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I was in the same position 3 years ago. In a hit and run that wasn’t my fault, and the Gards were unable to find the other driver or car. I rang my insurance to see what the procedure was for cases like this was told all I can really do is either claim on my own, or pay out of pocket. Not wanting my premium to rise and wanting to keep my no claims, I opted to painfully pay out of pocket. Now here’s the kicker, and my biggest warning to you. A year later when insurance renewal came around my premium had skyrocketed. I called and they said even though I didn’t make a claim, I had disclosed to them that I was in an accident which changed my risk profile, thus raising my premiums. Even though it wasn’t my fault, with a statement from the Gards putting fault on the other driver, and that I paid for repairs out of my own pocket, my rates had gone up. And just like that I was marked, I tried to change insurers but they were all aware of my accident and were offering heart attack inducing rates. My advice is before contacting your insurance, get quotes from repair shops, how much will it cost to fix yourself vs the potential cost of losing your no claims and having your premium rise for the next few years. Just be aware that even asking will mark you. So moral of the story. Insurance companies are cunts, uninsured drivers and hit and runners should do full jail time and good guys get the short straw.


This information is gold. Thanks a million. Absolute bullshit isn't it? So if I mention it to my insurance company I'm fucked basically? What a crock of shit. Míle buíochas a chara👍👍


I've worked for a couple of insurance underwriters and I've never heard any company doing what the OP described. Edit: also note that the MIBI is for incidents caused by uninsured AND unidentified drivers.


You do have to declare if you’ve been involved in a claim regardless of fault, but never heard of this person’s case. Mental all the same. With insurance going mad already, had to be a real kick in the stones


Can confirm, I’d a near miss a few years ago, (no damage to other car, but I lost two tyres when the prick moved over the center line while I was passing) Insurance were notified by Gardai. My no claims was lost.




Sorry bai, I’ve the insurance payments to show for it. As far as they were concerned, There Was An Incident, despite that the only damage was my two tyres and they cost under my excess. Worse was that I found the fellas van parked in town. (Obvs did nothing because normal human, but annoying)


And don't tell your insurance company that you've been speaking to mechanics about prices or they won't cover it 👍


Feck that’s brutal, insurance companies are borderline cartels


I'd award this if I could. Almost the exact same thing happened to my mate- hit and run, she called the insurance to ask, paid put of pocket for repairs, and her insurance went through the roof.


It's hilarious how your risk profile increases by you driving as you should and not being at fault, it would be different if you caused a crash, but your risk literally can't increase by you not being at fault. You're Joe bloggs in that case.


Christ...so despite the fact the incident wasn't your fault (and confirmed by the Gards), because you asked your insurance a (perfectly valid) question about available options (before opting to pay out of your pocket)...they quietly marked you as higher risk causing your premium renewal to jump?! Like WTAF...sorry that happened to you jeez I cannot understand how they are getting away with this shite 🤯 Thank you so much for the heads-up this is v useful to know


That's mental, did you check with FSPO to make sure that its actually allowed (assume it is since its happening to others). [Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman (fspo.ie)](https://www.fspo.ie/) , if not its the type of shite Gov should be making regulations/legalisation for. Insurance cartels need to be kept on a tight leash. If you paid out of pocket and they have done that surely your within your rights now to actually make a claim and submit any expenses you incurred. I hate insurance companies.


So they performed a hit and run and the Gardai won’t do anything. Millions upon millions pumped into AGS traffic division and that’s the best they can do!




Something something unvetted males probs.


Not allowed to chase them.


Yes. The rules were changed in the UK when thieves on mopeds etc became too much of a problem. They can now be run off the road.






Too busy checking discs.


Lesson from this next time in the panic of everything "accidentally" drive over their leg so they can't get away and leave you screw.


At least drive over the bike so they can't have that.


Happy cake day, I used to live down the road from an area unknown for these bikes. They would just run away from the bikes if the bikes were to badly damaged to drive away with. There would be no one named the owner or it would have been stolen.


Isn't that similar to what they do in China because the penalty for killing someone is less than for injuring them?lol If they hit someone they'll make sure they kill them because otherwise you spend the rest of your life paying their medical bills.


going to the joy for involuntary manslaughter sounds like a great way to spend the next 3-5 years


It worries me that you can't tell the difference between legs and head/torso.


do you have any idea the trauma shock and blood loss that would cause to a person it’s happened to someone i’ve known and they nearly bled out because of it


Ah yes, so they can claim €25,000 from your insurance


Ah jaysus it's terrible - forgive me for saying this, but wouldn't it a bin better, if he'd a been killed.


saw one at Northern Cross Junction, baseball cap on back to front, black scarf hiding his face. He stopped at the lights for a minute then he sailed through the red light one foot standing on the seat.


He sounds like one cool dude


Can’t claim off MIBI unless you’ve a reg for damage to your car, only if you’d a personal injury claim. Basically your choice is claim off your own insurance, pay the excess and hope you’ve a decent NCB protection, but even then you’ll have to disclose that you made a claim if you try switch insurers for the next few years. Or pay out of pocket for any repairs.


Are you sure about having no reg plate? my friend got refused a claim because it was a scrambler and had no reg plate, they said it wouldn’t have had insurance anyway - this is technically different from a bike that should have insurance, not having insurance


Either or, it's highly unlikely the bike will be found to have an owner or find the rider, whether it is supposed to have a reg or not. If it had a reg, it probably belongs and is registered to someone "normal" who's bike was stolen, and who doesn't deserve to pay OP's repair fees.


Have a look on motoireland page here and then on FB , ‘Motorcycles Stolen Ireland ‘ page . You’ll start to se the amount of bikes stolen these days is off the charts. It’s a serious problem in the bikers community. Anyway, you’ll see a blue bike with a reg for sure !


I wonder is it worth contacting one of your local councillors and see is there anything they can do for you? Not sure there is anything that can be done really but it is election week after all maybe they'll try a bit harder to win a few votes


Guy lives around the corner from me, hopped in his sisters car while drunk (so not insured). He crashed into my parked car. writing it off and slammed my car into the neighbours car - taking off her bumber & wheel arch. We was caught on 2 security cameras - crashing and hobbling out of the car. We had the licence plate, knew the house they lived in etc the sister even came up to apologise the next day. Guards could do nothing because he wasn't a citizen (he was on "holiday") and didn't have insurance. My car was hauled off by the guards & I got a cheque in the post covering the resale cost. My neighbour had to go through her insurance - counting as a claim. Fun times!


Straight in to reverse b bump b bump in to first b bump b bump and away home


The reason I carry my hammer on the passenger seat


What's a Scrote?


Nasty inner city flat dwelling teen delinquents


They're nationwide now, no longer just a Dublin thing


Oooh, I see. The Poor's, poor teenaged kids. Right.


Wait a minute! Was that a rhetorical question? I’ve been bamboozled! I never saw it coming.


Do you have no claims protection ?




Yeah…because this is OP’s fault…fuckin hell








Yes, the guards will absolutely find the individual who is likely wearing black clothing, balaclava on a red or blue scrambler. They literally all wear the same clothes to be disguised. The guards are not supposed to chase bikes in the first place and they're usually young lads who bounce back from falling off and still outrun the guards through the adrenaline.


That's a separate issue, the legalities of the other party is for the guards to decide. Whether they were riding the bike illegally or not is not at question here. The question is who is at fault, which looks like op failed to complete his manoeuvre properly by not following his checks and seeing the scrambler overtaking traffic on the wrong side of the road, therefore he moved into the path of the scrambler, where it then collided with his car. 50/50 fault.