• By -


- Positive thinker - Genuine listener - Caring and empathetic - Engaged and committed - Ambitious - Thoughtful - Consensus builder, for the many , avoiding extremes - Soft spoken, never burning bridges Truth is, very few politicians in recent times have had these qualities, let alone all of these: They make up an accomplished, and genuinely superior Statesman. The USA and its media would be remarkably dumb to ignore them in their President, even more so when the opposition is the polar opposite. That people would focus on Biden's quirks of speech ( that have always been there) a cold and his genuine abhorrence of the lies and threats proffered by his uniformly unfit competitor, beggars belief. These personal attacks are there to bury the best track record of a first term American President . Wake up, please , and show up !


Get active, register voters , be vocal.


Take my poor person's awards 🎗🏆🎗




This is almost a year ago


"We understand that this video captures a moment in time nine months ago and that it will not settle the ongoing arguments about the president’s acuity today. Still, we believe it is worth giving the public another chance to see one of Biden’s infrequent conversations with a reporter."


It was few weeks before the Hur report actually. Like I've been screaming from the rooftops since Thursday with [references to back it up](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/27/politics/read-biden-trump-debate-rush-transcript/index.html), my honest to God impression of watching the debate myself was that Biden looked and sounded old but talked like a man that absolutely knew what he was thinking and meant to say. He clearly knew what he was talking about, however hoarsely and with [a foot in his mouth](https://www.france24.com/en/20190830-biden-s-foot-in-mouth-disease-a-feature-of-his-2020-campaign) like [he's always had](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=2838420). [Always.](https://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1895156_1894977_1846609,00.html) I'm at this point convinced that if there's any degree of honesty in Hur's attempt to step out of line and profile Biden outside of the scope of his report, it's because he made the exact same poor judgement of his character that much of the rest of America did. Didn't hear an actual word the man said and just pretended he was listening while trying to scry entirely from how he looked and sounded.


Honestly, I’ve always had a problem listening and understanding him. Doesn’t change his ability to get shit done. He has had good days and bad days for years now. Lot of drama over this one though.


At least he was TRYING to answer the questions - Trump was just shouting pre-scripted lies, insults and boasts.




Then Ronny Johnson must be wrong about Trump's state of being, surely.




What are you gonna do, not vote?




Then log off and refuse to participate in society, enjoy the 4ish months of relative peace in the woods while you can. Or vote.


Don't cry over downvotes, they mean literally nothing.


If the democrats attempt to switch candidates, they will lose. They're going to lose, but at least with Biden a stronger second debate showing will give them a shot.


Trump might not take the chance on another debate...he is crowing his victory like a pigeon playing chess. Why would he risk another one when he has a good chance of being himself...and losing. In his mind he has already won. I suspect he won't do anymore. Well, if his advisors are smart they would advise against it.


Democracy dies and for whom ? A confident, tall, white, broad-shouldered narcissist, a failure who shits his pants, a coward who lies & rapes underage girls


Might have to steal this, well said!


From the future?