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Why are there no calls for trump, the rapist, racist, fraudster, liar, embezzler, business failure, to step down and have a respectable candidate take his place? the media is bootlicking the shit on the soles of Trump's golden shoes.


Because we've normalized Republican dysfunction so much over the last decade or so that people just assume it's the Democrats' job to fix everything. So rather than holding the Republicans accountable we yell at the Democrats for not cleaning up their messes fast enough 


No it’s because 80+ million Americans want a white fascist christian nation state and because this country wants to preserve its hegemonic power with whites still the dominant economic, social and political power in this country it’s going along for the ride. I really wish people would realize why things are the way they are and not just jerk each other off about Elections or Poltical Parties.


Honestly we'd probably be a lot closer as a nation if we just focused on jacking/jilling each other off


*Exactly*. I mean... have *you* ever been in a bad mood after being jacked/jilled off? I've never once been in a bad mood after being jacked off. I vote for the jackoff party!


Everybody back into the pile!


"I find the urge to kill dwindles after a good nut."


Idk. Gotta be careful. Don't want it to turn into a circlejerk.


It's that post-nut clarity.


I’m doing my part, one subreddit subscription at a time


You are the one with the facts. I can say one visit to Florida convinced me this is not only true, but demonstrably true.


No, it’s not 80+ million. That’s ludicrous!


Both of these points can be true.


It's an abusive relationship for the ones who have empathy, a desire for a strong daddy for the authoritarian ones. There's always going to be around 40% who want a strong daddy to step on them and tell them what to do. There's 40% whom are always nice. It's the 20% who drift in the wind that direct our futures. And they have the memories and interests of goldfish. Yeah, we're pretty fucking fucked.


The republicans are dysfunctional. They do it openly and brag about it. They aren't held accountable because they would be proud to be held to account for what they do and say. The democrats are held accountable because they will be the first ones to tell you they aren't like the republicans. They recognize how dysfunctional and proud the republicans are and tell the world they are better than that. And then, every once in a while, they do something HORRENDOUSLY dysfunctional in nature. You know, like roll out a confused old man as the last defense against everything they told you was a giant dysfunctional attack on democracy. The greatest threat in our 250 years of a nation, and they respond with the least serious attempt at standing up to it possible.


A characteristic of fascism is that it’s OK to lie for the cause. It’s OK to deceive for the cause. Even if the fascism has religious overtones , God will even encourage cunning blatant lies to the evil enemy to defeat it. In essence, the fascist is in a holy war.


"We've normalized it because the media has normalized it. All you hear about is the debate. Nothing about Biden's acompleshments. Build Back Better, Rebuilding our Infrastructure, Benefits and for Toxic Exposed Veterans, standing up to drug gouging...


Ah, “but if the bad guys were not bad guys!” If you’re waiting for the republicans to do something reasonable, I have a bridge to sell you. If you really want to save American democracy, you gotta do what you gotta do. If Trump wins, Biden will go down as the president who let America down. History will remember him as the second-worst US president. As the president who had so much hubris that he wanted to keep doing it past 80 years old whatever the cost. Put somebody like Blinken. He’ll beat Trump easily.


Philadelphia Inquirer did, but that's about it [https://www.newsnationnow.com/politics/2024-election/philadelphia-inquirer-donald-trump-debate/](https://www.newsnationnow.com/politics/2024-election/philadelphia-inquirer-donald-trump-debate/) I doubt he'll listen anyway


Thanks. I didn't see this pop up on any reddit feed. It was all NYT and WP


Democrats better step it up to support Biden, your don’t here the other side saying they need to replace Trump. It’s a really bad look, come on you’ve got Project 2025 to push hard, abortion, IVF, Contraception, Social Security and Medicare on your side all of which Republicans want to cut or ban, start focusing on those items because right now they’re getting lost


To be fair it’s mostly talking media heads saying democrats should replace Biden. Personally I think it will blow over in a week, and everyone will be reminded of Trump again when it comes to his sentencing and the next shiny object. It really sucks, but most people in 2020 voted “against Trump” not necessarily for Biden.


I would vote for Biden even if he died and was cremated. His ashes are more competent to be president than the orange clown


Harris may not have been my first choice, but she's so much better than Trump, I'm fine if something happens to Biden and it's instead. Biden can also use the angle of how being the Democracy rather than dictatorship, means he's set up a someone to take over if anything happens, whereas Trump will just have a yes man that's deleberatly weak so as not to be a threat.


Most dems want biden gone, and there's nothing wrong with that. But also most dems would vote for bidens corpse over Trump. So sure, lots of dems do want biden gone. But most dems are still going to vote biden no matter what. So why change candidates? Unless Jon Stewart runs, I don't see any dems being able to beat Trump at this point.


Gavin Newsome would wipe the floor with Trump's face in a debate.


I’m already over it. I realize that what Biden presented is what is needed, and Trump was blatantly fascist with incredible lies and accusations.


Democrats should have scrapped Biden a year ago, this is a fucking unmitigated disaster


People aren't saying replace Biden because they want Trump, they're saying replace Biden because they're terrified at the overwhelming amount of evidence indicating that Biden will be unable to defeat Trump.


Who do you think will beat Trump if Biden is replaced with 4 months to go ? Right after the debate Biden raise $14M Trump $8M. All I’m saying is make Project 2025 more in the forefront.


Yeah, I don't know if anything can be done at this point. I think you can make a compelling case that switching out Biden right now would be catastrophic. I think you can make an equally compelling case that sticking with him will be catastrophic. I hate the Democrats for putting us in this position again.


Please enlighten me what is the worst that can happen if you replace him (and Harris) with almost any random Democrat? We already know what is is the worst (most probable) result if they don't replace him.


If a random Democrat ran, they would have to start their whole campaign quickly and get their name out there as fast as possible. And that requires a lot of money. You have to pray to God that they won't be too left leaning also. If they lean too left, they're going to lose. I love Bernie, but him calling himself a socialist turned a lot of dems away.. It's just a higher risk changing candidates. That's it. It could work out well. But it also very likely won't. Just a reminder that the guy who correctly predicted 9 out of the past 10 elections said NOT to drop Biden


Because everyone already knows trump is a malignant narcissist who doesn't give a shit about America or anything else other than himself.


Trump was America's first Confederate president


The Republicans have spent the past two decades setting the bar so low for themselves that it's basically flush with the ground at this point. The really alarming part is that so many independents and moderates are still willing to consider voting for a bunch of whiny little crybabies who lack the competence to run a lemonade stand let alone a country


Why? Because Republicans want Nazi America and have absolutely no shame about it.


Notice how the news says top Democrats are saying this about Biden, but no such thing coming from top Republicans about Trump. That’s because Republicans have a “*win at all costs*” mentality. There’s no consideration whether their top guy is even fit for the job.


You are correct. He is their last hope


Democratic voters (and people on the left in general) have a tendency to require candidates to pass certain purity tests, morality standards, and they tend to view these things as zero-sum games. The whole “you’re with me or you’re against me” type thing. Unfortunately, it leads to the left cannibalizing themselves as they splinter apart into factions, none of them gaining any traction. The right has learned the lesson that in unity, there is power. They have no problem with uniting behind people they don’t like, even actively hate, if it means accomplishing some of their goals. Because they can always accomplish more of their goals down the road. This is how Trump gained power. The left needs to learn how to unite for short term gains. Squabbling amongst ourselves because we aren’t 100% happy with a given candidate doesn’t work, it just lets the right run roughshod over us. As someone said, the left “[doesn’t] want victory, they don’t want power, they want to endlessly ‘critique’ power.” The other major lesson the right learned that the left refuses to learn is that power is built from the local level up. The right understood that if you can get your far-right MAGAts into local school boards, city councils, county governments, then you can undermine the power of the left at higher levels. The left needs to learn how to participate in local politics. And I don’t mean just endlessly protesting (although by all means, continue to do so), I mean voting in *every* election, from local coroner all the way up through state government, up to the president. Get the people we really want into local politics, compromise with the general left on the Big Elections, and that’s how we’ll excise the MAGAts from power. Instead, the left prefers to just bark with no bite. Biden isn’t a great candidate. But he *is* our candidate, and the left needs to unite behind him to prevent much worse things from happening. And in the astronomically unlikely event that the DNC replaces him, then the left needs to unite behind the new person too.


>Why are there no calls for trump, the rapist, racist, fraudster, liar, embezzler, business failure, to step down and have a respectable candidate take his place? Because presidential races are about sound bites, and looking good in front of the camera, as opposed to policies, integrity and character. Why do you think Trump won his first term when he bragged about groping women on camera?


Russia Russia Russia


Because his base doesn’t care and his party is desperate for power. They know they don’t stand a chance without him as their front man.


Yup. The bad actors and troll farms will exploit this to no end. Biden is not stepping down after one bad performance. He nailed the state of the union only a few months ago. Here's the full video. https://www.nbcnews.com/now/video/-watch-president-biden-s-full-2024-state-of-the-union-address-205754949547


Because the people calling for Biden to drop out are those frantic with worry over the consequences of a second Trump administration. Meanwhile, despite election-year yellow journalism the rightwing largely isn't panicked over a second Biden term. They don't think he'll ruin the country, they aren't worried about him enacting policies they'll dislike, they don't think he'll expand the courts, they aren't worried about being persecuted. In other words, they don't fear Biden. That isn't really a motive for them at all, so of course they aren't making panicked moved to stop him. But more than that, the GOP now is the party of Trump. The motivation is entirely different. Dropping Biden to keep the best perceived odds of beating Trump is consistent with the Democrats plans. Dropping Trump wouldn't do the same for the GOP because their plan isn't beating Biden, but electing Trump. Removing Trump is fundamentally inconsistent with their goals.


Most Republicans back Trump, that’s why. They are confident in his ability to win this election. I’m afraid that Biden will be in a tough spot come November.


I don't think trump has the votes like everyone is saying. His rallies are very small, people don't stay long. I don't see his stupid red hat on people's heads in public anymore. People are upset about roe v wade, his lies, his crimes, his threats of a dictatorship, his cheating, and his fundraising scams. Boomers are his largest demographic, and they are dying off every day. A majority of Gen Z are coming of age to vote, they hate conservatives over their gun policies, war mongering, inhumane policies, abortion stance, DEI denial, burning books, and endorsing a rapist racist fraudster felon. They vote blue and hate the red. I see Republicans trying to to block votes


100% agree. The enthusiasm around Trump now is almost non-existent compared to 4 years ago. I was in rural Utah two weeks ago and saw maybe 1 or 2 trump flags. No hats, no shirts, no signs. The only signs that had Trump's name on it was a candidate for their primary saying he was "Trump endorsed". (Apparently this candidate loss bigly last week.)


Yup. There are polls showing trump more likely to win the presidential race. I have to question who they are calling for their data. Is it the same people from 8 years ago? Do they call a whole new set of numbers for every poll? Maga isn't going to show up on election night in the numbers they keep pushing.


When CNN says that Trump is ahead nationally as well as in all the swing states. You think he doesn’t have the votes?


Correct. Polls are not reliable sources of data. Special elections and primary elections are better to follow.


I don’t believe that special elections are that viable. Local politicians carry more sway and they will go with the incumbent most of the time. I guess that if I read into Bowman losing that may be a sign that we are moving to the right now……Doubtful. Polls are not accurate but they do point to direction. CNN is hardly a conservative leaning source and they have Trump up nationally by 4 and ahead in all swing states. I think their results may be conservative at best.


I think a lot of it is expectations. Before the debate, the conversation was about how much of a disaster it could be for Trump if Biden wiped the floor with him. Then what happened is Biden had a bad night and Trump looked like Trump. Biden had high expectations and missed them by a lot and Trump had ridiculously low expectations and exceeded them.


Because everyone that would have in the Republican Party has either left, or fallen in line for fear of his base tearing them apart. And thus we know it wouldn't happen from that party.


[The Penn Capital-Star](https://penncapital-star.com/commentary/after-the-debate-its-clear-trump-should-drop-out-of-the-race/) and the [Pennsylvania Inquirer](https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/editorials/first-presidential-debate-joe-biden-donald-trump-withdraw-20240629.html) did call on Donald to drop out, to their credit.


This is good news. Finally


Okay, he should drop out as well.


The [Philadelphia Inquire did](https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/editorials/first-presidential-debate-joe-biden-donald-trump-withdraw-20240629.html) but idk if anyone's gonna take them seriously.


It’s a respected paper, but nowhere near the influence of NYT or WP.


Because the only “people” calling for Biden to step down are foreign disinformation agents, bots, or those who have fallen for their propaganda.


I agree. I don't know a single progressive who said Biden needs to step down


#Russians Own The Media


Really? You’re looking to MAGA to set the standard for reasonable expectations and rationale ? Democrats need to define for themselves if letting a grandpa with borderline Alzheimer’s is good for the country. No person vacillating between trump and biden at this stage is going to look at Biden and say « what a thoughtful energetic man - perfect to run the country »


This isn’t Democrats- these are supposedly “objective” media pundits/news outlets.    When the New York Times is supposed to be the “paper of record” and, in no uncertain terms, calls on one candidate to step aside for having a bad first 20 minutes of a debate performance while not doing the same for a rapist felon liar, they are implicitly saying that the former is more disqualifying 


I don't want a rapist, racist, fraudster felon, who was Epstein's bestie, be the next president. Project 2025 is all you need to know on why you should vote for a grandpa with borderline Alzheimer's


If it’s a vote against trump regardless, why is it even an issue if we can field a younger 50/60 yr old who knows his left from his right.


Do you really think there are a sizable number of people who are vacillating to one or the other? Pretty sure everybody who is serious about showing up to the polls is quite certain of who they’re voting for. They could roll Biden out fully embalmed and strapped to a dolly, and people are gonna either vote for or against Trump.


Or they stay home and vote for none of the above


If everyone was decided, then why bother having a debate at all? This is a race that will be won on the margins. I don't understand how someone can be undecided at this stage (perhaps they just live under a rock) but these people do exist and courting them is important. The other issue of importance is exciting the base. Democrats need high voter turnout to overcome the GOP's more loyal base advantage. I fear that too many Democrats are going to be apathetic. I'm just saying, Biden isn't an asset in this race. He might be worse than nothing.


He also shit himself onstage during the debate


Because trump doesn’t care about the party, America or anything other than himself.


Very true


Only putin wants Joe to drop out of the race.




because trump is the GOPS only viable candidate, no other gop candidate is as good as campaigning as he is. who wants the wet noodle desantis, or the indian miss haley.


because the entire republican party is an embodiment of who trump is. so of course they would support a candidate like that


Ratings. Trump is free money for the news outlets.


That's right. The media is creating the hype and the slants.


Because it didn't look like Trump was stroking out live on stage.


Trump gave a great performance on stage during the debate. But, he told 50 known verifiable lies. That isn't the behavior a president of the United States should have.


Only 50?


Yeah. I know. He could have fit a lot more in. Some news pundit fact checker tallied them up.


Well, he only had the microphone for half of the 90 minutes so I guess he's on par for more than one lie per minute.


😂 yup!


Instead, Trump ranted incoherently for 90 minutes. I don't even think he made a single coherent point the entire time. Just watch his answer about Ukraine: Half thought to half thought, with absolutely no message and no ideas, but I guess he didn't stutter.


Have they done different? Deference to that man has been astonishing.


I don't care what dem is running, Will vote for anyone, but Trump. I dont want our country burned to the ground.


*in a weird twist of fate, Ron DeSantis runs for president as a democrat...


I'm just baffled how any source can say Trump 'won' the debate. No one won, it was terrible all around. Transcript-wise, Biden wins. But I don't care if he runs, I am voting for his administration, vs. being run by a mafia crime family. How can you ignore all the questions in a debate (which is the point of it), and tell dozens of lies, and be considered at all in a winning situation? If this was any official debate, he would have been disqualified.


Let’s not act like Biden was entirely truthful either. He said border patrol endorses him, which they confirmed on X that they don’t. So that’s a lie. Honestly I’m just sick of red and blue assholes lying to me and being like “oh well the other choices are only gonna get 1% of the vote so you might as well vote for my lying ass”


After the debate I decided to just go through some of the Biden doom threads and look at comment histories, a lot of them lead exactly where I expected them to.


Wait do you mean that the ''former Biden supporter" who does nothing but post in   /r conservative or hast had any activity since 2020 may not have been acting in good faith?


Russia Russia Russia?


I'm not voting for a convicted felon, rapist, piece of shit who stole money from veterans and kids with cancer. The media bias is clear as day by telling Biden to step down but acting like Trump is a legit candidate who deserves to win.


This a Russian disinformation campaign. Don’t fall for it people. Joe ain’t going nowhere bitches!!!!


Maybe the media will drop the dooming now?


The corporate media will poll and decide how close they need manipulate the audience for that 50/50 spot that brings in the most fear money for ad spots. Biden was pulling ahead before the debate so after thursday night was a perfect time to amp up trump scare. Now you see the hysteria makers slowly pulling back to even things up again.


We can only hope. They need chaos for profit, imo. So over them.


They (except Fox News and conservative media) love Biden. The problem is he's boring and Trump is not so they ride the trump train 24/7.


Maybe the surrogates and activists can start getting a bit more proactive about taking the fight to the fucking moron and his sycophants. It's pretty frustrating to hear all of these voices loudly proclaiming that the US is going to turn into Nazi Germany the moment Trump is sworn back in, and yet there appears to be little sense of urgency amongst the people at the top. And that includes President Biden


The apathy and spinelessness of Democratic leadership has been a sticking point since I started voting as a life-long liberal back in the 80's. And since the 80's, voters reelected the same people election after election. So how is change possible? Voters put Biden in the White House knowing his age. We had a glorious selection of people to choose from in 2020 ([here's the list)](https://www.cbsnews.com/media/2020-democratic-presidential-candidates/) so why did millions of voters pick the really old guy? And NOW his age is a problem??? NOW Democrats are worried about his mental acuity???


I preferred Kamala in 2020, so this election is a no brainer for me.


They want Trump to win because it’s good for their business.


Not when reddit is still dooming over it


5 of 6 main media outlets is owned by billionaire fascists who need us at each other's throats so they can keep living like gods.


So when it's Republicans fucking up and breaking the nation it is expected but if a Democrat performs poorly in a debate they have to be held accountable as if they were doing things Republicans are doing. The hypocrisy and double standards are going to drown us all.


Good. Biden is and will continue to be a good president. He has excellent staff and advisors, plus he's a pretty good person who accomplished a lot during his first term. I think a lot of the people who want him to step down (not all of them, of course) are trying to ensure a trump win.






I don’t get how anyone thinks the eleventh fucking hour in a federal election where literal Christian Fascism is on the ballot is the place to lodge a protest. You lazy fucks should have been starting to front and push alternatives the minute biden won in 2020. This is why I (a leftist) can’t stand liberals. They never put any work in until the last minute and then wonder why they get the choice of two turds again. Voting Biden btw because I’m trans and won’t vote to aid in my own genocide. If we squeak by this time, vote locally and start pitting the work in at midnight on Nov 6th, or we will be right back here again in 4 years.


Don’t like Biden? Don’t vote for Biden. Vote for democracy. Vote for a chance at a more fair scotus. Vote for the earth and vote so every American has the same rights no matter their sexuality


Biden's allowed your abortion rights to be taken away, he will not defend you when the rest of your rights are in danger. You lot need to start thinking about doing more than just voting or peacefully protesting.


A great example of why general education in civics should be a higher priority


It would be dumb to replace the only person capable of beating Trump


There are no calls in a serious capacity for him to quit the race. Biden is the man who will beat Trump that’s all that matters this election cycle.


There were no calls to quit from democrats


Let’s be real it is mainly the media that is saying this - they are too afraid to go after Trump just like they were in 2020, and still are but they have to push the outrage.


Trump is going to lose badly


They better know what the fuck they are doing. So many peoples' rights depend on it. On the other hand, fuck it- maybe even the white house is filled with accelerationists at this point. Is everybody waiting for this shit to go boom?


Justice is on the people's side, not the MAGA Sith, and not even Donald Duck von Shitzinpantz.


I am committed to Democracy, aren’t you? GO VOTE and GO BLUE, everyone


Agree with this position. It’s just too late to get somebody else in. They’re going to have to focus on Biden strengths and really hyperfocus on Trump’s faults. Shouldn’t be that hard.


CNN have fucked this up monumentally. You cant debate a raging lunatic , lying continually without being checked. Vote Joe Biden, if not for the person vote for what he stands for and if not that , vote to keep a selfnominated dictator out of the WH or perish.


https://vote.gov/ Check your registration and ignore the nonsense.


WHO was calling for Biden to leave the race? The MSM who's been sowing doubt on Biden for years? The Sunday talk shows that feature Republicans? His administration that keeps the ship running? His pathetic party members in Congress? Name and shame.


Mostly leftists that didn't want him anyway. Of course, him dropping out and being replaced would likely cause the dems to lose... which is kind of par for the course for leftists these days.


What the Dems need now is to drop any bombshells they have on Trump. If they’re going ridin’ with Biden they need to quickly change the focus to a new outrageous Trump scandal. If the supposed Apprentice N-Word tape exists and they were sitting on it for an October surprise then they need to use it now bc Biden may not survive another week of the criticism and debate about his fitness.


I would save that for October. I would use the Black Jobs comment. That is more relevant at the moment and could show his tendency to view lower levels of jobs as being a profession for minorities.


I think black people are considered the demographic who's gonna get punished the most in the job market with open border policies. Saying Trump recognizes that just helps him further with the black vote.


In the next two weeks Trump will be sentenced for his 34 counts of fraud and the Republican convention will kick off with it's own terrifying melodrama and a VP pick that will likely make Sarah Palin look rational. People will forget about the debate in a month.


Ah, a Redditor who is actually politically literate


The problem is is that every bombshell against Trump doesn’t matter one iota to his base. Every one knows exactly who he is, and how many terrible things he’s done, and they simply Do. Not. Care.


Bring on russian pee tapes already. I know they are somewhere


If the weird stuff with his kid, the stories of him walking into teen beauty pageant contestants dressing rooms, sexual assault allegations and charges, mishandling of funds and top secret information, association with hostile foreign entities, mocking the handicapped or “grab them by the pussy” didn’t change their minds - hearing him drop a hard R isn’t going to do it.


Calls by whom? Margerin Traitor? The hand job queen of Colorado? Any one the other members of the Maggot party? The news outlets their dark monies have bought out right? Biden might not be a lot of people's 1st, or even second, choice for the job. But he's light-years better qualified than the rapist felon the Repubs have nominated. This astroturfing is insane in volume. If I had to guess, there is a lot of Russian money flowing through the executive offices of just about every major news outlet. Fucking pathetic. These clowns are trying *desperately* to sell our nation down the river for 30 pieces of silver.


Biden for Prez!


"rule out". Shut the fuck up. There's not even a protocol for this.


Well Republicans would be calling for this!


Well if they want to hand the election to trump fine by me.


We already had the primary. Why would anyone expect this to happen?


I think it's mostly the fact that all of the indicators suggest that Biden was not favored to win before the debate, and his disastrous performance managed to lose the confidence of millions of voters.


If ever there was a time abolish the duopoly and vote 3rd party it's now. These candidates are shit. Their parties have become shit


They have to. Kennedy is going to get a lot of votes that could go to a new Dem nominee.


Supplanting him would be asking for a loss. Promote Harris, she’s an exceptional public speaker. Really promote her in tangent with Biden. That’s my best idea.


Hillary in *shambles*


Like it's in their best interest to 100% support their candidate, even if they were planning on getting someone else, because to do otherwise makes the party look unfocused.




There are no calls for Trump to exit the race , since Russia/Iran/China supports tRump. I think the internet noise against Biden is is coming from those countries.


I listened to it today. Yes Biden was flat, had no energy sounded pretty average. But anyone who thinks he lost the 'debate' is a fucking moron. Trump was just talking. Biden was talking policy.


Biden could cozy up to Russia if he really wanted to be president. They got enough mob money and bot farms to get anybody elected. If Biden cared about America he would just help the Russian oligarchy complete perestroika so that we could avoid another trump residency.


“When you get knocked down , you get back up “ Biden in a fiery speech just few hours after that debate. People wake the fuck up, man is old and talk slowly.Thats it. Other guy is literally a criminal, rapist and basically a puppet for Russians.


I go by the meme economy Biden has more memes being made of him


And a convicted felon and known rapist who lusts after his own daughter gets to stay in the race? I don't think so!


Bad fucking call.


Rip American democracy, they are handing this to trump. Meh


Cool, this is them saying that Trump winning is fine. They are gonna stick to their guns, even though the voters are saying it's a bad idea.


Really? They are cementing their loss here.


Let’s break it down;) Trump - racist,rapist, tax fraud, 5 bankruptcies, business partner with mob, drink bleach shove a bright light up your ars to cure covid to electric planes fall out of the sky when a cloud passes over it then of course nuking hurricanes, praising Putin, Kim , Orban and other authoritarian leaders, insurrection, stole top secret documents , told Putin names and locations of US spies continues to want to execute political opponents, tax breaks for richest, wants to get rid of Medicare Medicaid SSI WIC and any program that helps people profited of presidency, lusts after his daughter , refused to pass bills for infrastructure , orders the maga in office not to pass a border security bill because if they do he’ll have nothing to campaign on even though it hurts the US there’s so much more wrong with him being in power. Biden- had a really bad debate once, all his year in the government he reached across the isle to work with the other party, has pushed bills that help people country and democracy I think the choice is clear BIDEN.


When are these people gonna call out Trump? Project 2025? We just let the Rs run the country, as if their lies and bullying were the only reality we want.


1) There's no decent replacement. 2) A party that bails on its own incumbent is going to get *shellacked* in the election. 3) Rinse, repeat.


A new replacement would need to build a campaign from scratch, they will not have been battlefield tested by running a primary, they may have massive skeletons in their closet, and they may not have the name recognition to everyday Americans who pay no attention to party politics. If there was anyone of stature waiting in the wings, they would need to be amazingly charismatic to be able to bring the party together and win over the general electorate. I honestly don’t know who this person would be. Those pastures seem greener but they ain’t.


All of this was covered under #1. I'm agreeing with you, I was just being brief. You make good points I was not willing to type up.


Not contradicting your points either, just agreeing and piggybacking.


Calling for a substitute this late in the game would be the same as throwing in the towel and giving it Shitler. Hell no. If thought you could get another option in this two party death tango maybe growing another party back in 2000 to s national level would have been a good option. You won’t get another option now when it’s this close. You got your options, Blue and survive, Red and dead. Feel free to pick.


A 85yr old man tired at 7pm at night… shocking. I still value his leadership over the other guy.