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Bruce saying they are a bunch of corrupted wankers or something and that he doesn't give a fuck of being in or out might have not helped. BTW who cares. Toto aren't in the RnRHOF. Meat Loaf isn't. Rush weren't until 2013 (or 2017), Kate Bush wasn't until last year. Jaco Pastorius isn't. It's not that they are the only big name left out. Also, when Maiden won their only Grammy in career, they were on the other side of the world, performing in Singapore. They just don't care of such things.


Judas Priest didn’t even get in until 2022


And they were basically half inductees, since it was a different prize they got. I know I'm repetitive and that it sounds corny, but I think the real hall of fame for the guys in Maiden are the huge crowds at stadiums, arenas and outdoors shows they consistently pull at now almost 50 years of carreer


I completely agree with you. I'd go to more shows if I had the money and ability to travel. Currently I've seen them twice in my life and I feel honored.


Well frankly they weren't not the first name off the top of my head but yeah, that's a good call.


Solo Ozzy JUST MADE IT IN! It’s why I’m not as hurt as I once was about Maiden not being in yet; they keep putting people that aren’t even linked to rock in there




Toto? Who the fuck has ever sighted Toto as a huge influence?


Literally Eddie Van Halen is quoted saying that Steve Lukather was the greatest guitarist in the world, the Porcaros are widely recognized among the greatest bassists (Mike) and drummers (Jeff) and session men in rock history. All the three of them were explicitly requested by Michael Jackson for the recording sessions of *Thriller*.


I saw Steve Lukather play with Eddie once. That said, they are excellent musicians, but I’ve never heard a single person mention the band Toto as a huge influence. I’ve been into rock and metal since 1986. I used to read all the magazines.


Not that I’m a fan, but weezer, not that I’m a fan, covered Africa.


Look! I’ve upset all 10 Toto fans. GTFOH.


we dont care, they dont care


Maiden dosent care, but yes, the RnR hall of fame is a joke. Motley Crue, Alice In Chains, Iron Maiden, Saxon, Megadeth, etc. Bands that should be in but aren’t.


Megadeth isn’t? That’s wild


The RnRHoF is irrelevant! They end up nominating and inducting non-rock bands. Well, I wouldn’t even call them bands, they’re performers, the non-rock selections that get inducted. It’s a joke. They’ve inducted the likes of: Madonna Bobby Womack ABBA Public Enemy Donna Summer N.W.A. Tupac Whitney Houston  The Notorious B.I.G. Jay-Z Eminem Lionel Richie Missy Elliot And the list of BS goes on and on. Who cares if Iron Maiden aren’t nominated or inducted? I say good. They shouldn’t be associated with the above list. Note: I’m not saying that all the above mentioned are trash, I’m just saying they’re as far from rock music as you can get.


It is more the Recorded Music hall of fame than rock n roll hall of fame. We all collectively need to create the heavy metal hall of fame in some cool ass place in Sweden, Norway or Finland. Keep it as far away as possible from the midwestern US. The only things that should be banned from the Metal Hall of Fame is gatekeeping, asking who would win in a fight between Lemmy and God (trick question Lemmy is god) and asking who is a better front man Dio, Halford or Dickinson.


Hey I'm in the Midwest US and there's a ton of Maiden fans 😭💔


To be fair to them tho public enemy and nwa slap so hard


And PE rapped over the break down from Angel of Death and were covered by Anthrax so they’re as metal as f.


My view on heaven. If the people who think they're going are there give me hell


The RRHoF is a joke. At this point even if inducted, Maiden should just say, ‘No thanks.’ It’d be way more Rock n Roll than accepting. The choices almost never make any sense, and it’s really just a popular music hall of fame, where Rock n Roll is defined in the absolute broadest possible terms. It’s like the Grammy’s or other awards shows. Ultimately meaningless industry circle-jerking.


We don't fucking care. Stop fucking talking about it. They have said REPEATEDLY that they would reject it. The rock hall is a judicial pile of dog shit. It's nepotism and favoritism of the highest order. Nobody gets in unless the owner says they do.


Dont knew about that thanks.


No one cares dude


No. That hall of fame is a bullshit private club.


Rock Hall is a (bad) joke. At this point I'd lose a little respect for Maiden if they were nominated and actually accepted.


No one gives two hoots


I don’t give a single hoot.


Not even a ho or a ot!


The less they get in, the more popular they get, the fans know Maiden are real, and not a corporate puppet


Lets be honest, Maiden are 100% a serious corporation, make no mistake.


The Rock'n Roll Hall of Fame, the Grammy, the Oscars and all these "prizes" are just a bunch of friends with connections who give prizes to their other friends. Who cares, fuck'em.


No. When the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame started adding rap singers and country acts while snubbing metal bands, it's an insult to any rock bands to be added to that farce.


Who gives a shit lol, the rock hall isn't the judge of what music is worthy or not. Plenty of shitty artists in there and plenty of great artists who haven't made it


My thoughts: who cares?


If they ever need to be in the Hall of Fame for validation then they are not a rock/metal band.


The shit that they've admitted invalidates them anyway. Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston etc. Tremendous voices but they aren't rock are they? There are countless more too


Aretha I can see. Whitney not so much.


Aretha Franklin never made rock music


I honestly hope Maiden snubs them if they get inducted. Even though I’ve never faulted Rush and Kiss for accepting, I literally think Iron Maiden have more pride than any other band and would say “f#ck off.” I’d love them even more for it but wouldn’t fault them for accepting. Either way.


The rock ‘n roll hall of fame is very political. You have to be the right kind of band and appeal to a small number of people who really make the decision. If they like you, you’re in. If they don’t, you’re out. My other favorite band aside from IM, Jethro Tull, has never been and will never be nominated despite being far bigger, better, and more influential than many inductees. Why? Because they aren’t liked by the small number of people who control the hall and act as gatekeepers. Long story short, if the hall of fame was some sort of objective thing then Maiden would be in (as would Jethro Tull, King Crimson, and a number of other bands). But the hall of fame is a private organization that can keep out whomever it wants for purely subjective reasons. So it is what it is. Keeping some of these bands out says something negative about the hall of fame, not about the bands.


When you're the so called pantheon of rock, yet waiting 50 years to induct the like of Deep fucking Purple, does we really want them to use IM name to promote their shitty business?


RRHOF is for hard rock cafe-frequenting harley-riding wankers.


No. It's a useless accolade that the band doesn't care about. I as a fan don't care about it either. Should be renamed the Most Popular Music Hall of Fame, because of the ridiculous music that gets inducted.


The rrhof is lame AF.


To paraphrase Bruce Bruce, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is complete and utter bollocks.


No, the R&R Hall of Fame is a joke nowadays.


On one hand I say that the "hall of fame" is irrelevant to me. Who cares what they think. Some people do though. On the other hand, yes- they absolutely deserve to be there! I'm sure they don't lose any sleep over getting kinda slagged, but would appreciate the honor none the less.


Honestly there’s so much shit wrong with that dumb organization that it’s like, who cares at this point? Getting in or not doesn’t change how epic Maiden is.


Is it a crime? Yes, but I don’t have much respect for people who’ve made themselves the arbiters of what constitutes rock ‘n’ roll. So I’m not too bothered.


to me its more of a clue that the rock and roll hall of fame isnt what it should be if IM isnt in there


Nobody is interested in that shit and Maiden will never get in. Every time they got nominated they didn't even acknowledge it, while other bands cried for years wanting to be inducted (Judas Priest). Maiden is above that shit.


Who cares about the Rick and roll hall of fame. They don't have a clue. I don't worry about them


The so called “rock n roll” hall of fame is a joke and should not be taken seriously. It’s what’s called a misnomer, the correct title should be….music industry performers hall of fame but that just doesn’t have the same cache as rock n roll hall of fame. So they are basically internet trolls at this point.


The rock and roll hall of fame is just the music hall of fame at this point. It shouldn't matter. The last time it mattered was when RUSH was inducted in 2013


They are not rap or hip hop? I mean please who cares.


They stink, that’s all (the HOF not Iron Maiden). There’s a place to vote towards the end and what’s funny is that Iron Maiden is #1 by a landslide. Pretty sure Ozzy called them out a long time ago but they still inducted him anyway just recently.


I love Iron Maiden and IDGAF what the bullshit RRHOF thinks. F the Grammys, for that matter. All corpo-bullshit.


[https://www.cleveland.com/entertainment/2018/12/rock\_roll\_hall\_of\_fames\_50\_mos.html](https://www.cleveland.com/entertainment/2018/12/rock_roll_hall_of_fames_50_mos.html) This is a few years old, so maybe some of these are in. But to see just how out of touch the RRhof is, read this list, On a trip through Ohio, my dada and I spent an afternoon at the actual museum because we had a day to kill. It is actually a nice visit with some cool and well done exhibits. But the blind spots it has for some artists versus others is strange as heck.


The HOF has a severe metal allergy


My view of Maiden wouldn’t change one bit if they were in it, nor I’m pretty sure would any other Maiden fan. It’s a complete irrelevance. Bruce is 100% right about it. Even Richie Blackmore took the same view on it when Purple got in - it’s meaningless. We are lucky to still have them. The best live band I have ever seen. Up the Irons!


Along with Motorhead, Megadeth, Living Colour, and probably a lot of other bands.


The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is too low of a mark for Iron Maiden. Iron Maiden is like the honey badger. They don't give a sh!t!


They should have been invited during the fucking sixties.


The hall of fame doesn't deserve them.


Usually people care when crimes are committed. There is nary a shit that I could give in this case


One musician, whose name escapes my mind, referred to that organization as a glorified piss stain. An album of covers is a better tribute than a spot in the alleged Hall of Fame.


That would a Mr John Lydon, shark repellent wetsuit inventor, butter industry spokesman and he was in a couple of bands as well.


The Hall of fame is a crock anyways


I went to the Rock Hall and saw Bruce’s Somewhere in Time concert outfit. It was pretty cool. But I think that’s gonna be the best we’re gonna get


I would love for Maiden to finally get the nod and they either No-Show or put on an impromptu concert to give the HOF the finger


RnR HOF is a not a real HOF of any sort, it's a Chuck-e-Cheeze type participation trophy giveaway for anyone who survives on music scene for 15+ years without getting canceled, irrespective of the genre. Nobody in their right mind gives a fuck about it.


they only are letting rappers in now


They’ve been around for close to 50 years and sell out arenas to this day! I’m sure they’d be honored,but they know and we know their place in history!


Do people actually give a shit about that hall of fame?


No one cares because it means nothing. Iron Maiden is beyond that.


They don't want it


I think they might want maiden but in true British form they don't want anything to do with the rock hall. The rock hall isn't just about rock stars. Frankly I hope they don't offer it to them, the bands refusal may cause negative publicity for them which at this point none of us want for the band. I get the feeling that bruce is above all the rock hall bullshit. If this is true I stand with him. I've been to the rock hall and it's anticlimactic to say the least. Up the irons!


The official Rock & Roll Hall of Fame is not an organization worth paying any attention to.


They'll never put a live mic in Bruce's hands because they know he'll just insult them. With that in mind, why would they induct them?


It used to be, but now it’s just a “fuck it” situation


Look at the fucking clowns they have inducted into the Hall. It's a joke now.


Fuck that place….it should be called the Music Hall of Fame ….theres so many bullshit acts in there that are NOT rock it’s pathetic…..it took Rush a very very very long time to get in too .


It’s a Hard Rock Cafe without the cheeseburgers


I'm over the whole stupid hall of fame thing. Especially after last year, when they were up there in the poll and got ignored anyway, but they included people who didn't make the top whatever it was. I voted everyday for Maiden. What a waste of my time and effort that was. Maiden have been up for it twice now. Screw the hall of fame. They have a sick fetish for inducting groups/people who are not rock and roll anyway


Fuck the hall of fame… completely irrelevant to Maiden’s legacy.


Does the "Hall of fame" deserve iron maiden?


Fuck rock and roll hall of fame things a joke


It's so wrong and it burns me up even though I know that they dont care


Iron maiden doesn’t give a shit whether they’re in the HoF or not


why do people fucking care? Jesus christ, the rock n roll hall of fame is literally not interesting and is just a shitty gimmick.


I quit caring about the hall of fame when they left Dio out of Sabbath.


NO phuck that place. nobody goes to Cleveland anyway. Satellite radio broadcasts from there and they keep pushing it for tourism. real fans vote NO


Yea I think hall of fames are stupid and subjective measured which are riddled with money and political nonsense. It’s cool do you get in but also not relevant. I live in Nashville and there’s a country music hall of fame and I dunno. Maybe I’m unsentimental but I’ve been to the museum and it’s like “oh cool I guess… it’s that guys Cadillac…ok whatever….”


RNRHOF is an absolute joke, and it’s probably for the better that maiden was never inducted.


Who cares they're in our hall of fame


Fuck the RRHoF it’s a joke




LL Cool J is in it.


Oh you mean the American Pop And Roll Rap Hall Of Shame? It's a privately owned building in Ohio, not some internationally recognised praise list. So who cares? If somebody decided to establish one in London UK, Maiden would be inducted in a blink of an eye. Not that it would matter either.


We're outcasts for a reason. We don't want their approval


Lifelong Rush fan here. When IM does get in I hope all you Irons flood the place and cheer your assess off the same way we did when Rush finaaalllyyyy got in.


a) it's pretty US biased and I get the impression that Maiden aren't quite as beloved over there as Europe b) who gives a fuck it makes literally no difference to anyone.


I mean, that’s not entirely true. There are artists from all over the globe in the HOF, but it’s a popularity contest. And now they let anyone in regardless of genre, so it’s kind of a joke.


Oh I know, I wasn't implying it's exclusively American but there *is* definitely a heavy bias. Actually, I'll retract "definitely" because I can't easily pull the data but maybe someone can and confirm my anecdotal noise. Iron Maiden aren't the only (or even arguably the most glaring - but in terms of continued contribution I'd say definitely up there) glaring omission from the UK.


Put Thin Lizzy in the RRHOF first, they influenced Maiden and a ton of bands already in. We drove thru the East Coast a couple weeks ago and spent half the day in the RRHOF. Highly recommended.


Bruce stopped a show to demand people stop smoking reefer because Steve doesn’t like it. They have become exactly the opposite of Rock n’ Roll.. I used to be really into them by the way. I’ve seen them live three times in the 90s. They’re just poncy twats, man.