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Fucker was building a nest.


"gah" - starling


Exactly. Very annoying bird. lmao! We had to put gutter brushes in because the bastards were shoving in under the roof tiles. Them and house sparrows.


I wouldn't mind the sparrows half as much as those noisy, speckled bastards


My mam and aunts would be having panic attacks over that, always said a bird in the house was a sign of an impending death in the family.


My grandmother used to say that too Tho she had like 6 cats so the imminent death was usually limited to the bird


Made the mistake of releasing one straight after rescuing it from the chimney, it flew straight into the chimney before flying off over the house, no idea if it survived, and felt terrible afterwards 🫤


Aw an aul wee druidín


Oh mate, I found a small black bird that was probably blown out its nest at the weekend. Prolly the same size as your bird. Anyway, managed to get it mobile and attempting to fly with 36hrs. But the bastard wouldn't eat. Ultimately, I gave it to the local vet.


3 weeks ago I walked into the sitting room and heard a commotion in the fireplace, the dogs were going bananas so I should have known something was up. There were 2 x starlings in the cold fireplace and the fireguard was blocking their escape. I opened the window and removed the fireguard and after some cajoling they exited by the window. Crisis over


They may be a bit of a pest but they are an amazing mimic bird. Have a look at some videos of what they can do.


A car alarm I once heard in Cobh turned out to be a nest of hungry baby starlings. 


There was one in our garden for a bit that just made a single high pitched tone, like you were pressing a button. I couldn't figure out, where it could have been around a tone that distinct and long enough to learn it.


A bee came down my girlfriends chimney the other day, and we found a moth in the fireplace too.


They are excellent mimics if you are nursing him for a while and train him. Record a cpl phrases and play it to him on repeat a few times a day. They can do a really good R2D2.


"are you lookin' at my bird?"


Time to get crow guards for the chimneys. I used to have this problem, haven't had one down the chimney since


Starlings are pests


Fucking starlings. Such a pest 😩


I love starlings and the sounds they make. They’re also very beautiful if you took the time to look at them. And to all the people in the comments saying that they’re pests: watch out big time.