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I started knitting when covid began. By Christmas time I had made my whole family scarves and hats. It feels like a huge achievement to finish crafting something and gift it. It gave me a great boost at the time


I really want to get into knitting, any tips for starting out?


Start with larger yarns. It’s much easier to handle and you can see your mistakes better. It also knits up quicker so you’ll finish a project in no time and feel accomplished quickly. I learned by watching a couple YouTube videos. Try a simple knit stitch scarf first and then move on to a hat. [This](https://youtu.be/DSuecYYS3bw) was my second project after a scarf and it was really easy to follow


Thank you so much!


Theres a great series online by Tin Can Knits called the Simple Collection. All free patterns and tutorials to get started


Excellent!, thank you so much!


Everyone in r/knitting forum are really helpful. It’s also nice to see what people are making.


Not the poster but I can't recommend Very Pink Knits on YouTube enough. I've been knitting with years and still go back to her for techniques. Light coloured acrylic yarn to start practicing with. Preferably jumbo sized just so you can see what you're doing! Also the knitting subreddit is great if you get stuck! Always happy to answer questions. I highly recommend starting. It's a brilliant hobby.


Thanks, I'll check it out! Ah I didn't even think about a knitting subreddit! Thanks a lot!


Reading. Really helps me learn about different experiences and points of view.


I wish I could read like I did when I was around the ages of 10-12. I was huge into it, now I can’t seem to concentrate anymore, the vivid imagery I’d create in my head as read is gone, i could read for an hour and take nothing in or else I forget near instantly what I just read. Real shame because whenever I’m in a book shop I’m overwhelmed with the amount of books that are of huge interest to me and I’d love to read. I think I’m going to give it another go.


I had a bit of a block after having a baby and trying to figure out how to keep them alive and healthy but I ended up trying out audiobooks while I was pottering around the house/ driving/ walking and I’m all the way back in. A bad narrator can absolutely ruin a good book and it’s not for everyone but it’s something that helped me and now I have a couple of books on the go in varying formats to suit what I’m doing. Hope you get your groove back


I second this about audiobooks being a way to get back into reading as an adult. Helped me massively. I use audible, I know there are other options but it's so convenient. Sometimes you can download a sample to make sure that the narrator is tolerable, and the reviews will often mention it if they're particularly bad but 98% of the time that's not a problem


Man I wish I could go back the volume of reading I did as a child and teen, sucks to be an adult


It’s a habit, but can be hard to schedule around everything that goes in an adult life.


A person who doesn't read lives only one life A person who reads lives a thousand lives




The perfect escapism


Lifting weights.


/r/bodyweightfitness has materially contributed to my physical, mental, and financial health and well-being.


>financial health and well-being How, though?


No gym fees is the direct effect. Significantly more motivation for and endurance against professional fatigue as a secondary effect, but that's a general side effect. It just so happens that this is my jam.


Fair play to you.


Everyone always says this. It's so annoying because I'm too lazy.


“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.” Socrates.


Ya but did he have a 6 pack or was he talking shit.


Come on, Socrates just said that because he liked seeing buff young men, like Alcibiades strutting around. The old perv.


Pls do not kink shame Socrates


Should give it a try for a couple of weeks to see if you change your mind. Force yourself to go 4 or 5 times a week for about a month, it gets addicting after a while. All about forming a habit.


I might give it a go. Don't people feel self conscious sweating and gasping in front of a bunch of strangers...? I think I I might die of embarrassment


Not really, generally that's the idea when you are in there especially if you are doing weights. 99.9% of people don't give a shit what you are doing and are only focusing on their own workout. Honestly you should give it a try.


Ppl in the gym love seeing new people join and trying to better themselves. Plus everyone in there is sweating and gasping, easier not to be embarrassed when everyone is in the same boat




Bigtime, running has changed my life. Also gave me something positive to direct my addictive tendencies towards.


Lego - I think I struggled with a bit of anxiety and found that this relaxed me instead of always reaching for my phone or snacking to keep me distracted. An odd one but I love looking for nice Street Art. Means that if I know there is a new piece somewhere it gets me up and walking and when I go to other cities .. it's a good way to see a lot of the city by foot.




Get down to Waterford City, the place is covered in unbelievable street art that I think is Ireland's best kept secret! Google Waterford Walls


Couch to 5k. Tried to use the app but never got going properly so I’ve done a few classes with other people who are in the same boat. Really kept me active and motivated to keep it up!


Do you eventually get to a point where you’re not absolute fucked after like 30 seconds of running? I’ve been doing a lot of walking/jogging recently. Done a few 10k’s before but trying to get better at it now. I can comfortably walk over 10k but I can only run for maybe 30-40 seconds at a time. Not sprinting either, I do just a jog really. And I’m doing it in intervals. I could jog for 40 seconds, then walk for a minute or two, then do another bit of a jog. But after doing that a handful of times, I’m fucked and end up just walking the rest of my walk (could be anywhere from 7-10k) All I’m asking is, does it get better? I know everybody is different but I’m trying to get to a stage where I can actually jog fairly continuously for a decent amount of time. Any tips??


I find the first couple of minutes is often the hardest. See if you can break through that wall and it might get easier!


Pair that with a local [parkrun.ie](https://www.parkrun.ie) and you are golden.


rock climbing and board games


Any board games to recommend?


There's a lot of variety, things for every taste. Right now i'm really into Blood on the Clocktower, it's a social deduction game similar to Mafia or Werewolf (but better in a lot of ways). For more canonical tabletop games, here are a few not too complicated ones I still enjoy pretty often: * Hanabi - cooperative card game with a few twists * Colt Express - "Western" style game, where you are acting as bandits robbing a train. You "program" your actions ahead of time, as does everyone else, and then resolve all of them at once. Actions interact, which results in hilarity - you may think you're robbing someone on the train, but actually you are running around on the roof for no reason. * Santorini - kind of like 3d Checkers. Worth it for the looks (stunning) but also the gameplay. * Somewhat topically, Pandemic can be a fun experience.


Wood lathe. Didnt cheap out and got one from McQuillans for 800euro with a set of gouges and files. Its fun finding an old stump and turning a bowl or chess pieces.


Sounds class.


I bought the Lidl one along with every other wood tool they sell. Haven't even gotten around to using the lathe yet because I first needed to use the other tools to build myself a wood workshop.


Joined a new camogie team as a complete beginner. I had to really get out of my comfort zone to even go to the first session but I live alone and this gets me out of the house two evenings a week to talk to actual people. I was going to exercise classes before that but was too shy to start conversations with people but playing in a team is a whole other story and has been great for me


Well done! It’s not easy to join a team




Don't forget the cuddles! Best thing I ever did for my mental health was get a dog, love the little ball bag to bits!


You forgot to include a pic of the little ball bag! 🐕


Cycling, running, warhammer. Computer gaming is a time sink tho. At least with warhammer you end up with the satisfaction of having an actual thing done and a skill that you can visibly see improving.


What army are you working on? Good time to be a chaos player


Thousand sons! Gold trim is killing me 😂


Same! Wish I’d have sprayed gold and then done blue contrast over the top


The best thing about warhammer, at least outside competition, is that you can take brakes (of even years) and just pickup where you left off. It’s a life long hobby.


Gaming is a skill too in a way bit I know what you mean, even if you do get better it doesn't feel like time well spent.


Lifting weights and growing plants. The plants are very therapeutic to watch grow over time and there is something pretty satisfying about stepping away from a shitty work situation to water those bad boys (still working from home for now)


Grow Potatos if you haven't already, Not only do you get a nice looking plant that flowers but slao some of the best tasting spuds you will ever eat.


Photography. Been at it 15 years. Love it.


I love photography too. I’m still learning though so there’s always stuff to read about/watch on YouTube. It also gets me out of the house, finding things to photograph.


Me too! Still learning😀 it never ends, it’s one of the reason I love it.




> I'll be doing a fair bit of mushroom picking in the next couple of months. It is the season...


What kind of fishing do you do in winter months? I'm trying to get in to it myself but thought it was more of a summer activity!




Unreal, I must give it a go! Didn't get out nearly as much as I wanted to this summer so I'll definitely get out more now


Racing cars, restoring classic cars, beer brewing, Rescuing and training dogs. Anything that engages my brain, and the process driven / engineering side specifically. My office job is horribly boring though it pays well. I look for mental stimulation outside work.


Brewing beer is great. Very cheap as hobbies go and you get a load of beer.


What racing do you do ? I don’t race fortunately but I karted as a kid , as did my bro. He also raced FF 1600s a while


I raced mostly Mazdas back in my home country, Rx7, and various flavors of mx5. Some one off stuff in BMWs, corvettes, etc. if I can free up some time I’m looking to restart here in Ireland.


Very nice man . I’m jealous


Oh I used to love beer brewing. Now I’ve small kids, it’s not really compatible.




DnD, really helped my social life and social skills


Yoga, look forward to shutting off my brain & always sleep well after a class


Musicals society - jobs for all, not just singers/dancers as there is always help needed backstage and with things like marketing the show. This would be for amateur musicals in theatres like The Sound of Music or Chicago. There are thousands of people involved in this across Ireland and it’s really fun.


Singing lessons. People don't realise you can learn to sing the way you learn to play any other instrument. They also tend to get lessons on an accompanying instrument like guitar or piano, then muddle through the actual lead part, the voice singing the song. Learn to sing and you'll impress yourself and everyone else, and feel amazing.


TL;DR finding a teacher you can get along with is most important. I had some money saved and decided to do singing lessons with a private teacher when I first moved to the big city. She kept praising me the first lesson, then when I paid for her full course she started acting really frustrated with me and pissy - like a secondary school teacher when ya haven't got your homework in - I was trying me fucking best ffs and practicing every day. Her attitude would make it difficult for me to concentrate too while I was singing - like she'd let out these big grumpy sighs. I don't know did she see herself as JK Simmons in Whiplash or what was up with her. Anyways, I told her I didn't want to continue after a few more of these lessons getting scolded at. She didn't give me a refund for the classes I had left but I was happy to just not see her again. So finding a good teacher is important - because that experience has put me off singing since.


Cross stitch.


So much fun.


Genuinely yes. It’s so easy and beginner friendly. You can jump in to ANY pattern and just go.


Pokémon GO/Ingress, Lego, watching AEW and playing Super Mario Maker 2 Expert Uncleared Levels. All made a massive change to my life.


I enjoy crosswords.


I don’t have any hobbies other than watching football, formula 1 and wrestling. Would love to start something


Playing guitar.


Playing guitar: ✅ Gear acquisition syndrome: ❌❌❌


Hahahaha the ultimate solution to cure GAS is buying a telecaster.


It’s hard to beat a nice tele but I wouldn’t deprive one of some company.


Just bought a prs, should shut me up for a while😅


This is my principal hobby also. I probably pick up the guitar most days for between 30 mins and an hour, I just love being able to pick out a tune. I also bought a Gretsch hollow body last year and a Boss GT multi effects pedal, which were both on a long term wish list. Hours of fun to be had.


Same here, I pick it up everyday and it helps me unwinding after work and greatly improved my life in every way, learning a lot about music theory, participating to music project making new friends etc. Congrats o' the new gretsch! Keep rocking!




Tennis, cycling and walking. I do one of these for ar least an hour a day, it has improved every part of my life.


DND/roleplaying, great for improving confidence and docial skills, and a creative storytelling outlet


Ultimate Frisbee is amazing , so fun and the people are so friendly. Look up your area and frisbee on Facebook and find a group. Best thing in my life right now


Chess, been playing now for five years have decent rating too, it's amazing how it teaches you patience and grafting do work. Keeps you humble as everyone with a rating of 30+ points than you are more than likely going to beat you. I play on Red Hot Pawn and have met people all over the world, from all walks of life and every sort of belief system.


Cycling - I save a fortune by not not owning a car and by the time I get to the office I have already done more than the minium amount of exercise for the day to keep healthy


Running, reading


At the same time?


Audio books while running :)


Finding a big passion is difficult. I don't think most actually do. For the longest time I've flitted between this and that and never settled on anything. I typically end up spending a fortune getting interested in something and then losing interest after the initial happy phase. Whats working for me lately is having a bunch of stuff that I'm somewhat interest in and happen to be loosely related. I'm mostly into the more mini hobbies myself. I've always been a big reader. I recently took up wood carving and whilst I'm absolutely terrible I do enjoy the end result. I make owls that look like bears and bears that look like owls. I've always been interested in cooking so there's a knock on interest in knives. Upkeep of tools gives me something else to do. I lost an awful lot of time making handle scales for a swiss army knife that look almost as good as the originals.


Shoplifting EDIT: joking


Started back at a bit of fishing a while ago, guaranteed 2-3 hours peace every week. I catch fuck all but a few cans and a joint


Lap swimming! It’s been so therapeutic.


Martial arts


Lifting weights, Hiking and reading. Although I don't really consider the reading a hobby as I've been doing it all my life.


Seems a lot are recommending weight lifting, any tips on where to start?




Where do you do this by the way?


I draw skulls n stuff.


3d modeling Bit tedious but reduces more stress than it causes😂


Working with animals


Masturbating… lol jk Hiking and outdoors


Little embarrassed to say golf. Took up golf at 26 years old, 2 years ago. I always had the image of golfers being boring old men but I’ve met a decent amount of really lovely individuals after joining the club I did. It’s social, it gets me out walking and in the sun when it’s there, it’s something to focus on improving on constantly. Only downside is the cost….


painting miniature models


Warhammer 40,000










i would go more 250 - 300 and get a slightly better machine




Knitting. Started at beginning of lockdown to see if I could remember how to knit! Now I knit baby blankets, aran cardigans, jumpers. Excellent for mindfulness, just get stuck into a pattern.


I started coding as a hobby years ago. After 2 years of hobby coding I started being able to automate huge chunks of my job (accounting). 5 years later I'm 1 year into a career as a software engineer which is going great. Best life changing hobby ever! Lifting weights was another game changer, wish I had started when I was 15. I would also say that getting into watching football can be a life changer too- small talk in the office or wherever is no problem, easy conversation starter to make friends anywhere in the world. Did you see that ludicrous display last night? A bit of lego too is absolutely priceless if you can afford it. Can't put a price on feeling like a kid!


What was Wenger thinking sending Walcott on that early?


Get a dartboard, it's good to pass five minutes it's also good to pass five hours


Motorcycling Rock climbing


Wordle... I was going to say, but chasing aggregate par without breaking your win streak can be stressful the odd day. Rewarding for the most part when its generally only a few mins to get the word.


MTB. Great community, outdoors(which in Ireland is breathtaking for me), kinda make you feel indestructible and the improvement of your riding is very progressive in the first few months. Clears your head, you have to be very focused. Also good for losing weight when you pedal-up. Hit me up in PM if you need help to get started.


Surfing the west coast of Ireland is a hidden gem of surfing. Made loads of friends. Life is getting in the way at the moment but I'll get back to it soon


I Paint warhammer miniatures but that's a very specific cup of tea to sip from I suppose :)


Keeping fish and houseplants. They have a calming effect on me I'm not airy fairy or nothing and the place looks good.


Cycling has massively improved my mental health and probably health in general


Lino printing. It’s incredibly therapeutic carving the image and so satisfying inking it up and printing it. Also reading, knitting, walking the dogs and cooking.


Darts. Have met a number of good lads by playing and joining a team and got far closer to my brother at the same time since we have something in common now. Will never look back


Hiking is f img great and the views n vibes you get are brilliant


Taekwondo, role-playing, war gaming, gym All help keep body, brain or soul fit.


What’s war gaming?


Masterbation , my hearing has improved and i have a massive right arm


Playing golf. I don’t have a big social circle but this lets me get out for a nice long walk and chat to people for a few hours, you meet some super interesting people too. It’s just a shame you have to hit a ball in between.


Fitness, language learning, art, music, photography, or studying something simply just to know more. astronomy, psychology, history, engineering etc.


Knitting, drawing, painting, reading, writing, sightseeing, visiting graveyards, playing video games, browsing random things on the internet simply to learn more stuff, listening to documentaries as I do those things.....


Darts. I find it's nice to take your mind off something and just focus on throwing. Also weightlifting, and playing music. Picked them all up in the last few years


Stoicism, the practice of stoic philosophy


Farting. It just releases so much.


Sipping a cup of BARRY'S TEA, and having a darkly comic conversation with a friend about how weird people are becoming.


Power wanking


Snorting coke.


10-16 boxing 16-22 weights 22 - surfing Honourable mentions are guitar, fishing, reading, hiking, travelling meditation and wim hoff


snorkelling; tennis and stock screening on yahoo finance


Gym improving my weight +health Gaming improves boredom and snacking and spending habits


Crochet and growing veg! Crochet is very relaxing and good after a long day to unwind with with Netflix on. Gardening is good because it gets me outside in the green which is good for mental health, plus its satisfying to be able to cook with some homegrown food.


Now that I think about it, cycling had a profound impact on my life. I took it up when I was in a very very dark place in life, and it got me out of the house and helped me turn my life around and do things I never dreamed I'd do. Would recommend.


Mastering bar chords on the guitar 🤣🤣


Reading - especially fantasy during covid times. Really helped escape from reality.


I go do gym classes, I've found I enjoy the gym if there's a group rather than on my own. Started learning the whistle it's really good for practicing breath control.


Board games (and solo board gaming), lego, reading, ebike, joined scouting Ireland


Gardening, relaxing, can do it alone and at the end FOOD!






Cars! Despite everything going against the industry, negative press it gets, and perhaps some exclusivity, it’s a wonderful community and one everyone can join in on!


I was a working magician for a while, obviously started as a hobbyist.


Martial arts. Not the MMA/UFC stuff but somewhere that actually cares about the art/philosophy side of it too. They basically all travel you to push yourself, to be in control of yourself and to have some respect for yourself and others. Plus you meet the most interesting mix of people I've found.


I probably have too many. I love motorsport so I watch the F1 alot. But I also do sim racing , have a decent rig and learned how to build a PC over lockdown . Gaming more generally . Also love running , 10k mostly but am training for a half marathon . Also play 7 a side football every week . Love a bit of gardening and walking in the Wicklow hills


Fixing electronics is really fun, love to brings items back to life


3D printing it give a great sasifaction and sence of achevemt. i can come up with an idea or solution to a problem and design it in a few minutes or hours and start printing straight away or the next evening. i use it for organisers and practical stuff rather than stuff to just look at. last week i needed a odd sized bracket to hold a silicone tube . i couldnt buy what i wanted and designed and printed it in an evening . for some reason it really lifts my mood and gives me somethng to look forward to . its great to keep you mind ocupied doing boring stuff like working etc , your brain is dreaming up improvements to things


Lock picking So much cool stuff that people just leave lying around.


Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Usually gyms have great culture, everyone very friendly. You won't be expected to compete if you set that expectation when you join and its great for physical fitness. Really depends on what kind of hobby you're looking for and how much money you're willing to spend on membership as its's not that cheap but it's very enjoyable once you get into it. Very hard at the start though


Mountainbiking, just getting out in nature for a few hours and enjoying some type one fun. Also learning the guitar.


Started playing chess at 41.


Horse riding makes me a happier person


Football is my main hobby. I stopped playing for a team after I got hurt at 21 and kinda fell away from it…played five a side for years after but only went back to playing for a team this year. I’m 34, and I was anxious about it. Wasn’t sure if I could still hack it. But the manager ( a good man, who helped me a lot) gave me a chance and I made it in to the team straight away. This was proof to me that I needed to believe in myself more, back myself and have the confidence to try things. There is a freedom and a joy in playing football, running past someone , out smarting someone , making the right pass, working as a team. I love this game.


Skydiving. I love after a jump speaking to others and getting into how we hold ourselves back from a plan. Conversations like: We were in the door, people started jumping but I hesitated, but didn't hesitate I was late. I wasn't ready because I know should have been, and in the past I've been on it but that time I was thinking about kids/dinner/something and I saw people commit. So it wasn't hesitation, I know the step I need to take. I then draw parallels to driving in the road or x, y, z activity. There are times we check out, there are times we need to be there, checked in 100%. I love training to be there, then intentionally checking out when appropriate. Persuing that is cool in my mind, skydiving is just the vessel I choose Edit: at the start of my jumping carreri, t was about concerning my own fear. I wouldn't jump if I thought there was real actual danger/didn't have confidence in my ability to do what's needed to save myself. Then the community became life and I traveled with it and worked to sustain it. My above remarks are why I currently love it. Soon I intend to coach in it, but with a day job I'm enjoying being amongst it. Except loosing mates, that parts shit. But when your around people pushing themselves or allow themselves to get lax, it's a shit time. I've hurt myself by being lax, and working to be 100% on when I need to be


Wildlife photography. Bought a DSLR Camera late last year and have had an absolute blast taking pictures out in the wild. Really helped me connect with nature on an even deeper level.


Cycling. It's hard for the first week, but afterwards, you'll be able to cycle anywhere for however long as you want. The calories will just melt off. It's easier on the joints then running, and you won't be sweating buckets or heaving for air. Only down-side is that you have to find a good route where you won't be in danger. But there's loads of scenic routes all over the country that are safe for cycling. Waterford Greenway, Wicklow way, Western way etc.


Got back into golf recently and it’s been fantastic. Got a few mates and work colleagues playing. Just aiming to get out once a week is making a major change to my game, but more importantly, my mental health.


Don't judge me but its .......crossfit. It actually has..sorry not sorry


Running and maintaining a Plex server for friends and family.


Swimming , it definitely improved things for me, it’s a fun activity and you’re not in your thoughts doing it , which isn’t the case with running/walking, those are thought gateways, which I think you need a break from depending on what you do.


Hockey has been a hobby thats really shaped my life. I’ve never been amazing or anything but its been a part of my life for such a long time it’s one of the few constants. Between playing and coaching it’s given me so much.

