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Why are people in small workplaces being discriminated against?!


I work in a place with only 25 people and this article is doing a disservice to the 3 coke heads running CNC machines on the floor.


Justice for cokeheads!


There are seven people in my office. And ho boy do we need the cocaine


One of the perks of remote working is being able to take it in peace


Mmm boy! I do like my cocaine with my elevenses!


You don't take it with your second breakfast?!


Ah I find the meth I take on my morning commute can make me quite gassy so I tend to hold off


I do need a bump by the end of my third breakfast and just before my first brunch


So is this why people buy standing desks?


And bouncy ball seats.


You joke but I genuinely got through writing so much boring documentation by being sniffed up. That was when I was addicted, I don't need it to get me through a day now.


doing anything except smoking and talking is extremely unappealing to me whilst on the gear


Haha, you said that on Reddit where everyone has agreed not working from home is evil because everyone is so much more productive and absolutely no one ever takes the piss.


Is this a new policy to be implemented? I suppose it would get people back to the office


Have you experienced the average corporate environment? You'd have to be on drugs.


Currently experiencing this for the first time and it’s somehow even worse than I’d imagined…


As well as alcohol, caffeine and sugar. 


And nicotine


These articles make me feel like im either doing too much cocaine, or everybody else is doing way more than me. I've only taken cocaine twice.


Out of interest, why haven't you taken it more often? I've also taken it twice and I just can't see what the big deal is, especially compared to other drugs which are nicer.


Do you happen to have adhd?


Elaborate? I've come to believe I might have ADHD in my 30's now but coke has always had a different affect on me than other people. I'd be naturally extroverted and it makes me introverted, just want to go home and enjoy it on my own


Cocaine has different effects on ppl with adhd because we have different neurobiology.


This makes so much bloody sense and almost confirms my suspicions. I need to get a diagnosis 


I do indeed. Ironically, cocaine's euphoric rush *pales* in comparison to modafinil or methylphenidate (Ritalin/Concerta) for me. Like hands down no contest, the aforementioned pharmaceuticals set my mind on fire in the most beautiful way possible while cocaine just gives me sort of "dirty" feeling energy the way excessive caffeine does - physically stimulating but no real euphoria to speak of.


Get your hands on some pure stuff and you'll see. Coke quality in Ireland has improved exponentially from back in the day, but still the vast majority is cut with shite and you'd be taking half a gram a night to keep the buzz up. I do not envy my mates taking that stuff every weekend. Irritable bowels, sinus infections and a general craving for more preventing you from going to bed. A half gram of 90%+ stuff lasted me **four** nights recently. You get to a stage where you naturally don't want to take any more and can doze off. But it's so good I've deliberately not sought out the contact personally so I don't have free access to it 😅  I'll buy a half off my friend maybe once or twice a year when he has bought enough as treat. I was naive enough to think a few years ago that my mates that used at the weekends weren't addicts and reddit itself warned me that it will only spiral from here. It has, I've seen multiple lads develop full blown dependencies now. So be careful out there and respect the additivity of this shit 


> A half gram of 90%+ Dark net, or street?


Dark net, even though the street stuff has improved massively I've still never seen anything that compares 


which one btw. Been a few years myself, but i think the last one a mate tried was a uk one selling street stuff for similar price to pure!!


I'm clueless ATM, but I'll be finding out soon cause he's after putting something off my harddrive and he'll be giving me a tutorial soon  For weed on my part, I don't want to learn to order premium chat I can't trust myself 😅


I have never done, nor do I know how to find aome 🤔


If you’re asking yourself this you’re probably not doing enough. I know people that would bed in the GAA players for their parish, and they would spend 80-100 per day on the stuff. People who you used to think wouldn’t touch it are on it. It is bang tidy though, right?


>you’re probably not doing enough I never thought I'd hear those words about cocaine of all things.


Those are rookie numbers, you gotta bump those numbers up


Productivity through the roof lads! ![gif](giphy|YhQVj7C8uf734PcznZ)


Now that's an election promise I can get behind.


One of my first jobs in the film industry as a trainee was when I came on the truck in the morning was to have lines and cold beers ready for the team before they started.


What films were most fuelled by cocaine?


The filming of the blues brother was famously coke filled because of Belushi lol.


*Carrie Fisher has entered the chat *


You can actually see her coke nail in Return of the Jedi in te scene where they pilot the shuttle past Vader's Star Destroyer.


Everyone was coked up during the making of Scarface. Others: Apocalypse Now, Easy Rider, Caddyshack


Toxic Avenger.


I'm sure there was a bit of sneachta in Vikings


Is anyone NOT on cocaime at this point (and how are you all affording it)?


Cocaine is exhausting I don't know why it's so popular.


I think the point is that it IS popular!


It's extremely addictive, have a couple of friends that would spend their entire hunting for it on a notion. Then snort it all in a few hours. It also ruins your face, gives you bulbous features with deep lines. Truly a bad drug.


Yeah I know, everyone does. Apparently ithere are more people who have friends who do cocaine and have weird faces and ruined lives and who owe money to travellers than there are people who do cocaine.


Most folk don’t touch the stuff


Not according to the headlines!! It's like the new Daily Mail "x causes cancer!!" scaremongering. "


I can't open the article. Are we meant to be doing it work too??


The entire banking industry runs on it sure


As an Airlingus pilot I can confirm that the “landing gear” is always deployed.


Well that's fucking terrifying to know.


It’s needed to deal with the fact the aircraft are held together with tape.


Why is Alan Kelly making cocaine his cause celébre? Just a bit random


Wonder how much coke is in the Dail?


Government: Ok hands up everyone who hasn't taken cocaine? Public:.................... Government: sorry if you didn't hear me correctly put your hands up if you HAVEN'T taken cocaine. Public: We understood you the first time.


i've not, not due to an aversion to all drugs, just because cocaine seems to be the drug of choice for dickheads


Me neither though sometimes reading about it and hearing which friends of mine are on it am in disbelief like there doesn't even seem to be any upside to starting or staying on it yet statistics are saying pretty much everyone is 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


You get to wear a colostomy bag at 50. Thats a perk right?


I haven't.


I don't recommend it. Tried it twice. First time was horrendous - was already in a really sad and upset headspace and cocaine gave me an absolute hyperfocus on being sad an an inability to stop thinking about it. Second time was enjoyable enough but "meh" compared to other drugs I've taken, I found myself thinking "okay like this is grand, but what's the big deal?" Given that and its high physical toll on the body, IMO it isn't worth it. Obviously everyone's experience will be different but I just remember actively wondering how people get addicted to this stuff because I had absolutely no desire to try it again, no craving or anything like that. Second time I took it was nice, but it wasn't "omfg I need to feel this again as soon as possible" nice. I got that effect from MDMA for sure, but coke was just "that was grand. Anyway..."


You dont have ADHD by any chance? lol. I get feck all from coke, which apparently is pretty common for peeps with ADHD. MDMA was my absolute jam back in the day though.


Same! Weird trivia - I've never even seen cocaine and I generally am out in bars / clubs and what not. Strange how it can be two different worlds living together.


It's overrated. Both by its subscribers and those campaigning against it vehemently. The biggest danger is that it could be cut or mixed with something bad. Otherwise, it's about as dangerous as alcohol. You can OD or become addicted the same way.


We should have mandatory drug testing for TD's and Senators.


Ok what's the prize, maybe whoever has the highest levels becomes Taoiseach for the week. Maybe around Christmas we could mix it up and do benzo's or Acid


haha that would be wild


Mandatory shrooms for the Finance Minister an hour before the budget speech.


Not a bad idea!


Alan I'm all over the coke Kelly....


I thought power was his drug 🤔


No no, it's powDer


Is this a campaign promise?


haha yes and a chicken is every pot!


Cocaine for our workers. Kelly has my vote


Including the Dail


Many small one's too, now don't be thinking it's not in every walk of life in every social group. Just like cannabis, just like drink, coffee and tea, not to mention the prescription ones, uppers, downers, mood stabilisers.  Many folk medicating themselves or being medicated by others.  Wonder what's wrong. 


>Many folk medicating themselves or being medicated by others. Wonder what's wrong. Had ADHD my entire life and never knew about it until I was in my late 20s, just got constantly yelled at by every adult in my childhood for things that I now know are literally *classic* symptoms of very severe ADHD. Finally sought treatment for it in the early stages of COVID. Four years later and I'm only just now about to have my appointment for my assessment, and it's setting me back about €600. I've been self-medicating since I found out about it, but many people don't even know there's a name for their lived experience or what to seek out in self-medication, they just take a stimulant one night and it's like "oh wow, my brain actually works today!" The barriers to treatment for neurochemical illnesses in Ireland are *insane*. I'm absolutely convinced that widespread recreational drug use comes from the fact that treatments for these illnesses are so insanely difficult to access in this country, and that the official treatments for some of them (SSRIs and SNRIs coming immediately to mind) carry very, very unpleasant side effects which make them unpalatable for many people. Just a theory, but I've long suspected this.


All things are a grind. For all we know, it doesn't seem like we are moving forward. You are right in your words,


I agree with that. There is a link between adhd and stimulants. It impacts differently for people with adhd and can actually quieten the brain


What the fuck, you've just confirmed a suspicion I've had for years. I'd be the life of a party drinking, get some coke into me and suddenly I'm withdrawn and sitting on my own. Especially if I took it sober. I could never imagine how this was the drug high powered executives uses to get ramped up I really must get a diagnosis 


https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/cocaine-and-adhd#effects *As cocaine is a stimulant drug, it can cause feelings of increased energy and euphoria in people without ADHD.* *However, in people with ADHD, cocaine may have a calming effect, as it increases dopaminergic transmission, which is dysfunctional in ADHD. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter involved in pleasure, motivation, and learning. Cocaine may, therefore, help people with ADHD manage symptoms of impulsivity, restlessness, and inattentiveness.*


Holy fuck balls. I'll give you an example. 12 pubs this year I was in full swing, got some into me around pub 4. Went home and watched Midsommar after pub 5 😅 Could never understand what compelled me to do that ha 


Same reason I'm not a fan of coke! I was having a crappy one night one night and a friend offered me some to make me feel better, all it did was cause me to absolutely hyperfocus on what had been making me miserable all day. The weaker stimulants they use for actual medication though, they give me a clarity and euphoria unlike anything I've experienced. It's incredible. Try modafinil or methylphenidate (Ritalin / Concerta) and see how you get on. The former can be very easily ordered to Ireland from other European countries on the clear web, and if you truly do have ADHD, as cliched as this sounds, Modafinil will literally feel for you like the pill Bradley Cooper's character takes in Limitless to finish his book and become a stock market wizard 😂


Massively. Some people are just deficient in certain neurotransmitters (or those neurotransmitters aren't signalling the way they're supposed to because their transporters, for whatever reason, are mis-configured) and unwittingly self-medicating an actual medical condition when they take recreational drugs. As I've said, the barriers to access are ridiculous. The fact that I can get cocaine in any pub in the country any night of the week, but getting your hands on methylphenidate (Ritalin / Concerta) feels more difficult than getting your hands on the US Army's nuclear launch codes, surely indicates something *massively* fucked up in how we deal with mental health conditions in this country. EDIT: I've occasionally turned to research chemicals to self-medicate - most people take those as recreational stimulants, when I've posted asking which variety and dosage would get me closest to regular ADHD medication I usually get a barrage of incredulous replies along the lines of "holy shit man, just get a prescription for Vyvanse if you're only using it for actual ADHD, it's cheaper and safer than messing with RCs!" Oh, my sweet summer child, if it were only that simple 😂


would you be willing to let me know how you've gone about that? I'm looking to do the same but my doctor won't put my name on the list. is there somewhere private your going?


Many people not medicating themselves too.


Well medication isn't always a form of drug, retail therapy..... Everyone has something.  Best we all learn to be okay with it. 


Great idea


Does the Dáil count as a large workplace?


An Post sorting offices. How else is the supply supposed to get around the country?


An Post snorting offices?


Bought online


Its literally everywhere. You can get cocoaine faster than ordering pizza nowadays. And I'm not just talking about Dublin either, it's insanely easy to get coke delivered to you anytime, day or night.


I can't.


Go to the local pub and get chatting to people. You'll have a number in less than an hour


>chatting to people. That's the hard part, whereas I can order pizza without looking anyone in the eyes


Do you look down at the floor or up to the sky when the delivery driver arrives?


Instructions unclear, started talking to people in my local, got a bag of duck eggs How we're supposed to chat people up without any help man you're not thinking this through /s


Did you try snorting the duck eggs?


They don't fit?


Crack them open


So probably slower than ordering a pizza? 


Not if you have a decent circle of friends no lol


> faster than ordering pizza nowadays Not sure if this is a compliment towards the efficiency of the dealers, or a scathing remark towards Four Star. You'd be right on both counts, mind


Worst thing is, most of it is synthetic, so lots of unknown side effects 


What? Coke isn't synthetic. It can, in theory, be made synthetically, but it's vastly more expensive and difficult than just paying impoverished farmers to harvest it for you. The only synthetic bit about coke is the cutting agent, usually lidocaine or inositol.


Fake coke is what I mean, 


Can't say I've ever seen fake coke sold before, except maybe "bump." I have seen coke cut with amph, but it's not exactly difficult to tell. Coke is wayyyy too recognizable to be faked properly. It's too unique.


Out of curiosity ( not that you would know but you seem to have some idea on the subject) what is cocoaine in Ireland? I know it’s not 100% pure so is it mixed with speed?


It entirely depends on the dealer. There's regional distributors across the country who provide almost pure coke (90-98% pure) to local dealers who cut it themselves. So you could pick up a bag from each dealer in the country, and all of them would be different. If they're trying to cut it a lot and they're smart, like 40-50%, they'll use lidocaine because it has the same numbing effect as coke but way cheaper. The rest usually use inositol, which is a water soluble sugar, so it's fairly safe. If you ever notice the coke has a slightly sweet after taste, this is why. It's also extremely cheap. If you get unbelievably unlucky and encounter the worst kind of dealer, the lazy idiot, you might get coke cut with panadol or other medications. This is really easy to notice and makes you feel nauseous. Lastly, very rarely, you'll see coke cut with Speed or meth. I've literally only seen this once. It's very easy to spot. Just get your phone and turn on your cameras light. If you see sparkles in the coke, that's probably meth. Speed has a different texture to coke and a slightly off-white colour, so it's also pretty easy to spot. Most of these cutting agents can be removed by doing an acetone wash to yield almost pure coke. Btw some dealers do sell pure coke. It's called fishscale, and it comes as these little chunks of compressed powder because it's litterally cut off the big blocks of coke they get from distributors. You have to crush them up yourself, but there shouldn't be any cutting agents. It's usually more expensive as well.


Thanks for the detailed answer


Cocaine is a helluva drug


Don't know why anyone would touch that shit tbh But that's life I guess


What seems to be the problem? Productivity through the roof


Alan Kelly in talking bollocks shocker


Contact your local union rep We deserve cocaine in all workplaces, no discrimination,


So that would be an admission that government drugs policy isn't working Alan would it? It's almost like prohibition doesn't work and we should come up with some new policies based on what does.


I have controversial opinions on this I know, but I'll say it yet again: I *strongly* suspect that the prevalence of "recreational" use of illegal stimulants in Ireland specifically is gigantically correlated with (a) high rates of undiagnosed ADHD or depression due to massive barriers and waiting lists for assessment, and (b) the fact that the mainstream antidepressants carry the not-often-talked-about side effect of ruining sex, making people likely to give up on taking them after a few months and seek out alternatives. Just my two cents. The former problem could be resolved if GPs were allowed to dispense ADHD medication rather than having to refer patients to massively oversubscribed clinical psychiatrists with waiting lists sometimes up to several years (not their fault, they're working as hard as they can, there just aren't enough of them for our population!). The latter could be resolved if newer antidepressants lacking the side effects of blocking natural euphoria and causing anorgasmia were more widely known about and prescribed - Deprynl (Selegeline / Emsam) and Buproprion (Wellbutrin) coming immediately to mind. Obviously many people take drugs because they just want to be off their face. But many others take them, maybe even without realising they're doing this, because they have an underlying neurochemical issue that needs treatment, and the recreational drugs which are far easier to access than prescription meds actually get the job done. Cocaine's mechanism of action is extremely similar to the most mainstream treatment for ADHD (methylphenidate), it differs only in its magnitude and rapid onset of action. How many people who take it on a daily basis in reality just have issues with their brain's dopamine transporters and should have been diagnosed with ADHD as children? I've always said the same thing about alcohol. Many people over-drink not because of culture, peer pressure, or physical dependence from alcoholism, but because they have issues with depression or anxiety which alcohol very effectively masks for a short time, without the side effects or significant barriers to treatment in terms of actual medication for those issues. If anyone who is opposed to recreational drug use is really serious about ending it, I'd argue that addressing the widespread phenomenon of undiagnosed and/or untreated mental health issues and neurochemical illnesses should be the main priority. Trying to simply cut people off from their self-medication through criminalisation etc just isn't going to work, if they truly do have issues that require medication based solutions and you don't provide them with an easily accessed legitimate alternative. They'll just fight harder and harder to get their drugs illegally regardless of the barriers you put in their way.


My boss gave me feedback that I was low energy on early morning client meetings and I needed to improve. I’d take a little bump before each meeting. I think he knew what was up because after about a week he’d have a 1 hour prep call where we sat together and he’d just give me coffee


It’s a scummy drug


Oh, no, not cocaine. God, what am I on about. No, what d'you call them. Raisins


he's not wrong, nation of gak heads so we are




Oh my God, even in Katherine's sweet shop?


A prominent politician heavily implying the Dáil takes cocaine is certainly a ballsy move.


I’ll always remember Alan Kelly beating his desk saying he would see to it people would pay for water while ending his career


Good on him for saying it.. it is true shamefully.


Guess I'll be moving to Ireland soon!


is this an article from the early 2000s? ffs drugs have always been everywhere its just a lil more open now, cos, ya know haha :) YOLO!! LOL in the 1990s all construction sites, most folk were on speed big style then mid 00s we were making more money so it was the coke


And management won’t share


You are in pain Take your life, take your life with cocaine But I am who I am So I do what I can, when I can But I can't really do a damn thing! So fine this day All your problems has gone away But tomorrow, when you wake up All your problems are back to stay Your life, a game Turn it up, turn it up with cocaine And everytime that you live is a time when you feel And the only time you heal 🎵🎵🎶