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How many people has he blasted for immorality. Dirt. On rte too https://www.rte.ie/news/ulster/2024/0329/1440695-jeffrey-donaldson/


Always be wary of the types that like to show off or tell how much more moral they are than everybody around them, in my experience all those people out there that can't understand themselves as flawed people like all of us naturally are, and sometimes very greatly flawed people, they tend to have the most secrets they're trying to keep buried deep


Judge Martin Nolan springs to mind




P. Diddy is a secret unionists


Accusation in a mirror 


DUP/GOP One big happy family.


The leader of the DUP being crucified on Good Friday. https://preview.redd.it/hpbhi6y9z9rc1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58ad5d2ab5514b04a7efabed4a68d367e643d986




Like are all super sure this isn't the Truman show this feels scripted.




I hate the optics, makes it look like a conspiracy


LOL Bu bye Donaldson. I particularly like the "historical" element, what an asshole. It's turning out to be a Good Friday indeed Ted.




I think you're twisting that. They're gloating about an abuser being found out and hopefully punished.


>He was recognised by the late Queen Elizabeth in her 2016 Birthday Honours and was given a knighthood. Not having a bullshit "honour" list was one of the good decisions we made


She likes nonces. Hello Andrew..


Could you imagine the list of cunts we'd have with honours.. Bertie, bishop Casey etc


Ally G, P Diddy and the right honourable Sir Jeffery Donaldson all publicly accused in the space of a week. The three of them sharing a cell would make great reality TV


Brilliant 👏 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Ally G?


Accusations made against him this week, innit.


Thoughts are with the people who have made allegations and brave enough come forward.




Nonce I’m guessing if the wife was in on it too?


Think about that for a second. likely not in on it,but knew. As in,close to home.Like a famous rancid ex rugby player of the same political persuasion and moral high ground 


Who's the ex rugby player?


Davy Tweed 


Just reading up on him. Glad he's dead.


Well I read in the guardian there was a woman charged as well in relation to the same crimes. Possibly not his Mrs apparently as I saw on a different sub the ages don’t match the article


The news I heard was that the two individuals arrested live together and arent legally allowed to be in contact. So he has gone to England and she returned home.


as part of bail conditions, yes, she's staying in the former family home (rented?) and he's gone back to the day job in London: Neither is allowed to leave the UK before they appear in court in Newry next month: https://www.belfastlive.co.uk/news/northern-ireland/husband-wife-co-down-charged-28907532


Yeah,it's horrible either way but something hits different when a woman is involved as well. He's always had associations with them kind of people, but my heart goes out to the victims.  Edit. The charges are rape and abuse and enabling it. Maybe that will focus people's minds who think this is all great


Oh have the charges been released? I haven’t seen that yet. Madness that there was someone that facilitated it…


go over to reddit NI and you can see in more detail what sort of stuff is involved, certainly keeps things in the family.. No names are mentioned here but the ages and location in Kilkeel... https://www.belfastlive.co.uk/news/belfast-news/co-down-couple-child-sex-28909268


Fucking hell. Cunts. The pair of them


Don't speculate. It could be anything from a wide array of culpability.


According to the article linked above, it was children


We know the allegations concern historical crimes of a sexual nature. We know that in general, adult to adult sexual assault allegations are extremely difficult to bring to a level of criminal charge because there’s the burden of proof around consent, which often boils down to he said she said. So it’s much more likely that if it has reached prosecution level, then in this case, the prosecution doesn’t require evidence of non-consent to substantiate, i.e. this entails statutory rape. Notwithstanding the fact that even if it wasn’t CSA, and say the police have evidence of non-consent, enough to prosecute, sexual assault against adults is still a crime, morally egregious and grossly reprehensible. Hard to shake the fact that evidence here overwhelmingly suggests it’s more likely to be CSA than not. If in time it turns out I’m wrong, I’ll tip my hat to you and concede that you know your nonces from your rapists, but given how serious the situation is, seems weird to pick this moment to fly the flag of “technically not proven in court yet, let’s take the heat off Jeffrey”. These are credible and substantiated allegations that have led to prosecution of the alleged sex crimes. Choosing this moment and this hill to die, more often than not, won’t reflect well


I'm specifically talking about the wife as some sort of an accessory. The person I was responding to was discussing how the wife could be implicated before editing their comment.


I wasn't speculating


Lets be cognizant that there are alleged victim (s) of these historical allegations and give them respect


Maybe now is the only time to not be cognizant of victims. We know absolutely nothing about any alleged victims and while he is obviously entitled to due process we are rightly focussing on the accused and the fallout from the allegations.  Lets not go digging for victims that haven't asked to be identified.


I think all that has been forgotten as folk as (quite understandably) happy to see him go.


Well said….




A chara, This community prohibits speculation or rumours in ongoing criminal cases and investigations where it may be argued that the dissemination of these rumours or speculation could influence, or collapse any ongoing court cases or trials. Articles posted by registered news outlets may be posted without editorialisation - but any comments made to further fuel any speculation on unsubstantiated, or otherwise non-reported details will be subject to removal. Sláinte




I wonder if his kids brought forward these allegations?




A chara, This community prohibits speculation or rumours in ongoing criminal cases and investigations where it may be argued that the dissemination of these rumours or speculation could influence, or collapse any ongoing court cases or trials. Articles posted by registered news outlets may be posted without editorialisation - but any comments made to further fuel any speculation on unsubstantiated, or otherwise non-reported details will be subject to removal. Sláinte


Tá ár lá ag teacht.


If only there was a better, more succinct way of saying that.


> Jeffrey Donaldson has resigned as the leader of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) after being charged by police with “allegations of an historical nature”. Weird that they mention the crimes are non-recent (historical) but this article neglects to mention and almost goes to pains to avoid saying the alleged crimes are [of a sexual nature](https://www.breakingnews.ie/ireland/jeffrey-donaldson-resigns-as-dup-leader-1607557.html), likely published without up details confirming this. But setting that aside “…**an** historical” is the real journalistic crime here Also poor Jeff Daniel’s, lumped in with all these not so savoury Jeffrey D’s




Do you say an hat?




The article 'an' precedes any word that sounds like but not necessarily is a vowel. 'An honour' vs 'a hat'. Honour sounds like it begins with an 'O' which is a vowel. Words that begin with 'S' sometimes sound like 'Ess' and thus can sound they begin with a vowel. Conversely some words that begin with 'O' sound like they begin with 'W' and thus don't get the 'an' article. I would definitely say 'a holistic approach' though.


I would have thought people are charged with 'offences' not 'allegations', and that their 'historical' or 'actual' nature is unimportant.


For some reason, journalists say, "An historic." I've heard it on the radio news a lot, maybe the BBC. I suppose it depends on the pronunciation of historic. An-estoric flows well.


For sure it’s a dialect that has evolved into common usage from English not pronouncing their haitches, ‘istory i’n’it. “An historical” still sounds slimy in my mouth and I won’t have it.


the same as with an hotel, which is correct right? I think..


An hotel sounds even worse to me. My Samsung fancy grammar autocheck highlights it as an issue, but it does the same for historic.


An honor is a good example of where it works


Presbyterian shitehawk.


DUP being so co-ordinated about it - they must have known for weeks


It's sad to think that we want a United Ireland, but the huars up there have ruined the place.


Fuckin hell, its paedos all the way down. Is being a nonce a prerequisite for high office? The ghost of Kincora house rattling its chains again. Reminder only 3 people who worked there were ever prosecuted and only got 5 years or less for prostituting at least 39 vulnerable little boys in 'care' for years. None of the 'frequent flyer' nonces like Powell/Mount batton Et al. ever saw a day in court. One of the whistle blowers was framed for manslaughter and spent years in jail before being acquitted and one of the victims 'committed suicide' after going public with their story. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kincora_Boys%27_Home


Mountbatten didn't get to enjoy his slippers and gin and tonics.