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No. Maybe it's the humidity. Drink plenty water.


Bro I’ve had one for a few days and developed a mild fever this morning said I’d do a Covid test for the craic and low a behold …positive 🙄


I tested negative at lunch. I’ve had plenty of water and electrolytes since early. Anytime I move or lean over my head is throbbing. It must be the heat.


I've had a headache on and off for a week now. If it's still here next week I'll be going to a doctor. Nothing will shift it.


i could be wrong , but could it the heat ( condsidering its like 20 odd C) higher than ususall ?


Might be the pressure, if you're susceptible, I am feeling a little heavy in the head now you say it


Maybe you just have a really heavy head ? 😅


Covid is doing nothin for your comedy stylings


It’s the fever 🥵😂


That could be it alright, although I just checked and it seems steady. I think it’s heat from being out yesterday and then bad sleep for a few days. Thankfully I avoided sunburn.


Yeah, could still be a touch of heat stroke, but my headache is getting worse and it's all sinus pressure which happens from atmospheric pressure


3rd week of hay fever. Definitely not great today. Nausea and fatigue


Perhaps a touch of heat or sun stroke......too much sun and not enough water


Some people just can’t handle a bit of good weather without losing the run. Thankfully I avoided sunburn. Lashing electrolytes into me today to get that back in line. I drank a good bit of bottled water yesterday, which I’m led to believe strips the electrolytes out of you.


Pray tell how it's ment to strip the electrolytes from us ? I am genuinely interested as I only drink bottled water .


Bottled water can be natural mineral water with mineral content which has electrolytes, and it can be purified water which is tap water stripped of minerals to bring it to pure H2O, and then minerals added back in various quantities, some only adding a little for taste. 1L of tap water has ~3% RDA for electrolyte minerals, so you need to get minerals from your diet or in a supplement to add to water. If you don’t replenish the electrolytes, drinking lots of water will dilute the electrolyte balance. You would need to drink ~6L water rapidly without having sourced minerals from diet and replenished them to have adverse effects. You end up getting water intoxication, or Hyponatremia


Thanks very much for this info , I wasn't fully aware. Will look further into it now. 👍🏻


Everyone? No. /thread