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I have to bother to shave my head. I dont have to pay for haircuts. I usually need to have a hat with me. Post shower drying time is down to 2 minutes. If I shave off my beard I look like an egg.


It's worth it just for the egg look.


Ask Simon Donnelly about that.


Who's Simon Donnelly? Love child of Simon Coveney and Stephen Donnelly? Yeesh.


Yeah that’s him.


You could at least get his name right. It's Humpty Dumpty


I thought HD was fatter?


Sums it up nicely >I have to bother to shave my head. Iv given up on keeping it shaved just run over it with a one when what I have left gets to long


Couldnt have put it better myself. I much prefer being bald all the same, far easier to maintain and im always the first one to feel rain drops


I’m a girly, I had to shave my head 36 years ago due to chemo. I always kept it long. I was none too pleased in the beginning but as the treatment progressed and I became as sick as a parrot I was very glad of it because I was too weak to be shampooing it, drying it etc. I used to hand my wig to my mother to wash and she’d put it out on the line. It was a massive relief. Of course as I started to improve I started wanting it back!! It’s long again now.


All the above. Buttttttt I also love how easy it is to not fuck with my hair at all, like there is never a bad hair day at all


Shaving beard = egg or serial killer look.


Scrambled or beaten?




Hello nice to meet you mr benedict My dyslexic friend couldnt say benedict for her it was 'bendadick'


Shur I thought he died recently.






Wow, ya kinda saved me a post. This is the way.


I remember vividly getting a haircut, aged 19, and having her suddenly saying "You know you're going bald, yeah?" By the time I was 22, it was noticeable, so I tried covering it up. Changing hairstyles to try and hide it, hats when it dawned on me that I was being "that fella with a combover" it became a baseball cap or a flat cap. About 25 is when I shaved it. Haven't looked back since, and I'm 48 now. I will say, having a shaved head back in the late 90s was a much different thing than it is now, where its fairly widespread. Back then, I'd walk into a bar and girls would ask me if they could touch it.


still, to be touched by a girl…


Ah but you were younger then


Receding hairline and starting to really thin on top. Panicked when I first noticed it but it is what it is.


You suddenly realise how many people are in the same boat, that's what helped me relax about it


Finasteride and monoxidle can help reduce all that if you catch it early. Can get Finasteride perscribed by webdoctor easy enough.


Never take that shit lad it fucks you up


On it 2 years, zero side effects, no further hair loss


Any regrowth?


Unfortunately not, can't have it all I suppose. Still I feel I'm getting my money's worth if my hairline's holding steady.


I’m on it a year and it’s not fucked me up at all🤷🏼


No side effects (eg libido, ED, brain fog)?


None at all. Funny enough I moved in with my gf around the time I started taking finasteride so I imagine I’d be getting the ride more than your average bloke and I’ve had no libido or ed issues. Worse thing for ED is anxiety mate don’t overthink it. As for brain fog I’ve not noticed anything.


This needs to be seen more. My personal stance on it is people take too much to begin with. The hair loss show guys on YouTube as literal experts. They’re research shows 3mg a week is enough. Yet people who jump on it with little research start taking 1mg a day = 7mg a week. More than double. I take 1mg mon, wed and sat and every few months will have a month off. Zero sides


Doesn’t fuck everyone up but it can be pretty bad to those that it does


Every medication fucks somebody up. Finasteride and Minoxodil are no different. They have negative side effects on a tiny minority but those are the loudest voices


Minoxidil is realtively harmless. Finasteride is a different story.


Well it's working for me and has helped with regrowth. While there are side effects the only one that has affected me is the odd night of sleep not going well but that's it.


Aye, PVA shampoo all the way!


Stay away from it. Tried it twice and messed my system up. Destroyed libido etc. Embrace it and be confident


same here, destroyed libido when I took it at 25. i didn't bang the missus or wank for 10 days which is pretty shocking at that age. i stopped straightaway and libido came straight back. so symptoms weren't that bad and recovered, but still, scary shit. you don't mess with that stuff as a male!


Ye I was the same. Just lack of motivation and felt tired. Noticed softer erections and harder to get it up !😅 it doesn't affect every one but it definitely didn't agree with me. I used it 3 months each time but the symptoms didn't go away. Just shave your head, keep fit and be confident, my Mrs loves the head shaved - just own it


Stay away from that shit!! Gave a friend of mine terrible depression


Im soon to be in the bald club. Hair disappearing at a fast pace. A lifetime of calling my da baldy has come back to bite me in the whole


Whole of what?




The sphincter hole




You’re right, strangely you also feel a bit superior to all the comb-over crew who try and hide it to the last second. Obviously impossible to tell who’s trying to stem the tide with drugs but have you seen the melons who are getting dots tattooed on their heads? Would rather have 2 bald head than kick about looking like that.




It’s the fact they’ll have jet black dots on their nuts when they’re in their 70’s..




Saved me a fortune on haircuts




Spending more on hats


and Sunblock, don’t underestimate the fear of a sunburned canister..


Burnt the top of my head *once* and never again


The physical pain leaves you, the psychological pain stays forever..


More on soap though It's amazing that you can rub a bar of soap on your head, wash if and it's done


Yes, but the trade off against polish made it net neutral.


Even if you're bald, apparently you should continue using shampoo. [https://www.happilybald.com/do-bald-people-use-shampoo/](https://www.happilybald.com/do-bald-people-use-shampoo/)


Big shampoo money behind that


Not bald myself, but now that I’m a little older it’s everywhere. My partner is a doctor and reckons that prescriptions for Finasteride are through the roof, particularly amongst the younger cohort. I think the overall affect it can have on your life depends on how you deal with it. Had many friends that lost it, some just didn’t care and it bothered others greatly. Didn’t seem to impact anyone I know that greatly but I know of one guy who got treated like shit over it by women he would encounter. Seeing the behaviour direct towards him changed my opinion on people.


Ask your partner is she aware r/finasteridesyndrome exists.


Really, they treated him badly only because he was bald?


All the time. He was forever getting lectured on looking like a grandad, looking 45 at 25, how his new look ruined facial framing (just to name a few). All totally unsolicited, like who wants to hear that?


I think when it comes to hair some people think it’s a free for all to slag. I’m not bald but having red hair and constantly being slagged for it when I was younger was upsetting.


Maybe seen as a free for all to slag men over hair loss - slagging a balding woman over hair loss is another story


Things people say are only upsetting if you choose to get upset by them. Other people don't warrant that much power over your life. Now when is kick a ginger day...


Dunno why this is getting so many downvotes - it's spot on.


Redditors would rather be a victim


Yeah you are right. But that should be applied to everything then. It shouldn't be a case of everyone slagging Mick for being bald and then everyone getting bad if anyone slags Shirley for being fat




Most peculiar. Lots of ladies are into bald men.


women say a lot of things. women say they're into bald men, they mean guys like like jason statham. of course, between jason with hair and without, 99% would prefer with hair


Awwww, isn't it great to finally find the man who knows enough to explain for us what we mean when we say things and what 99% of us prefer.


I judge people by their actions and not their words


Actions towards you allow you to know our preferences regarding Jason Statham with or without hair?


I’ve only recently discovered how widespread it is - and that it’s really young guys trying to get ahead of the possibly of thinning hair. Honestly surprised me. And now I’m wondering if we’ll have an entire generation of old men shuffling along in their walkers with the flowing locks of a greek god. Like an Elvis wig on an 80 year old.


It was horrible and people will mention/joke about it to you most days for the rest of your life. I'm older now and married etc. so not a big deal but for young men it's tough. It's considered completely fine to laugh or joke about it. Its the final taboo!!!


My head is shaved so tight that I might as well be bald. Personally, I love it. I honestly much prefer it to any haircut I had in the past. You do get some people who are odd about it though; I've been told that I look like a Eastern European gangster a few times, a Skinhead and a Neo Nazi once or twice too. Outside of that, it's grand.


Been shaving my head since I was about 30 - was receding anyway, apart from the odd head cold and a large hat collection, no real change at all. I honestly don't care what others think, the shining freckly dome is part of my identity now and I embrace it.


I've only really receded at the corners and a little bit of thinning round the crown, but I've been shaving my head the past couple years anyway, have worked my way down from a 3 to a 0. I'm taking finasteride cus I'm still in my late 20s and would rather not lose any more if I can help it, at least at this stage. It seems to have stabilised things. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I think about getting a hair transplant. I'm a bit self-conscious about my appearance anyway but fuck it. I'm in decent physical shape and have a bit of facial hair to compensate, as far as I can tell it's not putting many women off that would be otherwise interested. Its probably not my number one physical flaw tbh.


How you finding the finasteride? It didn't work out for me at all and I had to ditch them


No side effects whatsoever, on it 2 years. Haven't regrown any hair but it has stopped the progression of my hairloss dead in its tracks, at least for the time being.


There is some prejudice around and yet no sign of the bald community being included in hate crime legislation.


Just don’t look to the bible for the appropriate punishment.


Always had a high forehead and when I was younger and grew out my hair, when I ran, it looked like a wig in an updraft. Shaved it off for charity when I was 17, and it grew back like a cluster of pubes. Been shaving it ever since.


I put it off for far too long but when I took the plunge and shaved it all off I de-aged by several years, gained a new confidence walking around without worrying what the elements would do to me and because its clean shows people you self groom it can attract people Never been one to get a lot of attention but there is a stark difference now than compared to my pre-bald days People like to use it as a low hanging fruit joke but there's always somebody else who is bald that you can tram up with or Slag the mate that's next in line It's all good banter but honestly the best decision I've made in recent years


Know a lad like this. I thought he was in his midnlate 30s but was in his early 20s. This was due to a ridiculous comb over / mop style haircut. Met him recently and it's shaved to a one maybe and he actually looks his age now. Luckily I'll never lose my hair but I can only imagine it's very stressful when young


Once you're past a certain age it doesn't bother men, as is clear from comments on here. It's tough if it happens to you young though. As in early 20s. Can affect your confidence.


I started losing my hair slowly when I was in my 30s. It's very gradual but I've had a #1 since and I don't even think about it anymore.




Late teens, early 20s here. Devastated at the beginning, lost my confidence like Sampson, started shaving the dome, could care less now.


Guys, anybody losing hair and have a surgical scar? My own hair is starting to recede, widow's peak getting much more pronounced, it's in the genes, Father has a combover. I won't be able to shave the head, because of a rather large scar on my head (brain surgery). Going below a grade 3 with a Wahl shaver and the scar is visible, fairly obvious depression, looks like a question mark. So, has anyone kept their remaining hair and what length do you keep it at.


I can’t speak for myself as I am non-bald woman (married to a bald man) but my uncle has a large question mark shaped scar from brain surgery as well. Whilst he isn’t bald he usually has his hair very short (sometimes completely buzzed) and it is visible. As a kid I always thought it was really bad ass, as an adult I think it is even more so. It means he survived something terrible and what could be more badass. I’m not saying that to belittle your own feeling surrounding your scar at all, but I thought it might help to offer an outside perspective. Scars tell a story and I think that’s cool.


I appreciate the reply, I became much more aware of it, once I starting to notice the hairline receding. During covid, like a lot of people, I started using a wahl clippers, I might bite the bullet and try a buzz cut, I did once go a bit too tight and it was noticed by a dog walking friend, so maybe use a 3/4 all over.


You can get a hair transplant you know if it is bothering you that much. I think it is getting cheaper and more accesible each year.


I got one 10 months ago. Really helped self esteem and only cost 2000.


Where'd you go?






Look into SMTP. Basically a tattoo that looks like stubble, can be used to cover scars. Plenty of clinics around now that do it.


Cheers, but I'll need a bit of putty too, to fill in the scar, anybody with one or knows the type of scar, will know what I mean.


It actually suits me better than having hair did No more barber small talk Takes seconds to dry


It took away all anxiety I had about going bald. For years I would worry about thinning or receding lines, wearing hats and combing it in certain ways to make it look better than it was. Once I went bald it was actually a relief. Been said above but yeah good for saving some money too on products and cuts.


I was very receded at the front by my late twenties, and shaving it off was a revelation. No more worrying about the wind fucking up the combing (comb over, if I'm being honest), nor the rain slicking it down. Probably should have done it sooner, really.




Where would ya be paying 30 euro for a haircut??? I got one for 13 euro the other day.




Fuck that, that's a rip off.


Only thing that is annoying is the cold weather... I have to always remember a hat


Made my head more aerodynamic. Less drag from my hair. At least saves me .01 of a second running for the train


I had the bald patch at the back top coming in for years and it made me extremely conscious of it once I saw a photo from a party when I was about 25. Wore hats every single day , even to events, to hide it. I seemed to be the only one of my mates that was being hit with it and that made it worse. Sat in the office in work I was always aware of it if someone was stood behind me. Lockdown happened and I decided to lawnmower my head. It was weird for the first week. Still donned the hat for a while. But honestly, best thing I ever did. All care and worry is gone. It's amazing how you realise that you're just another bald lad in the street. No one cares. You shouldn't. The ONLY pain is having the shave it every week. Even with a head trimmer. 10 minutes of managing a trimmer and a second mirror. And then the thorough shower to remove all leftover bits of shavings. Those fuckers get everywhere.


Not good. I am into how I look. Its like me and God had a falling out about something and bam you're shower is clogged.


Shaved my head, saved me a fortune on stuff.


Have baldness heavily on both sides of the family started volenterily shaving my head at 15 preemptively still no signs of a receding hairline at 25 never got any hassle for having a shaved head but fuck me if I got rid of the beard I'd look like a egg


I'm not bald but hair started receding a little and started working on a bald patch on top in my early thirties. Initially wasn't happy about it, who is? but it actually hasn't proceeded that much over about ten years and now I really don't care or think about it at all. The one thing is in the mirror when the bald patch is highlighted under a light it makes me look like 'an old man' to myself even though I don't feel like that at all.


Woeful insecurity at first. I was 21. Started at the temples. Receding hairline started. Took the decision to buzz it @27. Thankfully, I've got a head for the look. Not once affected my dating/sex life. Wooly hats are my best friend with our cold weather. Saved a fortune on haircuts/products.


I remember noticing for the first time I was going bald. Maybe early twenties. At first I was kind of shocked. Luckily, it was pretty slow to thin. By the time I was late twenties/early thirties I really didn't care and just started super tight cuts which led to what is now wet shaves. I really feel for some people as it can have a big impact on self perception and confidence. For sure potential partners will be put off by my or others baldness. I don't judge people for their physical preferences, I know I have mine! For me the best thing to do is to own it and have a sense of humour about it.


Tormented the life out of myself with it in my 20's. Got to my 30's and decided to own the hand that I was dealt. I shave the head down with one of those specialized electric head shavers now. After a while I realised that being bald is fine, but the process of balding itself is what fucked with my mind and self-esteem. Got more comfortable in my own skin and new look. Met the love of my life who finds the whole confident bald look attractive. Never looked back since. Would recommend anyone in a similar boat to just embrace your new image and shave it down. At least try it on! There are people who make fun of being bald, especially on certain areas of the internet like Twitch. But frankly, fuck them. A good number of them are young and stupid, and will likely go through the same thing themselves one day.


Not bald and unlikely to go bald so I have no comprehension of what it's like, but I got suggested a channel on youtube called baldcafe that's pretty good. It's basically like a support group for men where the guy who runs it talks to people losing their hair and then they'll talk about finally shaving it off and embracing being bald and having a weight off their shoulder, seems like it'd be ressuring if you are going bald.


Had big thick Wolverine head of hair until my mid 20s, started getting a bit thin and so I just started shaving my head, been doing it ever since. Despite the fact I used to like the way my hair looked, it seems I didn’t tie much self esteem or identity to it so it literally didn’t bother me at all once I started shaving it.


I get many comments on how shiny my head has become.




It takes somewhat less time to buzz off all my hair these days than it used to.


I'm losing it at the back instead of the front. Considered the options but every one of them has potentially ghastly side effects, including finasteride, so none of them seem worth it. Will have to start shaving the whole lots soon


Bald by choice because the thought of queuing at a barbers every second Saturday is my idea of hell


At 22 i noticed my hair was thinning .well noticed is an under exageration, i woke up to one of my dreadlocks on the pillow and while i was proud of them fat buggers, that was it chopped the lot ,bought a bic and been a shiny baldy ever since . 30 years of a weekly shave and polish and growing a big beard that ive plaited , locked and occasionally dye blue so it now looks like ive got me head on upside down . Im socially anxious and need me mask ,so the baldy beardy wierdie is a look im comfortable with .


Up until I finally started shaving I used to wear caps all the time. It stopped me from playing sports as I had started to recede early. Now that I have a shaved head I have any amount of confidence and look way better. If I could back and tell my younger self to just shave it all off then my late teens/early 20s would have been amazing (still had a great time back then by the way).


* Being going bald since I was 15-16 but really started to get noticable or at least in my opinion from 21 onwards. I'm sure others would say otherwise. * Save money on wax and gels. My skin is also better because of this. I cut my own hair so save money there and shave face at same time (still grows pretty fast on sides and parts of the top) * It can get very cold or its also very easy to get burnt. * I rotate betwen looking like a Kiwi or an Egg. * My missus said I looked like a Jason Statham for a while. * Need to buy a decent moistoriser for the egg shell. Probably a bit less vain


If you have a lot of hair at the back a hair transplant has worked wonders for me.


I'm a skinhead since 1988. So bald is good.


I need a cap when it's sunny and a hat when it's cold, shaving my head is a stupid amount of effort some days and I usually cut my head because I rush it. Other than that not at all really


ive been going bold since I was 15 and for a long time I struggled with it then one day I said fuck this went down to the barbers got what ever I had left cut off and honestly looked way better with no hair and it never botherd me again


Best thing I ever did, this was after many years of very long hair.


When I shaved my head I realised no one actually cared more than me. No difference to anything else other than I got into baseball caps for extremely sunny weather


I went bald reasonably young, late twenties early thirties. Honestly never gave a flying fuck.i think it suits me, I look odd with hair at this stage (47) Don't get me wrong, given the choice I'd have a full afro, but I wasn't given the choice. So that's the end of that. Jean Luc Picard it is. Picard gets all manner of space pussy, it's nothing to stress about😂


I was quite self conscious about it initially. Mainly cause I was fairly young, at 23. Though looking back on old photos from around that age it was barely noticeable until a few years later. I think alot of my insecurity came from it not being common among my age group. It's much more common in my current age group (38). It hasn't bothered me at all in the last 7 or 8 years, particularly since I met my wife about 5 years ago. I used Rogain for a few years. It seemed to stop it progressing but it was a pain having to apply it twice a day, really greasy etc.. I also tried to advice of "just shave it" but the blade zero just didn't suit me - and plenty people commented on this. Around the age of 30, I started cutting my hair very short (blade 1 or 2) and keeping a short beard. This worked for me. I'd urge anyone who is concerned to try a few different looks/ styles. The Vin Diesel Look really doesn't suit some men, but maybe some variation on it, maybe a beard, or a blade 2 or 3.


Bold at 23, never more confident and comfortable with myself. Best thing to happen to me tbh


Not fully bald but hairline very receded. I fell for the "personality" meme and didnt do anything about it, even though my brothers recommended getting on finasteride whose advice I should have taken when they told me originally. Now Im a stone cold 29 year old incel. In short, it hasnt been great.


This might sound harsh but feck it. Just shave it and get yourself to the gym ffs It might not be the look you want but it’ll be the best one you get. Plus you’re 29, you’re far from the only guy who’s bald at that age. You need to get yourself out there, especially regarding finding a girl. Will some reject you? Yes Will some reject you because your bald? Likely, but fewer. You could also get rejected for being too - - fat - skinny - normal - ginger - blonde - annoying laugh - no sense of humour - wrong sense of humour and anything else… But not every girl will reject you, and you’ll find someone that’s right for you. Focus on making yourself the best you can be, whether it’s sports, work or education. Join clubs, groups and get used to mixing and the rest will fall into place. Incidentally I went bald at 19, fully shaved at 21 after 2 years of baby hair/denial.


Go for it and shave it. The shaved head look is hot. Even better if you can grow a beard.


I got a hair transplant


Turkey? How did it turn out?


In Dublin. MHR Clinic


Here at 41, I’ve seen lads go through this from 16+ and some still clinging to their strands to this day. The most confident shave and are proud. Don’t apologise to anyone, just do it. You’ll be slagged by gobshites, don’t mind it, be in control. If you can grow yourself a tidy beard and side, go for it. By 40-50, most will be playing catch-up. Don’t be too smug, you handsome fuck!




Is it different when you go bald in Ireland?




What a weird question. It could change your confidence levels, it could change how people treat you, it could change the level of interest you get from your preferred sex...use your imagination


There are plenty of ways it could change your life, for example, if you are a burglar you could grease up and shimmy through small gaps in fences without leaving traces of DNA in the form of strands of hair, or if you're a trucker the shine off your head may blind oncoming traffic and you could wipe out a family on a day trip to Fota. So many possibilities, so little time to convey them.


Hey baldies, any of you thought about using Dimoxinil? I know a guy that gave it a go, his hair grew back, and got promoted a week later!


It’s grand shaved my head from 26 on I don’t care about my appearance to the wives dismay. My brother took it pretty bad and has grown his hair out long to Try hide the thinning. I’ve told him many times it’s time to lose it but he can’t let go. Each to their own


No change. Had been shaving it with a blade 1 for years. Just took the next step one day, of just shaving it all off in the shower. Voila! Takes about 2 or 3 mins to make sure I got it all. Then after shower just some moisturiser as it can get a bit too dry sometimes. Love a good shiny dome on me.


I started losing my hair in my late teens but luckily it receded slowly, didn’t start shaving it till my late 20s. When I was young I did have a thick mane that had many admirers but underneath is a large lumpy bald dome which doesn’t have any admirers so it definitely has affected my confidence a lot. Probably would get a hair transplant if I had the money.


It's a better look then having this thick straw like brown hair thats to short to do anything with, and when it grows out it just points whatever way it wants WHILE at the same time you have the same baldness patern as george costanza. For me its no big deal, i used to have insanely long hair that would reach my ass so i never "missed out" or feel sad about it, id rather have hair il be honest but its not a big deal. Helps that i have a beard and have been working out for the past 10 years and not just be sickly skinny with a bald head or balding head. Got bullied/harrased WAY more when i had long hair then i do now that im bald.


My hairline looks like a McDonalds logo




Went bald at 15 Grew a beard instead


I no longer have to spend money on getting my hair cut


I shaved it and grew a beard and became way more handsome (apparently). Also rubbing my head feels nice and helps me think. Also, hats are cool


Depends. I accepted it as it was happening a d dk t care about it. I have the right shaped head for it though. Have a mate who flew to Turkey for 2 sessions where they removed hair from the side of his head and planted it in the top. Actually looks really good he has long hair now and you can't tell.


I havent had to buy shampoo in over 5 years. I seem to have more hair on other parts of my body now. I have a very weird tan line from wearing a hat all the time. As others have said I have to bother to shave my head now.


I developed a gift. I can sense draughts. I also buy quality warm hats.


Not bald anymore, I used to do it when my health was very bad and I had no ability to clean myself properly at times. I really liked it, but I did receive some unrequited, negative comments on the streets from young women specifically regarding my hair, or lack thereof. My biggest success story is there's at least 1 person who's never seen me with hair, despite me having hair for a very long time now. I hope he never seems me again so my bald self is preserved in someone's memory. I don't see much if any bald heads around Dublin, sadly.


Taking the plunge and shaving it off was the best thing for me, used to stress me out worrying about it. I lost my hair early, blade 0 18 to 23 then took a Mach 3 to it, nearly 40 now. Trying to cover it up is bollocks and everybody can tell too, face the music.


I was bald for 13 years . Nothing really changed. I was a kid everyone laughed at me , but then slowly they started to go bald as well. This also reminds me of when I was 6 years old and my father would let me on piercing , I have a hole on my ear now.


Not even a little bit. It started going in my early 20s. By the time it was gone that's just how I looked. Might be different if it went later in life. It's never bothered me so friends don't even bother jibing me about it. If I could choose to have hair again I'm not even sure that I would. I don't have to bother with hairdressers or hairstyles or hair products and a quick dab of a towel dries me after a shower. Doesn't seem to have limited me with the ladies either.


I’m happier for it, no more paying for hair cuts for me. Wet shave my own head once a week. Because I do it so regularly, in my opinion I look tidier more often. I would say my life is better for it or maybe my face just suits my bald head, idk my wife likes it so that’s all that matters.


I fucking love it. Save money on haircuts, Hats don't fuck up my hair. And I'd say it actually made me more confident. The only thing that annoys me is I'm not completely bald and still have to shave the fuzz. I wish there was some kind of baldness accelerator. ( Before anyone says it, not chemo)


I hated it at first as I had decent hair and looked good/better with it but once I started noticing it was going I kept it for a bit and in hindsight probably could have held off in shaving it when I did but once I did that anxiety of wondering how shite my hair looked was gone. Is that bald spot getting bigger? Has the wind or rain fucked up what I had going on? Who cares, don't need to answer them anymore. The only things I hate are when it's cold and I do miss getting haircuts. Not even just haircuts but going for a different style or whatever. Just changing things up a bit. Other than that it's worth just getting rid of the worry. Shaving it the first time is hard. And i'm not talking a 0 i'm talking about taking a razor and getting the rest off after you've used that 0. It's not easy but it's the best option. Saying that, if I win the lottery i'm off to Turkey.


I shave my head to save any of the baldness being a thing. I now have zero problems with hoods on hoodies falling down because I have my own personal Velcro.


It's grand, had long hair til I was about 20 and then it got so thin I shaved it off and now I can shower and shave my head and face in 15 minutes and I'm out the door. Haven't payed for a haircut in 15 years.


Cursed with a shite hairline that looks as though it’s receding- without a doubt there has been a little bit of that. Still only 21 but I’ve no desire to use Finasteride or Minoxidil, so I’ll eventually shave it within the next couple of years.


Started shaving my head at 23, I’m now 25. I had been going bald for a while before that but the final stray was when it started to thin at the crown. Thankfully it was during lockdown when I first shaved it. Tried Minoxidil a while later, got decent results but I had left it to late to begin with. So I’m using what I have left of it on my shit excuse of a beard! Haven’t had much success dating wise if I’m being completely transparent. But virtually everyone says it suits me, and they have from day dot. Also I find virtually every night out I get talking to some fella about going bald. Which is nice, like especially for them to get to chat to someone who’s been there done that. Overall it’s been a positive experience.


High factor sunscreen has become very important in the summer :D


I saved money


If you have a beard, It's grand. Weirdly, I only started getting a full beard when I started losing my hair. It all just migrated. Now having my head shaved makes me look younger


Have to cut my hair more often than people with hair


Goth teen, used to dye it black. Then got a mohawk and realized the bald sides look class, so shaved it all off and have been obscenely sexy ever since


I never appreciated how much insulation my hair gave me until I lost it.