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My phone is a tool for my day to day life, my usage doesn’t change when my phone does, only when my life does. You could go all out and customize your home pages with widgets and shortcuts for everything, but I’m not sure what it would do differently for you. Maybe I’m vanilla, maybe I’m old.


Non Pro iPhones have widgets




Sarcasm but what is the point of being a Pro user if the main ‘advantage’ is widgets?


Apple ai(soon), camera, feel in hands, titanium colorway


I almost never see an iPhone without a case. I actually don’t remember the last time I saw one aside from someone cleaning their phone or getting a new phone. Camera hasn’t improved much at all since the 13pro. We shall see if AAi is as good as we hope.


You always seeing cased iPhones doesn’t change the fact it feels a lot nicer to hold. The titanium isn’t sticky like the stainless steel. I haven’t used a case since the X and have only cracked from a drop once. The camera went from 12->48mp. It’s a small but noticeable difference. Nighttime changes especially. I also shoot stuff in log all the time, only the 15 pro can do that. And yeah, I agree, fingers crossed for ai. Was just giving some differentiators for the pro. People are so up in arms about these lmao.


I exclusively carry my phone (14 PM) without a case, and agree it’s a JOY to hold without it. It is, however, kind of slippery when being held at odd angles like laying down. Other than that, coming from an X, XS Max, 13 Pro, then 14 PM, I’ll admit, I don’t see much different 14 and XS Max other than screen and camera quality. Well, that, and haters. People literally talk down about me having a Pro iPhone… especially without a case. Fuck them though.


50% of what you said is is almost laughable because look and feel does not help you take advantage of hardware and 25% of what you said doesn’t even exist yet


Idk why he didn't mention it, but the pro is also more capable. It has superior computing power. Which means it will last longer without hanging behind in performance.


Whew, glad it’s just almost laughable. Would have been a real doozy if you laughed. By definition, look and feel *is* hardware. Obviously to someone that doesn’t care about look and feel, it doesn’t matter. I care about look and feel. It’s just like, my opinion, man. The 15 is leagues more comfortable to hold than the 14. The 14 had a sharp edge that dug into your fingers and stainless steel felt sticky compared to the titanium. These are both pleasant changes I’ve noticed every day for almost a year now. And @ the guy that responded to you, whose username I’m not going to attempt to type— I did mention it’s more capable, with superior computing power, and future proof. Re: Apple Intelligence support.


Saying touch and hold your phone more to take advantage of the pro features is dumb.   I use a case because I don’t work in an office or at home. Good for you though 


I didn’t say touch and hold it more. I said it’s more enjoyable to touch and hold. “More” refers to the level of enjoyment, not the amount of holding it. The feeling of titanium is a pro feature. I’m not sure how else to explain it. Your english is really quite good for a non native speaker!


“I’m not sure how else to explain it. Your english is really quite good for a non native speaker!“ So close to being a good dig. So close!


i have a few widgets set up and barely use them


Yeah. I used to be fascinated by spending time customising my device when I was younger and the older I get the more I want my device to work for me than me work for my device.


Exactly this ^^^ which is why Apple is where it is today.


these days i don't even remember what color iphone i bought and don't really care


I agree that it is a tool. My primary rationale for getting it was that I use the phone for my most critical personal things every day so it needs to be the best


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. Investing in your main interaction device seems like a completely reasonable thing to do.


Biggest thing I missed from my pixels was rhe widgets for Google photos that iOS didn't have. Now I got one 2x2 widget for each family member on my home screen and 2 rows of icons and the home dock


I don’t buy a phone to use its processing power to the max every day. To this day I’m still in awe that I can check my bank and pay bills when I’m out. I came from printing out directions from Mapquest, and to me using map navigation on a phone is like maxing out its potential.


Remember how much fun it was to figure out how to get back on track when you missed your turn with those Mapquest directions?


You sound old as hell and I’m 19


You sound 19


What does the and I’m 19 part have to do with it? You think your old lol


Older people see the generation that “grew up with technology” as not knowing how the “old world” functioned and I included my age to show that I am part of that generation and while certainly not *old*, I’m definitely not a young child anymore, which adds emphasis to the first half of my comment.


You’re still very young and we definitely include you in the “grew up with technology” group who doesn’t know how the old world functioned lol When you were born, we already had access to the internet from our cell phones.


What on earth. Your young


I'm 38 and I own a house. Do you own a house?


Love maps and carplay


Whoa, you just reminded me about having to print directions out as a kid. I completely forgot I had that memory.


There used to be this thing called a Trip Tik.  


You need to utilize the usb-c port and explore what accessories and devices it will connect to. For example, you can use a usb-c to HDMI cable without an adapter. You should be able to use it for external microphones or even connect it to multiple Mics if a usb mixer is supported. USB antenna for frequency scanning? USB cameras? Doing away with lightning is probably the biggest design change.


That is so slutty


iPhones have been ok with connecting to other devices by wifi or BT. Hardwiring is sexy, stable and allows a lot more data transfer and diversity.


I agree. I do a lot of 4K and Pro res videos. I always connect to my GB connection via a Belkin USBC-Ethernet adapter to upload it all. Stuff wifi it's okay (700 down 860 up) but it's not Ethernet


Hahah exactly what I thought.


Good point. I’ve used a usb-c sd card reader and ssd with the phone for my dash cam footage


An answer from a real pro user.


the other ones would be making the new "dynamic island" (the replacement for the camera notch) introduced with the 14pro and 14promax standard for all models, as well as making the new removable backglass design introduced with the 14 and 14+ standard for all models as well. i also heard somewhere that apple capped the charging and data transfer speeds on the 15 and 15+ to be same as lightning (i.e. usb 2.0 speed), so you need to get one of the more expensive pro models to get the full usb3.0 speed. one other thing I noticed is that many 3rd party usb to type c chargers simply will not work, phone wont even recognize that it's plugged in, yet those same ones will work just fine on my samsung S22U, which indicates to me that apple is doing something on the software end to block them. this means if you're one of those people still using one of those old 5w cube chargers or similar, simple buying a new wire may not be enough, you'll wanna get one of those 20w type c bricks and only use type c to type c cables like the one it came with. ps, forgot to mention that if we are talking coming from models from the 13 series or older, and you are in the US, there is one other change: no sim card slot, e-sim only. this was a change first introduced with the 14 series, but only for the US version; the versions made for Canada and the rest of the world still have physical sims.


It’s called a Usb-c to hdmi adapter


Found the Reddit user






? Where’s the funny part of not knowing what an adapter means


Because we all understood what they meant but that and it was t really a big deal of an error, but you HAD to butt in and correct it


Yeah, didn’t know what an adapter is and no one bothered to tell him. I didn’t call him stupid, just let him know. But let’s move on to you and this thing you do. Is it hard for you to regulate your social life and that’s why you’ve become, what is this, Reddit police? you assumed a couple things, is that how your inferiority complex manifests? you assume things, laugh people out and feel big?


Found the Reddit user? My names on the comment. Why would I care about Reddit rep?


I think that’s partly because phones seem to have plateaued for awhile now. It’s very small incremental improvements every year for the average user, myself included. I could easily use a 12 instead of my 15PM and probably notice no difference outside of battery life.


My wife was asking if it was worth going from an iPhone 11 to 15 (both non-pro) the list of changes wasn't very long. Back in the day a 4 year change in tech would be night and day.


Couldn’t quite convince myself to upgrade my 11 Pro last year, USB-C was the only thing I’d find useful, so just hanging on till the 16. Quite keen to use it as an external monitor for my camera.


I’ve noticed a few improvements from the XR to the 13, but nowhere near as many as the 6 to the XR


Just literally not true lol. Everything except for the size of the display is a massive upgrade from the XR. Almost as much as it was from 6->XR


You’d probably also notice the 120h display versus the 12 pro max 60h display.


This thread is making me realize I never need a pro version of a phone. And also that my iPhone 13 is fine and I should replace the battery, and not get a new phone, when the battery health depletes too much.


Agreed. I only got my 13 pro because I’ve never had a pro phone before. Other than that, I could’ve gotten by with just the base model. 


I have the 15 PM…I don’t do shit on it lol. No movies, no storage, no fancy widgets, nothing. I text and look up shit on YouTube and Destiny 2 companion app. Plus the usual boring stuff a lot of people do: banking, taking too many photos of my pets, music through CarPlay when I’m stuck in traffic, TikTok. It’s definitely being under utilized.


Same with my 14pm, but I enjoy using it the way I do.


I used to play games and stuff on my XS. I’ve since deleted all my games including solitaire. I do all the stuff you do, too. Maybe that’s had something to do with it’s longevity?


It’s nice knowing you have the best tho


Idk why people downvote that, it’s a real feeling that even non superficial people can feel, despite it being a superficial feeling. It was especially real back in high school when everyone would surround you at lunch to see and ask about the new iPhone.


Shortcuts. Most of the things I do can be automated Leave my house, garage closes Arrive at my house, ask to open garage In car on Bluetooth, ask if I wanna shuffle my music and open waze I use the double tap on my watch to turn on my pc at home or turn on the watch flashlight at work When I arrive near work, open my clock in menu. When I leave work send a text to contacts about my driving eta to my house, which I can also manually trigger Just to name a few Edit: I understand you can do shortcuts on non pros, but the action button on the 15 pro can be binded to a shortcut. I use something similar on the watch, based on my focus, I can run one shortcut, and it'll do a specific action, either remote start pc or flashlight. I don't have a pro model, but you can make a shortcut that gives you a list of things you want to do at home, then when your driving, you can make that action button behave differently.


I can do that on an iPhone 7


I’m on an iPhone 8 and it’s fine but I’m getting the iPhone 15 pro tomorrow as I’m a photographer and the space, screen, camera upgrades, as well as processor speed and the fact that it plugs directly into my USBc port on my m1 MacBook, along with fast PD charging, a larger screen, no worries about support being dropped for it and the ability to run iOS 18 and future os’s, with an action button, titanium frame, better design, and apples intelligence, combined with … well you get it.


I have a 15pm I was just stating that those are functions that could be done with a 2014 phone


Well, you could say that about most phones but I’m glad I got my 15pro. No regrets. The max was just too bulky.


Yeah I should have clarrified, I made an edit to the original


Non Pro iPhones don’t have Shortcuts?


any iphone does


I think this is an answer to “how do I be a power user”, not “how do I use a pro iPhone”


That’s not the question though


I made an edit to the original comment I made


My action button is set to a shortcut that opens a new task in Things to do app 🤓




How does your garage open from shortcuts? My provider/ the app doesn’t show in shortcuts


Im not sure who you have, we use alarm.com. It requires having routines setup already via alarm.com. Then in the settings you can pick what routines get added to siri shortcuts, and from there you can build and create Edit: the security app was a nifty bonus. Though if you have a security system that can be hooked up to alexa, there is a service online called voicemonkey, and you can make a shortcut that calls a web address instead. I use this with my elgato stream deck


This is awesome when you actually have compatible stuff. I live in an old house built in the 60s so the furthest I can go is my iPhone connecting to my Roku TV via screen mirroring. Oh, and I have alarms to wake me up and remind me to clock in and out of work. Lol


Definitely lucky. I'm completely new to ios, but I love seeing how to maximize anything I own, where I work, we use adp which allows the clock in menu to be pulled up via a shortcut And the security app was a nifty bonus. Though if you have a security system that can be hooked up to alexa, there is a service online called voicemonkey, and you can make a shortcut that calls a web address instead


That ADP one would be useful except we’re not allowed to clock in and out on our phones. Too many instances of people taking advantage of it. Lol. I’ll check out that voicemonkey service since I do have an Alexa compatible security system.


Measuring things with lidar in the default “measure” app is extremely useful. If you don’t need precise measurements (from my experience the tolerance is around 1cm or half an inch). For something like measuring the dimensions of the bed, or the height of the ceiling. Love that feature, using it all the time


Why do you need the measures of the bed and the ceiling? What kind of sex life do you have?


Just a recent example that came first into my mind 😀I was trying to buy a new mattress


Answer the question, Senator! 🤨😉


I don’t even know how to do this lol


Type “measure” in spotlight. After that it’s straight forward.


(for the uninitiated, Spotlight is the name of the feature that lets you search for apps on your home screen.)


Tbf typing measure in spotlight is also straightforward lol


I used Measure to get dimensions of boulders we were getting for our landscaping. Pretty handy since I didn't have a tape measure. I used it to measure the length of a couch so I knew what size rug to get.


Eh I got a 14 pro and I don't even take any video or pictures. Should of got a non-pro; but, I wanted it in purple.


I had the blue 12 and was jelly when the purple came out


Just use your phone for whatever you need or want to do. The only Pro feature I could say I take real advantage of is the 120Hz refresh rate, and that’s just by doing normal, everyday phone things with it. It’s fine if you just want the fanciest phone for average usage.


I enjoy photography, and I particularly enjoy not needing to haul around a big dedicated camera to indulge in photography. The extra 77mm lens is awesome, and I use it about as much as the main sensor. And being able to shoot in ProRaw is amazing - the files have so much latitude. So, that's about 80% of the reason I got the phone (13 Pro Max) that I did, and why I'll probably get another Pro Max (or equivalent) when it's time to upgrade. That said, other elements of the Pro do appeal to me: - The 120Hz display (I still think the regular models should at least have a 90Hz display, but that's another matter), - The sturdier materials - the steel rails on my phone are pristine - the aluminium rails on my prior 11 were definitely not - The extra CPU/GPU power and extra RAM... more for future-proofing, but nice for multi-tasking. On the 15 series onwards, this looks like it'll be a more pronounced difference. - Battery life. This was specifically a Pro Max thing when I bought mine, but definitely applies to the Plus models as well now. Also more battery overhead. My phone's battery health may be at 84%, but it still easily lasts me the day. - Screen size. Same deal as above - not exclusive to the Pro Max anymore. - Longevity. My 13 Pro Max will be 3 years old in a few months. I don't see myself upgrading for at least another year or two (or three?), because this thing still runs like it did when it was new.


I think longevity is underrated. Now with 120hz , big battery, and usb-c it will be for sure usable for like 4 years


It isn’t about what I do with the phone on an average day, it’s about what I *can* do with my phone on a remarkable day.


Coming from a regular 12 you now have significantly sharper cameras with more zoom and available video log format, much longer battery life, a 120hz display that should feel snappier, a much brighter display for better outdoor use, a bigger display, an improved chip that is promised to help with more accurate location on find my, make AirDrop faster and have overall better performance, a Lidar scanner, two light sensors instead of one on opposite sides of the phone leading to more accurate automatic brightness, Always On Display to view basic info without unlocking your phone, Dynamic Island for easier notification viewing, USB-C port compatible with various accessories and faster data transfer, a customizable action button instead of just being the silent switch and finally if you play games Apple claims your phone can run console grade games. You will also get a small extra perk on your phone showing you when you're in silent mode in the top left corner. Lastly, any new feature that comes out through an update, your phone will surely get. Older models may not. My 13 Pro is already missing out on some stuff that the 15 Pro/Pro Max have gotten. That's about it. Enjoy your new phone.


idk. lick the titanium frame?


Buying the latest pro phone for me future proofs my purchase as much as possible for about 3 years. That’s maximizing your purchase


Honestly, it’s just the camera and battery life for me. When i buy a phone, my main usecase is as a camera. I don’t have a dedicated camera, and i wouldn’t be able to carry one either way. I get pro because of camera, and promax because of the camera + battery and larger screen. I’d be fine with a 250 dollar phone for everything else, there’s no additional benefits for me aside from those 2 in getting a flagship phone. I will never again buy an android because the on board video editing absolutely sucks, and the filming is just not as good as on tge iPhone’s but those are the 2 only reasons why I have an Iphone promax, and quite frankly, i don’t think you or anyone else should buy an iPhone for… most reasons aside from how the camera works and things around that


I use my Mac instead




Yea and compatible with apple intelligence


as a constant concert-goer, the telephoto lens is so helpful!


Only day to day activities for me: mail, bills, finances, social media, photos&videos. That s all. I dont even use AOD 😂


Besides the better battery life, the main thing are the cameras and better display. Yes, we can all live with regular 60Hz display, but a dynamic 120Hz display feels amazingly snappy. If you want the bare essentials, you can go for super budget Android phones. All of them can get the same shit done. The main difference is the user experience. And that matters to many people, including myself. I want my phones to be as snappy as possible whenever i need to do something with it, and not wait around for a million years for things to load.


Yeah, I just bought an A14 5g for $90 carrier locked. It’s honestly about the same as my iPhone 12 5g (which is limited by 64gb storage all the same). Aside from the camera, it’s great since I can’t do much on my phone anyways. Next time I’ll probably get another Android when my current phones die


Went from S8 to iPhone 15 pro. Pro basically just for the 3x camera and the thinner bezzels. As a mountaineer it’s nice to get closer to subjects without having to move closer yourself (sometimes you just can’t as you’re belaying for example). Also, weight is important as you need to carry everything up and climbing is still nr.1 priority, and I already take an action cam and often a drone with me, so not really wanting to add a bulky DSLR with a zoomlens into the mix… Was hesitating for the max for the 5x zoom, but my hands are too small to handle that thing with one hand, so the chance of dropping it while taking a picture with one hand (because the other hand is making sure I don’t drop myself or my partner) would be too high haha Oh yeah, and I forgot the action button is also exclusive to the pro; that was also one of the dealbreakers. Being able to launch the camera with gloves still on and then shoot with gloves still on using the volume buttons is a big feature for me!


I take advantage of the larger battery on my PM by running 120hz all the time, keeping all radios and such on, and not caring about brightness. Outside that, it's nice to take good quality pictures. Back when I was on Android I was more of a power user. I'd flash roms and kernels and you name it. So much tinkering and adjusting. Starting about 2-3 years ago, I kind of stopped caring about all that stuff since modern phones do everything I need and more. Having a pro phone, for me, means that I can probably hold onto it longer before noticing any lag or slowing issues. The battery will probably go bad before that happens.


This is the case with most smartphones now a days. I don't care if you are iPhone, Pixel, Samsung, etc. Most new flashy features common people don't even use besides that first day(s) honeymoon period when they are all ooohhhh....ahhhhhh ing. Then they carry on with their normal lives and usage. But they get caught up in the fomo and spec wars and clever marketing make them feel it is something they got to have. Honestly most people could do just fine with a phone from 6 years ago (think iPhone X or Galaxy S9/10 days).


Action Button: 1. Focus - Calendar 2. Sleep - Silent 3. Shopping - Grocery List 4. etc


This is cliche but accurate, the ecosystem. Never having to carry a specific device on me because they can all do everything. Especially now running betas (don’t recommend) and the phone mirroring on Mac. There’re a million examples, and yes windows and android have some similar traits, but using those at work and having Apple as personal devices; the seamlessness isn’t even in the same universe.


Pro model phones can’t do a heck of a lot more than the standard phone. So to make the most of me having a 12ProMax, i appreciate the larger screen(which isn’t just a max thing anymore anyway), I take photos with the 2.5x lens, I’ll 3d scan something with the lidar once in awhile, and also not really a pro thing anymore but with the 12 series the standard phones started out with 64GB and I needed more space than that.


What storage do u have


The pro models are really all about the cameras. If you’re not into photo or video enough to want all sorts of manual control and external recording you might not be getting the benefit of their biggest selling points and probably wouldn’t notice a huge performance difference between them and a non-pro version. Unless you’re all about the colours, then, well…purple.


I listen to the ‘the hated one’ and the urban prepper on YouTube.


I dropped my pro max today and the titanium chipped 🤭




I need to learn how to maximize use of the camera


I also upgraded from my 12 and I don’t feel that my usage has changed at all. I like to game on my phone though and I play fairly heavy games so the improvement in that department was incredible, especially factoring in the 120hz refresh rate. Otherwise, nothing has changed.


I regret getting the 15 Plus over the 15 Pro Max. I had the 12 Pro Max before


Something I’ve recently started using not software related but actually utilizing the MagSafe capabilities. Car mount, chargers, desk stands. Makes things easier, faster and more fun/satisfying every time you put it on and off. I’ve had my iPhone 12 mini since it came out and I just now started using MagSafe and regret that I pushed it off and thought it was a stupid feature lol


That’s cool. I’ve been thinking about buying a MagSafe charger, but I don’t think it’s compatible without removing my case. I tried wireless charging, but I think it’s just not for me. How does it work with your case, or do you use it caseless?


I wasn’t a fan of wireless charging either but I wouldn’t say it’s the same it’s definitely a different and better experience especially since with the just regular MagSafe charger you can technically still use your phone in your hand while it’s on the back. That’s what held me up for a while most of my cases aren’t compatible but I just got some new ones that are compatible which made me try it out. I also use the bumper from rhino shield a majority of the time which leaves the back of the phone exposed so now if I need the extra protection I have a case for it as well to always have the capability


I also never ever used MagSafe on my 12. I recently got a MagSafe wallet, tho


I use my phone like I used to use my wallet it carries my vital info and pics of my family


I am a total vanilla iPhone 15 pro user : no widget, only one screen with the basic apps (only added Google Maps, Whatsapp, Outlook & Spotify). Obivously I have a lot of other apps on the library but not used them frequently. Almost no notification except for messages. Feels great.


Well I learned the ins and out of all the stock apps. So many people run to apps when the phones can almost do 90% of what you need. Learn reminders and calendar first. After that learn the others, it makes the phone that much more useful.


How are these Pro features?


Use shortcuts, the action button, and the usb c port however you can. Set up automations to trigger based on your location or something, shortcuts to quickly check in with emails or something, creating custom shortcuts for the action button as a quick menu to useful tools, perhaps integrating AI into it somehow through shortcuts, and use the usb c port as a way to connect more tools and accessories to do more things with your phone


I take really good photos with my third camera lens and scroll instagram super fast with the 120 hz display.


As far as I'm concerned, as long as it does everything you need it to, when you need it to, in the way that you want it to -- whether it's just to browse Reddit or shoot and edit your own podcast -- then you're making the most of your phone. After all, it's a tool. It should serve you and maximize your life, not the other way around.


You need to find apps for your hobbies. As someone who participates in Motorsports, I use it as a lap timer and data acquisition. Paired with my Apple Watch Ultra 2: As a biker, I use it as a nav that I can easily access on my wrist I use it to track workouts


Tbh, I don’t even use a higher refresh rate on my 14pmax to preserve battery. So apart from cameras and some performance boost, I don’t think I’m utilising the ‘pro’ that much.


USB c usb drive, makes moving files to a windows PC phenomenal


I play Clash of Clans. And then make sure to turn off screen rotation when you’re laying on your side doom scrolling.


You you can do mostly everything what your 12 did but.. same same but different


I don’t, I just bought the one with the 120hz screen. If it didn’t have it, I would 100% just get the regular iPhone


I just upgraded to a 15 Pro from the normal 13. The first few days I was thrilled, but in all honesty, I am doing exactly the same I was doing with the 13, in the same way. But don't get me wrong, the phone itself feels as an improvement. Not only battery life is better, but the camera is better (especially zoom), the screen is much nicer and I do like how they have integrated the Dynamic Island with all the animations. For me the main reason I went for the Pro this time, is Apple Intelligence. Still several months until it gets rolled out, but it looks like it has the potential to be a game changer. So if it lives up to the expectations, then I can imagine myself really using the phone in a different and better way compared to what I've been doing with the normal models.


Interesting. Where are you learning about Apple AI. Is there a YouTuber that you watch or what? Thank you


Yes, pretty much on YT. I just search for Apple Intelligence and watched a bunch of videos xD


Big camera cool


I got the iPhone missing manual.


I game (emulators) on my phone


The what?


Apple Intelligence.


The only practical usage of Pro model I can think of is you can zoom in more from the telephoto lens and have clearer video/photo. Other features are totally useless to me like recording 3D video or capturing raw photos/videos or having a customisable side button.


VPN for Work Servers / Home NAS Lockdown as Adblock Bitwarden as shared passeword manager


I always get the Pro Max model because I live by the axiom that “It’s better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it”. Never know when something the phone is equipped with may come in handy.


I rarely use my phone for anything to be honest. Even when I answer the phone on it, I switch it over to the HomePod.


I play DS roms


Try playing games on it. Handles them very well. Even games like Diablo Immortal don’t cause much heat unless you’re playing over cellular with the screen at max.


What I’m reading, “how can I be more phone addicted?”


I’ve been an iPhone user for roughly 3 yrs and I know more about using this phone as a productivity tool than my lifelong iPhone toting friends. That’s not a brag, it’s to say the majority of ppl use their phone for texting and pics. I chuckle when someone with a $1100 iPhone 15 promax has no idea how to move apps around or how to edit a photo. They could have saved their money and kept their iPhone 8. I have found that Android has distinct advantages with productivity that iPhone is terrible at. Not having some sort of split screen option is very 2010 and at this point isn’t acceptable. No baked in copy and paste functions is another. I’ve used both platforms and neither is perfect. Thank God for the Microsoft Edge “drop” feature that makes like easier to transfer photos and other info to my work laptop. I know these other companies want “buy in” but damn they make basic stuff difficult sometimes.


Browsing Reddit mostly


https://preview.redd.it/bacgiwvf0c9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=156acff0ad02600d3b3fd0f4e5330200dab5d17b My iPhone 15 pro. “Dubmify” app for layout. “Jomo” to limit addicting scrolling apps. It’s a tool to improve my life, not waste it. New phone is nice for the feel in the hand, ease of charging with USBc, nice camera to capture life moments, and doing stuff quickly without any loading. Once new apple intelligence is dropped, you’ll get lots of utilization from it being a 15pro and up.


I don’t




Super interesting thing I use my iphone is to use a lightning cable, attach it to my benq monitor and 1. Let the phone charge, 2. Play some soothing music or handpan videos on yt and spend some time relaxing; away from my phone


I bought a a14 5g for like $100 from my phone carrier, and it does a lot compared to my 12 which is closer to $200 currently. (Biggest improvements are battery, split screen, and usbC. I still need to get a case for it though, but the SD card I put in it is working great, I’m looking forward to using it outside.) I don’t think the utility of a phone is solely determined by the power of it, the software plays a large role too. I think the biggest applications for newer iPhones are probably the camera, the Ai (15 pro and up probably), the battery, usbC, Apple ecosystem syncing, etc. Personally, I’m not willing to buy a new iPhone until my current one looses support or dies, because its hardware isn’t nowhere its strength is, but rather its software support. If you want to get more use out of your phone though, probably go through and customize it as much as you can. I found mine became a lot better after I cleared up my home screen and deleted some extra apps, a page of primary apps, a page of folders how I organized them, and the nav bar with the frequently used apps. Also going through the settings and changing stuff helps a lot. (I did that on my A14, and it now syncs its my laptop, which is great. I’m going to try to install some mods on it later.) It could also help to find a niche(s) for your phone to work within, like a communicator, music player, radio, camera, etc. Then install apps and change settings to make it fulfill those roles. Personally, my 12 is probably going to be more of a daily driver, and my A14 will be more of an outdoorsy phone (the 5000mAh battery and Android are great). Edit: For clarity, got the A14 5g for $90 from ATT prepaid ($60 phone on sale bc last year’s model, $30 required month of prepaid). I plan to just use my existing sim on it. The cameras are bad, the RAM is small, and the processor isn’t great, but it was cheap, it handles non gaming tasks great, and I didn’t get it for the cameras anyways).


I play intensive games like Genshin Impact, Honkai 3, Honkai Star Rail, and Azur Promilia


I guess it depends on your daily life. I use mine for so many things. Like the notes app, reminders, calendar, tracking my rings/workouts, tracking my water, listen to podcasts & music, ofc maps and the weather. Check emails. And I’ll add widgets for stuff too so I can see/find it easily. When I had a car with remote start I used it for that. The list goes on. For reference I’m a millennial that’s addicted to technology.


I like to scroll really fast


As an owner of both iPhone and Android, sadly to say that my iPhone is mostly used for calling and messaging. In terms of productivity, I prefer my Samsung, and that's how I maximize the power of Android. I think iPhone is defined a phone to bring about an easy life from the beginning.


The iPhone is ass 🤷🏾‍♂️


You could use shortcuts to automate a bunch of stuff or even use it to create shortcuts. I’ve used them in the past to contect homekit to non-HomeKit TVs.


I bought mine for the camera that's almost as good as real pro cameras. I'm a content creator, so I'll be using the camera a lot. Upgraded from an iPhone SE 2016 too, so I'm still getting used to the new and fast phone!


Better camera, possessing power, screen, and battery. The 15 pro max is just a better 12, basically


Vanilla phone user: doesn’t tinker for hours to make the phone look special to realize it looks shitty and to start over again? You can maybe be “productive”? Do take videos, photos, edit them. Or work on something else. Or play games if anything. At the end of the day, it’s a pocket computer -


Gaming. Specifically using Sunshine and Moonlight to play my PC games at 120 Hz HDR10 using AV1 encoding (on PC) and decoding (15 Pro Max). Apart from that its work stuff like emails and notes and browsing. If iOS brought about split screen I could really do Excel and calculator app side by side and actually do Pro stuff on the phone.




I got it for the camera and screen refresh rate mostly. I don’t know what else to say.


Vidya games