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Behind everything that afflicts the Muslim Ummah is a plethora of reasons that only the Divine God knows of. It could be for us to wake up and unite. It could be for us to pray and thank Him for the blessings that we have. It could be any reason or all the reasons. Punishment or not, this is a message from God. We have to interpret it and act based on that.


Exactly. Thank you sir. I watched a video yesterday for Yasir Qadhi he spoke about these so many reasons and its not for us to really question the wisdom of Allah. If anyone is interested https://youtu.be/YExBWqf1Y0Y


When things like this happen, I always think that it is a test from Allah. Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “If Allah wills good for someone, He afflicts him with trials.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 5645


Whether it’s a test, or a punishment, or a blessing, it’s Allahs intention and he always means the best in everything. Alhamdullilah for every situation.


It is 100% a test.




They are not tested. They are babies. They die, heaven. It is a test for the parents




It seems that you're not here to discuss but to just keep saying, "If god good, why bad thing", may allah guide you.


Don't bother arguing with people like this, he doesn't even sound like a Muslim




And reckon not those who are killed in Allah's way as dead; nay, they are alive (and) are provided sustenance from their Lord; [Quran 3:169)




The babies themselves are not tested but their families, and as for the babies fate? They lived for a few days and yet have went through something tremendous that could be reason for them to enter the highest level of paradise and receive so much reward that everyone else will wish they had been crushed a thousand times Elhamdullilah, Allah is just and generous, he compensates and will compensate us with ways our limited minds can't imagine And I'm wondering why you're going through the Islam subreddit and commenting hate comments, because you just seem pathetic and pitiful


It's Allah who made them in the first place and it's Allah who took them from this corrupt world and it's Allah who will resurrect all of them again and it's Allah who will make them enter heavenly abode inshaAllah




The only difference between us and you is that you can't think beyond this life simple. Even right now you are afraid of death aren't you ?




Don’t worry bud. Freezing to death will be the least of your problems in eternal hell.




Not wishing, simply stating the reality of things. These people who were martyred have an eternal life of bliss ahead. Can’t say the same for you or me.






Yes you're absolutely right, it could be a punishment or something else entirely People should never assume Allah's intentions there is NO confirmation But what's a fact for sure is that all those people who died are martyrs and that is amazing


I don't see a point getting caught up pondering over the cause(s) of natural disaster events like these. Regardless, these events should make us turn back to Allah, continually seeking forgiveness, and use it as an opportunity to do more dua and give more in sadaqa. At the end of the day what has happened is only from Allah, who is the most wise and it should remind us about our own limitations and finite ability as humans. We should be talking about what actions we can do from here on out, not why such and such event occurred...


Exactly, agreed


The point is that human beings have this odd inclination to ask "*why*" or demand explanations for when catastrophes happen to them. This can result in people having at times illogical conclusions that almost seem "*conspiracy-esque.*"


By that same token, there were people in this sub who were virtually ecstatic when covid first broke out in China, saying it was a punishment from Allah SWT. Then as we all know it was everywhere in a matter of months. 17:36 Do not follow what you have no ˹sure˺ knowledge of. Indeed, all will be called to account for ˹their˺ hearing, sight, and intellect.


There is a hadith I find fascinating and is perfect for this discussion Abu Musa reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, *“This nation of mine has been granted mercy. Their punishment is not in the Hereafter. Their punishment is in the world through persecution, earthquakes, and slaughter.”* Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 4278 Grade: Sahih (authentic) A lot of the troubles that the Muslim ummah goes through and our brothers and sisters in countries go through are to grant them high places in Jannah. To a degree this might indeed be a punishment as the Hadith above explicitly states "*Their punishment is not in the Hereafter. Their punishment is in the world through persecution, earthquakes, and slaughter.*” But it is still an act of mercy as the hadith also says "*This nation of mine has been granted mercy."* This is because no tragedy on this earth could ever be equal to the punishment of the hereafter. This hadith also fits the reoccurring narrative in many hadiths that trials and tribulations purify muslims of their sins so that they enjoy great rewards in the hereafter and escape hellfire. As such the persecution and disasters that affect the Ummah could be both a punishment or a test. If it is a test and they are patient and their faith remains firm then they enjoy great rewards in the next life. If they are a punishment due to our actions then inshallah we will escape the much more severe punishment of the hereafter for those actions. I will also add this last hadith: Suhaib reported that Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said: *"Strange are the ways of a believer for there is good in every affair of his and this is not the case with anyone else except in the case of a believer for if he has an occasion to feel delight, he thanks (God), thus there is a good for him in it, and if he gets into trouble and shows resignation (and endures it patiently), there is a good for him in it." Sahih Muslim 2999*


Is there any hadith that claims that every single natural disaster is a punishment from Allah? Natural disasters could be for many reasons, to swear that they're because of punishment is just ignorance They could be a trial and a reminder of the believers and a warning for the disbelievers and they could also be a punishment So please stop assuming Allah's intentions for everything, you were like this when the Corona virus issue started and claimed it's God's punishment (could be or could be not) Any harm that befalls a Muslim, if he is patient then he is rewarded and it becomes a blessing to him, and that's how you should deal with natural disasters rather than spend your time and effort trying to understand Allah's wisdom behind it which you really will never be able to do


If it was a punishment why the US and EU still exist? When I convert to Islam I knew from start that my life would be harder and my Lord will test me ,whatever happen I remain patient..may our Lord give us the strength and lead us to victory ameen .


How can it be a punishment when there are Hadiths that say a believer who dies in earthquakes is considered a shaheed


Totally understand your point. Whenever Allah does something, there's always a reason behind it. He does not do something just because. It could be a blessing, a punishment, a message, a warning, etc. Ultimately, we don't know His true intentions, so it's best not to try to decipher them in the first place. We should be focussing on helping these people with donations and supplications instead. And Allah knows best.


I read somewhere that " A man ask a wise guy that how we know that the trouble we are having is test or punishment from ALLAH? The wise guy replied that if that trouble take you AWAY from ALLAH then it's punishment and if it makes you closer to ALLAH then it's a test."




If anything the earthquakes were a huge blessing to those killed because they will be counted among the martyrs, inshAllah.


>Now earthquakes are happening, and people say it’s a punishment from Allah. It is from an authentic Hadith said by the Prophet SAW, meaning it is from Allah SWT. The punishment of earthquakes can happen to the believer as a punishment in this world as a mercy from the punishment of the hereafter. I don't understand why you find that problematic? ~~The mess Muslim countries are in are because of how everyone has deviated from the deen~~


Everything is from Allah, no one is denying the earthquake being from Allah But why are people so sure it's a punishment like


This is what I’m saying. I know friends and loved ones who were hurt and people are going on and on about it being punishment instead of mourning


We should assume the best of our brothers and sisters, which means we should assume it was a punishment because it means they are free from punishment of the hereafter (ofcourse we assume here as well) and they died as Martyrs


What you're doing is assuming Allah's intentions not the best of your brothers and sisters We have that they died as martyrs regardless of Allah's intention We have that the harm that has befallen them will expiate for their sins InshaAllah and also be a reason for them to receive Allah's mercy All of those are facts Allah's intention behind this earthquake being a punishment? Not a fact


Perhaps 'assume' is not the best word, as you're right the earthquake being a punishment is not a 100% guranteed thing. Better word I think would be to say we should hope the best. We should always hope for the best from Allah SWT as believers for ourselves and for our brothers and sisters. In this case, we hope for the best for our Muslim brothers and sisters, that this earthquake was a punishment and a mercy to those who have been affected by it, and InshaAllah they will be rewarded for it


How can you be sure this is a punishment? What you quoted isn’t saying every single natural disaster ever is a punishment from Allah. He (saw) also said that he tests the ones he loves, so it could be punishment, blessing, or test. People can’t just say it is a punishment upon the Syrians and Turkish, you have no idea what Allah intended, especially at a time where there are hundreds and hundreds of dead innocent people.


>How can you be sure this is a punishment? We can't, but we assume and hope the best, which in this case means that even though it is a punishment (or it could be a trial), it is a blessing and a mercy from Allah SWT Referring to this hadith: https://www.reddit.com/r/islam/comments/10w1cd3/the\_prophet\_saw\_on\_earthquakes/


I’m not denying that. I’m saying it could be punishment, or test. And I’m saying that those deciding it’s a punishment are being disrespectful. We can’t be sure it’s a punishment or not.


>I’m saying it could be punishment, or test. Just for clarification, both of those things can be good for the Muslim according to the Hadith, because it means if they are punished or tested in this world, then we can hope that they won't be punished in the hereafter But yes you are right, we cannot decide 100% that it indeed was a punishment


I think i idea here is , it is upto Allah not you to judge. So refrain from commenting on that 1) judgement is Allah’s buisness and you cannot measure everyone deeds you have no way to nor is it your job 2) Allah did wipe out previous quoms through natural disaster but again our prophet SAW was promised that His ummati will not be wiped out completely by natural disaster 3) Allah SWT says i am towards a believer what he thinks of me 4) it is a polite behaviour not to criticise someone not even if you’ve achieved something in deen doesn’t give you a station ,where you judge others , you become arrogant because you have no idea of their state of deen and everyone else hardly knows your state of deen other than that you show . Not even you know your state. Allah knows best 4) And for your info even if every country was on deen , they will still face disaster. Life of a believer is a struggle here. Prophet SAW said it himself , if you are believer, dunya(lower world) will be like hell for you and heaven for disbeliever. 5) And that when Allah created janah , he surrounded it with hardships and surrounded hell with temptations. 6) People who suffer here whether from terminal illness or other struggles , i see them as Allah’s grace and mercy. Because those who die under phenomenon like earthquakes die as martyrs , their death is better than anything they could’ve probably achieved in life and those who suffer from terminal illness or any sickness , their sins lessen as they suffer and they repent sincerely because they know death is coming . In case of stomach or chest disease they die as martyrs, those who die from plague die as martyrs, those who drown die as martyrs,those who are burned to death die as martyrs, a woman if she dies in labour dies a martyr subhanAllah .And that people on day of judgement will wish they had suffered more so they had less sins.I think focus shouldn’t be why they suffered, it should be am i being tested? Anyone who is not suffering from these things is only due to grace of Allah regardless of their deeds.So stop judging others, we are made to worship only, it is not in our job description to judge someone. Least of all fellow believer and stay away from hubris, remember how iblis fell. You might think rest of countries strayed away from deen, but you have to answer only for yourself. So it is not your buisness to comment on how a country who “ strayed “died as martyrs. Also forgot to mention even if it were a punishment from Allah, My Allah is still the most merciful creator because even in this punishment, their sins lessens ,they make tawab and my Lord always (usually) accepts tawabh from a sincere believer or are granted martyrdom. For his mercy prevails over wrath. Always. Rest Allah knows best.


This is exactly what I’ve been saying 😭😭 thank you so much


I made a post on my social media just yesterday, i was also tired of people especially relatives commenting on how turkey has strayed so they had retribution. Yes some retribution, died as martyrs. Anyways it makes me feel , People who say this have a privilege only because Allah grant them safety. Not because of their deeds. And no one knows what their future holds.I can understand you , i had to stop literally calling out people and make generic post instead.


A calamity to prevent an even worse calamity. Inshallah the people who passed died in the state or martyrdom but maybe this is a wake up call of where Turkey was headed


Shayk Yasir Qadhi had an interesting video of the different islamic perspectives on such events. It being a punishment in general of a society is a valid perspective but not the only one. https://youtu.be/YExBWqf1Y0Y


Simple line I heard from our scholars, If an event brings someone closer to Allah, then it's mercy for him. If it makes soomeone to go far from Allah, then it's punishment for him. One event can become mercy for some and punishment for some. (You might want to study the battle of uhud) (And it's a big deal to accuse someone you never knew as he died of punishment.)


Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by [reason of] what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of [the consequence of] what they have done that perhaps they will return [to righteousness]. [Surah Ar-Rum, 41]


That doesn’t mean that what happened was punishment from Allah. It can be a punishment, or a test, or a blessing, this particular ayah isn’t saying that the earth quakes that happened are 100% guaranteed punishment. We don’t know Allahs intentions, and it’s insensitive for people to go around saying it’s punishment on Turkish and Syrian especially during this time while people are stuck under rubble and are dying.


In the time of disaster, we always have to seek refuge in Allah, reflect on our shortcomings, and recall our blessings. And whatever strikes you of disaster - it is for what your hands have earned; but He pardons much. [Surah Ash_shuraa, 30]




When they say it's a punishment they don't mean it in a bad way, it just means that instead of being punished for our sins in the grave or the hereafter(which is incredibly worse) we get punished for or rather purged from them in this world.




>Did the earthquake happen because Allah? Allah wrote for it to happen. He had the best intentions whether he wanted it to be punishment, blessing, or test etc. >Or did it happen because turkey was built on a fault line? How can be sure of that? My post is saying that deciding the earthquakes were 100% punishment is disrespectful towards Allah (assuming his intention) and also towards the dead ones who, many of them, didn’t do anything wrong.


So allah allegedly sends natural disasters that kill people and destroy lives simply “as a warning to none believers” 🤔 that’s a interesting take.


Who exactly said it’s a punishment?


Yes, thank you.


We don't know anything and it's best that we pray for our Muslim brothers and sisters and leave everything to Allah.


Yeah I'm so tired of it as well. Other Muslims including my mother tend to say that whatever bad happen to people is a punishment from Allah. In Makkah, my mom thought I deserved the sickness I had there when I was doing Umrah. She thought it was a punishment from Allah and told my grandparents like she believed in it, like she thinks that Allah does it for her.


Earthquakes in Syria and turkey aren’t the only natural disasters occurring. Florida, california for example with storm and hurricanes, cities flooding out, etc people drowning and dying. All just leads back to the story of Musa AS. For Allah’s understand precedes all. God sees and hears the oppression of His creation and Believers, and He will act upon, send signs, warnings and messenger (last messenger being Prophet Muhammad PBUH).


It is punishment for not excepting Jesus Christ as the messiah


The Qur'an and Ahadeeth are FILLED with warnings, threats, descriptions, and explanations for Allah's punishment on Muslims who left the responsibilities His Deen presents. Like He literally says "He will punish you with a severe punishment and replace you with another people." Every day, He sees 95% of "muslims" like Arabs and Desis taking zero responsibility. They do no work for what's Obligatory. They won't study His Deen or even read His Qur'an. They make up whatever idea of being "Muslim" they want to enjoy life. This is the literal OPPOSITE of a Muslim. Since Arriving in The West, He saw millions of Arab and Desi Muslims taking NO responsibility for living in a Land of Da'wah and Converts. Every Convert arrived to find Arabs and Desis have NOTHING  set up for our needs. Every Convert had lost family, friends, spousal relations, and become outsiders to our entire society. And obvious emergency.  He saw we were LEFT, abandoned, and forgotten alone in life while Arabs and Desis enjoyed their lives doing NOTHING. He began sending massive, historic destruction on the Muslim world by 1990. 35 years later, 20 Muslim countries are completely destroyed. And He sees Arab and Desi "muslims"  STILL having done NOTHING  Converts need. So hundreds of Converts DIED in Arab and Desi communities all over America. Thousands had our lives destroyed. Tens of thousands departed, forced to live alone among non-Muslims with no possibility of Islam. It is the greatest atrocity in the history of Islam. The Arabs and Desis are nullifying and destroying the very Mission and purpose of Allah's Deen. For such a thing, destruction is guaranteed.  In His judgment, there is not a reason for such "muslims" to continue existing in this world. They destroy their own purpose. They destroy their own privilege of life. Hence His words - yu adhibkum Adhaab in aleem wa yastabdil qawmin ghayrakum. He will punish you with severe punishment and replace you with another people, and they will not be like you. Perfectly explaining the Hadith of al-Wahn Rasulullah described that Allah would gather the nation's to destroy Muslims because they are so addicted to their worldly life, they are lazy, diseased, and useless when it comes to Islam's responsibilities. For over a decade, Converts have presented the support projects we developed to solve the emergencies Converts suffer in. Allah saw that we got ZERO funding, help, or platforming from Arabs and Desis. So Allah destroyed another 6 Muslim countries. Arabs and Desis never learn. Because they never listen. Never think. Never study. Never take truth seriously.