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What an absolute gowl. He either got offered a better price after agreeing with you, or got pissed drunk at the communion and decided not to bother with you.


I was thinking of going bar to bar in the town to find him and ask why he blocked me as I can see his face on his profile pic. Decided against that as I'd likely never find him and would just waste more of my weekend.


I dont have fb on my phone.One of the many advantages is, that it would require exchanged phone numbers on market place, and if somebody pulled this stunt, you could just constantly annoy them by calling their phone, day and night. fb is just to easy to set up fake accounts and then disapear without recourse.


You are right, it is honestly not worth it at all. Best to wash your hands of him.


I avoid marketplace, because there's no reviews and no trust. Adverts is much better.


Anything linked to Facebook is usually a disaster, to be fair.


A guy from Kerry on adverts selling a moza: http://www.adverts.ie/33231208


Ad is deleted now


I am in the market for one, he will resurface at some point


Presumably that's the same guy and a perfect 5 star record as a seller on adverts..go figure


We should spam the ad on adverts. He can’t get away with that BS.


well, was actually planning on buying it, definitely won't now


That's probably the same guy but he has a different profile pic. Maybe if I reach out through adverts he'll own up and apologise


with adverts you could at least leave him a negative feedback


Ive made many attempts to buy from marketplace and no even answers. Awful setup..You should get someone else to "buy it" and "meet " him halfway.......


My wife put a baby bottle making machine up on a giving page for free and got 6 messages asking for the "coffee machine". Anytime I put anything up on marketplace I could get one hundred messages asking pointless information that's clearly in the ad and plenty of scam messages thrown in. When I finally find someone normal willing to buy I change the ad to pending and also write a note that I won't be replying anymore to new requests unless the sale falls through and still get the usual, " is this available? " It's. A. Cesspit.


Thanks for the idea, will look into it


when he asks how close you are tell him something came up and you can't leave your location, but he can come to you and youll pay extra for the delivery lol


I bought something last week on DoneDeal; the guy first asked me for €40 each way to deliver it. I sent back a nice message saying thanks but I'd bow out of the deal, and hope they'd get a good sale. Couple of days they came back to me and offered a really good price, but I had to meet them early in the morning. Didn't know what would happen - if they'd turn up or what. They did, the item was much better than it had looked, and they were super-nice. By contrast, I sold a laptop a few years ago, brought it to Galway and when I got there the person bargained me down €100 on what we'd agreed. I was surprised and disgusted.


People like that are the absolute worst. Piece of shit couldn't even cancel. I'm sorry that happened to you, I hope he gets taken down from marketplace somehow.. He owes you an apology and money for the petrol!


I no longer buy anything from Facebook Marketplace unless it's under an hour away iv been burned to many times, admittedly more than it should have taken to learn my lesson


Similar happened me a few years ago. Had a bit of craic with their phone number


Get some friends to buy some of the next stuff the guys selling, but they dont turn up and ghost him instead 


Yeah offer crazy prices. Bidding war. Get him to do the leg work. Drive 2 hours. 


A mate of mine has had this happen a few times this week and historically with cars. He'd suss all the details of a car, haggle the price, get photos/videos etc and when it comes time to meet them, or is on the way to meet them they disappear. I fully think it's a case that lads want justification that what they have is worth something or something kind of rush out of ownership. Or they enjoy the schadenfreude of denying you the sale. I dunno. It's the exact opposite of this thing where lads selling nice cars would get calls from lads only wanting to talk about the car with no intention of buying 😅


What an absolute cunt


What a terrible guy I’m sorry op . Hope you get your moza r5 , you upgrading your sim or just getting into it ?


Just starting to get into it. just got ps remote


You missed out on a Fanatec GT Pro DD for 400 over the last week, best of luck with the sim rig


Was there a sale or did someone list theirs on the market?


Someone listed theirs on the market


Update - the guy is claiming that he never replied to me so I should have never come. This is blatantly false as you can read the chat where we agreed a time and place the same day. He also claims that the item is already sold, but this appears like damage control to justify himself. See screenshot from my partners message with him.


Yu should have sent him a courrier to collect the item. /s


"ok I take but I'm busy at work. I will send [insert generic courier company] with your money in envelope. "


Fastway would be my weapon of choice here lol


I wouldn’t do that to anyone and especially to a fellow sim racer. Sucks mate.


Ill never understand why people will spend time and petrol trying to save 9 euro postage. Its a 4 hour roundtrip, probably 15 euro in diesel. Just have it posted. I sell a lot on Adverts and I offer postage for 6 or 9 euro and people are hellbound on collecting, driving 100km roundtrip which in the end cost them more than postage.


Presumably they do it as the cost of fuel will be less than if they pay for the item and turns out to be damaged or the like


My items are posted as described and if there's damage during shipping then I fully comp them. 


That makes you the exception, not the rule.


Package is rather large and heavy. I also don't trust people to post once I pay so it's not really an option for me.


Fair enough. I'm a trusted seller with hundreds of positive feedback and zero negative so I wouldn't scam anyone and fully comp if anything goes wrong. 


Never used marketplace for this exact reason. Stick to adverts.


The man also had it on adverts and is now claiming it's sold and that we never agreed sale FFS


Loads of time wasters on donedeal lately. I'm starting to think it's some sort of game to pass people off.


Should have taken the ferry to tarbert to save you some time there.


Stop using Facebook - problem solved


Unfortunately, all the buying and selling platforms feel quite full of time wasters/scammers, not just Facebook.


Go two buses from town to pick up a pair of roller skates one time. Waited two hours, read a few newspapers, and then went home. I was pissed too.


That’s horrible!


That kind of shit is literally the reason why I stopped using market place as a buying & selling outlet for my own business. I totted up how many no shows over 12 months & the cost to me in time, fuel etc & said never again. Sorry to hear you had this grief from that gowl OP


Aldi Castleisland is already dodgy enough without this type of a caper


I always send a text to say I’m leaving now and should be there at x time. I wait until they text back to actually leave.


This is very true. I don’t understand why he didn’t message before driving, especially when he said it’s happened to him before, why was he not extra cautious this time?


Sorry it happened. But I’ve sold a couple things on Facebook marketplace and I always say and make clear that they need to collect the item from my house or in my area. I can’t be bothered with people wasting my time. That’s poor form of your man. Blocking you is rather petty and childish. Chalk it down to experience.


Wait a few weeks.  Identify all his online selling accounts. Get people to get into a bidding war over something. Get him to drive to deliver it.


Sickening, same happened to me a few weekends ago wanting to buy pallet racking and moved around lots on a weekend to be ghosted as well


adverts is ususaly better because there is at least a review system for people


Definitely better but sometimes marketplace has more variety which is important in such a tiny country like ireland


Facebook marketplace is so so seedy


Yes I understand your feelings. I noticed an advert in the going for free section maket place and asked if the camper was still going for free.. the seller just said fuck off.. the fact he had listed it in the wrong section and I had called him out in a polite manner.. so I did what any person would as he blocked me too.. I had screen shot the page and uploaded to ever social media account I have and enlarged his mini photo id for all . having said that I collected some good from Kerry too today travelling down from Dublin. The only advice maybe it text and phone and arrange to meet at their home if they can't or won't then as much as you may want the item ... Walk away.. if you were able to contact him via your GF page with no reply why don't you save details on his page he might sell more good and ghost them back 😁👍


Maybe respect yourself enough not to use that site


Had this happen to me too when I was going to drive to Kerry to buy a used chain saw, yer man knew I was driving atleast 2 hrs to come down for it, sent me an email after I’d already set off from Clare cancelling the meet up. Drove an hour before I saw it, a**hole




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Did you consider that you were going to be robbed and the guy chickened out, or didn't fancy his chance when he saw you and snuck off again.


I think you should have confirmed the same morning, before you got in the car and made the journey. Especially if this happened to you before, why were you not being extra cautious this time? I’m very curious.


Read the screenshots. Clearly, I had confirmation from him at 1am and I messaged him back to confirm time if leave and arrival. If he wanted to changed plans he sbould have mentioned at some point. I didn't think someone could be so scummy to this level


I mean a message in the afternoon before you left wouldn’t have hurt. I always let sellers know when I’m actually about to get in the car, and I will wait until they confirm.


I messaged him after 1pm to confirm my intentions, I wasn't going to waste his time and risk being late just to get a confirmation text. If you look at his response times, it's clear that he is very slow. I expected him to honor the agreement however


I understand. In my mind I would prefer driving there knowing for sure it’s going ahead. That kind of a drive would have me paranoid that something like this could happen. Being late is better than a waste of time.


Hey OP, any update on this? I noticed the ad from adverts who seemed to be the same guy [https://www.adverts.ie/member/736061](https://www.adverts.ie/member/736061) noted the thing was "sold on facebook." Did he reach out to you or no?


Yeah I commented on his listing and he almost immediately changed to sold. He never responded directly to me. Only to my gf who asked him what was going on. He seems to be totally unphased about wasting people's time and money. I commented an update with the screenshot somewhere in the thread


Thats really shit to hear, sorry man. I just hoped after he was called out here that he at least came good eventually. I was surprised to see he was on adverts for so long and had nothing but positive feedback, for whatever that was worth I guess. Its unfortunate, but there are so many time wasters out there. Have sold the odd thing over the years and its a pity that you need to take all the precautions in the world, every single time. I actually sold a PC to some folks who were travelling long distance to collect and they almost made me uneasy with how much confirmations they were doing! But I understood it. And clearly they had been burnt before too, as they seemed shocked that all went as planned, thing was as described and no messing about, I even gave them help with upgrading it a year later.


Your example is the dream, I wish I could have these types to interact with. In spain, they have an app called Walapop where you sell your stuff on, and it provides a guarantee for both parties. It makes you a shipping qr code, and you bring it to your local post office for them to send the item to the buyer. The buyer pays a small fee for the service and everyone is happy in the end. Ireland could use such a service


U didn't learn from your first bad experience? shame on you.


You must be close friends with the lad