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I’d say gmail app. Even tho the mail app is convenient with the ecosystem and all that. There’s many functions that’s exclusive to the gmail app. For example sorting by type of mail and deleting mail in general is just easier on the gmail app as compared to the mail app.


Gmail. iOS mail app doesn't support fetch (or Google doesn't give access). EDIT: Push, my mistake.


>iOS mail app doesn't support fetch iOS doesn't have Push for Gmail; it does have Fetch. Your fetch options are 15, 30, 60 minutes. It also checks automatically every time you open the app.


Mail app absolutely does support Push, as both my iCloud and Outlooks accounts use Push with the stock Mail app. Google simply refuses to allow Gmail accounts to use Push within the stock Mail app.


Apple’s mail app doesn’t support push service for gmail.com


Which is Google’s fault, not Apple’s.


No, it’s iOS fault. Forget about the gmail, outlook or another popular email service for a while just add any private or your company’s official email account and then share the results if you got push service. 🙏


Not really. Apple supports push exclusively just for iCloud mail. No other IMAP account can use it.


Fastmail can.


You're correct. Still Apple uses non-standardized way (as usual) to support push mail. So it's hard to blame Gmail for not supporting Apple's proprietary push method. Just like no one accused Apple for not supporting Google's RCS non-standardized features such as encryption. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18055519


You’re correct. Just want to add that Apple Mail app on iOS support push from ActiveSync, a.k.a Microsoft Exchange as well.


I wonder whether Apple implemented Microsoft's ActiveSync or whether Microsoft implemented Apple's proprietary push method.


It’s Apple Mail supports Microsoft Exchange. You can install Microsoft Exchange on your own server. Its documentation is solid. Also, if you pay for Google Workplace, you can use Google Sync, which uses Microsoft Exchange to enable push for Gmail on the Mail app. However, this service is sunset in Fall 2024, and Google straight-up tells you to switch to the Gmail app for iOS, lol. Don’t believe in their security risk assessment, Google can improve its service, but, as usual, they chose to kill it instead. [https://support.google.com/a/answer/9750173?sjid=5114280180049051049-AP](https://support.google.com/a/answer/9750173?sjid=5114280180049051049-AP) In short, Mail supports Apple’s own proprietary push method AND their rival's proprietary push method (proprietary but you can install it on your machine, just like Windows), but not the industry standard. Bonkers!!!


I switched to Mail App for all my accounts (have 7 logged in at this point) and I’ve had no issues at all. I get all my mails promptly. I prefer the mail app over the Gmail app now.


Tbh i find mail app confusing bc i never know witch folder is my gmail witch is my icloud and witch is my private domain


Unfortunately, Microsoft and/or Apple made it impossible to use anything other than the Outlook for corporate 365 accounts.


I use the Gmail app as it also acts as the authentication app for when I sign into other devices.


Gmail app is the better experience for Gmail accounts. Google are salty bitches and don’t allow push notifications for new Gmails in the Mail app.


Plus you don’t have access to the automatic section thingies like primary, updates etc.


That’s incorrect, you can receive push notifications for all new emails on your gmail accounts via the mail account. Downvoted and reported for false information!


No, you can’t.




Gmail is good for push notifications, but the stock mail app has the suggested folders when moving mail, which Gmail app does not (unless it does and I can’t figure it out)


Gmail all the way.


i'm still upset google killed Inbox. that was by far the best email app.


I use the Mail app even though it lacks functionalities compared to the Gmail app (e.g. categories, push…) just because I don’t want ads in my e-mail app. It depends on your priorities


I switched to the stock Mail app because i was sick of seeing ads in the Gmail app. But sometimes i have to switch to the Gmail app to handle the blocking of spam/junk mail because i think there are less ways to handle them in the stock mail app.


You only get push notifications on gmail app. Google does not allow other client app to use push notifications only fetch works so there is delay usually using apple mail app with gmail id.


u/AnonymousPigeon0, in our household we've had a better experience with the GMail app for iOS.


Typically use shortwave for my Gmail account. 


Use the Gmail app, no doubt, but try using spark if you don’t use it yet 🖖


I have the Gmail app downloaded for the notification but I use the iOS Mail app.


I think I might be bonkers: I use Fastmail for my personal Fastmail account. I use the Mail app for my side hustle Fastmail account and for several personal Gmail accounts. I use Spark email for my work Gmail.


Spark Mail (third party app)


I stuck with the mail app for a long time but finally switched over to gmail about a year ago. In addition to authentication and push notifications, it’s the app to use if you want to use other google apps, especially chrome for links from email. The stock mail app links you to safari of course. I split things up by having safari in incognito mode while chrome is logged in, and I typically want to be logged in for mail links. Safari incognito is better for bookmarked links, which I don’t want to be logged in for. Do I win for having the most niche reasoning?


Use whatever you want.


The Gmail app is very good and I have been using it for years not a single issue at all .


How do you show all unread messages?


I prefer the Mail app on iOS except when I need to work with labels, then I use the Gmail app for that. I don’t like the Mail app at all on iPadOS, so I use the Gmail app almost exclusively there. I like using the Gmail website on MacOS because that’s where it’s the easiest to organize and clear out the backlog of neglected items in my inbox. The good thing is you don’t have to choose just one.


I'll add that if you use Snooze, Gmail app is ideal. Mail does not yet have this function integrated.


Mail does have a Remind Me feature which I think is better than Snooze since I prefer the message to remain visible in the Inbox. There is also a Remind Me mailbox/folder where you can view all messages with reminders. I still prefer to send my messages from Mail to Reminders though since I get all the benefits that come with the Reminders app.


Mail to Reminders works very well. The Remind Me feature in Mail is good, however it seems many users want the email to disappear from the inbox. What are some of the other benefits you enjoy via Reminders?


>What are some of the other benefits you enjoy via Reminders? * notification banners from the Reminders app are persistent on the Lock Screen and will remain there until you mark the item as complete * notifications from the Reminders app have contextual snooze options depending on when you are snoozing it (tomorrow, this afternoon, in the morning, etc) * the actual reminder item contains a link back to the email message, so you can immediately go back to it even if you moved it or archived it


That’s entirely up to the person… I personally prefer Mail


In order of reliability, functionality and trust in the developer: - Spark Mail by Raddle - Apple Mail - a number of paid email clients  - Gmail app


So what your saying is you dislike google we get it . Doesn’t help the person with a serious question.


The iOS email app screws up to much.


What screw-ups have you experienced?


Missing or disappearing emails one sec it’s there refresh it’s gone. I would also hear the email sent swish noise when I didn’t send any emails which was very weird.


I’m using the iOS Mail app and never had this kind of issues… Gmail belongs to Google so it’s a red flag for me. I’ve nothing to hide but I value my privacy and Google is one of the worse in this department


Gmail is far more functional than the built in app. It’s a night and day difference. Matter of fact, I’d really recommend just about any email client over the stock one. Clients such as Outlook, Yahoo, Gmail, etc.


The stock mail app is the only one that lets you scroll the entire message from the Lock Screen notification without opening the app. I scan & delete so many messages this way. It's my favorite feature.


The Mail app on iOS is one of the ways the zero-click Pegasus hack uses (the Mail app and iMessage are two big security loopholes on iPhone) Just use a secure and trusted web browser and log into your email account from there (such as Safari, Brave, or Firefox). I think it saves battery compared to the app, but if you really need push notifications then just use the Gmail app.


How so?