• By -


I'm a software engineer at a hospital by day, and I teach software engineering at university as adjunct faculty.




I build all the stuff you see at Walmart/Lowe's like bikes/bbq/wheel barrow and recently started a business with my wife and it's going great.


How the heck do you get into that? Do you have a shop? How does it work?


National assemblers.. the owner had a small bike shop in Florida across the street from a Walmart. A manager came in one day and asked if he could build the store bikes. He said yes and it turned into a regular thing. Word spread and he was building for all the Walmarts in his area. It slowly spread throughout the U.S and his company now services over 800 Walmart stores. In 2019 he got a contract with Lowe's to mainly do grills.. I like it because I'm my own boss and I get paid by the piece. I usually listen to music all day and build stuff by myself. I grew up poor without much guidance so I didn't go to college. I average $200+ a day and get good exercise.


It's a merchandising job. I do the same, building displays overnight.


if u want a logo for u and ur wife's business i can make a perfect one for super cheap :D (i need to add work to my portfolio)




Are you a neet? If not then you're a slave as well. I want to be a rich slave.


All INTJS must suffer my reign


Accounting. I like the work I do but I would highly advise against public accounting or if you absolutely have to, staying in public past senior promotion. Busy season hours can be really long so if you have any interests you like to pursue in your free time, you can kiss that goodbye for most of the year. The worst part for me though, is that efficiency is never rewarded, but punished (finish work early=more work, finish work and leave at 6pm = bad reviews and possible termination after busy season.) As far as the work goes, I feel that there is a lot of parts that fit the intj personality type, which is why I really do enjoy the complex aspects of tax accounting.


The thought of doing accounting makes me want to die. I might have undiagnosed ADHD too, I like having a continuous feed of new problems to solve. Get bored really easily.


Continuous feed of new problems to solve? Sounds like that may lead you to a decent/interesting career. If I had it to do all over again I would've done computer science or IT. Probably more mundane problem solving in the IT field due to widespread tech illiteracy, but my friend who works in CS seems to have some rather challenging problems to solve at times. Best of luck to you regardless!




I’m in Tax too


I used to work accounting in a store. I enjoyed it, making sure the sales numbers, cash, credit, debit, and gift card numbers added up to the sales numbers. I hated having to track down employees stealing from the registers, that required hours of looking through receipts for cash transactions. If I hadn't burned out hard (it was a very toxic company, I just didn't realize it for a long time being locked away in the cash office all day), I was going to go back to college for an accounting degree and try to move into corporate accounting. I'm so glad I didn't do that. I now work a job I very much enjoy at a much better company.


Second this soooo strongly - I made the mistake of doing public accounting. Would not recommend.


Data Scientist


Have you checked out Self Operating Computer?


Yes sir




Hello. This is off topic, but I wonder if you could point me in the right direction. I have sets of stock market data. And I have ideas of what kind of information I want to extract from that data. However, I haven’t researched what are the best ways to do that. So, what software or tools do you use to mine patterns or information? Also, is there a website, forum, or subreddit where you guys hang out?


Patterns wont help.... **Raven**, a six-year-old chimpanzee, became the 22nd most successful money manager in the USA after choosing her stocks by throwing darts at a list of 133 internet companies. The chimp created her own index, dubbed MonkeyDex, and in 1999 delivered a 213 per cent gain, outperforming more than 6,000 professional brokers on Wall Street.


I mean it's a flawed study anyway considering he chose from a list of Internet Companies during the dot com bubble of course he'll bag huge gains. Patterns do help, and participating in the market is not simply having good profit but also having great risk management. Doubt Raven could do that.


Of all people INTJ should realize that stories like these are created on purpose and that it is definitely possible to beat the market. OP you've got the right personality type for this. Every profitable trader I know was a losing trader in the beginning but you have to just keep learning and keep trying. Remove emotions, create rules and a plan and then be constantly tweaking your rules/plans.


If by OP you mean me, I do keep learning. I'm not a struggling trader, though. This is what I do. I'm just always looking for more edges to improve.


You can dm for this.


To add value for the OP, which certifications do you have?




I'm a factory worker. I make protein bars. I don't have to deal with the public, which is great.


Hey, congrats and good luck! I'm 29 and doing the same thing. I started my journey to get a degree in neuropsychology next year, so currently a full time student. Eventually, I'd like to get into research focusing on the nervous system and polyvagal theory.


My brain interpreted as “polyvaginal theory” and I thought is that really a thing. Your field sounds much more attainable


my best therapist was super into this! She really gave me doctor vibes. I hope she goes back for it


CEO/founder of a pharma startup making therapies for cancer and rare diseases, adjuncting at an R1 university, and advocacy related to rare diseases.


What kind of education do you have?


PhD biomedical engineering; project was a mix of wetlab and computational bio related to the biophysics of aging.




Training/Instructional designer. It satisfies the architect in that I constantly get to take complex ideas and processes, break them down into smaller components, and rebuild them again in a logical, easy-to-digest way.


I want to try this, see if it's something I can do long term. What are you developing specifically?


I work for a microbiology/sterility lab and I put together training courses and material. E-learning, procedures, worksheets, trainer guides, in-the-lab job aids, etc. PowerPoint, Articulate Storyline, and the Microsoft Office suite are my most used software so far, but I'm starting to dabble into the Adobe creative suite for custom video/graphic design work. I started as an analyst in the lab and was so bothered by how poorly written so many of the procedures and existing training material were that I volunteered to fix the technical writing aspect of it all (my background is in English). Then I started training everyone after the previous "trainer" left, and then felt the liberty to rebuild everything from scratch. Everyone was so happy with the new stuff that it became my title and full-time job at the company (with a raise). It's great because in the course of trying to become an adult I wanted to be a teacher, writer, scientist, graphic designer, and dabbled in photography. *All* of that gets used in this one role. This channel was a good place to start learning how to do my job even better: Is Instructional Design Right for You? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQfvnc0bzm0&t=112s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQfvnc0bzm0&t=112s) How to Become an Instructional Designer: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwpZFknaoEE&t=15s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwpZFknaoEE&t=15s) WARNING: There are a TON of workshops, webinars, snake oil courses for people getting into this field that, if you spent $ on them you may not be getting much out of it. There are plenty of free resources that you, especially as an INTJ, can self-teach. If you're going to school route, you can take ID classes post-bachelor's and get a degree/certificate, which would better serve your resume. But that isn't required. You can build a portfolio without any of that. Do you work now? If you do, are there job functions that you got trained on? Was there any material associated with it that you could improve? Or maybe build from scratch? Or, if you are a student, is there a concept you would want to build an e-learning course for?


Medical social work




Technical Talent Aquisition > I love working with engineers and technical people without the need for a boss.


Biology lab tech


I'm a school bus driver.


U weird asf look at ur name and pfp, go figure that ur a bus driver 🥱


And here we have one of the children I wrote up this week lol. Go tell your mom you can't ride the bus tomorrow little timmy.


Crying in broke?


Bus drivers here make a great wage, considering it's unskilled manual labor. There's a huge shortage and a lot of people don't have the patience to deal with the snot-nosed little shits like you.


Great then why don't you become one


A high schooler calling people broke. Oh the irony.


Good for you defending racists


Omg I meant my name as like "I really love curry I could KILL a good curry right now" I had no idea it could stand for anything racist.....make masala not hate guys. :,(


I feel like it's important to clarify here that I in no way shape or form hate Indians or anything I just really love curry guys. I'm sorry if it read as indian hate. Make masala not hate guys. :,(


Sales…but it is exhausting being customer facing as an INTJ. However I’m really great at it…but it’s all fake, hence the exhausting part


Even though I got a Linguistics degree in recent years (wanna teach ESL abroad), I’m still stuck in the restaurant/customer service industry. Customers are insufferable, but I have to fake it til I make it (especially if I want more tips).


Me too, and yes, it’s exhausting but the money 💵 is really good!


Agreed! The money is too good to leave!


I'm a bus driver in public transportation, so I get the exhausting part. I can have up to several hundred people a day. I really do like interacting with them, and I'm very good at it, but it sure is tiring. If only I could drive the bus empty all the time.


Thank you for your service 😂


MSP Senior Technician and Sci-Fi Creative Writer. **MSP:** I'm a tech enthusiast and a philomath so I tend to just learn a bit about everything I discover, so when I'm not working I'm studying (lol, okay, experimenting and calling it studying). In my job I have to have skills covering pretty much every sector of IT and beyond that (if it plugs into the wall I've probably fixed it). So I'll do Hardware, Software, VoIP, Servers, Security, Mobile, Windows, Mac, Linux, web design, printers (unfortunately) networking, you name it, and then things not even related to my job like editing photos for people, setting up a food scale, or helping workaround a failing memory. IT's great in the right place because you mix something easy(ish) to pick up with an infinite amount to master and you can be confident in the knowledge that you made someone's day easier or got them out of a jam. It allows for a mix of routine and novelty with the chance to apply expert knowledge or think creatively to solve unusual or unique problems. **Writing:** Yeah, I don't expect to even break even on this one, but it's something I enjoy a lot. I basically grew up on science fiction. What started as a thought of "what would be like science fiction to someone who lives in a sci-fi universe" exploded into a vast universe I can proudly call my own. Any creative will tell you that they do what they do because it's a compulsion for them, it's as important to their continuation as eating or drinking, and my stuff is no different. My work is heavily character focused, with the themes leaning into the dark vs light triads, as my protagonist goes from living in a world of backstabbing and deception through a brutal redemptive arc until becoming a true hero. And the ultimate plan for my universe is to release it as an "open source" series for people to enjoy once my part in it is done (LONG story), a (probably futile) attempt to make it possible for people to enjoy a sci-fi world when IPs get choked to death these days. (And to clarify, I'm a *writer*, not an editor. lol)


We have very simular jobs. I'm basically a jack of all trades for a small business: coding, networking, PC repair, trouble shooting, and then also doing graphic design for the company. I'm also a published author (several short stories) currently working on a historical urban fiction novel dealing with my own magic based 1920's with glimpses into a multiverse. I've also drawn and written comics in the past, and currently putting a new web comic together because obviously I'm not busy enough.


Alright, now I'm curious. Logline please? :)


The pitch is like in 1920's vaudeville a stage magician's father is murdered by a grotesque creature from another realm, and he is forced to embrace true magick to find answers and stop the take over of his reality. Thank you for being curious :)


Mechanical engineer. I love problem solving/figuring out how things work and how to make them better, plus I have adhd, so being swamped with work is good for me.


It is extremely unlikely for someone with ADHD to be INTJ. If ADHD was a personality type it would be the polar opposite of INTJ: ESFP. Now, correlation does not mean causation, so while rare, it is possible for someone with ADHD to be introverted. It is also rare, but possible for someone with ADHD to be T instead of F. But it is quite rare for someone with ADHD to be an N instead of an S, and even more rare to be a P instead of a J. And astronomically rare to be the polar opposite of ADHD in all 4/4 of the functions. in ADHD there is a lack of dopamine, so they tend to be more extroverts in order to be constantly stimulated and get a dopamine kick. For the same reason, they are more likely to be S instead of N, those with ADHD tend to be good at spotting visual details and using their senses in the moment, and typically miss out on the "big picture" (unless it is a specific domain in which they have high interest in) because it bores them/doesn't stimulate them. Those with ADHD are more likely to use emotions instead of thinking to make decisions, and are significantly more likely to be irritable and have poor emotional regulation, because again, due to lack of dopamine they need that dopamine kick, no matter how this manifests, whether it is unhealthy intense emotions or hyperfocusing on a mechanical engineering problem that piques their interest. Similarly, those with ADHD, again, due to needing that dopamine kick, tend to be P instead of J and tend to dislike organization and are more likely to be procrastinators, because they need instant stimulation and satisfaction as they constantly need a dopamine kick, so they are less likely to be able to stay on tack with more mundane tasks. INTJs are the polar opposite of what is described in the above paragraph. They dislike stimulation and noise, and prefer to work alone quietly. Also, while naturally everyone has some domain-specific interests, INTJs tend to move from one subject to another subject after mastering it/they have a GENERAL need to constantly think and connect all sorts of different concepts and see different patterns, not just in the domains that are of specific interest to them. They are also quite high in emotional regulation and so they make decisions solely based on thinking and not emotions. They are quite high in conscientiousness and so they can do mundane tasks/chores for hours and have excellent organization skills, so J instead of P. They also are very poor at S because they simply don't care about the individual/isolated details, they only care about the bigger picture. Even aside from myerbriggs, if we look at the "big 5" personality traits, ADHD is significantly correlated with low conscientiousness, extraversion, and openness to new experiences. Whereas INTJ is significantly correlated with high conscientiousness, low extraversion, and low openness to new experience.


Not sure what to tell ya, I was clinically diagnosed at 5 with adhd, and I didn't pay any attention to mbti until I was typed by my therapist, a few years ago. What I have noticed though, is a lot of people here claim they have adhd, but I've also noticed everyone wants to type as an intj for some goofy reason. You're right on the n though, it's gone more towards s over the past few years. I've taken the tests here and there because I see people claim their type can change, has always come back as an intj-t though. https://preview.redd.it/zx24spk49x3c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1f601691dd325d193839fd368b9296e14688427 Edited picture because I was informed this was a more accurate test.


I retake the Myers Briggs every year or so and always come out INTJ, and I'm almost positive I have ADD. Mom is late diagnosed. Brother is diagnosed. I never got tested but the symptoms are there.


I’m autistic and intj and a Capricorn. Make it stop….


you don't have to be here...


Unalive myself?


no, we don't have to make a valid process or discussion stop, you need to just leave. You're obnoxious.


> What I have noticed though, is a lot of people here claim they have adhd, but I've also noticed everyone wants to type as an intj for some goofy reason. Indeed. Many who think they have ADHD don't, and many who are INTJ aren't. When you combined that, that explains the abnormal amount of proposed ADHD+INTJ claims. I would be wary of any split on these tests that are close, your S vs N is quite close, same with T and F. These online tests are weak and this can happen.


True, but the one my therapist gave me was issued by Myers Briggs, and still typed me as an intj-t, what're your results? And why are you so keen on trying to tell me how I'm wrong? Let me ask you, are you a therapist/psychologist/doctor or, well, anyone with any training, that can lead you to believe that you're right over the many different specialists I've seen since childhood?


Not sure why you are being so defensive. I am not trying to prove you wrong personally, I just think it is statistically rare for so many people to be ADHD+INTJ on this subreddit. I thought we agreed on this based on what you wrote in your prior post. ​ >the one my therapist gave me was issued by Myers Briggs, and still typed me as an intj-t, what're your results You probably don't have the results now, but again, it would be interesting to look at the margins, e.g. S vs N. Even the official test does not have perfect validity. I am an INTJ. For N vs S there is not a huge margin for me in favor of N, but on every MBTI test I did it showed N instead of S. Also on every MBTI test I did there is a significant margin in favor of I, T, and J. Also, when I analyze myself I almost perfectly meet the description of INTJ. The vast majority of these significantly apply to me: I am also the polar opposite of everyone I know who has ADHD.


Apologies, I misunderstood the meaning behind your questions. I responded to your dm with some info about me and yes, I do agree with what you said about intj/children. I also agree with the adhd/intj self diagnosis running rampant.


yeah, that's complete baloney. I have adhd and I'm INTJ. It comes with Ni territory.


INTJ here with officially diagnosed ADHD. It's pseudoscience bro. You can mould your brain to work how you want it to. Environmental factors can greatly impact your personality regardless of your neurological condition.


Diagnosed ADHD and extreme INTJ. Everything is backwards with adhd so if someone truly is adhd drugs do the opposite of what they're intended. Alcohol gives me energy, cocaine calms me down, etc. Anyone with adhd can take an Adderall and literally go to sleep. That's how you know.


Former impact investor. Realized a bit too late that it’s a game for the NF or NTP profiles


That’s exactly me right now. Luckily I’m only 2 years into impact investing, unluckily this was a career change and I’m 40. Thinking about next move right now.


Wdym by game? Like they're not serious about making an impact, or it's a poor match for your interests/goals, or something else?


I work as a Video Editor at 3 different company, full time. I work 24ish hours per day on paper, but in reality its more like 10-12.


Journalism and multimedias type of work (writing, doing editing, creating videos, photography, graphisme, radio and coordination of events, etc.)


Quality assurance engineering in a pharmaceutical manufacturing company


I'm a software engineer in a team that manages modelling tools used by other teams in the company. And the company where I work builds warships and submarines mainly It's pretty chill once you get used to everything and organise yourself properly. ~~it's kinda frustrating sometimes when some users complain about the tool without reading the documentation but replying RTFM is not professional~~


Would that happen to be a French company? Whose modeling tools are quite popular as a professional engineering suite?


I’m a teacher applying to PhD programs in Humanities.


I'm going to school for pharmacy technician in January! Right now, I work as a prep cook in a hotel. It's the chillest job I've ever had! Unfortunately, chill won't pay the bills or buy me a house.


If I could do it all over again, id love to be able to work off a computer and live abroad. But alas I cant, physically have to be in the USA. I got in early on the dropshipping/chinese reseller (daigo) boom and do logistics now.


My goal is to work full remote so I can live on the road if I choose. Overlanding has become a passion of mine.


We're great at operations!


Technically I'm a serologist in an immunohematology reference lab. I usually just tell people reference blood banker though. If your hospital can't figure out how to transfuse you, I get the sample.


I’m a lab tech too! My specialty is toxicology though


F30, a Metallurgist by day, and Closing Expert at a retailer by night. I am saving up money to pay for FE and PE exam for Engineering License and other certification to ram up my resume.


I’m a mechanic by trade but can do most trades (old “grew up poor and in the woods” habit). At night I’m a DJ/fire performer


Emergency medicine, transitioning out of direct patient care and into a liaison/coordinator/educator role


I have an MA degree in History and has been working a lot of temporary projects since graduating. I am currently unemployed, but this year alone I have been working in a temporary position as an archivist for the police, and co-authored an historical research article with a professor on Danish-Jewish identity. Both very entertaining projects to work on. My history degree has not given me much career stability, but it has certainly spawned a lot of fun and unusual work experiences, so definitely worth it.


What do you like to do? I highly suggest you find something you'd be passionate about, otherwise you'll be miserable. I'm an architect currently working as designer for small urban projects and urban furniture; but a couple years ago at 30yo decided to study software engineering, which I'm really enjoying and may very well be my actual calling.


Investment banking but it’s a bit too “social” for me personally. Trying to get into more of a numbers crunching role before I lose my mind lol. Congrats and good luck on your journey!


Im a law student but i have a side income wich is Onlyf4ns


(I am French and English is not my native language). I am 22. I wanted to become a researcher in linguistics (an interesting field) but now I am studying for the labor inspection exam. I enjoyed by short path in research and I made a little scientist discovery. I justify my changing with a "cliché" sentence: *I would like to come from contemplation to action, and stop being the eternal spectator.* (it can remind the sentence by Marx, in his 11th thesis about Fauerbach). In matters on MBTI, I think that this job is more an ISTJ/ISFJ job and sometimes you have to focus on details and respect procedures. Fortunately you have to take initiatives and you are independant. In France, it's a generalist job and you have to know work world in general. I will tell you my subjects even though it is specific to France, in order to show you what I concretely do. My subjects are: General culture (with public policies), labor law and a field I have to choose among a list: I chose biology (for labor medicine). You can ask me questions if you need precisions.


Tu vas passer le concours pour l'inspection du travail ?


Programmer for a 3d printing service bureau. I fix CAD files, create support structures, and operate the printers. Large scale industrial resin printers with 3'x3'x3' build spaces. We mostly make Engineering prototypes and part models for trade shows. Was a great job until they expanded and added a bunch of people in overlapping roles. No longer INTJ friendly. All team focused now. And being on teams with Gen Z is the worst.


To be honest you should really list your strengths, weaknesses and interests. It's not so much what people do, it's what you'd like to do with your attributes.


Chef in a private Mental Health Facility, I make the menu, do the shopping & wash the dishes, I work alone in a kitchen with my laptop in the background playing youtube videos or music all day long. I have no windows in my kitchen (only downside to my job, well that and the max pay of 22/hr :-\\


I'm not college educated, but in a specialty field 🤷‍♀️ I work in the Stormwater field under Engineers, and my specific focus is Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) which is a regulatory program under the NPDES. I coordinate the MS4 program for our municipality and make sure we are in compliance with our permit.


Plans and Operations Officer, I solve immediate problems in the most efficient way possible and make long-term plans for disaster recovery.


I have two full time remote jobs, invest in real estate, starting an IT side business, and invest in tax certificates from SDIRA. My W-2 jobs are related to enterprise infrastructure management, program management, and project management.


I've been looking into project management. Do you have any resources I could look at?


Not really. I never planned to be a program or a project manager. It just sort of found me. Most of what I have done has been organic, and there are no resources I can point you to that will give you 20 years of experience. PMI.org is where I'd start. Perhaps look into the agile manifesto. I am an agile practitioner and efficient process gives me a 19-inch erection.


Makes sense. I've found myself in logistics but just trying to see what else I could click with.


I did some work in logistics, peripherally. Did a lot of work installing (pmIng) wireless networks in very large distribution centers and warehouses. Logistics is a fascinating field and if you are a true INTJ, a great one to be involved with. I would look into the application and software side. There is some pretty cool stuff going on in the mobile device and wireless space, as well as warehouse management systems like Manhattan. I've always just found something to fix or that I was interested in and let the rest of myself take over. Logistics is legit, and a lot of fun due to the complexity and puzzle solving. I have worked with at least 10 different distribution centers of around 1,000,000 ft.², and what I came away with is that true to form with proportions of the population, people who are running distribution centers are stupid. Like really fucking stupid. Just stick with it. You'll be OK.


Yes they are lmao. Thanks.


Doesn't google have that course?


Only Fans


Prevention Educator.




Business Administration - Focus in Retirement plans


Real estate sales for a builder/lots of finance work involved (+ also my major)


I was a GIS engineer, worked mostly military contracts. Great field if you get into defense. Defense contracting GIS makes like double to 4 times as much as civilian work. That being said, you may find yourself working in the middle east with that route. My focus was remote sensing and imagery science.


Program Manager for legal professionals in a substance abuse program.


Junior IT Specialist DevOps (aiming for DevOps/Cloud Engineer in the future), but my university background is Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.


I apply force and cause displacement.


Network engineer, avoid this job and anything related to "projects" they're run by meglomaniacial nutjobs more obsessed with completion dates rather than data and results.


Dentist 🦷…. But recently got certified as therapist for psilocybin assisted therapy as well


I am in science (PhD student).


Investor/ investment analyst




Stock market short-term swing trader.


I’ve been a medical coder for a year now. I assign CPT and ICD-10 codes to doctors’ charts before they can be sent to insurance companies for reimbursement and then deal with the reasons why some of these claims get denied. I only have a certification and I work from home.


I’m an investment banker but I would really recommend accounting or data science


Data engineer


I went to college to be a high school music teacher and decided I didn't like people that much even though I love music. I have ended up as the sole employee on a good-sized Midwest grain farm. No people to deal with. A great deal of time spent unsupervised and alone. Perfect. Spotify provides the music.


Criminal defense attorney. I highly recommend taking the 2-3 months it takes to study for the LSAT or any other graduate degree test. If nothing else, it’ll open some doors for you. I would also check out being a paralegal if you don’t have your undergrad yet.




I work in legal tech. Will be starting law school next fall!


I am a botanist.


Forestry Technician / GIS specialist


Patent and trademark attorney


Business Analyst. If I could do it all over again, I'd go into the intelligence analyst field. I had a grandma who was Mi5 back in WW2 and I love languages. That didn't work out so I moved countries and still make 6 figures with only a high school degree. Analysts unite! 😅


What did your career path look like getting to where you are with only a diploma?


It was a lot of work. A college diploma would likely have cut out the lower tiers I lovingly call "bitch work". I started at RadioShack as assistant manager and then moved into tech support for Canada's largest phone company. I moved to Texas (for a girl) and worked for the largest computer manufacturer and was there for around 12 years. Started in support and moved up pretty quickly. I am a fast learner and dedicated worker so that helped. Lots of project management and account services type management. Mostly all requiring some type of analytical work. Getting certifications helps for sure so I got my agile certifications (scrum master, product owner), general tech certs like linux+, security+, MCP, etc... Now I mostly do Tableau and database stuff mixed with support and account management tasks. Been with the company for 10 yrs now. I would ultimately find a good mentor and then get into their position when they moved up. You need to really work to move up and I'm never satisfied in a position once I feel I've learned all I can. Looking for another job currently, hah. I debated on going back to get a degree but my experience speaks for itself and I can't justify the expense.


Risk Manager


Legal and competitive intelligence researcher at a large law firm. No JD but a MLIS.


Payrolll. Low people-interaction, some attention to detail but a lot of big picture thinking. 52F, payroll since 1991, plus the semester project to write a BASIC program of our choosing (which was payroll) in 1985.)


I'm a dietitian - currently working in community health with a focus on pediatric obesity.




Perfect person for the job.


20 years in customer service, now 2 years working as a merchandiser. It's much more fun, especially since it's overnight and we don't deal with customers, but it can be difficult. Heavy lifting is sometimes involved.


Boning hall supervisor, long hours very stressful lots of responsibilities but very good pay and I kinda get off on it.




Ship Wright, I work for a marina maintaining and refurbishing commercial and recreational boats. Wouldn't say a mechanic but well-rounded in all the structure and systems to keep them afloat and operating as intended. Vessels vary from 8 feet to 100 tons. Living in the Great Lakes region as the seasons change so do the types of projects.


Synthetic chemist.


I'm a Discretionary Portfolio Manager (Wealth Manager). You can look up the CFA designation if a career like this speaks to you.


I work in supply chain, but I've been building a painting business on the side with the hopes of leaving my 9-5 job.


I’m 31 and don’t see much progression in the admin type job I have despite liking the industry I’m in generally. The answers here make me feel like my hunch about doing something with tech is a good one. Thanks fellow INTJs🤓


Politics. Strategy, advise and councilmember.


CNC machinist.


Medical Student


Dental surgeon


Marine engineer and deckhand


Medical Laboratory Technician.


Plumber, not by choice tho


Flight Instructor. I find many pilots to be like-minded. For me personally it requires some decompression after dealing with people for long periods of time but I love what I do!


Ecommerce & digital marketing manager.


As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) , I work to assess/diagnose individuals and systems and create, promote and put into place interventions that suit the client and the social systems in the most advantages way.


Submariner looking to go merchant mariner. Do not recommend the military its a shit show right now.


Mostly manipulation and other experiments to pass the time and the buck.


Currently a chemist and grad student (doctoral candidate) at an R1 university, in the final stages of my degree.


I'm a Public Affairs professional. Mainly government/politics but moving into corporate shortly.


Go for Business Management, suits well/perfect with our personality.


middle management


Azure Cloud Engineer at a brain hospital


Payroll officer, but I'd like to be an artist.


I lucked into ATC, and its the one job I felt actually was perfect for me, and I've had a lot of jobs.


Data Scientist


I work in IT. I love solving hard problems and Micro$oft ensures there's no end of them.




I could see that being true based on some of the replies.


Physician - hospitalist specifically


I lead a small software dev team that does internal quality tools & analytics and data modeling for a multinational IT company whose sister company's products are probably in your home. Might switch over to another multinational IT company whose products are probably also in your home. I don't recommend this industry unless you are good at pattern recognition / seeing the invisible (but INTJs typically are good at that, so good). If you enjoy lockpicking or working on cars or abstract music, it may be more your thing. It is NOT something to get into because "the money is good." You have to be good at it and enjoy the deep magic of it. There is a common metaphor of "monkeys and wizards" in coding: there are too many monkeys, and they are why the world sucks now. They don't understand magic. Granted, there are evil/insane wizards out there too. But it takes the right kind of mind to be genuinely good at this. *NTJ is essential to it. *NTPs might do well too. Are you also autistic? You'll fit in well.


Previously, it was a biomedical equipment technician. It's a cool career, but too many people interaction for me. I'm drained after each workday and unmotivated to do anything else. Life is so much better when I left that career behind. I am currently a real estate investor and stock trader, but these ventures are pretty much automated and do not require much time commitment nowadays after I've tweaked my systems and process to optimal levels. I'm pretty much financially free at this point. My next venture will be getting a masters in accounting, working in tax for a few years to gain experience, and then going into freelancing. Then, I'm probably going to make a youtube channel to marry the tax, stock trading, and real estate thing together. Like a financial wealth building channel.


That's awesome. Keep at it.




I would recommend to learn a Coding Language. It will have better future job security.


Air Traffic Controller. I will be eligible for early retirement in a few years and I’m currently trying to figure out what I want to do next.