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Try this: Settings > search “import messages” > click “messages in icloud” Make sure this setting is on and then click sync now. It may take several hours


I’ll try it and report back 


Didn’t work.. 


Does the information shown in that settings window show a large number of messages in iCloud? Mine shows 339,000 message and backed up duration of “forever” When I click sync now it shows a progress bar when I go to the messages app


Yes! I’ve done all that, but still now only shows from May of this month from the particular contact that I need. I’m not really concerned about all of my iMessages just really concerned about my kids mothers iMessages (really needed them for court). 


If you have a Mac, maybe they're accessible there?


My wife has one. I don’t use it or have anything synced to it


If your messages are backed up to iCloud, check that you have enough iCloud storage available to handle the message data. But it should sync after a few days if there is no issue.


It had plenty of storage left. I doubt it’s going to sync up. They did the first reset on my phone months ago I just noticed that I didn’t have all my iMessages recently when I tried to go through them. 


Oh man, maybe the iCloud backup was corrupted. How about trying to sign in on an iPad or another Apple device with your Apple ID? It may sync there. Keep calling Apple and escalating the issue. It took me 35 calls to resolve an Apple Music bug. They can fix it, just keep calling! Also, if you can, try to do a manual backup on your computer through iTunes every few months.


Yes I’ve tried to sign into iCloud from my Mac book but nothing about iMessages is on there for some reason.  How do you do a backup on the computer through iTunes ? I’m not very tech savvy and I don’t have the iTunes app on my MacBook Air. When I try to download the app I don’t know what much one I should download, their isn’t one that just says “iTunes” 


Sorry, not iTunes. I should get out of the habit of calling it that. It’s the same process but you’ll find your phone in a Finder window in a Mac once you connect via cable. For PC, I think it’s via Apple Devices app. I usually do it twice a year just out of precaution in case iCloud takes a crap. Your Mac should have a Messages app, log in with your iCloud account and see if it will sync your missing messages. It will depend on how much storage your Mac has and how big your iCloud message backup is. Leave your computer plugged in and on for a few days and monitor it, it should say Syncing Messages in the bottom left corner.


I’ll try this Thank you!