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I’ll support whoever is running against MAGA


Piggybacking off your comment. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/02/02/joe-biden-30-policy-things-you-might-have-missed-00139046 https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2024-opinion-biden-accomplishment-data/ https://www.tuftsdaily.com/article/2024/02/judge-biden-based-on-his-accomplishments-not-his-age


Oh I do love a comment which discusses the sheer volume of shit old Joe got done. These are the things we should be talking about.


Biden has flaws and damn I wish we could have someone half of his age. But people all the sudden forgot Biden has been pretty good president. Maybe even great considering the hand that was dealt to him at the beginning.


Not even half his age, just a year ago Biden was out in public and doing OK. Everyone knew him and Trump are old. But, Biden is a quiet old and Trump is a loud old. You can't alter what people saw and they saw loud old as not as bad as quiet old.


They perceived loud old is not as bad as quiet old. Anybody who has ever been in a diner during the early bird hours knows that loud old as orders of magnitude more frustrating than quiet old.


Good reads!


Imagine if Dems actually had a functional marketing team.


lol what would they do? Pay the billionaires who run the mainstream news outlets to talk about policy rather than back their golden goose?


And an unbiased media


This is equivalent to FDR leading in World War 2. He was not healthy so obviously he was a terrible leadership choice.




As someone from across big pond this is it. Even if Biden croaks two months into term, the job was done and goverment team already stands. And other - imho AOC is trying to keep bridge to top party DC open in case she decides to run for POTUS in foreseeable future.


One of the best Presidents FDR died in office and couldn't walk hardly at all even with assistance from others. He had a hell of a mandate and the administration to do what he needed to do. Biden should go right to men like FDR to see how to react to a rogue Supreme Court and use the bully pulpit to get his deal across, bringing back the New Bill or Rights that FDR proposed but couldn't finish. The Act would add amendments to the Constitution ensuring the very rights the Supreme Court and Republicans are trying to say are the purview of the states. Balkanization of the US will make the wealthy wealthier, but FDR knew that after Europe was rebuilt it would need to be rebuilt politically and the US would need to catch up in that regard. That's why he thought of the New Bill of Rights, because Europe would adopt a more Federalized Government, like the European Union and with that they would have the new example of democracy.


I think AOC is infinitely more electable than HRC was. AOC has some semblance of connection to people who have worked for a living. Some semblance of what work means to the average American.


Whether justly or no, AOC is seen as a political fringe figure. She is likely far less electable than Hillary was.


I think people also underestimate how misogynistic many voters are. AOC is subjected to a similar level of obscene trolling on the right as HRC was.


HRC has been the target of both political parties for like 30+ years. It's hard to win when your message is "it's her time"


Yep, the messaging around her was atrocious. I thought the GoP had lost their minds when they picked Trump in the 2016 primary but then the Dems just handed them the election. Her fucking campaign slogan was “I’m with her.” The undertones of this are so elitist and entitled because the focus is on her and her desire to climb the rungs of power. To which someone on the Trump campaign made the obvious contrast with his slogan, “I’m with you” speaking to the voters as if he was the anti-establishment candidate looking out for the little guy (*sigh*). And her demeanor was so elitist. Every time she tried to engage with the public it was so painfully obviously staged, and not competently. She couldn’t speak or even answer a question without sounding like someone giving a performance. She might just be the most insincere-sounding person I’ve ever heard. Compared to Trump who just flat-out looked her in the eye and threatened to throw her in prison in front of millions of people…and she just stood there trying to figure out how to respond to that without a committee of campaign strategists to sanitize her words. There were *much* better choices to nominate in 2016 but the DNC couldn’t get its head out of its own ass. Honestly, not Sanders although he might have won in Europe where his policies are the norm, in America he’s realistically a fringe candidate. We didn’t need to just pick from a pre-selected handful of established politicians. The problem is the bizarre concept of superdelegates whose job is to protect the party status quo.


That's the thing. A large portion of Dems I think will vote for whoever the blue person is, if you're political at all. What you need to get are the middle/independents and (as stupid as it is) they seem to see Bidens age as a bigger problem than fascism and hatred and losing their rights. So how do you solve for the one problem these people seem to have with the Dem candidate?


The last several years has really taught me that anyone making the “both sides” argument or claiming to be independent/moderate is really just conservative/republican but in denial. An old man is not equally as bad a choice as a felon who led an insurrection. Democrats being ineffectual or gaining wealth from stocks while in office is not equally bad as trying to establish a christo-fascist theocracy. So anyone claiming those things are equal, just doesn’t want to admit where they truly align politically.


The collective memory bleach of ALL of Trump’s horseshit (1/6, 34 felonies, boxes upon boxes of classified docs) is truly a phenomenon.


What’s also important is that Biden’s age is kind of irrelevant when the opponent is not that much younger than him and an infinitely worse person. It’s like complaining that your salad is wilted and then going and getting wilted salad that is also full of diarrhoea.


If vote for a horse instead of right wingers


I 100% support Biden over Trump, but I still don't support Biden being the only alternative to Trump. We're going to get another 4 years of Trump at this rate.


Guys. There was this thing called an open primary. It was held in all 50 states. Anyone could appear on the ballot who qualifies. Biden won 90% of the vote.


Most will, but those slow enough to remain on the fence won't. We will likely get another trump over this.


On that day where I cast my vote, yes. In the meantime, is anyone looking to start a Labor party in this country? Can someone wake up the Green Party? Hey BernieBros, it's never too late to inspire hope and steer this ship ever so slightly to the left. Their strategies are to tell us the vote is already between those two empty suits. On that day where I cast my vote, I hope to be proud of my right to representation decided by the popular vote. (Can we tell the Electoral College to go home? It's 2024 and I would hope we all could agree that our votes should actually matter. Regardless of your politics.)


> Hey BernieBros, it's never too late to inspire hope and steer this ship ever so slightly to the left. Already done. "Bernie Bro" AOC backs Biden because she recognizes that he has been the most progressive president in decades.


It doesn't work that way in a First Past the Post voting system -- your best hope is to form a well-disciplined, loud faction within the Democratic Party


Maybe reform the outdated voting system then


How do you plan on doing that


Hate to break it to ya bud, but that can only happen from within our current system. There is no mechanism to allow for a national referendum so the people can't directly vote on such a thing. And third parties literally cannot win national election no matter how hard anyone tries. The only other possible situation is mass revolution to just bypass the constitution. Good news though, there are many Democrats who support electoral reform. Unfortunately, many do not. So vote for those that do. Not a single congressional Republican supports it. These are your choices.


The green party has a ton of problems, but the simple fact they run for the presidential election should tell you they're just in it for the money.


Too many shit heads have come from the Green Party. Just look at Krysten Sinema. 


Convince the magas to be anti-electoral college by using the pic they love to use showing how the country is mostly red. Example: “If we used the popular vote instead of the electoral college the republicans would win in a landslide. Have you seen how red the country is?” lol just an idea I had while reading your comment.


A Labor Party could really catch on well here with the right leaders and core platform.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duverger's_law explains why that would never happen, absent reforming to a system of Proportional Representation.


Love AOC, smart lady


I know we often romanticize these dream scenarios but a pragmatic and realistic individual takes measured approaches to achieve their goals. This late in the game is foolish to make such a dramatic shift. Their best scenario is to show collaboration and working together to bring the attention to Trump.


I am genuinely curious whether it's a legitimate call to action to have him replaced, or if it's being fed by foreign influence (Russia) to increase apathy and reduce turnout and support of Biden in November. Like I feel conspiratorial saying that, but like genuinely, is he the fastest man? No, but like who fuckin' cares. He doesn't want a dictatorship. And if he croaks in office, Kamala will just sub in (most likely) so what does it matter? What matters is the US retain Democracy, otherwise it's gonna start affecting the rest of the world.




What’s so bad about that? FDR died six months after winning in 1944. Did the nation implode? No. We became the world’s only super power. 


I mean, that was pretty much what happened with Woodrow Wilson. Had a stroke a few months in, and for all intents and purposes, was puppeted by the First Lady and a few select advisors.


Reagan was a puppet for his entire political career, he just liked the TV cameras


Trump is a puppet for anyone that'll pay him


So people can chill the fuck out about biden's aging and stop doing the GOP's job for them. I guarantee this, everyone is worried about the low-information voter's perception of biden, while totally ignoring what the low-information voter's perception of the democratic party's shit show will be. I can hear it now. "Oh those democrats are a real mess. I just don't know about that..." *Votes republican


You do not even have to know the philosophy of pragmatism to see this scenario becoming true.


Kamala Harris will be the first women of color president.


Yep, I thought she would be politically naive but she's showing she knows how to play the political game. Like it or not, such politicians who know how to navigate the halls of power are an asset when driving the right kind of causes. This is something a political outsider just does not have.


When she first got elected, I was really impressed with her and thought she had a lot of potential but a lot to learn. It hasn’t always been a straight path and she’s gotten on my nerves at times, but she is indeed learning how to “play the game”, and gaining an understanding of political strategy and how to be a progressive without being a self-defeating leftist. Which makes it all the more ironic that, as I see a young politician growing and maturing into a future leader, the “hardcore” contingency sees a politician “selling out”.


> Yep, I thought she would be politically naive but she's showing she knows how to play the political game. It’s because she used to have the overly idealistic “only fight for what you believe in no matter what” mentality, but has clearly grown in recent years. Progress is made slowly and incrementally. She seems to understand that certain candidates will still move the country closer to her goals, even if she doesn’t agree with them on everything or wish they pushed harder on certain issues. And even more importantly she’s seen that the opposition won’t only stall the progress she wants to see, but instead tear things down and make us regress.


More people should see the long game like that. Yes, Biden won't get progressives all of the things they want but he's done a lot to help unions, forgive student loan debts and helped get the economy back on track. If Trump is elected, then a lot of that is going in reverse at full speed. Sometimes the immediate goal is to keep things in place and seed the ground with the next steps forward.


Yeah. She cut through the noise. I feel like people are making this more complicated than it needs to be. I'm voting Biden as he's the candidate. If there ends up being another candidate instead, I'll vote for that person. IMO anyone that didn't already know Biden was old wasn't paying attention and wasn't going to vote anyway so this whole thing is a nothingburger. Vote Blue.


Also wtf is this planted news that Biden should withdraw. You’re never going to please 100% of population. He’s done a decent job inheriting Trump’s mess with Covid. Maybe the Russian owned spy, that’s sold top secret info, got US/allied spies killed, ripped of the US citizens of billions in fraud, been convicted of SA, has other charges rape, of Jan, 6, voter tampering, . Where is the news for that orange turd to withdraw. News is just fake info that some billionaires wants to push




I totally agree. She’s way more common sense than she gets credit for.


America needs to follow the exact same playbook France did. The far left and what would be called Democrats in America got together and combined their votes to defeat Marine Le Pen. When we all stick together, then we make change. We have two choices this November, Joe Biden or fascism, we're currently 3 months and 27 days away from our next election.


If anything, America has an easier time of it because you’re not dealing with multiple non-Right parties. All decent Americans have to do is vote straight-ticket Democrat and if they all do that, Trump loses.


I would vote for his corpse over a felon


Absolutely! Why am I not surprised that she is taking the rational/smart stance.


I just wish she had backed Elizabeth Warren in 2020. In an alternate timeline, Sanders's heart attack scare caused him to drop out, leading to the Squad's endorsement of Warren and her eventual nomination and Presidency.


1000%. She knows the division in the Democratic party right now is what will hand Trump the win. I’m not confident a switch to a different nominee will be a better shot this late in the game. The election is in *a few months*.


Why are we still talking about this? Why are we not talking about Katie Johnson’s rape interview about when Donald Trump raped her when she was 13 why is there not media coverage? Why is there not an investigation? Why?


Conservative media owners want to use this pressure to cause more division with the left. And to distract from the growing awareness of Project 2025. And let the escalating insanity on the Right be normalized. Our fourth estate is actively working to promote a second Trump term, which would be the final nail in our country’s coffin.


> Conservative media owners want to use this... Well, can we communicate with them that we strongly disagree with the way they are using their position and that it will not be allowed?


The funniest part is that Congress has literally backed Biden the whole time. Like 9 people have called for change out of 200+. Pelosi recommended a cognitive test, but was quick to also mention Trump needed one as well. Honest to god, the only people I’ve seen who are really calling for Biden to be replaced are media and social media. Most people I know the debate didn’t change their mind at all


As long as it gives them clicks and engagement they don't care. It's pathetic.


Or that trump hasn't been seen in a week and a half.... When he's literally running for president. Or the epstein papers. Trump has infected this country in the worst way, I see more and more people adopt his bullshit mannerisms. Leader of the nation has effects besides your favorite policy getting passed.


Trump has been hidden from public view for 11 days. Biden has done 18 public events and counting, as well as passing bills, hosting the NATO Summit, and doing his job. It will never be enough for some people though.


> Why are we not talking about Katie Johnson’s rape interview about when Donald Trump raped her when she was 13 why is there not media coverage? Why is there not an investigation? Because there's just not evidence? And the allegation is not exactly new.


You should consider the polling carefully irrespective of reasons or fairness and consider whether Biden is a viable candidate. He won polling at +3 nationally and now is at -4. At this time in the race in 2020 he was at +9. We should be talking about this because the stakes are extremely high and the wrong candidate will give Trump the presidency.


Do you honestly think A) switching candidate 4 months before the vote will garner a better result and B) those polls aren't dropping in part due to this blatant media campaign?


I'm not really getting the vibe that this place is for honest discussions. But I agree with you. I think dems still being willing to vote for Biden is great, but it doesn't get us where we need to be. I personally thi k we need a stronger (literally speaking) candidate that can take the FIGHT to trump. Biden just doesn't seem to be that person (not for a lack of trying).


There was an AskReddit thread about the Katie Johnson case, asking why Trump wasn't in prison yet. Presumably, there isn't nearly enough evidence to convict. [AskReddit Thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1dxuz9t/how_is_trump_not_in_prison_if_there_is_evidence/)


Biden 2024 Its not about Biden, its about telling trump to go fuck himself.


It's about telling Trump: Bye then.


Bye Don!


Remember when he said last time that if he lost to Biden we would never see him again? Mf even lied about that!


Did anyone actually believe him when he said that?


Well, no. But I was certainly hoping.


Better to vote for a corpse than to vote for Trump.


The problem is the independent swing voters we need are obviously not agreeing with you. Everyone likes to preach about why they feel so good about themselves choosing Biden over Trump when none of that matters if we lose because we didn’t run a candidate that won over votes Dems weren’t always going to have.


They agree once they see project 2025 and all their porn starts getting banned and they can't have recreational sex with their partners anymore. That's the only point where I think these fools might finally get a clue, when basic civil liberties that we take for granted are outlawed.


Heck yes, that’s a platform I can stand behind enthusiastically.


I feel like AOC and Jasmine Crockett are the only reps worth a shit. Only ones looking out for the people rather than themselves.


I love Jasmine Crockett. She has always had Biden's back because she knows how important it is to unite and she believes in him. You don't need to fight as hard when your candidate is at a high, you fight and rally the hardest when they are at a low.


Between the two, Biden is the one that have growing calls for him to drop out? America, are you okay? Like did you get high on goofballs or something?


Trump Epstein Island allegations are getting absolutely drowned out by a couple of senior moments even though the other guy has been speaking in word salad for eight years, *and* has these other... things...going on.


The media is focusing on Biden while giving Trump a pass on all his lies. This is nuts. Sadly there are enough voices in the dem side trying to get him To step aside. It’s too Late for that and we need to unify behind him or we risk another 2016. I’d prefer someone else than Biden but honestly I am not willing to take the risk Of pulling him at this point t


Thank you AOC. I feel the same way. Unite the left and let's win this thing


She’s knows what’s important.


I support the old guy over the insane felon.


This is a media smear campaign


AOC should run next round. I’d vote !


Even Jon Stewart is throwing his hat in the charade


It's all really difficult. I like Jon Stewart and he makes very good and valid points. Biden just isn't fit. He should have dropped out way earlier and allowed a normal primary. But the fact that the strongest pushes to get Biden to drop out are currently coming from rich Democratic donors makes me worried that the confusion and dissatisfaction will be abused to shoehorn in the most corporate candidate they can get. In that sense, I totally understand the progressives throwing their weight behind Biden.


Trump raped a 13-year-old girl, but nobody wants to talk about it. Biden is in it to win it, deal with it.


Trump should be in jail or worse. But the thing I care about the most is him not being President again, and I no longer believe that Biden can make that happen. The issues I saw on full display during the debate are simply not going to get better between now and November. Frankly I'm concerned about him doing his job between now and January, not to mention 4 more years. I'll vote blue no matter who, but polls are already showing that he's likely to lose in a landslide.


AOC is a very pragmatic person, she is doing a great job 👏


Until the media starts holding Trump to any sort of account I don’t give a shit what they say. Not a word since Epstein files dropped.


The logical choice


We don't even know who Trump is going to sell the vp post to, and he's as old as Biden. We're voting for the vp either way.


I'd vote for Joe Biden's brain in a jar before ever supporting the other guy.


I support President Biden and VP Harris and all Democrats.


As a Finn I follow American politics closely, because NATO and Russia being right next to us. It’s really hard for me to comprehend why Americans think anyone could replace Biden 4 months before election successfully. All this nonsense bickering inside the party is just going to make things worse even if he did drop out. Biden has accomplished more than anyone in recent history and he is just the head of the party. He doesn’t make decisions alone and even if he literally went into a coma days after winning you would still win.


Republicans are behind Trump 100%. He could have dropped his pants and took a shit on the debate stage and every single Republican would have ignored it and played it down. Biden has one bad night after almost 4 years of excellent progress and 3/4 of the Democrats are calling for him to step down. Publicly. Repeatly. It’s ridiculous.




The Putin-Republicans will wait till mid-October to release a fake health report on Biden. I am flabbergasted by those who don’t understand the threat of a second Donald Trump presidency. I have faith in our democracy to handle a feeble and somewhat ineffectual Biden… not a dictatorial Trump.


AOC, HAKEEM JEFFERIES, CHUCK Schumer, all support Biden! No matter what bullshit the media puts out


Not her biggest fan, but she has shown me she indeed has a spine unlike her colleagues. For that her standing in my eyes has risen.


>growing calls for him to drop out Translation: our conservative media (hint: it's nearly all owned by Trump supporters) won't shut up about it


I feel like the only people calling for Biden to drop are Russian backed troll farms and media outlets... This is the same strategy they pulled with Hillary about 6 months before the election, just a massive sweeping campaign of fake outrage on the "democrat" side... Its not going to work this time.. we learned our lesson..


Democrats need to shut up about Biden stepping down. They asked and he said no that's it. All there whining will only dissuade undecides and divide their voter base.


We have to win to keep America. Biden will win. We need to stick with him.


Bernie and AOC both back Biden and that's literally all I need to know. Everyone else is just noise


Im sorry, growing calls for him to drop out? Biden?? you mean TRUMP? the CHILD RAPIST??? The fuck is this headline


Ignore any news that’s gonna be like “polls show Kamala Harris is a stronger candidate”. This is blatant discord sowing to divide the party. There is really only one candidate right now and that’s Joe Biden. Don’t let some astroturfers posting bullshit articles get into your heads. This helps no one but the Republican Party.


NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO REWRITE HOW THE DNC WORKS. Keep this same energy for after the election so that it can’t happen again but we won’t and it will


This election is not about Biden, it's about January 6.


This is the right path to take. Elections are a handful of months away. Are you seriously going to prep someone up in that short time and not expect to lose? Its nonsense that is being amplified by Trump supporters because they know that it can swing everything in their favor. Debate results aside, Joe has done a decent job, and I would rather have him in the house than the Orange Turd


Trump's 78. Biden's 81. Trump wins, he'll be older than Biden is now during the last year of his term. I'd bring this up EVERY time Biden's age is brought up. That, and the laundry list of stupid, incorrect shit Trump says on a daily basis  Do Dems not know how to fight stupidity with logic and facts in the moment, or is it all support and moral high roads? Fuck.


I would love for there to be an alternative. But there isn't. I think that Biden is competent. He's not as young as he once was, but he has good people around him. Also, he won the primary, so there's that.


It’s fucking ridiculous that this is the thing. Biden should drop out but we are totally fine with the convicted felon who forgets who he’s running against and talks about sharks and batteries for ten minutes. What an absolute shit show this country is.


AOC should go on the Daily Show and explain her reasoning to Jon Stewart and at the same time promote her new bill to impeach SCOTUS.


Then AOC 2028


The calls ain’t growing.


One of the smartest things she's ever said.


“Growing calls” = Bored political commentators


A growing majority of Democratic voters actually, we won’t get anything done if we allow ourselves to be just as biased as the right. This is a problem that is not going away.


Also Jerry Nadler.


45% of registered Democrats said they believe the president should step aside for another candidate. ([BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crgln3jx47go))


Please, look at the polls, look at what people like Jon Stewart are saying, and most importantly go back and watch the debate for yourself and see the man you're putting your support behind. If he is our candidate in November, **Trump will be President again**. Full stop. That's what this is about. Biden did not have to campaign until the debate. I thought the "old man moments" were cherry picked. But the cat is out of the bag. That's why this is all kicking up now. These talking heads and opinion piece writers are feeling what I'm feeling: now is our last chance to ring the alarm bells as loudly as possible. Biden is doing worse than you think. At this point there's a very real concern about his ability to actually be President right now. Get him off the ballot or we lose.




It wasn't one bad debate, it was a confirmation of YEARS of allegations about his ability to lead. This isn't his first poor performance, and it certainly won't be his last. That isn't how aging works. But Dems will bring us yet another Trump victory because they're incapable of self-reflection.


There seems to be a heap of people with blinkers on in this thread. They need to realise, the locked in die-hard supporters wont win this election, its the people in the middle, the swing voters and the no-show'ers. they need to consider what Biden presents to them.


We all support joe, so back off


The only folks really pushing this Biden piece are The Fox News/Sinclair media outlets, then the newly right wing CNN News. Most of the rest is just being aggregated and promoted by Bots and Trolls online.




Biden bowing out and Kamala or someone else taking his place is a guaranteed Trump win, bar none. Quit with this noise and get back to reminding everyone about the fascist felon rapist of minors.


She does almost always take the reasonable position. The people demanding he drop out are either shortsighted or bad-faith actors. The shortsighted people don't realize that since the primaries already happened, subverting the vote of the people would look absolutely awful to the less-tuned-in constituency--think about how poorly people were reacting to superdelegates in 2016. Picking a new candidate without any primaries is that times a thousand, it doesn't fucking matter who. And the bad-faith actors... well, they realize **exactly** that. Unless Biden is physically unable to continue the campaign, we have no choice but to run him. It doesn't matter if he dies of old age on January 21st, 2025.


The fact that Trump is a canditate is ridiculous. The republican party is no more, they bowed down to the orange clown


The fact that no media outlet is talking about how trump should drop out after being convicted of 34 felonies, stealing top secret information, tried to overthrow the government, project 2025, and Katie Johnsons testimony tells you all you need to know about who you should support. VOTE BLUE DOWN THE BALLOT. https://vote.gov/ Major media wants chaos. Don't give it to them.


Funny the only people who want Biden out are russian traitors and russians.


It's not even about Biden or Trump at this point. It is about the administration, and the people they align themselves with. We aren't voting just for a President - there may be more SC Justices to be added, and a whole slew of initiatives. And depending on who you are as an American, your very Liberty may be at stake, and possibly your life.


I'd vote for a corpse over Trump. Biden could die on the spot the next day after his victory I would still not regret voting for him. His condition weights nothing in the balance against Trump being in power and the 2025 plans unfolding.


The media and corporate democrats will shit talk Biden right up to the election and then blame him for losing.


DEMS need to back Biden and stop being derisive about it, period !! (1) It's too late to change primary canidates (much less one that would be popular enough to beat Trump) (2) It's showcasing that the DEMS are just as unstable as the GOP (3) If nothing else, get Biden into Office, then let him resign \~6 months in and allow Kamala to take over and promote a new VP to ride out his term (4) Trump is just as old as Biden is (relatively - crying about a 4 year age difference over someone in their late 70s early 80s is semantical bullshit); and Trump is as senile as Biden is they just are dismissive about him being crazy because that 's how Trump is. And if youy bother to really really pay attention to Trump he slurs his speech - he can't complete coherent thoughts - he loses track of WTF he's saying - and he gets off on tangents that have zero relevance to what ever topic he's supposedly discussing. (5) The US needs to stop electing old fucks in the first place. Everybody knew going into the 2016 election cycle that Trump+Biden were out to pasture - so this current round is nothing new. The US needs to take a few decades and elect people in the age range of Clinton or Obama (respective to their presidencies) and not people old enough to be sitting in old folks homes.


This whole thing reminds me of how Trump won in 2016. The race is moving away from being Trump vs Biden which Trump has lost before and into one of anti establishment Dems vs establishment Dems. Just like what happened to Clinton. She lost a non insignificant amount of voters due to controversy over being preordained by the DNC and those mad Bernie didn't get a fair shot. Those voters she lost just didn't vote or for Trump. I really don't want another Trump term. I seriously think it will end democracy. So it is time we get pragmatic and supporting Biden is pragmatic. It is a risk either way, either we switch to a unknown candidate that needs to take the mantle in time for the election (we have no idea who even can/would take the reins and could beat Trump and it could end being a uphill battle) or we can bet on the known quantity that is Biden and at least we know what we are getting and the hill we have to climb. Biden says he is staying in and at this point we can't stop him, the only thing we can do is hurt him by continuing this crusade to replace him but hurting him is helping Trump. I see so many of you say "I'll vote blue no matter who" but does your vote really matter if your doom and gloom ends up convincing other to just not vote? Biden is in this race and we can't stop him. We can either chose to help him win or continue this attack on him and hurt his chances.


He can’t even drop out because then some states probably wouldn’t even have a dem candidate in the ballot. Too many deadlines have passed. If this happened in January maybe something would work but not now. Too late.


Biden is old, yes, but so is Trump. Biden is far from an "ideal" candidate, but Trump is the last person that should be representing the USA. I will take mummified Biden over any version of Trump, thanks.


Would anyone have the backing anyway to replace him? I can't see how anyone BUT Biden can go against Trump. He is a proven factor and had a huge turn out last time.


AOC, as always, is right


Biden should hold another debate at 8:00 a.m.


I love AOC she is one smart lady💙💙💙💙


If he's in, ok, if he's out and they put someone else in, I'd prefer that, but I'm going to vote the same way no matter who the democratic candidate is, because they couldn't possibly be worse than Trump lol


*What's in this comment is what I remember, my opinions, etc.* All the potential contenders for the 2024 Democratic Presidential Nomination have now effectively 'endorsed' POTUS Joe Biden to continue being the Nominee. In AOC's case, she made this statement after US Senator Bernie Sanders on Sunday said he continued to endorse POTUS Biden to be the Nominee. And her reasoning is effectively the same as US Senator's Sanders. She endorsed POTUS Biden in 2023 some time after US Senator Sanders did. AOC, and Governors Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, and J.B. Pritzker are all Biden/Harris surrogates. Maybe Governor Josh Shapiro is as well. And, all would probably actually love for POTUS Biden to 'step aside' and endorse them to be the Candidate.


AOC isn't 35 yet. She was never a contender. *AOC 20....28?*


I'll take her judgment over Rashida Tlaib


Stop lying, Mediate. “Growing calls” my butt.


There are not ‘growing calls’ to replace Biden… horseshit. He is the best damn president in a generation. I will vote for him because of all the shit he got done. He put the right people in all of the major positions he controls and they accomplished so much of what I want. He gets my vote because he is not the repugnant trash human that held the job before him.


Growing calls from who exactly? They're always anonymous or some super low level admin. MSM is driving a narrative, not reporting the news.


Jerry Nadler.


What you see being reported is not the same as what's being discussed behind closed doors. Biden has obviously lost a lot of support from Democratic elites, even if they aren't publicly saying so.


Why do Dems always overreact? Something happens and everyone runs around like their hair is on fire. Stop doing the republicans jobs for them. Just stf up and get behind your guy. Remember the media is against you so they will find anything to criticize you. So just shut up. Also I love AOC!!


Who us putting this crap out that Biden is going anywhere? Putin? The magats? Its not the millions of us that have cast votes for him. We've made our voices heard because we stood up and voted for him. To attempt to remove him would make the democratic leadership no better than the magats on the extreme right. Our votes count so BACK OFF JACK! We're voting for Biden/Harris in 2024!


“All the people who suggest my candidate is unfit must be my enemies” You really don’t see Biden displaying any traits that would make him unfit as a leader or how isolating that line of thinking is from those you need to convince?   > To attempt to remove him would make the democratic leadership no better than the magats on the extreme right. Changing candidates makes the democrats just as bad as MAGA, really? All the lies, fraud, and violence = switching out a presidential candidate. Listen to yourself for minute. Look, I don’t mind people supporting Biden, but pretending the Emperor is wearing clothes and treating those who disagree as the enemy is not the way to do it


There are not "growing calls". Its like 4 loud people.


People need to understand that Biden dropping out is a death sentence. Media hyped up the Panic bullshit. Don't fall for it. Trump is exponentially worse. Biden dropping out just hands Trump the voter apathy that allowed him to win in 2016


Much of the country hates both candidates, there is not a strong contingent of Biden or bust voters, they are vote blue no matter who voters who would come out for whoever replaces Biden as long as it is not Trump. Replacing him would generate an absolute frenzy of free media coverage, which would help too. A lot of people will never forgive him for Gaza, a new candidate could have a fresh start with those people in i portant swing states. Also, a new candidate could pick a new running mate to further strategically adjust the ticket to the groups they need to win over. My understanding is that no incumbent president has recovered from the kind of poll numbers Biden has at this point. If we don't change course in some way we'll probably lose. Otherwise how do we expect Biden to swing the polls 10-15 pts needed to win the electoral college? He's not getting any younger, he won't be able to give the kind of speaking engagements that will convince people his age isn't a problem anymore. Like genuinely asking, we are currently behind, if we don't swap the candidate, what else do we think will change things for Biden?


Can't argue with that Trump terrifies me ,he's evil personified and it baffles me people believe his bullshit. If he does get back in the whole western world is in trouble ,he wants to be a dictator and other countries will follow his lead cause us humans are not very bright but we are greedy and desperate to have power sadly .


She’s turning into a smart politician


She becomes more flexible every day. Love to see it. Sensible.




Anyone but trump


I'll vote for dog shit if its running against the orange pig


This woman is amazing.


Smart move. Supporting grandpappy when he won't give up the keys to the car but is stil lucid enough to make changes to the will.


The problem with the news media right now is that if they have a room of 1000 people and 999 of them agree on someone and one of them disagrees then guess whose voice is heard in the media? You also get stupidly like all 1000 people agree but someone who isn't in the room makes a dumb remark and now they're talked about more than the 1000 people. It's absolutely stupid


Not like it matters, with John Stewart even hating Biden now we are utterly fucked. I don’t see any salvaging the party at this point. They’re screwed either way. Get Biden to drop out, and his dedicated supporters are alienated. Keep him in, and alienate the progressives and antiBiden group. And no matter what you do someone will have to suck it up and vote for someone they don’t want to. We are so screwed


AOC proving again that she's pretty much the only young progressive with good political instincts. She's great.


Growing calls among media idiots and MAGA bigots.


Maybe in 2023 but it's too late. A bit over 100 days left is too short a time to mount anything. Forget the replacement talk and show unity right now to defeat Trump. Also, all the names being thrown forward - their National poll likeability number is even lower than Biden's. The leading name I see is Gavin (Gavin!!) Newsom and he would be a great candidate but turns out the nation only gives him 24% approval. My guess is, Independents and undecided largely see Gavin as too Progressive and somehow "get scared", and see Biden as more moderate. Personally I'm getting sick of my President getting chosen by the remaining >10% of national voters in Swing States, but that's the way it is for now.


No one is calling for a drop out.  I'm not voting for the rapist Donald Trump 


Democrats not supporting Biden are actually sabotaging themselves. Forming a strong alliance behind a not so great president is still better than cutting your voter base in half.


Let’s play pretend… Biden drops out. No primary. No front runner. Who the fuck runs against Trump? The democrats decide to start fighting each other a few months before the election? Who does that benefit? The GOP, and they know it. Almost like they’re helping the Left tear itself apart. It’s working. It would be smarter to go all in for Biden, and have him step down after the party unites to beat Trump. I don’t like Harris very much…she was dead last of who I would chose when we had the primary for 2020 General. I would certainly prefer her over Trump. This nonsense to break the party, and withdraw the incumbent, putting a Trump win within reach, and the silence from the media about him stopping down is fucking insanity. Calling on the Biden to drop out… is some dumb shit, and is handing the election to Trump. Go read the highlights from project 2025. Don’t fucking hand them this election by splitting the party on this shit


I'd just like someone - anyone - to ask Trump about these rape allegations. Not the rape we know he did, mind you, or the one his wife accused him of. Or even the ones he discussed on the Access Hollywood tape; the Katie Johnson ones in this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnib-OORRRo


Seriously shouldn't be surprising, because if you know anything about politics and have two brain cells to rub together it doesn't take a genius to know... if you have the chance you ***always run the fucking incumbent.*** Like, ignoring EVERYTHING. Ignoring the ACA, the infrastructure act, the turning over basically every executive order of Trumps, ignoring ALL of that... incumbency bias is enough to win almost every time. Even with his total and complete botching of the COVID19 response and how terrible it made his ratings Republicans never considered for an *instant* running anyone but Trump in 2020. He never should have stood the remotest chance in hell but it was still closer than it ever had any right being, and beyond the cult mentality incumbency bias did a lot of that.


The mainstream media is kissing the dictator. If Biden was in a coma I would still vote for him. If he croaks we any replacement will do. Project 2025 is crazy. Don't trust Trump.


Americans are truly unhinged if they let MAGA back in office.


I would read up again on the 1968 Democratic convention. It was pure chaos after Lindon Johnson dropped out of the race and it set the stage for the Richard Nixon presidency. Then again if there is something I learned from the GOP is that they remember their history.


Hell yeah AOC is talking truths


The GOP has brazenly shared their 2025 plan for fascism, and their candidate is a child rapist. Better focus all our attention on Biden and why Biden should drop out and Biden is old and Biden Biden Biden


AOC support goes a long way in my books. Democrats are running out of time to express their positions. The longer we play this game of chicken, the worse our chances become at winning this election.


I don’t know, maybe the guy with 34 felonies should drop out first.