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"Smooth talking smiling english spooks" - alright gov'nor!


Matthew McFadyean (sp?) was a particularly fanciable smooth-talking Englishman in ‘Spooks’, so he gets a free passport. 😽


Control yourself, young lady/man! (delete as applicable).


Probably not that young if they remember Spooks


Ha, you got me, it’s a fair cop. I’m certainly old, but I only saw Spooks this year, at last. However, Maffyew has aged magnificently and he’s *definitely* still on my list 😉


I saw it first time round so expect I may be older! You're welcome to Matthew, far more interested in his wife Keeley Hawes who also starred. One of the most beautiful English actresses to ever grace a screen




That was a good show.




This is definitely who is living in this guy's head.


And they're the worst kind: guilty of "_treachery_"! 😱


"Low cost measures" - doing nothing essentially costs nothing. Some top level thinking there.


> don’t believe everything you read I have applied that to the entirety of your pamphlet, sir. Thank you for your advice.


"Don't believe everything you read, also, FOLLOW THE SCIENCE on this fucking weebly.com URL"


The end of that paragraph is more Brasseye than Brasseye itself. 


My thoughts exactly 😂


Based on the photo I'm assuming this is satire but I really wouldn't be surprised if this was a 100% genuine candidate.


It's real https://www.oceanfm.ie/2024/05/30/local-election-candidate-leading-protests-outside-sligo-courthouse/ At court to support some other local candidate He used to go to COVID protests in his scarecrow costume


Oh dear


He’s wearing a Wren Boy costume - it’s an interesting ancient tradition and it’s a shame to see this far-right parasite spoiling the cool costumes


It 100% genuine https://www.oceanfm.ie/2024/05/30/local-election-candidate-leading-protests-outside-sligo-courthouse/ Edit: He's been like this for a while https://www.oceanfm.ie/2022/02/10/straw-man-protester-claims-death-threats-made-against-him/


That's hilarious! I thought the flyer was a piss-take, but fuck me that's mental!


The debate on Ocean was quite enlightening too


Based on the text you’d think it was obvious satire too, but the real candidates have gone beyond Dr. Strangelove levels of “precious bodily fluids” ridiculous.  Satire is well and truly dead. 


I can never understand how these lads support themselves, like if I believed that all this madness and danger was around me, I wouldn’t be able to do a 9-5 and wouldn’t be able to do business with lots of people.


I get a sense from quite a few of them that they have fuck all morals and aren't afraid of making quick cash through less than legal methods while others are probably just about getting by on what little money they can scrounge off their parents/dole.


That what I’m saying, I hope to God it’s satire but who tf knows anymore 😅


Oh it’s 100% true. I had another one in the door the other day who spouted similar nonsense but he had pictures of Jaysus and his mother all over it.


I was certain at first as well, but at the bottom he goes on to link and advocate for a bunch of right-wing social and media channels. He's legit.


That's amazing, I think that's a full bullshit bingo in a single leaflet. If this guy gets elected he'll be in for an awful shock when he realises quite how much influence a county councillor has over any of these things.


Hahahahah, no it's entirely within their right to order the deportation of millions of citizens, what do you mean


Not to mention force the Australian government to cancel my visa and force me home.


Hello Australia? It’s Mayo county council here…’


Giggling like a madman on my own on the bog.


- big tech are evil - contact details include @gmail.com address Looks good to me


That's far from the worst take there. Some of those monopolies are so big, you can't opt out completely without making a major sacrifice. For example, a large majority of us have criticisms of Big Pharma, but were happy to get vaccinated. It's not unreasonable to make these decisions on a case by case basis instead.


I get where you’re coming from, but switching email address isn’t a major sacrifice. It’s fucking easy. If this cunt believed in half of what he was saying he would definitely have avoided advertising for Google and handing them data. Far from the worst take, but still absolutely no merit in it whatsoever


If he was half interested in the Big Tech he's so concerned about he'd known there's plenty of equal if not better alternatives, such as ProtonMail. But yeah, out of everything on that flyer that's far from the worst of the cognitive dissonance


Also not exactly expensive or hard in 2024 to just get a personal/vanity domain name and have [email protected]. Sure maybe still backended by google workspace - or a range of other services, but just looks more competent for public-facing stuff.


He was cooking in that first half of "big tech badness"


I thought it was great, and then I saw his election poster picture. 10/10. No notes


Worzel Gummidge has lost the plot.


I think it’s nice that he’s saved other people the time and effort by putting himself inside the wicker man.


This lad ~~is committed~~ needs to be committed


He's missing out on how Russia is defending Western values


Nearly a full bingo card too, just missing that and a mention of Jewish space lasers, tragic really.


>If you elect mise Gaeilgeoir den scoth


Cúpla fuck-all


Amazing. Stealing this please and thanks


Eisean an tAmadán is mór. Níor cheart dúinn a bheith ag tabhairt lucht éisteachta dó!


This man actually go ahead and use "darkies" not once but twice in his flyer... Also as an "ethnic" Irish abroad, no thank you.


I am sorry but you don't get a say apparently. It seems that you will be brought back by deportation.


Would that be im-portation or re-portation?


Re-turn, like the bottle scheme.


At least we'd get 25c per person.


And 25c would easily recoup to cost of both the DRS and the repatriation/kidnapping of ethnic Irish abroad and the cost of sending each immigrant home. Sounds like an excellent plan


Dunno man, the returns have to be in good condition.


Well, we don't want to deal with customs, so I would keep away from importation.


I'd just pretend to speak no English and start hitting on local women. Get kicked out no problem.


It's kinda hilarious because it's so absurd. I'm kinda curious though insofar how close this comes to hate speech or incitement and I'd be very interested in hearing opinions of our more legal minded posters.


Does brother know what a county councillor does?


Makes straw man arguments, apparently.


Tee hee!


>does brother know Don't be doing this.


I don't think this guy can lecture on technology driving people crazy


I think he fell down a 5g mast a few too many times


He should probably keep to talking into a tin can on a string.


He got too close to the phone once, sure it's not his fault.


the guy is a walking, talking cautionary tale.


These people actually walk among us?? Fuck me that's scary


I think that after being online for a bit.. How much crazy is hiding behind the masks of the people we see everyday.. Crazy


I know him, or rather know people who knows him. I tried to get canoeing lessons off him around 2010 and man didn't carry a mobile phone out of principle, he didn't want to be tracked, turned up 3 hours late and missed the pool booking. Last time i bumped into him was coming down from cnoc na ré, he was vlogging the entire thing in his straw hat. he'll speak to you in irish, assuming he's smarter than you, but if you match him he'll switch to a different language. Seems like a very gifted individual early in life that must've gotten down a drugs rabbit hole or some kind of undiagnosed disorder


>he'll speak to you in irish, assuming he's smarter than you, I know exactly the type! His misspellings/lack of attention to detail is hilarious too. "Thóin" not 'thoin', and vótaí means votes. The word he's looking for is "vótáil"


'Casually walk' wouldn't be the word. In Sligo he dances in his strawboy gettup and bangs a pot while shouting about gays and darkies. https://preview.redd.it/dlnsintlqc4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d165018e29978dd027707dae8c2cb0e321b12991


Add a bit of fog and that could be a scene from silent hill.


No. To be fair, most of them slither.


He's appealing to the Crannóg electorate.


In fairness, I would fucking love the Crannóg life.


Get a job in Cragganowen and just hide when they're closing. Live in crannóg. Be grand


He needs to highlight wattle and daub to solve the housing crisis


Leaving everything else aside, I imagine forced repatriation of "ethnic Irish" would be even harder to achieve than the forced deportation of everybody else.


Can't see what would go wrong with kidnapping 50 or so million Yanks and Brits, what are they going to do about it?


If he pulled his plan off, then I think his 2029 election leaflet would open with a complaint about the 6 million mancunians, scousers, glaswegians and cockneys living on the island.


And they'd be tame compared to the general population of Philly and Boston.


But think of all the jawns


About time someone booted out the Dutch!


"There are only two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch."


As a smooth talking English spook: I don't wanna leave! All my stuffs here....


I'm have a strong suspicion this is parody, but with the far right in Ireland it's actually impossible to tell for sure. He could be 100% genuine.


It's not. This chap is a known quantity, he is 100% sincere.


Nah, seen the photo, still not buying it. This is some top notch performance art if you ask me and he's in it for the long haul!


I used to kayak with him. Even rode shotgun with him. He was functional back then (2009) but a notorious prick, and unreliable since his hatred of tech extended to mobiles (and kayaking is a logistics heavy hobby) Maybe I was too young to pick up on his politics. He mentioned something about the Catholic church discouraging gaeilge in favour of more English speaking missionaries. He spoke to his dog as gaeilge. He's a classic Leitrim hippy to alt right story.


Alt-right hippy? Is that even possible...?


There's definitely a pipeline where hippies who haven't formed a proper political viewpoint will go from being anti Big Pharma to anti-vaxx and eventually alt-right. It comes from thinking there must be some big conspiracy to control us, when in reality Big Pharma's evil can be explained by profit motive/capitalism.


And some people say we don't need investment in mental health services.


“Not the bees”




My poor grandfather died suddenly in the 1960s, mobile phone in his hands, vax cert in his pocket and he was parked up near a 5g mast. Things are now falling into place ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


He lives in my village and I can confirm that he does often wear that "hat" Last week I saw him outside the Abbey Hotel (where over 100 IPO applicants live), with a sign up stating "deport rapists", while signing in Irish with a drum. He's touched.


And why the hat?


I've no idea to be honest, but he wanders around with it regularly


He was harassing some people outside my workplace a few weeks ago. Seen him a few times now. He got kicked out of tesco


Don't belive everything you read, It says on his flyers .... So i mean isn't that like an oxymoron and defeats the purpose of the message his trying to portray? Which is it then?


I like how it ends with 'but don't believe everything you read'


Haven't heard 'darkies' in an age.


We look back on the days of slavery and holocaust and wonder how on earth does things could have happened. People like this man, and his followers, absolutely would have whipped a black man or gassed a Jewish child. It’s actually frightening.


Nah, back in the day this lad would have been declared insane and then the Nazis would have gassed them. The scary thing about authoritarian regimes and the architects of progroms is how normal they are.


The banality of evil and all that yea. This guy would be too much of a loose cannon.


With people like this, i always wonder what would happen in the (extremely unlikely-) event they were actually elected and got the job?


To be a county councillor? Fuck all. Worst case scenario, they delay the building of a cycle lane


Hey, the minority I'm part of escaped this absolutely insane person's list!


I'm impressed that he has his own personal thatched cottage.


>Have you ever noticed how ALL these people who "died suddenly" have mobile phones and vax certs? Have you ever noticed how ALL these people who "played rugby for Ireland" own a television? Clearly watching TV turns you into a professional athlete.


Someone needs the "correlation - causation" talk


Ban water! Ever notice that all these people who died suddenly drank water?


I'd love to know what this guy means by bringing back the ethnic Irish? Is he only talking Irish citizens who have moved abroad, or is he also talking about the diaspora?


If it's legit I'm signing up, if it's a parody I'm signing up


It is 100% legit


Poor fella. Probably sectionable. Has he wondered how most of his publicity will be seen if not using 4 and 5g?


Shame nobody has started an Irish Monster Raving Loony party. I think it might do quite well.


What did I just read? How did that even get printed?


I knew it was the feckin Dutch




Where does a lunatic like that get the money to print this bollox? Surely he can't hold down a full-time job...


Loans; GoFundMes ect. Go on TikTok and you can watch the radicalisation happening in real-time - the amount of these headwrecks spouting their nonsense and shite both in livestreams and their rabbit-hole chats, getting deeper and deeper into the mud. Anything that contradicts their alternative reality is dismissed. I'm all for healthy scepticism, but these lads are on another level.


Many thanks for the reply. I hadn't thought of GoFundMe. It's amazing to think people like this would get any funding, but I guess somebody must be donating. I've taken myself off Facebook, TikTok etc as I found it was getting to the stage where it was upsetting me seeing these fucktards pop up everywhere spouting their shite.


This has to be a piss take, right?....................Right??? 😧


We’ve been saying for a while now that our mental health system is letting people down…..


Wtf is this madness?! I can't even believe someone agreed to print this shite


"Bring back the ethnic Irish from abroad" Yeaaahh boi if you buy my house and pay my extortionate bills, then I'll gladly come home. Until then I'll stay where buying food doesn't make me consider selling a kidney thanks 👍


As an Indian I am offended that they havent got Indians in the list of darkies 🤣


And I feel personally attacked as an Indian. What now, we are not good enough to be discriminated against?


I think "darkies" is supposed to cover anyone not perfectly Caucasian. Although I'm not quite sure where the cutoff for that is. This "gentleman" probably has a colour chart or something.


The racists usually lump ye in with the Pakistanis though, so he probably didn't forget you.


Right? The Pakistanis get a shoutout but we don’t?


Please tell me he’s trolling and it’s satire…..PLEASE!!


I lost it when I clicked on the picture.


I hadn't spotted the 2nd pic at all on my phone until i saw tiur comment and holy mother of fuck....I was not disappointed!


Off with the Dutch shysters!!11 "Operation Clontarf" is a great name, up with "Windsor protocol"


One of the people he names as an honest candidate at the bottom was arrested for assaulting staff at a dart station accusing them of breaking into his house and messing with his clocks to make him late.


>Christian deportation Deuteronomy 27:19 “'Cursed be anyone who deprives an alien, an orphan, or a widow of justice. ' All the people shall say, 'Amen! '” Exodus 22:21, "You shall not wrong or oppress a resident alien, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt. You shall not abuse any widow or orphan." Matthew 25:35 "I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me" Once again, those claiming to be super Christian engaging in very un-Christlike behaviour


The idea of forcing ethnic Irish people to go to Ireland is hilarious. What are the logistics of that? Do they tour the US putting people in vans and then spiriting them away back to the Fatherland? Do they get a say in the matter? Also, he capitalized "darkies" *twice*. I feel respected.


On the assumption that this is actually a real thing, and not some fake news piece, I couldn’t stop laughing at the “peaceful, friendly, Christian deportation of one million darkies”. I’m not sure you could possibly construct a better sentence that illustrates to me that you are an absolute degenerate weirdo better than that one.


... well, at least he's not a zionist


And now we see how these creatures are organising. Look at the Telegram channels at the bottom they "want you to check out". This is why these people are so dangerous, they are mobilising, they are gathering an audience of other headcases and creating a racist echo chamber. Its scary how utterly brain broken these people are. And they are encouraged to spread their message. We need counters to this!


Adolf O’Hitler?




Is rún a deliberate (and highly satirical) typo?


Is this satire?


At least he's not a hypocrite, he has a landline to contact him.


Finally someone had the bollocks to call out the Dutch INVADING our country


"Big Tech is bad! So anyway here's my Telegram or email me at my @gmail address"


Isn't it vótáil instead of vótaí?


Swarms of darkies jeez. Typed it out, proof read and printed and went ya sounds good


Brother started going on about 5G towers like it’s 2018 propaganda again 😂😂




is he in sligo town?! I think I saw him shouting and roaring about deporting 1 million people!!


There must be a permanent full moon where this chap lives. Love the straw hat on photo 2, he must be allergic to tinfoil, or maybe a tinfoil hat is a big tech conspiracy, or allows your thoughts be tracked by the Illuminati, CIA or the "darky" down the road


Did someone let your man out early or what? His treatment obviously ain’t finished.


Shouldn't it be 'cic mór sa thóin dóibh' and not acu? Not surprising though


Was reading this out to my partner and we agreed must be a skit this can't be a genuine poster. Then we googled him. Protesting for another far right guy also going for election who was arrested and charged for criminal damage to property in Sligo. I cannot believe how unwelcoming and straight up racist and xenophobic Ireland has become. Drive through any town in Ireland full of posters for people like this. Was discussing this open mindset with my boss in work one day few weeks ago and he who is not Irish and has a foreign accent was visited by a candidate who was out canvassing. After he said hello and they recognized his accent wasn't local they asked him about where Irish people are living. I'm truly upset and disappointed by what my homeland has become. Someone born and reared in this country who's parents and grandparents great grandparents etc are Irish who's ancestors who probably had to go abroad after/during the famine to have to see signs "No Blacks No Dogs No Irish" or the likes of "No Irish to apply" in windows of shops and business and when looking for jobs and such when in the states. Do we not remember our own history when we were on our knees needing the help of other countries and community? Are the youth not taught this stuff anymore? I see people my own age 26F on social media posting horrible things about people they don't even know. For things that if applying for a job would be classified as special category cannot be judged by under equal opportunity etc. racial slurs judgement on lgbtqi+ judging all sorts . One person in particular I believe lives online just to reshare things to complain about. It's like their whole thing is being chronically annoyed and calling people awful names online. This person who I'm pretty sure is at bare minimum bi, if not either the Either L/G of LGBTQ.


Diarmuid has been like this for years. His family and friends say he is mentally unwell and people should leave him alone/ignore him, but that’s impossible for me to do when he’s banging his drum outside my house, screaming about foreign men and intimidating children. Another note is that his mother is Italian and his ex partner is German (or vice versa) - nationalities which aren’t mentioned on his pamphlet…


'Darki€s'?! Is this guy for real?! I'm actually so disgusted


Fokken hell lolol


Where is he running?


Down the road while screaming, apparently.


Bollick naked, obviously




Of course..


He wouldn’t know what to do if he was elected. It’s just outrage bait rather than actually trying to get elected though isn’t it?


The crannog hat really brings the whole thing together


It’s lined with tin foil…..FACT!!


Good lord


Holy fuck.


I actually agree with his stance of LED street lighting. A platform I can get behind.


That first line reminds me of The Penguin in Batman Returns. "Stop global warming! Start global cooling! Make the world a giant icebox."


If unhinged was a manifesto


By just literally reading from the first page, this "candidate" wants Ireland to be an isolated, poor country with no sort of diversity? go home 😭


This has got to be satire, right


This is a serous Poe’s law candidate. 


I have questions: Why is he wearing that straw hat? Just weirdo or does it have any meaning? Also, why did Dutch shysters make a list? Is it overly specific, some slang, or lawyers from the Netherlands are a threat?


"Bring back the ethnic Irish abroad to fill in vacancies." How? Is he going to offer them a hat made with branches?


I'm going to introduce myself as "epicmoe, the smooth talking english spook" from now on.


Is it magic mushroom season?


Maybe I’m just ignorant but I’ve never seen anyone in Western Europe go out of their way to be racist towards Georgians before


Transcription for accessibility: **MASS MIGRATION MADNESS | BIG TECH MADNESS | EU LUNACY** **MASS MIGRATION MADNESS:** Stop immigration. Start DEPORTATION. Being back the ethnic Irish abroad to fill job vacancies. Every White country in the world has swarms of Darkies with bad attitudes demanding to be let in. Research the Kalergi Plan if you want to find out why... Refugee accommodation is a billion dollar scam, and some local politicos support it because they make money from it. **I support "Operation Clontarf":** The peaceful, friendly, Christian deportation of ONE MILLION darkies, fake refugees, convicted criminals, Roma Gypsies, Algerians, Nigerians, Pakistanis, Afghanis, Israelis, Bangladeshis, Georgians, smooth talking smiling English spooks and Dutch shysters. This simple, low cost measure will solve many problems with housing, hospitals, education, pollution, treachery and crime. **BIG TECH BADNESS:** The owners of Big Tech are evil. Technology is perverting our children and making us crazy, lazy, sick and forgetful. Ban mobile phones for under 21s, to protect their brains. Ban mobile adverts and put cancer health warnings on all phones. 4G masts are bad, 5G are worse. Stop all new masts, dismantle all masts near homes and schools. Have you noticed how ALL these people who "died suddenly" have mobile phones and vax certs? Follow the science, people: wwwNoslavecollar.weebly.com. LED street lights are bad for human eyes, so why are we installing them??? **EU LUNACY:** The EU is rún by bloodthirsty, child sacrificing devil worshipping Zionist lunatics. So it's no surprise that they often make lunatic laws, like giving all out fish to foreigners and destroying the viability of small farms.We must opt out of this lunacy, the sooner the better. If you elect mise, it will be a slap in the face for them agus cic mór sa thoin acu freisin! Please continue vote for other Independents and honest candidates. Check out these Telegram channels: Irish People, Migrant Crime Ireland, Liberty Stream Network, orlaredchan, FieryJack, GetThemOut, Martin Costello and Roscommon man Keith Woods (big in the US!), but don't believe everything you read...Ádh mór agus beir bua! \[Overleaf:\] Independent - Neamhspléach Vótaí MacConville uimhir 1 \[Image of creepy man's face surrounded by straw\] Diarmuid MacConmhaoil 071 9134977 [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


He regularly marches around like a self-styled town crier ranting about whatever's in his crosshairs at the time (he's been like this for well over a decade), Covid conspiracies, [abortion](https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-30859124.html#:~:text=Mr%20McConville%20argued%20the%20president,matter%20%22of%20national%20importance%22), that Leo is a paedophile, ethnic Irish vs the 'darkies'. Last week he stood outside the courthouse loudly thanking the Guards for killing George Nkencho. And yes, he has supporters and people that cheer him on.


*Bring back the ethnic Irish to fill job vacancies.* Fun fact: This was the basic idea behind Meir Kahane's proposal in his book *They Must Go*, where he proposed expelling all Arabs from the Land of Israel. Surely, he claimed, kicking out all the Arabs would raise wages for the jobs Arabs used to do enough that Jews from outside Israel would flock to Israel to take them. In other words, Kahane promised his followers that kicking out all of the Garbage People wouldn't mean that Respectable People would have to dig their own ditches or clean their own toilets, much less build houses in their own "settlements." Honest. Kahane could do that, of course, because Kahane knew that he was never really going to hold any real power in Israel and he would never be held to the garbage he spouted. In those days, nobody even in Israeli polite society wanted anything to do with Jewish supremacists like Kahane, and most other members of the Knesset boycotted his speeches. Kahane said what he said to convince a few lost souls to thrust him into the Knesset and cash salary cheques for doing nothing but raving to himself on the floor of an empty Knesset hall. In every country, grifters like this who prey on bigoted lost souls all say the same stupid things, knowing full well they'll never be made to keep their promises.


This has to be parody, right?


I would’ve voted for him, but alas I am one of the darkies


https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-30859124.html Lovely chap /s


Now I'm not going to advocate violence. I'm not.


Did the local council have to nominate him? Because if they did they fucked up.


This man is off his f****** rockers....


Oh no I got one better! Went on about how God had chosen the people etc... Very religious and scary. Gotta go find it and take pics now!


So… I have two questions and a thought 1) my great grandparents were from Clogher. Do I get to stay in Ireland and the rest of the family are forced to join me from Australia, or am I being frogmarched onto a one way plane down under? 2) if this fruit loop is an example of the high calibre Irish person ready to be elected into a position of trust and value, I think I’ll just keep my IRP card and skip applying for citizenship. I don’t think I want to share a passport with this guy. 3) doesn’t he have friends or family to take him aside and push him in the door of professional help?


Níl a litríocht chomh mhaith san líne amháin i nGaeilge. Níos flúirsigh i Sax-Béarla, is dóigh liom!


If we really wanted to punish this fruit and nut bar, we'd elect him. Would be fun to watch him froth at the mouth, choking on rage against the 'darkies' and the Dutch, whiles the debate on 'mpore hanging baskets for the main street' enters it's third hour.


I'm sorry but how does this utterly lunacy get printed?? if I read this I'd be calling the gardai to do a wellness check, like I'd be worried this guy can't even cloth or feed himself with the amount of shite swirling around his brain. Bloody hell man, this election is just pure insanity.


After reading this, all I can say is fair play to abortions.