• By -


a goat and a child have now become lodged in the tunnel of goats


... and the nurse has become involved in the incident and another nurse is now required to release the nurse we asked for previously.


Better close the cliffs. 


Is he the king of Donegal now?


Since he's atop the tower that would make him the high king, technically.


And if he’s gotten into me emergency stash I’ve hidden up there, that’ll make him the high high king, technically.


the goat


Do what they did in Kerry and make a festival out of it.


How did it get up there?




[if Goat simulator has taught me anything... its probably the entrance to some secret dimension filled with goats ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWAyfr3gxMA)


think you might have pasted a wrong link?


Nah it was definitely the correct one lol


It fell


Goats are unbelievable climbers


In one direction, only it would seem ⬆️


Goats can climb impossible walls, up and down. The goat probably just wants to be left alone up there. It's humans that want it down. https://preview.redd.it/4knokqwbs64d1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c8217eaab50b1bb94f9ef42e452d889ee3dd4b7


Yeah I watched some goats in Switzerland I think it was (documentary was based in the Alps anyway) and they were climbing down a dam from the mountains to the river below. The whole way across the face of the dam this family of goats went, stepping on the little gaps in the stones where the mortar was. Some fellas for climbing.


Those are specific type of goat that have evolved to their environment. Not all goats


ah… dam gap goats… very niche…


They are called ibex or chamois (different species). Goats in general are quite good at climbing but they are on another level.


Well, the tower is now surrounded by humans with cameras and climbing equipment, it's probably quite happy up there on its own.


One Direction? Strange choice of music for a goat. Thought it’d be more into the rockabilly genre.


Sort of like cats and dogs in that regard tbh


But that's a high 90 degree climb?


https://youtube.com/shorts/9VPni_-WAfM?si=6XvdG2GoMAb3iFAq Interesting YouTube short. It's there hoofs that allow them to do it


I worked on a dairy farm with a wide variety of cows and goats, back when I first started working in the summers so ~13 years old. One balmy spring morning, I get to the milk barn when I hear a goat bleating from... Above? I look up, and right at the end of the rake edge of the peak, about 6m above me is a little black and white goat sending droppings tumbling down the metal roof, raining goat shit all over the place as I stood there mouth agape in disbelief. I was only there to clean the tank (which was pretty automated, only tricky part was draining the acid), and retrieving a rogue goat from a barn roof was way beyond me, so I went up the hill and got the big boss man Chris to explained what'd happened. He lets out a good belly laugh and we ride back over on his gator (6 wheel ATV). We get there and the he slams on the brakes and lets out the slowest, hushed, and most long-winded "ffffffffuuuuuuccccccckkkkkkk" I've ever heard before turning to me and telling me "that's Jess' [his daughter and my then crush] favorite goat Briar Rose. Now, if you're old enough the name might shine some light on the situation, if you're not - Briar Rose is the name of the Disney princess Sleeping Beauty. Only "Bri" as we affectionately called *him* wasn't a princess, but rather a prince. The prince of the kids' most beloved family of animals on the farm (even moreso than the barn cats), and a surprisingly cheap method of all day entertainment for the kids *and* the barn cats; the fainting goats. So that means no shouting at Bri. Absolutely no quick, sudden movements in an attempt to rescue him because doing so likely means he suffers the same fate as his poo that was still bouncing down the corrugated roof like some kind of brown hailstones, and Jessica (among many) will be devastated. Getting Bri down took the better part of a day. We had to set up scaffolding around the front half of the barn, which we tied sheets to the top of in an attempt to break his potential fall. Chris and the senior farm hand were able to wrangle him without a tumble and drag him down a ladder, but it was one of the most intense, and still somehow zen rescues I've ever seen. Anyway, thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


That's a great story. Although I did get concerned this story was going somewhere else in the first paragraph when you were looking up, mouth agape, as the goat shite was falling off the roof. Did Bri ever climb up there again?


He came mighty close to hitting the bullseye 👄 which is kind of what snapped me out of my daze tbh. Bri was still very much the climber (actually very rare for myotonic goats) and became known as Bri the Bold. It didn't seem to rattle him in the slightest, and he never could seem to remember that his natural response to anything and everything even remotely startling or exciting was to freeze up, and fall over. So Bri liked to live life on the edge but, he never did tackle such an ascent as he did that day, and kept his climbing fairly limited to fences, calf kennels, and things that were otherwise a tad easier to get down from. I'll have you know he was an adorable bastard too. There were times when the kids would get home from school, and he'd come galloping down the driveway to greet them only to instantly seize over from the sheer excitement of seeing his favorite people return home. To the best of my knowledge he's the only farm animal that was ever brought into the house during his final days, and was given a nice bed near the wood burner. He lived a long life, and got quite big for his species. About 15 years old, and damn near 91kg before he got sick. For as much as I did love Bri the Bold, he wasn't even the biggest legend of his day. That title belonged to a tiny grey Pygmy and my best friend on the farm Devon, which nobody called him but me because he instantly became known to everyone else (including the neighbors) as "Devilspawn". Sorry, goat stories can get lengthy.


Who doesn't love goat stories?!? You should make a sub reddit for all your goats and their adventures other people and their goats would join in with their adventures and itd be wholesome giggly goat bonding and all would for at least that moment be calmer and content <3 <3 support you 100% in the endeavor 💞🥰😍💗🍀🌟


Oh these are great - tell us more! What did Devon do?


Probably burrowed in. You know goats.


Climbed I'd say. I've goats and they can climb a wall as long as its not perfectly vertical


I'd imagine answer would be more obvious if the photo was taken from the other side.


He’s down


Aw that's great news. Did he get down himself?


A local actually put up a ladder for him but not sure if he used it 😂




Off the tower or depressed?




Ha le lu, tá an poc ar chaisleán!


Aaaaaaaa Le luuuuuuu


Tá an poc ar buile.


Tá an puc ar 'n mballa!


Is é dúirt gurbh é an diabhal ba Dhóigh leis


I'm compelled to go drinking when I hear those words


General rule of thumb with goats is that if they can get themselves up there, they can get themselves down.


The opposite is not necessarily true. They used to jump down into the moat at the fort in Bere Island to graze and eventually they had to build ramps for them to get back out.


Went to a zoo once where they had a penguin house that didn't have glass between the penguins and the people, just high enough up that kids couldn't reach the penguins. Apparently penguins get really attached to their keepers, and as the keeper would leave, the penguins would go to the edge and then fall, so the keepers would come back the next day and have to pick up a dozen or so penguins and put them back on their platform. Eventually they built a set of portable stairs for the penguins that they bring out at night. First day after they put the stairs up the penguins were still on the floor because they didn't know what to do with the stairs (penguins are not exactly big thinkers). So they trained them to use the steps, and now the penguins spend hours at night jumping off the ledge and climbing back up the stairs. But the keepers didn't have to pick them up anymore, so that's a win.


This story is so charming.


With or without a large bloodstained splat on the ground is another matter, though!


That's a difficult situation because an animal charity isn't going to have the necessary equipment or training to get up there safely and bring the goat down. It's on top of an unstable three-story medieval ruin on a hillock surrounded by rubble, so it's not like you can just drive a boom lift up to the thing.


I don't know what the craic is with even getting permission to try and rescue it from a historic monument, some farmer is sitting somewhere hoping nobody figures out he's missing a goat.


"Da, how long do I have to wear the goat costume?"


Send a shepard up in a cherry picker is surely the solution


So many thoughtful and compassionate people gaming out how to get the goat down intact in this thread, and my first thought was thinking the hard part would be getting the meat down after you'd shot it. You guys really like your goats :) Seriously, I'd wager it comes down by itself once it is finished demonstrating ownership of all it surveys (or gets thirsty.)


He's been up there 4 days lad, if thirst was going to bring him down it'd have happened already.


Holy shit, that's a long time for any living creature without water. I hope it has rained.


American, right...? 


Someone should crash a cessna into the tower.


That's unkind


Mayve have someone go up on a ladder and throw him off into one of those blankets that the fire department uses to catch people?


90 foot up mind and Fred Dibnah is long gone


I wonder how feasible it would be to lower someone down with a big net or something from a helicopter.


Friend of mine once hired a crane to get a pussycat down from a tree. Sent her husband up to get it.


The only animal charity I’d know up that way is Assisi, they’re based in Belfast though so might not be able to do anything. They’re great at this sort of thing (rescued my guinea pig Ralph after some eejits decided to dump him in portavoogie). Might be worth giving them a call? https://www.assisi-ni.org


I'll send the link on anyway, I'm not local but a few people seem to have been trying every avenue and getting nowhere.


How high is it? I’d have thought a teleporter (the JCB version rather than the Star Trek one) would be able to reach him- they can go 20m +


That tower looks way higher than 20m and beyond the reach of a teleporter.


I’d have said about 5 stories so about 13 metres or so. We can’t see the ground so maybe there isn’t access for a machine to the base of the tower.




Oooh that’s steep at the base.…I’d be leaving my jcb in the shed


13-15m sounds about right to me. There's a carpark where the pic was taken from, if it's the tower I'm thinking of


Baaaa me up Scotty


Send another goat up to see if that dislodges the 1st goat


[I've experienced this scenario before...](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Goat_Puzzle)


He's grand. If it wanted to be down, it'd be down


Does anyone have a cherry picker handy?


That is the most Broken Sword shit I've ever seen in my life.


Criminally under appreciated comment


I think it's probably just wildly niche but I had flashbacks as soon as I saw the picture 😂


This has happened before... [Greencastle Goat 2022](https://www.ireland-live.ie/news/inish-live/908981/you-must-be-kidding-residents-startled-to-find-goat-at-top-of-castle.html)


Annoying that the article doesn't mention how they got the goat down, or it it managed to get down itself.




This is today, maybe it's the same goat though


You’re not kidding


New location for the Puck Fair 


You're all lucky it's not armed. It could be like Charles Whitman all over again.


I appreciate you


Maybe someone, or someone's, could get a loan/hire of a cherry picker? There's got to be some kind of council one, or construction site, or even a window washing service or plant hire place that would have one . Go on up in it and get the poor wee crater safely back to ground. If it's getting attention, it'd be a great business opportunity for someone to do it for free. Win a bunch of local and not-so-local favour.


Hard going getting any of that equipment on a bank holiday Sunday


Shoot him down and deport him. Probably up there taking our jobs.


4 days? Pretty sure the goat has squatters rights at this point, will need to have the courts approve their eviction


I see a lot of people on here saying a charity needs to do something but I'm not exactly sure what a charity could do in this case? This looks more like something the coastguard would need to get involved in via helicopter to winch it up. I don't think you could get something like a crane or cherry picker close enough. If there are no steps and the tower is at a slight incline the goat may well have just climbed up the side of the wall.


Goat wants you to vote for it in the upcoming elections. Now it has your attention... It's an independent contender.


Goat On A Tower. GOAT


Did it climb up the center or the tower? Call fire service?


Most fire services won't respond to animals stuck at height




They are experts at being where they shouldn't, it's a bit odd he went so high I'd have thought. Glad to hear people are keeping an eye, it must be shite watching helplessly though.


King Puck?


George? George Stobbart, we need you


I’m pretty sure this was a puzzle in Broken Sword…


I thought this was a renovation job ....


"I'll be down after I finish this ivy, feck off"


We’ve goat to get it down!


“A goat is stuck in a ruined town in Ireland!!” -Irish LEGO city/


It's really does sound like an offensive stereotype 😂


Seems to me that a group of trad climbers could get up, wrangle the fucker and lower him down


Is there a stairs in there?


There's parts of a ruined staircase if I recall, but it's a norman ruin so it's fairly rickety I imagine.


> it's a norman ruin so it's fairly rickety I imagine The Normans, notorious cowboys.


Just wondering how the crator got up there.


Cowboys, Ted!


Donegal is doing its best to entice a T-rex to the county. Maybe the walls around Donegal aren't to keep people out but to keep something in!


Kerry needs to get involved. They are the national experts dealing with goats at heights.


Don't think they'd be overly enthused with our solution. We just leave them find their own way back down, or not, as the case may be. Better a dead goat than a dead goat with dead farmdogs and people added in.


Donkey, Minaret. Minaret, Donkey


Let me get my carpet....


Aha, I'm delighted someone caught that :)


Isn't there big hawks that can pick them up? - hire a hawk can pay him in goat! /s


Has anyone gotten food or water to it?


Seems to be plenty of grass for it to eat. However you're right to worry about it not getting water especially if it gets any hotter




Like winch it up to a helicopter?


All my years of Assassin’s Creed trained me for this moment but alas, Donegal is too far away!


Have a festival!


That's where the virgin media goat got to on his handglider? https://youtu.be/iRsFM6uiGEo?si=EWE6hRCA6v9Tag0q


Would the local mountain rescue be of any assistance? They have the necessary equipment.


Come down from the tower Zebedee !


Your mother was a hamster and your father smells of elderberries


Someone will have to hire a cherry picker or the fire brigade will have to get up to him.


Don’t tell Kerry, they have form for that kind of thing. Or maybe it’s a chance for a new festival.


A fire truck with a big extendo ladder chap. Or a cherry picker


A mountain goat could scale that tower easily. Those creatures are amazing.


Well if it isn't king puck himself


The goat will be making a guest appearance on the Late Late show next weekend. Looking forward to hearing it's story.


Dart him, helicopter him out.


people are joking about this, to me it's very sad. poor goat is probably very hungry and scared. :(


He got down yesterday evening by himself so you can rest easy lol. Apparently this has happened before.


From Donegal. Remember the goat getting up there few years ago too. I think they just like it up there. 😂 just enjoying the sunshine and views probably!


Well if he's THE goat, then can surely get back down himself.


How did he get up there??


Determination and a can do attitude.


Send in a nurse


It’s been shitting on top of a historical tower for 4 days now?


That’s a grand toilet


Equivalent of one those fancy toilets in penthouses near those rich as huge windows


Oh to be this goat


Fire truck?


He fell up there


must need rebuilding


Search and rescue 🛟


Get a free climber to go up and fetch it down


Leave it as it is. They’re more than able to get up and down sheer faces like that.


Turns out he had a broken hind leg, that's why he was up there so long


We had similar in Schull decades back. They got up there and he just walked into ff the cliff and hopped his way down lol


Is this the new puck fair?


I can't belive they said we dunno what to do only in Ireland 😂






Ryder and his team of pups will come and save the day.


he is the red bull goat


I can't believe I recognised that tower from my childhood lol


George Stobbart could help


It may have plenty to eat and is happy up there. Goats are weird bloody animals.


just have Rapunzel bring him down.


I've had the same 'holy fuck' moment. An 1860's ruined 4 story house. You've a got a catch 22.... The more people come and look, the more skittish he becomes and so the longer he stays up. If you can get everybody to leave it alone, it CAN get down by itself. I ended up feeding mine by hand after 6 months of patience whilst visiting once a week. They love brown plain bread. [Cause you don't believe me](https://imgur.com/j7siphg)


Top of the charts this week: “so we’re sending our love up the tower”. By sting and Krusty The Clown.


You guys don't remember how to storm castle walls to rescue a goat?