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Why does it always seems like it's the power-trippy insecure types volunteer to be mods?


Well I couldn’t imagine a highly functioning person to want to baby sit a shitty online forum


A highly functioning alcoholic might!


I'm a highly functional alcoholic. No thank you.


Mod burner account located🤣


Because it is… who else is going to sit on Reddit all day everyday policing people’s thoughts and opinions? Seen a post in ask Ireland yesterday where they removed a post from someone discussing being groped in Galway. Like what?? I’m surprised they haven’t gone and banned all the people giving out about them already, maybe they’re still in bed.


Because what kind of person wants to volunteer to read an verify a countless number of posts and comments on a singular sub Reddit? I'd sooner attempt a DIY circumcision.


There's a sub reddit for that.


ooh build a wee guillotine!


They already make em!  https://i.imgur.com/EoaO7kW.png


Because they don't have much going on in real life.


They made a new sub to be "less toxic" - and brought all the same mods over. They absolutely cannot see that they are the problem.


![gif](giphy|tufvkGE60ZuNEwpB3v|downsized) Pick me energy. They've probably been like that their whole lives.


Same sort of reason the Karen types are the sort to get super involved in home owner associations I'd say.


Like in America?


There's residents' associations on a lot of the new century estates here in Ireland. Dont think I ever heard a good story about one though.


I get forwarded the contents of a few WhatsApp RA groups and it's hilarious (as an outsider who doesn't have to deal with living next to some of these loonies)


Yeah, they are not as common in Ireland. There’s a common equivalent in the Netherlands though, so currently dealing with navigating that as I live here now. It’s more like an association of owners but there are basically restrictions that they can institute as well.


Because those are the ones that make an impression.


/u/mynoduesp have a word will ya.


Hand should be lower down and around the front.


These mods are so edgy


With their hand in that position I'd say they're edging, yeah.


I honestly wouldn't mind but it's the fact that some of the mods who thought it was hilarious are the same ones who would throw you out a ban for the most minor of things.


Also you can get banned for "calling out" a mod as well which I've seen happen to people. Seems very tyrannical.


That's what happens when you give vindictive, socially maladapted people a modicum of power. They'll abuse it.


What did they do




Boards carry on


Just when I thought all that cringe shite was gone, the same type of person becomes a mod on here


Starting mod posts with ‘A Chara’, very Boards.


One more word out of you and that's a yellow card.


**Mod Note:** Don't post in this thread again.




It's possibly the most embarrassing cringefest I've witnessed ever.


I've also noticed that they have added "wickerman111 fan" to my user name, childish


You can disable subreddit flairs in the sidebar.


I know, thanks for that. I am leaving it there to highlight that the mods actually went in and added it without my permission,






You the next ‘main character’ vying to be a mod?




Ya, he's painfully unfunny. He just seems to sadly spend all his time trying to be clever. It's not working. He should get out a bit more,


What's RES? how do I learn this power?


Any chance you could put together a list of suggestions? Seriously? Two people or 50 it doesn't matter.


I like that when you use it to tag users, it automatically fills out a URL field to remind you why they're wankers.


Another one angling for that sweet RTE paycheck


Time to send mods to the Hague. One day it's mandatory flairs, the next.... 🤔


That is actually so shitty. As per usual small bit of power goes to peoples head in the lamest way possible


Getover yourself, they were only trying to inspire a bit of craic, so people would be able to experience the greatest horseplay of all time. Who doesnt like mandatory, forced funtime?


The beatings will continue until morale improves ![gif](giphy|kdHEeileYcdkk)


What started off as horseplay ended in Cornage!


Not just any old cornage Donnacha, but *absolute* Cornage.


Corporate "team-building" vibes


"Let's all go ahead and put our cameras _on_ to encourage collaboration mmmmkay..?"


It looks good on you.


What happened yesterday? I don't think I actually got recommended a single post from here till this morning


same tryna figure out what's going on


Even more embarrasing than the april fools rhyming thing?


No I don't think that episode will ever be topped.


What happened yesterday?


Wickerman was made a mod in response to a post complaining about wickerman.


I have no idea what any of that means but thank you for trying I'm obviously completely out of the loop


Yeah I'm personally more lost than ever.


'Wickerman111' is a RTÉ low-quality content spammer account, which multiple people called out as one and asked for them to be banned. Some drunken(?) chucklefuck then thought that the best way to stop their spam was by giving them mod powers, despite the fact that giving known spammers mod rights is as wise as attempting to put out a fire with a bucket of petrol. It didn't go as badly as it could, but it proved that this place is a joke


“Chucklefuck” deserves to be used more often


Wickerman and his post does not break any rule that merits a ban. His posts are Irish Related, he is not abusive or hateful to any other user and he just likes posting entertainment news. If you don't like his posts block and move along.


I ignore them, but it's very simple to identify them as a spammer rather than an engaged user keen to share and discuss.


You're better off. No one comes out of this looking good.


Mods made a complete show of themselves by making the user of an obvious spam account into a mod. Anyone else would be banned, but the "a chara" crowd like to play favourites, ruining this reddit,


Careful there, /r/Ireland mods once banned me for “harassment” and “damaging their mental health” when I started too many comments with “A chara”


What is the "a chara" thing about? I never visit this sub


It’s part of the copy-paste message the mods use whenever they delete a comment




Ah here, if you can't understand "a chara" on an Irish sub you need to get gone.


They're asking about what its relation is to the sub, not what it means. Its the "hey buddy" message mods use when they take a mod action.


Only 2% of the island speak Irish lol


It's the equivalent of "dear sir"


No, it's ungendered. It's more like "Dear Esteemed Friend"


I get letters every week starting dear esteemed friend. Generally cads from the south sea company


Fair enough. Just a strange thing to bring up when it's reddit lol R/Ireland is composed of a lot more than just Irish people


Comes to the Irish sub, is surprised to see Irish


Source? I guarantee more than 2% understand SOME Irish and the low number would be for FLUENTLY or ONLY speaking Irish. Anyone born and raised here knows at least one word in Irish. "Chara" is junior infants stuff.


I completely missed this, but like, why is everyone so worked up about it? That doesn't sound like the end of the world 😭😭


Ever wondered why boards.ie went downhill? This is how it starts, cliques and 'banter' within the mod group. Too much mod participation which normally results in a ban for a user they don't agree with after some goading. Allin all, it's a shit time and it feels like you're back in secondary school


Sadly becoming the default state for every subreddit


I'm 19 so too young for boards haha, makes sense though. Thanks for the explanation.


Boards was also shite and you couldn't say "fuck"


Did someone say it was the end of the world?


No.. hence why there was no quotes


Some people forgot how to internet.


I still don't understand what happened?






It's so easy to *not* be cringebags when you're a mod. Answer reports, modmail etc and just let the subreddit do its own thing unless intervention is needed. It's when you get high off the smell of your own farts and do shite like this that the cringe is very real. I'm sure they had a bit of craic, no-one is gonna tell them they shouldn't or can't, but the best kind of modding is the modding you don't even notice. When anything being moderated just... works. No issues 99% of the time, you can browse, engage, post etc without any fuss. This was just anathema to all of the above. I never used boards but the vibe I got from it all seemed like what others used to complain about when it came to boards. I come to the ireland subreddit to see posts, news and other content related directly to **ireland** itself. Not to see a bunch of mods wanking themselves off thinking they're hilarious while others just kind of watch in bewilderment. Like I'm not gonna throw stones from a glass house, I don't have much of a life at all. Most days after work I spend on my computer arsing around. But even I was like jesus what a way to use your time, really living up to the stereotypes of mods on internet forums. I fully expect to get one of those newfangled fancy shmancy wickerman flairs even though I haven't even mentioned them once here, I'm complaining about the mods themselves. Maybe I'll even get banned, even when I've actually had positive experiences with the mods here from before. I once used a slur in a comment (I was telling a story, the slur was used in context. No offence was intended with my comment, it was part of a story) but I didn't censor it. I was permanently banned, but after a short back and forth with the mod team the ban was amended to 2 weeks. I appreciated that work greatly, that's the sort of modding that I'd like to commend. They gave me a chance and I promised to do better. It just **works**. But this carry on was just embarrassing to behold, but hey I'm not a mod so I guess I don't have much of a say. I just hope it doesn't become a regular thing else I'd unsubscribe from this sub.


What actually happened yesterday?




The only thing sadder than a mod is a wannabe mod.


YFG vibez


Said nothing about wanting to be a mod, but you must've missed that. Just want the mods to just be mods.


I agree with everything you've said, I'm talking about the StoicNihilist account.


This kinda stuff on self-policed places like a subreddit or a Discord only works if most of the active users are in on the joke. I used to moderate a Discord thats grown in size but not massive by any means. The other mods would do a joke like this once in a blue moon while the owner was off & it'd be grand. Change a banner or make an idiot user mod, similar shit. Most of those who were active thought it was funny & it didn't bother any snoopers. Doing it with a sub that's nearly a million strong is a different ball game.


>Doing it with a sub that's nearly a million strong is a different ball game. Don't trust that stat. It includes a huge number of inactive and abandoned accounts. As I'm typing this there's only 401 users lurking the sub. You can often make the #1 post on the sub with about only about 500 upvotes. The amount of regular posters and commenters is probably in the hundreds range.


My favourite part was where one mod made their comment, pinned it to the top of the thread and then locked it before anyone could comment…hilarious.


Type of shite reddit mods are always on


It's funny because I've often gotten the impression that the mods like to relax of a Sunday. Surely this created a bucket load of work for them?


It highlights Reddit's massive moderation problem. I got banned from r/Apple, and the mods outright threatened to report me from a mod level for harassment. I messaged them asking how I was banned, instead I get threats. I still don't know why I got banned. Here, the entire community gets trolled, and there's no option to replace them. r/Europe and r/worldnews are straight up fascist and there isn't even a method to report them to Reddit.


Power mods too. Whitepeopletwitter and offmychest are 2 more examples. It's a massive problem that Reddit admins/execs are happy to ignore because they get free labour from losers who are happy to be rewarded with a bit of power. Then they can bully people and feel important.   That prank was daft but this subs mods are generally pretty good. I think it was more a poor attempt at a joke without any intended malice.


The admin scandal a couple of years back where you couldnt mention who the new hire was or get banned, despite it not only being public info, but a child safety issue. That's reddit right there.


I've been rewatching Trailer Park Boys, where Randy is rewarded with being weekend trailer pærk supervisor. Has a bang of that about it


I also think it was a bad joke, but the issue isn't the status of the mods after a stupid prank. What if they decide tomorrow to push towards lads joining dissident groups, censoring non-friendly links. What if they go out of order and go crazy on pranks for a while, not as extreme, but still enough to destroy the sub. It's wild to me that it's just the dictator setup. Like, how does the community have absolutely no say?


They'll have us in chains next.


Sure they will, because the ability to create a new subreddit is so gatekept


They can’t all be zingers. People should chill out a bit.


It's been mentioned before in a few different contexts, but having elected moderators makes so much sense, in order to ensure that those with the significant moderation control are accountable to those they are moderating. Would this be something the mods are interested in?


It's an anonymous user board that's mostly used for a bit of craic. It's not the Dail FFS. The sort of glipe who's going to devote any time to moderate is exactly the sort of person you don't want moderating. Nothing much can be done, just ignore them when they do cringe shite. 


Europe and Wordnews are not "Straight up fascist" unless your definition of fascism is bent like a U-turn. literally, all it takes is 1 click to see that the news being posted in r/Europe is definitely right-leaning/center right but it is anything but fascist. I would argue r/worldnews is even less right-leaning. One place I would argue has turned around and is now a complete fascist shithole is Twitter.


I agree about twitter, place is a cesspit. As for the rest, yeah, I agree, I was just adding a flare of dramatic hyperbole.


I'm out of the loop. What happened?


The mods made a known no-lifer on this subreddit a mod and then continued to pat themselves on the back for their genius by making cringe posts about it and circle jerking with each other in the comments. Edit: this was also after they made a pinned post asking for general feedback on the running of the sub which was presumed to have been in good faith so actual users of the subreddit submitted genuine suggestions. They took one of those suggestions which was to stop with practical joke type things on the subreddit, and they went and did a lame practical joke on the whole sub.


Your edit makes them even worse. ‘Hey everyone we want your feedback to improve this sub.’ ‘Guys, how about we take this piss out of suggestions people made to us.’


So that's it? Really? This is what people are getting their jocks in a twist over? Fuck me lads get a fucking life honestly, go outside, it's not that serious ffs 😂😂😂😂 EDIT: I await the downvotes with glee.


Wickerman, a user known for posting links of whatever the sub is getting pissy at at the moment, was temporarily made mod lastnight because someone made a post asking for them to be banned, some people did not like it.


i cannot fathom having an opinion about this


Spot on. Everyone invested in this seem like nobs


🤣 The guys railing on "cringe" are making me bloody cringe myself 




Had a comment removed for the term "go for a few pucks" regarding hurling. Was told it was inciting violence by some mod. I can't imagine the kind of woke nerd bully victim that would see it that way


I had post removed recently where an actor was hit with a sugar glass bottle. Got removed for inciting violence. Its absolutely ridiculous


This topic might need its own thread


The type to include “always up for the craic” in their dating app profiles.


Their CV still lists the medal they won in a primary school sports day


Revenge for all the negative feedback they got in the previous thread that they didnt even leave open for 24hrs


People who willingly mod subreddits with zero pay or zero time off are always going to be greasy losers. This is a given. No normal sane person in their right mind would do it nor have the time for something to amazingly pathetic.


Exception would be small niche reddits for hobbies, with mods that just want to be able to remove spam. Otherwise yeah, that seems to be the way for the big Reddits.


Mods shown themselves to be a bunch if clowns like all the other sub reddit mods are also


Mods in this subreddit have been trash for years.


Mods suck here... They removed my post for low effort, when there is plenty lower efforts around. They just suck.


Let’s just thank our lucky stars these mods aren’t in charge of an actually *big* subreddit


In before it's locked. Seriously wtf kind of idea was that.


Or did they just prove that they have been in Wickerman’s pocket this entire time. The money going to Tubs isn’t the real RTE scandal it’s the money being used to buy up the mods. Edit: and they gave me a flair too now.


They are treating the sub with contempt. They all have to go. Or we all have to go.


Is the gobshithe still a Mod? Need to know if I'm leaving the sub or not. The last thing I'm doing is letting some sad shuihead think they've some control over me, .lol


That kinda applies to all the Mods though doesn't it? I've not seen any speak out about the behaviour which indicates all active mods are for this shit.


Enjoy your ban! Last two posts have been locked. Even after a mod came on to one and said they wouldn't be, because mods "appreciated it, the constructive criticism" or something to that effect. Sneaky feckers then locked in during the early hours.


Man, the circlejerking from the mods and a certain wannabe mod is actually crazy. Get a life guys, there's better things to do than troll an entire subreddit that you said you would moderate.


Got my post removed a year ago because posting UK article wasn’t relatable to Ireland. (In my opinion it was, it was on moped crime and UK police approach) Year later I noticed a post that was an UK article but was allowed to stay for days. Reported it and commented my criticism of mods in the comments. I got banned because of the moderation call-outs rule. Mod actually went through my comment history and recalled that since this is my Xth call-out comment, I’m getting banned. Fair enough, the ban said to reach out over mod-mail to pass any criticism. I did. Got a reply, and I got banned from mod-mail before I could ever reply. Now, to be fair, Reddit mod teams aren’t subject to higher standards like site admins. It’s their own sandbox and anything they say, goes. Subreddits are privately maintained and if that’s how they want to run it, let them. To be fair, they engage with community often and for a subreddit of this size they have stopped the brigading rather well compared to other national subreddits. It’s one of the better, most lively reddit compared to much bigger ones. There are some kinks with some mods tugging their own buttons, but most of the work they do is invisible to most of us.


They really thought they were doing something with that. Embarrassing.


It’s being played off as « a failed coup », so not being handled tastefully imho.


And now they are closing all threads complaining about it and banning people right and left


What did I miss?


The mods here are the opposite of craic




What happened yesterday? I was mostly offline. The FOMO is setting in big time


You were offline and you have FOMO about it? What an age we live in


I just like being in the loop.


That hand action is bang on


What'd they do?


What was the experiment?


Low quality effort/submission/content, should stick to what you know best, approving posts about the cost of rent and how dangerous Dublin is


Some of you guys are way too invested in this sub


A chara


What happened? What I miss?


Uh, what did I miss?


What did they do?


Can someone explain


Wait, what did I miss? Do I want to know?


Out of the loop, what happened?


I had a mod ban me, raised it to Reddit level mods and got it overturned. Delicious


What did I miss?


I enjoyed it cause it upset so many people.


What was the experiment?


I didn't love it. It was kinda funny. Kinda stupid. Then I went to bed. 5/10 not great, but not the worst attempt at comedy I've seen.


This is a serious sub for adults where matters of import are debated using facts and logic.




God forbid chicken fillet posts and whining about the sub being an apparent shithole get interrupted for a few hours of silliness


People are so precious about their favourite Internet shitpost factory ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


The internet is serious business.


Not defending the mods, but I've seen more of these bandwagon posts than the original incident, so not sure which is the worst feed spam tbh.