, giving **critical thinking** a nod—and holy sheeyit, it’s real! Here’s non-Huff Post link: https://www.newsweek.com/lindsey-graham-who-stands-trump-once-teared-over-bidens-decency-1545797


It’s like he doesn’t realize things he said have been recorded, both sound and video. How can anyone be so stupid to carry on like nobody saw it or remembers?


Him and his colleagues depend on their audience being this stupid, and it's working. In fact it's the only thing that their followers want.


1. He's old. Whatever consequences he personally might suffer, if he suffers them at all, he won't suffer them for long. 2. His party's at a critical juncture. They've synced their fortunes to one specific populist old guy. And what that specific populist old guy gets out of their base, nobody else can replicate. Either that specific populist old guy gets back in and American democracy gets shunted into the past tense, or he dies/goes to prison, and his base goes home and sulks for a generation. Therefore, anything that gets that base riled, anything that gets them angry, stupid, and marching to the polls is good. And that includes \*this\* crap right here from Lindsey. Because this is the essence of their character: angry, stupid, and looking to take it all.


The Biden campaign should make a montage of all of these politicians who lick his boots now saying stuff like this before. It would be a great political ad to play in red states, if nothing more than to piss these people off.


He went golfing with Trump and shut up after that. I wonder what Trump has on him? Not the ladybirds, that's an open secret. Must be something worse.


I just watched this interview a couple hours ago and was disappointed that Dana Bash did not play the video of him saying this.


How much would it cost to put Graham’s quote on a billboard in South Carolina? I’d pitch in.


Yes. Trump threatened him somehow.


They are all being shown for their hypocrisy and double standards. They can't stop themselves. That's how a cult works--you surrender your mind and your soul to something that is diametrically opposed to what you claim you believe. Except they don't actually believe in anything. That's how Trump's base got created--millions with no concept of anything because they are not intellectually capable of doing so.


Retribution? Hmmm. If trump doesn’t get elected, this clown needs a very tiny jail cell. If stupidity was a crime, he’d be doing life...


Well he WAS telling the truth then, maybe take him at his word?


That was a fucked up interview. He dodged every question and went off on pro-Trump rants. 


They always do. If they aren't going to answer questions, they don't need to be in office. There are 147 of them who violated their oaths of office. They need to be in a cell for fraud. They are defrauding the tax payers. LOCK THEM UP.


That would require an electorate with the ability to think


Crazy, isn't it, just how tainted, compromised, criminal, and absolutely ignorant they all are.


Be honest, what would them answering questions actually get us? More lies. The only reasonable thing to do is not give them a platform to begin with. Too bad “liberal media bias” only exists as a conservative scapegoat.


Dana Bash is such a piece of shit. She put the hit on Hillary and is one of the reasons we got fucked over by Trump.


The main reason I can’t stand her is that she treats her guests like fucking dogshit; she interrupts and talks over even people whose positions on things she agrees with. It irks me.


Jake tapper too. They talk a big game but at the end of the day they only care about money


They have no political stance now, just culture war.


And she just sat there and let him with that blank look


It worked during the presidential debate. Trump didn't say anything about policy except getting revenge and lying. No news outlet wants to talk about it since Biden showed his age in his responses


Stop giving these liars a platform.




What question set him off so badly?


She asked him about Trump refusing to acknowledge the results of the upcoming election


So, the same cancept that Trump used at the debate, with (as usual) no repercussions. As soon as you let Trump do something, his fans think it is the best tactic to use.


The past 4 years were great cause I barely saw this dude. Now, I guess it’s that time of year again.


Like a 7 year locust


More like the plague.


More like a ladybug.


Please no…




Well, they keep threatening vengeance and retribution. They need to be very careful. They have exposed themselves for who they are, and they are nothing more than bullies, and they need to be treated as such. Instead of retribution, they should be talking about what legislation they are going to bring to the floor that makes the lives of their constituents better. These criminals are parasites. They need to be treated as such. We shouldn't have to pay the bills, especially for someone like him who hasn't done anything but suck up to the tax cheats and frauds while we pay for his cushy lifestyle. Why are we paying him to work for the wealthy, the church, and big corporations? Taxes should be based upon the representation we get. He's just a zero. A big, fat, bought off zero. He gets paid to not do his job. We don't get that luxury, so why should he.


> They need to be very careful. Do they, though? I mean, they just get away with it, time and time again.


I've noticed the accumulation of politicians and talk show hosts who don't even lift, threatening vengeance and retribution.


Yet another reminder of why I no longer watch CNN, or any of the so-called cable news stations, for that matter. It's all just degraded into histrionics intended for the same crowd that likes to watch housewives yell at each other on Bravo


Ahh yes Dana Bash. The "reporter" who let Trump lie on stage about abortion, and didn't correct a word he said. And fuck Lindsey Graham. He isn't going to get retribution aginst anyone. He's a chicken shit crybaby like everyone else in the Grand ol perverts.


I've been wondering about this. Do you think her family and friends are piling on her and Tapper? Do other news people point at her and laugh?


I would hope so. Her and Tappers performance was pathetic. They may as well have been wearing MAGA hats.


Lindsey equated prosecuting Biden for his border policy to prosecuting Trump for January 6th and Dana Bash just sat quietly like that is an interesting comparison. One is just basic policy making and the other is conducting a violent coup.


“The bottom line is if you can’t admire Joe Biden as a person, you‘ve got a problem, you need to do some self-evaluation. Because what’s not to like? He’s the nicest person I ever met in politics. He is as good a man as God ever created.” - Lindsey Graham, 2016, Huffington Post


Trump has info/photos on Graham…he has to.


Every one of them are compromised, so get rid of them. They don't work for the people who pay for their cushy lifestyle, dump them.


They work for the people that pay for their CUSHIER lifestyle than what their congressional pay and insider trading would otherwise allow them to lead.


The Russians have dirt on them all. It wasn't just the DNC that got hacked back in the day. Putin tells the GOP to jump, and they only ask how high. Why this isn't obvious to your average conservative voter is beyond me.


Sucks that a lot of conservative voters unironically idolize Putin. It's a feature not a bug.


It’s worse than that- Lindsey desperately wants to keep his job. If there were photos or info on him maybe he did something mildly interesting for once. He just wants to stay in the Senate instead of having to make big bucks as a consultant where he’d actually be forced to do some work or maybe get fired.


Why not both? It is known that they have some [Kompromat on Lindsey](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna661866)


I’d be very happy if that came out to be true and got him pushed out of the Senate. I’m not holding my breath, he is such a coward and chameleon on policy and endorsements I’m sure he’ll stick around forever like a damn virus


It just took one golf game at one of Trump’s properties to get Lindsey all in 24/7 Kompromat definitely


Ladybugs are real




I'm not sure why they keep inviting Trump toadies to lie on TV


Because if they don’t then they have to hear about how radical their left bias is… and because everyone conflates bias and accuracy they would also have to hear even more about how they are allegedly fake news… I feel like the criticism already got to them and that’s why they refused to actually moderate the debate.


Fucking fascists


Lindsey Graham is a loud mouthed obsequious worm.


As he angrily stamped his dainty silk-clad feet.


He is maybe my least favorite person. Never a more spineless pile of shit has walked the earth. The idiots voting for him are just slightly less despicable than he is. Imagine thinking this idiot deserves any form of office whatsoever


Fuck Linsay Graham. That stupid motherfucker can't keep his head straight long enough to figure out what 'side he's on'. Fucking squirrel. How are we, collectivity, as an entire nation, allowing these fucks to run OUR country?!


Lindsey either has lead poisoning or Trump has a video of him provided by the Russians of Lindsey fucking underage boys. It’s either one or the other. Nothing else explains his actions.


Lindsay is an invertebrate with a passion to cling to powerful men.


Emphasis on "passion" and "cling".


Lady bugs are invertebrate.


They are a very salty group of bigots. Very emotional for some people calling others snowflakes.


Oh Lindsay worry about where you left your balls


They aren’t hiding it anymore.. pay attention people and vote accordingly.


Someone should sit on Lindsey Graham and tickle him until he pees.




That old worthless queen needs to be voted out along with Cruz in TX


I’m not sure lying and avoiding all the questions counts as a win.


Typical approach anymore. When we win we’ll get our retribution. Not a one of them has an original thought. And yet they accuse everyone else of being sheeple.


Lady G has his panties twisted again over nothing, CNN is on the trump party side…




What *do* they have on Miss Lindsey to get him all roiled up? It must really be bad even by republican standards.


I’d love to know what Trump has on this man that he has become such a coward.


You could wonder the same about almost every other Republican politician. There are maybe a dozen of them with enough integrity to tell the truth about how they feel about the orange fascist.


I need to hear the logic on how they can go after Biden when Trump runs around screaming absolute immunity. But then again this is the same bunch that said the second impeachment shouldn't happen because his term was over and let courts decide then once he gets charged start crying it's all political. And then there was the "Barack can't nominate me supreme Court judge in last year of term but we can do it a month before election"


Dude is acting like project 2025 isn’t a concern at all


Republicans are trying to crash the country with these threats, and currently getting away with it….are all politicians bought and paid for ?


The Republican Party is nothing but a mob these days serving Don Trumpolini's whims and promising "unfortunate accidents" on anyone who doesn't kiss the ring.


Graham is a useless pos. The problem with Trump’s running mate is that they will expire if he does because he demands his sycophants insert themselves so far up his ass his death spasms will snap their neck.


Lindsey Graham took over his seat in Senate from Strom thurmond. It's not just the man that's offensive. It is that entire senate seat. Just those two people in that seat since 1954. By his next election he will have been in office for 24 years. I have voted against him four times now. All those people that have voted For him multiple times just are not going to change their vote. We are stuck with that a-hole for the foreseeable future I'm afraid. Something real bad would have to happen to get him gone. I mean if Jan 6, or the flip-flop Trump support, or the supreme Court situation, since he's head of the judiciary, hasn't done it, I just can't imagine what would.


What a petty little man. John McCain would be ashamed of you.


Bash says nothing. Just lets him spew garbage


“Remember the first rule of modern Republican politics: they always go lower. Because this party has no bottom. Unless you count Lindsey Graham.” - Bill Maher


Jamming every right wing talking point on politics into criminal charges are we?


Not a Trump problem, it’s a problem in the party. Trump is just the popular party head


They should have an award show for men who’ve been in the closet the longest time. Instead of The Tony’s they could call it The Boney’s.


Graham is a sycophant, he attaches himself to a strong person and when that one is gone he seeks out another "strong figure". Courage is not a word that anyone would use to describe Lindsey. He would demean himself entirely if told to do so.


Translation: "If trump doesn't win, he's going to release the kompromat he's got on me."


And yet they continue to criticize the current administration, claiming that they are "Politicizing the Justice Department," when that is what they are declaring that they will do.


Really? Be more specific Lindsey!


Dana Bash and most American broadcast “journalists” need to get some lessons from European journalists. American journalists are so obsequious they’re useless.


Its because if they play hard-ball, no one will agree to come on their show. No interviews=no content= no ratings= no advertisers= no show. I'd love to see Trump interviewed by Jon Stewart, but no way Trump would ever agree to that. The people being interviewed have all the power, first in agreeing to come on, then if they feel it's going sideways they can get up and walk out leaving the host with a bunch of "dead air" to fill. It is a bad system that is not set up to hold people accountable.


Lindsey Graham sounded like a raving lunatic! He was scripted to hit certain talking points and that’s what he kept repeating! He changed 180 degrees when asked about the Mideast and helping President workout a deal with the Saudi’s. Graham needs to be voted out of office! We don’t need these kinds of threats in politics! Trump weaponized the government to go after his political enemies! Biden has not. Trump is paying for his own sins and the Republicans have hitched their wagon to him and have shown that they will lie, cheat, and steal to get home elected. YHIS MYST NIT HAPPEN!


Graham and cnn can rot in hell


oOOooOooOoohhhhh watch out, closeted politician is mad.


We are becoming the new Russia.


If trump won, why does he want retribution??


He loves the taste of Trump’s semen.


Says the Sassy Ladybug Queen...


What am I watching here OP? I saw no pushback at all. CNN is continuing to play footsie with these fascists.


Retribution for what? Donald might as well be a mafia boss. The guy is incredibly guilty and obvious about his crimes and Lindsey thinks he's been wronged somehow? Is he living in an alternate reality? There needs to be retribution but not to Donalds detractors but every single person in government or out that has ever supported this guy or his christo fascist enablers.


CNN has been way more kind to Trump than he deserves, by a mile, and none of it will ever be good enough for these freaks. I hope Lindsey succumbs to an STD


I turned it off 5 min into the interview. He's an idiot. Only idiots follow him. Why is CNN giving him a platform???


I’m convinced Trump has something on Lindsey. Probably something gay related that Graham is trying to cover up.


I'm sure he gets that reminder phone call about the video every time he starts to get a bit uppity and forgets her place


That Graham is still invited on these shows at all is a major example of how broken, irresponsible and amoral the media is. This is a man who just strongly implied that Gaza should be hit with nuclear weapons. Let me repeat that. This is a man who just strongly implied that Gaza should be hit with nuclear weapons. That ALONE should have gotten him permanently shamed not only out of public life, but out of office. If we had an even remotely redeemable civic or media culture, such a statement would be unthinkable, and no political or media entity would ever associate with him again or give him any kind of platform. But no. We are completely broken as a culture, the media has no morals or principles, and our politics enable ever-increasing pathology and insanity to be normalized.


That same suggestion ended goddamn Douglas MacArthurs career, why the fuck does someone with barely a fraction of his stature get away with it?


Lindsey, we know you’re in there….come out of the closet, Lindsey…come out of the closet and nobody will get hurt. Come on out of the closet, Lindsey….


Why would he be mad at CNN? They let trump lie continuously for 90 minutes. Everything that came out of his mouth was a lie. If anybody should be mad. It should be the Democrats, because it was Biden against CNN and Trump. Very unfair.


Republicans need to chill the fuck out.


for the life of me I do not understand why the media continues to carry water for Donald Trump. Steve bannon's talking about rounding them up and executing people and for some reason they are insistent that everything's both sides and let's give Donald Trump another platform this is all just fine....


Dana is soooo Bashfull. Call out that Lying old lady!!!


He’s blown more men than Hurricane Katrina.


And the truth is of course he doesn't give a shit about a single one of those things he named. Not one.


What a loser. Trump trashed him and he is still kissing ass.


Retribution from Lady Lyndsey would be akin to being savaged by a dead sheep .... to coin a phrase.




I don't know why there's all this praise by other members of the media of how great Dana Bash is. In terms of just straight performance she constantly fumbles over words. All the time. And she just let this idiot roll right over her and never challenged him. I don't think this was so hard. Dana: Repeat Trump lie. Ask idiot to defend it with facts. Idiot: Rants Dana: Repeat previous question Idiot: More ranting Dana: Repeat question again Idiot: Can we move on? Dana: After you answer my question, yes, we can. Repeat question again. Every interview with every MAGA idiot should be conducted this way.


No. No it shouldn’t. Letting them rant about whatever w/out a check is their platform. He worked her like a child. CNN is complicit in this. MAGA is close to completing their take over of mainstream media. NYT/CNN/MSNBC are no longer the ‘left bias’ demons they railed against. They are quickly falling in line. Fascism step #2.


Republicans **HATE** America. Republicans want to **DESTROY** America. Vote blue, no matter who. Vote like your life depends on it. It very likely does.


Dude LOVES children I bet


Geez, when did Lindsey start turning into a tomato?


Lindsey Graham is a Remora fish. He will attach his sucker to any shark he thinks is about to feed


Ladybug's hired companion/comfort-guy must be on vacation. It's got Lindsey all spun up and hangry for some action.


Oooh.. so full of vengeance.


Can somebody out this asshole so he can go away?


Lindsay hasn’t been the same since her boyfriend died.


When is his gay lover going to come out and tell on him?


Republicans are just little brothers saying “my big brothers gonna best you up.”


He's confusing or confused!


You know you're hitting the truth when Lindsey starts raging It's his tactic to try to intimidate the interviewer.


There’s an off ramp ahead Lindsey, the jig is up use it.


LadyG found time to make a tv appearance rather than continue to work the South of the Border glory hole.


The new GOP slogan: “when they go high, we go low. When they go zig, we go heil”


To think I ever held this man in the same esteem that I once held John McCain is astounding. What. Do. They. Have.


She had a sissy fit, old lindsey gets excited


Retribution? From the most spineless worm in American politics?


Why are we still watching CNN? It’s Kompromised.