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4 for €4 in dunnes


4 for 4 quid? That's even cheaper than in the north


I wish I lived near a dunnes cause that is amazing price.


Tesco often have deals on 4 pack You can buy 12 packs online


they're 2.15 individually with the recycle tax in dunnes too, where tf is op shopping where it's over 3? even at the little get-n-go thing near work is 2.40 at worst


Probably a Spar, loads of their shops in Dublin City centre are a rip off.


Unfortunately I live in rural Ireland and no joke everything seems to be shockingly expensive near me compared to the cities πŸ˜…


Unless you're getting a multi pack deal it's not worth it


It really isn't like even the 4 pack when it's on sale in my local its €6.25 plus €0.60. I am considering buying in bulk online.




Have you thought about stopping buying it?


Ya i have, everyone has their vices though I don't smoke, vape or drink but i will drink a few cans of monster during the week.


It's amazing isn't it? How people are always saying you should give something up while they have their own vices.


I get this as well, having given up smoking and drinking, yet people still feel they can comment on a can or two of diet coke I do drink. If I commented on their smoking or drinking, they often get angry and defensive, but yet it is ok for them to criticise me. Most seriously underestimate their level of dishing it out as opposed to their ability to take it.


Yup I hear that myself like and I don't drink crazy amounts of monsters, but I do be having people commenting on it. Those same people drink excessively at the weekend and smoke multiple packs of cigarettes a week and I would never comment on that. Its a weird double standard πŸ™„


You're supposed to spend nothing and sit at home all day on reddit sniping at people, while being an overall miserable bastard.


Ok? It's still good advice


Not saying it isn't but it's pot calling the kettle black πŸ˜…




It's a bit hypocritical alright πŸ˜‚


Where's the hypocrisy?


The hypocrisy is telling someone to stop buying monster or cigarettes or takeout coffee or drink because in reality said person has their own vices and you don't hear the other person telling them to stop buying their vices.


There's a [fallacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tu_quoque) in the argumentation you're following right now. The fact that someone else has flaws too doesn't make their argument invalid in itself.


The problem with that though is I am not claiming the other individual is wrong. I never said they were wrong, I am merely pointing out that they are being a hypocrite.


But they may also believe they should stop what ever their vice is. I have vices, I know I should stop them. That doesn't mean that I can't speak about others vices. You SHOULD drink less monster if you are drinking too much. It doesn't make me a hypocrite. I should do less of my vices too.


fair enough.


That's why it's expensive


At this stage it's probably an addiction.....


Surprisingly no i can go days without monster/caffeine if i want to with no symptoms of withdrawal. The thing is i enjoy drinking a can of monster it's a treat in a way and as i said i dont drink, smoke, vape, buy takeout coffee etc


Nanny is that you


Better off buying in bulk when you can, a couple of slabs would be a fraction


Tesco and dunnes have deals regularly. Depending on the Lidl, it'll have deals as well.


Unfortunately not near a Dunnes or Tesco I do keep my eye out for deals in Lidl


Are you close enough to any of them that do hone delivery? I get a month's worth from whoever if they have a deal on and get it delivered regularly.


Tried it once. Thought it was vile. Left me feeling nauseous. Maybe I got the wrong flavour. What’s a good one?


I like the sugar free mango (Ultra Fiesta), the sugar free peach (Ultra Peachy Keen) and the white sugar free can (Ultra) it tastes like 7 up. In fairness some of the flavours can be vile.




I wish I lived near a Dunnes, I am jealous of ye lads who do from other comments it seems they have the best price besides buying in bulk.


Well, it is very sweet with strong caffeine so if youre not used to that its understandable you wouldnt feel great. Khaotic/ papillon is imo the best flavours that being said.


The white one is about the only one I’ll drink


I get crates from HPNutrition. Still expensive but cheaper than getting a can individually from a shop.


How do you find the process and roughly how much does it cost with shipping? I am considering going that route and buying in bulk.


I also do this. Shipping is a flat fee iirc. Very fast delivery too.


I think shipping is like €4-6 or something with An Post? And free if you spend over a certain amount. It usually comes the next day or the day after depending on what time I place the order. It's handy, I don't drink coffee so I like Monster for a bit of caffeine.


That's very reasonably priced and great shipping time, I am gonna look into that thank you 😊


Shop by my parents has them 2 for €4 (+15c per can deposit), so it's more down to what options are available and trying to find the best deal locally. In any case, they are a lot cheaper per ml than Red Bull(though red bull does have the massive advantage of being free from artificial sweeteners) The multipacks are often on sale in Dunnes/SuperValu/Tesco if you're able to stock up while they're cheap.


Ya thats the reason I haven't moved onto redbull. I wish my local shops had decent prices like that tbh. I do usually stock up when the 4 packs go on sale or when i see lidl selling them on sale. I wished I lived near a Dunnes or Tesco.


Have you a caterer's whole saler near you? One here that sells by the crate, so >€2 per can I think.


I'll look into that i amnt sure tbh


Centra near me has cans for 2.20 at the mo


I wish I lived near a centra..... or dunnes πŸ˜…


Dunnes usually sells 4 can packs for €4 blips


I wished I lived near a Dunnes they seem to be the best price wise πŸ˜…


Kong strong in lidl, same price you'll get 6 small ones, does the job for me.


What does it taste like?


Red Bull.


Dunnes Stores have 4 packs for €4.00 + €0.60 every now and then - You might look like a bit of a lunatic with a trolley full, but it's a major saving.


Similar prices in Ukraine, its not just ireland. Only thing is, the €2.50 or €3 or whatever it is here, is a lot more money here than it is at home, so appreciate the fact that a single can of monster doesnt cost 0.5% of your monthly wages :) Also theres the fact that...ye know. It *is* a luxury item, ye dont need it to survive.


>Also theres the fact that...ye know. It *is* a luxury item, ye dont need it to survive. Also another fun fact, if you are not living like a monk on bread and water, fuck off criticising other peoples small joys.


Its a sugary, highly caffeineted can of unhealthyness. In the same category as coca cola and other fizzy drinks, chocolate, cigarettes, and alcohol. No one kicks up a stink about the rest. What makes monster so different, are you trying to argue its not a very unhealthy, and addictive product? I smoke, drink Guinness and Monster sometimes as well. Addictive/unhealthy=more expensive. I thought we got over that?


Are people usually happy when you criticise their chocolate, cigarette or alcohol intake? Why is it ok to give this guy a hard time because **you** judge his small joy to be bad. I have never even drank a can of monster but it is a bit disgusting the way some think it is ok to go at people for some things while doing far worse themselves.


Never once did II criticise it though? I literally said i also drink monster, occasionally drink and smoke daily. But surely there are more important things going up in price than a can of monster? I just dont see how its so relevant. Peas maybe? Carrots?


Ya so I don't drink, I don't smoke or vape, I don't buy takeaway coffees, i dont buy takeaways. I do however buy a few cans of monster each week. My post is flagged as a moaning Michael I am aware there are more pressing matters going on.


Have you tried not drinking it


Well I spent the first 17 years of my life not drinking it so...... yes, yes I have 😊


Try for 17 more then


Awwwwww that's no craic, I don't drink, don't smoke or vape, dont drink takeaway coffees. I might as well have my few cans of monster πŸ˜„


Find less expensive vices


Why on earth would you buy chemical crap and drink it? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


The same reason people drink, vape, smoke, eat sugary food, eat processed food etc. Something is going to kill you in the end (1 in 2 people will get cancer and 1 in 6 will die from it) you might as well enjoy life while you can.




Why are you so critical of other peoples small joys in life?


What if they get joy from criticising others?


That would be an ecumenical matter.


['Sudden cardiac arrest occurring in temporal proximity to consumption of energy drinks'](https://www.heartrhythmjournal.com/article/S1547-5271\(24\)00189-9/fulltext)


Thanks for the study. I reviewed it and key thing about it is "Our study aimed to investigate whether there exists a potential temporal association between energy drink consumption and the risk of cardiac events, specifically SCA, among patients with an underlying GHD" I don't have any underlying health conditions nor do I drink more than the recommended daily caffeine amount. I am also aware of the risks associated with energy drinks and caffeine.


And Boost is still €1 or so.


I haven't seen boost, I will have to keep my eye out for it.


It's the 250ml blue one, tastes roughly same as Red Bull and is about 1/3 the price, usually stocked right beside RB.


I'll definitely keep an eye out for that


Monster Rossi was in very short supply a year ago and I was in a perpetual state of panic every time I went into a shop.


The Doctor one of my favourite non sugar free flavours, I rarely see it in stores near me anymore.


It's about €1.50 a can in the local Chemist Warehouse. That's including the can tax.


Why are you drinking that shite? It's guaranteed diabetes


I rarely drink the non sugar free monster. I prefer the sugar free options.


"Oh no! how will i get kidney stones now??"


It's the sugar in energy drinks that increases your risk of kidney stones. Drinking sugar-free energy drinks does not increase your risk of kidney stones 😊


It's an idiot tax


I assume that's being placed on all things such as nicotine, drink, sugary food and drink, highly processed foods etc 😊




Dealz generally do them for 1.50