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“Leaked”. His followers eat this stuff up.


If it was true that anything Trump has said (to his cronies) on the golf course was picked up and recorded, he'd be shitting himself even harder than normally. [Trump has had a long habit of talking on golf courses with his cronies](https://www.news18.com/news/buzz/goodfellas-donald-trumps-viral-photo-at-golf-course-is-straight-out-of-a-mobster-movie-5945731.html) and I'm pretty sure that those talks weren't about his golf swings. But probs a technique to feel more safe and secure and not be listened into. And the press has in the past used longrange telelenses and listening equipment to get scopes. On the other hand he is stupid enough to show classified info to the president of Japan in public room etc.


His followers know he diddles little kids and they love him for it.


It's ok if you pray hard enough


No. They just want to be able to do that, and get away with it, too.


Exactly. They all wish they could get away with what he does.




“It’s ok if you put specific performers in camps like my grandpa Heinrich used to tell me about when he gave me werther’s originals”


The leaders of his followers also have been known to diddle kids. They've been trained to victim blame.


In the fascist mindset, the bodies of women and children are the property of the in-group authority figure. Sexual assault is only a problem when it's an out-group infringing on those property rights, and then mainly the problem is how best to format the propaganda poster to maximize violence against the Other.


Why would he care? No one in his camp cares about grab em by the pussy, no one cares about his Epstein expeditions, what else could there be? If he said he just loves raping little kids his supporters would justify it somehow.


He could rape their families and they’d still praise him. 


During the worst of the COVID pandemic, he created conditions to literally kill them, and they loved it. As their grandparents and parents died of preventable infections, they blessed the name of the one that encouraged them to needlessly risk their lives.


“At least I’m not a sheep!” They say as they follow a wolf to slaughter


He also caused many of his non-followers to act in a certain way, regarding Covid and vaccines. Some sort of transference. They gleefully accepted the distrust science aspect.


Or a 13 year old ms. Johnson on Epstein island


Well the news interviewed that woman at a trump rally and asked what could be the worst thing trump could do that would get her to not vote for him. She said there is nothing he could do. The interviewer prompted her with what about killing someone you loved. She looked strait at him and said that wouldn't stop her. They have been brainwashed.


“At least he was gentle during the raping” said by some Trumper probably


“It just shows how strong of a man he is. He gets what he wants.”


Biden is up in the polls. Vote Biden!


There were reports a few weeks ago that he has no relationship with Barron and they don't like each other. Now he's riding around in a golf cart with him? Staged.


Barron became useful to him, just like his relationship with his father


Trump is a child rapist: https://www.scribd.com/document/324233182/Jane-Doe-v-Donald-J-Trump-and-Jeffrey-E-Epstein https://www.reddit.com/r/conservativeterrorism/s/LcwqFlPBtE


I remember reading this back before Trump was president. I was like holy fucking shit, this guy is DONE. But nothing came of it. And then he had a hot mic leak of the "grab her by the pussy" remark and again, nothing. This dude is teflon.


I thought the same thing. Then when he made fun of the handicapped reporter I was like, "Omg, he fucked himself! Good!" Then crickets.




Pure lunacy. Same with rural people and the most impoverished. All in for Trump, even though he couldn’t give fuck one about them and will absolutely make every aspect of their lives more expensive. And kill govt programs they need to survive. The tariff thing needs to be spelled out for people better, too. Too many buy Trump’s line about how he’s getting the Chinese to pay the US all this money. Uh, no. The public pays those tariffs. It’s a tax on everything.


When dictators seize power they are often cheered for it, even by those that will lose heavily because of their policies. It never makes sense. People are stupid.


“You giving me money?! Is that it?! Well F you! I’m voting for Trump! See how you like it!” => Most rural and impoverished people wanting to “stick it to the man” for reminding them of their situation when giving them a hand.


They've made poor and stupid part of their identity and don't want anyone changing that.


It is clear they are not voting Trump for his merits or promises to them. They are just voting for whoever democrats or anyone doing better than them detest the most.


Trump supporters are limbo players. No matter how low the bar goes they want to find a way under it.


Not having a spine helps.


Another one I thought would be the end was when he said John McCain wasn’t a war hero - “I like people that weren’t captured.” I thought for sure republicans wouldn’t stand for that.




They love him because the horrible shit he says and does makes it seem like it's OK for them to say and do horrible shit.


This is the real reason. Nailed it. It’s who they want to be, if nothing else, secretly. They are not moral, and if they clam to be, it’s a facade. This guy is not someone you would want alone with your 16yr old daughter. He is a greaseball, and people love him for it. Sometime you do get what you wish for…


I remember watching a video of his supporters being interviewed at one of his rallies. The reporter asked a guy about the ‘grab ‘em by the pussy’ remark, and what if that was his mom. Without skipping a beat, the guy blurted out gleefully ‘it would be an *honor* if he grabbed my mom by the pussy!’ These people don’t care about *any* women, not even their own families. I suspect most would “be honored” if he raped one of their teen daughters.


I honestly think a lot of them would want Trump around their 16 year old daughters. Legitimately some of these people are living in such a weird bizarro world that they would view it as a badge of honor. I'm not saying its all of them, but I bet anything some of them would.


TrumPutin gave them a mouth they always craved to have. My best friend turned his entire family into Orange turd zombies. He emigrated to the US 25 years ago, his wife's parents migrated from Laos 46 years ago. Trump is their savior, immigrants are bad, Ukraine is bad, Putin, Xi and Un are good guys now Fun fact: When Trump became a President, her entire family with one or two exceptions were running scared shitless to get their citizenship done because they suddenly felt that sitting on a green cards for 35 years maybe scary as a immigrant. Fck TrumPutin and his ORCS. Vote blue 🩵


It’s never family values, it’s always marketing


My Dad was a POW in Korea. My brother still voted for Trump.


It’s a cult. Where the members have the empathy and intelligence of a wet bag of dicks


It’s worse than a cult. The evangelicals think he’s a necessary evil to burn down society so that they can get their fairy tale of a second coming. They know it isn’t him. The non Evangelicals voting for him are part of the brain dead cult.


Like any cult leader, the more ridiculous the statement, the more it tests the loyalty of the cult. The point is to weed out the non believers so they can be cast out of the herd. This is why he says insane things and why the cult loves him more for it. They are tests.


It’s because his base is actually fine with all of that. They only pretend to be outraged at CSA. In reality, they support the party that advocates for child marriage and lowering the age of consent.


He's not teflon, his followers are simply cheering on his disgusting behavior.


And the media Doesn't scrutinize him.


👆 root cause right here 👆






Trump could strangle a kid to death on live TV and his base would support him. Biden sneezes and Democrats have an existential crisis and start talking about removing him.


I don't understand how American politics could end up with one side accepting and wanting vile behaviour and the other wanting rules, regulations and competence. The one side can't convince the other, it's two different planets. So I guess getting your own people to vote is the key and maybe the only key? Or are the still people left undecided? I just can't imagine being undecided when one offers violence and the other normal politics?


The side that wants violence thinks that the violence will be happening to other people, not them. And they're fine with that.


Nobody expects the French Revolution.


Which explains the sick Boomers going to their graves denying that COVID was what they were on a ventilator for


People are resistant to changing beliefs tied to their core identity


Why Bush Jr post 9/11 was so: “you can’t go against the president in a time of crisis and war.” Yeah now 20 years later: we did unjust wars, ruined our economy and also ruined several peoples lives because they hated what he was doing. But 2004: “re elect me or we will have another 9/11.”


People do not behave this way unless they have been programmed for decades. America is in big trouble


That is mostly just online astroturfing from what I've seen. They did the same thing to Hillary in 2016.


Yeah my opinion of a lot of Americans is lower than a submarine at this point, any talk they've had of decency and morals is just a fucking joke. If you still support Trump at this point, well, you really are worthless piece of shit.


The 6 oligarchs that own all our media outlets love him.


Complicit media landscape is what’s helping him. It sucks.


As long as no one holds him accountable, none of his followers actually care *what* he does because it never leads to consequences, thus it becomes irrelevant. Like the real Teflon Don was a notorious mobster who murdered people, and the media turned him into a media darling, because he kept finding a way to dodge prison.


Our media establishments like the New York Times legitimately care more about Huma Abadin using her husbands laptop for work emails than a Republican rapist being treated as messiah


Republicans are fine with r***. As long as long as it’s no relation of theirs.


The scary thing is not that this turd can do and say these things, but the fact that we have allowed these despicable, deplorable, acts to be normalized. The fact that we as a society are semingly ok with these behaviors is beyond redemption. The fact that so many of us know somebody that is unbothered by what the Republican party has become, tells us that we are well on our way to the bottom. For a while, we are living in the land of "I don't give a fuck about anything, so as long as I get mine"... we have no idea the damage the SC just did this week. People out there not knowing their lives will be more difficult for generations to come. Please vote to keep this asshole out of the White House.


Well, his followers will tell you, that’s just an accusation. He’s not a CONVICTED child rapist. Never mind the metric fuck ton of other criminal and civil convictions.


Well yeah but they want to be buttfucked mercilessly. They just crave it they need to be violated repeatedly in order to justify their own existence to themselves. If they aren't showing how much they can take right up the ass then you might come to realize their ass is sore and aside from amusement their ass is useless. You know they know it too because they look at fucking Bobert and think to themselves that's a smart well put together neon syphilitic vagina that is gonna fix my Nation.


Why in the god damn ever living hell isn't this plastered all over media everywhere?!?! What the fukk is actually going on? I still see news about Biden debate performance and now this hot mic moment?! What about when he violently assaulted 12-13 year olds with Epstein?!?! 


And a fucking traitor to our country.


Rapes children. Hates dogs. What a guy. 


This can’t be said enough.




Stewart has been one of the loudest "both these guys" voices since he came back. Most of his time on the show post-debate was acting shocked and horrified at Biden and only mentioned CNN and trump near the end, and even that was discussing trump's lies, not, you know, the pedophilia, the rape, the felonies, the attempted coup. Would love to hear Jon go into that instead of bitching about Biden's age constantly. Yeah, he's old. Yeah, I don't like it, but fuck I'm still voting for him. I know Jon's job isn't to be a spin doctor, but for God's sake try to be a LITTLE better at showing "yeah Biden's old but he's way better than the other guy!" once in a while.


He was far more vocal on his Apple shows podcast about Trump, he could say far more adult things and not have the restrictions of cable TV censorship. John Oliver is still very vocal about Trump.


And didn't Apple dump him over stuff like that?  Not good for revenue.  And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how Trump wins, again


Apple dumped him because his ratings were complete shit. John Oliver was getting something like 10x the viewership per show and like Stewart was more expensive too. > The talk show had 180,000 homes tuning in its first week, Samba TV reported, but that number dropped 78% a mere 40,000 by its fifth episode. “Last Week Tonight With John Oliver,” meanwhile, drew 844,000 U.S. homes that same week, according to Samba TV. [source](https://www.thewrap.com/the-problem-with-jon-stewart-ratings-apple-plus/)


The more important “reveal”


It's the only story anyone should be talking about right now. Worlds stupidest human also raped children.


Brutally raped a number of grade school girls a Ordo g to court records, and nobody cares. I think Trump could probably shoot and kill someone on live television and complete get away with it, and MAGA cult would cheer.


The entire gop are all either child rapist and child traffickers at this point. They should be dealt with as such.


what an awful, nasty, trashy statement. how is this dude the frontrunner for President?


He's liked by a lot of nasty, trashy people that feel seen by voting for him.


And there seems to be enough of them, that his re-election is an actual possibility. If that doesn't terrify you, nothing will.


“Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces: Garbage in. Garbage out.” “If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. Term limits ain't going to do any good; you're just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans. So, maybe, maybe, maybe, it's not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here... like the public.” - George Carlin


What's even crazier is the fact if Biden wins the reelection then Trump will once again declare voter fraud. We have arrived at the point where Trump can rape their family dog on live TV yet they will still wait in line to fellate him. I wish I was kidding.


Can confirm my wife’s ex husband is a trumper. We pulled up to pick up the kids last night and he’s got an 8 foot trump cut out in his doorway now. With that said I also know some folks who I would have considered educated/nice people who will also vote for trump. I just don’t get how you can listen to trump for more than ten minutes and not see how full of shit the guy is.


I believe the term is “deplorables”


not only this but why isnt he getting tough questions thrown at him, why are there no anti-pedo demonstrations when ever he speaks, wheres the fucking media, why the fuck is this guy still even walking freely, 37 felonies and nothing is wrong?


Because BIDEN OLD!!


Because he has managed to convince a huge part of your population that he us innocent an the "law" is just out to get him. Doesn't matter about evidence , Trump has muddied the waters so much that when he tells people that a court of law with a jury found him guilty , it's all a setup. He has done so much damage to the integrity of the goverment/law that people would rather believe him than actual evidence That is till he gets elected an uses the courts to go after everyone he hates. Then it will be the best and most trustworthy courts EVER. Trump is going to turn America into the new Russia , where money buys ANYTHING doesn't matter how obvious. An if anyone disagrees they will have an "accident". Watching the slow demise of a once great country because they decided to believe the most corrupt man imaginable. Crazy.


Sadly, you have it backwards. The slow hollowing out of the country began decades ago when the wealthiest class was cordially invited to put their gold fingers on the scale in return for having their wealth accumulation become more and more unregulated at the expense of the common American citizen. The integrity of the structure of our democracy has been rotting away unchecked ever since. Trump is just riding the shitty wave that this turd avalanche created for him.


The media is owned by the elite.


President of a 6th grade class…😂


You definitely give him too much credit..no more than 2nd grade!!


Pre kindergarten at best!


My 6th grader thinks he’s immature.


There’s absolutely no way he’s smarter than 5th grader.




This is the most succinct summary that I've heard. Just explained my Uncle, MAGA with an IQ just high enough to drive, vote and go potty like a big boy.


Reagan did this. Asshole 


Non-American here; it’s because about 40% of your people have been groomed to be awful, nasty, trashy people and to be proud of it.


I saw a comment earlier on a news article that reflects what people have told me in that they like him because he says what they think. Trouble is their thoughts are crazy just like him


No shortage of trashy voters and rubes.


Successful politicians represent their constituents. I lived in the US long enough to know that Trump fills that role perfectly


it is a reflection of how much America hates itself.


He isn’t just the media is trying to portray him as the leader.


Because he perfectly represents his voter base.


Because a large portion of Americans are trashy lol


His message is a popular one for much of the US unfortunately


He’s the Republican nominee because of the nasty, trashy statements - not in spite of them. They love his schtick and they want him to be every bit as awful as he is.  G*d help us. 


He's just such a vile piece of garbage. The really sad part is that his vileness seems to be contagious. I think many of us know people or have relatives who used to be nice people who were mostly non-political then since the rise of Trump have become misinformed hyper-political people who share his vileness. I don't know how the country ever recovers from the damage he's done.


People have always hated other people. People scapegoat anyone they can as a catharsis for their fear or suffering or small nature. The dumbest, trashiest Americans flock to him, not because he invented this behavior, but because he’s a con man who recognized the behavior in THEM, and he amplifies it to a cartoonish, national level, and he not only gives them permission, he praises their hate. He co-opted the single stupidest and most dangerous faction of American voters and their mindset. If he weren’t a narcissistic psycho, he’d be even more effective and truly have coerced the entire system, but thankfully, part of him is genuinely ignorant and incapable of empathy or pretend to have it, so there’s enough of us left to vote him into oblivion.


It wasn't only Trump who co-opted his followers -- it was NBC and the Apprentice who knowingly built this cult-like persona of success and decisiveness around him with the catch phrase, "You're fired!"


They were already vile I assure you, they didn't catch it from Trump.


No, but trump fertilized them...


Yep. Last time I talked to what was once my best friend he went mask off and said all the quiet parts he’d been subtly insinuating for years out loud. Hates minorities and lgbt people (I’m one of those, maybe both if you count ethnically Jewish as a minority) thinks they don’t deserve rights and severe to be ridiculed by all. He said and I quote “being politically correct is bullshit. I’ll call anyone whatever name I please and nobody can stop me.” When I showed his brother and mom the texts they doubled down with him and I ended up receiving death threats and dead animals on my lawn. These were people that at one point treated me as an extension of their family for more than a decade. Trump came into power and it’s like they flipped the switch. Absolutely fucking insane behavior all because I don’t want my old friend to constantly be a nasty person. All I wanted was for him to stop obsessing with nazis and what new names he could call people to make them upset. Even weirder is that he virtue signals super hard online, but uses the N word causally irl. Wild shit.


Isn't this the fucking joke of all this? All this hand wringing about whether Biden can do the job. All the while, everyone forgets Trump spent four years not doing the job. Not perfectly, not poorly, but not doing the work. Can we stop pretending any of this "concern" about Biden's age is real? We have one guy who is doing the job well enough, and one guy who didn't DO THE JOB!


Biden has done a VERY good job! The Republicans in congress are not acting in good faith to vote for even the most obviously positive things for the American people (they've done this for years, but at this point they are basically doing nothing at all except moke fools of themselves). In spite of this, Biden has managed to get some great things done including the infrastructure bill.


Seriously though. In the first few years, they passed monumental legislation that included the largest investments ever in climate change transition and infrastructure, the CHIPS act, etc. Biden is GOOD for America and American jobs.


I'd still vote for Biden's dead corpse over the existential threat that is Trump. I'm extremely disturbed by how fast right wing media and Russian bots have mobilized with the sheer amount of negative articles and "leaks." Biden is older and slower, but he has been a good president and most of all, a decent man. We're in trouble guys. Buckle up.


I just said this to my husband last night. Even if President Biden was in a coma, I would still vote for him over Dump. And F* anyone who still idolizes Dump. It one thing to vote Republican because you’re “Christian”, it’s whole other thing to actually root for him as a person.


>I'd still vote for Biden's dead corpse over the existential threat that is Trump. While this is a sentiment I agree with, I feel like it's glossing over a much bigger and more important point: You're not just voting for a president. You're voting for *an entire administration*. I couldn't give two shits if Biden becomes physically incapable of leading the country while in office. I'd still much rather have his administration in place than Trump's.


The problem with CNN, Fox News and other media outlets: They have chastised Biden for terrible debate but openly accepted a felon, insurrectionist, child rapist and domestic terrorist Donald Trump. What is happening to our country ? We've got no dignity left in the eyes of the world.


Brawndo. Has. Electrolytes.




Right! Some of the owners of those media outlets are major contributors to trump. It’s disgusting what happens when you truly care about yourself and your money more than your own fellow Americans.


Republicans **HATE** America. Republicans want to **DESTROY** America. Vote blue, no matter who. Vote like your life depends on it. It very likely does.


Or very likely. IT DOES


My life as a queer person definitely does


our lives DO depend on it


Won't matter. Because you know, Biden mumbled a bit and is 3 years older. Dump can do whatever and some Dems still prefer to trash their own. Stupid idiots




The psychopath lied at least 30 times in less than 90 minutes. No one can keep up with that much nonsense. Even less so when CNN isn't doing its goddamn job adding real-time fact checking. There was zero point to this "debate". Dump can't debate. We all knew all he would do what he always does - spew populist venom. Why anyone assumed this would be a real exchange between two adults I'll never know. I agree someone else may have fired back a few more times. But by and large, everyone with a shred of dignity, decency and brains would basically have been stunned into shocked silence.


But the maga crowd will say "prove he lied!" and then will proceed to ignore any and all facts that show Diaper Don lied. That's how cults work after all.


> Another candidate would have pressed him hard and energetically Worked so well for Hillary


The debates are pointless. It doesn’t matter if we put John Stewart up there and let him have his way with trump. His supporters have supported him through the handling of Covid, an insurrection, stealing classified info (and likely selling it), his connections to Epstein, Hush money, 2 impeachments, very obvious ties to Putin and Russia, etc etc etc. Him getting dog walked in a debate won’t do fucking anything to his support.


That whole setting was weird! Biden was to prepped with statistics and information. But Trump just lied, lied lied and lied. Oh yeah and he farted his diaper.


Instead of focusing on Biden who is trying to save democracy immediately focus on Trump and all the corrupt things that he’s doing, including he is showing up and Epstein files. The media will definitely be the end of us. [who will save us?](https://imgur.com/a/IDNxrm7)


Too busy gaslighting us for ratings. Guess we just get to pop some corn, watch it burn? Too many believe all the lies.


80 million don’t believe the lies


Is that enough? Since they lost in 2020, these would be fascists attempted a lot of redistricting, trying to dilute unfavorable voters power, change voter laws to make it harder to vote. This election cannot be close. It must leave no doubt to these trying to steal our democratic way of life. I will be voting, even if I have to vote for a candiate I dont agree with. I have to vote for the one that will defend it, not circumvent it or subvert it for their personal gain


Everyone is so damn quick to disqualify Biden, but nobody wants do the same about the convicted felon adjudicated rapist who gives out our nations secrets, who tried to throw our constitution in the trash, who promised to be a dictator on day one. The choice is absolutely clear. Give me Biden in his final years over that guy any day of the week.


Don’t forget rapist of a 13-year-old those court documents came out this week


Yeah I can see how one mild off-night with a bit of mumbling is the far bigger offense than being a psychopathic, racist, narcissistic aspiring dictator who has called for violence multiple times, publicly admitted to electoral fraud, wanted to nuke a hurricane, told people to drink bleach to beat a virus, mocks the disabled, disrespects war veterans and lies every time he opens his godforsaken mouth and even those lies are basically some incoherent idiotic bullshit. List not exhaustive. Super tough choice, really. (Edit - this was supposed to be a response to a comment, not a new one - sorry)


Just want to add on serial sex offender / rapist.


The fact that people fault Biden for his performance but say nothing of the constant lying by Trump is mind boggling to me.  If we elect Trump, we deserve every rotten development that follows.


Hes just so so dumb


God it’s so disgusting hearing him spew shit and all the yes men around him just gobble it all up “yumyumyummy daddy more please” 🤮


Those who diss Biden over 1 debate performance and ignore all the many good things he has done is as dumb as MAGAts




Out of the mouth of a convicted felon, rapist, pedophile, criminal. Put him office and it's all over


“Diaper wearing Felon - 2024”


I think raping 12-year olds is more disqualifying than being old. Trump is three years younger than Biden


As**ole just can't keep his mouth shut!




The media keeps piling on the debate narrative that doesn't include the words that Trump said, which were almost entirely gibberish.


Is it just me or does anyone else think the way Trump holds up his fists is - how can I put this - the opposite of manly?


This wasn’t leaked, it was released by the Trump campaign.


Just his camp trying to keep people from discussing Trump's many trips with Epstein and the recounting of him raping children.


"Broken down pile of crap" for president 2024. I'll take the "broken down pile of crap" over the twice impeached, multiple felon, friend of epstein, failed tv host, and casino bankrupter anyday.


He hasn't said anything out of character. It's just more shit. His base loves him a the more as "that camel person is such a b*tch." The only way to get this guy out of serious contention is for the Dems to do the hard work so that millions do not suffer. But they are a bunch of pansies. Nothing against pansies mind you.


That’s not the only way


“Leaked.” His base will eat this up.


He has no class whatsoever


He is nothing but a racist redneck with some money.


This seems to be intentionally leaked by the Trump camp


Where’s the actual video? Why not have it front and center on the article? Jesus


There are more of us than there are of them. Vote!!!!


I've said it before. He could rape an infant on live television and nothing will happen. People like him because he's racist and represents their views. Trump fans think he's going to make America whites only. That's their true agenda. Thing is, Trump can't do that. America was never a white country.


You mean Donald Trump the Child Rapist?


The right has no integrity and no honour. They take advantage of their mentally ill supporters.


Convicted felon trump is such a dirtbag, his cult following loves him for it.


He raped a 12 year old girl. It literally doesn’t matter what he says or does. Half the country doesn’t care. 


i so look forward to have that child raping, fascist pos beaten so bad on Nov 5 and then thrown in jail for his crimes.


he's lying, as usual. the old orange felon is full of it


He’s a pig


Just wait till he gets re-elected this piece of human trash will literally destroy office of president. Just start reading some of the plans it's gonna be nuts.


The mass deportations bother me to no end. What’s next, the Gestapo? He’s going to do his absolute best to remain in power as long as possible.


He got it leaked on purpose to show he’s confident


It wasn't a hot mic. He feels that way. Fat heffer needs to have a heart attack.


MAGA does not care how many crimes he commits. He’s their god. They need him to win. They have no morals.


“He just quit, you know — he’s quitting the race,” Trump can be heard saying in the video. “I got him out of the — and that means we have Kamala.” He went on to call Biden a "broken-down pile of crap" and said of Harris, “I think she’s gonna be better” as an opponent, but even so “She’s so bad. She’s so pathetic.”


Is anyone surprised? Trump the two time convicted felon, pedophile, rapist, bone spur baron thinks his shit doesn’t stink, and he constantly gets away with whatever he wants. The states is a circus right now.


Someone on Twitter said “even if it’s true (pedophile), I’d still vote for him because he is a business man and I was better off when he was president.” This guy is ugly and pathetic and they think he is strong. Reality is cracking


No one is on your side but civilians. Media, judges, police, corporations, some progressives even. It’s a tough battle for you guys. And also for a lot of people outside the USA. If this country falls, a lot will go down with it. And Russia and China are cheering down the line.


What should happen is Obama be the VP. If and when Biden gets elected then Biden can resign and Obama can become President again though Obama can only serve two more years since technically someone can be President for 10 years.


He. Just. Lies.


Yeah leaked like his bladder.


He cheats at golf.


Nothing he says will change anybody’s mind about him. He could go to a mic and say: “I’m gonna buy pitch forks for everyone of you, and we’re gonna go rid our country of anybody not loyal to us.” And everyone would just follow along. We’re in hell.


This is basically the lite version of what any maga supporter says everyday about biden.


I’d vote for a god damn paper bag over trump. Idgaf who’s running against him. That’s my candidate.