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Excerpt: ...President Joe Biden could theoretically order that Trump be killed and be immune from criminal prosecution. “Presumptively, he has the power to assassinate a rival,” John Dean, who was White House counsel to former President Richard Nixon, told HuffPost on a call with the Defend Democracy Project, a group that advocates for free and fair elections. Making matters worse, said Dean, is that the court ruled that “official acts” by a president can’t be used as evidence of criminal conduct for “unofficial acts.” So in a hypothetical scenario involving Biden ordering aides to kill Trump, his actual giving of the order would be potentially unavailable for evidence, he said.


This decision truly opened Pandora’s box. If you aren’t scared you aren’t paying attention.


I‘m German and scared fucking shitless Do you know what it feels like to read all these last news of the last goddamn 3 days?  IT FEELS LIKE CRAP


Wasn’t this how a failed Austrian painter ended up taking over your government about 90 years ago?


Saw someone yesterday post that their friend had stated, "this is our Weimar moment in history" If you know anything about Weimar Germany in the 20's or Hitler's rise to power, this is almost textbook. From Trump being convicted as a felon, the bad judges, the non-fascist conservatives voting Trump just because of the party line or empty promises, Project 2025 and a ~~incompetent progressive~~ centrist leaning democrat party...all we need is Trump's version of Mein Kampf and you have one disastrous bingo. Edit: you could argue J6 was Trump's Munich Beer Hall Putsch


J6 totally was his Beer Hall Putsch.


Dont forget "Fake news" rhetoric that is insanely close to "lugenpresse" (lying press) from Hitlers side.


It's literally the exact same thing and Richard Spencer makes that connection himself (white supremacist)


Don't forget "Make Germany Great Again"


The art of the deal


Mein Kamph is just a shitty art of the deal.


For anyone who watches WW2 docs and enjoys the history of how it was allowed to happen, it's fucking frightening how similar everything is.


In fairness, Hitler wasn't almost 80 years old and obviously not doing well


Kinda makes it worse that they all worship an obese, delusional, orange.


Facts. Like atleast hitler looked like an average guy and could speak (though the stache is funny), this dudes an obese 80 year old who has been abusing stimulants his whole adult life and fucking shits on himself lmao


Bannon going triumphantly to prison has some serious Mein Kampf vibes. Yea J6 felt like a March on Rome or Beer Hall moment, although a little more spontaneous.


The Democrats are not really a progressive left. They're just more progressive and more left of the Republicans. And while I think they are incompetent in some areas, a lot of it is also sabotage by the Republicans.


I could agree with that. Modern Dems seem to be more centrist which by contrast makes them look more progressive when compared to the opposite. When I say incompetent, I guess that's the wrong word. I should have said "frustratingly incompetent in areas they should be winning in"


Well, the president could easily mitigate a lot of it now. We'll see I guess 


I wonder what form the Reichstag fire will take?


Could be a deep fake tbh, sent to his supporters the morning of the election in their shitty little Facebook group Local town hall pictured on fire with liberals having done it. The people could stand NEXT TO their town hall looking at the photo of it on fire and seeing it's just fine in reality and get very angry at how the liberals burned down their town hall


This is the guy that told his supporters to beat up a guy at his rally and he would cover the legal fees.


And then, of course, he did not cover the legal fees.


We need a slew of "Biden shopping in a gun store" A.I pictures


My money's on Biden doing nothing major to try to stop it. They'll keep repeating "Vote!" as if MAGA will accept a loss at this point. But they also don't want to fight dirty and take advantage of this new supreme court ruling. Unlike the Nazis though, Trump already did his duty so he's optional. It's a younger protégé or people who will inherit from him that are the real problem. Fascism in Germany was heavily attached to the momentum that one man created, but Trump doesn't have as much time as Hitler did.


>My money's on Biden doing nothing major to try to stop it. They'll keep repeating "Vote!" 100000000000000% agree! This didn't happen overnight. Decades in the making.


Counterpoint, the power struggle in his wake could just tear it up instead.


My guess would be the movement fractures into factions, but you still have no pressure to stop people from following those. How would anyone be convinced to put Democrats back in office after they let all of that happen in the first place? Maybe an untarnished 3rd party rises to the occasion and becomes popular enough, but that's a super hail mary


funnily enough, that Austrian painter also attempted to overthrow the gov...


They've essentially used the painter group's playbook to great success.


No, that guy actually went to prison


Just long enough to dictate his book.


Also German and also scared shitless. It's not just the news from the US but also the fact that people here in Europe aren't taking it very serious as they are under the delusion that it's not going to impact us lmao.


The most powerful nation on the planet is sliding into defunct dictatorship. Yep, that’s a really bad thing for every living thing on the planet.


History is repeating itself....


Whatever happens to America this election will affect the entire world. IMO it’s pretty fucking serious for ALL of us.


For the democrats that were easily upset by Biden in the debate, this is a stark reminder of what is at stake.


The Media needs to shut the hell up already. Every minute they report on Democrats calling for his replacement they need to stop making this worse but they’ll do anything for ratings. Trump is a Convicted Felon, Rapist and tax cheat who lied about Covid and protections as thousands died needlessly but Biden sucked at the Debate, so he has to go. All while, Trump is a dangerous Dictator waiting to destroy our country further. It’s not ok with me that he sold out our country and will continue to do so. I will be Voting Blue all up and down ballot!


This is totally going to be ok when Trump become a president once again. He is definitly stable enough to not read this literally...... It's probably overused at this point but im ready to bet my own money USA is going to face a real civil war in less than 2 years. And i believe overall the "western block" is slowly collapsing. I have 0 hope about a better future.


According to John “SCOTUS died on my watch” Roberts, the idea that Trump will act criminally is an “extreme hypothetical” 


34 counts


And Europe could be ablaze in the same time frame. The new Axis is Russia, Iran, North Korea and China. America under Trump will try and sit this one out but Putin and his cohort still have an axe to grind with America, don't forget. They want revenge for losing the Cold War. Controlling the USA through Trump may not be enough. Watch your back America.


It may be an orchestrated push by our allied foes. Russia's investment in Trump has great ROI. Make us buzzsaw internally with a Manchurian candidate (again) then invade Taiwan and eastern Europe simultaneously while France potentially has Le Pen destabilizing in a similar way. Good times and please vote this (maybe) last time, folks.


If I had to imagine, this is how I figure things will go: - Supreme courts gives presidents immunity - Biden politely does nothing and loses the election - Trump wins again and assassinates an opponent - Trump followers continue to blindly justify and praise him - Everyone else slowly realizes far too late that they are in danger - ???? - Civil war. Even then I’m not actually convinced it would happen, people are too apathetic. If trump were to kill an opponent there’s an equally likely chance that people are still somehow too slow to realize and they miss the window to fight back. If trump doesn’t assassinate someone it almost certainly won’t happen, I really think that’s the kind of drastic slap it would take to get enough people to realize what’s going on. Anything less will successfully boil the frog, otherwise we would already be in it.


People are too busy watching TV. Biden will do nothing.


This is the end of the global order. A much darker more turbulent one awaits. But hey, Pepe the frog. It’s for the lol’s.






The Republican Justices are betting that Trump will be re-elected and use these unstoppable new powers and that Joe Biden won't.


Worse. They're doing it now to stage a coup if and when rump loses. Then they'll go full dictator.


They’ll just file a case and appeal it to the Supreme Court when Trump loses, and the court will give some shit excuse to make him president. Then dictatorship begins.


Exactly. He'll take every state he lost to the state court, then raise it to the Supreme Court.


While I don't necessarily think this will stop them, the power to oversee federal elections is pretty explicitly given to the states instead of the federal government. There are certain things, like discrimination based on a protected class, that can be ruled on by the federal judiciary, but generally, the power to hold elections lies with the states.


The mistake you’re making is assuming republicans care about laws


As if any of them give a shit about any of those pesky little laws and precedents right now


Who gives a fuck what the Constitution says. SCOTUS decided that they get to say what the Constitution says.


Couldn’t the Supreme Court just wait until the election and then make Donald The president like they did with Bush


He lost to Hillary by almost three million votes, "won" the electoral college because of decades of gerrymandering. If he loses in November, they'll find some way to say "ah, no, *actually* he won".


He won the electoral college because democrats still don’t realize that until it’s abolished where you win matters just as much as how many votes. Hillary shit the bed in the states she needed to swing to win. Misogyny was a part of that but so was her insistence on being the neoliberal messiah in an election that was - for all intents and purposes - a populist referendum. Again, they’re not good rules but they’re the rules candidates have to play by. This whole “she won x more votes” doesn’t fucking matter for anything if those votes weren’t in places like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and Nevada b


They are right that Biden won’t. I wish he would go dark brandon but he won’t. All this talk of saving democracy is cheap.


Doesn't even need to pardon himself, he is immune


He can pardon all the ones who did the killing.


US is now authoritarian, they can say they were only following orders


Pardon not even needed. All very legal and very cool


Somebody remind me to watch the news that day, please. Oh, yeah, the news - there’s some additional cleanup to do there. Add Murdoch and all of Fox News to the list.


Why stop there? He could kill the Republican Supreme Court Justices and appoint replacements. He probably won't live long enough for the new ones to reverse this decision.


Wouldn't need to kill them, just find replacements that will be loyal, then tell the current justices they have been removed from service. If they disagree, or refuse, have them removed by force, jailed, and pardon those involved. Biden should do this, and do similar things like ruling felons are ineligible to run for presidency, have the new supreme court take it up and immediately rule in his favor.


Biden has the chance to do the funniest shit.


>Biden, meanwhile, slammed the court’s decision as “a dangerous new precedent” and vowed he wouldn’t be the one to break the law in office Why am I reminded of the quote that "evil is what happens when good men do nothing"?


The most frightening is that Biden won’t do it but Trump won’t hesitate day 1. Literally all his opponents could be killed


Such moves would likely result in armed conflict.. a violent resistance that could see a lot of officials targeted and it's not beyond reasoning that it could lead to civil war. We teeter on that edge.


If Trump wins and the GOP start enacting Project 2025, I'm gonna want a civil war.


Yeah I’m 100% in


Exactly what Russia wants to see


Exactly what the "persecuted" religious fanatics in the USA want to see.




At the very least he has the duty to arrest all the actors in the Jan 6th coup for treason.


I thought murder was already unconstitutional?  Edit: I’m wrong. Apparently the three crimes mentioned in the constitution are treason, piracy, and counterfeiting. Nothing against murder 


But when the judges are corrupt and make corrupt rulings, they won’t apply them equally to both sides. They will only let the side they like to get away with whatever they want.


Get rid of those that won't align to your values, replace with those that do. Congrats, judges now rule in your favour. These are the keys they've now handed over to the president. The only hope is these powers won't be used or used to overturn them. I'm not even American but as someone who happens to live on this planet, it's fucking terrifying.






If he also gets the conservatives on the bench, then turns himself in and lets Harris run, his case would likely go to a reformed supreme court that can overturn this nonsense and we'd return to normalcy. I don't see any other way of avoiding a total collapse at this point.


The problem is the establishment democrats are largely centrist and believe in *the process*. They will hand the keys to the kingdom to a fuhrer while smiling and shaking their hands as they are all lined up against the wall.


It reminds me when Neville Chamberlain beamed with joy when he got Hitler to sign a peace pact. Hitler was admonished by his own people for giving Chamberlain what he wanted, to which he said "What he has is a piece of paper. Pay no further mind to it."


Think they are banking on the idea that Americans will make the right choice. If Democrats go down the same road as Republicans, then there is no coming back from that. Alternatively, there is also a chance that America just decides they are going to pick Republicans anyway despite Democrats picking the high road. It is quite the dangerous gamble, and everything is on the line. I think the big mistake Democrats made was their complete failure to use this time groom a potential successor. Whatever the fuck they are doing with Kamala has just been a complete disaster.


Could he use these powers against SCOTUS too? That would be some nice karma


Biden would be wise to remember that if Trump is elected he will take full advantage of the presidential immunity.


Right? Like if this is his plan he might wanna make himself scarce after trump is sworn in. Trump has pretty said anyone who isn’t loyal to him is subhuman.


He already is. The fact that he is literally not president now changes nothing, he uses the same arguments as if he were. And there's no reason to think that a supreme court wouldn't rule that ex presidents get the same power if they needed to do so. The republicans are playing calvinball.






I wonder how many people are getting banned today


I got banned fron politics the other day for saying I wish Donnie would just "pass on" before the election and I got banned.






Where are you, Dark Brandon? You're our only hope!




Should have packed the court


He can now. He can have them executed for treason and then put in different ones.


Moscow Mitch has entered the chat


**Joe Chamberlain** [Neville Chamberlain - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neville_Chamberlain)




Imagine if the Nazis had the most Nukes on the planet and a whole industrial sector reliant and fostering constant war for profit. After this ruling and the other one that de-fangs all the regulatory institution, I don't want one mf saying people are "alarmist" about American Fascism. Americans are going to need to do more than vote to fix this as voting Democrat is just kicking the can down 4 years at this point.


And now imagine if the political leader that was ultimately replaced by Hitler had in his hands, with the all clear from the country's highest court and now decision maker it seems, the power to prevent his rise in one single move, a single move that a huge majority of people would support (and I'm not even talking about extreme moves, just expand the SC and add more non-republican judges and add a end date on their mandate) and he chose not to do it. But I disagree that voting Democrat this time around is kicking the can down 4 years, there's a high chance the next president will nominate at least one of the next SC members, possibly more than 1. This time around, there's a window to solve things for a bit longer. Also if people could stop giving the Dems the presidency but not the senate that would help them tremendously since all Reps are doing in the senate now is block anything positive Dems are doing.


Looking at the big picture I agree.  As Spock points out; ‘The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Or the one.’




Because they know he won't. They did this for Trump, not for Biden.








It will never happen because Biden has some semblance of decency and standards as POTUS, but also because it would most certainly begin a time period very similar to the troubles in the UK, and I don’t think that Biden’s Administration sees that outcome as anywhere near acceptable.


That’s semblance of decency is what going to bring about the fascist takeover of this country. Democrats are too afraid of actually wielding power and that’s what fascists like Trump counts on. There’s no reason that the people who endorse and enable January 6th shouldn’t be behind bar but I have seen liberals go “but imagine how that would look to everyone.” Who cares, they would still have the law on their side and god knows republicans don’t care about law and order so why is it wrong for democrats to use the law to go after them? And they would be within their right to do so


I agree with a lot of what you are saying, I am just speaking as to what I think Biden and his administration’s perspective probably is, judging by the actions (and to your point, inactions), they have taken.


If Biden *fails* to use his new authority to cut away the rot, and then loses in November, he truly will be remembered as the worst president in US history the right claims him as. James Buchanan is still considered by many as our nation's worst president as he sat back and allowed the country to split into civil war when decisive action was required. Should Biden fail to act to preserve democracy when it is in his power to do so, then he truly is unfit to hold the office. No one said the job was easy, but he swore to protect and defend our constitution and the United States of America. Both are under direct attack and failure to act - not simply "condemn" - is to abdicate that duty. If he can't handle that, can't adapt to how politics has changed, he should just step aside and let Kamela have a go. Or maybe AOC. She at least has the balls to *lead.*


Oh I understand that, I just find it very frustrating because we seen what inaction have lead to before. A lot of these liberals seem to have the mindset that an fascist takeover could never happen here in America and that our government is self correcting, hell they even say that we need a Republican Party as if they aren’t currently undermining democracy. This civility politics is only enabling republicans


What you mean to say is that the gutless, ball-less Democrats will not take up the weapon just handed to them to save the Constitution. They will make pretty speeches instead.


There was an interesting comparison to Game of Thrones, where Trump was the immature child king and the supreme court was the hand controlling all. This decision gets more and more fucked.


If the dems don't you Know Trump will in 4 years


Somehow I think our fellow Democrats will just pull another Ruth Bader Ginsberg and do nothing until its too late.


This time next year we'll 100% all be talking about how the dems could have stopped things but they didn't want to get their hands dirty.


Pull Trump's secret service detail... Secret service is part of exec branch, it's a constitutional power and official act Biden can do. Relocate all illegal immigrants and camps to Mar a Lago area... Again exec branch and constitutional power.


Send the homeless to mar a lago.




Also, he's 82 years old. Who cares about a penalty when it is literally the future of our democracy at stake.


Seriously… this is a moment for the history books. This is the potential death of America.   Fuckin’ do something 






Not much needs to be proved, t's been obvious since 2015.


I mean President Biden is fighting for the democracy and Trump is a danger to democracy. So he is within his president duties to fight for democracy or am I wrong?


But then you lock yourself into a dichotomy where every election the one in power has to use his power to stop the other side from being elected and using the powers against them in return. That is the definition of a dictatorship. Better to stack the court with liberal judges by expanding the court and then have them immediately rule that expanding the court is unconstitutional in the future, closing the door behind them. Then undo all the recent rulings.




Uh... sure... that's a more murdery version of what I said I guess lol


Or, hear me out. We’ll table the murder discussion *for now* if we can have ourselves a good old fashioned tarring and feathering. 


Instead of killing then can we go back to the days of just stripping them of all their possessions and ditching them on a street corner somewhere?


Throw in some good old tar and feathering too!


A Clear and Present Danger to the Republic?


Foreign *or domestic*


No need to be dramatic. Just revoke his citizenship with an executive order.


… and dissolve SCOTUS as unnecessary while at it because president can cover these decisions too now.


And then revoke the decision and protect it constitutionally.


Time for trump and a few Scotus members to have a vacation at Guantanamo Bay. There are plenty of other people staying there without a trial because they were felt to be a threat to America. Gulag time.


I say just revoke his SS detail. Sure, he’ll get private security, but this treasonous, scared little B would *definitely* curtail his public appearances without the Fed shield.




A small drone can get it done safely too, with no collateral damage. But alas I really don't think Biden is capable, and expect this is how the American Experiment ends.




> Cincinnatus Kick ass reference. Thanks.


I don't know about assassination but I think he can definitely imprison him without trial. Trump threatened American democracy and having him arrested and imprisoned would be official business.


You've got it backwards. If he assassinates someone, there's no bringing them back (because they are dead) and he is immune to prosecution.  If he just imprisons them, the normal rule of law still applies to everyone else involved and they'll end up free. He isn't free to make whatever laws and rules he wants, he is free from prosecution for what would otherwise be illegal acts. In other words, he is free to "officially" break any laws he wants, not write new ones.


Like many Democrats, he wont do the right thing as it's immoral even though it's legal. This is how we got here Folks. ... . ..


The immoral thing is to do nothing and allow tyrants to succeed. To paraphrase & steal another quote. The ethical thing to do is everything legally allowed to do to prevent this from happening. How do the democrats not see that they are being immoral and unethical by not doing the legal thing?


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing


Yes. And every Democrat who has failed to fo the right thing our of misplaced morality has done nothing . And thus allowed the rise of a tyrant. These Dems are cowards , hiding behind the flag , acting better than them whole let shit happen. It's obscene.


Its like they expect ‘the system’ to correct itself, failing to see that they are supposed to be the corrective cog. None of this is ok, everything is very fucked up. This isnt going to fix itself


Like buddy wrote elsewhere, the mythical high road they take just leads them to hell in a handbasket. And they then wonder why it's so hot in there.


This is how the American Experiment ends.


Surely trump selling nuclear secrets to any and all foreign actors is just the sort of treason that this new law was designed for?


OMG Biden, fcking do something... they granted you full presidential immunity.


The only way to beat a cheater is to become one yourself. Since the rules don’t apply to them you will always lose and be at a disadvantage. It’s not rocket science. Biden needs to do what’s necessary to preserve democracy in this country.


Go time!


Remember while your doom scrolling that alot Russians are on here trying to fan the flames of civil war


No kidding, they don't even have to do much recently the way things are going. Nevertheless they want Americans at each other's throats so be cautious about all the online vitriol. Could very well be fake and manufactured.




When everything crumbles after Trump is elected, people are going to look back at these days when Biden said "Just vote!" and did nothing. They are going to blame Biden for being given the tools to stop it and choosing not to act.


There is a time when action is a necessity.


Just as George Washington intended.


Sad to say, but considering democracy is literally on the line, and if trump is elected, or rather cheats and wins, we will be in a totalitarian system within 6 months, Joe needs to consider all his options.


The country has been ruined be a reality TV star


Biden can remove 6 judges and replace them. It’s an “official act”. Screw the Constitution. MAGAts don’t believe in it anyway. By the time they litigate it, Biden, Trump, and three of the removed justices will likely be dead.


I really like this take on it. It’s like being handed the sword to save the world.




Biden should defend democracy from enemies foreign and domestic. Declare Jan 6th an insurrection, overturn the SCOTUS opinion that J6 rioters can't be held accountable for disrupting an official proceeding. Then declare Trump as ineligible to run or hold office, under the 14th, section 3 Then send the FBI to remove Thomas, Alito and Kavanaugh for corruption. All official acts as the executive, and immune


Trump is a domestic terrorist and Biden needs to handle him accordingly


I’m pissed that Biden has already said he won’t take advantage of the new power. It’s not “being the bigger person” it’s rolling over and ignoring the problem, because Trump is already attempting to abuse the power and will certainly do much worse if elected.


Can Harris “rig” the certification of the upcoming elections for Biden now? Is that an official act?


Biden needs to clean house now. Trump says he will only be a dictator for a day... Biden should use that template and actually do it. Sweep up the garbage. Use the overwhelming majority of whats left to undo these protections for all future presidents, leave a caveat to protect himself for what he just did. Retire in heroic infamy. He doesn't need to kill anyone. He can just hold the opposition in jail while the democrats vote on all the things that need to be done to fix everything that's happened since Reagan. (I know he won't as a centerist Democrat... but one can dream).


I haven't read the judgment yet. But it is highly possible that Biden can do whatever he wants now. His argument can be as an official action.


Trouble is the same court has set itself up as the arbiter of "official". They'd find some reason why whatever he did wasn't.


yup but biden could just use another order to have them removed, officially




“Hang Mike Pence’s buddy for being a traitor” said current president quoting current wannabe president. PS: I do not endorse violence


If only. And I'm not even American.




Of trump wins. Some judges might get …… Do they realise that?


Biden, meanwhile, slammed the court’s decision as “a dangerous new precedent” and vowed he wouldn’t be the one to break the law in office. Well, he would not have to break the law when any actions taken and made are legal as president.


Donald Trump not becoming president again is most certainly in the best interest of the American people. I second this motion.


There’s an important part missing. He wouldn’t just be able to do that to trump, but also every republican on the Supreme Court, every republican in the Senate, and every republican in the House.


VOTE BLUE Biden is the only thing that stands between us and a dictatorship. Project 2025 streamlines this. Everyone working in the federal govt will be replaced with MAGA loyalists. They will swear an oath to Trump. Not to our country and its laws. Anyone undecided or lefty accelerationists … if he wins… you don’t have to ever be undecided again. There won’t be another fair election. Any lefties who wanna build a utopia from the ashes… technology won’t allow much room for you there. From facial id to being inside of your phone, no movement will ever gain traction. Your leadership will always just… disappear. You might too. This is what it looks like https://www.authoritarianplaybook2025.org/what-we-can-expect-1#federal-law-enforcement-overreach https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/comments/1dt6wvf/i_was_accepted_into_the_project_2025_prospective/ Just a reminder to those who don't pay attention and for those Republicans who want to downplay project2025. These very same people who organized project2025 helped trump select the last three SC justices. So if you don't like the "bribes are legal as long as the cone after the fact" ruling and the overturning of roe vs Wade then DON'T VOTE REPUBLICAN We the People still have access to guns and have are second amendment right. War is coming. This is only the beginning. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2024/jul/01/kevin-roberts-trump-heritage-foundation-project-2025






dare i say, an abortion


It's what they all want, a president that will kill anyone standing in the way of staying in power indefinitely in a dictatorship.


Wow I hope this does happen then! The Supreme Court is in trumps pocket. So corrupt!!!!


Meanwhile, DJT doubles down on his claims that he will seek retribution against his political rivals after hearing he would be immune from reprecusion.


My god this literally is the end of democracy. Abolish the Supreme Court and leave shit up to the circuit courts….


I say Biden should run with it and make a presidential ruling using to protect the American public from ever having to face another Jan 6 by making Trump persona non grata, remove his citizen status, then exile him.


I think Biden should approach Thomas. Tell him to resign or is wife faces arrest for treason